
Chapter 366 Eight Gates Open to Welcome the Demon Army

Chapter 366

The eight gates stand on the vast land, and the golden light meets each other.

Henghua and Yang Dai silently practiced Xuangong in Xungong and Lidi.

The wind rolled the white clouds, and the mighty kamikaze echoed in Dumen.The winds of clearness, heat, coolness, and cold are soothing and transforming the four seasons.Yin wind and sky wind circulate Yin and Yang.Another Xuan Lie whirling wind blows ten thousand pillars of wind.

All the corresponding winds between heaven and earth are included in this door.

The phoenix birds fluttered their wings and sang, happily shuttled between the storms.

Jingmen next door is not to be outdone either.The flames were scorching like the sun in the sky, the flames were shining brightly, and the fiery waves of fire continued to spread outward.

Heng Hua and Yang Dai closed their eyes and concentrated their minds. When they were running the Xun Gua and Li Gua respectively, they devoted a little bit of attention to observe the other party's innate hexagrams.

Yang Dai relied on the golden elixir and Chiyuan's secret biography, and painstakingly deduced and calculated the theory of the Xun hexagram.

But it is a pity that Chiyuan's Taoism is based on mountains, thick and steady, and it is most difficult to grasp the lightness of wind.In desperation, he could only rely on the Li Gua that he had inherited, and draw the outline of the Xun Gua in his mind based on the principle of the same origin of the heavenly scriptures.

"It's difficult to use the Li hexagram alone to sense the Xun hexagram!"

Seeing that the Xun hexagram has not yet formed, Yang Dai sighs unconsciously.

But I failed here, even if he is proficient in calculations, it should be difficult to see through my Li Gua, right?
Inside the Dumen, Heng Hua closed his eyes and meditated, with a tortoise shell in front of him, and a cloud axis star chart behind him.

The incarnation of Bodhi is to collect and practice starlight, and on behalf of Henghua to sacrifice and refine the star map, and re-outline the star god's dharma.Wukong's incarnation is on the side to protect the dharma, beware of outsiders approaching.Wei Henghua deity uses Shenluo Tianshu to calculate the magic of Li Gua.

The turtle shell is the treasure of heaven and earth, corresponding to the eight trigrams and nine palaces.When the next door began to deduce the Li Gua, and tried to hook the Xiantian Xun Gua here, the turtle shell was already recalculating the Li Gua, and analyzing Yang Dai's method of Li Huo.

One long, two short, one long.

The red-gold hexagram appeared on the back of the turtle.

"It's done!"

Heng Hua was suddenly overjoyed.

Although I couldn't see the real diagram of Li Gua, the deduced virtual phase Li Gua is enough to complete the "Bagua Yunguang Pa".

Eight Diagrams Yunguangpa, Fu Henghua's Taoist practice created by Zhinu family.

In the conception, the two hexagrams of Kanli are refined to form a golden elixir, the second hexagram of Dingzhen is converted into a Yuanying, and then the other four hexagrams are cultivated, which can immediately ascend to the sky.

But because of Fu Henghua's knowledge back then, the "Xianyun Qiqiaoshu" that was finally created was a mysterious-level advanced Taoist book.

Li Gua, as the real fire realm practice of "Seven Skills Book", Henghua has been unable to upgrade to the level of fairy book for a long time.If Fu Qixiang uses the original practice method, the condensed real fire is only the purity of Xuan level.

Now, this link is finally filled.

Heng Hua used Yang Dai as a template to calculate the practice of Li Gua.And with the help of the Kan Gua originally held by him, he completed the simulation of the nine foundation building layers of "Xianyun Qiqiaoshu".

"In the future, Qixiang will use this Taoist scripture to achieve the Great Consummation of Foundation Establishment."

As for how to form a pill...

Sorry, I'm just a mage performer, and I'm not proficient in weaving clouds.The last step needs to be realized by Qixiang himself.

Standing up to receive the power, Heng Hua looked to the next door.

Noticing that Yang Dai was still studying hard, he smiled slightly and crossed the wind bridge to the other gates.

The wounded gate is located in Zhengong, where there are bursts of thunder and flashes of lightning, and the Zhen hexagram recorded by Henghua is used to suppress the formation, forming a fictitious thunder pool.

"It's still not enough. No one is here in the main formation. It's hard to realize the power of the eight gates."

Then go to Gen Gua Shengmen.The mountains are stretching and the trees are shaded. This place was laid by Yang Dai.It was left by Ling Tianchou and the other three.

When the three saw Fu Henghua, they rushed forward to greet him.

After communicating with the three of them for a while, he went to Xiumenkan Palace again.

Henghua arranges the Kan Gua here, and the plain water is green, just like a congenital marsh.

"If Xiaoyu is here, someone will help me hold the line."

Going to Kaimen Gan Palace again, Henghua misses Hengshou again.

Entering the Dui Palace, the metal energy is the blade, and it will be damaged when it hits the face.This is the startling door, one of the three evil doors.

Finally, when they came to Kun Palace, the landlord died and all life was hidden.This gate of death is the gate of lore, if the monster race passes through these two gates, the only way to die is.

"You have already set up this formation, what level of monsters can you deal with?"

Yang Dai turned from the gate of Jing to the gate of death.

Twilight is heavy, and the spirit is dead.

Walking here, Yang Dai also felt a sense of creepiness.

"If there are eight Jindan monks leading the formation at the same time, they can fight against the Nascent Soul Demon King. It's a pity..."

Counting the few casual cultivators recruited by Yang Dai, they could barely get together a few main players at the foundation level.With Yang Dai, a Jindan cultivator, at most able to resist six or seven demon generals.

After listening, Yang Dai remained silent.

"However, this is just a delay. You should study the Chiyuan formation disk at the bottom as soon as possible. If the formation disk destroyed by the Earth Dragon Clan can be repaired, this land can be hidden again to prevent outsiders from prying eyes."

Due to the difference in orthodoxy, Yang Dai and the others did not want Fu Henghua to go underground to study the array.So, they can only try to fix it themselves, and the progress is extremely slow.

"I will speed up the repair of the underground array. Before that, please bear with me."

Heng Hua nodded: "Among the eight gates, there is no need to worry about the gates of shock and death. As long as the formation of the eight gates is not broken, the monsters can be killed continuously. If the monster clan has wise men, they will not lose their troops from here.

"Of the remaining six gates, my third brother and I guard the Du gate, and you guard the Jing gate. Ling Tianchou and the other three keep an eye on the Sheng gate. But the remaining two auspicious gates and one fierce gate need someone to guard them."

Yang Dai: "The Qian Palace in the Northwest opens the door, and the Shuu Gate of the North Kan Palace is connected to the Sheng Gate. If it doesn't work, put the younger brother of the Fu family here, and then put the few monks I found here, and let them Go for it."

The Sanjimen are connected with Qimai.

When one door is broken, as long as there is a chance to breathe, the other two doors can help in time to repair the broken palace door again.And the three gates are full of vitality, even if the monks in the main formation are injured, they will be healed quickly.

Seeing Heng Hua nodding his head, Yang Dai smiled wryly in his heart.

There is no way, the helpers he found are all at the foundation level.Letting them go to the second sect of wind and fire will only drag myself and the brothers of the Fu family down.

"The last wound—"

Yang Dai was talking, when he suddenly looked up at the sky.

Heng Hua also heard the wind in the air, and quickly walked out of the Eight Gates Formation.

When the two came out, they saw Fu Xiangfeng chatting and laughing with the twelve monks, who were coming by clouds.

Heng Hua smiled happily: "The third brother has found a manpower. It's a good thing, a good thing."

Suddenly, he saw two of the twelve monks disappear quietly.

Fu Xiangfeng didn't seem to notice anything, brought everyone to meet Yang Dai, and introduced them one by one.

"Brother Dao, these fellow Daoists are the helpers I have found."

What is popularity?

This is popularity.

Fu Xiangfeng has been traveling outside these years and has made many friends.In Yizhou, I also met many acquaintances, and invited them to help Yang Dai.

Seeing Sun Zhuoyun, You Ziwei, and Shu Tianci, Heng Hua's mouth twitched, and he stepped forward and pulled Shu Tianci aside to ask about the situation.

"Why aren't you in the Yuxia Mountains?"

"I didn't find the way." Shu Tianci was a little embarrassed.

"We came out of Wanxia Palace and returned to Sword Immortal Continent. We learned that the teacher wanted to occupy the Yuxia Mountain Range, so we all came down from the Daoming Palace. We didn't expect..."

There is a river of fire spreading in the hinterland of Shenzhou.

The Fire River between Yuxia Mountains and Daoming Palace is even more rugged and winding.

The three of Sun Zhuoyun strayed off the road and bumped into several demon generals.By the time the monster slaying was over, he had completely lost his way.If Fu Xiangfeng hadn't found the three of them, they would still be wandering around outside.

While explaining, Shu Tianci aimed his eyes behind Heng Hua.

Just when his face was beaming with joy, Heng Hua quickly grabbed it behind him.

The earth escape technique failed, and the air rippled.


Hong Changyi was forced to show up, Heng Hua grabbed his collar and pulled him to him again.

"Why are you down again? Didn't you go back?"

"I'm going back. I'll give that...to the great-uncle. We will come down together to help Zihuang Pavilion take care of Yunjing."

Unexpectedly, the cloud pillar in the Daoming Palace broke, completely cutting off the passageway up and down.

"Great-uncle was startled, so he hurriedly dragged a few comrades to the Yuxia Mountains, intending to guard the cloud pillar over there. He didn't take me with him, and asked me to wait for news at the blessed place of Daoming Palace. Then..."

Hong Changyi glanced at Fu Xiangfeng.

"Your third brother came to Fudi to find helpers, and I followed along—how did you find me?"

"Third brother brought twelve people back, and within a short while, two heads were missing. Naturally, he hid himself and planned to sneak over to scare me—do you think so, Senior Li?"

Above his head, Li Tang, who was about to pull Henghua's collar with a fishhook, quickly put away his fishing rod and laughed loudly: "Your alertness is still so good. Not bad, not bad, walking outside, that's how it should be."

Li Tang, Fu Danwei's fishing friend, has a Jindan cultivation base and is proficient in interrogation, punishment, deduction, and case resolution.When he was fishing, he had taught Fu Henghua many things.

But right now, Li Tang's condition is not good.

Seeing Li Tang's left eyelid swollen with a longan-sized sarcoid, Heng Hua's expression became condensed: "Are you always poisoned? You were sprayed while fishing? You always told me to be more careful when walking outside. Why didn't you pay attention? "

Li Tang smiled wryly and fell down, Heng Hua went up to look at it.

A smell of water came out.

"Is it really done by fishing? Is it more appropriate to fish for dragons?"

"It's a poisonous dragon."

Li Tang honestly let Heng Hua check.

"The blessed land of Daoming Temple has been delayed for a long time. I hated the suffocation there, so I ran out to fish for leisure. Unexpectedly, the bait was actually a poisonous dragon. When I was unprepared, it hit my eyes. Of course, in the end was beaten to death by me."

Seeing Heng Hua staring at the cancer in thought, Li Tang said again: "In the blessed land of Daoming Palace, I asked a few fellow Taoists to help detoxify, which has already reduced a lot. It's just that there are not many medicinal materials in the blessed land, and there is no way to completely detoxify."

There are several herbs that are only available on the water.Now the monks in the blessed land have none, so they can only temporarily help Li Tang suppress the poison, and deal with it after returning to the human world.

"But the third brother went over there and pulled you here? Wait a moment."

He walked back to the pile of materials remaining in the Eight Gate Formation, and after selecting a few materials, he collected some elixir from the medicine garden in the cloud axis.

After tinkering for a while, Heng Hua made a pair of eyepatch and handed it to Li Tang.

"Applied externally, the elixir on it will slowly dissolve the poison into aura. You always pay attention to absorbing it. By the way, are you interested in cultivating a spiritual eye? When the poison is transformed into aura, you carefully sacrifice it with the real fire of Samadhi at the meridian. The eyes may have a miraculous effect."

"Burn your eyes?" Hong Changyi interjected, "Can a fragile place like the eyes be burned with real fire? How painful is it?"

Heng Hua smiled without saying a word, just looking at Li Tang blindly.

Many years ago, Li Tang put on the airs of his predecessors in front of him, saying that the road of cultivation is difficult and bumpy, and I should overcome it with patience.

Now is an opportunity to sacrifice your spiritual purpose, do you want to overcome it?

Li Tang thought about it, and his temper rose instantly: "Come here, it hurts, what are you afraid of, old man!"

Heng Hua secretly passed on a piece of "The Method of Spiritual Eye" with Fengyin.

This is not created by him, but given by the Tai Chi friend in the mirror.The monks in that continent like to practice pupil art the most.

It can be said that every Taoist monk has his own exclusive spiritual eyes.

After helping Li Tang heal, Fu Xiangfeng brought a Taoist nun over.

"Heng Hua, who do you think this is?"

"Senior Dream?"

Meng Lingyue, known as Menggu, once taught Fu Henghua a very useful secret technique.

"Are you also on Yizhou?"

Heng Hua's gaze swept away, and he suddenly realized something.

The current Menggu is not real!

The nun flicked the whisk lightly, and said with a smile: "I have often dreamed of going to Yizhou these years, looking for consonants and dream candles. Coincidentally, I met your brother, so we will come and see you together."

Fu Danwei gave up all his superficiality and invited a group of strange people to Beaulieu Island as guests.With the help of everyone, Heng Hua learned a lot of skills in pressing the bottom of the box.All the seniors looked at Henghua as they looked at their nephews and family members.

"You haven't given up on searching for the consonant dream candle? Well, if we meet later, I'll help you pay attention."

Lingxi Dream Candle is a fairy artifact made from the jade horn of the divine animal Lingxi.In the Shenzhou era, she was nowhere to be found. Menggu inherited the great dream to become a fairy, and wanted to find this fairy that would be of great benefit to her.

Meng Gu, Li Tang, and Sun Zhuoyun are all Golden Core cultivators.

The three of them came here to help, and the combat power of the Eight-door Fenghuo Formation immediately became sufficient.

Heng Hua allocated the manpower again, just in time for the first wave of demon army to arrive.

Many days have passed, and the power change within the Yaozu has been initially completed.

The nine monster kings of the tiger tribe expelled the wolf and the ape. Although Hengyu rescued a jade rabbit, the remaining jade rabbit sacrificed the battle flag with blood in public, establishing the dominance of the tiger tribe over the land monster tribe.

After that, the Tiger Clan started to attack the Terran monks on the earth.

The Cloud Pillar at the Chiyuan ruins is its primary target.

The Earth Dragon Tribulation Immortal has been defeated, and the decline of the Yaozu is inevitable.In addition to fighting for the power of the monster clan, the tiger clan needs to leave a way out for their own family.

Master a cloud pillar channel to facilitate escape to the outside world.

For this reason, the Chiyan Tiger King among the Nine Tiger Kings led one hundred thousand demon soldiers to Chiyuan in person.

Tigers, leopards, jackals, lions, elephants, cattle and sheep, and hundreds of thousands of monsters formed groups of phalanxes, surrounding the eight wind and fire formations.

The evil spirit is strong, and the gloomy wind is miserable.From time to time, the roar of beasts echoed between the sky and the earth.

The monks in the formation shook their heads frequently.

"Look at those people who have turned into skins and skins, they have no roots at all. Even if they are used as spirit beasts, they will be considered a loser."

"You can't say that, those white jade elephant spirits seem to be somewhat moral."

The so-called Taoism refers to the aura carried by one's body after a long time of studying and understanding the principles of heaven and earth.

The monster clan breathed out the essence of the sun and the moon, and practiced instinctively. What they cultivated was mana, not reason.

From this, the difference between monsters and spirit beasts can be distinguished.

Spiritual beasts comprehend the Dao, and what they seek is to realize the truth of the Dao.

Monster beasts specialize in mana, what they want is freedom of nature.


Suddenly, a beast's roar resounded through the sky, scaring away the dogs thousands of miles away.

Countless monsters rushed towards the eight-door formation at this moment.

boom -

The eight gates move together, and there are eight god-supporting gates standing in an octagon with a diameter of one mile.

The three gates are connected by luck, and Mengxian leads Fu Baimin and Zhu Sanxiu to guard here.Tianshui Mountain's three qi are integrated into one, like an iron wall connected by mountains and rivers.No matter how the gods and foxes attack, it is difficult to damage them.

The evil energy of the two sects soared into the sky, and Sun Zhuoyun led a few sword cultivators to sit here and kill Wushuang.Whenever monsters pass by the Gate of Shock and the Gate of Death, they are beheaded by sword energy, and there are piles of corpses.

Thunder roared at the wounded door, and it was the place guarded by Li Tang.He used the five thunder method to frighten the beasts with the power of thunder.

In the end, the Du gate and the Jing gate opened together, and the kamikaze and fire combined, burning all the monsters in front of them to ashes.

The flame was swept by the divine wind, turned into a dragon and rose to the east, circled the eight-door formation, and wiped out all the monsters that approached.

The wind and fire were like a wall, sweeping upwards layer by layer, and several demon generals who originally planned to approach from the air were burned by the fire and had to flee in embarrassment.

"You stay here!"

Lihuo turned into a giant hand, and Yang Dai urged his mana to slap it hard. The two tiger monsters fell and were burned into black charcoal by Nanming Lihuo, leaving only two demon pills.

In the distance, the Scarlet Flame Tiger King and the leaders of the nine monster clans looked out.The leaders of these nine routes are all of the blood of alien beasts and divine beasts.

There are idols, lions, green lions, tengus, raccoons, Pegasus, consonants, bears, and nine-tailed foxes.

They have blood inheritance, which is different from ordinary monsters.In terms of strength, among Jindan cultivators, it is also comparable to the elders and true disciples of the Great School of Immortal Sect.

The nine-tailed fox is pure white, and the voice is soft: "Your Majesty, these monks have set up a vicious formation, and you should not take it lightly. You need to find a formation to cover the door, and draw it slowly."

"Ms. Fox is easy to say!" Li Li roared, "We inherit the blood of our ancestors. But how much do we know about the formation of human monks? Looking at the entire monster clan alliance, there are very few people who understand Qimen Dunjia. "

The nine-tailed fox glanced at the boar-like monster, and continued: "We really don't know the art of magic. But we have the talent of blood, and we can seek good luck and avoid bad luck. Your Majesty, we only need to find a few people with extraordinary instincts and talents." Just go and walk around the formation."

(End of this chapter)

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