
Chapter 375

Not long after chatting with Hengyu, Henghua felt full of air, and took Xiaoyu to the wounded door to find Hengshou.

At this time, Hengshou had burned the tail of the fox with thunder, and the wooden sword had also been turned into coke.

Seeing Heng Hua approaching, he nodded in response: "Master, it's settled."

Judging from the condition of the fox tail, the nine-tailed fox is dead.

Heng Hua picked up the black and dusty fox tail, shook his head lightly and said, "I knew it, you definitely won't be able to kill her with your hands."

Hengshou was puzzled.

"This is a life-changing technique. Well, it seems that when she cursed and killed, she attracted divine punishment? Did she learn sorcery? It's a yin-type curse."

After all, the fox tail was destroyed, Heng Hua couldn't see anything more, he only comforted Heng Shou and said: "The future will be long, let's take it easy later."

Looking at the wounded door in front of him again, real Hengyu sits in charge and readjusts the eight wind and fire formations.According to the bureau of eight trigrams and nine palaces, a hub is set up in the middle palace, and Tianxuanzi dispatches all directions.Each of the eight gates has a small formation, which is controlled by eight golden core formation masters.

Among the wounded gates is the Purple Lightning Thunder Formation.It comes from Leixiao Immortal Palace, and has the same origin as Yu Xiaolei's swordsmanship.

Taking a casual look, Heng Hua took Heng Shou and his wife to the other seven gates.

Gengong Shengmen, the mountains are rolling, and the trees are shaded.The formation here is called "Lianshanhoutuzhen", which is towned by Yutu Liuniangniang.

Seeing the three of Heng Hua coming, the Jade Rabbit turned into a human form, bowed down and said:

"Yu Rong met En Gong, and thanked En Gong for his kindness to my family's survival."

For the sake of his own Jade Rabbit, Heng Hua said a few words in a gentle and gentle manner.

He hoped that this Jade Rabbit could bring the Rabbit Clan to Fu's house.The Fu family will build a medicine garden for them and leave them a place to live.

The only condition is family planning.

Rabbits are good at reproduction and have multiple uteruses, if not controlled.I'm afraid it won't be long before Yanlong is not enough for them to bear.

Yutu also understood this, and agreed wholeheartedly.

Going further to Kan Palace, Meng Gu and Li Tang are chatting here.Now that Meng Gu came in person, Heng Hua hurriedly stepped forward to greet her.

"You acted nonsense for me and other juniors, and you came here with your real body. The juniors are really ashamed."

Meng Gu smiled and said: "There are two masters here to take care of me, so what's the problem with my real body? Besides, there are spirit beasts here, which are related to my practice. A little risk is worth it, so you don't have to worry too much."

The Kangong Xiumen Formation is called "Ruoshui Lanjiang Formation", guarded by Menggu.

The gate-opening formation of Qiangong is called "Tianyi Cangyun Formation", guarded by Li Tang.

After Heng Hua looked at it, he turned to Dui Palace to startle the door.

The cold wind is howling, and the air of chilling blows to the face.

Sun Zhuoyun led You Ziwei, Shu Tianci, Cui Boshan and other sword repairmen to set up the "Golden Spirit Thousand Sword Formation" here.

After greeting several acquaintances, Cui Boshan came to thank him for saving his wife and children.Heng Hua even said it was a little effort, but he didn't dare to take credit for it.

After exchanging pleasantries, Heng Hua accepted the few elixir that Cui Boshan wanted to present as a gift, and transferred them to Kun Palace.

On the way, Xiao Yu smiled and said: "I haven't seen you for a few days, but the young master got a lot of favors."

Heng Hua smiled and remained silent.

Where is this?
The real benefit is to save those monks of the Taixuan Taoism.

Winning over all the branches of Taixuan will make it easier for him and the Fu family to develop in the future.


The gate of death in Kun Palace is full of Yin Qi.

Tianxuanzi was instructing Li Ruxin to seal a stone tablet into the ground.

"It's such a ten thousand tiger Yin Sha Formation."


Heng Hua was disturbed when he saw the yin stele that sealed tens of thousands of tiger souls.

I couldn't help but walked forward, and said to Tianxuanzi: "Senior, don't place this thing casually. It's better to put it away, and take it back to the world for purification!"

"This thing is too fierce. Take it to the human world to purify it, and it will be difficult to do it in a short time. It is better to bury it in the ground and use the formation method to extract the evil spirit. After the evil spirit is eliminated, then use it to purify."

Glancing at Fu Henghua, Tianxuanzi drove the three of them away.

"The fierce formation here is against you, so don't come here more in the future."

The soul in the tiger soul tablet hates Fu Henghua the most.If he stays here, it will stimulate the tiger's soul instead.

Seeing Fu Henghua, Li Ruxin greeted Yaoyao, and continued to help seal the Tiger Soul.


The three of them traveled from the southwest to the Zhengnan Palace.

The Jingmen Formation is called "Xuanhuo Gale Formation", guarded by Dong Moyang.At this time, he was studying the "Yin Yang mirror technique" in the formation.

Heng Hua went over to greet him, and Dong Moyang was troubled, and he took up the "Yin Yang Mirror Technique" to ask him for advice.Heng Hua shook his head again and again: "For this spell, you should ask the old master for advice. I really don't know much about spells."

"Not much dabbling? I saw that spell last night. A person who casts heaven-level Taoism said that he didn't dabble much in Taoism spells. Then don't we, who can only play fairy magic, don't even get started?" Doesn't count?"

"The cost of casting that spell is too high. For this reason, I destroyed a fake pill."

Immediately, Heng Hua felt two sharp eyes behind him, and he smiled wryly.

The Jade Cauldron Fake Pill was refined by him, Heng Shou and Xiao Yu together, using the treasures of heaven and earth collected by Chaoyinzhai for many years.Now once it is destroyed, Fu Henghua will be happy.But if the three of them separated later, where would Fu Henghua go to find another fake pill?How to cast Jindan level mana again?

Thinking of this, Heng Hua got a headache.

On the way from Jingmen to Dumen, he discussed with the two.Looking back for an opportunity, find a few Golden Core cultivators to join hands, and then go outside to kill a few Golden Core monsters and refine a fake pill.

When Hengshou two heard this, they naturally would not object.

When he came to Dumen, Hengshou remembered something, and presented to Fu Henghua the illustrated book of Dragon Palace that Fu Xuanxing had left him, together with the illustrated book obtained by the two of them.

Seeing the three Dragon Palace illustrated books, Fu Henghua's eyes brightened up.

"You have a lot of opportunities in this line of business."

Hengshou looked at Xiaoyu, she rolled her eyes, and described her experience in detail.

Hearing that they met Master Xuantong, Heng Hua thought deeply.

Hearing that Fu Yaozhen was trapped in the magic mirror of the labyrinth and could not escape for a long time, Heng Hua fell silent.

Sister's mind will be trapped by a mirror?
More likely, what did she see in the mirror?But Sister is always at ease, so nothing will happen.

Heng Hua put this matter aside, put away the illustration book, and looked at the formations in Dumen.

This is a returning wind and returning fire formation.Under the guidance of real Hengyu, Fu Xiangfeng rehearsed with his own hands.

"You kid okay?"

Fu Xiangfeng greeted him from a distance, and Heng Hua hurried over.

"It's about the same, it's just a loss of strength, just take a rest."

He sat down to chat with Fu Xiangfeng. When Fu Xiangfeng asked about his cultivation method, Heng Hua's face remained unchanged and he said, "It's something that has been passed down from our family. After I studied it in depth, I asked Mr. Zhou for advice, and improved it into a five-element article." Daoist books. Have you forgotten? Back when we went to bury Turtle Reef, when Senior Song left, he specially gave me a lot of Daoist books."


After Xiao Yu woke up, he mentioned that the Heavenly Book might be exposed, so Fu Henghua came up with the excuse he had prepared long ago.

Create your own heavenly book?

Impossible, you think too much.

I am an improved Book of Five Elements based on "Yitian Bajishu".It has the characteristics of some heavenly books, but it is still a fairy book.

Hearing the words, Fu Xiangfeng looked to the ground: "Brother Dao, did you hear that?"

Yang Dai, who was busy repairing the array underground, stopped.

The Chiyuan Taoist School has now completed the First World Book of Heaven.Fu Henghua cast all his spells yesterday, and he has already recognized that the kung fu practiced by Fu Henghua is definitely at the level of heavenly scriptures.

The quality of true essence, the speed of regenerating energy, and the reserve of mana are much higher than those of the fairy book didian.

The characteristics of some heavenly scriptures?
He didn't believe it.

"Go ahead, I'll come as I go."

He fled to the ground, and hit a fiery palm with his backhand.

Fu Xiangfeng secretly lucked out, and the wind wall rose beside him and Heng Hua.

"Brother Dao, Xiao Liu'er has just woken up, and his mana has not recovered yet, so why do you do this?"

Heng Hua smiled slightly, stepped out of his wind wall, and greeted Yang Dai with a backhand palm.

He knew that Yang Dai was just trying to test it, and the force contained in this palm was not much.

Light and windy palm blows away the flames.

"Heaven-level Taoism is not something that can be stimulated by a random fairy book."

"Brother Daoist, aren't you too sure? I practice the Heavenly Book Remnant - Xun Gua. What is knowing the Heavenly Book and Taoism?"

"The Xun hexagram respects the wind, but your Taoism has all the five elements. Do you think I'm stupid?"

"So what if the five elements are incomplete? The way of gossip follows the five elements. According to Houtian gossip, Xunzhen occupies the southeast and the east, corresponding to wood. Kanli occupies the north and south, corresponding to water and fire. Gandui is northwest and west, corresponding to fire and water. Gold. In the end, the Kun hexagram in the southwest and the Gen hexagram in the northeast are soil. You only need to understand the five elements of one of the hexagrams, and then deduce the other seven hexagrams, why not?"

Naturally, Heng Hua would not tell Yang Dai foolishly.

Understand the four hexagrams Zhen, Kan, Dui and Xun by yourself.

He only said that he had comprehended the Xun hexagram, and he figured out the other hexagrams by himself.

In order to gain trust, Fu Henghua pointed at Yang Dai on purpose.

This is the "Five-Star Tianyuan Fingering Method" created by Tian Shuzi.Fu Henghua combined a trace of the magic of Dui Gua in Jin Xing's sword fingers.

Hard on the inside and soft on the outside, the sword is like a breeze blowing against the face with joy and ease.But when he came back to his senses, a strand of Yang Dai's hair was chopped off by the sword energy.

"You see, I use the power of the wind to propel the eight trigrams, and practice the eight directions of wind and wind. This is not the inheritance of my Fufeng Immortal Palace. You know, my family held the Xun hexagram back then, and it has been completely integrated into the fairy book. The mystery of the heavenly book."

Yang Dai looked at it and said nothing.

Back then there were rumors that Fengxian deduced the box where the Xun hexagram was located from nine mahogany boxes.It is not difficult for him to use the Xun hexagram to be compatible with his own fairy book, so that the "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Scripture" can also have the mysteries of the heavenly book.

But this kid's talent is so high.Using the Fufeng Immortal Sutra as a template, calculate the truth of gossip by yourself, and change a false heavenly book and a real earthly code that are compatible with the Five Elements Dao?

Yang Dai still refused to believe it.

It is simply impossible to rely on the Xun hexagram alone!

At this time, Fu Henghua slapped another palm, which was the "Fire Palm" that Yang Dai had just slapped.

This is a simple application in Chiyuan Taoism, but combined with the Xiantian Li Gua, it also has the power of Lihuo.


Fu Henghua slapped this palm, which also possesses the power of Lihuo.

Yang Dai subconsciously pressed his right palm against it, and when he touched the pure Lihuo magic power, he remained silent.

This kid's understanding of Lihuo and Ligua is not much weaker than those of his inner disciples.Ling Tianchou might not be as good as him!Just imitating myself in the past few days, there is absolutely no such enthusiasm.So, he previewed it before?
"Brother Dao, don't forget that my Fufeng branch already possesses the Eight Diagrams inheritance. The most basic palm technique in my family is the Eight Diagrams Palm."

Yang Dai was skeptical, apologized, turned around and went back to repair the array.

"So, you kid really created a fake heavenly book?" Fu Xiangfeng said quietly at this moment, "Can you make alchemy?"

"The future is long, so prepare slowly."


In the afternoon, Hong Changyi brought Hong Xuanji over.

As soon as she arrived at the edge of the eight hundred li lotus blessed land, Hong Xuanji was refreshed.

"Great-uncle, let's go in quickly?"

Hong Xuanji said nothing.

Just standing on the edge of the blessed land, he could feel the rhythm of the Five Elements Avenue remaining here.

To outsiders, the Pure Land may be just a beautiful landscape.

But for him, it is the direction of future Dao practice.

"Fu Yuandao is destined to be with my Five Elements Dao!"


Another direction of the lotus blessed land.

Yuwen Chunqiu and Wu Zhengxin are also observing the blessed land.

"Martial nephew, be more careful. This place may be of great help to your practice."

After Qionggao Palace got the news, Fu Henghua used heaven-level Taoism to eliminate Huohe.For this reason, Wu Zhengxin came to confirm in person.

When he saw the blessed land of pure land, he immediately understood the benefit of this place to Yuwen Chunqiu.

Yuwen Chunqiu stared at the blessed land obsessively, the five elements and Dao qi in his body surged and flowed, and realized the remaining heavenly Taoism in the blessed land.

Heng Hua was flipping through Taoist scriptures in the tent, and suddenly, on a whim, he used divination money to do a fortune telling.

He smiled at Xiaoyu: "Look, another favor has come to your door."

Taking out the "Five Qi Cloud Dragon Classic" created by himself, Heng Hua threw out the tent.

The Taoist script turned into five dragons flew into the air and chanted, demonstrating the five-element Taoism in public.


Pulled by this qi mechanism, five-color rays of light emerged in the distance, and the clouds suddenly rose, but it was Yuwen Chunqiu who had condensed the golden core at this moment.

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