
Chapter 229 Flying without a trace

Chapter 229 Flying without a trace

With the red sword, one-third of the iceberg was cut off.

The old man Aurora resolutely operated the Jindan field to contend.

Thunder and lightning jumped in the ice crystals all over the sky, and the aurora shone, accompanied by Lihuo and shot in all directions.

Wuma Qiang and Wumadan hurriedly took action to protect the others.

The ice crystals were burned by the fire, and the heat wave steam hit the face.Yuwen Chunqiu said in astonishment: "Xuanwei Sect? Why are people from Jinfang Waters here?"

Chang Yuezi had a sullen face: This kid didn't learn sword from Fu Danwei, why did he come to Baizhen?Could it be that Vodanweib calculated something?
Fu Pengming's eyes lit up when he saw Fu Xuanxing appearing on the stage: "With the white dragon horse here, I am not afraid of Aurora City anymore."

Hearing this, Fu Henghua said with a half smile but not a smile: "You bastard, you talk as if this idiot is a gift."

"If one person and one horse can be sold for a thousand gold, then..."

Xiaoyu: "One and nine hundred and ninety-nine?"

"It's minus one and one thousand and one. In addition to Brother Xuan Xing, there is still money to be paid."

When Bai Longma heard what Fu Pengming said, his face was filled with pride.

That's right, the two of us combined, the combat power is on me.This pendant is dragged backwards.

"Dabai. Pay attention, I want to use that sword technique."

Seeing the expansion of the Aurora Dao Domain, the old man Aurora condensed the Aurora sword, Fu Xuanxing let out a long whistle, turned the mahogany sword, and the sword style changed again.

The ice crystals were evaporated by Li Huo, and the clouds and air shone with lightning.

"The name of the sword is 'Thunder Fire Alchemy Palace', passed down by Fulong Sword Immortal. Senior Aurora, please be careful!"

Hearing this name, Chang Yuezi's face changed drastically.

Thunder Fire Alchemy Palace?

That is a wonder of Beaulieu Island.Whenever it rains and thunder strikes, thunder will gather in the sky of Panlong Hall, but it will not damage the Golden Hall.Looking from a distance, the thunder rubbed against the sky to create a fire, causing a vision of thunder and fire to appear in the sky above the Golden Palace.

When Chang Yuezi was still in Fu's house, he was fortunate enough to go to Panlong Island during a thunderstorm.

Hundreds of miles away, one could see the red light and golden light above the Panlong Hall.

Fu Henghua smiled but said: "The old man is so eccentric, this kind of secret sword technique is willing to pass on to him."

Fu Danwei was impressed by the spectacle of "Thunder and Fire Refining Palace", and created a secret sword, named "Thunder and Fire Refining Palace Secret Sword".

When the sword comes out, thunder and fire follow.

If you practice to great success, you can use the sword intent to imitate the Panlong Hall and the Thunder Fire on the Top of the Cloud to form a pseudo-realm.

Now when Fu Xuanxing performed it, Lihuo caused thunder, forming a golden hall behind him.

The majestic and majestic Golden Palace is suspended in the sky.

The white dragon horse jumped up, and the thunderbolt densely covered the sky above the hall, rubbing against the clouds, forming streaks of flames.


Several Jindan monks present felt that the movement of the aura in the sky was obscure.In the sky above the Aurora Domain, Tianlei Lihuo formed another domain relying on the phantom of the "Bailong Hall".

At this moment, except for the method of thunder and the method of fire, all the methods of Taoism are restrained.

When the old man Aurora waved his sword to meet the "Thunder Fire Refining Temple Sword", the moment the two realms came into contact, thunder, fire, and aurora burst out at the same time, sweeping a radius of hundreds of miles.

"Come on!"

Wu Madan activated her natal sword energy, and the red sword bead shot out thousands of sword energy, forcibly cutting the space with the sword field, delaying time for the people of the various businesses.

Wumaqian performed the "jumping the clouds and riding the fog", and the white clouds enveloped everyone present and moved away from the iceberg.

"Xiao Yu, take Peng Ming and Bai Min and leave first."

With that said, Fu Henghua went to the battlefield.

Bai Min?

Xiaoyu and Fu Pengming were taken aback at the same time.

Suddenly, several pieces of ice were stuffed into Fu Pengming's collar.


He turned his head and saw that Fu Baimin had sneaked into his side at some point.

"Ah - you hit me with ice cubes not long ago?"

"Hmph, who do you think is a child? Just give me an example, what can I say?"

"No, you will be there then? Wait, you came with Brother Xuan Xing? Grandpa will let you leave the island?"

"Let's go, let's talk later." Xiao Yu took the two brothers and left in the air with "Lingbo Treading Steps".


With the sound of thunder and cracking, the ice cubes in the waters of hundreds of miles were overturned one by one, and countless ancient artifacts were overturned and fell into the water.

The white light caused by the explosion of the two domains soared into the sky, tearing up the "polar night" of the old man Aurora, and returning the world to light.

After the white light dissipated, the radiance of the bright sun sprinkled into the water surface, and the iceberg broke into countless pieces of ice, floating freely on the water.

In the place where the discussions and negotiations were supposed to take place, there was a shining mountain of five colors.

When the two golden elixir domains confronted each other, Fu Henghua used the "Five Elements Mountain Method" and established another mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, he continued to exercise his kung fu to connect the mountain with the magic cave at his feet, and then cultivated a "mountain root".

The Myriad Magic Nest and Myriad Fantasy Island have not been completely removed from Donglai Yizhou.Now that the Five Elements Mountain is under pressure, Fu Henghua operates the Yizhou formation, allowing the Demon Cave to reconnect with Yizhou.In Baizhen, a mountain with roots was also created.

"Senior Aurora. Your cultivation may be able to dominate in the Baizhen Waters. But in front of real masters, you are still too weak."

The old man Aurora stood on the surface of the water, looking at Fu Henghua on the top of the Five Elements Mountain.

weak?old man?

You are a junior at the level of refining qi and returning to the gods, and you have the nerve to say that I, a golden core monk who has entered the stage of refining gods and returning to the void, is weak?
The breeze blew across the top of the mountain, lifting Fu Henghua's clothes.

The white dragon horse carried Fu Xuanxing to the index finger peak.

The boy in red was panting heavily, but the white dragon horse was still calm.

The consumption of the sword just now on the white dragon horse was almost zero.But for him, the mana is zero at the moment.

However, it was difficult for him to show his weakness due to the attention of everyone.

Under Fu Henghua's feet, five-color rays of light gradually emerged, flowing from the index finger wooden peak to Fu Xuanxing's body, and using the power of the Five Elements Mountain to restore his mana.

"Five Elements Escape?"

Yuwen Chunqiu, who studies the way of creation of the Five Elements, put aside other thoughts when he saw the Five Elements Mountain, and concentrated on studying this sacred mountain.

"The mountain circulates the five elements, and absorbs the escaping thunder, fire, and aurora. Even the original cold air of the glacier is transformed into the power of water. Even, this mountain has the effect of restoring mana for its companions? This is definitely The advanced use of the Five Elements Escape!"

Yuwen Chunqiu was full of excitement, researching the function of the Five Elements Mountain, and found that he and Mr. Bodhi taught him the "Five Dragon Ring Method", which has some similarities.

But he only thought that the road leads to the same goal by different routes, and he didn't think much about it.

Seeing the current situation, Chang Yuezi was about to come out and say a few words, when suddenly the space around him turned around, and he was taken away when no one noticed.

It took Wumaqian a while to realize that Chang Yuezi had left.I want to ask Yuwen Chunqiu, but Yuwen Chunqiu is obsessed with studying the Five Elements Mountain method, so it is inconvenient to disturb.


Chang Yuezi opened her eyes, the sea was surging, and the salt water was rushing in.

ocean?North Sea?

He looked around and saw that he was standing on a reef in the North Sea.

"Which senior is joking with me? I am Jade Sage—"


With a palm hit on the chest, Chang Yuezi was loaded into the sea.

"You don't need to use your status as a teacher to suppress me."

The air twisted, and a dark shadow was vaguely seen.

"I just have some debts to settle with you. I will teach you a lesson, so that I can calmly enter the Tao with peace of mind."

The icy sea water made Chang Yuezi extremely calm.He squeezed the water avoidance formula in his hands, and was not in a hurry to get out of the water, thinking about countermeasures secretly.

"He moved me to the North Sea. It should be some kind of supernatural powers and secrets of space? Flying body to support traces? Imaginative travel to control energy? Or reverse yin and yang? Diving into the abyss and shrinking the ground has a similar effect."

Just as he was thinking, a palm blasted him into the air from under the water.

Chang Yuezi quickly cast a spell and escaped by means of escape.

As soon as he got out of this water area, he was chased by that man again and slapped him into the water again.

When he regained his breath, he was about to perform the White Lotus Technique secretly passed down by the Jade Sage Pavilion, but he was hit by that person's palm on the air orifice, scattering the magic power of the true essence.


Chang Yuezi spewed out a stream of white air underwater, cutting off one-tenth of his mana.

"You offend me, but you don't deserve to die. Let's cut off a few layers of your skills and practice again."

The mysterious and mysterious palm technique blasted Chang Yuezi's acupuncture point with one palm.Without any power to resist, Chang Yuezi's resistance was predicted by the opponent, and he broke it first.

After finishing a set of palm techniques, Chang Yuezi's realm fell to the foundation building level.

Then the surrounding space reversed, he returned to the Aurora water area, and fell to Yuwen Chunqiu's side.

At this time, he heard Fu Henghua's laughter.

"Senior is not convinced, would you like to have a competition with me? It's better than the way you are best at."

Fu Henghua stretched out his hands, and said with a smile: "Everyone in the world says that if you reverse the celestial phenomena and turn the Aurora City between the extreme day and the extreme night, you are practicing 'turning the stars' or 'returning the sky and returning to the sun'. But I know that you practice The Tiangang method is 'replenishing the sky and bathing the sun'.

"The reason why you established Aurora City in this water area is to find the inheritance of mending the sky and bathing the sun from the Myriad Magic Nest."

Make up the sky and bathe the sun, 36 of the 21 supernatural powers of Tiangang.

The most recent person who has cultivated Tian Yuri into supernatural powers is Empress Xuan of the Demon Palace.She cultivated both immortals and demons, and refined "Mending the Sky and Bathing the Sun" into a suit of mending the sky, which claims to be untouchable by all dharmas, can seek good fortune and avoid evil, and resist natural disasters.

At present, it is generally recognized in Donglai's comprehension circle that this supernatural power is related to the sun and the sky.

You can refine the sun by bathing in fire, and you can also use the divine fire to refine the essence of the sky and repair the sky.

Old Man Aurora is no exception.

He practiced the Aurora Heaven Method, and Aurora is the derivative of the Sun Avenue.It is the product of the fusion of solar magnetic wind and Liangyi yuan magnetism.

"If you want to go further in your Aurora Heavenly Method, you can only start with Liangyi Yuanmagnetism and the power of the sun. What you choose is to build a sun by yourself."

Fu Henghua, who once proposed to let Dongfang Yunqi build the moon, has clearly sensed it during his stay in Aurora City.

At the core of Aurora City, there is a birthing artificial sun.

Old Man Aurora practiced diligently and absorbed all the spirits in the sky around Aurora City.

When all the radiance is refined into the body, it is the polar night.

When the brilliance enters the "artificial sun" from the body, the sky is densely covered with golden light, which is the extreme day.

Old Man Aurora looked stern.

For many years, no one knew his details.Unexpectedly, this junior can actually tell the truth!
"Not to mention the means of mending the sky and creating the sun. How about we compare with the simplest 'sitting on fire'?"

Bathing in the sun can baptize the sun, and it can also bathe oneself in the fire of the sun.Just imagine, if you are not afraid of the fire of the sun, do you still care about the precious flames of ordinary fire in the world?
"Junior, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Is it hard to understand my words today? Senior may be the overlord in Baizhen. But in other waters, he is not qualified. Just imagine, the Wanhuan Demon Cave is an ancient battlefield where immortals and demons fought hundreds of years ago. There are countless masters of immortals and demons inside. All kinds of tricks are left behind. The seniors have shallow knowledge, poor cultivation, and extremely poor combat power. Asking you to lead everyone to explore ancient times will only lead a group of people to a dead end. Therefore, I can only personally compete with the seniors to let you understand Just how weak you are."

In private, Fu Henghua had already communicated with Bai Longma.

Bai Longma was full of confidence: It's okay, I'm here.This old man, one hundred moves are enough.

Bai Longma, who was able to compete with the true masters of various sects, did not look down on Old Man Aurora, an ordinary Golden Core cultivator of the fifth rank of alchemy.


Fu Henghua looked at Brother Wuma.

"Since Daoist Wumaqian is in the name of Jade Sage Pavilion, why not give us a witness? If I can beat Senior Hu, we Shancai Trading Company will form a team by ourselves to investigate the Ancient Myriad Magic Cave.

"Of course, if Yusheng Pavilion is willing to come forward to support Aurora City and send senior experts to lead the ancient survey. I still trust Yusheng Pavilion. Then join your team."

Wumaqian smiled wryly.

How could Yusheng Pavilion have the heart to intervene in the battle of Baizhen Trading Company?

The three of them stood up for the old man Aurora, and they had to come because they took advantage of him.

At this time, Wuma Qian saw Chang Yuezi covered in water, and hurriedly called Yuwen Chunqiu to save him.

Wuma stared blankly at the white dragon horse under Fu Xuanxing, and remained silent.

He could tell that this horse was stronger than him!
"Fellow Daoist, do you want to compete with City Lord Hu?"


Fu Henghua said confidently: "Trouble both of you, use the power of the golden core to fuel the fire for the two of us."

"Of course, my cultivation base is superficial. Senior Hu doesn't mind using some secret treasures and secret techniques, right? Or is it that seniors dare not compare with me, and are worried about losing face to me, a junior?"

"Compare to compare."

The old man Aurora flew to the Thumb Peak of the Marble Mountains.

The illusory and uncertain power of the five elements pressed on the old man Aurora, and was swept away by his one-sleeved robe.

"Junior, your Taoism is very good. God-given supernatural powers? You have practiced the Taoism of the three major water regions? Is this the confidence of your arrogance?
"You think that you can compete with the old man by relying on the mere way of the Five Elements. That's a big mistake."

With a stomp, there was a bang, and the sky shrouded the Wuxing Mountain, igniting a raging flame.

Fu Xuanxing was taken aback: "Hey, didn't you let these two Jindan Dao brothers stir up the fire? If you just get the sun fire down, you're clearly taking advantage of it."

Practice mending the sky and bathing the sun, and you must adapt to the sun Lingyan.

"Boy, you are also good at using fire, add your fire into it! lest others say that the old man is cheating."

My Nanming Lihuo?

Fu Xuanxing subconsciously looked at Fu Henghua.

Fu Henghua said with a smile: "Set the fire on fire, listen to the senior. Let him lose heartily."

He squeezed the fire avoiding formula, and after Fu Xuanxing urged Lihuo Lingyan, he urged Wu Madan to give birth to Pure Yanghuo.

The three fires came out together, and the old man Aurora was running to mend the sky and bathe in the sun. His body was covered with blue light forming a layer of robes, and he stood calmly in the sea of ​​flames.

The same is true for Fu Henghua, calm and relaxed, without shedding a drop of sweat.

"And Daoist Brother Wumaqian, let's release your Samadhi True Fire too."

Under Yuwen Chunqiu's call, Wumaqian went to check on Chang Yuezi's condition.

While everyone was talking just now, Chang Yuezi was injured by someone, and his cultivation level fell to the foundation building level?
He looked shocked, he didn't care about arbitrating for the two of them, everything was handed over to Empress Wumadan, and Yuwen Chunqiu took Chang Yuezi back to Aurora City to adjust his breath.

Looking at Chang Yuezi's situation, Fu Henghua secretly used Shenluo Tianshu to evolve the chess game and observe Chang Yuezi's fate.

"I didn't realize what happened to Chang Yuezi just now. Who hurt him?"

After pondering for a while, Fu Henghua looked at Beihai, seeming to realize something.

(End of this chapter)

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