
Chapter 295

Chapter 295

The meteorite takes shape, gallops from outside the atmosphere, and the glow competes with the sun.

However, the distance between the sky and the earth is far away, and the meteorites fall from the sky, and it takes a period of pre-shaking before they can smash into Baizhen.

This is also the reason why the "Tianzhu" was used by the Fu family as a deterrent card instead of a daily method.

Unable to flexibly attack a single individual.It can only deal a fatal blow to objects with huge targets and difficult to move, such as the Mountain Gate Dojo.

And the time is long, it takes a day to hit the destination.

But as long as this kind of attack starts, there is no way to cancel the Taoism in advance.

The meteorite hangs high, even if the enemy sees it, they can only accept this meteorite of disaster that destroys civilization.

As the meteorite took shape, monks everywhere in Donglai could see the meteorite getting closer and closer.

Apart from Dongfang Yunqi and Mr. Fu Tong, there were also a few monks and mortals who recovered their divine veins under the stimulation of the meteor.

Among them, there is Fang Dongyuan who enlightened in Jinsheng Palace.

He was struggling to comprehend in front of the wordless stele, when a meteor suddenly approached from the sky, the blood in his body was tumbling, and traces of fire spewed out from the seven orifices.

"Wow——" Fang Dongyuan couldn't help spurting out blood.

When the blood was sprinkled on the wordless stele, traces of golden light overflowed from the stele.

"This is—" Fang Dongyuan's heart moved, and he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth on the wordless stele.

The golden light is brighter.

Can my blood activate the wordless stele?

No, it's the power I inherited.

Xuanhou's line inherits the blood of Dong Shenjun from Chili Palace, which is one of the six sun gods of ancient civilization.The wordless stele has an ancient origin, and the heavenly book "Hunyuan Gold Seal", as one of the oldest Taoist scriptures in Donglai Shenzhou, is naturally inseparable from the Shenmai civilization.

The golden light is intertwined in the air, and the mysterious and mysterious Dao seals complement each other.

Fang Dongyuan seized the opportunity and tried his best to memorize this Xiantian Dao essay.

"Heaven and earth follow the way, one qi transforms into life..."

There is no real Taoism in the scriptures on the wordless stele, but the spiritual imprint left by the two monks who comprehended the Tao of Hunyuan and the principles of Xuanming.

Now, under the stimulation of Pure Yang Divine Blood, the Hunyuan brand is activated, teaching Fang Dongyuan the mystery of the Hunyuan Dao.

Cooperating with the Dao method that Fu Henghua deduced for him, Fang Dongyuan was born out of "Hunyuan Gold Seal" by virtue of "Swallowing the Spirit Jue", and began to evolve his own Hunyuan Xuangong.


On the thirteenth day of the seventh month, the cloudiness becomes more and more intense.

This is the last day of the ghost army's seven raids.

After this ghost attack is over, the gate of ghosts is completely formed, the nether world is opened up, and the world is in imminent disaster.

Therefore, "Ghost Gate" devoted all its efforts to this battle.

The thousand-year-old obsessions of Bai Zhen were all aroused, and the dark and ghostly aura filled the entire waters, even the fairy places close to the golden square, such as Plum Blossom Island, were not spared.


At the bottom of the water, melodious bells replaced the war drums, starting the last ghost battle.

Countless ghosts with red eyes frantically launched attacks on Baiyi Baicheng.

Colorful masks spread out everywhere in Yuncheng.The ghost bit the light mask, trying to consume Yuncheng's defense with Yin Qi.

In the city, under the leadership of the city lord, the monks gathered in a square.

Through the contact of the business alliance, Fu Henghua commanded the monks in various cloud cities to work together to cast the "Linghua Whirlwind Curse".

And the squares of each city were also engraved early, with giant array towers specially gathering wind power and increasing the "Linghua Whirlwind Curse".


A gust of wind blows across the square.

Aurora old man, Renshui Louzhu, Ji Yun, Li Nanxing and other monks worked together to form a hurricane and send it out of Yuncheng with the help of [-] monks in Aurora City.


Outside the masks of Yuncheng, hurricanes formed one after another and slowly moved away from the center of Yuncheng.

Under the influence of the East China Sea hurricane air mass and Fengniao Tianqi, hundreds of hurricanes run clockwise along the hurricane air mass, and then are swallowed by the hurricane air mass, further strengthening the power of the hurricane air mass.

Thousands of ghost-suppressing spells were activated in the hurricane to crush the ghosts.

Visible to the naked eye, countless ghosts were torn into the clouds by the tornado, and wiped out in the majestic and domineering true essence mana.

On Plum Blossom Island, Ji Mingfeng looked to the east and silently drew this scene.

After the cloudy wind, dark clouds, stormy wind, and colorful mixture, it is blazing white and bright.

"The power of the crowd, Yanlong and Baicang will play here."

With the joint efforts of all cultivators, the hurricane further strengthened.Under the madness, some islands began to shake, the ground veins were unstable, and the aura was turbulent.

wow... wow...

Golden chains sprang out from the foundation of Baizhen Baicheng.

Dense strands of spirit cables extend from the veins of the earth towards the golden lock flying nearby.

In the adjacent Cloud City, the spirit cables were entangled with each other, forming a dense spider web.

"Is this the relationship between earth and dimension?"

Fu Henghua and others were free after the meteorite was born and its orbit was fixed.

Taking advantage of this time, they made the last wave of preparations against ghosts - the earth maintenance system.

This is the idea put forward by senior cultivators after Fuzhou.

Faced with the pattern of ten thousand islands, can we use the spiritual veins of the earth as ropes to connect all the islands together to form a brand new land?

However, due to various interest disputes involved, it eventually died without a problem.

However, the relevant Taoism and incantations have been handed down, and all major sects have records.

According to legend, the Buxian Island of the Yusheng Pavilion was formed by linking dozens of hidden spirit islands into two groups through this spell.At present, Buxianzhou, which came from the merger of the two continents, can still see traces of the Diwei system.

Upstairs at the Red Gate, Fu Henghua held a scroll that was as tall as a person, and explained it to the people around him.

"The Department of Diwei is a collective name for a whole set of Taoism systems. It involves Taoism such as ascending land, moving mountains, merging soil, and forming land. It is analogous to the Daoism of the Three Mountains.

"The idea back then was to join hands with 24 robber immortals to glue Donglaiwan Island together. Put together the spiritual veins and reconstruct the ancestral veins of Shenzhou."

Everyone looked at the Xiantian Chiwen on Fu Henghua's scroll.

In the sealed scroll, this Taoism is recorded with [-] innate red characters.For general Taoism, only three to ten innate red texts are needed.

With the earth-level Taoism of Xianjue, only one thousand to nine thousand red words are needed.

According to Fu Henghua's current knowledge, only [-] innate red characters are needed to record the cumbersome Taixuan anti-fate technique.

The Earth Dimensional System is a Taoist method listed in the Heavenly Book.

Fu Henghua couldn't understand this Taoism in a short period of time.At present, Baiyunyun City has only completed the preparations for the "dimension system".

Condensate the cable, solidify the spirit veins.

But just this step, the combined power of hundreds of Yuncheng spiritual veins completely cut off the connection between the ghost gate under the water and the evil spirits outside.

Fu Xiangfeng looked up at the dancing ghosts.

Under the combined force of the hurricane, [-]% of the ghosts flew into the sky, and the remaining [-]% of the troops could not take down the hundred cities of Baizhen.

"Victory is already in sight!"

Zhu Xiu looked forward to the scene in front of him.Waiting for Sanyuan City to start the next step of the Earth Dimensional System.

If Bai Zhen was born in Buxianzhou, he would earn more money, right?
when - when -

At the bottom of the water, the bell rang again.

The water flew into the sky with the wind, and the water level of Baizhen dropped inch by inch.And a dark and simple bronze door slowly rises from the bottom of the water.

Millions of human faces were densely engraved around the door.These ghosts are branded in the gate of ghosts howling and struggling, but they cannot escape the shackles of the gate of ghosts.

when - when -

The bell continued to ring, and Fu Henghua and others looked down from Sanyuan City.

One bite, two bites, three bites...

There are a total of six golden bells hanging on the girder of the ghost gate, and the strange rhythm echoes from the water to the human world.

"In the face of the earth dimension system, can the ghost gate launch a counterattack?"

The combination of hundreds of spiritual veins has surpassed any Buxian Continent except the Central Fudo Continent.


The six golden bells above the ghost gate roared at the same time.

The golden bell pattern contains the power of the Nether Dao and blasts into the world, opening up an absolute field in the earth-dimensional system.

Afterwards, a spell rose from the gate of ghosts and gradually covered the waters of Baizheng.

At the moment when the spell started, Hengshou sensed that something was wrong, he raised Fu Henghua with one hand, hugged Xiaoyu with the other, and quickly flew from the gate tower of Sanyuan City to the sky.

When Fu Henghua saw the incantation, Shenluo Tianshu automatically started to analyze it.

When he realized the answer, Fu Henghua aroused the "wind sound" to the maximum: "All monks, withdraw to the sky!"

The golden light mantra spread inch by inch from the foundation of Yuncheng, rendering the city a touch of gold.Following the floating soil by the water, the earth gradually turns into gold.Plants and creatures, including the monks who had no time to escape, were all transformed into golden statues.

Fu Henghua stood firm in the air, with an ugly expression on his face: "Even if it is Jiexian, he can't turn the entire water area, hundreds of cloud cities into gold, right? Where did he provide such a huge mana?"

One golden city after another stands on the water.Except for some monks, the rest even the city had no way to escape.

The monks who escaped were affected by the hurricane in the air, and one by one were drawn into the storm.

Fortunately, the Golden Core cultivators from the three major water areas arrived in time to rescue Zhu Xiu and send them to Bagong Mountain for temporary rectification.

Up and down the mountain, monks fleeing from hundreds of cities mingled together, exchanging their knowledge.

"Is this the touchstone method?"

"Such a powerful, such a large-scale alchemy technique, have you ever seen it?"

"Could it be magical powers?"

"I haven't heard of it, which Taoist friend has refined the 'Gold Point' supernatural power, and the flow of Jiexian can't affect the whole Baizhen, right?"

"No, no, no, if it's other waters, such a large-scale alchemy is very difficult. But don't forget, this is Baizhen!"

"did you mean……"

"There is a school of alchemy that extracts greed and desire to enhance the effect of alchemy. Isn't there a school like this in Aurora City?"

Fu Henghua fled Sanyuan City surrounded by a group of people.Standing on the top of Bagong Mountain, he looked at the gate of ghosts standing under Sanyuan City, which looked like another world, with a strange expression on his face.

The six golden bells swayed with the hurricane, and the golden light kept sweeping around, turning the deep water into golden water.

Midas touch method.

And the way of this method seems to have been seen in Aurora City?
Xiao Yu walked up to him and gestured with his eyes.

Fu Henghua nodded silently.

This is the golden stick in the golden house, the Taoism of the same origin.

And the person who imposed this Taoism is related to Wuyin Tower.

"Heng Hua—"

Mu Yutian and a group of Jindan monks came over.

These monks from the three major water areas are the seniors who came to fight for the opportunity to transform into babies.Unexpectedly, the first thing they did when they came here was to save lives.

Mu Chengtian asked Fu Henghua: "When will the meteorite you summon fall?"

"It will take about two days. On July [-]th, you can crash into the world."

"At that moment, is it also the moment when the door of hell opens?"


After Fu Henghua, Fu Bozhao and the others combined, they adjusted the time deliberately.If the ghost gate cannot be broken before then, then use the meteor to destroy the ghost gate together with all the ghosts.

"Accelerate, on the [-]th, which is tomorrow, make sure to let the meteorite fall down."

At this time, the seventh golden bell closed by the gate of hell is gradually condensing.

Fu Henghua's complexion changed: "This is the soul-calling Golden Bell of the True Darkness. One mouthful of the bell can shake the soul. And with seven golden bells gathered together, the Jindan Yin God can't resist."

When everyone heard the words, their expressions were solemn.

But with the ringing of the six bells, the ghosts imprisoned outside the ghost gate are being reshaped one by one with the help of Yin Qi.

"The meteorite will fall down as soon as possible. Before that, we will remove the six golden bells and imprison the ghost gate to avoid further chaos."

Hundreds of ghost soldiers were blown into the sky by the hurricane, and there were not many ghost soldiers and generals staying near the ghost gate.Right now is an excellent time to suppress the ghost gate.

A Golden Core cultivator said: "Although that is the case, it will take a lot of effort for us to deal with so many ghosts gathered near the ghost gate. If we lose mana because of dealing with pawns, what should we do after the ghost king condenses? And that mysterious ghost king..."

Fu Xiangfeng asked curiously, "Grandmother, where are Senior Liu and Senior Song?"

Mu Yutian shook his head and remained silent.Song Chunqiu and Liu Yangshi came only for the evil way, as for the chance of transforming into a baby, even if they want to participate, others will dislike them for meddling in other people's business.

Right now, the two Nascent Soul Grandmasters are studying the "Golden Touch" in the Baizhen water area.

It's not just them, several robber immortals also came incarnations to study this terrifying spell that is enough to imprison an entire water area.

Suddenly, the head of the Yin family said: "I use myself as a bait to attract the guards around the ghost gate to me. Then, you go to seal the ghost gate and take off the six golden bells."

An Jingcheng: "Fellow Daoist, are you sure you can bring all the ghost troops here?"

"I practice a special technique, and the pure yin energy when I blew up is enough to lure these ghost troops over."

Blow up?

Several Jindan monks were shocked.

But after carefully looking at the situation of the Patriarch of the Yin family, it became clear again.

"What a brilliant puppet technique!"

The current Patriarch of the Yin Family is just an incarnation.And this "Yin body puppet method" can be called the highest achievement of the Yin family.

Up to the head of the family, down to the ordinary clansman.You can hide your real body in the forbidden area of ​​the clan, and then seal the soul into the puppet, so that the puppet can walk outside.

In this way, even in a life-and-death battle, it is just throwing a puppet without harming the real body.

Fu Henghua suddenly said: "You'd better let the monks of the Cheng family poison the puppet, and let the Bao family reform it, the effect will be even better."

The woman looked at the fake alchemy monks Bao and Cheng next to her, and silently shook her head.

If the cultivators of the Bao family saw the Yin Body Puppet Technique, they might steal it and imitate it.

And if the Cheng family got this puppet technique and further combined with the "Snake Transformation Technique", they could also become extremely difficult snake puppets.

Therefore, the Patriarch of the Yin family will not let them watch his puppets.

"Give me the poison, and I will do it myself."

Fu Henghua sighed and didn't say much.

Although the current Yin, Bao, and Cheng families have developed together with the Fu family, and their power has grown.But the three families are still hesitant about whether to go to the end with the Fu family.

Therefore, the three core secret arts will not be shared easily.

But only by sharing can the four families complement each other and restore the old appearance!

Fu Henghua knew that the Yin Body Puppet Art had flaws.The Yin family is not good at making puppets. They buy performance puppets, and after repeated sacrifices with spiritual consciousness, they act as their external bodies.And it just so happened that the Cheng family was good at comprehension mechanisms.

Puppet art is inconvenient to move, not as dexterous as the real body.The Cheng family's snake transformation technique can turn a puppet into a snake, which is more convenient to carry.It is even possible to carry two snake puppets with one big golem, and have three lives when walking outside.

And if it has the Fu family's formation, the function of puppet art can be further improved.

In addition, many large-scale plans of the Fu family are hindered by their own lack of comprehension mechanism skills.It would be more convenient with the Cheng family's help.In terms of erysipelas medicine, the Fu family can also complement the Cheng family.

Fu Henghua thought in his heart: The four families are basically one, but the estrangement that has existed for thousands of years is difficult to ease.Even though my family takes the lead, it is still too difficult to resolve the conflict in a short time.

Even if the three families are clear, if the secret technique is shared, the four families can go to a higher level.But due to the differences over the years, I still dare not make up my mind right away.

 On September [-]th, remember the chairman, remember the martyrs, carry on the past and open up the future, and build the motherland together.

(End of this chapter)

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