
Chapter 226 Nianhua 1 smiles and plays Dao sword, 2 flowers bloom on the same branch

Chapter 226 Nianhua smiles and plays Dao sword, two flowers bloom on the same branch

Hengshou and Shu Tianci came out of the magic cave and came to the surface of the water.

The cold was overwhelming, and ice cubes and icebergs swayed on the water.

Major commercial firms set up temporary selling points on the water.Those who sold pills, talismans, repaired magic weapons, helped with healing and detoxification, and even a few monks began to sell the map of Myriad Illusion Cave.

Shu Tianci said with emotion: "Bai Zhen can really make money here."

A matter of exploring the Immortal Mansion, can they squeeze a business opportunity through their teeth?
Hengshou searched around and saw the station of Shancai Trading Company.

Xiao Yu, Fu Xiangfeng, and Liang Zheng are leading a few Liang guys to help construct a giant three-foot-high sky observatory.

Because the position they occupy is very close to the Myriad Illusion Cave.Next to it, people from two commercial firms urged the iceberg to strike.

"Girl, get out of the way. We can't control it."

While shouting, the two icebergs accelerated towards Xiaoyu.

Shu Tianci shouted: "You people, are you going too far? Everyone is doing business in Aurora City, so please be reasonable—isn't this place first-come-first-served?"

He was about to drive his sword away from the iceberg, when Hengshou beside him quickly turned the twelve wish-fulfilling beads into a sword, and slashed down at the two mountains.

"Broken steel sword."

The second iceberg collapsed on the spot, and the survey instruments on it fell into the water one after another.The monks didn't care about finding fault, and rushed into the water for rescue.

Hengshou jumped onto the ice block of Shancai Trading Company, and drove the Ruyi sword to draw a golden circle with a diameter of ten feet.

"We want this piece of land and we don't want to fight for it, but we don't allow others to fight for it."

Shu Tianci clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Well said. Brother, I didn't expect you to be so good at swordsmanship."

Are you good at swordsmanship?
Fu Xiangfeng suppressed the movement of his hand.

Hearing Shu Tianci's praise, he murmured in his heart: This is good swordsmanship, so the eighth younger sister's swordsmanship is not up to the sky?
Even himself is better than Hengshou swordsmanship, right?

Hengshou seemed to be aware of it, looked at Fu Xiangfeng, and said seriously: "My swordsmanship is better than the third young master."

"Just kidding, I have already cultivated Feng Hua Xue Yue Jian Yi. And you—"

Fu Xiangfeng shut his mouth, he felt a golden sword intent in Hengshou's body that was not comparable to his own.

The sword intent of crushing stones and breaking steel is the evolution of Hengshou from the method of gold and stone.

He revealed his sword energy.

Fu Xiangfeng was not to be outdone, the spirit wind was running by his side, Xueyuehua showed elegance and moved leisurely.

One sharp, one ethereal.

One has the power to break gold and broken stones, and the other shows the lightness, elegance and casualness.

Shu Tianci stared at the sword intent displayed by both sides, and sighed.

"I went to Panlong Island to learn the way of swordsmanship, it seems imperative."

At this moment, a delicate red flower bud appeared between the two strands of sword energy.

Xiao Yu picked up the flower and smiled: "Third Young Master, Heng Shou, what do you think of my sword intent?"

The flowers bloom instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the flower buds dissipated, and the two golden wind swords disappeared.

"Have you also comprehended the sword intent?"

Fu Xiangfeng said in astonishment, "Why are you studying swordsmanship?"

"The young master was tossed about by the old master and pondered the swordsmanship for a long time. Hengshou and I were influenced by our ears and eyes, so we naturally learned some."

Hengshou's sword intent is a set of "Kaishan Sword Art" of Langhuan Pavilion.

There are gravel, broken steel, and mountain-opening three-sword styles.

Once you understand the method of opening mountains, you will get a ticket for advanced Jindan.

Xiaoyu didn't dabble much in sword intent, and combined "Blooming Moment" with kendo.It also merged with the Hundred Flowers Sword of the East China Sea Sword School to form a "Flower Sword Intent".

Laughing while picking up flowers, does not have the ability to fight, but can be enlightened.

Shu Tianci: "Three, don't be angry. Your swordsmanship is good, which shows that the Fu family is well taught. It seems that in the future, the three of them can show up in the East China Sea sword fight."

debut?Sword fighting in the East China Sea?
At that time, Fuliuhui's swordsmanship was great, would we still use us?

In terms of progress in kendo cultivation, Fu Henghua is not as good as Fu Liuhui with sword bones.


mountain tomb.

The dense blood corpses wandered slowly.

Suddenly, as if they sensed something, they fled to the depths of the cave.

Silver lightning illuminated the mountain path, and the next moment the bloody corpses were wiped out in ashes.

The second daughter walked slowly with Qi Lei.

Mr. Fu Tong praised: "Not bad, not bad, your Thunder Sword is more suitable for this place than my Gu."

Thunder is the righteousness of the heaven and the earth, and it specializes in counteracting evil spirits.

The evil things that have been accumulated for thousands of years in the mountain tomb are not willing to confront Fu Liuhui head-on.

Anyway, there are many monks who entered the mountain tomb, so this blood meal is not bad.

Fu Liuhui said solemnly: "Sister, find a way out quickly."

When they stayed in the tomb, they heard the sound of fighting inside the tomb.Driven by the King of Montenegro, one after another buried blood corpses climbed out of the coffin and attacked the monks who entered the mountain tomb.

"Let's go to the south. The ruins should be behind the tomb of the King of Montenegro."

The two of them walked for a while, when suddenly a monk ran over from the fork next door in a panic.

Seeing that person's appearance, Mr. Fu Tong focused his eyes: "Fu Henghua?"

But then she woke up and saw Fu Liuhui's tangled expression.

It's that evil!
Sure enough, as Uncle Three said, this guy looks too much like Heng Hua.

With a flick of a finger, the two humanoid Gu rushed over.

"elder sister--"

Fu Liuhui screamed in panic, but he heard Mr. Fu Tong sternly said: "Keep this person, and he will become a big problem in the future!"

Just because of this seventy percent resemblance to Fu Henghua's appearance.The enemies he will form in the future are very likely to be counted on Fu Henghua's head.

The monk obviously also saw Mr. Fu Tong's second daughter.

Seeing the two attacking actively, he was puzzled.

But at this moment, it is obviously not something to consider.

Thinking of the troubles behind him, he rolled on the spot, resisted the human-shaped Gu attack, and escaped from the second daughter.

Before leaving, he did not forget to throw the detonating talisman and the wind-locking talisman at the two, hoping to trap them in place.

Fu Liuhui was restless, and suddenly Mr. Fu Tong grabbed her and used the concealment Gu to escape.

"Go, don't talk. This is the wrong place."

The monk left a talisman to trap the two of them. Fu Liuhui has little experience and doesn't understand the depth. How can Mr. Fu Tong not understand?
He intends to let the two of them help him break the heir.There are pursuers behind him!
Sure enough, when Mr. Fu Tong walked around the Wind Lock Talisman with the Fu Liu Emblem, a blood-colored monster with a shape like a vicious dog and long and narrow ears appeared behind him.

Mr. Fu Tong secretly prepared the Yin coffin of Ten Thousand Gu, ran past the monk first, and did not forget to drag his hind legs to force him to confront the demon.

While escaping, Mr. Fu Tong and Fu Liuhui strayed into a dead end.

At the end is a mural carved with three heads of gods and demons.

"It's here." Mr. Fu Tong suddenly realized, and stretched out his hand to split the mural, revealing the passage of the ruins behind.

Immediately, the demon felt it, and abandoned the monk who was about to eat under his claws, and hurriedly turned around to chase Mr. Fu Tong.

The two daughters fled into the ruins. Mr. Fu Tong looked at the huge cave and nodded frequently: "This is the ancient ruins mentioned in my mother's letter."

The two walked forward and came to a stone gate.

The stone door was locked tightly, and the two tried various methods but could not open it.

Behind, the demon is gradually approaching.

Fu Liuhui quickly checked the Shimen, and said solemnly: "Sister, the opening of this mechanism is not here. You need to open the mechanism from another direction to unlock it. Let's leave first, lest the devil catch up."

Mr. Fu Tong was a little unwilling.


At this moment, the stone door suddenly opened.A water mirror popped up next to it, and Fu Henghua's figure was reflected in it.

He was standing at the gate of a palace, breaking the seal.

"Heng Hua?"

"elder brother?"

The two daughters were taken aback.


In Chili Palace, Fu Henghua studied for a while, and found another door's unblocking mechanism.

"Twin gates? Where am I going to find another one? Who knows where?"

But he still opened the mechanism.

The water mirror popped up, and he saw Mr. Fu Tong on the opposite side.

He pondered for a while, and immediately came to his senses: "Quick, open the door!"

The second daughter opened another stone door mechanism, and the door in front of Fu Henghua also opened.

"My place is Chili Palace, where are you?"

"Dan Shrine."

Entering the gate, the stone gate slowly closed, keeping the demon out.

The water mirror floated beside Fu Tongjun, allowing her to see Fu Henghua's movements on the other side.

The internal buildings of the two palaces are similar in orientation, but compared to the undamaged Danshen Palace on my side, the Chili Palace is already a ruin, with broken walls and ruins everywhere.


"Finally in."

After the incarnation entered Chili Palace, Fu Henghua landed on Tianxuan Daotai and met Canglan Sword Immortal: "Senior, regarding the monster, which system do you think it belongs to?"

"Ju is a ferocious beast. Although it is a beast species, it is not inferior to Qilin. There are also ancient books that say that Ju is a dragon species."

"Then what about the j which evolved from a zombie?"

"Bao Mo Yao?"

The people around said doubtfully: "These evil things haven't come out for many years, and the Donglai waterway is now prosperous. Not to mention the devil, not even a drought."

If a genuine beast pops out somewhere, I'm afraid Jiexian won't be able to sit still, and will come over to subdue the demon in person.

"Baiyan Myriad Magic Nest was born, and there is a monster inside."

Myriad magic cave?

All the cultivators working around gathered around one after another.

For those who have experienced the battle between immortals and demons, it was a painful place.

Several monks died there in their previous lives, and they had to reincarnate the Yin God to rebuild.

The couple Lu Jiang and Linghu Danya looked at each other, remembering what happened in their previous lives.

Both of them fell into the Illusory Devil's Nest in their previous lives. Thanks to the support of their teachers, relatives and friends, the two Yinshen were reincarnated and continued their relationship.

Linghu Danya came over: "Fellow Bodhi, you said that the Myriad Magic Cave was born? According to our calculations, it will take another hundred years for the water to come out of that place."

Fu Henghua said with a smile: "I have a disciple who went to the Myriad Illusion Demon Nest to practice. I found that the previous body of the Blood Demon Hall Master performed the 'Yin Corpse Technique' in the Demon Nest, turning the skeletons of the immortals and demons into zombies."

Linghu Danya was furious.

"That bastard, can't you do something serious?"

Tianxuanzi: "Yin Corpse Method? Is it the ethos of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties? After death, turn into a corpse and live again. Wait, turn into a corpse?"

He looked at Lu Jiang and his wife.

The expression of the Jindan Taoist couple also changed.

What if the bones and corpses of their previous lives turned into ghosts?
"Perhaps there is no Immortal Dao. My disciple got a suicide note from a senior of the Golden Talisman Dao. The corpse of the Blood Demon Palace Lord ate a few ghosts from the Devil's Dao in order to practice. And the ghosts from the Immortal Dao who practiced the Jade Immortal Method He sacrificed his life to seal it, trapping the demon in the Jiulong Mountain Cave."

Hearing the words, Canglan Jiexian immediately calculated the secret.

But the cause and effect of the Myriad Illusory Demon Nest are chaotic, and it is impossible to calculate at all.

The other involved monks were flustered, and they complained to Jiexian, and left in a hurry to deliver the news.

Jiexian and the others dispersed and asked Fu Henghua in private.

"Bodhi, is your disciple Wukong?"

"Exactly," Heng Hua said with a smile without changing his complexion, "I was worried about Yuwen Chunqiu, so I asked my disciples to take care of me secretly, and went to the Wanhuan Devil's Nest. Unexpectedly, my disciple met a monster. He didn't dare Make up your own mind and report back to me immediately.”

Canglan Jiexian nodded: "I understand. Let Yusheng Pavilion arrange this matter."

You monster, leave this kind of troublesome matter to Yusheng Pavilion.Anyway, Yuwen Chunqiu is below, they can't sit idly by.

"The monster is vicious, and it is the head of the beasts. After reaching great achievement, it can fight dragons and eat dragons. Although beasts and ghosts are not the same, they should not be underestimated. You tell the disciples, don't provoke them casually."

Fu Henghua nodded obediently.

The reason why he came to Jiexian to make a report was that he hoped that Jiexian would come forward to deal with the devil.

Worried that Jiexian would not allow him to enter the Chili Palace, Fu Henghua deliberately came to report after entering the incarnation.

After thinking about it, he mentioned the tomb of the Heishan King in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

"I was walking in Yuanming a few days ago, and I happened to find a mountain tomb there, which seems to have traces of demons."

Several monks were moved when they heard that Bodhi was active in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

Go there now, can you find his real body?
But hearing the whereabouts of another demon, everyone's expression changed.

"How could there be so many demons in the world?"

This is rushing to transform Golden Retriever, Chaotian, and create a Tribulation Immortal, right?

  Dong Xia Fu Danwei is famous all over the world with his sword, and he is tested against his grandchildren every day.

  Holding the Spiritual Song Sword in his hand, Fu Xiangfeng looked up to the sky with a smile, performing the Fengya Four Swords.

  Dong Xia nodded slightly: "It's my family's samadhi."

  Fu Yaozhen played the piano and played music, and the sound of the piano turned into a sword, known as "Miaoyin Tiansha".

  Dong Xia nodded again: "I got your teacher's true biography."

  There is a red sun on Fu Maiyuan's head, and a sword of Chunyang is hidden inside.

  Dong Xia nodded suddenly: "Get the wonderful truth of pure yang."

  Fu Henghua picked up the flower with his right hand.

  Dong Xia praised but not commented.

  Everyone is silent.Wei Xiaoyu was at his side, showing off his face and smiling.

  Afterwards, Xiaoyu comprehended the sword and passed it on to Ma Dongren and Xiang Zhongkong.

  Mr. Fu Tong used Gu as a sword.

  Dong Xia hates it.He ordered him to repeat the invisible sword technique, and secretly taught him the "Small Wuxiang Sword Art".

  Fuliu Hui summoned thunder as a sword, and the sky and the earth changed color.

  Dong Xia sighed and said: "On behalf of the heavens, the punishment is severe, and the sword is in the hands of the heavens. My family's sword inheritance has become prosperous through this."

  Fu Pengming played Bagua Sword, and Fu Baimin played Tai Chi Sword.

  Dong Xia pointed out the technique of combining strikes, so he watched the three sisters perform the three-talented sword formation.

  After the performance, everyone dispersed, leaving only Fu Xuanxing to pass on Taixuan's 49 swords.

  Returning to the Langhuan Pavilion, Fu Henghua asked Hengshou: "You have also gained color just now, how do you feel?"

  Hengshou drives the sword to break the stone, performing the three swords of breaking the stone, breaking the steel, and opening the mountain.

  Fu Henghua smiled and said: "This sword splits mountains and cracks seas, and it can break the earth and break the sky again. It is the ultimate swordsmanship."

  (Author's note: The seven swords of cutting the sky passed down by Fu's family in later generations are broken stone, broken steel, opened mountain, divided river, split the sea, opened the earth, and cut the sky. It is suspected to come from here.)
  ——"Donglaizhou Joy Talking about the Three Ancients: Watching the Sword"

(End of this chapter)

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