
Chapter 359

When Henghua sacrificed and refined the Ten Thousand Gods Picture, all Taixuan monks from all walks of life came to Daze.

Because of his high seniority, Heng Yu took the lead with Jing Shen, a real person from Liangyi Dao, to arrange fellows from all walks of life.

On the Five Elements Mountain, several Nascent Soul Grandmasters sat together.

Hengyu: "I got the news yesterday that a member of our Xuanwei sect got the method of making cloud wells from Wanxia Palace."

"Are you sure it can be made? Now? Are there enough materials? Do you want to contact Bu Xianzhou?"

"He is in the Yuxia Mountains, and he has asked several masters to help him identify it. The cloud well technology is available. As for the materials for building the cloud well-" Hengyu real person smiled and pointed to the Five Elements Mountain under him, "Don't forget, the ancestors are prepared There are many fairy things left."

Master Jing Shen's heart moved, and he also laughed: "Perhaps, it was precisely this step that the seniors of the year calculated to leave these fairy treasures in the real illusion space?"

Yunjing is the obsession of Jinfang Waters for hundreds of years.

They eagerly took this opportunity to avenge their shame, and once again announced to the world that Taixuan Taoism is not weaker than the two pavilions.

"Brother Dao, when will that disciple of yours deliver the method of Yunjing?"

"It will take some time to come from Yuxia Mountain. And for some reason, there have been many monsters appearing in Yuxia Mountain recently."

"Not only over there, but also demon traces began to appear on our side. Even if they come out of Yuxia Mountain smoothly, they should not be careless when they arrive at our side."

When it comes to Yaozu, Tianxuanzi is worried.

"It is said that the Earth Dragon Clan retreated to the depths of the stratum, and the Twelve Monster Clans returned to the land of Yizhou with the Feather Scale Demon. Next, the demon kings will launch an attack on us."

Hengyu: "I have asked Mo Yang to take some people to inspect the neighborhood, and I believe there will be results soon."

Speaking of which, this is also the trouble that Heng Hua caused.

He killed many demon generals in one go, and many of them were the blood descendants of the demon kings.

A few days ago, the demon kings were busy fighting for power underground, and temporarily ignored Taixuan Daze.Now that the Earth Dragon Clan retreated, and the Twelve Monster Clans turned from underground to the ground, the eyes of those demon kings naturally turned back.

Shocked to hear that his descendants had been killed, the demon king raised his troops one after another to seek revenge.


Dong Moyang and Quan Hezi are patrolling the east of Taixuan Daze.

Suddenly the starlight appeared, and I saw Heng Hua riding a silver wolf across the sky.

"Heng Hua? What are you doing out here?"

Heng Hua carried a four-foot-nine-inch long scroll on his back, and said vigorously: "I have achieved success in practicing the method recently, and I am here to help you."

Not far away, there are several fox demons wandering back.

Heng Hua stretched out a finger.

"go with!"

The scroll behind him circulated starlight, and two beams of light were thrown, turning into two star masters, the Heavenly Sword Star and the Heavenly Killer Star.

One held a huge sword, the other held a chopping axe, and the demon fox was beheaded with a few strokes of the ax light and sword shadow.

Quan Hezi: "This is... the method of Taoism?"

"Similar, similar."

Heng Hua smiled and looked at the general he had summoned, feeling even happier.

This is the way of fighting that suits his style.

To defend against the enemy, you only need to call the corresponding soldiers.

The map of the gods is tens of thousands of gods, generals, and soldiers, who are dispatched by themselves.

After the battle, with a gust of wind, the two gods will turn into clods and return to the earth.

The Wanshentu is not stable, and it is still in the three-in-one state of "Cloud Axis, Luoshu, and Xiyang".Take "All Gods, Heaven, Luo, Gods Forbidden" as the glue.Luoshu provides the imprint of Dao, endowing spirituality to the gods on the map of the gods.The cloud axis provides vitality and star god true talisman.Xi Rang is responsible for giving the illusory gods a physical body.

Every god summoned from the Pantheon of the Gods is a clay figurine constructed by the power of the earth.

"Using the starlight to fuse the body of the statue is not as difficult as I imagined, but very smooth? The star is dry and the earth is turbid. Is this also a kind of unity of yin and yang?"

Heng Hua thought secretly.

Seeing that Heng Hua had already come out, Dong Moyang and the two of them could not force him to go back, so they simply took him to patrol outside.

Quan Hezi looked at the silver wolf under Henghua, and asked in doubt.

Heng Hua said: "This is the greedy wolf astrology.

"I want to refine the Zhoutian star map to prove my way. The two gods, generals, and Taoist soldiers just now, and the silver wolf I am riding now, are all illusions of stars."

Suddenly, there were bursts of ape cries in the distance.

Dong Moyang looked at Tongbei Old Ape holding the battle flag, and five hundred white apes ordered to roll out the wooden cart, ready to face his side.

"The ape is psychic, you can see that he is no worse than my generation of monks in arranging battle formations."

Dong Moyang saw that the old ape was an old monkey who had attained enlightenment for thousands of years, so he said to Henghua and the two of them.

"Pay attention to the demon soldiers next to you, I'll catch this old demon."

"No, no, Brother Dong, I'll practice."

Heng Hua untied the scroll behind him, shook it off and pointed at Pojun Xingjun.

He recited the mantra, and wisps of golden glow rose from his feet, just like the realm of golden elixir.

Dong Moyang couldn't help looking at the scroll in Heng Hua's hand.

He is close to the Fu family and has the relationship with the master, so he naturally knows what the treasure of enlightenment obtained by Fu Henghua is.

"Construct the domain with immortal artifacts? In this way, I really don't need to take action."

Starlight jumped out of the scroll and turned into a silver-armored god of war holding a red-tasseled spear and charged into the group of apes.

Sensing the level of mana surging from God of War, Quan Hezi said in shock: "Friend Daoist, you... your art of war is..."

"This is the Taoism of Immortal Dao Tiangang, the Golden Elixir of One Day From Sowing Beans to Soldiers."

Really this?

Quan Hezi silently watched the god of war enter the group of monkeys, the gun moved like thunder, every move and every move, the monster monkeys died.

He heard the master talk about the "One Day Golden Elixir Method".

In today's Donglai cultivation world, the highest level of being able to turn beans into soldiers is the Taoist soldiers of the golden elixir level.

But how much cultivation does Fellow Daoist Fu have to be able to summon Jindan Taoist soldiers?
Heng Hua caressed the picture of the gods, and the statue of Pojun Xingjun on it was already dimmed.All the colors filled with Lingyuan Yancai disappeared, leaving only a phantom.

To me, summoning Jindan Daobing means the disappearance of the statue on the Pantheon?What Yan Cai replaces is spiritual energy?bullet?

If the Wanshentu is regarded as a firearm, then Lingyuan Yancai is the ammunition.As long as it is filled continuously, new Dao soldiers will be continuously evolved with energy.

"However, the Ten Thousand Gods Chart itself also has the ability to concentrate the mind with vitality. So..."

Heng Hua closed his eyes, and the five elders on the Ten Thousand Gods Map performed kung fu at the same time.Massive spiritual energy poured into the Ten Thousand Gods Picture from all directions, and under the control of the five elders, it formed five colors of blue, red, yellow, white and black.

That part of the color was reconciled by Heng Hua and refilled into the statue of Pojun Xingjun.It's just that some special colors cannot be reconciled, and the statue has not yet been fully restored.

"Sure enough, the Myriad Gods Map can control all phenomena in the world. It's not a problem to use vitality to make spiritual beauty. It's just that it's high-grade, and some of them are not on the table."

Those five colors are all low-grade, it is okay to paint Dao soldiers, but if it is the coloring of the main god, it is absolutely not allowed.

Half an hour later, all the monster monkeys died, and Pojun Xingjun disappeared.

"Unfortunately, the gap is still a bit bigger than the master's shot."

If a master is proficient in "spreading beans into soldiers", he can create a golden elixir and yellow scarf wrestler that exists for twelve hours.And Fu Henghua's Taoist soldiers can only exist for half an hour, and they are still downgraded from the Xingjun who should have been more advanced.

But this function of the Wanshen Diagram is enough to make Heng Hua happy.

He was walking alone, if he really pushed him into a hurry.The hundreds of star gods depicted in the cloud axis star map can help him resist the beatings of many Jindan monks.

Quan Hezi: "It's strange. One-day Golden Elixir belongs to the best use of 'Scattering Beans into Soldiers', which is rare outside of my world, and only a few senior masters can do it. Fellow Daoist, where did you learn it?" of?"

Where did I learn it from? Of course, Bodhi joined the sea of ​​clouds in "Scattering Beans into Soldiers"——

Heng Hua suddenly came to his senses, and when he was thinking about how to explain it, a paper crane appeared out of thin air.

"I taught it."

Zhou Xiao's voice came from Zhihe, and then he said urgently: "Hurry up, go back and inform Master Uncle, let him come underground to rescue me and Bai Min."

"Bai Min?" Heng Hua was shocked, "When did he come down?"

"He came to Yizhou with Nanxia to see the world, and he didn't expect to get separated from Daoist Liu. He ran into me and girl Xiyue, and we went underground together. Tell Uncle Hengyu quickly and ask him to help."


The paper crane spontaneously combusted into ashes.

Heng Hua disbanded the picture of the gods, and held the tortoise shell in his hand to calculate the luck.

Dong Moyang was about to ask Quan Hezi to take Fu Henghua back to ask for help, when he suddenly saw Fu Henghua grab a handful of ashes and throw them up to the sky.Then follow the direction indicated by Hui Jin and go to Tudun.

"This kid!"

Dong Moyang could only let Quan Hezi rush back with some "fu hui", catch up with Fu Henghua by himself, and rescue Zhou Xiao and the others.


When Hengyu and the others learned of Fu Henghua's movements, they frowned.

"Are you sure it was Heng Hua who took the initiative, and not Dong Moyang carrying him?"

From Hengyu's point of view, Fu Henghua is mature and stable, would he do such a mindless thing?
Quan Hezi nodded: "Fellow Daoist Fu was shocked to hear about Uncle Zhou's news, and hurried to the ground. Uncle Master, when are we going to leave?"

Hengyu pinched his fingers to calculate, and then scanned a thousand miles around with his spiritual sense.

"They're southeast of Daze—what are they doing there?"

But the situation is urgent and we need to leave as soon as possible.Hengyu said hello to Master Jingshen, and rushed to save people with twelve monks.


Underground cave.

Zhou Xiao sat cross-legged in the gossip formation, layers of golden light echoed in the cave.The approaching golden spiders were blown away by the golden light.

Around the gossip array, a circle of plants spit out ice arrows and thunderbolts were planted.Zhang Xiyue stared at the spiritual plant she had planted. When the spiritual plant was destroyed by the spider spirit, she immediately planted a new spiritual plant to fill it.

Fu Baimin hid behind the two of them, bandaging and detoxifying the little white rabbits.

When the little white rabbit recovered from his injuries, he went to help Zhang Xiyue dig a hole and plant spiritual plants.

With the cooperation of the three of them and the group of rabbits, they barely blocked the spider spirit's attack.

But Zhou Xiao was anxious because he could feel it.Behind this dense group of spiders, there are two golden core-level spider mothers waiting for the opportunity.As long as you show your flaws, you will immediately catch them with the net.But this is only the first step, there are more terrifying traps underground...

"If I escape by force, it won't be difficult to take these two children with me. It's just that these rabbit monsters..."

Rabbit Clan, the end of the Thirteen Great Clans.Relying on the huge number of people to occupy a place in the Yaozu.

But with the decline of the earth dragon clan, the power of the rabbit clan was penetrated by various monster clans headed by tigers and wolves, and the rabbit monsters were forcibly taken away as slaves and eaten with blood.Now this group of rabbits intends to seek refuge and takes the initiative to worship under Fu Baimin's sect.

Zhou Xiao also planned to use the rabbit clan to divide the monster clan, so he gritted his teeth desperately to save this litter of rabbits.

boom -

Suddenly, there was thunder in the distance.

Zhou Xiao sensed the power of starlight erupting underground.

"Is it Tianyi Sect? Master brought someone here?"

Zhou Xiao was overjoyed, and his spiritual consciousness flew away across the sky.

I saw the war gods Yuheng and Kaiyang fighting with the two spider mothers, while Dong Moyang wielded his sword energy wantonly, massacring the spider spirits around him, opening a passage for Zhou Xiao and others.

"No, why is this kid here?"

Zhou Xiao hurriedly summoned for questioning.

Dong Moyang glanced at the God of War soldiers beside him.

"Master, don't worry, my rescue is enough."

"Idiot! You are throwing yourself into a trap! In this underground area, there is a Tianluo spider web laid by a Tianluo queen. It is a Nascent Soul class."

"I know," Dong Moyang sighed, "That's why I came to meet you, and that kid Heng Hua—"

There was a vibration from the ground, as if the whole earth came alive, attacking the spider spirits underground.

"He went to pester the queen."

Dong Moyang couldn't help worrying when he thought of Henghua's plan.

To seal the land as a god, to make this land come alive?
Can this idea also be realized?

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