
Chapter 231

Chapter 231

Fu Henghua's right hand rests on the soil to absorb the firepower, and his left hand runs the Shenluo Tianshu to calculate the law of heaven and earth.

Liuhe Bahuang relies on the Bagua plate to form a three-dimensional space.

Fu Qinghan's self-awareness method turns himself into the center of the world and builds his own system of heaven and earth, which has already touched the magic of the fairy art.As long as the heaven and the earth are there, I am here, and Changchun Qi is there, the energy will continue to refine mana.

In Fu Henghua's deduction, there is no obvious special time loophole in this technique.

"It's interesting. You have a wonderful understanding of space. No wonder you want to study the Taoism of standing upright without a shadow and flying to support traces."

Stand upright without a shadow, let the body blur between heaven and earth, and no attack can touch him, which involves space magic.

Flying body to support the trace, the method of flying the flesh god.Cultivated to a high level, one can break through the confinement of space, and confine another person's physical body to one's side from thousands of miles away.

This is the way Fu Qinghan performed on Chang Yuezi.

And he had another fortuitous encounter, in a former cave in Beihai, he got three magical talismans.They respectively correspond to the three ways of "standing upright without a shadow", "flying to support the trace", and "diving into the abyss and shrinking the ground".

After he briefly explained to Fu Henghua, Fu Henghua suddenly asked: "Beihai? Are there two pairs of stone lions placed at the gate, and there is a hall inside with seven strange statues. Your inheritance is the one with wings in the middle Under the statue. Knocked one hundred and eight heads, and the base of the statue fell out?"

"Yes. Uncle knows?"

That was the opportunity of the Immortal Mansion that Senior Pirate Immortal specially told me.

But Fu Henghua didn't intend to revive the Heaven Thief Alliance, and naturally he didn't intend to take the legacy left by the Heaven Thief Alliance.

Everyone in the world knows the three caves of the cunning rabbit.

The Seven Thief Leaders of Thieves Heaven Alliance are no exception.

According to Pirate Immortal, their family property was searched by the Three Heroes.However, Kang Zhang, the leader of the Heaven Thief Union and the leader of the Snitches, left a secret mansion in Beihai early on.

There are no other secret treasures in it, only the Taoism he practiced.

"Flying into the sky without a trace, entering the earth without a shadow. That cave is the inheritance left by the snitch Wang Kangzhang. Are you interested in reviving the Heaven Thief Alliance?"

"Huh? Pirates of the Sky Alliance? The one that Grand Uncle wiped out?"

"What the hell are you kidding!"

Although the old man Jiguang couldn't hear the sound of the wind, he could feel Fu Henghua's constant way of communicating with the outside world.

"Come back to Chaoyinzhai, and I will help you repair your exercises."

After finishing speaking, Fu Henghua responded with a smile: "Senior, why are you in a hurry? You and I practice by sitting on fire, and at least we will fight for days and nights. Besides, you and I will use the sea of ​​fire to refine treasures, so take your time."

While speaking, a golden lotus flower floated under Fu Henghua's feet, he closed his eyes and concentrated on cultivating the soil with peace of mind.

The old man Ji Guang sneered, and also gave birth to a golden lotus under his body, sitting in the sea of ​​fire and concentrating on practicing the sun.

The two faced each other tit for tat, but Bai Longma was the first to lose it.Seeing that Fu Xuanxing was intact, he fluttered his wings and escaped from Wuxing Mountain, and came to lie beside Xiangfeng and the others.

Xiaoyu gave him the nectar and spirit grass that he had prepared earlier.

Bai Longma looked at Xiaoyu and nodded slightly: This girl, go on.

Suddenly, Bai Longma turned his head to look in the direction of Shiqin Trading Company.

The dragon's horn above his head shone with thunder, and struck at Ji Yun.

Ji Yun's face changed drastically, and he quickly used his escape method to escape.

Fu Henghua suddenly opened his eyes, and noticed that a strange force suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then disintegrated automatically.

"The life-distributing method of the Qixian lineage?"

Fu Henghua was startled, and quickly understood the cause and effect.

Ji Yun saw Fu Henghua and the old man Aurora fighting on fire, and recalled what happened back then, and wanted to take the opportunity to help the old man Aurora win.

These days, he got the "Orthodox Chess Fairy Method" from the Wuma Brothers.Cultivate into the "Yuanzhi Realm" and refine the Zhenlong Bureau of the Nine Realms of the Nine Realms of the Original Destiny.

He wanted to interfere with Fu Henghua with the technique of ordering his life, but Bai Longma quickly noticed it.

Heng Hua broke out in a cold sweat: Chess Immortal doesn't know how to kill, but is good at planning and planning.If Brother Longma hadn't been vigilant, I'm afraid I've already been tricked.

The Qi Xian in Yuanzhi Realm made a move against Fu Henghua, and he would be hit if he was not careful.Even blinded his mind for a period of time and did all kinds of abnormal things.

The method of distributing life was broken, Ji Yun suffered a backlash, and his own fate was condensed into a faintly visible pawn.

The dragon horse neighed, and the phantom of the river map in the air turned into a chess game of heaven and earth, suppressing Ji Yun's chess pieces.

"No, this dragon horse is actually a real chess player?"

Suddenly, Ji Yun thought of the second person on the chess list, the senior codenamed "Longma".

Could it be that the so-called "dragon horse" is indeed a dragon horse?
"Good job dude."

Fu Henghua was still angry, and wanted to ask Longma for a life-threatening chess game.

Rejected by Bai Longma: "Don't worry, I'll arrange it."

He then sent a voice transmission to Ji Yun: "Do you want to take the fate chess back? Do a few things for me and let you go."

In the lineage of chess immortals, if the destiny chess is taken away by someone, it is equivalent to the golden pill of life and the real name being manipulated by others.

Ji Yun's face was gloomy.He knew that if he didn't agree.Looking back, Bai Longma only needs to move a few moves in the Zhenlong chess game, and he can attract life and death to himself.

"what do you want to do?"

"The branch of Shiqin Trading Company in Aurora City is fully assisting Shancai Trading Company."


Sensing that there was a suffocation entwining his soul, Ji Yun immediately changed his mind.

"I promise."

Long Ma grinned: "Apologize to Brother Duan and Brother Fu first. If you belong to the righteous way, Brother Dao may not be able to accept you again."

Ha ha……

Do you think I am rare?

Anyway, it's not that I can't learn chess skills from other places.If he has the ability, he will not spread it around for the rest of his life.As long as it is passed on to outsiders, I can buy it with money.

But on the surface, Ji Yun still agreed to apologize.

Long Ma looked at him coldly, and secretly sighed: This kid is not good-natured.Viewing people with chess, this kind of mind cannot cultivate superior chess skills.It's a pity that brother Duan's lineage of chess immortals has no successors.

He and Duan Sijing are chess friends, and he wanted to help Duan Sijing's master and apprentice resolve conflicts.But judging by Ji Yun's attitude, he had given up on this idea.

That's all, let's help Boy Fu settle the matter of Aurora City first.

With the help of several large commercial firms, Shancai Commercial can grow bigger in one go.


Fu Henghua and the old man Jiguang had a stalemate for three days and three nights.

At the beginning, everyone still wanted to wait and see, but after three days passed, only a few people were left in each business to watch, and they returned to the city to continue their business.

Wu Madan and Fu Xuanxing sparked a big fire for three days.If Xiaoyu and the Hu Family of Aurora City hadn't helped provide the pills, Wumadan's golden core cultivation base would not have been able to support it.

"The old and the young, it's enough to survive!"

Wu Madan saw that the two of them were sacrificing some treasures with the help of themselves and Fu Xuanxing, and said angrily: "I am here to be the referee, not to use them as fuel for their exercises. Brother Fu, let's collect the exercises at the same time and let them do it themselves." Toss and go."

Fu Xuanxing has a cheerful personality, and within three days, Wu Madan and Wu Madan have already started calling each other brothers.

The young man thought for a while, then scratched his head and said, "Let's wait a little longer. My brother has a bad temper. If he delays his treasure refining, he may ask me to settle the score."

He knew that Fu Henghua held the Xiyang, knew that Fu Henghua was refining the Xiyang, and of course he would not stop halfway.

Wu Madan had no choice but to continue to help.

"Brother Dao will arbitrate between the two of us, so I won't let Brother Dao do it for nothing."

At this time, Fu Henghua transmitted sound transmission to the two of them again, and narrated the "Sword of Heaven's Dungeon".

Wuma Dan was originally a master of swordsmanship, and having obtained the orthodox swordsmanship, he simply sat in the Five Elements Mountain and practiced with peace of mind.

The raging flames flowed from the orb, and the pure Yang sword light turned into a clanging fire dragon, burning blazingly in Wufeng, and the fire was even stronger.

"Brother Dao learned about Dao swords and created his own "Fire Dragon Sword Art".

Wu Madan was amused when he heard the words: "Didn't you teach the Fire Dragon Sword Art? Well, anyway, I joined the Dao Sword School. I will definitely go to the sword fight in Donghai."

Seeing this, Fu Henghua continued to use his grandfather's way of swordsmanship, and started talking with Wu Madan.

Seeing this, Fu Xuanxing murmured in his heart: How worried is Sixth Brother about the sword fight in the near future?How do you catch a person and invite him?

Fu Danwei made a 60-year agreement on behalf of his grandson, and he no longer took it seriously.

In his opinion, it is gratifying for his grandson to win against Ai Yanchang, and it is not shameful to lose.After all, cultivation is here.

But Fu Henghua, as the person involved, doesn't think so.

He is very serious about this matter, and intends to make this matter bigger, and try to make it into a decisive battle between Dao Sword Sect and Lingjue Sect.In this way, the differences between himself and Ai Yanchang can be ignored.

It would be best to invite all three sword masters to fight swords.In that case, who cares about himself, a poor little boy who was persecuted by his grandfather?
It was in such a friendly atmosphere that Wuma Qian rushed back.

Seeing my cousin chatting with the two teenagers, I couldn't help walking over.

When Wu Madan saw him, his eyes lit up: "Come on, help me fuel the fire."

The true fire of Samadhi was added into the sea of ​​fire, and the fire increased again.

The golden lotus under Fu Henghua's feet was scorched, and he had to stand up again, secretly urging the icy power of the golden chopsticks.

The old man Ji Guang was even more embarrassed than him, the golden lotus was burned out, and the mending clothes were broken. If it wasn't for the strength of the golden sun bead in his hand, he might have lost.

Seeing the Wuma brothers joining forces, old man Aurora was secretly worried.

"Both of them are not inferior to me in cultivation. They work together to urge the fire, plus my own Sunfire and the boy in red's Nanming Lihuo. It's not good, it's not good."

Outside, the Hu family also sensed the crisis of their ancestors.

Several people connected in series.

"Tell me, can we think of some ways to talk to the two Jindan seniors and let them accommodate?"

"Don't, the Lord Renshui has already arrived."

Everyone looked at the water.

A woman in white sat drinking tea under an umbrella, watching the sea of ​​fire with a smile on her face.

The owner of Renshui is also a Jindan monk, representing the attitude of Qiankunlou.If Aurora City dared to act recklessly, how could she give up?
Just when everyone outside was anxious, Fu Henghua stared at the unbearable old man Aurora, his heart moved, and he took the initiative to teach a weapon refining formula.

This is the formula that he helped Dongfang Yunqi to refine the "artificial moon", which was improved by the palace master Shangguan.

Although the sun and the yin are diametrically opposite, they still have something in common.

Old man Aurora got this secret, and Jin Yangzhu was finally upgraded from a treasure to a spiritual weapon.Not only did it absorb the sun fire, but it also turned into a golden mask, and there were three firebirds hovering around him.


Looking at Fu Henghua who took the initiative to teach him the secret, old man Aurora had mixed feelings.


Fu Henghua competes with the old man Aurora to sit on the fire.Three days is enough time for all major Yuncheng newspapers to spread the word.

And following the publicity, Xuanming Demon Palace naturally got the news.Zhang Yue, the divination demon, came here in person, intending to use the fire to burn Fu Henghua to death, so as to avoid future troubles.

But as soon as he arrived, he saw the Five Elements Mountain collapsed, and the Eight Diagrams Furnace rose slowly from the sea of ​​fire, taking away the nine red dragons in the sea of ​​fire, and refining them into a nine-dragon fire wheel.

On the opposite side, Jin Yang surrounded the old man Aurora, shining brightly.

After the sea of ​​flames was extinguished, old man Aurora and Fu Henghua walked out together shoulder to shoulder.

"The two of us fight with each other by fire, and we have decided to work together to be responsible for the ancient exploration of the Myriad Illusion Demon Nest."

"That's right, the two of us have a tie. It is decided that Shancai Trading Company and Aurora City will be jointly responsible for the exploration of Wanhuan Magic Nest."

After the old man Aurora and Fu Henghua announced together, everyone was shocked.

Bu Mo, who was about to do it, sighed secretly when he saw the large number of people in the Immortal Dao.

"It's too late. Even if they entangled for another hour, the old man can still play tricks secretly. Burn the two of them to death with magic fire. It's a pity..."

Knowing that this moment is not an excellent time, I can only retreat temporarily.

The owner of Renshui quickly stepped forward: "Young master of the Fu family, you want to explore the ancients with Aurora City? What about us?"

It is agreed, how about Shancai Commercial Bank and our Qiankun Building to join forces?
She silently looked at Xiaoyu and Fu Pengming who had been communicating with her these past few days.

"Naturally, too. Don't worry, everyone will make money together. It's better than fighting each other openly and secretly, dragging each other back."

"Exactly, exactly."

Old Man Aurora smiled all over his face: "Everyone, be kind and let's explore ancient treasures together, and everyone will get what they want."

Fu Henghua took the initiative to help him, and he was not a person who didn't know what to do.

Since Fu Henghua promised to help him practice "replenishing the sky and bathing the sun", he was also happy to let Fu Henghua and others seek their own things.

The practice is long, and it is impossible for one person to enjoy all the benefits.

If everyone can win together, it is better than fighting together.

Of course, the most fundamental reason was that he knew he couldn't beat Fu Henghua.When approaching Fu Henghua, he finally understood what Fu Henghua was carrying.

How could I win a competition with an immortal artifact?
(End of this chapter)

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