
Chapter 257

Chapter 257 The Sword Rainbow Shocks the Sky and Breaks the Sea of ​​Thunder, the Sun and the Moon Are Saints and Worship Yuanjun (First Change)
In the depths of the minefield, Lu Fengyang and Bai Longma collided with the corpse of the Thunder Dragon King. The purple dragon corpse reflected thousands of thunder lights and swept towards the two of them.

Fortunately, Fu Changqing came to Taoism, the sun and the moon combined, and the two swords worked together to resist the dragon king's thunder.

Bai Longma took a breather and led the two of them back quickly.

But the dragon corpse in the water kept rising and falling, and the thunder light became stronger and stronger. Seeing that the two swords of the sun and the moon were submerged by the thunder light, the brilliant sword light cut down in the air.

"It's Master!"

Lu Fengyang was surprised and delighted when he saw the sword intent.

Come Master, everything will be safe.

The pure white sword light was like a rainbow, cutting through the sea of ​​thunder neatly and crushing the dragon king's thunder light one by one.

The white dragon horse turned into thunder and lightning, and led the two of them back to the white dragon boat.

"Come on!"

Fu Changqing and Lu Fengyang swung their swords at the same time, and the sword energy smashed through the huge waves, pushing the white dragon boat out with momentum.

After everyone left, the sword master's sword was more powerful by three points, and the entire minefield was stirred by this sword, pressing down on the dragon corpse and sinking into the deep sea.


The dragon corpse roared faintly, and the huge waves cooperated with Lei Guang to meet Jianhong, struggling hard.

Fu Henghua looked at the white rainbow in the sky, and was more worried about the sword fight decades later.

Swords have no eyes, the old man asked me to fight swords with Ai Yanchang, isn't that hurting me?The way of swordsmanship is fierce, can I, a civilian performer, be able to withstand it?

"Look, who is that?"

With sharp eyes, Fu Xuanxing pointed at a man in red robe among the waves.Holding a jade pot in his hand, he is avoiding thunder and waves.

"Should we save people?"

As Fu Baimin said, he planned to throw the dragon claw hook from the boat.

"and many more--"

Fu Yaozhen stopped him, looked at the man and said: "He is from the Demon Palace."

magic palace?

Fang Dongyuan's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Fu Yaozhen.

The girl shook her head slightly, she wasn't looking for you.

"It's to stir up the North Sea, and cheat us?" Mr. Fu Tong said disgustedly when he saw the "Chaotic Sea Pot" in his hand.

Fu Henghua nodded: "The backhand of the Demon Palace, don't worry, let's get out quickly."

The white dragon boat accelerated away from the minefield.

The sword master Hong Guang had no scruples anymore, and with a sweep of the white sword light, the demon was killed on the spot.


Zhang Yue's face changed suddenly when he noticed that the door had passed away.

He could barely cope with the heavy attacks of Death Mirror Feedback, but the physical signs of 12 Yuanchen made him quite uncomfortable, with leg of lamb and pig's feet appearing on his lower body.

Looking at Beihai, when he noticed the sword intent of Tianyang Sword Master hanging high in the minefield, he didn't care to continue cleaning the fur signs on his body.

Sitting there blankly, Zhang Yue let out a long sigh, as if his energy and spirit had been completely drained.

"In the end... there are robbers in the immortal way."

In terms of divination, calculation, layout and planning, I am more than a step ahead of Fu Danwei.

Zhang Yue is confident that Fu Danwei can't see through the "death mirror" he reserved, and it can't be considered that he sent someone secretly to the minefield in an attempt to disturb the dragon corpse and completely wipe out that group of people.

But even if Vodanwei can't count, so what?

He only needs to know that he wants to plan for his grandson.All you need to do is to invite a Tribulation Immortal, and all your calculations will be in vain in the end.

"If His Majesty is here, I can still ask His Majesty to help prevent the interference of the Jiexian level. But now..."

No matter how many calculations there are, if a robbery immortal ends up, everything will be in vain.

But soon, he cheered up again.

"The way of immortality is sinister and vicious, with the intention of destroying my Xuan Palace. So what if they have Tribulation Immortals? We have to fight for our lives!"

From the destruction of the Demon Palace to its reconstruction, after hundreds of years of hiding in XZ, Zhang Yue finally understood the conspiracy of Immortal Dao.

This is a trap that has been plotted for thousands of years and woven over a long period of time.

Since Fuzhou, Xiandao has decided to clean up Modao from Donglai Wan Island.

Since Emperor Xuan's rise, he has fallen into the schemes of immortality.Thinking about it carefully, Emperor Xuan had the support of many immortal families when he was young.When Emperor Xuan unified the major demon sects, none of the Immortal Tribulation Immortals came forward to stop the trouble.

The Xuanming Palace was completed smoothly, and under the leadership of Emperor Xuan and Empress Xuan, all sects of the Demon Sect were unified.

During that time, Xuan Gong relied on the centralization system to unite the forces of the demonic way and forcefully suppress the various factions of the immortal way.Zihuang Pavilion and Yusheng Pavilion also have to retreat.

"Actually, it has been highlighted during that period, but we didn't care about it, thinking that after the transition period, the next generation will grow up."

Zhang Yue recalled that time and secretly regretted it.

With the unification of the sects by the Xuan Palace, the number of demonic tribulation immortals has been slow to increase.

After the collapse of the continent, the remnants of the major demon sects were suppressed by Emperor Xuan, and they all died in depression.

When Empress Xuan was bound by the three calamities, Emperor Xuan was the only one in the Xuan Palace.

At this point, Tu Qiong saw that Xiandao finally bared his fangs.

Several Jiexians from Yuxian Realm came to besiege together, and without help, Emperor Xuan was entangled.

Then, all the elders were exchanged by Qi Xingzi of Tianyi Sect.

After the death of Empress Xuan, several important strongholds such as Wanhuan Island were destroyed one by one.Other Xuangong masters were also forced to reincarnate or flee for their lives by the immortal way.

When only the main altar of the Xuan Palace was left, all sects of the Immortal Dao led fellow practitioners from all over the world to besiege it.

Finally, the Xuanming Demon Palace will be eradicated.

And it didn't end there.

Zhang Yue knew that after 800 years of planning by the seven sons of Tianyizong, even the opportunity for Xuangong's revival was clear.What they want is to completely destroy the Xuan Palace in this era, so that only immortal cultivators remain on Donglaiwan Island.

"You are born with yin and yang, and there is a distinction between right and wrong. How can it be so easy for you to go against the law and try to completely destroy my way?"

Immortals and demons co-exist, and yin and yang co-exist.

This is Zhang Yue's confidence in maintaining Xuangong's inheritance.

He believed that as long as another Jie Xian was born in the Xuan Palace, everything would be better.

But right now, looking at the rabbit tail, tiger whiskers, mouse fur, and bull horns on his body, his chest is full of anger and panic.

He has already started to attack himself!
The future I foresee is very likely to come true!


Under the protection of Juggernaut, the white dragon boat returned to Beihai smoothly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Fu Yaozhen waited and watched the fate, and after Fu Henghua and Fu Pengming deduced the secret, they were completely relieved.

"It's safe."

The white dragon boat floated to the reef to anchor and rest.

At this time, fragrant wind and white clouds floated from a distance.

Fu Henghua's expression changed first, and then he saw Fu Xiangfeng surprised on the other side of the boat.

The two looked at each other: no, grandma is here!

In the distance, the white cloud chariot is flying quickly.

Mu Yutian was led away by Zhang Yue.It took a day to kill those demon cubs, and there are still some bloodstains around Xiangche.

When she saw the white dragon boat and saw Fu Henghua and his party, her face suddenly changed.

"Feng Lai is so confused? Did you let these little dolls come here? What about Ying Gu, Yong Bao, Yi Fu?"

She thought it was her son and nephews who came to help the girl escape the robbery.

Unexpectedly, it was the grandchildren who contributed.Except for Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Yaozhen, who is the oldest, is less than a hundred years old, which is the adult standard for a spirit person.

What about the adults?
What do you eat?

Fu Changqing stepped forward quickly, and everyone in Fu Henghua didn't dare to neglect, and rushed up one after another.

Fu Xuanxing and Shu Tianci were sitting at the stern of the boat chatting about swordsmanship, and saw an old woman with fair hair and childlike face sitting on the incense chariot, so they got up quickly.

Mu Yutian parked the incense car in the air, stepped on the auspicious clouds, and fell into the white dragon boat.

After looking at the grandchildren, she looked at Fang Dongyuan, Fu Xuanxing, Lu Fengyang, and Shu Tianci.

Facing the two of Jianxianzhou, the old lady looked cold and squinted in thought.

Shu Tianci glanced at the senior brother beside him, and silently stepped back three steps.

"Mother," Fu Changqing stepped forward again, supported her, and pointed at Fang Dongyuan and Fu Xuanxing, "Look."

Knowing that she was helping Lu Fengyang out of the siege, the old woman snorted softly: "I'm not blind, I saw it."

Fang Dongyuan is his god-grandson, who looks very similar to his god-son. Mu Yutian loves Wu and Wu with affection.

But Fu Xuanxing——

Noticing the scabbard and Fulong sword, she unconsciously thought of her son's death.

If the son and Fenglai hadn't rescued the child back then, with the scabbard and the jade sword in hand, what would have happened in the battle more than 30 years ago?

Thinking of this, she felt annoyed towards Fu Xuanxing.

But in the end it was her son's "godson" and his son died because of it, so how could she torture Fu Xuanxing?
"Grandmother. We met the murderer of father and mother not long ago."

Fu Henghua told about Jiao Ziyuan and Zhong Congmei, and when he heard that Jiao Ziyuan had plotted against his son, Mu Yutian's eyes flashed fiercely.

"Have you killed him?"

"Killed. Not only that, their souls can't return to Xingtian, and they can't be reborn forever."

The energy of the dead mirror to bounce back all attacks is the true soul.Through Jiao Ziyuan's soul flying away, he draws the power of his natal stars to restore all attacks within three days.

When the two dead mirror techniques are successfully performed, there is no possibility of the souls of the two reuniting.

The old woman nodded.

"here you go."

"It's windy outside, let's not talk about it outside. Grandma, now that my aunt is out of trouble, don't be so sad on this happy day." Fu Pengming and Fu Baimin looked at each other, and deliberately jumped out to play tricks, which made the old woman feel relieved again. Mood, everyone entered the ship together.

Seeing Fang Dongyuan and Fu Xuanxing being reserved, she tried her best to put on a kind face:

"You follow Henghua's name and call Laoshen 'grandmother'."

Between Fang Dongyuan's eyebrows, he could see the face of his father.

Thinking of the handsome young man who called him "Godmother" back then, Mu Yutian sighed in his heart.

It's a pity, God is jealous of Yingcai, that child died too early.

Seeing Fu Yaozhen standing next to Fang Dongyuan, her heart moved and she began to think secretly.

Seeing her glance at Fang Dongyuan and then at herself, Fu Yaozhen suddenly felt something was wrong.

The old lady made a mistake again!
However, due to the large number of people, the old lady did not speak out in public, and secretly kept the matter in her heart.

Seeing the old lady pondering, Fu Henghua immediately understood that she must be thinking of something good.

Unavoidably involving himself, Fu Henghua immediately ordered Xiaoyu to watch tea.

Seeing Xiaoyu's elegant demeanor, Mu Yutian's eyes moved again.

"Speaking of which, you've been with Henghua for quite some years."

Xiao Yu secretly thought something was wrong, and was about to hint at refusal, when Fu Henghua said first: "Sister Xiao Yu has come to our house since I was born. In terms of age, she is almost at the age of leaving the court. If you always see someone who is handsome and pleasing to the eye, Why don't you make peace? The old man in the family thought about it and chose the right person from the subordinates of the disciples."

"The members of his disciples are either old or have poor foundations, so they are not worthy of Xiaoyu girl."

Mu Yutian recalled that the handsome young man he knew was not very suitable for Xiaoyu.

Seeing Heng Shou hiding behind the crowd in a blink of an eye, she asked with a smile, "You don't have any ideas?"

Hengshou was not allowed to sail the boat by himself in Fu Henghua, and he had to keep Xiaoyu to pour tea, so he knew he had no good intentions, and planned to let the two of them help the Fu family to prevent disasters.

He said sullenly: "I'm young, I don't plan to think about these things, cultivation is important."

"That's right. There's no rush. After all, I'm not even a hundred years old."

"Grandma said yes."

Fu Pengming smiled and said: "We are still young, but it is the third brother's marriage, you should think about it more. I think the three sisters of the Yang family are too worrying, why don't you find another suitable one?"

"You little guy."

Mu Yutian laughed and scolded: "Turn around, I'll find someone who can control you, you tough guy first."

"Good morning, let's talk about it after three or five hundred years."

Spiritual beings live eight hundred or thousand years.Even if the cultivation family is looking for a Taoist partner, most of them start to choose after they are three or five hundred years old.

Like Mu Yutian, the grandchildren started searching before they reached adulthood, they are really a minority among the minority.

(End of this chapter)

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