
Chapter 300

Chapter 300

Five days later, Fu Pengming purchased a large number of shops and land in Yuncheng through Chaoyinzhai and Shancai Commercial Firm.

Mr. Fu Tong finished tidying up his secret rooms for raising Gu in the city.

But Fu Henghua has not come out for a long time, and everyone can only wait patiently.

Another two days later, on a clear day, the thunder quickly blasted towards the backyard of the Golden House.

Fu Xuanxing was discussing with Mr. Fu Tong, when they saw the thunder, they stopped and rushed to Fu Henghua's house at the same time.

The Five Elements Mountain greeted the thunder, and then the vitality of the five elements condensed into a big hand and smashed the thunder.

boom -

The second thunder blasted, the door opened, and Fu Henghua and the three hurried out.

"Brother Ma, send me out of the city!"

The white dragon horse turned into lightning, rolled up the three of them, and flew out of Aurora City.

The study opened, and the three of Ge Liu came out after hearing the thunder.

"What is this kid doing, how did he provoke Heavenly Tribulation?"

Xue Kai was about to follow, when Fu Xuanxing stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve: "Senior, bring us along."

With the sleeves rolled up, Xue Kai took Fu Xuanxing and Mr. Fu Tong to the outside of the city.

Five brothers Fu Yaozhen, Fu Pengming, Xin Mao, Ma Dongren and Li Nanxing also hurriedly followed after seeing this.

In the end, Ge Liu and Yu Yuyu looked at each other and caught up with everyone.

The thunder struck nine levels, and when Fu Henghua and the three fled into a peach mountain, the catastrophe slowly dissipated.

Fu Henghua looked at Taoshan, and saw the beautiful flowers and trees, the mountain full of red clouds, the huge green peaches, and the fragrance.

He felt something in his heart, and smiled at the two of them: "This place is destined for me, so I should practice alchemy and enlightenment here."

Fu Henghua sat down cross-legged, a white light rose from the sky, and the golden pill the size of a grain of rice rose slowly, exhaling the spirit of the sun.

Hengshou and Xiaoyu looked at the sky with lingering fear.

The thunder tribulation they encountered this time was much more troublesome than when they were in the Langhuan Pavilion.Right now, there are no heavy prohibition laws in the Langhuan Hall, which is too unsafe.

Bai Longma stood on the side, tilting his head to look at the golden pill above Fu Henghua's head.

Jindan Avenue?This kid is cultivating the natal golden core?But it looks a little different.Moreover, he has built seven layers of foundation, the initial state of the mysterious embryo, where does he come from to forge the Dao Jindan?
The golden elixir is extremely small, and the surface is bumpy, and there are three strange small holes.

When Fu Henghua performed his martial arts, the true essence of good fortune in his body overflowed, and the peach tree behind him got the good fortune energy, and it grew more and more vigorously, and some peach branches had fallen and bear fruit.

"who are you?"

The girl in Tsing Yi came from afar carrying a fruit basket.

"Why are you in my home Taoshan—are you from Chaoyinzhai?"

The girl recognized Xiaoyu and Hengshou, and then saw Fu Henghua meditating under the tree to make alchemy, her voice stopped abruptly.

She quietly walked towards Xiaoyu.

Seeing this, Bai Longma silently stopped her and prevented her from approaching Fu Henghua.

Seeing this, Xiao Yu took the initiative to walk to her side.

"I've seen Senior He."

"The girl is..."

"My surname is Tao, and my name is Tao Hongfei. This is my Taoyuan."

When the girl said this, Xiaoyu suddenly realized.

When Chaoyinzhai was in Aurora City for a long time, he usually bought some spiritual fruits and medicinal materials.Among them is a family surnamed Tao who specially provides green peaches for Chaoyinzhai.

This kind of green peach has been ripened for 30 years. It has a smooth taste, juicy water, and contains a trace of Changchun vitality. It has always been loved by Fu Henghua.

"This is your family's Bitaoyuan?"

Xiaoyu saw several peach trees not far away being destroyed by thunder, and said apologetically, "These damaged ones will be recorded in Chaoyin Zhai Zhang later."

"it's okay no problem."

Tao Hongfei said nonchalantly, "It's just a few fruit trees."

She looked at Fu Henghua and asked curiously, "What is the Master doing?"

Could it be that he is going to break through the golden core realm?
Xiao Yu smiled wryly, only saying that Fu Henghua was practicing kung fu, and didn't say a single word if it was superfluous.

In the past few days, the three of them worked together to retreat and comprehend the "Skill of Alchemy".On a whim, Fu Henghua used the "Bagua Furnace Method" to refine all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures collected by Chaoyinzhai.

Then, according to the method of Kanli, dragon and tiger, golden male and wooden mother, a golden elixir (fake elixir) is refined.

Dan Cheng, the thunder fell from the sky, constantly striking at Fu Henghua's body.

"Girl, who split our peach tree!"

In the distance, several burly men rushed over.

Seeing Xiaoyu and his party, Tao Hongfei's uncles also quieted down.Chaoyinzhai is one of the big customers of the Tao family, so don't offend him.

Xiaoyu: "Don't worry, I will double the compensation later."

After comforting a few people, Xiaoyu returned to Hengshou's side and devoted himself to protecting Fu Henghua.

Xue Kai and others rushed over at this time, and when they saw Fu Henghua who had enlightened under the tree, they all stopped and stood by to protect the Dharma.

Sunset on the west mountain, the moon on the starry sky.

Fu Henghua suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden core on his head swallowed the moonlight wildly, emitting bursts of golden light.

"Cheng Ye, Cheng Ye. Xiaoyu, Hengshou, my tenth floor of foundation building has finally come out."

Xiaoyu and Hengshou looked at the fake pill above Fu Henghua's head, and remained silent.

The tenth floor of foundation building?
The surrounding audience looked blank.

Due to his seniority, Xue Kai asked suspiciously: "Boy, what nonsense are you talking about? From ancient times to the present, there are only nine levels of foundation building. Right now, the nine levels are divided into three realms: foundation building, real fire, and mysterious fetus."

"From today onwards, there will be a fourth realm. This realm is 'Tianyi'. Observe the orifice of the sky and refine the natal pill. Anyone who enters the tenth level of foundation building will become a first-grade alchemy in the future, which can be robbed in one step." Immortal!"


Thunderclouds gathered again in the sky, and Fu Henghua hurriedly activated the "Golden Rice Pill" above his head.

The moonlight is like water, and layers of ripples spread in the air, erasing the traces of Fu Henghua from the sky and the earth.

Jindan method!

Xue Kai's eyelids twitched, and he quickly looked at Ge Liu: "Is it my eyesight?"

Ge Liu shook his head.

He looked Fu Henghua up and down.

This kid, has become a pill?
Fake Dan?

He actually chose to practice fake alchemy?Wasn't this killed by his grandfather?
He is dozens of years old, why is he so anxious to form a pill?Wouldn't it be good to have peace of mind and stabilize the road foundation?

Fu Henghua couldn't restrain his complacency today.

The road of practice is rough and bumpy, how many people follow the path of the predecessors, and how many people can be brave pioneers, pave the way for future generations, and take the lead?
"All sit, all sit."

Fu Henghua called everyone to sit down, and said to the Tao family: "Today is fate, you should also listen to it. The right should be compensation for the damage to your peach tree."

Among the crowd, there are eight people and one horse who clearly form alchemy.

Seeing the Jindan Danyuan that Fu Henghua was carrying with every gesture, his heart was heavy.

"Don't worry, my soul is not locked into the 'Jade Cauldron False Pill'. This pill is just a plaything. Analogy... analogy magic weapon?"

A magic weapon that specially stores the mana of the golden core, and provides mana for Fu Henghua when necessary.

This is the result of Fu Henghua's research in the past few days.

He needs a fake elixir to entrust his supernatural powers to study the 72 transformations of earth evil spirits that are exclusive to "Fenghua Huiyuan Gong".

When the fake pill was being cast, Fu Henghua had a whim and thought of the "Nine Turns Golden Pill" in Journey to the West.

Dancheng nine turns, one step to immortality.

So, if we continue to grind and sharpen the fake pills, can the fake pills be upgraded step by step to fantasy pills and real pills?
Through the "Bagua Furnace Method", Fu Heng Huabo collected the three schools of immortals, demons and evil, and finally found a three-level purification secret technique from the Shenzhou era from the evil way.

Using its principle, combined with the alchemy technique taught by Ge Liu, Fu Henghua created a jade tripod outer alchemy method.Through the treasures of heaven, material and earth, the fake alchemy of the ninth-rank alchemy can reach the quality of the real alchemy of the first-rank alchemy.

And when first-grade pills are combined, fake pill monks can break through the limitation of being unable to practice and reach the real starting point of the golden pill realm.After completing three turns, you can activate the Heavenly Tribulation.

When Fu Henghua told about his inspiration, everyone present was astonished.

"The fake pill can still be broken and continue to practice? How is this possible?"

Just as Xue Kai finished questioning, he suddenly saw Li Nanxing sitting beside him.

Fu Henghua smiled at Li Nanxing: "This is the inspiration I got from you. Your Chiyuan Bagua Furnace can practice like this. In the future, I will help others to sacrifice fake alchemy, complete the nine-turn alchemy, and transform into a first-grade gold Dan."

After all, Ge Liu is Fu Henghua's alchemy master, and he suddenly understood: "You are the way of outer alchemy! Use outer alchemy to reach the level of internal cultivation of golden alchemy."

Fu Henghua smiled and continued to talk about "the tenth floor of foundation building".

In his conception, the fake alchemy monk should not be regarded as the golden alchemy, but a transition between the foundation and the golden alchemy.It is similar to the transformation baby between Jindan and Jiexian.

After the completion of the Mysterious Embryo Realm, if you are not sure about concluding a first-grade golden elixir in one step.Then refine a fake pill and upgrade the fake pill.

And in order to prevent the soul from being trapped by the fake pill, the cultivation base cannot be refined.Therefore, the second soul should be used to sacrifice and refine the fake alchemy.

"Turn yourself into the Jade Cauldron, and distract yourself from the alchemy pill. Xin Mao, you practice the Jade Cauldron Technique, be sure to write it down."

Then, Fu Henghua explained how to capture the inspiration of the world and inject it into the treasures of heaven and earth to construct fake pills.

This step is the key to the rareness of fake pills.

It is possible to refine a fifth-grade elixir such as "Kanli Yin elixir" and borrow a hint of Dao Dao's inspiration.

It is also possible to borrow the inspiration of the Dao that already exists from the treasures of heaven and earth such as the Millennium Sui Jing.

Fu Henghua chose the third path, through the "combining the image world", turning himself into a gate between heaven and earth, cleverly borrowing the power of heaven and earth to become Lingxuan.

Although Fu Henghua tried his best to tell the secret to everyone, but everyone was confused.

Those who don't have much experience in battles don't understand Fu Henghua's request at all.

But Xin Mao knew that "Jade Ding Wai Dan Shu" must be closely related to himself, so he tried his best to memorize every word of Fu Henghua.

Li Nanxing listened to Fu Henghua's explanation, and secretly compared his own exercises.

"Little teacher's gossip furnace method seems to imitate the world. Then why should I comprehend any formation method, as long as the gossip furnace is the world, I can naturally borrow a trace of heaven and earth inspiration. Huh? Yes, the gossip furnace has eight doors, isn't it The eight gates? And the gates of eight trigrams have their own attributes, covering everything in the world? The little teacher’s explanation originally meant this-I see, it’s because the Tao family is by my side, can’t the little teacher explain it straightforwardly?”

Li Nanxing carefully wrote down, and with the help of Fu Henghua's lectures, he created Chi Yuanzong's unique "false alchemy to refine the real method".

Behind him, the two sworn brothers looked at Fu Henghua and secretly transmitted voices.

"Hey, don't you think that the little teacher looks like a person?"


"Yu Shengli."

"—Isn't this a bit too much? It shouldn't be at that level, right?"

"Why not? If the little teacher's idea is successful, what does that mean, don't you know?"

Point out a path for future monks.

Even if the aptitude is poor and the cultivation level is weak, as long as you are willing to keep your feet on the ground and take one step at a time, you will eventually have the possibility of robbing the immortal one step at a time.

"Minimize the aptitude and talent required for cultivation. If you improve step by step according to the Dao standard, you will be able to break through. This achievement is enough to be comparable to that of an 'Asian Master'."

Yashi Yushengli has nothing to do with Yusheng Pavilion, even when Yusheng Pavilion actively invited the other party to join Yusheng Pavilion, he was strictly rejected by the other party.

Before he was a golden elixir, and even for a long time after he cultivated a golden elixir, he was an unknown person.

But Yu Shengli made a big event, which shocked the whole Donglai, and the world changed color.Its influence has been passed down to this day.

He opened up the Nascent Soul Realm.

Before Yu Shengli, the three calamities were a catastrophe that many Jindan monks had no chance to see.

Even if they want to die under the catastrophe, the three calamities will not find them.

Because they don't deserve it!

In the world of comprehension before ancient times, golden pills were divided into three categories: fake pills, fantasy pills, and real pills.

Only when it is cast into a real pill can it be expected to trigger the three calamities.

The three catastrophes are not the subjective catastrophes of heaven and earth, but when a cultivator's cultivation reaches a critical point, the vitality in the body will undergo a qualitative change, and every move will repel the laws of nature.

A drop of water splashed onto the hot oil pan, and after an instant reaction, it returned to calm.And pouring a piece of ice or even a glass of cold water into the oil pan will cause continuous sputtering explosions.

This is the reason for real pills and fantasy pills.

The golden elixir of the magic pill cultivator is too weak, and the Dao spirit that he stole is so weak that the world cannot sense it, so naturally there is no calamity.

A bunch of trash, wait until you die of old age!
This is the difference between fantasy pills and real pills.

The so-called third turn of the golden elixir of the fantasy pill may not be as good as the second or even the first turn of the real elixir monk.

In the Age of China, faced with this embarrassing dilemma.Yu Shengli thought hard about a good strategy, and finally created the method of breaking the pill and becoming a baby, surpassing all the ancients, and opening up the Nascent Soul Realm.

The idea is simple.

Within 500 years, I will not be able to attract the three calamities.Then I live another 500 years, 1000 years will always attract three disasters, right?
"Back then, the sub-master opened up the way forward for the magic alchemy monks, and now the "tenth floor of foundation building" by the little teacher has opened up the way for the fake alchemy monks in the world. This kind of merit is enough to be proud of its peers, and it has been passed down through the ages."

Fu Henghua was still there eloquently talking about "the tenth floor of foundation building".

Suddenly, Xue Kai said, "Can your practice prolong life?"

Fu Henghua paused, and said with a guilty conscience: "The Golden Elixir is [-]%, and there are always five hundred years old."

"How long will it take for the method of nine refinements?"

"It varies from person to person."

"Take yourself as an example?"

"Two or three hundred years is enough."

"Where's Fu Xuanxing?"

"It's about the same level."

"Fu Yaozhen, Lord Fu Tong?"

"It should be the same." Although Mr. Fu Tong has poor qualifications, she is willing to work hard and has perseverance, so she can't slow down.

"Where's Xin Mao?"

Fu Henghua lowered his head and estimated for a while: "Generally, 350 to 400 years."

"A few of them." Xue Kai pointed to the Tao family men.

Fu Henghua took a look: "Five or six hundred years, it should be completed."

"But after spending five or six hundred years, you can only reach the first-grade golden elixir, and you can't prolong your life. And this is just standing at the starting point of your grandfather?"


Fu Henghua was silent.

At this moment, everyone suddenly woke up.

Fu Henghua's "Tenth Floor of Foundation Building" and Nascent Soul Realm are two completely different ideas.

Nascent Soul Realm, after becoming a golden elixir, the lifespan is not enough, so another 500 years is needed as a transition, using 1000 years to reach the 500 years of the third turn of the ancient monks, triggering the three calamities.

And Fu Henghua's tenth level of foundation building is to continue his studies after the ninth level of foundation building, so that monks who can only form fake pills can use another method to make Dao pills.

Dancheng nine turns, self-entering the first grade.

Even a pig can practice from a fake pill to a first-grade golden pill step by step.

After the first-grade golden elixir, he stood at the starting point of Fudan Weicheng elixir, and then performed the three-turn method to rob the immortal in one step.

In the concept of building the tenth floor of the foundation, there is no need to transform into a baby, and there is no time to continue wasting.

It seems beautiful, but there is an uncomfortable logic.

Ge Liu: "Squeezing time within a limited lifespan, it is necessary to complete both the 'Nine Alchemy Pills' and the third turn of the Golden Pill. It seems a little... a little too tight."

Xue Kai sneered: "Why are you so euphemistic? Tell him directly, you want to eat ass!"

"Do you know, kid, who are the monks who made fake pills?

"Poor talent, poor background. There is no great sect, no skills, and in the end, I have to get a fake pill to spend a thousand and five hundred years. There are the most people like this on Baizhen's side. Their aptitude and skills are as high as gold. Dan couldn't even figure it out, how could it be possible to complete the nine refinements and then complete the third revolution within 500 years? Do you really think that the group of people around you is the standard in the cultivation world?"

It takes 500 years to complete the nine refinements, and another 500 years to complete the third revolution, triggering the three calamities.

Then there are only 500 years left for the ninth level of Qi Refining and the ninth level of Foundation Establishment.

And if you complete the nine-story foundation building at the age of five hundred, you will be in the Great Perfection of the Mysterious Embryo.In the next 500 years, why bother to make fake pills?If you spend all your time refining real pills, won't it be over?
"A piece of paper seems to be lofty, feasible in theory, and practical in practice. But it can't make people practice, and it can't find suitable people at all. It's useless!
"Everything, don't scratch your head, think it out as soon as you think about it. Don't look at the specific situation!"


Xue Kai spouted furiously, holding Fu Henghua speechless.

Li Nanxing and the others looked at each other, muttering in their hearts.

After all, the little teacher is also hindered by his vision and environment.

Fu Danwei found dozens of golden core monks for Fu Henghua to broaden his knowledge.Fu Henghua saw more people who were five or six hundred years old and had achieved Taoism.He ignored it, in the vast cultivation world.Ordinary foundation cultivators are the mainstream.Eighty-nine hundred-year-old Xuantai and even real fire monks are the largest group of people.

Looking at Donglai Thirteen Waters, the total number of Golden Core monks is not as good as a larger residential area in the previous life.

Foundation Establishment cultivators are the largest crowd in the cultivation world.

At this level, among such a crowd.There is no hope of golden elixir in this life, so he chooses the tenth floor of Fu Henghua's foundation building, and barely cultivates into a fake elixir.Most of them are near the end of their lifespan, so they have to choose the method of fake pills.

They have only five or six hundred years left in their next time.During this time, after they completed the "nine refinements", they had no time to go any further.

The joy in Fu Henghua's heart faded, and he began to reflect silently.

He grew up in a comprehension family since he was a child, and most of the people he came into contact with were from the upper reaches of the comprehension world.

Uncle Seventeen has formed alchemy for hundreds of years, and Uncle Fifth and Aunt Six are also at this age.

Among the people around him, the one with the worst cultivation talent is Mr. Fu Tong.But with Mr. Fu Tong's perseverance, he has already made up for his congenital defects.

But this is only a small group of people.

For those who can build a foundation at the age of [-], barely give birth to the real fire of samadhi at the age of [-], and those who have a mysterious fetus at the age of [-].His "Tenth Floor of Foundation Establishment" is useless.

"Cough cough..."

Yu Yuyu saved face for Fu Henghua, and immediately changed the subject: "Can your method be used on monks who have become fake pills?"

Fu Henghua shook his head, then nodded again.

"Fake alchemy is complete, and the soul is imprisoned. It is difficult and difficult to release the Yin God and practice the nine-refinement method. Unless you use the treasure of heaven and earth like 'Huaying Water'. Or in the desperate situation of wind, thunder and fire, with great perseverance Only by sharpening the fake pill can it be possible to walk on the tenth floor of foundation building."

In short, it is a difficult thing.

When Fu Henghua thought of this, he simply told everyone present this secret technique.

It is so difficult, and few people can practice it.Who can cultivate it all depends on fate!
Yu Yuyu said: "In the future, you will pack it and hang it in Chaoyinzhai to sell it to fake alchemy monks. They may be interested. Their cultivation base is fixed, and there can be a further method. Don't ask for real pills, as long as they can reach the illusion Dan's level. That's enough."

When he mentioned it, Fu Henghua came to his senses.

"After the fake pill breaks through the magic pill, go directly to the path of transforming babies?"

Yu Yuyu nodded with a smile.

"The road is made by people. You don't often say that there is no bad way, only people who don't know how to use it. There is no suitable crowd for your secret method. Then let those who need it find you by themselves.

"The cultivation world is so big, there will always be some strange examples. For example, a certain cultivator is in a desperate situation. Although he has a lifespan of hundreds of years, he has to find a fake pill breakthrough in advance to fight against the enemy.

"Another example is that the veins are all broken, and a fake pill is needed to survive, and then the great talent is wasted in vain.

"Such people will be very interested in your creativity. Your secret technique can be regarded as a kind of reinvention to them."

After Yu Yuyu finished speaking, he glanced at someone beside him, and said with a strange air: "You are still young, don't be like some people who admit death. If you think it's not good, just reject it directly. Some things, you have to wait and see slowly. Don't just slap your head Think it's not possible."

Xue Kai's face was completely black.

If it wasn't for Ge Liula, poison would have been spilled on the spot.

"Thank you sir for your advice, and thank you Mr. Xue for your warning."

Fu Henghua kept the words of the two of them in mind.

Yu Yuyu's explanation was correct, but Xue Kai's words were also correct.

The tenth floor of foundation building, after all, is only a minority at the moment, and can only be passed on in a small range.

But Fu Henghua was not discouraged by this.

He created this practice, not to spread it, but because of the "artificial fake pill".

This artificial fake pill is made by the three incarnations of Xinyuan, Jingong and Mumu.After the three of them operated the Jade Cauldron Alchemy and exhausted all the treasures collected by Chaoyinzhai, they had reached the ninth grade alchemy.

And this treasure can also be regarded as a magic weapon. The three of Fu Henghua can transfer this object among the three of them, and continue to upgrade the technique of joint attack.

Once upon a time, the three of them joined forces to only reach the level of completeness of the Mysterious Embryo.

Later, it was upgraded to the fake alchemy level of the ninth grade alchemy.

If they pass the "Nine Refinements" and the mana of the three of them becomes stronger and stronger, will they be able to reach the level of first-grade alchemy?

The combination of the three is comparable to Fu Danwei's level at the beginning of his alchemy?
At that time, Fu Danwei dared to break into the Heavenly Demon Palace and swept away several altar masters.

Looking at Jindan monks, they can be regarded as masters.

At this moment, Tao Hongfei stood up suddenly.

"The heavens and the earth are the evidence. Today, the Zhaizhu secret teaching. I will never spread it outside without permission. Anyone who violates it will be punished by thunder."

Seeing her swearing, the rest of the Tao family reacted and raised their hands to swear.

Yu Yuyu made it clear.

"Nine Alchemy Secret Techniques" is helpful to fake alchemy monks.As for Bai Zhen, there is no shortage of fake alchemy monks.

This secret method can be sold for a big price in the future!
Seeing this, Ma Dongren wanted to swear.

Fu Henghua stopped him: "What are you making trouble about? You inherit my Taoism, and you may take this path in the future. Perhaps some of your successors and disciples will practice like this."

The tenth floor of foundation building may be relatively obscure to others.However, it is very harmonious with the exercises under the system of "Good Fortune Hui Yuan Gong".

Li Nanxing's Chiyuan Dao method can imitate the "Bagua furnace method", in which the heart ape is bred in the furnace, and the nine-turn golden elixir is refined.

Xin Mao's Jade Cauldron Alchemy Method is the root of the "Nine Alchemy Methods", and it is the difference between internal and external alchemy methods.

Ma Dongren's "Book of Canghai Chaoyun" is also born out of "Good Fortune Huiyuan Gong", so he can naturally practice "building the tenth layer of foundation".

After carefully pointing a few words, Fu Henghua looked at Tao Hongfei.

Tao Hong was deeply blessed, and immediately knelt down to salute.

"This time I will borrow your Taoshan home to teach you a piece of Taoism. You can study it and practice it. If you don't like it, you don't practice it."

"Teacher, please grant me the Dharma!"

Chaoyin Zhaizhu is in the Aurora City area, and his most famous deed is imparting exercises.

The exercises he taught and modified are the most brilliant in this water area.

"I teach you the Taoism, which is the law of rejuvenation."


Tao Hongfei blinked: "Is it your Changchun Jing?"

It is rumored that the master of Chaoyin Zhai realized the immortal law from the "Changchun Jing" and practiced the immortal formula.

Fu Henghua laughed and shook his head. The technique of Changchun and the technique of rejuvenation seem to be similar, but they are fundamentally different!
This is what he has only recently realized.

Heng Hua: "Do you know what longevity is?"

Girl: "Extended lifespan, eternal youth?"

"That's right," Fu Henghua said with a light smile, "Birth, old age, sickness, and death are the natural laws of human beings. From birth, they are walking towards death step by step. These four stages are the life of a person. experience.

"Longevity is the stage of delaying 'birth'. If you are not old or sick, you will naturally not enter the final death."

"Not old, not sick?"

The girl was dumbfounded.

This is a novel point of view, she has never seen anyone explain "longevity" in this way before.

Indeed.As long as the first stage is long enough, and one does not enter the stage of aging and disease, one will naturally not die.

"You may have seen that many monks were alive and well, with white hair and childlike face, on the day before they died. But on the last day, their energy suddenly withered, and they were extremely old. They stink all over and suffer from various diseases. Dying At that moment, the whole person was miserable."

Tao Hongfei thought of her grandfather.

My grandfather grew peaches to cultivate immortals since he was a child, and he borrowed spiritual peaches to prolong his life.Some time before the end of his life, he still had white hair and a childlike face, walked like flying, and looked radiant.

But in the last few days, the whole person continued to age, the originally rosy skin was covered with spots and folds, and there were bursts of stench from the body, and finally turned into a pile of loess.

"This is the "Eternal Spring Sutra", which is the principle of your cultivation. In the stages of birth, old age, sickness and death, the first stage of infinitely extending yourself?"

Fu Henghua smiled: "That's right. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are used as a metaphor for life, old age, sickness and death. In spring, everything grows and is full of vitality. Changchun is to let oneself be in the stage of 'birth' for a long time."

"Fenghua Huiyuan Gong" was born out of this, making Fu Henghua in the "phase of Changchun" for a long time.

It was the first time for Fu Xuanxing, Fu Tongjun, Li Nanxing and others to hear Fu Henghua talk about his Taoism, and they listened silently.

"But the 'method of rejuvenation' is different. Instead of staying in the spring and continuing the first stage, it is to observe the cycle of the four seasons and simulate the changes of the four seasons by yourself. Birth, old age, sickness and death, and rebirth after death. This is what I want teach you."

This is Fu Henghua's new understanding after comprehending the "Bringing the Dead back to life".

So what to be old, so what to be dead?As long as I can turn back to life, I can start all over again.

When he taught Fu Qinghan how to practice, he pointed out that there might be flaws in his exercises, which would lead to rejuvenation and then re-growth.

Today, Fu Henghua simply takes advantage of this feature to create a special "Baguio Rejuvenation Classic".

"Blindly live forever, let yourself stick to the first stage. But the longevity does not increase, and the remaining three stages follow one after another, and there is still no escape."

Tianshou is determined at the time of birth, the time from birth to death.

With a wave of Fu Henghua's hand, a band of light appeared in front of everyone.

The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter appear on it, symbolizing the four stages of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Even though the stage of life is continuously extending, and the time for the remaining three stages is constantly squeezed, no matter what, the final death cannot be cut off.

Afterwards, this band of light turned into a ring.

After winter, the earth returns to spring.After death, everything comes back to life.

"Theoretically, even if your lifespan is exhausted, as long as you thoroughly understand the way of life and death, you can abandon your lifespan and come back to life after death. This is the magical effect of the "Baguio Rejuvenation Classic"."

This celestial scripture is listed as a diction, and it is more perfect than Fu Henghua's previous Taoism.There are not only nine levels of Qi refining and nine levels of foundation building, but also a heaven-sent Taoism when building the foundation, which directly refers to the resurrection of the 36 Tiangang.

Of course, the downside is as always.

There is no pill formation.

But the bright future that Fu Henghua talked about has already bewitched the girl.

Xiaoyu looked at her, as if seeing the former Fu Qixiang.

Back then, the young master taught her the art of weaving a girl, and told her that she could become a fairy by embroidering a complete "Eight Diagrams Yunguang Handkerchief". How similar is this situation?

Mr. Fu Tong also recalled the scene back then, and sneered in his heart: This bragging kung fu of the stinky brother is still as superb as ever.However, it's just a matter of deceiving these inexperienced little girls.


"Peach Mountain Secret Teaching Picture"

The fourth of the ten paintings of Fusheng was painted by Ji Mingfeng.

Taoshan is full of red flowers and green trees, and Fu Sheng sits under the tree, holding the green peaches in his hand, pointing to the lung fruit and secretly teaching the mystery.

There are two holy protectors beside him, accompanied by dragons and horses.

Facing the crowd, there are sisters from the Fu family, Shougui Pengming, the Great Sage Chilong, the Three Saints of Poison Thief, and the disciples of Creation.

Later generations of the Bitao Xianzong said: The girl in the picture kneels in front of the seat, and Fu Sheng points to the Bitao, which is the secret teaching of the way of longevity and rejuvenation.This picture is the orthodox embodiment of Bitao Xianzong listed as the Twelve Successors of Creation.

However, Chi Yuanzong believes that the master Chi Yuan in the picture is holding the golden stove in his hand and smiling, which is a metaphor for the gossip stove method.Fu Sheng pointed to the peach, referring to the inheritance of Taoism.

This is Fu Sheng's instruction, ordering Chi Yuanzong to revitalize the orthodoxy of good fortune, and it is the authorized map of the leader of all schools of good fortune.

The Jade Dingzong claimed: Fu Sheng enlightened the Tao by "building ten layers of foundations" and comprehending the external alchemy of the Jade Ding.In the picture, Xin Mao, the master of the Jade Cauldron, has a dazed look on his face. He has comprehended the method of outer alchemy and realized Fu Sheng's great wish to preach to all living beings.Then it was said that "building ten layers of foundation" in Yanlong, greatly promoted the way of immortality.

Canglanzong said that Fusheng refers to the green peach, which is a metaphor for the continuation of Taoism.He ordered the first patriarch of the Canglan Sect to carry forward the celestial law in Baizhen, and make the line of good fortune great.This picture is the basis for Matsu being the head of the six disciples of Baizhen. (This propaganda was jointly rejected by Xinglinshan, Wansefang, Shitianlou, Qingyunzhai, and Bitao Xianzong.)
Author's Note: Fu Sheng Pi Dao's "building ten layers of foundation", which was later carried forward by Chi Yuan and Yu Ding, should be published at this time.

 It's been a long time since I posted an update, so I'll give you some feedback today.

  I secretly doubled the word count.But the price has not been changed, and it is still calculated at [-]. It is a chapter to give back to readers, so don't make any noise.

  An extra word: Three people share one golden elixir, inspired by a western fairy tale, where three banshees use one eye in turn.

(End of this chapter)

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