
Chapter 255 Tiangong has no intention of deceiving all living beings

Chapter 255 Tiangong has no intention of deceiving all living beings

The white dragon boat returned to the original mooring position.

Fu Henghua pulled Mr. Fu Tong to help, and finally completed the portrayal of "Fate and Upside Down" in the night.

"Look how easy you are to set up. Third Brother's thing, have you learned it?"

Seeing Fu Changqing's Yin spirit come out, the two got up quickly.

"My family, don't use those empty etiquette."

Fu Changqing looked at the formation.

On the deck of the white dragon boat, there is a gossip platform first.There are 24 Yin flags hanging on the stage, and the letter is written in Xiantian Chiwen.There are array mirrors 36 and beating drums on all sides.And the densely packed mantras and symbols on the formation.

Fu Henghua said: "He Xiang Dajie? I've practiced it, it's very interesting, and my aunt should do it too?"

If the "Returning Yang Formation" was arranged by my aunt herself, her skill in forming the formation is definitely not bad.

"I have studied it, but my concept of formation is not the same as his. I prefer my sister-in-law's 'sincerity and method'."

Fu Henghua smirked and didn't respond.

Although the parents love each other, there are differences in their ideals, and there are many conflicts.It can be seen only in the fact that the genres of Sprinkling Beans and Soldiers are different.

Collecting hundreds of schools of thought is not to recognize all the schools of thought one by one, but to take the essence and blend it into one's own ideas.Fu Henghua is more inclined towards his father in the array.I still don't agree with my mother's idea that "the heaven and the earth are one, the avenue is self-contained, and the magic spells of the talisman array are all the last part".

Fu Changqing looked at his appearance and said no more.

Afterwards, seeing Mr. Fu Tong sending the sarcophagus into the base space of the Eight Diagrams Platform, she hesitated and said, "Can this formation transfer the immortal poison from the two of us?"

Mr. Fu Tong: "Back then my aunt was able to help him take drugs, which proved that fairy poison can be transferred, but now it's just a different method, why not?"

She helped Fu Henghua arrange the formation, and when she checked the two ice coffins, she guessed a thing or two about the past.

Seeing the disapproval between Fu Tongjun's eyebrows, Fu Changqing smiled and said: "You are still young, and there are some things you don't understand. He is my love robbery, but why am I not his love robbery? If he hadn't given his life golden pill , I can't even maintain this 'neither life nor death situation' right now."

Fu Henghua raised his eyebrows: "What don't you understand? Isn't it because Mr. Lu has a strange poison in his body, and my aunt had no time to find someone to save her, so she had to transfer it to herself? After he learned about it, he tried to save you. You held on to the last Tone, instruct him to find materials and set up the 'returning yang formation'. In order to ensure your Yin God, he used the golden core as a proof to tie the lives of the two together. Let the two Yin Gods take turns to leave."

Lu Fengyang died as soon as he was dead, and he could find the resurrection technique after being frozen and golden, so why did he have to transfer it to himself?Make yourself fall in love?
The same is true for Lu Fengyang, his aunt died, and he just focused on finding the technique of resurrection and the method of saving people.It is necessary for the two to share the same life, causing the two of them to drag each other back.

Two idiots.

Fu Tongjun nodded: "My aunt is in love, distracting thoughts blinded her mind, she really shouldn't do such irrational things. Sword cultivator, put your love on the sword, and don't worry about it. If there is love, wouldn't it be a neglect of Dao?"

"Who told you that the sword is a ruthless thing, and you must be ruthless and selfless to enter the true meaning of the sword? My sword is the sword of the heart. Watch the moon from the heart, and support the wind."

Fu Changqing slashed casually, the moonlight and the wind stirred up the water, light, thunder and lightning, and the huge waves of hundreds of feet rushed into the distance.

This sword has the power of golden core.

Being in love has no effect on her comprehension of the way of swordsmanship.

On the contrary, because of drifting with the tide for many years, the Yin God watches the bright moon at night, making the sword's heart more clear and clear, and understands the principles of Dao and sword.

When Fu Henghua saw this sword, he was thoughtful: If my aunt escapes from the tribulation of love, she will be able to take a step of the golden core and become a golden core sword cultivator of the Taoist Sword School.In the future... hopeful Grandmaster.But in this way, the masters of the Lingjue Sect are probably not happy.

Fu Changqing, like Fu Danwei when he was young, both practiced sword art and comprehended sword intent.It wasn't until she went to Jianxianzhou to learn about swords that she gradually understood the principle of "Tao sword and magic sword".

Fu Henghua said with emotion: Another sword cultivator who jumped into the Dao Sword School from Lingjue.This has to become a practice, and outsiders don't think that the Lingjue Sect is the preparatory class for the Daojian Sect?Next time there is a sword fight, can the sword masters and masters of the Lingjue Sect bear it?

Mr. Fu Tong looked at this sword, but still insisted: "My aunt is so talented, if it wasn't for the love disaster, she would have stepped into the golden core long ago. These years of procrastination and waste of time are all caused by the love disaster."

Fu Henghua nodded in agreement.

That's right, love robbery is such a ridiculous thing, if you have to step forward to get a kick, it's all boring?

Seeing the expressions of the nephew and niece, Fu Chang sighed quietly.

They are all bad examples brought by our elders.The third sister-in-law, my sister-in-law and I, our example has had a great impact on these two people.

Mrs. He has outstanding talent and talent.In the battle on Panlong Island, if her husband hadn't been killed and lost his mind, he wouldn't have been implicated to death.

Cui Hongjuan was crazy because of love, firstly she abolished her Gu skills in order to get the approval of the Fu family.Later, in order to help her husband, she didn't want to be a burden, and secretly practiced Gu, which caused Fu Tongjun to lose his blood talent.And after her husband died, she went crazy.

In the eyes of Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun, both mothers had accidents because of love.In addition, the sixth aunt wandered outside all year round and was trapped in the ice coffin.

Even if there are good examples from the second uncle and the second aunt, it makes them look down on love and love.

This kind of fundamental cognition, Fu Changqing is not easy to persuade, he can only think about the future and let his mother come forward to persuade him.

She changed the subject: "You two set up the formation, when will you perform the transformation?"

"We have to wait for Zishi, and do the trick for Mr. Lu first."

"Him?" Fu Changqing frowned.

"It's not that we use him as an experiment. It's that he has very little fairy poison on his body. Although he fell into a catastrophe of love and fell into a state of neither life nor death, there is not much hindrance in himself. We use the sarcophagus as a substitute technique, and first put him out of the catastrophe. Pull it out. And with the Gorefiend Golden Core, the Yang Yang Formation can continue to operate."

Fu Changqing hesitated, then nodded slowly.

"You must be careful, if the technique is wrong, stop immediately, don't hurt his Yinshen. This method will not work, we will think of other methods."

"Don't worry, it will be successful."

No matter what, I can't really let my aunt go to the depths of the minefield.

Is Thunder Dragon King's skeleton and dragon corpse so easy to touch?
The two continued to arrange the formation, and Fu Changqing came to Fang Dongyuan and Fu Xuanxing with his yin spirit.

The two stood up and saluted.

Seeing that Fang Dongyuan looked like his father, Fu Chang sighed quietly.

"Boy Fang, are you the one I guessed?"

Fang Dongyuan saluted, and said seriously: "Deyuan has seen my aunt."

Jiang Deyuan, the future heir of the Demon Palace.

Fu Changqing looked at Fang Dongyuan's true essence of the immortal family, and said softly: "It is not easy for your two fathers to protect you, and it is not easy for you to cultivate the immortal way, and it will be easier to practice in the future. After Yuanying, you will not be afraid of being entangled by people from the Demon Palace."

Fang Dongyuan nodded in agreement.

Then, she looked at Fu Xuanxing and said with a smile: "When you were born, I met you in Xihai."

Fu Xuanxing was startled, and looked at Fu Changqing with wide eyes.

"I heard Xiang Feng and the others say... I am not your mother. Your mother gave birth to you in the west with difficulty, and it was the third brother who protected the law and brought you back to Yanlong. At that time, I was wandering in the West Sea, and just When you were born, you met each other."

Fu Changqing recalled the past with a smile on his face: "At the beginning, the third brother wanted to adopt, and we joked that this was to adopt a son-in-law and leave it to the third brother's future daughter."

It's a pity that the third brother left early, and the child in the third sister-in-law's womb also...

Thinking of this, Fu Changqing felt sad.

Apart from third brother and himself, neither father, mother nor Heng Hua knew about sister-in-law's pregnancy.None of them knew that the sister-in-law was killed together with the child in her womb.

Fu Xuanxing scratched his head in embarrassment.

Then he remembered: "Auntie, do you know who my mother is?"

Fu Changqing shook his head: "I only heard my brother briefly mention your life experience, but I have never heard about your mother. I only know that the place where she gave birth to you was in the west of Huanglong Waters."

Fu Xuanxing smiled wryly in his heart: The Huanglong waters are so big, where can we find them?
"Didn't your father mention it to you?"

This refers to Fu Xuanxing's biological father.

Fu Changqing also knew about the Fu family in Tianyang waters.

"My father never mentioned my mother. When I was a child, I failed to awaken my talent, so I was sent to the Xuanwei sect."

"The Fu family has many rules, and this is the usual practice."

It really is Tianyang Fu's family!
Fang Dongyuan's heart skipped a beat. He practiced in Zihuang Pavilion, so he naturally knew the Fu family.There are many Fu family members in his same school.But the Fu family, which has Yuanying Grandmaster sitting in the town, is not considered a big force in Tianyang.

The three major water areas are, after all, the boundaries where orthodoxy is respected.

After chatting with the third brother's two godsons, Fu Changqing looked at Fu Henghua in the distance again.

He and Mr. Fu Tong conducted the final inspection and still did not forget to bicker with each other.

Immediately, Fu Changqing laughed: "It's a coincidence. The third brother took in two godsons. Unexpectedly, by chance, you met Heng Hua again. The magic of fortune is really unpredictable."

Soon, when Fu Henghua and the two finished their preparations, the art of turning robbery began.

The dark wind howled on the sea, and layers of black mist poured out from the seal Zhong Congmei's sarcophagus, and slowly climbed onto the gossip platform.

Lu Fengyang's ice coffin was placed on the stage. When the black air coiled around the ice coffin, traces of red light overflowed from it, and turned into the sarcophagus along the chain.

Fu Henghua shook three thunderbolts in a row, and three talismans were lit in the air.

Numerology, catastrophe, and fairy poison turned into three beams of light that entered the sarcophagus from the ice coffin.


Fierce struggles and screams came from inside the sarcophagus. Mr. Fu Tong held a porcelain bowl in his hand, sprinkled a piece of insect eggs into the sarcophagus, and muttered something.

The blood demon golden elixir was forcibly stripped, and flew into the boat coffin to return to the sun array.

At the same time, Lu Fengyang's golden core flew out of the formation.

Seeing the flying sword clattering into Lu Fengyang's body, Fu Henghua suddenly said, "I forgot that Lu Fengyang is a sword fairy, and his 'golden pill' is a 'sword fetus'."


The sword fetus returned to the body, the fairy poison was released, the ice coffin exploded, and Lu Fengyang jumped out with his eyes open.

"Lu Lang."

Fu Changqing hurried forward.

Hearing this shout, Mr. Fu Tong curled his lips tiredly, and gave Fu Henghua a look.

Fu Henghua shrugged, looking indifferent.

Ignoring the narration between the two, Fu Henghua picked up a wooden sword and flicked it lightly at the sarcophagus.

The sky resounded with thunder, and streaks of white lightning blasted towards the sarcophagus.

When Fu Changqing saw Tianlei, his face couldn't help but change.

"Don't worry, aunt, this day's thunder and punishment will be transferred to the two sarcophagi, and let the two of them replace Ying Jie."

The two of Fu Lu are in love, how can they be replaced by others?

As for the catastrophe of love, you only need to see through it, and if you have a perfect heart, you will pass through it naturally.

The real trouble for Fu Changqing is that the two used ice coffins to avoid catastrophe, forced the Yin God to continue their lives, and reversed the law of heaven and earth, resulting in continuous accumulation of catastrophe.

This calamity is also entangled with Fu Changqing's golden core calamity, which is very troublesome.Even Lu Fengyang, the golden core swordsman, also fell into doom.

Even if the two of them lifted the immortal poison, when they walked out of the ice coffin, the heavens and the earth felt that they would surely die under the thunderstorm.

In view of this, Fu Henghua and the two made a trick, using a coffin instead of a coffin, exchanging Lu Fengyang's fate with Zhong Congmei.

The moment Lu Fengyang stepped out of the ice coffin, the heavens and the earth were moved, and the thunder fell.And all these thunderbolts hit Zhong Congmei.

"Mr. Zhong, you must hold on. As long as you can survive the thunder disaster, you will be able to live smoothly."

In the sarcophagus, Zhong Congmei, who was dying, heard Fu Tongjun's call, and his mind was suddenly confused, and the fire of karma was burning on the surface of his body.

While scolding Mr. Fu Tong, he tried his best to deal with the catastrophe with the method of blood demon.

Fu Baimin pulled his brother's sleeve, and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to take a gamble, whether he can survive the thunder disaster?"

Fu Pengming: "I don't gamble, the life of the blood demon is the best in the world, and I will definitely survive this calamity."

In terms of fighting power, ten Zhong Congmei are not as good as one Lu Fengyang.

But the catastrophe that made Lu Fengyang frightened and vigilant, Zhong Congmei was confident of getting through it.Even if he is seriously injured at this moment, there is a [-]% chance of winning.

About half an hour later, the thunder broke away, and the sarcophagus made by Xi Rang was also destroyed.There was no one inside, only a few remaining drops of black blood slowly condensed.

Lu Fengyang narrowed his eyes, and said with a sneer, "As expected of the Blood Demon lineage, it's just that fate is hard. Under this kind of calamity, you can still hold on for a while."

He flicked his fingers, and the pure Yang sword light cut down instantly.

Zhong Congmei's spiritual consciousness was attached to black blood, and she barely survived the calamity. When she was about to reunite with her physical body, she saw the sword qi slashing down.

At that moment, Zhong Congmei felt extremely sad.

Without any resistance at all, he was cut off by the sword qi and wiped out his spiritual consciousness and wiped out the Yin God.

Fu Henghua nodded: "The other person is dead, but the energy of the Gorefiend Golden Elixir can last for a day, let's quickly help my aunt escape—"

In the dark, the gray mist condensed, forming a precious mirror from Zhong Congmei's body.

Thunderbolts blasted towards Lu Fengyang quickly.

Lu Fengyang reacted quickly and swung his sword towards Tianlei.

Realizing that these sky thunders were the catastrophe just now, Lu Fengyang was shocked: "Did the sky thunder pass?"

"It's over, the catastrophe has dissipated. And the way of heaven is ignorant, it is impossible to see through our transfer technique."

Fu Henghua looked at the mirror and suddenly thought of an evil spell.

"Mr. Lu, run into the water quickly. Use the thunder in the minefield to lure the thunder away. This is the 'dead mirror technique!'."

Hearing this name, Mr. Fu Tong was taken aback, and quickly looked at another sarcophagus.

"This is a game set up by the devil's palace. The two devils have been cursed!"

The dead mirror technique is an ancient method of mutual destruction.

At the moment of death, the spell is activated.Let yourself manifest all the attacks you have suffered within three days, and lock on the person who killed you.

The price is that the soul is scattered, and the soul cannot be returned to the stars.

This is a taboo technique that sacrifices the future in exchange for the enemy's death once.

Three days.

Fu Henghua recalled the attacks that Zhong Congmei suffered within three days.

Not only the Heavenly Tribulation, but my aunt's "Hanging the Wind and the Moon", the White Dragon Horse's Thunderbolt, my own "Taiyin Golden Elixir" and other means, will all be manifested by the "Dead Mirror" one by one.

That is equivalent to the full attack of several Jindan monks!

Thinking of this, Fu Henghua panicked, and quickly instructed Lu Fengyang to avoid robbery by using the power of the minefield.

Lu Fengyang had just been resurrected, and before he came back to his senses, he was smeared by Four or Nine Heavens.

This is not over yet.

Then, he felt the wind and the moon wandering on the water.

"Hang the wind and embrace the moon?"

He looked at Fu Changqing, who was also stunned.

He watched helplessly as his unique skill slashed at his lover in the midst of thunder and lightning.

Fortunately, the two had known each other for many years, and Lu Fengyang knew this sword very well, so he quickly used his sword to dissolve it before the sword's intention was achieved.

Afterwards, the purple thunder of the white dragon horse struck down.

Bai Longma couldn't bear it anymore, he took the initiative to go over to help resist.

Lu Fengyang looked at the sky, and quickly ran to the depths of the minefield: "I'll go inside to deal with the disaster, and come back later!"

Panic, Lu Fengyang was a little panicked.

But in front of lovers, fellow apprentices, and a group of juniors, you must always maintain a little demeanor.

Resisting the blows of thunder, his hair was standing on end and scattered, and there were streaks of charcoal on his body, he still ran inside quickly.

The white dragon horse didn't dare to be careless, and followed closely behind to catch up.

Seeing his miserable appearance, Fu Henghua's face turned completely dark.

Thinking about it carefully, these two demons came to stop Fu Yaozhen and his party.But they have old grievances with their father. As sons of man, if they encounter two demons, can they kill them with their own hands?
If someone calculates this point, he deliberately sends the second demon to him and asks him to kill him.

Fu Henghua broke out in cold sweat.

Fortunately, Luoshu, who was born in his life, warned him that he didn't kill the two demons, otherwise he would have been rebounded by the "dead mirror" on the spot and killed by his heavy attacks!
(End of this chapter)

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