
Chapter 35 Brothers and brothers will form 3 contracts, yang and yin will form 5 elements

Chapter 35 Brothers and Brothers will form a three-deed, Yang and Yin are in harmony

Fu Xuanxing and the others returned with a group of comatose monks.

I saw Heng Hua standing on the bow with his eyes closed, Zhou Xiao and Xiao Yu carefully guarding the side, not daring to disturb.

Fu Xuanxing: "He... what is he doing?"


Zhou Xiao looked at Fu Henghua, and then asked Fu Xiangfeng: "This little friend's talent is also wisdom?"

Fu Xiangfeng lowered his eyebrows and said lightly, "Huisin is a rare talent in my family. In my generation, only one person has awakened."

So, no?
But Zhou Xiao saw that the young man in front of him was extremely enlightened, so he felt that this should be the rumored "Tiantong Huixin".Among them, they are the most suitable people to be the elders of teaching skills.

After a while, Heng Hua opened his eyes and saluted Fu Xuanxing: "Thank you." After speaking, he turned and walked into the house.

"If you want to act, use this." Zhou Xiao threw him a golden puppet the size of a palm.

Heng Hua thanked him again and hurried back to the house.

Fu Xuanxing: "Hey - are you leaving now? What about these people?"

Xiao Yu came over: "Lock up these people first, and deal with them after the young master finishes performing the technique."

"Can't you get a few more gold hoops? That thing is very useful."

Xiao Yu scolded, "Young Master only has three straps in total. These people are not worth using."

Xu Wenyu's expression darkened when he heard that there were only three of them.

Isn't it the only one who has tasted this pain?


Heng Hua went back to the house, and Yu Xie followed him back.

Heart Ape escapes into the golden puppet, and cooperates with Heng Hua to participate in "Feng Hua Hui Yuan Gong".

With five masters and apprentices matching the five elements, gold, wood and earth are the most obvious.Journey to the West often uses Jin Gong and Mu Mu to represent Monkey King and Zhu Bajie.In the text, Drifting Monk is called "Huang Po".

Huang Po, the God of the Spleen House and Earth.

As for Yima Xiaobailong and Tang Seng Jiang Liuer, it is difficult to judge.

Yima, the earthly branch is noon, and fire is also.

Jiangliu, as the name suggests, is also water.

If you look at it from the surface, Tang Seng is water, and Yima is fire, so they belong to each other.

But it means that horses become dragons and promote water.Tang Seng is a person who looks south to Buzhou, so he should be fire.And in this way, it conforms to the relationship between master and apprentice.

Huo Kejin, that is, Tang Seng aimed at Sun Wukong.

Jin overcomes wood, that is, Sun Wukong defeats pig Bajie.

The soil conquers the water, and the sand monk leads the horse.

Therefore, no matter how Tang Seng and Xiao Bailong drained water, Heng Hua could reasonably apply it to practice and compile the fourth focus method.

But after these two sets of formulas are compiled, they are not regarded as the level of serious heavenly scriptures, and they only rank among the ranks of the immortal formulas of the earth.

Obviously, this should not be the orthodox practice of "Feng Hua Hui Yuan Gong".

It wasn't until seeing Fu Xuanxing just now that Heng Hua had a flash of inspiration that he suddenly woke up.

Why do you have to study the five elements of the five masters and apprentices?
Among the five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint, how to determine the name of master and apprentice?Furthermore, there are three senior brothers and four masters and apprentices, why do you have to add Yima to make up the five elements?
"I originally thought that the four masters and apprentices plus the Italian horse would make up the number of the five elements. Using the Five Elements Mountain as the formation method, the five spirits each occupy a place to achieve the cycle of yin and yang of the five elements. But I forgot that the yin and yang of Taiji generate the five elements, and it is a step-by-step process. the process of."

Therefore, Heng Hua put aside the principles of the five elements, and redefined the cultivation of the foundation-building three-fold mind method with his own understanding.

Tang Seng is "Tai Chi".Taiji produces yin and yang and five elements, which is the root of Tao.

The three disciples are divided into three, but they coincide with the five elements.

That's right, the three brothers and sisters can make up the Five Elements by themselves.

In addition to Drifting Monk, Jin Gong and Mu Mu each took another one to prepare for the reconciliation of the golden elixir of Kanli Dragon and Tiger.

There are 31 chapters in the Zhengwei book: "Jin Shunmu is tamed into a positive fruit, and the heart ape wood mother is combined with Danyuan."

Jin Shengshui is a hurdle.Wood makes fire, for separation.

Golden male and wooden female reconcile Kanli, why use holy monk and Italian horse to match?
With a thought, Xin Yuan took the initiative to deduce the second layer of "Feng Hua Hui Yuan Gong".

Under the majestic Five Elements Mountain, the heart ape suppresses restless thoughts.

The holy monk came to the west, opened the Five Elements Mountain with a Tai Chi theory, used the mind-absorbing ape as mana, and practiced the essence, energy and spirit.

Watching the evolution of the exercises, Heng Hua nodded frequently.

"That's right. The second level of mind method I originally deduced, although the heart ape was released, the Five Elements Mountain was not broken. This mountain was left in the Niwan Palace as the foundation of the Five Elements Great Formation. Casting alchemy as a foreshadowing is actually bloated and clumsy, no longer the magic of heavenly scriptures."

Now, relying on a Tai Chi principle to break through the Five Elements Mountain.The ape of the heart gets out of trouble and becomes the king of gold, which is even more agile.

Immediately afterwards, the mana of the golden puppet rose into flames.

The samadhi fire is manifested, the third level is the mind horse.

In this state, the cultivation of the samadhi fire is accelerated by taking advantage of the random thoughts of the mind.The whole process is to train the fire first, and then create the water, which is the principle of the mutual aid of water and fire.

With the deduction of the exercises, the anger around the golden puppet began to soften a little bit.

"Tang Monk is the teacher, and he is the root of Tai Chi. The white dragon and horse make the bridge, and use water and fire to connect Yin and Yang. Tai Chi uses the bridge of Yin and Yang to generate the five elements."

The golden puppet deduces the fourth stage.

Italian horses transform into dragons, water and fire are divided.

Jingong combines water essence, and uses the principle of five elements to produce each other, metal produces water, water produces wood, and wood mother is born.

There is a saying: Jin Cong Mu Shun are all one, wood love Jin Ren always play.There is no interval between a host and a guest, and there is a mystery in the three intersections and three combinations.

Mumu Yicheng, taking the momentum of the fire essence, palms four elements with Jingong to achieve the appearance of yin and yang.

Heng Hua murmured: "Among the five elements, gold and water are yin, and wood and fire are yang. The male is yang, and the mother is yin. According to alchemy, the golden male is the yang within the yin, and the wooden mother is the yin within the yang. Kan is separated from water and fire to make golden elixir, and Yin and Yang combine together."

But in addition to water, fire, yin and yang, Huang Po is also needed to be in the middle.

It is said: "Water and fire have their own destiny, and it all depends on the mother of the soil."

After the fire gave birth to the earth and gave birth to the wood mother, Huang Po finally appeared.

Huang Po is also called Huang Ya.In alchemy, it refers to the inspiration of the first golden alchemy.Only after Kanli is reconciled can the yellow buds germinate and start to form pills.

"Golden King takes the essence of fire, and Mumu gets the essence of water. Wukong and Bajie cooperate with Yin and Yang, and Sand Monk harmonizes them. This is the principle of the five elements."

So far, the three brothers cooperate with the five elements, starting from gold and ending from earth, and they live endlessly.

And the three brothers worshiped Tang Seng as a teacher, which is the naturalization of the five elements and Tai Chi.

After the exercises were deduced, Heng Hua laughed out loud.

Faintly, he heard furious thunder above the nine heavens.

But Lei Ting did not fall behind. After all, he only calculated the main idea of ​​the exercises, and the real fine exercises need time to slowly deliberate.

Withdrawing his heart, Heng Hua went out and returned the golden puppet to Zhou Xiao.

Seeing the five qi cycles of the golden puppet, Zhou Xiao was surprised and said, "You actually deduced it until the foundation was completed?"

The five elements are combined, and there is a false alchemy.

"It's a pity that you and I don't have time right now. Otherwise, I will help you refine the innate five elements, and you can follow the example of Li Nanxing to practice a heretic fake pill."

After Zhou Xiao looked at it, he gave the golden puppet to Heng Hua.

"Keep it. This golden puppet has a magical effect. The state of your deduced skills can condense a Dao will in the golden puppet. When necessary, use mana to activate the Dao will, and it can exert a blow of a considerable level."

Heng Hua was stunned: "Can the performance puppet still be used like this?"

"It's the dolls in Jinfang waters who use it like this. On Tianyang's side, it is said that there is another way to use dolls to create external avatars."

Zhou Xiao deliberately boasted about the Central Three Waters in an attempt to arouse Heng Hua's yearning heart, thus leading him into the Xuanwei School.

But Henghua wanted to repair the Heavenly Book wholeheartedly, so he didn't have the heart to go to the Xuanwei Sect to study the Liangyi Immortal Technique.

He had no choice but to pretend that he didn't understand Zhou Xiao's words.

In the end, Zhou Xiao had no choice but to give up this topic.

"How do you plan to deal with these people?"

"I don't have enough tight bands on my body. Lock them up first. Xiaoyu, you can cut off the hair and make dolls. It will be useful tomorrow."

Zhou Xiao frowned: "Witch Gu wins?"

Use their hair to control their lives and force them to work?

"No, it's from our Taoist sect who sprinkled beans into soldiers."

Heng Hua took Wei Lingzheng's lock of hair and threw it into the water: "Change!"

The water was surging, and a golden armored Taoist soldier similar in appearance to Wei Lingzheng appeared.

He laughed and said, "Scattering beans can be a soldier, but so can monks' hair."

"Although it only has one hour and three quarters of magic power, it can simulate [-]% of the main body's combat power. If you use some evil spells, you can also transfer the injuries on the Taoist soldiers to the main body."

Although Heng Hua said it in general terms.But Zhou Xiao was very knowledgeable and immediately understood the usefulness of this method.

If you get a bunch of hair from the enemy to make a doll.Let him fight the body.If the main body hurts the puppet, the injury will appear on itself.In this way, it is easy to win under the taboo.

"Sorcerer and Gu techniques in Tianyang, Jinfang, and Xuanyu are quite rare. There is no such thing as a puppet. Looking at this thing, it seems to be the method of Yuanming waters. Tong Jun, you really know a lot .”

Heng Hua said a few words modestly.He said silently in his heart: Mr. Tong certainly knows witchcraft, but her mother is the inheritor of Gushu from Yuanming water area.

Fu Xiangfeng was watching Xu Wenyu on the other side, and secretly disagreed when he saw Wei Lingzheng's puppet soldiers.

"When did Xiao Liu'er deal with Wei Lingzheng and cut off his hair?"


Wei Chongwei took a group of Wei family members to Fudongjiao, where Henghua and others opened Fangshi.

At this time, all the monks had left, and there was no one on the island.

Wei Chongwei recited the incantation silently, trying to gather the aura left by the Fu family here, so as to find the trace.

But Henghua is a delicate person, how could he leave such a big flaw?
After searching for a long time, Wei Chongwei was in vain.

"The Fu family is careful. But—"

He waved the dust whisk, and his mana turned into dust covering the reef.

Soon, Wei Lingzheng and others saw Qingchen reconstructed in the air, simulating the boat market in the early morning.

"Uncle, this is?"

"This is my way to suppress the bottom of the box, you just look at it."

Wei Chongwei stared at "Xiao Xumi's Spiritual Dust Illusion".

Appreciating treasures in Henghua, seizing fans in Qingxi... Each event is traced back one by one.

Finally, I saw the direction where Cailuan Lingfang was leaving.

"Just in this direction, chase."

Wei Chongwei's voice was a little weak.

"Little Sumeru Spiritual Dust Illusion Technique" is a very profound method.

The Xumi illusion it transforms can not only go back to the past, but also open up the universe and achieve a real world.Naturally, the mana consumption is huge.

Wei Chongwei spent [-]% of his mana after only recovering for a few hours.

Ten miles away, the jade phoenix fluttered over.

Fu Liuhui followed Heng Hua's trail to this water area.

Seeing Qingchen above Fudong Reef from a distance, Fuliuhui immediately stopped.

"The Wei family?"

She is ice and snow smart, and immediately guessed the intentions of the Wei family.

"They want to know the whereabouts of Sixth Brother?"

The girl hurriedly drove the spirit boat out of the way, trying to warn Heng Hua.

Due to the long distance, Fuliuhui could not use the technique of wind sound to warn her, she could only choose the technique of witchcraft,

"Just... a nosebleed. Sixth brother has a feeling, and he will definitely push my whereabouts. At that time, I will be able to detect the movements of the Wei family."

After all, they are siblings who grew up together.

When Fu Liuhui tried to cast a spell, Heng Hua immediately realized that someone was hurting him with a curse.

Using the method of divination and reckoning, he not only discovered Fu Liuhui's small movements, but also sensed the Wei family and his party on the immovable reef.

"Greed, hatred, ignorance, love, hatred, desire and evil. Is this the way of 'hate and difficulty'? Hey, there seems to be another way?"

Heng Hua cast a spell to calculate, and vaguely sensed a trace of magic energy approaching in the direction of Fu Liuhui.

Without hesitation, Heng Hua also used a little witch spell to remind Fu Liuhui.Then set the Wei family's hair on fire, reverse their fate with his own, and lure them to align with the demon.

Zhou Xiao watched Heng Hua's actions from the sidelines, and silently calculated what happened.

Suddenly his face changed: "Is there someone from the Heavenly Demon in Yanlong waters looking for trouble for you?"

"Heavenly Demon? Heavenly Demon Hall?"

Heng Hua immediately thought of the magic skill he had studied.Could it be that they came to make trouble for themselves when they found out that they possessed the Supreme Mind Dharma of the Heavenly Demon Palace?
Zhou Xiao was also beating drums secretly: Heavenly Demon, if they know that the monster I hold is the treasure of the Heavenly Demon Palace, wouldn't they alarm the entire Heavenly Demon Palace?


On the jade cockroach, Fu Liuhui felt the tingling pain in her little finger, and quickly drove the jade cockroach away.

As soon as he left, the magic cultivator of Xuanxintan arrived.Just happened to bump into Wei Chongwei and his party who were about to leave.


"Wei family?"

Subconsciously, both sides showed various magic weapons.

 The next chapter will also be delayed until eight o'clock in the evening.Scheduled updates will resume tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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