
Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Fu Henghua and Ma Dongren were busy for a while, and Zhou Xiao, Heng Shou and Xiao Yu came back.

The three looked extremely serious.

Fu Henghua put down the Shenluo Tianshu, asked Ma Dongren to help the guests choose exercises, and took everyone to the backyard by himself.

"Senior, look at your expressions—didn't find it?"

Hengshou shook his head, Zhou Xiao sighed and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier, after more than 20 years, how can you still find me?"

In the beginning, shortly after Immortal Xuanjian took away the sword body of Tianxie, Fu Henghua sent Hengshou to check it out.

Knowing that the sword body was missing, Fu Henghua investigated carefully later and thought of the real Xuanjian who escaped from Jianxianzhou.

Daoist Xuanjian has already entered the way of the devil, and has the qualifications of the devil emperor, and the Tianxie Sword can help him to become the way.

"Just let you go and have a look. It's okay, the sky is falling, and there are sword masters supporting it."

Fu Henghua didn't care about Master Xuanjian.

Even if he is completely enchanted and survives the three disasters, he is still just a sword master of the demonic way, and there are three of them in the immortal way.

What are you afraid of!
"Let you guys go, but please keep checking if the seal of the Golden Court of Myriad Illusion Island is still strong."

In the end, it was Xuanhou's dojo.Fu Danwei didn't want to destroy the former residence of his godson's biological mother, so he specifically asked Fu Pengming and others not to disturb the coffin of Xuanhou in Jinting when they built the Magic City.

"Your grandfather asked Bai Xia to arrange it himself, can it be firm?"

Zhou Xiao knew something about the battle between immortals and demons in the past.He knew that Empress Xuan, as an immortal cultivator, had very little involvement in various events in the Demon Palace.Vodanwei did not express any clear objection to this behavior.

At this time, Xiao Yu suddenly put a food box in front of Fu Henghua.

"We set off early in the morning, the young master must be hungry too?"

Seeing the food box, Fu Henghua's heart was clear, and he pushed the food box aside: "My generation cultivates, lives without food, and the desire to talk is just a taste of elegance. Don't worry about it."

"Master, why don't you eat something? The snacks and side dishes here are all your favorite."

Xiaoyu opened the lacquer cover, and inside there was a plate of five-color plum cake, a plate of emerald and white jade balls, a plate of thinly sliced ​​fire beef and a cup of peach drink.

Fu Henghua blinked and looked at Xiaoyu innocently.

Xiao Yu sneered, and turned to look at Heng Shou.

Heng Shou shook his head: "Young master doesn't want to eat, so don't eat."

When the two returned to Panlong Island, they didn't notice the problem of the restaurant next door.

But this time when he was in Aurora City, Xiaoyu specially took Hengshou to go to the food city.I saw the production of many dishes, which have the style of "Food Immortals".

Xiao Yu refused to give up, pointed at the beef and said, "Young Master, the way the knife cuts beef looks familiar, doesn't it?"

"It's nothing more than a little knives to untie a cow, nothing to care about."

Zhou Xiao looked at the beef: "This knife technique is clean and neat, a bit like the Devil's Sect's 'Three Yin Cutting Souls', and also the way of the Immortal 'Green Ox Bone Cutting Knife'."

Wrong, this is my "Food Immortals" fast chopping of cows. There are thirteen styles, which can chop, cut and chop, and are specially aimed at the ugly cows in the world.

Of course, the source did learn a lot from the Immortal Demon Sword Art.

"If you don't want to eat, then drink a glass of juice."

Xiaoyu brought the peach juice over: "I saw people squeeze it with my own eyes. The technique is quite mysterious. Hold the spirit peach in the palm of your hand without any extra action. After inserting the reed tube, the juice will naturally flow into the cup. Remove the peach pit, peach Outside the skin, there is not a single bit of pulp left."

Fu Xuanxing said in surprise: "So powerful? You are indeed a spiritual chef who specializes in this line of work."

He picked up the bamboo cup, the peach juice in it was clear and clean, without any cloudy pulp.

Fu Henghua: "I'm really thirsty."

He drank it all in one gulp, and thought to himself: It should be no problem to build a food city over there, and spread the "Fruit Squeeze Curse" after the scale is expanded, right?

This method of leaving only the skin and completely draining the flesh and blood also comes from the Demon Palace, and it is the "Blood Transformation Secret Technique" of the blood demon lineage.After being hit by this secret technique, the blood in the body boiled, and all internal organs were turned into blood, which was swallowed up by the blood demon.In the end, only the outer skin and some bones are left, and even the marrow inside the bones is squeezed out.

Such a terrifying magic skill was used by Fu Heng Huahua in the "Food Immortals" and became a method of squeezing juice.

And such magic skills and sorcery can be found everywhere in the "Food Immortals".

There are special "roasting chicken spells" and "roast duck spells" for chickens and ducks.

After removing feathers and viscera with the Feather Curse and the Heart-Digging Curse, a Roast Chicken Curse can turn the raw chicken into a delicious delicacy in the blink of an eye.

The roast duck curse is the same.

These two incantations involve the burning and application of Samadhi Fire, which can only be performed by monks above the Real Fire Realm.

This kind of spell was not created by Fu Henghua, but was taught to him by the mirror friend from the outer domain.

Writing spells is that friend's specialty.

From then on, a brand new door was opened for Fu Henghua.

There are distinctions between the inside and the outside of spells. If you grasp the essence of the main idea, you can create countless kinds of strange spells as you like.

The Roast Chicken Curse combines [-] spells such as the demon-subduing spell, the real fire spell, and the body burning spell, and is specifically aimed at chickens.Dealing with ducks, geese and wild geese will be completely ineffective.But in the face of chicken goblins, even if the opponent is a Jindan cultivator, this spell can exceed the standard, far exceeding the lethality of ordinary true fire methods.

Xiaoyu's refusal to spread the "Food Immortals" is also due to this.

The Book of Food Immortals is full of various specialized food and cooking spells.There is no shortage of sorcery and lethal spells in magic spells.

Seeing that Fu Henghua still pretended to be ignorant, Xiao Yu had no choice.

"This white jade ball is not bad, it has the taste of immortal alchemy."

Zhou Xiao is holding the emerald and white jade balls. These meat balls use a technique similar to alchemy.Each white jade ball has the same effect as a pill, which can replenish vitality and restore mana.

"This Food Immortal also has a great fortune. It seems to be the improvement of various fairy arts into cooking methods. I remember, Senior Fengxian came from the east and brought some foreign food culture and spiritual meal recipes. "

"It's true. I have some recipes for cooking dragons in my family. Unfortunately, I don't need them on weekdays."

"In the future, your family raised a dragon, so it will come in handy—alright, it's getting late, we should prepare to leave."

Fu Henghua nodded quickly, he didn't want Xiaoyu to continue entanglement, he grabbed the plum cake and threw it into his mouth.

"Let's pack up and prepare to go to Jinfang."

One purpose of coming to Baizhen is to supply supplies.

All the treasures of heaven and earth collected by Chaoyinzhai over the years were all pretended to be taken away by Fu Henghua, so as not to have no money for the Xuanwei faction.

It's inconvenient to live under the fence.I am not Fu Xuanxing, how can I have such a big network in Xuanwei Sect?
"Teacher is leaving so soon?" Ma Dongren said, "Aren't you going to see Senior Chi?"

"I've gone to see it. His practice progress is faster than yours, and the future is promising. You have to work hard too." The great wish method of medical cultivation has a solid foundation step by step. Chi Jun hopes to obtain the orthodox method, and he can practice rapidly.

Patting Ma Dongren on the shoulder, Fu Henghua went through it in his mind, readjusted the data of the Taoism he had deduced for Ma Dongren, and entered it into a jade slip.

Later, he wrote down the exclusive Dao method for Liu Yuying and others, and passed a secret talisman to Liu Yuying.

"This talisman, you should keep it carefully."

This is the "Changchun Milu of Balm".

A little bit of ordinary balm, just like upgrading gold essence, it will automatically become Changchun balm for female nuns.

Liu Yuying looked solemn, she knew the beauty of this talisman.

In recent years, Chaoyinzhai's source of goods is Panlong Island's direct supply.And with this talisman, in the future, he will be responsible for the production.

"If Hongyun Trading Company dares to trouble you and spy on my family's secret recipe, just use my post to ask for help. Qiankun Tower, Old Man Aurora, you can ask anyone. The Hall of Swordsmanship is also available at the opposite door."

Liu Yuying said with a smile: "Don't worry, Master Zhai, nothing will happen. If something happens, my guests will be the first to quit."

In order to earn money for raising Gu, Mr. Fu Tong worked hard to open up the trade of female cultivators from Chaoyinzhai to Xuanyu Waters for 20 years.Liu Yuying has already hooked up with several female cultivators from Yusheng Pavilion.Coupled with the relationship between Tiansu Palace and Xianzao Palace, Chaoyinzhai has a very high reputation among female cultivators.

"It's up to you."

As Heng Shou and Xiao Yu said, Fu Henghua only had the enthusiasm he had at the beginning.

Chaoyin Zhai has been in business for more than 20 years, Xiao Yu sees through the obstacles in his heart and realizes the Tao, so he doesn't care.

All the trivial matters here are left to Liu Yuying to fiddle with, and the annual dividends are enough.

After instructing the rest of the people on the details of their practice, Fu Henghua led the four of them to board a boat and leave the city for the waters of Jin Fang.


The water is sparkling and the breeze is refreshing.

Xiaoyu stood under the mast sullenly, looking at Fu Henghua who was divination at the stern.

After thinking for a long time, she still couldn't accept it, and went to the cabin to find Hengshou: "What do you think?"

There are too many magic skills and sorcery involved in "Food Immortals".If the young master dares to teach, will that guy dare to learn?Dare to spread the word?
"That's the end of the matter, let him go."

Hengshou took the helm and sailed the boat. After adjusting the automatic mode, he turned his head and said to Xiaoyu: "Before leaving, I will warn Ma Dongren. If there is any abnormality in Aurora City, please notify me immediately.

"If someone does evil, you and I can clean up the house on behalf of the young master."

When Hengshou said this, he had already made complete preparations in his heart.

He knew Fu Henghua's character too well.

Fu Henghua belongs to the master who cares about digging and burying.Coupled with his "Fenghua Huiyuan Gong", he has a unique talent for creating one.Can create all kinds of skills, Taoism, and magic weapon blueprints.But after creating it, throw it aside casually, euphemistically called "leave it for fate".

If it's a good person, it's fine. If a wicked person gets it and causes a big mess, don't they have to involve him?
"He researches and innovates all day long, and throws things around. How can you and I clean it up for him?"

"Aren't there Ma Dongren and those?"

Hengshou had already made up his mind, and simply connected these people taught by the young master together to form a small group.If someone does evil, let's help clean up the door together, so as not to cause big troubles in the future.

Seeing that Xiao Yu was still struggling, Heng Shou simply said: "Could it be possible, do you have other ideas?"

Can you control his burst of inspiration, or stop him from spreading the Tao?

"In the end, the young master is growing up gradually. It's not good for you and me to suppress him in everything."

That's right, this time the young master didn't go out until his 90th birthday.In a few years, it will be the age when the Xiuzhen family will officially leave the island and take charge of their own affairs.

I can't really take care of him as a baby in swaddle, can I?

But after so many years, Xiaoyu felt rather uncomfortable when she was asked to let go of her control.

Hengshou let her hang out for a while, then she suddenly said: "That's right, some people, if they don't dare to take care of me, I will leave it alone. From now on, you can wash the young master's clothes."


Heng Shou raised his head suddenly, and saw Xiao Yu tearing off the "scented sachet" from his waist.

"I really shouldn't control you two. The young master is about to officially leave the island, and you are already a hundred years old. Whether you are a mortal or a spirit, you don't need others to worry about it. You should be independent long ago. These things, Prepare yourself in the future, don't bother me every day!"


"Also, a few days ago, you asked me to help you make the military uniform, and you can toss it yourself. If it really doesn't work, please ask the young master to help you."

After speaking, Xiaoyu threw the sachet into the water, turned and went back to the house.


Hengshou looked at her back, lost in thought.

Not good, she will not ask at all.

The young master even has to take care of matching clothes, washing and tidying up by himself?

After thinking for a while, feeling the seriousness of the problem, Heng Shou hurried to the stern to find Fu Henghua.

But when he came to the stern, he saw Fu Henghua who was concentrating on arranging the hexagrams, and Hengshou stamped his feet.

Staring quietly at Fu Henghua, Hengshou couldn't sense his breath for a moment.

"Over the years, the young master has become more and more unpredictable."


"There is no worry about fate. There is no calamity of life and death in my trip to the golden square. Although there are some minor troubles, they are harmless. And I will use this opportunity to step into the eighth layer of foundation building, the middle stage of the mysterious embryo."

In the past 20 years of practice, Fu Henghua has a deeper understanding of the difficulty of the book.

Over the past 20 years, his accumulation of mana has not even completed one-twelfth of the mana required for the fourth center of gravity of "Feng Hua Hui Yuan Gong".

The fourth floor of the Book of Heaven requires Fu Henghua to imitate the twelve hours a day.First practice one day's magic power, then cultivate one year's power, and finally turn it into 12 years old.A total of 980 celestial luck degrees.

When the mana is completed, it will be several times higher than that of the monks of the same generation who have completed the Xuantai, and even comparable to the mana of the Jindan monks.

But in terms of cultivation, the requirements are naturally more difficult.

Fu Henghua divided the [-] million merits into twelve meetings according to "one yuan equals twelve meetings".

The first four will be the early stage of Xuantai (building seven layers of foundation), the second four will be the middle stage of Xuantai (building eight floors), and the last four will be the late stage of Xuantai (building nine floors).

After the accumulation of mana in the Twelve Congregations, the profound embryo is perfect, and the root of the golden elixir will be completed before it is completed, that is, the foundation will be completed.

20 years of penance, the addition of various natural materials and earth treasures.Fu Henghua couldn't even cultivate mana for a while.

Of course, it's not that Fu Henghua didn't work hard.

During the past 20 years, Xinyuan worked hard day and night to breathe and practice.

But Fu Henghua and Xinyuan can only operate 440 small cycles each without rest in one day.Only by practicing together can we reach 880. It took more than 20 years of hard work day and night to complete more than 2000 million small weeks.

And the mana for a while requires more than 600 million exercises.

Therefore, Fu Henghua estimated back then: Without relying on natural materials and earth treasures, it would take Fu Henghua more than 500 years to complete the accumulation of terrifying magic power in the Mysterious Embryo Realm.

In these years, Fu Henghua still has to study and study, and the practice of kung fu is all on Xin Yuan.In addition to the various treasures of heaven and earth used by Fu Henghua, he practiced medicinal pills.Only completed 4000 million exercises.

There is still a long way to go before the 660 kung fu required by the meeting.

"At present, I am only about to enter the third meeting. It will probably take a few years. The mana equivalent to the seventh floor of the foundation has just reached half. This trip to the golden square, what chance will I have, let me use the remaining half directly Fill?"

Fu Henghua observed the tortoise shell Luoshu and pondered.

Unconsciously, he thought of the immortal artifact "Cloud Axis" in Song Chunqiu's hands.

"This time I go to Jinfang, maybe I can ask for advice."

Does the Xuanwei faction have any extra cloud axes?Even if you sell yourself, you can consider buying it yourself.After all, this is the carrier drawing paper of the "Picture of the Gods".



A wall of water rises in front of it.

"Brother, when you come to the water area of ​​Plum Blossom Island, why don't you go to the island and see it?"

Ji Mingfeng brought Zhang Ruyi and Hu Boyan to look for Fu Henghua.

Fu Henghua looked up at this moment, only to find that the white dragon boat had already passed the water area of ​​Meihua Island.

He got up to greet him, and said with a smile: "I thought that my brother has gained a lot of beauty in recent years, and he has retreated and devoted himself to painting, so he didn't plan to go up and disturb him."

In the past 20 years, Zhang Ruyi has provided Fu Henghua and Ji Mingfeng with various colors with the ability of Yancai Master.Ji Mingfeng's map of the Inner Nine Waters has already drawn most of the white waters.

When the two entered, Fu Henghua was about to invite Hu Xiaoyu to serve tea when he saw Hengshou bring out the tea.


angry?Because of the "Food Immortal Scripture"?
Seeing his eyes, Hengshou first shook his head, then nodded.

Still suspect that I have other things to hide?

Fu Henghua felt guilty.

When sending the two of them away to follow Zhou Xiao to the forbidden area of ​​Jinting, he secretly sent the Three Treasures Ruyi Ring Sword into the "Illusionary City".

The magic atmosphere in Wanhuan City dissipated, and when Fu Pengming repaired it, he naturally couldn't find 1 magic repairers to re-inject the magic energy.He used innate yin energy and moonlight to imitate the magic atmosphere through illusion.

Although it looks gloomy, it is extremely ferocious.But the foundation of the formation and the attainment of illusions inside are all orthodox spells of the immortal way.

There will be more and more monks who will go to the City of Illusion to practice in the future.

Everyone's emotions are scattered in the Magic City of Myriad Illusions, and they may be infected by Yin Qi and undergo demonic mutations.

Therefore, Fu Henghua left the Three Treasures Ruyi Ring Sword there, absorbing negative emotions with the Heavenly Evil Sword Qi.

It can not only ensure the safety of Fantasy City, but also upgrade the Heavenly Evil Sword Qi.

Of course, the more important purpose.Fu Henghua didn't have the confidence to hide this vicious weapon after being in the Xuanwei Sect for ten years.

Ever since he shattered the Tianxie sword, the sword energy in Fu Henghua's hand became more and more evil, and he could hardly suppress it anymore.

Therefore, he sent Hengshou and others away, and secretly imposed a seal in the Magic City, temporarily sealing the sword.

On this trip to Jinfang, apart from the fundamental magic weapon of Shenluo Tianshu, Fu Henghua only brought three relics of his parents and the soil.

"What? Did you quarrel with Miss Xiaoyu?"

"A little misunderstanding."

Fu Henghua didn't want to say more.

Ji Mingfeng secretly reminded: "Untie it as soon as possible, so as not to cause a bigger crack. Such a person is hard to find."

Although Xiaoyu was working as a personal maid.But a cultivator on the seventh floor of Xuantai can be a big backer in an ordinary small family.

In Fu's house, Deng Lan who is next to Fu Danwei has a similar status to Xiaoyu.

Rather than being a maid, she is actually treated like a guest servant or a servant.

Not to mention, Xiaoyu was specially selected by Mrs. He for her son, and she followed his mother's surname.

When he was young, among the group of maidservants in front of Fu Henghua, only Xiaoyu got the most face.

In the Fu family, apart from Fu Danwei and Mu Yutian, none of the masters dared to attack Xiaoyu and Hengshou casually.When he was young, Hengshou dared to fight Fu Tongjun directly under Fu Henghua's order.

Instead of looking at his identity, he only looked at Xiaoyu's cultivation talent.In Ji Mingfeng's eyes, Xiaoyu has the potential to become a pill.If Fu Henghua is trained properly, he can have two more golden core protectors.

How can such a person be pushed out casually?

"I can save all these things. My brother came to look for me, but there are other things?"

"Naturally, it's about your future. The news you asked me to help you check has already begun."

(End of this chapter)

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