
Chapter 241 Good cause planted good fruit early, Qinglin seeks fruit and meets the first disciple

Chapter 241 Good cause planted good fruit early, Qinglin seeks fruit and meets the first disciple

Henghua Lingshen escaped from Chili Palace and quickly returned to his body.

As soon as he opened his eyes, most parts of his body lost control, and there was not much good luck left. His eyes went black and he passed out again.

Before he passed out, seeing Bai Hezi and Master Liu Yang, he hurriedly said: "Chili Palace, Senior Kang Zhang and the others have gone."

Seeing that Heng Hua had passed out again, Bai Hezi counted his fingers and was immediately annoyed: "Those five bastards, let them wait at the gate of the city safely, and insist on going there to cause trouble. Xuzhi, come with me, let's go Chili Palace saves people."

As soon as the galaxy turned around, the two disappeared from the house, leaving only one instruction: "This kid has used secret techniques to overdraw his physical body, and you will prepare a decoction for nourishing the spirit and strengthening the body, and feed him carefully."

Xiao Yu immediately got up and went to the pharmacy to pick up herbs.She has been with Fu Henghua for many years, and she will always know some basic spirit soup recipes.

Yutu jumped over and followed Xiaoyu to the pharmacy.She has a serious face and knows the seriousness of this matter.After running to the pharmacy, he personally prepared the best herbs and handed them to Xiaoyu.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Yu whispered: "Don't worry, the young master will toss you later, I will protect you."

Yutu nodded silently, watching Xiaoyu cook the medicine, carefully helping to fan the fire beside her.

After the decoction was ready, Yutu quickly picked up the celadon bowl and ran back to Fu Henghua's room.

"You little rabbit has a kind heart." Fu Xiangfeng took the porcelain bowl with emotion and fed the medicine to Fu Henghua himself.

After a dose of decoction, the black color of Fu Henghua's right little finger faded and returned to normal.

But in the face of most of the body losing vitality, it is obviously just a drop in the bucket.

"This medicine doesn't work, it's too weak. Xiaoyu, do you still remember the powerful decoction?"

"For a powerful decoction, you need to collect Dao Dao's inspiration, and you also need to collect the nectar spring at a specific time, and use a special kind of fire, Daoyan. It's too cumbersome to make, how can there be that time now?"

Fu Xuanxing had an idea: "Is there a soup spring around here? Let's put Sixth Brother into the soup spring, then throw all kinds of elixir into it, and use real fire to stimulate the medicinal properties to help him absorb it."

After hearing Fu Xuanxing's words, everyone was speechless.

Is this curing diseases and saving lives, or cooking soup?

Hengshou thought to himself: According to the characteristics of the young master's exercises, he himself is like a medicine for longevity.If the "soup cooking method" is really used, maybe the young master's bath water also has the medicinal properties of longevity and healing.Wait, if the firm sells skin care plasters, why not add some young master's bath water in it?Perhaps the effect will be better.

"Why do you look at me like that? I'm not wrong. Isn't soup therapy very common?"

When Fu Xuanxing was in Yuting Mountain, he was often caught and practiced by the elders like this.

Hengshou thought silently: Yes, you often do this because you are a tough kid.According to senior Zhou Xiao, when you were young, you didn't practice kungfu well, and you often went to your master's alchemy furnace to make trouble.So, your uncle specially prepared a large cauldron, filled it with the elixirs and spiritual materials that you had discarded, and then grabbed your heel and stuffed it into the boiling soup.

When he was a child, Fu Xuanxing cried and shouted that he didn't want to take a bath.But after a long time, you will get used to it.And Fu Xuanxing himself has forgotten the original reason for the "soup cooking method".

Fu Pengming: "At the beginning, we didn't collect materials and refine some 'Eight Scenery and Soul Pills'. Can we use them to nourish the soul of the sixth brother?"

Fu Baimin: "That medicine is not for Sixth Brother, and now Fourth Sister is preparing the Resurrection Pill, ready to deal with God's punishment."

At this time, a sparrow flew over from the window and dropped a note: "Golden Fang, Qingxing Mountain, there are thousand-year-old fairy apricots, which can nourish Qi and heal injuries."

"This is?"

Fu Xiangfeng read the note and wondered: Who sent the news?Can the thousand-year-old fairy apricot wake up Henghua? "

Fu Xuanxing reported himself bravely: "I will go for a run, I will bring Dabai, and I will be back in a day."

Xiao Yu picked up the note and pondered.

Suddenly, Heng Shou pushed her and nodded slightly.

Xiao Yu suddenly realized: It really is Ji Mingfeng.

Ji Mingfeng secretly made an appointment with the young master to train a colorist, so Xiao Yu naturally knew about it.

It would make sense if he had told him secretly.

Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Pengming seemed to be concerned, so Xiao Yu had no choice but to help explain: "This is sent by an old friend of the young master. Because of the cultivation method, it is inconvenient to meet people, so I can only use this method to send a message."

Only then did Fu Xiangfeng feel relieved.

"Then I'll go to Jinfang with Xuanxing, Qingxing Mountain...do you know?"

Fu Xuanxing shook his head: "I don't know the way. But there is Dabai, he knows the way."

When Longma learned that Fu Henghua was in a coma, he also watched in secret.He was wondering if he should go to Brother Duan for help.

Hearing about Qingxing Mountain, he suddenly realized.

Good cause and good fruit, Brother Henghua has an accident, so you can indeed go to his "disciples".

He neighed at the door and secretly sent a message to Hengshou.

Heng Shou said: "The third young master guards the young master, and I will follow him. Qingxing Mountain has some connections with the young master, so it is not difficult to obtain medicine."


The water area of ​​Jinfang, Qingxing Mountain, is the practice place of Fairy Dongyu.

A few years ago, her brother-in-law passed on to her a piece of "Xiaopin Tianxian Jue", saying that it was a Taoist book obtained in Yanlong, and it was passed down by a strange person.

After she got it, it benefited a lot.With this exercise, I have glimpsed the door of the golden core.And the righteous brother did not know where to find a great medicine for self-cultivation to help him get rid of the suffering of insanity.

"Yanlong Fujia Hengshou, ask for the elixir for my young master Fu Henghua, please see Fairy Dongyu."

Fu family?Fu Henghua?

Fairy Dongyu's heart moved, she got up and walked out of Yuanxia Cave.

Looking at the tall and tall young man in blue shirt, then at the young man in red and the white dragon horse next to him, the fairy asked:
"Tell me, you're talking about Teacher Fu Henghua's people?"

"My name is Hengshou, and I am the young master's guard. This is Fu Xuanxing, a true disciple of the Xuanwei sect. My young master has an accident, and he needs the help of a thousand-year-old fairy apricot to wake up."

Fu Henghua is the "little teacher" mentioned by his brother.But is this person's words true or false?

If it is true, I should help both emotionally and rationally.But if it was a fake, and came here deliberately to cheat him of the spiritual fruit, he would have to stab him to death with a single sword.

At this time, a wave of spiritual consciousness gushed out from the depths of Yuanxia Cave, swept across Hengshou and Fu Xuanxing, and then looked at Bailongma.

Bai Longma sneezed, and lazily ran to the side to avoid the sun.

That man named Li Nanxing was able to distract himself in the Tribulation Pass, he has a great grasp of crossing the Tribulation Pass.

"It's real people, girls, I know them."

Li Nanxing's spiritual sense came from the depths of the cave: "What happened to the little teacher? Sister, hurry up and fetch some fairy apricots."

The process was simple and neat, without any difficulties.

After learning that something happened to Fu Henghua, Fairy Dongyu quickly fetched three fairy apricots, wrapped them carefully and handed them to Hengshou.

Hengshou thanked him, and hurriedly left with Fu Xuanxing.

When he returned to Aurora City and told Fu Xiangfeng, he was filled with emotion: "Xiao Liu'er has made good fortune everywhere, after all, there are good fruits."

After Fairy Dongyu sent out the fairy apricot, she had a feeling in her heart that her golden elixir opportunity had arrived.

"That's right, brother asked for Taoism scriptures for us, and invisibly set the karma of master and apprentice. But we didn't thank the teacher. We naturally cannot break through the entanglement of karma in preaching."

Knowing the secret, she immediately discussed with Li Nanxing.

The simplest and most direct way to eliminate cause and effect is to spread the Daotong.

Li Nanxing pondered: "Teacher doesn't want to make a big splash, and he doesn't want to pass on the exercises to people with evil hearts. But those who agree with me in my generation can teach the exercises themselves."

After thinking about it, he invited the other three sworn brothers.

Huang Danzi smiled and said: "We set up a sect to accumulate luck for the 'little teacher' so that he can overcome the calamity. If you meet a 'god of good fortune' in your dream, you will pass on the fairy book. We will reveal the truth after the little teacher becomes famous in Zhushui."

One person asked, "How did the sect get its name?"

Li Nanxing looked at the cauldron beside him: "Let's use the word 'Chi Yuan'."

Chiyuanzong used the Chiyuan Eight Diagrams Furnace to suppress luck.

When everyone decided on the name of the sect, suddenly a fire appeared in the depths of Yuanxia Cave, and Li Nanxing offered sacrifices to the golden furnace to suppress the fire, and successfully entered the realm of golden elixir.

Huang Danzi looked at the red light of red clouds overflowing from the cave, and said pleasantly: "Superior alchemy, brother's future can be expected."

Fairy Dongyu watched Li Nanxing go out of the customs, a stream of fresh air lingered around her body, and thunder flashed in the sky and struck Tianling.

"It seems that my golden core calamity has also come."

Li Nanxing originally wanted to visit Aurora City immediately, but because his righteous sister had crossed the robbery, he had to stay.

He looked around at the crowd, and found that apart from Dongyu, the other three people's golden core disasters were also faintly revealed.

"Forget it, there is nothing wrong with the little teacher. Wait for us five Golden Core cultivators to go there together and set up a scene for the little teacher."


The fairy apricot was brought, and Xiaoyu was about to swallow it with nectar, when suddenly Yuluan came.

She had to hear about Fu Henghua's accident, and immediately offered the "Golden Snow Pill" from Xianzao Palace.This substance melts and can be taken as Yulu adjuvant medicine.

After a lot of tossing, with the effect of three fairy apricots and five golden snow pills, half of the dark spots on Fu Henghua's body finally faded away.

And Fu Henghua's consciousness also slowly awakened, and he silently practiced the "Fortune Huiyuan Gong", and the jade-like mana flowed through his body, making up for the lost vitality one by one.

He thought silently: This is the only good thing about my kung fu technique.Others cast forbidden techniques, and the loss of life is difficult to recover.But I have a special physique, and the mana of good fortune automatically collects life from the heaven and the earth to restore my lifespan.

In order to pull mana from the air to perform various secret techniques, Fu Heng Hua Shengsheng spent a hundred years of life.But because it doesn't involve "manifested lifespan", the vacant lifespan will recover on its own after he recovers.

When Baihezi and Master Liu Yang rushed back, they saw that Fu Henghua was able to walk on the ground.

He checked Fu Henghua, and nodded: "It's okay, I escaped this time, and Yuanshou took care of most of it. But I'm afraid it will be difficult next time."

"According to senior, the trip to Chili Palace is not going well? Can senior Kang Zhang and others be rescued?"

"I've been rescued, now I'm hanging Wang Dan on the city gate, and the other four are punished to stand under the sun."

Fu Henghua heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that the five were safe.

Although it was the first time for him to meet Kang Zhang and the others, they saved him after all, and there was also a relationship between them that inherited the Heaven Thief Alliance.

Bai Hezi sighed: "The five of them are fine, but you, you have an extra 'Evil Moon Seal' on your body, what are your plans?"

"Evil Moon Seal?" Xiao Yu quickly checked Fu Henghua's neck and back.

"It's not there, it's in Niwan Palace."

Seeing Fu Henghua's relaxed and indifferent face, Xiao Yu said angrily: "You still want to hide such an important matter?"

"Isn't it too late to say?"

Xieyue Seal, Tianxie Sword Blade is aimed at Fu Henghua's secret soul-calling seal left behind. On the first day of every first day, he can cast spells to pull his soul into Chili Palace.

Until the soul is overwhelmed and eaten by the blade.

After listening to Bai Hezi's explanation, Xiao Yu and the others changed their expressions.

It's so difficult once, and once a month in the future?
Fu Xiangfeng: "Senior, is there any solution?"

Bai Hezi shook his head, then looked at Fu Henghua again.

"I can't think of other methods for the time being. But it's always right to help you rejuvenate your mind and strengthen your soul. A few years ago, I observed the water and enlightened the Tao, and I learned a method of 'stopping water and tranquilizing the mind'. Let's see if it is suitable for you."

He tapped between Fu Henghua's eyebrows, and a Taoist formula came from him.

The heart is like still water, the peace is like a mirror lake, the kind heart is like a deep pool, there is nothing but tranquility.

Just sixteen words, but it implies the mystery of heaven and earth.As long as you recite these sixteen characters silently in your heart, and visualize the sixteen-character scriptures in your mind, you will be able to attract a little power of peace of mind and soul.

Fu Henghua was pondering, then suddenly smiled, and summoned Shen Luo Tianshu to perform a deduction.

Bai Hezi watched his Taoism appear one by one in the Turtle Shell Book of Heaven, and then replaced by strange Taoisms one by one.

Soon, the content of his formula was replaced.However, the effect of exercise and movement of qi and spells is perfectly preserved.

"Borrowing from your old age, I have cultivated a mantra of goodness like water. There is no other use, only a wonderful way to calm the mind and soul."

"The highest goodness is like water. Water is good for all things without fighting for it. It deals with the evils of all people, so it is more than Tao."

Fu Henghua recited the mantra of supreme goodness like water, and a trace of calming power surged from the heaven and the earth, repairing and nourishing the injured spirit.

Baihezi was not angry when he saw him modifying his formula, and laughed and scolded: "You just bully the old man for being good-tempered. Replace it with your grandfather's spell, and see if you dare to modify it indiscriminately—that the best kindness is like water, is your understanding?"

"What I read in the ancient book should be what a senior Taoist said. Comparing water to Tao is very suitable for my generation to practice."

Fu Henghua has already discovered the flaws in "The Good Fortune Hui Yuan Gong".Because of the superiority of the Yin God incarnation, it is even more necessary to strengthen the practice of the soul body.

He modified the "Shang Shan Ruo Shui Curse" in order to complement the cultivation of the soul and body in the first few layers of the "Gong Hua Hui Yuan Gong".

"Some interesting, very useful to you right now."

Fu Xuanxing: "Then what about the next time you lose your soul? Will you be able to deal with it then?"

Bai Hezi shook his head: "There is an ancient evil sword in the Chili Palace. Although the two of us have Yuanying supernatural powers, our swordsmanship is far inferior to your grandfather. Don't worry, your grandfather has been informed. When he comes, the three of us will go one trip."

"Speaking of which, the three of us haven't had an adventure together for a long time."

Fu Xuanxing asked stupidly: "Isn't it rumored to be the Five Heroes? Why don't you invite the other two?"

Five Heroes?

Master Liu Yang shook his head, but said nothing.

The Xixia and Beixia just made up the numbers later.Although they also knew the identities of those two people, it was really inconvenient for them.

Grandfather coming?
Fu Henghua suddenly remembered after being startled.

That's right, the grandfather transformed into a baby successfully, and he was able to leave Panlong Island.

In this way, if he and others were messing around outside, wouldn't he be able to easily find him?

Fu Henghua saw fear flash across the faces of Fu Pengming and Fu Baimin.

Er Xiao was in a particularly bad mood.Brothers and sisters are traveling abroad, and the old man is not convenient to move around, so he is at ease for a while.In the future, if the old man travels around at will, wouldn't the two of them suffer?

Master Liu Yang: "Why did you provoke the evil sword, you better think of a suitable excuse. Otherwise, hehe, your grandfather must have brought Fenghua Yurui with him when he went out."

Upon hearing this, Yuluan hurriedly said: "Young Master, the reason why you went to Chili Palace was to help my young master find a historic site, and it was not intentional."

"Yuluan, stop talking, it's because I'm not as good as others."

Heng Hua lowered his head, his hair hung down to cover his forehead.

"Although I took the risk to save people, I was careless. If I were careful, I might not be targeted by that evil sword."

Xiaoyu secretly rolled his eyes.

Others don't know, but she and Heng Shou don't know?

The most essential reason for saving people is that the young master also has the Heavenly Evil Sword.

But these words fell into the ears of Bai Hezi and Master Liu Yang, but it was the best shield.

Master Liu Yang said: "Since it is to save people, you should tell your grandfather honestly. With his temperament, although he is frightened and angry at you for taking the risk of losing your soul, he is more surprised and worried than angry, so it doesn't hinder you."

"No, there's no need," the boy sighed and shook his head. "In the end, it's because of my lack of strength. The beatings and scolding are all up to my grandfather."

Heng Shou rolled his eyes, don't act anymore, if you continue to act, be careful not to get off the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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