
Chapter 306

Chapter 306

Cuiguang Pavilion, the place where Song Chunqiu practiced.

But seeing Danxia soaring into the sky, the purple air lingers in the jade hall; the auspicious mist is hazy, and the emerald light shines on the jade platform.

Dong Moyang: "We all live here in this department. Before our master attained the Dao, he also practiced in the mysteries here."

Five people and one horse arrived in front of Cuiguang Pavilion.Fu Henghua looked at the green cypresses and embellishments in front of the door, and nodded secretly.

Compared with the prosperity of Yanlong and Baizhen, the Jinfangxuanwei sect is more indifferent to the immortal family.

Dong Moyang: "Master specifically asked the three of you to practice here. On weekdays, you can take care of our senior brothers."

With a wave of his hand, the jade gate opened, revealing Zhulou Biwa and Danchi jade steps.

"In the center is the Cuiguang Terrace, the place where Master practiced. Now, his old man has moved to the Golden Palace, which is in charge, and he is not here at ordinary times. The palaces on the left and right sides are the furnace room and the study room. The residence arranged by Master for you is in the There are several courtyards behind Cuiguang Terrace."

Bai Longma gasped, informed Fu Henghua, and flew back to Tianma Garden in the form of lightning.

"That's right, this Taoist brother should go back and have a look. On the other side of Tianmayuan, Ma Wang is thinking about finding him a wife."

Dong Moyang talked and laughed, and brought the four of them to Cuiguang Terrace.

The platform is three feet high, and the four sides are engraved with secret seals and spiritual scripts, which continuously gather spiritual energy from the heaven and the earth.

Fu Henghua sensed that this is the area with the strongest aura in Cuiguang Pavilion.

The high pavilion on the stage has three floors, with golden eaves and green tiles, and seven kinds of spirit beasts stand on the ridge.

Because of Song Chunqiu's absence, Cuiguang Terrace has only two boys to take care of it.

Ertong is a descendant of ordinary disciples in the mountain, and he has the talent of a spiritual person.Fu Henghua glanced casually, and knew that the two were still in the first stage of spirit beings, and their minds were like children.

"In my faction, there are quite a few such spirit children. They will be placed in the dojos of Jindan monks to absorb the inspiration of the Dao, so as to increase their wisdom and enter the next stage as soon as possible."

The way of heaven is fair.

Spiritual beings are highly gifted in cultivation, so the laws of nature will suppress their minds invisibly.

"Can we go up and see?"

"of course can."

"What's there to see here?" Fu Xuanxing interjected, "Except for a big platform, Cuiguang Terrace has no view. Above the second floor, it's Master's private area, and you can't get close to it. Let's put your luggage first, and I'll take you to the mountain later. Look around. The best view of Yuting Mountain is not here."

"Taizi? Cuiguang Terrace? It must be the source of the spiritual pulse of Cuiguang Pavilion?"

Regardless of Fu Xuanxing's obstruction, Fu Henghua and Dong Moyang boarded the Baiyu Terrace.

The pavilion in front of me is wide open, and some furnishings on the second and third floors can be seen from outside the door.

As for the first floor, it was just as Fu Xuanxing said.

The building is extremely spacious, and at the lower end of the central patio, there is just a jade platform for practicing meditation.

The jade platform is made of auspicious clouds, and a scroll depicting auspicious clouds is suspended above it.

With an idea, the five-color glow circulated on the jade platform.

Fu Henghua's heart skipped a beat: Cloud axis!

Senior Song actually left this fairy artifact in the dojo!

But after thinking about it, the fairy weapon has the effect of automatically swallowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.In addition, this object is connected with Song Chunqiu's mind.Whenever there is a change, he immediately feels it.

So, it doesn't matter where you put it.

wisdom!Gossip lines appeared in Fu Henghua's eyes.

In his field of vision, he could clearly see that the Baiyu Terrace was connected to the entire Cuiguang Pavilion's protective formation, and countless dense congenital scarlet scripts were flying around the Yutai.

At the same time, this white jade platform also communicates with the spiritual point of Yuting Mountain, and can control part of the "Yuchun" spiritual vein.

Fu Xuanxing came in and caught a glimpse of the black ring nail on the left column.He walked over without a trace and blocked the ring nail with his body.

"Brother Henghua. As I said, there's nothing to see here. Let's put our luggage first. Brother, don't follow me. I'll show them around."

Dong Moyang said with a smile: "There's nothing wrong with Zuo Lai, I'll walk around with you."

Fu Henghua stared at Yutai, and silently recorded the Cuiguang Pavilion's guardian formation in Shenluo Heavenly Book.

When the recording was finished, he turned and walked out.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the black nails driven into Stanley.

"what is this?"

"No, nothing..."

Fu Xuanxing quickly blocked him and pushed him away from Cuiguang Terrace.

Dong Moyang suddenly realized, he glanced at Fu Xuanxing with a half-smile, but didn't say much.Take a few people directly to the residence prepared in advance.

Behind Cuiguang Terrace, there is a cool pavilion.

"The houses on the left and right sides of the pavilion are where Xuan Xing and I live. I am in the east and he is in the west. If you have something to do, you can find us. Sometimes I may go to the Golden Palace to serve the master. But he has always been an idler, don't Worried about getting him into trouble."

There is a bamboo forest behind the pavilion, and there are several courtyards after passing through.

Dong Moyang brought four people to one of them.

Hengshou narrowed his eyes, and caught a glimpse of a big seal on the plaque.

The main seal of Hongwen Pavilion.

Fu Henghua's expression was inexplicable: "Gutongyuan? Is this the word my father mentioned? When Dad was a guest, did he live here?"

"Exactly. Mr. Fu lived here back then."

When he came to Gutong Courtyard, Fu Xuanxing also fell silent, and honestly helped several people open the door.

The courtyard is not big. There are three main houses, the hall is in the middle, and the study and bedroom are on the left and right.There is a side room for Hengshou and Xiaoyu to rest.

In addition, there is a blue sycamore tree in the center of the courtyard.As the spring breeze blows, there is a rustling sound.

"A few days ago, Master specially packed it out for the three of you to practice. The Canglong Token you hold has the same authority as ours. You can freely enter and exit the library and martial arts hall on the mountain."

Greeting Fu Xuanxing to help arrange the luggage for the three of them, Dong Moyang took a few people to visit various places in Cuiguang Pavilion.

"Although there are some books in Cuiguang Pavilion's study, most of them are the master's own private collection. The old man told you that you can read them as you like. But the number is far inferior to the library. You can go there to read it yourself later."

Dong Moyang knew that Fu Henghua needed a rich reserve of knowledge to cultivate the Myriad Dao Golden Elixir.

Only the Xuanwei faction is not enough to support it.


In the bookstore, Fu Henghua saw a black iron nail somewhere on a large pillar in the hall on the first floor.

When Fu Xuanxing saw the nails, his face darkened: If I had known, I would have pulled out these things!
He rolled his eyes and remembered something.

"Eldest brother, you accompany Brother Heng Hua, I'll go back to my room first and change my clothes."

"What change of clothes do you have?"

Dong Moyang grabbed his collar with one hand.

Now, Fu Xuanxing's clothes were still made by Zhang Qiulan when he came out of Panlong Island.

"You have been away for 30 years. The clothes in your room have long been out of use. Go back to the uncle and remake a few robes of the sect."

Fu Xuanxing's face was flushed, trying hard to resist Dong Moyang's detention.But he couldn't break free from the full suppression of a Jindan cultivator.

Fu Henghua stared at the ring nail and stroked his chin in thought.

Xiaoyu was curious, and asked in a low voice, "What is the magical function of these ring nails?"

Fu Henghua glanced at Fu Xuanxing: "I have an idea - wait and see."

Later, Dong Moyang took a few people to the furnace room.

In the center of the main hall, there is a golden furnace, the fire is blazing, and the red light is shining, obviously burning a piece of divine iron.

"I heard from Senior Zhou that this kid Fu Xuanxing once climbed to an alchemy furnace to play, could it be here?"

"No, that's the master's alchemy furnace. Later, the master simply used elixir to refine him, and cultivated into a Taoist body. This kid only relies on his rough skin and thick flesh."

When Hengshou saw Fu Henghua staring at the furnace in a daze, he was in a bad mood.

Looking around, he saw an iron nail on a certain gold pillar, and quickly gave Fu Henghua guidance.

"Master, look."

Fu Henghua temporarily forgot about the idea of ​​body training for Hengshou.

Staring at the iron nail, he said cheerfully, "Isn't this thing with a golden rope tied on the other end, to watch the children?"

"That's the purpose. Because there are many spirits in my family, most of the buildings in Yuting Mountain have ring nails like this."

Tie the child with fairy rope, then wrap the other end around the ring peg.

Children can only crawl around with the iron nail as the center of the circle, unable to escape the vision of the elders, so naturally they cannot do anything wrong.

"After some incidents happened, I sent them to install them specially. For some reason, the Cuiguang Pavilion has the most ring nails. There are such ring nails around every seat of Master."

"It seems that it is very noisy."

"Yeah, I didn't worry about it when I was a child, and I don't worry about it when I grow up. Thanks to not being at home these years, Master is quiet."

Fu Xuanxing stood behind them, with a dark face, listening to their conversation.

Although he didn't name his name, every arrow pierced his spine.

"In recent years, there have been Laofu's family."

Dong Moyang and Fu Henghua joked about Fu Xuanxing's embarrassing childhood, and walked out of Cuiguang Pavilion to visit various buildings in Yuting Mountain.

Yuting Mountain covers a vast area, but it is sparsely populated, with only sporadic pavilions located at the foot of the mountain.

In terms of scale, it is the Biquan Palace at the foot of the mountain.

That is the practice place for ordinary disciples of Yuting Mountain.

"In the Xuanwei Sect, as long as they can follow the five fundamental methods to build a foundation, they can be included in the door wall and become ordinary disciples. On weekdays, there are Jindan monks preaching, practicing Qi breathing, and the alchemy and talisman formations are all taught by the disciples. Make your own arrangements."

After thinking for a while, Dong Moyang said: "My generation needs to preach twice a month, half a day each time. If there is no time to preach due to retreat or going out, you can make up later. This is the obligation of Jindan monks."

This is the inheritance method of Xianmen.

The golden elixir imparts the method, builds the foundation and refines the method.

After establishing the foundation and cultivating it into a golden elixir, he will continue to pass on the Dharma to the younger generations.

"If you are valued by the Golden Core cultivator, you can be accepted as a disciple and promoted to the True Tradition. And if you don't have a real teacher, you can break through to the Golden Core, and you can also be included in the True Tradition, and you can choose a spiritual acupoint in Yuting Mountain as the dojo.

"Master told me that if the three of you can break through the Golden Core in the Xuanwei Sect and are willing to preach here, you can also give it to the dojo."

Fu Henghua shook his head.

What has it become?

Apart from the status of master and apprentice, isn't it equivalent to truly worshiping the Xuanwei Sect?

At this time, Fu Henghua suddenly looked somewhere.

An emaciated monk wearing a Taoist robe of Liangyi was walking out of the mountain accompanied by a Taoist boy.

Dong Moyang followed his gaze and suddenly said, "The Liangyi Dao disciple you saw not long ago was Daoist Brother Lu?"

"It's him."

Seeing Lu Daoren leaving with a pot of Zhicao as a thank you, Fu Henghua was surprised.Then, he looked towards the palace where Lu Daoren came out from.

"That's Changchun Pavilion, I'll take you to see it."

Dong Moyang led the way, only to see many monks crowded inside.They are dressed in different clothes, and they are not monks of the Xuanwei sect.And in front of them, there are some spiritual grass and jade trees.

Under the nourishment of spiritual energy, the damaged and withered spiritual grass and jade tree is gradually rejuvenating.

Fu Henghua suddenly realized: "These comrades came to Yuting Mountain to treat the spirit grass?"

Is this treating the "Changchun Blessed Land" in Yuting Mountain as a botanical sanatorium?

"That's right. The Patriarch said back then that although my family occupies the blessed land of Changchun, it cannot be enjoyed exclusively. If the fellow factions have a request and want to save the spirit grass, we can open the door of convenience.

"Over the years, I have been sent to grow grass and trees, which can be said to have unique experience."

Fu Henghua stared at those people, thoughtful: "Changchun, to continue the vitality, spring time. As long as you don't die, you can recover in the blessed land of Changchun. It doesn't matter whether it's plants or trees, people can do it too."

"Indeed, some injured comrades will come to my group to heal their injuries. Our Changchun Blessed Land is also the first-class healing holy place in Jinfang."

That's why Jin Fang's medical skills are so poor!
Fu Henghua secretly said: Demand is one of the driving forces of scientific research.It is precisely because you have such a simple and convenient healing method that no one goes to study the method of healing immortals.That's why we, Yanlong, surpass you in terms of medical skills.

Xiaoyu looked at those spiritual plants, and suddenly thought of a question: "Changchun blessed land, there is only life but not death. Then the fruit trees here can only bloom, but they can't bear fruit, right?"

Birth, old age, sickness and death are based on the four seasons.

Birth is spring, aging is summer, sickness is autumn, and death is winter.

Changchun, of course, also means that it cannot grow and harvest.

Dong Moyang smiled mysteriously: "My sect has its own magic method."

Fu Henghua's eyes fell on the ground.

"Can I go underground and have a look."

Dong Moyang's expression changed, and he pondered.

"I'll take him there."

Suddenly, an old man in white walked over.

Seeing the old man, Dong Moyang and Fu Xuanxing's expression changed, and they quickly saluted.

"Meet the teacher—"

The space was distorted, and before Fu Henghua could react, several people appeared in front of a twelve-story building built against a mountain.

With a hook of the old man's hand, Fu Xuanxing was entangled in the invisible profound energy and was directly thrown into the building.

"You have practiced abroad for 30 years, and see your level. If you can't pass the 'leaving the teacher', you will double the homework. No, triple it."


The door of the building was closed, and Fu Xuanxing's miserable cry came from inside.

Fu Henghua looked at the tall building and murmured, "Twelve story building?"

The Twelve-Story Building is the test of the Xuanwei Sect.

Ordinary disciples need to break through the twelve floors if they want to officially descend the mountain.If you can't make it through, you are not qualified to go down the mountain, and you can't send out on behalf of Xuanwei.

"Exactly. Little friend, do you want to try it too?"

Fu Henghua smiled and said nothing, and took a few steps back.

Standing in front of the old man, he felt a sense of trepidation.

Although the old man interrupted Dong Moyang and the two, Fu Henghua had already guessed his identity.

No, just standing in front of him and feeling the aura from him, Fu Henghua was sure that his original guess about the Xuanwei School was correct.

This senior is about to be possessed!
Fu Henghua's brain was spinning rapidly, and Senior Zhou stole the Liuyu Pearl.Where did he find another magic treasure of the same specification?This is too scary, right?

Why does the Xuanwei Sect need magic treasures?
It's very simple, take the celestial art as yang, and the magic art as yin.By the way of yin and yang, he has realized Tongxuan.

But this method can only be used by Tribulation Immortal.

"Is it Master Hengyuan? In terms of cultivation, his realm has almost reached the level of triggering calamity."

Daoist Hengyuan is a second-rank Jiexian who has already entered the real spirit realm, and the next step is to become an immortal.

If he achieves the Dao with the help of magic power, and resonates with the Dao at the moment of becoming an immortal, he can sense the Taixuan Dao Seal hidden between the heaven and the earth, restore the "Taixuan Heavenly Book",
But this method is very dangerous, if you are not careful, you will lose your soul, or even become a demon in one step.

Therefore, the Xuanwei faction is divided into two camps, and they have been arguing over this matter for many years.

Fu Henghua's mind raced, and he understood the cause and effect of Zhou Xiao's incident.

He was able to bring out the Liuyuzhu, and the opposition was indispensable behind it.

The reason why Song Chunqiu let Fu Xuanxing go, and he could only let Fu Xuanxing go, was because the other faction was holding back.

Master Hengyuan hooked his finger, and Fu Henghua and his party were moved to another space.

A gloomy mist hangs over the river.

Xiaoyu shuddered, and subconsciously took out the Yangyang branch.

A completely different environment from Changchun.

Twilight, death, coldness...

Fu Henghua gave up thinking about magic skills and looked at the gray river in front of him.

"Sure enough. The Xuanwei sect uses yin and yang to establish the way, so why did they build a blessed land where the lonely and immortal?

"The surface is for life, and the underground is for death. This is the essence of Yuting Mountain."

The big river has no beginning and no end, and what flows in it is not water, but quicksand.

This is the opposite of Yuting Mountain, a quicksand river built with death.

By the river, Xiaoyu felt very uncomfortable.

Hengshou stepped forward without a trace, surrounded by twelve golden beads.

"Little friend, don't panic. It was your young master who was curious, so I brought him to see the essence of Yuting Mountain."

"Life and death are yin and yang. The quicksand here can make the plants in the 'Eternal Spring' state go to death. Brother Dong, is this quicksand what you call the magical method?"

"That's right. If we need fruit, we will use 'dead sand' to irrigate the fruit trees. Under the action of dead sand, the fruit trees can break the law of Changchun and further bear fruit and ripen."

Dong Moyang looked at the big river in front of him, feeling very uneasy.

This is a rare forbidden place in Yuting Mountain, what did Master want to do and why did he bring Henghua here?

Suddenly, Fu Henghua took a few more steps outside, and was a little further away from Master Hengyuan.

The magic of heaven!

Is it Wanhua Heavenly Demon Banner or Heavenly Demon Invisible Sword?It can't be, the Heavenly Demon Palace is trashed, even the golden seal of the Heavenly Demon King has been robbed, right?
Having also practiced the Heavenly Demon True Technique, and even practiced the Heavenly Demon Golden Elixir, Fu Henghua could sense the magic in the real Hengyuan.

Although he was suppressed by the Xuanwei Sect's immortal method, the cultivation base of Daoist Hengyuan's magic skills has reached the level of Zhu Yu's, or even better.

Further up, it is the Three Calamities Great Demon.

Thinking that Daoist Heng Yuan is about to become a demon, and that he is the strongest of the Xuanwei Sect, Fu Henghua felt chills in his heart and secretly groaned.

"You are sensitive, kid. Yuanzhi or divine wisdom? Should it be Yuanzhi? If you reach the realm of divine wisdom, it would be too heaven-defying."

"You know? That's right—you practiced before Fuzhou, and you must have seen my ancestors."

Master Hengyuan smiled slightly: "I know what Xiao Song and the others think. But if you want to be recognized, you have to show some of your own means. Go on—"

Suddenly, he reached out and flicked Fu Henghua.

"Master, no!"

Dong Moyang panicked, and hurriedly only rescued Fu Henghua.

Liusha River, the river of death opposite to life.

Under the golden elixir, creatures who fall into it will undoubtedly die.

The twelve golden beads turned into swords, and the branches of Huanyang manifested into weeping willows all over the sky, and the two of them attacked Zhenren Hengyuan at the same time.

"Rejuvenation method."

Fu Henghua didn't think about it, and the magic power in his body circulated continuously in the meridians, like reincarnation one after another.

Earlier, when Fu Henghua operated the "Fortune Huiyuan Gong", it was like accumulating sand and forming a beach, counting continuously.

12 years old, like a long belt.Until the next level, the calculation is reset to zero.

After he comprehended the "Art of Rejuvenation", Fu Henghua suddenly understood.

The four seasons are reincarnation, and day and night are also reincarnation.

The magic power in his body goes round and round, constantly reincarnating.

He should not regard the 12 exercises as a straight line that is constantly advancing, but as a circle that continues to circulate.

Mana is like the cycle of day and night, and Taoism is like the cycle of heaven and earth.

As long as you are in the reincarnation of heaven and earth, your mana should never be exhausted.

"Heaven and earth reincarnate, everything is spring."

Forcibly standing above the Liusha River, a wheel of four seasons appeared under Fu Henghua's feet.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter return to spring in a continuous cycle.

No matter how strong Liusha River's death power is, it cannot make Fu Henghua fall into the river.

"Golden elixir? A fake elixir? But it also has the power of a real golden elixir."

The real person flicked his fingers, and a real fire burned into the air.But with Fu Henghua's dragon chant, Tianshui extinguished Mantian Lingyan.

"It does taste like a golden elixir. It's a good little trick. Yusheng Pavilion should like it very much."

Immortal Heng Yuan pressed his backhand, and Dong Moyang, who rescued him, and Heng Shou and Xiao Yu, who attacked him, were all suppressed by the invisible force and sat on the shore one after another.

"Little friend, look carefully at the bottom of the river yourself."

Fu Henghua looked down under the yellow sand.

On the bottom of the gray quicksand river, faint words emerged.

"This is the secret Taoism of my Xuanwei Sect. You might as well take a good look at it."


The wild sand filled the sky, blowing Fu Henghua straight to the quicksand river.

In the end, he couldn't bear the tricks of Daoist Hengyuan, and fell into the river of quicksand...

(End of this chapter)

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