
Chapter 238 The Heavenly Evil Ring Sword Presses the Fire Beast

Chapter 238 The Heavenly Evil Ring Sword Presses the Fire Beast

The golden ring method of subduing beasts?Isn't this my wishful golden hoop?
When Canglan Jiexian passed the method of subduing beasts, Heng Hua thought to himself: "More precisely, it is the same principle of the method, which uses the special properties of the 'ring' to lock a certain type of things. My wishful gold The hoop is aimed at living beings, and it is especially aimed at the human race. The beast-hunting golden ring focuses on beasts, and deliberately narrows the range of beasts to increase its power."

Originally aimed at all mammals with feathery scales, it was eventually narrowed down to tetrapod caterpillars.In this way, the power of the golden ring is doubled, and it has more special effects.

"However, senior Jiexian is still kind. This spell is suitable for adding some small spells that torture the mind and inflict pain. After wearing the golden ring, it will use both physical and mental torture to distract the beasts and have no time to resist the golden ring. "

Heng Hua thought about it, and added part of the effect of the "Ruyi Golden Hoop Method" to the Beast-hunting Golden Ring Method.

With a flash of spiritual light, a golden ring appeared in Heng Hua's hand, with simple seal characters engraved on the front and back.

This thing is made of vitality and can only be used once.

"This thing can subdue the fire beast, but how to make Wukong incarnate to take action is a problem."

Because Wukong's incarnation is not currently in Niwan Palace, but he ran to the Wanhuan Demon Cave to watch a group of Nascent Soul masters fight.

The reason why he didn't want to use the combined attack with Heng Shou and the two of them was because he was worried that after the two of them found out, they would criticize him again.

The reason why he didn't like Fu Xiangfeng and others chatting on the roof was because he himself had sneaked into the magic cave to watch the live battle first-hand.

After all, as a magician, these combat materials are also valuable reference materials.

"Running out of the devil's lair is not easy."

Nascent Soul fighting skills are so rare, Fu Henghua started to prepare for watching the battle from the day before yesterday.

In every corner along the path of the Devil's Nest, photo charms and hidden shadow beads are laid down, pretending to be left by the ancient survey of the business.

Use the secret technique of the heavenly demon to secretly control the vine demon to act as your own eyes.

Apply the petrification technique to himself, turning Wukong into a small stone, and then swallowed by a demon snake.Finally, the sorcery "parasitic demon seed method" was used to drive the demon snake to flee in various mountain paths, watching the master fight.

Currently, he is observing Yan Yuyuan's fight with the Blood Demon Palace Master.

Gorgeous light feathers fluttered in the magic cave, and each feather had a complete talisman spell.

Tianyu Realm.

Yan Yuyuan's Nascent Soul Domain.

Lihuo Burning Heaven Curse, Canglan Water Purification Jue, Taiyi Huamu Method...

All kinds of Taoism were generated on the basis of the Tianyu Realm, and they bombarded the Lord of the Blood Demon Palace indiscriminately.

Wukong (demon snake) hides in the corner, trying not to reveal a little breath.

"The Nascent Soul Realm is different from the Golden Core Realm. It seems that they are both dominated by themselves, but the content structure is completely different."

In the field of golden elixir, with the inspiration of the Dao that he has stolen as a guide, he uses the golden elixir to communicate with the world, and paves a space that is beneficial to himself.

And Grandmaster Nascent Soul returned the Dao Dao's inspiration, and the Nascent Soul domain was completely developed by himself, without any external force.

The Nascent Soul Realm is the embodiment of the Grand Master's own Dao.Like Jindan monks, whoever opens the Nascent Soul Realm first, whoever takes the lead, will have an advantage.

But in terms of field operations, there are subtle differences between the two.

In the Nascent Soul Realm, only the Realm Lord can freely use Taoism, and the power can be increased.However, with the help of the power of heaven and earth in the Golden Core Domain, all monks of the same attribute will be blessed except for himself.

The two water mages exerted the Jindan field on the water surface, and they could superimpose each other's power.

"Use the realm in front of me, Yan Yuyuan, are you ready to become a demon?"

Facing the endless attacks, the Lord of the Blood Demon Hall calmly covered his body with red light from the blood sea demon world for three feet.

When the Taoism strikes, the blood light automatically engulfs the Taoism and begins to pollute the light feathers in the Tianyu Realm.

When the light feather turned bloody, the blood energy of the magic light turned into a lotus flower parasitic on the sky feather, forcibly turning it into its own blood demon realm.

If the realm is demonized, Yan Yuyuan can even be turned into a servant of the blood demon.

Wukong thought in his incarnation: Blood Demon is the best at polluting and eroding, and he can strike late when facing the Nascent Soul Realm.If Daling channel friend can not solve this.His Sky Feather Realm might soon become a Blood Realm.

At this time, the stars were dotted with stars, and the projection of the Big Dipper appeared in the sky at some point.Another Nascent Soul Realm covers the Sky Feather Realm.

"Beichen Stars, Tianxuan Gang Realm."

Tianxuanzi's Nascent Soul Realm is not for attacking, but only for helping Yan Yuyuan relieve the power of the blood demon.

"Two against one? Is it the meaning of Senior Cang Lan that they came together?"

The Gorefiend is an excellent research material, how could their Yunhai team miss it?
Not only is it two-on-one, Canglan Jiexian also bestowed talismans to catch the demons.


A piece of demon vines connected to Henghua's field of vision was cut off by the sword energy.

Luo Jianxian of Jianxianzhou had a stern look on his face, and he was completely unaffected by the hall master Xuanmu. Not only the hall master was beheaded, but Henghua's demon vine eyeliner was also cut off one by one.

Hall Master Xuanmu screamed: "Brother Zhu, are you still not making a move?"

Although Fu Henghua was well hidden, the aura of demonic vines and demonic snakes could not be concealed, and was discovered by several Yuanying masters at the same time.

But because of his various arrangements, people mistakenly think that Zhu Yu, the master of the Heavenly Demon Palace, is doing it in secret.

For this reason, the immortal masters are more wary of the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace, Luo Jianxian cuts off the demon vines first, and activates the natal sword domain.

The demon snake swam over from Yan Yuyuan, and suddenly found that the soil of this devil's cave had changed.

The next moment, the soil completely disappeared, and hundreds of mountain roads and mountain walls disappeared.

In the second peak on the left side of Jiulong Mountain, there is only an empty spherical space.

"Is this guy so ruthless?"

Heng Hua didn't care about his heartache, and a sword energy deliberately caught up with the demon snake, pointing directly at his Wukong incarnation.

The three rings flew into the air, the sword energy of Tianxie came out of its sheath, and the round-faced boy circulated his mana: "Break!"

Grandmaster Nascent Soul struck casually, and Fu Henghua needed all his strength to mobilize the Heavenly Evil Sword Qi to catch it.

"These masters are not easy to get along with, so let's withdraw first."

The avatar sneaked into the demon snake again, and drilled into the depths of the magic cave.

"Heavenly Demon Zhannian Sword, it really is Zhu Yu."

Luo Jianxian smiled contemptuously, instead of continuing to chase Heng Hua, he continued to chase and kill Palace Master Xuanmu.

It is better to break one than to hurt ten fingers.

Killing a demon palace master is more meaningful than hurting Zhu Yu.

The master of the Xuanmu palace fled by the wind, and suddenly saw the sword light coming from behind him, and hurried to Zuo Sifeng to find the previous life of the blood demon.

Zhu Yu, the master of the Heavenly Demon Palace, happened to throw off the two Nascent Soul Grandmasters from the Yusheng Pavilion, and also rushed to lift the seal.

Seeing his innocent face, Master Xuanmu came over to greet him, and said with a sneer, "Thanks to senior brother, my little sister is not dead."

Zhu Yu didn't know why, so Luo Jianxian soon caught up: "Why do you two run away so fast, are you so disdainful when discussing swords with Luo?"

The sword energy shone, and the land he walked through, the mountain wall and soil completely turned into nothingness.

Not only the masters of the six great halls reprimanded this kind of sabotage, but even the masters of the immortal way cursed secretly in their hearts.

What if you break the seal of the demon and release the past life of the blood demon palace master?

Wukong incarnated and sneaked into the bottom of the magic cave, left from the main entrance of Wanhuan Island, turned away from the cloud restriction of Yizhou, and turned back to Aurora City.

The fire beast was besieged by a group of golden core monks, but it still didn't show signs of collapse.

Wuma Dan's sword domain is of pure yang attribute, the aurora domain is of sun attribute, and Wuma Qian's dao domain is also of yang attribute.

The three are stacked together to form a compound dao domain of "three yangs make fire".

Coincidentally, the fire beast gave birth to three heads, and it was like a fish in water in this field.

Later, the three of them saw that something was wrong, and turned to assist Bai Longma, and cooperated with Ji Yun to perform the "Five Thunders" to overcome the fire with the thunder of the sky, causing a lot of damage to the fire beast.

The aftermath of thunder and fire scattered in all directions, and was blocked by Fu Xiangfeng with the technique of "returning wind and returning fire". He cooperated with other monks to confine the battle circle to an open square.

Liang Yuchan watched anxiously, when suddenly a group of strange fire snakes appeared in the city.

There are red tumors on the top of the head, fins on the back, and barbs on the tail.Breathing out black smoke and venom, he attacked the crowd from the fire extinguishing ditch.

"Summoned by the magic palace?"

Wukong rushed back, searched carefully, and saw a magic cultivator playing the snake flute in the south of the city.

This person is a cultivator of the Hundred Beasts Demon Palace, who came here to act secretly under the order of Yinmu.

Wukong sneaked in and hit him hard with a backhand sword.

Yuwen Chunqiu, who heard the sound, saw Wukong appearing, and hurried forward to help.

Heng Hua entrusted the snake cultivator to him to deal with, and jumped into the sky by himself, driving Tianxie's sword energy inward, and specially used the "Golden Ring Method of Subduing Beasts" to fuse the three treasures wishful golden ring with the deity.


The three rings were cast at the same time, turning into three golden rings to clasp the three heads of the fire beast.


Huge pain came from the three heads at the same time, and the fire beast kept screaming in pain, and the flames shot around.

Without saying a word, Wumadan and Wumaqian used secret techniques to take away the raging fire.

Ji Yun held a chess piece and dropped it: "Hurry up and give it a final blow."

With Miaotian's hand, thunder suddenly appeared in the sky.

The white dragon horse also runs the way of the river map, and the dragon's horn shines with purple electricity to aim at the fire beast.

Wukong kept urging the magic power in the air, hurting the fire beast and rampaging. When he found the wall, he kept hitting the wall, trying to untie the golden ring on his body.

The thunder struck down, and the scales of the fire beast burst, like a ball of coke.

Seeing that he was about to be killed by Yuwen Chunqiu, Snake Xiu screamed: "Master Qilin, quickly swallow the snake bait—"

The five dragon wheels fell, and the snake cultivator was wiped out.

Enduring the great pain, the fire beast maintained its last trace of sobriety in the madness, and rushed to the ditch to swallow the fire snake.

Standing in the air, Wukong suddenly changed his expression, and said to everyone: "Catch the snake quickly! There is something wrong with this snake, you can make it transform into a beast."

Ferocious beast?

A few Jindan monks didn't understand why, they looked at the round-faced boy, wanting him to explain in detail.

But Bai Longma and Fu Xuanxing rushed to the ditch quickly.Thunderbolt and Lihuo blasted into the ditch at the same time, killing the strange snake continuously.

Fu Henghua himself blew his whistle, summoned a group of big roosters to go down the drain to peck and kill the strange snake, and threw the corpse aside into the sea of ​​flames.

The flames burned the snake's corpse, emitting black evil spirits.

At this time, Wu Madan suddenly realized: "These strange snakes are all Yin spirit snakes bred by evil spirits. Although they belong to the fire genus, they are Yin fire, which is the opposite of the fire unicorn."

The fire beast devoured a large amount of vicious yin energy, lightning flashed suddenly in the sky, and thunderbolts struck the fire beast.

Under the light of thunder, the fire beast changed step by step.The crimson flames on the body surface gradually turned black.The left and right skulls gradually shrunk, and the essence was absorbed by the central skull.Finally, the central head bites off the left and right heads and grows ferocious fangs.

The horns on the top of the head also deformed step by step in the thunder.


There was another roar, and the stench and foul wind roared through the city.

"It's not good, it's been demonized. The unicorn is a benevolent beast, and it definitely won't be like this. It can do this kind of thing—is it mutated and evolved from another direction?"


Heng Hua flashed this thought, but saw the fire beast jumping up, facing the thunder in the sky and falling into a beast.

Then he charged at Liang Yuchan with lightning speed, and swallowed her with his mouth open.

Yinmu felt in the devil's cave: "My idea is correct, after the unicorn is transformed, it can indeed become a jiao."

When Liang Yuchan was eaten, a sliver of original power hidden in her body by Yinmu turned into Yindan and merged into the body of the beast.

With this yin pill, Yinmu can try to control the beast and act according to her own wishes.

She smiled triumphantly, and sent a sound transmission to the entire demon cave: "Everyone, there are monsters born in Aurora City, are you going to continue pestering us, or to save people? There are not many people in Aurora City, nothing more than a hundred thousand immortal cultivators. Perhaps in your eyes, Our worth above theirs?"

Nine Nascent Soul Grandmasters cast their divine senses and saw a ferocious monster somewhat similar to Chao Tianyu raging in the city.

Without hesitation, Master Liu Yang abandoned Zhang Yue and went back decisively to save others.

As soon as he left, Zhang Yuekong made a move to help Zhu Yu, the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace, block Luo Jianxian.

"Go and open the seal."

Zhu Yu shattered the space with a sharp roar, and the projection of the Desire Realm loomed, and eight demons descended from the Desire Realm, breaking the seal of the demon.

"Haha, Lao Zhu, thanks—"

The Lord of the Blood Demon Palace rushed over from a distance and rushed directly into the seal.

Yan Yuyuan and Tianxuanzi followed closely behind, but when approaching Zhu Yu and Zhang Yue, they silently slowed down.

"It seems that you are one step slower this time," Zhang Yue said with a smile, "We are not unreasonable people either. One for another, the end of Aurora City will send you off, and the other end will be brought back to Xuan Palace. "

Yan Yuyuan's eyes were strange: "Do you think that demon can subdue his previous life?"

In the past and present, who is the master?
This is a difficult problem that reincarnation can never get around.

Especially in this special case where the previous life was "resurrected" and the soul reincarnated on its own.

"Regardless of past life or present life, he is the Lord of the Blood Temple." Zhu Yu was in a good mood.

What is the difference between past life and present life?
Whoever wins must continue to fight for the Xuan Palace, except for the Blood Demon Palace Master himself, these Palace Masters don't care about this battle of self at all.

The Lord of the Blood Demon Palace rushed into the seal, and saw the devil sleeping in the depths of the seal, lying on the edge of the blood pool.

Blood-blond hair glistened in the dark.

"Is it about to transform into a golden retriever? Good, good."

The hall master was overjoyed, and opened the blood sea boundary to surrender.

The demon felt it, slowly opened his eyes, saw his future body, and immediately opened his mouth to roar.

"No way? In my previous life, my mind was blinded by the evil spirit, and I couldn't even speak?"

The hall master originally thought that he might still have a philosophical exchange of "who is the real self" with the physical body in his previous life.

Unexpectedly, the demon has lost his sanity.

"That's good, it's easier to deal with."


Master Liu Yang rushed back to Aurora City, and six golden suns rose from behind, moving the entire Aurora City into his Nascent Soul Realm.

Old Man Ji Guang's eyes lit up, and he stared fiercely at Master Liu Yang.

Six spirit artifacts similar to Jinyang beads?Make six sun shields?
This is the route of my future efforts.

The golden light gradually suppressed, and Yao Jie was startled to feel that something was wrong, and quickly fled eastward.

With a stagger, the golden ring on his head exploded again, and the other two golden rings also flew from a distance, forming a big ring on his forehead, forcing the demon to escape.

"This beast crouching gold ring is not bad."

Master Liu Yang saw the round-faced boy standing in the air, and nodded slightly: "Senior Cang Lan's method of subduing beasts, right? He likes this kind of ingenious method very much."

He flicked his sleeve robe, and a jade lion seal fell from inside the robe.

Printed into the sky, it turned into a majestic jade lion and threw the demon down.

Wukong's eyes lit up, and he blurted out: "Kneading the elephant seal?"

"You are very knowledgeable, little baby," Master Liu Yang said with a smile, "This is exactly the elephant seal that I use to restrain beasts."

Of course I do.

When I caught Zhou Zhou back then, you always put this seal into a gold plate and promised me: if you catch it, you will send it to me directly.

It's a pity that Fu Henghua was ignorant back then, and only picked up two books following his temper.At that time, how did he know what his grandfather and father's friends put in the tray?
Afterwards, he found out that it was a pile of spiritual artifacts and ancient treasures, and the two books he grabbed were ancient books that his mother dug out from the mahogany box. Heng Hua's intestines were full of regret.

Although Yaoji's physical body is comparable to that of a Nascent Soul, when encountering a divine lion transformed from the ancient treasure spiritual weapon Tuan Xiangyin, he can only be subdued obediently.

Wukong stepped forward at this time: "Senior, Senior Cang Lan has an order to take this evil animal back for research."

Master Liu Yang casually pointed out that the golden rope replaced the golden ring to trap Yaoji, put it in a wooden box, and handed it to Wukong.

"Use it later, and then return this thing to me."

Wukong took the wooden box, feeling helpless.

Secretly thinking, how can I send Yaojie to Buxianzhou?Take a trip yourself?With Jiexian's eyesight, even when he is in front of him, can he not see his avatar's heels?If you don't go...

At this time, Yan Yuyuan and others came out of the water.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The master of the blood demon palace was arrogant, he rode the demon, and led the five palace masters: "Everyone, there is something wrong here, I will go!"

Tianxuanzi and other eight masters came out of the water and stood between the Myriad Magic Nest and Aurora City.

Master Liu Yang hurried back to join them.

Tianxuanzi smiled and said: "Daoist friend, you see, it's all your fault for leaving suddenly, destroying the Nine Profound Immortal Sun Formation we set up underwater, so that these people can easily succeed."

"That's right, everything is as Brother Dao expected. It seems that my jars of wine will be divided up between him and Feng Lai."


What does this have to do with grandfather?
Wukong's incarnation is unknown, so he looked at the group of Nascent Soul masters from afar.

Although they missed, they didn't look annoyed, and looked at the six masters with smiles.

Zhang Yue's heart shuddered, and he quickly looked at the Lord of the Blood Demon Palace.

Below him, the demon's belly emits layers of white light.

"No, it's a trap. Run!"

But it was too late, white light burst into the sky from inside the devil's belly, and he sent the blood demon palace master flying with his palm.

At that moment, he saw his previous body roaring continuously.

At this moment, he finally understood what he was screaming in his previous life.

Run, it's a trap!

Falling into the water, the ice-cold water made the Blood Demon Hall Master completely awake, knowing that all of this was someone's premeditated plan.


Shock and anger resounded from the bottom of the water, but the vast white cloud turned into a big hand and pinched the real body of the blood demon palace master, and slapped Donglai Yizhou hard.

Yun Jin appeared, and the billowing immortal energy severely injured the blood demon true god.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Yue and other five people retreated quickly.

But when Zhang Yue left, the space suddenly froze, and then he was forcibly restrained to Bai Hezi's side.

Besides Baihezi, there were seven other people present.

In an instant, his arms and feet were cut off by seven people.

"Thieves Heaven Alliance?"

The heads of the seven thieves came out together, and cooperated with Baihezi to capture Zhang Yue in one fell swoop.

 Changed the cover, which is closer to the atmosphere of Aurora City.

  Wait until Yuting Mountain, and then change the cover.

(End of this chapter)

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