
Chapter 378

Yang Dai felt the water vapor in the air, and his expression was extremely serious.

The Purple Emperor Pavilion is indeed prepared!
Behind Yu Xiaolei, the sword trembled, eager to try.But he knew that he was not the protagonist of this banquet, so he held down his sword silently and looked at Yang Dai, Fu Henghua and Yuwen Chunqiu frequently.

"Haha..." Dong Moyang rubbed his palms and smiled, "Brother Dao, what are your chances of winning against a water-attribute fairy sword?"

zero percent!

Fu Henghua can judge that if Yang Dai has no new means, based on the current hole cards, there is no need to challenge Yusheng Pavilion and Jinfang Waters at all.

He will not be able to pass the level of Zihuang Pavilion.

"Zihuang Pavilion is indeed the number one sect today. There are so many cards in the hole."

Heng Hua thought, this "Wanchuan Guiliu Sword" is naturally the secret treasure of the Zihuang Pavilion, and knowing that Yang Dai's fire system is powerful, he deliberately took it out for the true disciples to use.

It can't be said that for the ownership of this sword, the true disciples of the Zihuang Pavilion even fought for it.

"Zihuangge Zhong Zihan, together with his younger brothers Fang Dongyuan, Sha Jinchang, and his younger sister Xiang Jie, are visiting the brothers of the Fu family."

Voices blissfully spilled into the fringes of the banquet.

As soon as Heng Hua raised his hand, the five-color lotus was swept up by the strong wind, forming a flower bridge in the air, and invited Zihuang Pavilion and his party.

Seeing Fu Pengming who was accompanying the four people from Zihuang Pavilion, Fu Xiangfeng moved his eyelids and raised his fingers slightly.

The breeze rolled up the boy and quickly moved to Fu Baimin's side.

Fu Pengming was going to say hello to his brothers, but seeing the serious expressions of everyone present, he silently shut his mouth, and hid aside with Fu Baimin and bit their ears.

"How did you come?"

"You can come, but I can't? Let me tell you, I have caught a lot of monsters, and I can use them to fill the animal garden later."

"Monster beast? How much? Can it be used for breeding and sold for money?"


Yang Dai looked at everyone in Zihuang Pavilion.

Three men and one woman are all dressed in purple, and they are handsome.

The leader, Zhong Ionhan, had a crystal clear rapier tied around his waist.

Wanchuan Guiliu, the end of the top ten swords in China.

But it is recognized by China as the fairy sword with the strongest water attribute.

After the continent was overthrown, Donglai turned into Zeguo, and the power of this sword was enhanced by the geographical advantage, making it even more powerful.

Yang Dai's thoughts changed rapidly: If we fight on the water in Donglai, I will fight against him, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Although the Fentian Fire Realm is powerful, but facing a water-attribute fairy sword, isn't this waiting to be destroyed by the opponent?
Although Dong Moyang and Li Ruxin were not from Zihuang Pavilion, they couldn't help but feel secretly refreshed when they saw Yang Dai's serious eyes.

You bullied us by relying on heaven-level Taoism, and now Zihuang Pavilion specially took out a water fairy sword, no matter how crazy you are!


Flames burst out from under Yang Dai's feet.

Fierce fire waves piled up one after another, dispelling the rain in the sky.

The flames spread across the venue, forming a sea of ​​flames in an instant, surrounding everyone.

ding ding-

The sound of water droplets whispered in everyone's ears.

Heng Hua saw the rapier on Zhong Ionhan's waist turning into a stream of water.

Then one splits into two, and two splits into four...

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of streams of water swirled around Zhong Ionhan, forming a virtual water world.

In the midst of the sparkling water, the sea of ​​fire gradually collapsed.Only Yang Dai still has half the flames around him.

"Fellow Daoist's welcome ceremony is too grand." Zhong Ionhan took a step forward, and the sword light fell on his face.


Water and fire fought each other across the air, white mist steam spread between the two, and gradually drifted to the venue.

呲呵... stabbing...

Burned by the white mist, countless lotus flowers withered, and all the decorations of the venue were destroyed.

"You two, do you have to fight here?"

Fu Henghua knocked on the stone table and said unhappily: "If you have free time, go back and deal with the monsters outside. Now, if you destroy the eight-door formation, those monster kings will be happy to die.

"Also, Brother Yang. This is the ruins of the Chiyuan Taoist sect. If it is broken, how do you explain it to the elders?"

Yang Dai took a deep breath and restrained his firepower.

It's not good, I can't win this game, I need to find another way.

Zhong Ionhan smiled slightly and flicked the water in front of him.

The translucent and crystal-clear water turned into a rapier again, returning to hang on the waist.

Heng Hua looked at the sword at Zhong Ionhan's waist, and said with a smile: "It is said that the Wanchuan Guiliu Sword was refined against the Nanming Lihuo Sword and the Litian Saint. It is a fairy who loves the Litian Sword Master, Because of the failure of courtship, tears fell into the river and turned into a sword of wounds. Later, because of love and hatred, he took the water of Jiujiang as a sacrifice to refine the gods, and practiced the sword of returning to the flow of thousands of rivers.

"But I see, this sword doesn't have any emotion power."

"The water sword in Shenzhou was indeed as the rumors said, but later the fairy held this sword to fight against the Litian saint. Seven days later, the water sword was burned by the Nanming Lihuo sword, and only half of the sword returned to the river."

Zhong Zihan said leisurely: "I sent someone before me to find this sword and use the water from all over the world to refine it. Today's Wanchuan Guiliu Sword is no longer a sword that hurts feelings, but a pure water sword."

"Mobilize the water in the thirteenth water area..." Heng Hua lowered his eyebrows in thought.

Zihuang Pavilion now claims to be the number one sect, so is it worth thinking about the purpose of refining this sword again?
With just this one sword, he overwhelmed all the heroes in the world.

Yu Xiaolei suddenly asked: "Brother Zhongli, if this sword meets Nanming Lihuo sword again, are you sure you can win?"

"I haven't fought before, so I don't know. But since Nanming Lihuojian is known as the number one fire sword in Shenzhou, there must be a chance to fight again in the future. There must always be a conclusion in the battle between water and fire.

"Of course, your Thunder Sword can compete with one another in the future."

Zidian was startled and furious, and he unsheathed himself and stabbed Zhong Ionhan.


kill you now!


The water flow resumed, without Zhong Ionhan's control, the Wanchuan water flow faced Lei Jian by itself.

Seeing the two swords fighting for the front, Shuiguang and Zidian wiped out the venue, Heng Hua let out a long sigh.

"Brother Yuwen's big day, you have to mess around. Third brother, help me."

The two practiced martial arts at the same time, and Fengniao Tianqi urged the "Returning Wind and Returning Fire Technique" to separate the two fairy swords.

"Forget it, the banquet is over now, and I'm a little drunk. Let's call it a day." Yuwen Chunqiu didn't dare to let the crowd continue to entangle him, and hurriedly declared the end.


Didn't really fight in the end.

Wu Zhengxin felt a little disappointed and withdrew his consciousness.

Hengyu smiled lightly: "It seems that our two waters can rest at ease."

"You don't need to care about it. He has heaven-level Taoism, and we also have it. Moreover, we also have fairy swords."

"For the sake of a mere junior, your family has the nerve to let the Heavenly Sacred Jade Sword come out of the box?"

The Heavenly Sacred Jade Sword, the third of the top ten immortal swords in Shenzhou, is even better than the Zihuang Chunyang Sword in the Zihuang Pavilion.

The cabinet masters of all dynasties held the sword box and never dared to open it easily.When the jade sword comes out of the box, it is no different from the fundamental battle of the sect, which is enough to fight against the immortal.

Wu Zhengxin chuckled and turned to mention another matter.

"What do you Taixuan Taoists think about the cloud pillar in Chiyuan ruins?"

"What do you think? They are tossing around casually, what do they have to do with me?"

"But they plan to build a cloud well tunnel to go up and down. The relevant technology is provided by the younger generation of your family."

Fu Xuanxing possesses Yunjing technology, you Yusheng Pavilion already know it?

Master Hengyu fell silent.

"The Taixuan Taoism is the orthodox sect of the Immortal Dao. My faction is happy to see the establishment of Yunjing. But Chiyuan is full of dragons and snakes, so we need to think carefully."

"It is the Fu family who want to build Yunjing here..." Zhenren frowned and understood Wu Zhengxin's meaning.

The three major waters do not want a new water to rise.

Fu Danwei's delay in obtaining the Tianxuan Mirror was due to the secret obstruction of the people in the three major waters.

In Yanlong's exploration of Yizhou, due to the stumbling block of Yansheng Dragon King, the progress is far behind the three major waters.

But if they use the ruins of the Chiyuan Taoist sect to rebuild Yunjing and recruit a large number of casual cultivators, it will impact the dominance of the three major waters, especially the two pavilions.

"What's more, after the cloud pillar is established, it will directly connect to the waters of the Yuanming Dynasty. There are mixed dragons and snakes there, and the magic cultivator may use the cloud well to sneak into Yizhou. It is related to the overall situation. It is best not to build this cloud well."

Hengyu wondered: "What's the attitude of Zihuangge?"

"They think that the Taixuan Taoist lineage can build a cloud well. But the sword immortals of the Yuxia Mountain Range, and the Fu family of the Chiyuan Taoist sect, it's better to wait."

Yunjing is related to the up and down business of one water area.

Although Yusheng Pavilion is happy to see the sword fairies have their own cloud wells.But Zihuang Pavilion is willing to be in the middle of the sky, will anyone come out to grab business?
After consultations and exchanges between the two cabinets, a tacit agreement was finally reached.

The Yunjing of the Fu family cannot be built, and neither can the Yunjing of Jianxianzhou.

"We hope to sign a treaty on the non-proliferation of cloud wells with all Taixuan branches. Make sure that there are only three cloud wells in Donglai, each of which is in charge of the three major waters. If the fourth cloud well appears, the three parties that signed the treaty are obliged to It prevents."

The Fu family and the Xuanwei sect got closer.

Therefore, Yusheng Pavilion hopes that they will come forward to dispel the unrealistic idea of ​​the Fu family.


At night, the four brothers of the Fu family got together and talked about each other's current situation these days.

Fu Pengming was originally on Tianyang Fudo Island, discussing business cooperation with Sha Jinchang.Wanxia Palace was born, and the two of them also went around, but they didn't get anything.

Later, when they learned that Fu Yaozhen and Fu Xuanxing were in Yizhou, they came down from Yunjing to find someone.Unexpectedly, as soon as the two of them came down, the Yunjing Passage was smashed to pieces by the Earth Dragon Tribulation Immortal.

As a last resort, Fu Pengming stayed in the blessed place of Daoming Hall to deal with the monks of Zihuang Pavilion.

He likes to do business, and he is well-mannered in all aspects. With the relationship between Fu Maiyuan and Dan Xuanzi, he is quite easy to get along with the Zihuang Pavilion disciples.

At this time, the advantages of being young are reflected.

A young man carved in powder and jade, holding all kinds of balms and cosmetics, and then a beautiful sister in one mouthful, can female nuns not be tempted?
Although there are few female cultivators in the Zihuang Pavilion, there are many female cultivators in the Tianyang waters in the blessed land of Daoming Palace.Even Li Ruxin stayed here not long ago.

Therefore, Fu Pengming took advantage of the sojourn period to try to finalize [-] deals.

This time when he came to Chiyuan Ruins, it was Zhong Ionhan who took the initiative to invite him to go with him to meet the brothers of the Fu family.

The young man said proudly: "Sister Tong and the female disciples of Yusheng Pavilion do business, and it took many years to spread the sales of Changchun balm in Xuanyu waters. But I just need to move my fingers, and Tianyang's The channel is settled. Sixth brother, you just wait. In the future, Shancai Commercial Bank will definitely have a lot of money."

"Yeah, brother, I'll rely on you to support me. Remember to help me find some natural treasures, I need them urgently now."


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the tent open.

Heng Hua frowned, feeling ominous in his heart.

Fu Pengming rubbed his chubby face and muttered, "Sixth brother, my heart is beating a little fast."

Heng Hua took Shen Luo Tianshu to calculate, and suddenly his expression changed drastically.

"not good--"

He hurried out of the tent, at this time several Nascent Soul Grandmasters shot together.

In the sky, the bright silver moonlight washed down like a flood.


The Eight Gates Wind and Fire Formation was washed away by the Qi of the Taiyin and completely disappeared.

"Reviving the Taiyin Curse? Has the evil cultivator made a move?"

Henghua's spiritual sense swept all directions, and he saw several demon kings rushing towards several masters from all directions.

The sound of thunder and the light of water rose at the same time, and the two immortal swords slaughtered in the north and east.

"The monster clan took advantage of the night to sneak attack? They are bold."

Heng Hua hurriedly told Er Xiao to hide by his side, and asked Fu Xiangfeng to re-arrange formation with Yang Dai and the others.

Suddenly, a gust of fragrant wind came from a distance.

Seeing the fox-eared beauty hugging the tiger cub, Fu Baimin said happily, "Look, Sixth Brother, this vixen has come to the door again."

Fu Henghua beckoned Hengshou and Xiaoyu to come, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a jade talisman in Nine-Tailed Fox's hand.

At this time, the shell of Shenluo Tianshu's transformation was bleeding.

Great evil!

Without hesitation, Heng Hua quickly cast a curse.

And the nine-tailed fox crushed the jade talisman at the same time, launching an evil curse brazenly.

Xiaoyu and Hengshou had just arrived when they suddenly saw a flock of crows appear above Fu Henghua's head, as black as dark clouds.

When they flew away, Fu Henghua's head disappeared out of thin air...

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