
Chapter 319

Chapter 319 Using Fire to Urge Thunder and Lightning (Second Change, Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)

"Why are people gone?"

Looking at the empty space, Fu Xuanxing, who was watching from a distance, asked in amazement.

"It's an invisible sword—"

"Invisible swordsmanship?"

Yu Zhitong was even more disappointed when he heard Fu Xuanxing startled.That guy's inheritance is cut off after all.

But then Fu Xuanxing closed his eyes and sensed with his spiritual sense: "It's not one, but three completely different invisible sword qi."

"One can produce all phenomena, one can destroy all dharmas, and one is between reality and reality." Fu Liuhui also closed his eyes to sense.

Under the induction of the two, the Three Treasures Jiange in that open space still exists.

Fellow Daoist Wukong opened the three rings and turned that realm into a strange "invisible sword realm".

"I haven't seen you for many years. Friends Wukong's sword practice has become more advanced."


Yu Xiaolei made a sword cut on his left shoulder.

His face remained unchanged, and he calmly looked at his environment.

It is different from the feelings of the people in the distance.

He could feel that at the moment Fu Henghua disappeared, he entered a strange field.

Intangible but existent, only elephants exist.

Three completely different invisible sword qi are constantly swirling and reverberating, drawing circles around him.

"His formation is not an ordinary three-talent sword formation, but an invisible sword formation. But the three swords have a more mysterious reason than the three talents."

Yu Xiaolei has practiced for decades, and he has memorized hundreds of thousands of sword formation changes in his mind.But none of them could match the sword formation in front of them.

"A brand new sword array?"

He became more and more delighted.

That's it!I need such an opponent as a stepping stone to sharpen my sword skills and defeat Fu Henghua!

Fu Henghua, that was the imaginary enemy instilled in him by his adoptive father from an early age.

In Xiaolei's mind, Fu Henghua is a mountain that cannot be crossed in his heart.

Think about it, his father was able to plot against his adoptive father who had already cultivated into a sword fetus by virtue of the formation method.His mother beheaded his adoptive father for a hundred years of penance by relying on a weird star-spirit mentality.

Even if he was cultivated by his adoptive father painstakingly, touched the golden core at the age of a hundred, and held the Zidian Jingmang, one of the top ten celestial artifacts in China, he would definitely not be able to win against a monster like him who challenged across borders!
Therefore, before fighting "Fu Henghua", Yu Xiaolei needs more and more difficult opponents to sharpen himself.


Supernatant invisible sword pierced.


Taiqing's invisible sword pierced.

Yu Xiaolei stood there quietly. Although several sword wounds appeared, he still did not move at all, but carefully studied and observed the invisible and tangible.

Seeing him not moving, Fu Henghua was doubly helpless.

"He's also a smart guy."

Facing the strange and unknown sword array, it is the best strategy to remain unchanged and respond to all changes.

But as an opponent, Fu Henghua felt uncomfortable.

He knows that if he sneaks up one after another, he will only let the other party research the solution of the invisible sword.

But in the operation of the sword formation, I must look for opportunities to find his flaws, and I must try to spy on the details of the opponent's swordsmanship.

The same is the method of thunder, is it the method of five thunders, the method of thunder, or the method of pure yang thunder?

In different ways, you have to choose different responses.

"found it!"

When the ninth wound appeared, Yu Xiaolei's palm was covered with lightning, and he grabbed Yuqing's invisible sword in the air.


The invisible sword of Shangqing came from the air and knocked his palm away.

"I also understand. Based on the Benlei sword and Leiyin sword in the rumors of Jianxianzhou, after building the foundation, I will also practice the 'Lightning Mother-shaped Divine Art' of Leixiao Immortal Palace."

The cave god Jinhuan started, and a Taiqing invisible sword spewed out from the ring. When the opponent tried to capture Yuqing's invisible sword energy again, Fu Henghua threw the golden ring out.

Taiqing is formless, and reality and reality are integrated.

With a light touch, the electric light covering the opponent's palm instantly shattered.

In the ring, there is a wonderful space between the birth and death of yin and yang, between illusion and reality.

"Sword Array, Liangyi Mochen."

The formation is in motion, and the harmony of the two instruments and the six will transform into a wonderful principle of heaven and earth, which will be wrapped around Xiaolei's right wrist.


The lightning flashed instantly, and a yin and yang energy surged up his arm.

Yu Xiaolei stared, and only used his other hand to eject the sword energy.

The sound was like thunder, shaking away the other two golden rings attacking from behind.


Jin Huan shot out two streams of clear qi and sword light, and fought with Yu Xiaolei's fingertips with thunderous sword qi for more than ten moves.

The clear air collapsed, and the purple awns flickered.

A group of people watching from a distance also saw the looming appearance of the sword array.

Fu Liuhui: "Strange, Wukong's invisible swordsmanship has some strange obscurity? What is he hiding?"

Of course it's in case you find out.

Hengshou and Xiaoyu felt helpless.

Fu Henghua's introduction to the invisible sword was taught by Fu Danwei.

Fu Henghua can mix things like sword intent and reason with private goods.But the luck of the moves and the thinking of Yujian are completely the same as that of Panlong Island.

How dare he take out the sword skills he has studied all these years?
Could it be that Fu Changqing, Fu Liuhui, and Fu Xuanxing's eyesight immediately saw something wrong?

Xiao Yu secretly complained: We shouldn't have come here!When the young master saw us coming, he acted restrained.Don't dare to use the power of the invisible sword.In terms of pure swordsmanship, he is not as good as this boy who plays games.

Hengshou also had no choice but to think: the young master has focused on reading and acting, and the research on swordsmanship these years is not even one-tenth of mine.Although I don't want to say it, the young master's swordsmanship may not be as good as mine.If this entanglement continues, the true level of swordsmanship will have to be exposed.

The sword celestials and Yu Zhitong next to him naturally also saw that "Wukong Boy" was wrong.

"How did Taoist Bodhi teach him, and how strange is his sword technique?"

"He doesn't want us to see his sword skills?"

"Do you feel that his swordsmanship is a bit tricky, with traces of magic skills? Heavenly Demon Zhannian Sword?"


"Fellow Daoist, are you hiding your clumsiness?"

In the sword formation, Yu Xiaolei also discovered the cover-up between Fu Henghua's sword moves.

"The three swords come from the same source. Although the styles of swordsmanship are different, the gap between them should not be so big!"

"You's Taiqing sword adopts the principles of Tai Chi, combining hardness and softness. It seems to be well-achieved, but in fact it relies on the general version of Taiqing swordsmanship passed down in the immortal way. Those moves are rigid without flexibility, and they are completely imitated.

"It's impossible for you."


The thunder light flickered several times, and wiped out the Yuqing sword rain sprinkled on the top of his head. Yu Xiaolei said in a deep voice: "The Yuqing sword energy has changed! Although there is a sword that produces everything, it is just a show."

Nonsense, if my Yuqing sword uses its original means.Good fortune is the foundation, and a sword creates everything. Fu Xuanxing and Fu Liuhui can immediately detect the connection between this sword and me.

Fu Henghua rolled his eyes, and when the opponent was about to destroy his own jade-clear sword energy, he used the above-mentioned invisible sword energy to eliminate the opponent's advantage.

Transform the invisible into the visible, and conquer all laws in the world.

Whenever he was at a disadvantage, Fu Henghua would use his sword qi to use the secret of "purely piercing through it" to defeat Yu Xiaolei's sword moves.

This move is simple and straightforward, it is the sword energy that gives Yu Xiaolei the most headache.

"It's quite troublesome to use the left hand to deal with the right hand being blocked inadvertently."

On his right wrist, Dongshen Jinhuan tried his best to run the Liangyi Mochen Sword Formation, tightly trapping his right hand, preventing him from using both hands.

Fu Henghua stared at the battle situation, and glanced to the south of the sky from time to time.

Suddenly, a fire burned from the south.The Burning Sky Fire contains an incomparably domineering Dao sword intent.

"Fellow Daoist, please take the sword."

Hearing the loud voice in the air, Fu Henghua's eyes lit up, finally it's here!
It's now!

The deity, who is thousands of miles away, sent a message to Hengshou.

Hengshou immediately said to Fu Xuanxing.

"Someone is using the Lihuo Sword Intent. It will burn all directions, and it will affect the sword array here. Why don't you take Lihuo away?"

In the sky, the Lihuo sword turned into thousands of feet.

There is also a huge sword on the opposite side.

The two swords clashed, countless sparks flew, and many of them fell to this side under the influence of the three-hole Sanqing sword array.

Fu Xuanxing nodded, and drew out his sword to face Lihuo in the sky.

"Thunder Fire Refining Palace."

The familiar golden palace unfolded above the three-hole three-clear formation, absorbing the Lihuo sword energy falling from the air one after another.

It was also at this moment that Fu Xuanxing suddenly noticed a terrifying suction coming from the sword formation below.

"This? Fellow Daoist Wukong, you are—"

That force was like a quagmire, trapping the phantom of the Golden Palace induced by Fu Xuanxing into the sword formation.

The Temple of Thunder and Fire was created by Fu Danwei.Later, when it was passed on to Fu Xuanxing, according to his special situation, it was changed into a special method of "Li Huo takes the lead, Lei Yuan is the assistant", so that he can receive Lei Ting from the white dragon horse.

Of course, the formula of "using fire to urge thunder" is also taught.It is convenient for Fu Xuanxing to perform swordsmanship alone without the support of dragons and horses.

Now, the sword intent used by Fu Xuanxing is to use fire to urge thunder, and use thunder and fire to refine the palace sword intent.

But Fu Henghua knew his swordsmanship well.Before the opponent draws the sword to close the fire, but before the thunder is activated, the sword will be pulled into the sword array first.Then the Taiqing Intangible Sword was running, transferring all the lightning lights into the Golden Palace.

"not good!"

Yu Xiaolei understood Fu Henghua's movements, resolutely gave up entanglement with Yuqing's sword energy, and rushed towards the golden palace in the air.

Shangqing's sword energy revived, and Yu Xiaolei's actions were interrupted again.

He watched Zimang being absorbed by the Golden Palace, and his own electric light became a part of the "Thunder and Fire Alchemy Palace".

In the end, when most of Yu Xiaolei's sword energy was drawn away, Fu Henghua quickly released his right hand at that moment.

The dust in Liangyi dissipated, and the golden ring slipped away.

The next moment, the three golden rings exerted force at the same time, and Tianqing's invisible sword blasted out with a brilliant momentum, knocking Yu Xiaolei out of the sword formation in one fell swoop.

"do not fight!"

When the opponent came out, Fu Henghua quickly closed the ring and ran into the Three Treasures Sword Pavilion decisively.

With a flick of the hand, the fresh air turned into a wall and sealed the empty gate.

"Look back, you pay the maintenance fee for the gate."

After finishing speaking, Fu Henghua almost lost his footing.

Ji Guangchun stepped forward to help, with a concerned expression.

"It's nothing serious, it's just a temporary loss of strength."

Fu Henghua asked him to help him to Jianchi.

Borrowing the sword pool to recover mana, Ji Guangchun asked with a smile: "Brother Dao, do you want to fight swords tomorrow?"

"Fight, why not fight?"

Fu Henghua gritted his teeth and said: "I don't believe it, the Yulin Sword Cultivator next door also has this level of cultivation."

After resting for a while, he saw a note from Hengshou, detailing the grievances between Yu Zhitong and his son and his family.

Fu Henghua was speechless immediately: Is Jade Dragon Sword Immortal crazy?
How much shadow did his father and mother cast on him back then?How could he think highly of me?
A guy with a fairy sword dares to say that he can't beat me?

Don't you know that I am a magician?
My fighting power is very weak!If the fairy sword stabs me once, I will die.

This is a fairy sword!Serious fairy artifact!And it's in the top ten!
Since the development of Donglai Shenzhou, there are a large number of immortals, and their sabers can be called fairy swords.

Sui An's immortal sword from the Eastern Sea Sword School is like this.

And the famous swords included in the top ten fairy swords are all the best among the fairy swords.

Zidian Jingmang, its owner is the once famous Palace Master Lei Xiao.Not to mention the sacrifice of Palace Master Lei Xiao, several sword masters before that raised the quality of this sword to an extremely high level.

If such a sword could be swung with all its strength, he would be killed on the spot.

"I made a decision."

Fu Henghua felt ruthless in his heart.

"I want to help Fu Xuanxing find Nanming Lihuo Sword!"

Even though Nanming Lihuojian was one place weaker.But this is only the fame of the holder, the owner of Nanming Lihuo Sword is not as good as the owner of Zidian Jingmang.

In a real fight, the fire sword may not be inferior to the electric sword!

Otherwise, try to help Fu Xuanxing get the Liangyi Sword, which is the second among the Ten Great Immortal Swords?In other words, this sword doesn't seem to be in the Xuanwei sect either?

(End of this chapter)

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