
Chapter 24 Accumulation of virtue and good deeds bring blessings, the biography of the eternal fire

Chapter 24 Accumulation of virtue and good deeds bring blessings, the biography of the eternal fire spirit stone

"not good!"

In the distance, Lu Xin panicked when he saw Heng Hua take out the lupine.

"Is this a spirit weapon comparable to Lingyun Fan?"

Now the folding fan has a restrained aura, but it doesn't move it by itself.If the opponent attacked with all his strength, wouldn't his fan be destroyed?

Even if it is not destroyed, just erasing the spiritual consciousness placed on it can still hurt the soul, and it will take three to five years to heal.

At this moment, Lu Xin knew that he had played too big.

Seeing Heng Hua's movements, Qing Xi hurriedly said: "Fellow Daoist, you can't do it, you can't do it. I—I'm just asking, I don't intend to sacrifice the Lingyun Fan."

"It's okay. Fellow Daoists don't intend to perform sacrifices, so you can sell them for money. When you use them for others, you still need to resolve the divine consciousness above. In order to prevent other fellow practitioners from suffering, I will help you resolve this divine consciousness for free."

The birdsong rose, and a red bird appeared above Henghua's head.

away from fire.

Suzaku Lingyu?

Qingxi's heart skipped a beat, recalling the origin of this fan.

When I was insane because of Zhang Shenjian, a man and a woman helped me solve it. It seemed that the man was holding a feather fan.

This little fellow Taoist is the heir of Mr. Benedict?

Qing Xi was in a daze, seeing Li Huo slowly pressing down.

Regardless of hiding his strength, Qingxi quickly snatched the folding fan, and Shi Tudun left.

Heng Hua originally wanted to create a "pointing to the ground to make gold" secretly.But thinking of this person's background and the little relationship he had with his father, he silently gave up.

Staring at the direction Qingxi left, Heng Hua took a look at the hiding place of Lu Xin and the two.Although he couldn't see anyone, he still made a smiling face with an unfathomable expression.

Lu Xin heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Qingxi snatch back the folding fan.Then he asked: "Master Nan Guo, could it be that this kid has discovered us?"

"There is an expert in the Fu family, maybe we have been discovered."

"Then—do you want to show up?"

"It's better to be careful and hide."

After Qingxi came back, he returned the folding fan to Lu Xin.

"Young master, it's okay now. Don't do this kind of thing again in the future."

Qingxi still had lingering fears, he still remembered the power of that fan.

Back then, he was controlling the eight-mouthed spirit sword, but his tentacles were burned by benefactor's fan, and the eight-mouthed sword fell into the water.

"This young master can't imagine that this younger brother of the Fu family is actually warm-hearted."

Lu Xin retracted the folding fan and returned to his original form. Seeing that the folding fan was intact, he was secretly relieved.

"Ahem...Since he is so warm-hearted, he can consider adding another candidate."


With the breeze blowing, Nan Guo Yannian reacted quickly and used the technique of water escape to bring Qingxi and Lu Xin back to the merchant ship.

"Sure enough, someone is hiding there."

Fu Xiangfeng looked at the direction where Lu Xin and the others left.With a leap, he came to the side of Henghua.

"What's going on? That person wants to cheat you?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I'm asking you to appraise an authentic spiritual weapon, so I should be careful."

Heng Hua lightly shook his feather fan: "We are doing the right thing, and we are not afraid of these tricks."

When Nie Xing and others saw Qingxi fleeing, they secretly suspected the origin of this person.

Mei Zhongtian frowned from time to time, and sometimes stretched it.

Heng Hua asked with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, do you still have doubts?"

"It's just that the crafting industry is very dangerous." When he first entered the practice world, he knew these dirty things out of thin air, and suddenly felt that the way of practice was extremely dangerous.

There are three types of magic weapons for laying traps in magic weapons.

A smelting Taoist like him will often deal with weapon smelters in the future, do we need to be more careful?
"Except for the evil magic weapon made by the alchemist. The alchemist can also tamper with the elixir. 300 years ago, the Bliss Cult was rampant in Yanlong waters. Didn't they rely on the 'Five Flavors of Bliss' to attract many monks?"

Wuwei Jile San, an evil poison that can paralyze the monk's spirit and make him addicted.Taking "Ji Le San" will double your mental strength in a short period of time, which can speed up your practice.But when the effect of the medicine wears off, there will be paralysis such as listlessness, mania and irritability.And this kind of medicine is highly addictive, and it is difficult to stop once it is taken.

Relying on this evil thing, Bliss Sanren attracted many monks under his command, dominated the central part of the Yanlong Waters, and even attempted to sweep all directions and become the uncrowned king of the Yanlong Waters.

Both the Fu family and the Shenyue Sect contributed to the eradication of the Bliss Sect.

"In addition, you can also hide Gu worms in the pill. Or take an ordinary qi pill and just apply a layer of elixir powder on the pill clothes, pretending to be a high-grade pill."

Heng Hua shook his lupine fan and chatted with Mei Zhongtian about various traps in the practice world.

"If you get a copy of the exercises left by the ancestors, you should also be careful. The ancestors' exercises may be passed down from family or teacher, and require specific cipher text formulas to decode. Otherwise, some of them cannot be read fluently, and it is easy to go crazy.

"Or deliberately leave a misleading practice method, specifically to harm the younger monks.

"Fellow Daoist, you have to understand. Flowers have thousands of faces, and people have thousands of varieties. Not all monks are selfless and good people who are willing to pass on the exercises so that future generations can practice according to the Tao.

"There is a kind of people in this world who don't seek self-interest, but only seek to deceive others. Even if there is no grievance or enmity, they will try to deceive. Not to mention dying, seeing other people succeed in cultivation, they will naturally become more unwilling. So I intentionally left the harmful exercises to make the younger generation go crazy, and I was buried with them."

Mei Zhongtian recalled the inheritance from his predecessors.

Looking at it this way, you are considered lucky?

"It's not bad to just leave the harmful skills. What's more, there are hidden magic tricks in the leftover skills. As the younger monks practice, they will automatically become containers and bring dead monks back to life."

Heng Hua has seen such a thousand-year-old magic book.

Xixiu hides his Yin spirit between the lines.If someone practices according to the exercises, he will gradually be assimilated by that evil spirit and become the carrier of evil restoration.

After seeing the bright hall, Heng Hua sent the ancient book to Fu Danwei, and directly erased the brand of evil cultivators.

Mei Zhongtian was a fledgling, and was frightened by Heng Hua's various examples, his face turned pale.

Although he knew that the world of practice was in danger at every step, but there were so many pitfalls in exercises, pills and magic weapons?
"Fellow Daoist Fu, why do you need to scare Fellow Daoist Mei?"

Xin Mao, who just traded with Mei Zhongtian, said with a smile: "There are indeed many traps in the practice world, but as long as you are careful, abide by your heart, and don't be tempted by greed, there is nothing to worry about. A few years ago, there were no magic cultivators out there." Spreading the treasure map, trying to lure your comrades? But in the end, except for a few people like the Wei family, everyone is safe and sound?

"As for those counterfeit pills, magic weapons, and exercises, if you buy them from a regular spirit market, you probably won't go wrong.

"Fellow Daoist Mei, you don't go around much in the practice world. In the future, remember, in the east of our Yanlong waters, don't mess around in the reef market. Only the Fu and Yin families have credibility. If you want to buy things, you'd better Go to Fengmen Island to find these two shops, or the shops with Fengmen signs. These three types have credibility. Don't, don't deal with the Cheng family. Those people like to poison, maybe When will you be poisoned and die."


"My lord, do you really want to add the Fu family to the candidates?"

The three of Qingxi returned to the ship.

Lu Xin looked a little unnatural.

He just wanted to expose the hypocrisy of the Fu family, but he almost lost his spiritual weapon unexpectedly.

"Ahem... Naturally. Since the Fu family is really kind and honest as you said, just give them a chance."

Lu Xin secretly said: Give Uncle Qingxi a face first, and then find an excuse to kick the Fu family out later.However, the character of the Fu family is indeed good, if it is possible...

Glancing at the gray-robed man next to him, Lu Xin shook his head.

Although he is a direct descendant of the Lu family of Yulan Trading Company.But there are dozens if not hundreds of young masters like him.He couldn't change the overall consideration of the Lu family.

From the beginning, the Lu family didn't pay attention to the Fu family.

After Fu Danwei and the Great Elder died, only Fu Beidou was left to support him, what future would the Fu family have?

No matter how powerful the Sword Immortal is, without the "Heluo Suanjing" of the Fu family, he can't even maintain his current appearance.

On the other hand, in the Wei family, there are two golden alchemy monks in their early thousand years, and eleven fake alchemy monks.It is rumored that a direct disciple of the Wei family went to the Eastern Sea Sword School to practice.The future is promising, and he is another golden core swordsman who kills unparalleled.Only this one person is worthy of Fu Beidou.

Compared with the Cheng family who is good at using poison and is treacherous and changeable, the Wei family is the first choice of Yulan Trading Company.

After the Qingxi farce, Fangshi also came to an end.Put away the Panlong seal to the wind, and after some corrections, set sail to leave Fudo Reef at dawn.

Standing on the top of the boat, Xiangfeng said goodbye to the Dunguang who flew away from the immovable reef one after another.

Then, he silently manipulated Qingfeng to observe the west of Fudo Reef.

"Third brother, are you looking at the history of those people?"

"Well, I can feel it. Those people are west of the immovable reef."

But because they didn't take any action, Xiang Feng was worried that it would affect other comrades, so he didn't say anything about it not long ago.

A slight voice sounded beside him.

Glancing to Feng, he saw Henghua Yufeng landed on the top of the boat.

"There is still a sound when it hits the ground. My Wind Control Technique is not good enough." Heng Hua landed on his toes and stood lightly beside Xiangfeng.

"I have some guesses about the person holding the fan to appraise treasures. It may have something to do with our family. I heard that he went to practice in the Baizhen water area in the early years, so he should come from there."

"Bai Zhen? Cultivation Chamber of Commerce? What are they doing here?"

There is a chain of contempt in the practice world.

Cultivation families that have been passed down for thousands of years look down on Cultivation Chambers of Commerce that only know how to make money and make money.

The sects with the inheritance of Taoism in China look down on the thousand-year-old family, thinking that the family etiquette is complicated, the atmosphere is too heavy, and it is no longer a fairy family.

The Taoist sect of Xianmen, who holds the treasure formula of Xiandian, looks down on the above three categories.Calling them "seeking the truth and cheating, and fishing for the moon in the water", in the end, it will be a futile sigh after all.

"What else can we do, of course we want to open the Yanlong market."

Yanlong waters is a cultivation world dominated by the comprehension family.The Zhu family on Huomen Island in the south, the Xiao, Lin, and Yang families on Shuimen Island in the north, and the Fu, Wei, Cheng, Bao, and Yin families on Fengmen Island in the east. These nine thousand-year-old families are the leading families, establishing the current Yanlong practice world. order.

A family with a baby-changing monk sitting in the town and a totem guardian spirit is a high-class family.

The Jindan cultivator sits in the town and can pass down the Jindan exercises from generation to generation. A family with a low-level first-grade spiritual vein is a middle-level family.

The rest are inferior.

The goals of the Yanlong Cultivation Clan are one to upgrade the family's spiritual veins, and the other is to cultivate their own elite clan members.

Heng Hua: "Yanlong water monsters appear frequently, whether it is demon pills or demon bones, they are all scarce things in Baizhen waters.

"However, the three major families on Shuimen Island are desperately suppressing them. How can they come in from the north? Although the family power in the west is relatively weak, the group of ascetic monks on Tianmen Island are not at all the trading partners of the Baizhen Chamber of Commerce. After thinking about it, They can only start from the east."

Fu Xiangfeng: "There are five of our families sitting in the east, can they come in?"

"So, will you find a certain family to act as an agent?"

Heng Hua smiled and said: "The current situation of our family, I am afraid that those snobs will look down on them. The Yin family...they act mysteriously, and they only want to learn how to be born in the fairy sect. They don't even care about their own shop, so they probably won't. Join forces with Baizhen's chamber of commerce."

"So, it's the Wei, Cheng, and Bao families? They want to lure wolves into the house?"

"Who are wolves? It's just a group of 'fat sheep' with a lot of money and stupid people. Not to mention the Wei family and the Cheng family, even the two Jindan patriarchs of the Bao family, they can't play with it either."

In Donglai Thirteen Waters, Yanlong's cultivation genius often died halfway because of the disaster of the water demon.There are only three or five monks at the level of transformed babies, and no more than half a hundred monks at the Jindan level.But also because of fighting with water monsters all year round, the monks here are extremely powerful.

If one of the top ten commercial firms in Baizhen Waters came to Yanlong alone.Regardless of the dozens or hundreds of nurses they invite, the Bao family can easily deal with it.

Heng Huahun didn't take that group of people to heart, turned around and wanted to go down.

"Two friends—"

At this time, Mei Zhongtian caught up.

"Fellow Daoist, is there anything else?"

"The two are looking for a spiritual thing called 'Eternal Flint'?"

Xiang Feng's eyes lit up: "Fellow Taoist, do you know the origin or whereabouts of this thing? As long as there is relevant information, the Fu family will be grateful."

"I only remembered it by chance after I went back. The Eternal Fire Stone is a special kind of fire in the stone. The sun god fire fell into the ground, blended with the earth lung poisonous fire, and then was sealed into the stone by the earth essence, and it took thousands of years to form."

As he spoke, Mei Zhongtian took out a piece of light red flint.

Henghua swept his consciousness, and immediately said: "This stone has the breath of the sun god fire. But the temperature of the fire inside may not be enough. A hundred years of fire? Wait, is this the flint that fellow Taoists use to make fire and make gold?"

"Yes, this is a hundred-year-old flint. If it has a thousand-year fire, it should be what you want?"

Heng Hua blurted out: "Suigu on Huomen Island?"

Eternal Flint is the thousand-year-old flint in the legend of Huomen Island?
Mei Zhongtian nodded silently.That's right, this is the flint he got from Suigu.

"Sure enough, there are thousands of names for one kind of object. Unexpectedly, Eternal Flint refers to that thing." Heng Hua was determined.

Suigu, the place where the fire is the most intense in the Yanlong waters.Produce a peculiar kind of flint, named "Baixuan Flint", which can be used for alchemy and utensils.

But Henghua knew that Zhu's family had a town clan spiritual weapon that had been passed down for thousands of years, called "Suihua Dawn Lamp", and it was said that the wick was refined with thousand-year-old flint.This treasure can stimulate fire in the air, fire in stones and fire in wood, which no Jindan cultivator dare touch.

"Thank you fellow daoist, your words have done my family a great favor."

"It's good if I can help you two." Mei Zhongtian sent the message and planned to leave.

"Wait a minute." Heng Hua pulled him aside.

"Fellow Daoist has helped my family a lot. I also want to say a word to Fellow Daoist."

Heng Hua solemnly said: "Everyone knows that metallurgists cast golden elixirs, mainly using the essence of hardware, and put all kinds of gold essence into the body to cast gold and stone elixirs. As everyone knows, the selection of metal materials is different, and the quality of the golden elixirs cast is also different. There are differences. It is not that the higher the quality of gold essence, the better.

"Fellow Daoists, remember that if you want to form a superior golden pill, you must use black gold as the main one. Use it to smelt the energy of the five elements and refine it into five kinds of spiritual gold..."

"Taibai Gold Essence, Xuanlan Gold Essence, Qingyi Gold Essence, Chiyuan Gold Essence, and Yue Ling Gold Essence. These five kinds of gold essence belong to the five elements. If fellow Taoists can refine these five types of spirit gold in the future, then use this The five types of gold are skilled in depicting a five-element array in the dantian, and the chance of casting pills will increase by [-]%.

"If you can't refine these five types, you have to choose other gold essences contaminated with the attributes of the five elements as a replacement. Remember, the five elements are complete, so it is convenient to form pills.

"Also, the gold essences of the five attributes must be of the same level. If one is an intermediate-level gold essence, they must all be intermediate-level. There cannot be four high-level and one intermediate, or four intermediate-level and one primary."

This is what Heng Hua concluded after reading thousands of books.

Mei Zhongtian thought about it, vaguely felt that what Heng Hua said would be of great benefit to his future, so he quickly bowed to thank him.

"It's nothing more than a few words. Daoist friends believe it. If you don't believe it, you can also cast alchemy by picking five types of miscellaneous gold, such as black gold, spiritual silver, and red copper. Just remember, cinnabar, lead and mercury should be used sparingly. Entering the alchemy, it is easy to go crazy."

After telling Mei Zhongtian, Heng Hua was about to leave.

"Wait—" Mei Zhongtian held him back.

"The five types of profound gold that fellow Taoists pointed out to me are all middle-level gold essences. If I can find five high-level gold essences—"

"Don't mess around!"

Without thinking, Heng Hua interrupted Mei Zhongtian's ambition.

"I know, you must think that the golden elixir is made of the five highest-quality gold essences. The golden elixir must be of the strongest quality, and its power is unparalleled. But don't forget, that kind of high-grade material, your Samadhi true fire is fundamental Can't melt."

Elementary gold essences, such as Shuiyueyin, Clutch Xuanjin, Nine-degree Silver Copper, and Lily God Iron, can be calcined at the fourth level of "endogenous true fire" in the foundation building.Some are also used by Jindan monks to make spiritual weapons.

Intermediate gold essences, such as Taibai gold essence, Xuanlan gold essence, Qingyi gold essence, Chiyuan gold essence, Yueling gold essence.Most of them are the first choice for Jindan monks to make spiritual weapons.Henghua and Mei Zhongtian selected these five kinds of gold essences for casting pills, which are the best choices after considering all aspects.

As for the high-level gold essence, it needs the real fire of the golden core monk's life to smelt it.Some gold essences need to be melted and cast by fairy fire.If you use such a golden essence to practice, you will only be stuck in the golden core step, and you will not be able to improve.

"It doesn't matter whether you can smelt the five types of high-level gold essence into Dao Jindan. Even if the smelting is successful, your Yin God will be integrated into the Jindan, and you can separate it in the future? You know, the lifespan of a Jindan monk is also limited. In 500 years You can't enter a higher level before the deadline, you just wait to die."

Henghua sent Mei Zhongtian away from Lingfang after he learned the relevant knowledge.

Coming to Xiangfeng again, Fu Xiangfeng had already written the news about Eternal Fire Stone in "Xinglu".

Xiang Feng complacently said, "How about it, will this boat market help us? You still don't want to. Look, how beneficial it is."

"It's just a fluke. Now that the whereabouts of the Eternal Fire Stone are known, let's figure out how to go to Huomen Island to get the Millennium Flint Essence."

Similar to the status of Fengmen Island in the east of Yanlong, Huomen Island is also the center of monks in the south.Millennium flint is a rare item on Huomen Island.The Zhu family kept a close eye on it, and the Fu family needed to work hard to get this thing.

Fu Xiangfeng: "Let my father and a few uncles worry about it. Let's take our time. There are two other kinds."


Fu Liuhui frowned and looked at the cauldron, where the little silver beast was rolling inside.


There are two small bumps on the forehead of the little beast, its body is covered with fine scales, its tail is bald, and it is wagging back and forth.

Liu Hui had already poured out the hot water in the pot, leaving only eggshells and small animals.

"This is... Qilin? Isn't it? Thunder beast? It's a bit like a Kui ox, born to carry thunder, but it has four legs, so it doesn't match."

The little beast narrowed its eyes slightly, but hadn't fully opened them yet.

It moved clumsily, stood up with difficulty, and fell down again with a plop.

Lying on the edge of its own eggshell, it drilled into it silently.But the eggshell shattered, and that small piece was not enough to cover the whole body.


Huang Qiong let out a cry, and stretched out her mouth curiously, wanting to peck.

Liu Hui hurriedly stopped it: "Wait a minute, its scales haven't grown well yet, so don't mess around."

The little beast played alone for a while, and then began to pull out of the pot again.

Seeing that it was about to come out, Liu Hui was put on the bottom of the pot again.

"In this situation, it is obviously not edible. It's just—"

Fu Liuhui thought of a huge problem.

How is she going to be fed now on the boat?

"A newborn spirit beast needs breastfeeding. But I..."

Liu Hui quickly looked at Huang Qiong.


Huang Qiong tilted her head, looking foolishly at Fu Liuhui.

Cranes, of course, have no possibility of breastfeeding.

Liu Hui quickly took out the elixir and put it beside the little beast.

But the little beast only sniffed it, then turned its head and continued to fiddle with the eggshell.

But after a while, it lost its strength, silently lying on the edge of the eggshell, trying to eat the eggshell.However, the cub has incomplete teeth, so it can only chew on the innermost layer.It can't eat the golden eggshell that hasn't been ground for years.

"It's weird. If you have the habit of eating eggshells, how can you not be able to chew your own eggshells? Wait, how come the cubs are in the eggshells? Shouldn't it be the placental birth, eating the first placenta?"

Liu Hui asked himself that he was considered a student at home, and often went to Langhuan Hall to study.But facing this little beast, he has no idea of ​​its origin, let alone how to raise it.

Huang Qiong stared at the little beast for a while, then suddenly ran into the water, caught two fish, and threw them into the bottom of the pot.

The little beast gnawed on the eggshells by itself, completely ignoring the carp that was still beating around it.

"It can't eat these." Liu Hui threw the carp back into the water and sighed quietly, "We must join Sixth Brother as soon as possible."

How to identify and how to nurture, she can only go to Fu Henghua for advice.

Taking out the jade plate, Fu Liuhui tore a feather from Huang Qiong's body and muttered something.

The green smoke curled up, relying on the induction between Huang Qiong and Fu Heyi to guide the Cailuan Lingfang.

 Today, the two chapters are combined and will not be separated separately.


  There are different opinions on how metallurgical Taoists practice.

  But there is one thing that is recognized by all metallurgical Taoists-the gold of the five elements is black gold.

  Xuanjin is the root of all spiritual gold materials.

  According to the mainstream theory, Xuanjin was first born out of alchemy.When ancient alchemists were making longevity medicine, they discovered a special substance that could not be smelted from gold stones.Later, after experimenting, it was learned that Xuanjin can be used as a magic weapon material.

  It is also said that Xuanjin is made from the sky.The monks collected natural black gold from the spiritual veins of mountains and rivers to cast treasures. Later, due to the scarcity of black gold, they created the technique of artificial refining.

  Xuanjin is not resistant to water and fire, its nature is stable, it can be preserved for a long time, and it is not eroded by time, so it is quite popular among monks.Before ancient times, Xuanjin and Lingshi were used together as the common currency in the cultivation world.

  There are even rumors that the reason why the original elixir concluded by Jindan monks is called "Golden Pill" is to rely on the stable nature of Xuanjin and its long-term preservation, which means "immortal gold". (The author privately believes that this is a slander by a monk who refines weapons)

  ——"Cultivation Miscellaneous Notes", author Yu Yaozi, a master of alchemy in Futianli

(End of this chapter)

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