
Chapter 385

Two days later, when Taoist Jin Talisman and others were gradually adapting to the eight-door formation, Fu Henghua turned out of the tent holding the peach core.

Throwing a peach pit to the ground, the peach pit shimmers with golden light, grows longer in the wind, and turns into a beautifully carved wooden palace.

There are five doors and twelve windows.There are all kinds of buildings and pavilions.There is a stele in front of the palace, with the words "Live forever, live as long as the sky", and it is written in stone green grits.

Such movement attracted crowds to watch, Heng Hua smiled to Sun Zhuoyun and Li Tang: "Nowadays, more and more comrades come to the Eight Gates Formation, the place is too cramped. We can't really let everyone sit on the ground, or squeeze into the tent, right? "

Looking at the palace, Menggu seemed to have a feeling: "This small fruit core is also a microscopic landscaping? There are also formations to construct a miniature blessed place inside?"

Go to the back of the stele and see a line of small characters.

"Catch the golden crystal, fix the base of life, the soul of the sun and the moon accompany things."

She thought about it secretly, Heng Hua threw out the second peach pit, and the pavilion and palace bulged in the middle palace.

The inscription on the stele reads "Yaotai is clean, and the world of mortals is far away", and there is also a line of small characters on the back of the stele, "Fire in the water, yin gives birth to yang, but Huang Tong is raised too low."

The carved phoenix on Zhulan, colorful and colorful, is a place for female cultivators.

Throwing down the third peach pit, the clean and simple Dao Ting Xianlu appeared.

The inscription on the stele reads "Hunyuan produces phenomena, the emperor controls the sky", and later also said "refining tiger charms, catching young girls, and seven stars entering the palace to refine the Big Dipper".

Henghua continued to drop peach pits, palaces rose one after another, and there were seal carvings on the front and back of the monument.

Meng Gu glanced at Fu Henghua and didn't say much.

She was a guest on Panlong Island, so she had naturally seen Fu Henghua's handicrafts in the Langhuan Pavilion.

"This kid's habit has not changed over the years."

Seeing the spaciousness of the palace, the other monks were all amazed and chose the palace they liked.

Daoist Jin Talisman and Tianxuanzi stood beside a palace and muttered.

The sun and the moon are carved on the gate, the left and right towers are symmetrical, and there are six windows, which correspond to the sayings of "Six Yang Mountains" and "Six Yin Valleys".

The inscription on the stele reads "the sun and the moon join together, and the light is majestic".On the back of the stele, it is said, "refine the three treasures, make the three lights, and combine the essence and qi to restore the spirit."

"Brother Dao, don't you think that if this thing is enlarged tens of thousands of times, it will resemble something?"


Although the peach core is small, there are all kinds of buildings, terraces, palaces and pavilions, even rockery and strange stones.If it is magnified tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of times, isn't it like a spirit boat floating on the water?
"This kid, you have learned so much that you have never seen before!"

But this kid just happens to be able to combine all kinds of things he has learned in a very strange way.

Landscaping seems to be of little use.

In essence, it can be used as a body for sacrificial "artificial dharma appearance".Sending the spiritual consciousness to the landscape can also condense the dharma, and borrow the blessed land imitated in the landscape.

"This kid's idea is to let the combat power of the foundation-builder monks approach the Golden Core Realm, and intend to completely erase the combat power boundary between the two great realms?"

Hong Xuanji and Wu Zhengxin stared at Fu Henghua for several days, wanting to draw Fu Henghua to him and scold him, admonishing him with a senior attitude: What's the use of studying these things!If you have the time to study these miscellaneous studies and concentrate on practicing, won't you be able to enter the golden elixir as soon as possible?
But because the two of them are not close to Fu Henghua, it is difficult to say this warning.

But the two felt pity for talents, so they asked Master Hengyu to advise them.

The real person looked at the two of them, and said quietly: "He comes from Yanlong Waters."

As the two thought about it, they felt mixed emotions.

After all, the waters of Yanlong are not as noble and carefree as the three major waters.

Under the oppression of the Dragon King, and under the circumstance that the monster tide destroyed it from time to time, the monk Yanlong couldn't practice with peace of mind at all.

Man-made fake alchemy, man-made dharma, blessed landscaping...

These intuitive ways to increase combat power are almost useless to self-cultivation of Dao Xin, and can even be said to be cumbersome and obstructive methods. For monk Yanlong, it is no different from a good way to survive.

Especially the huge organ puppet Faxiang.

Is his imaginary enemy really a human race?

Yanlong has the largest number at the bottom of the water, and what scares the monks the most is the huge group of golden core water beasts that can easily cause floods?
The giant puppet is the killer weapon against these water beasts.

"The two of you are here, but you have only seen a little bit of this kid's fur."

Zhou Xiao told the elders of the sect what Fu Henghua had done over the years, Tianjingzi imitated the profile of Fu Henghua's character, and told everyone clearly.

Fu Henghua's preparations are all aimed at targeting Yanlong's underwater threat.

Dragon slaying is, after all, the biggest and most unrealizable fantasy dream of monk Yanlong.

"I will tell him about the kindness of the two of you. But you don't have to worry too much. Fu Henghua has a personality that likes the new and dislikes the old. According to his family, just dig the pit and don't bury it. All kinds of skills are in his hands. Come up with new tricks. But it’s just an interesting and novel point of view, just try it briefly. You can see what kind of mechanism he is tinkering with now. In the future, he will definitely not have the intention to further his studies on this path.”

The battle of slaying the dragon cannot be done by one person.

At the beginning, Fu Henghua naturally hoped that later people would complete the path.All he did was a pioneer.

"However, this kind of people who have the qualifications to start a sect are the most troublesome people in the world."

After Master Hengyu finished speaking, the two nodded silently.

Ordinary monks stick to the rules, and they can practice as they are told by their senior teachers.

Tell them which directions cannot be practiced, and they will be obedient, without any innovation, and will just follow the path set by the predecessors honestly.

However, there are always some people who are deviant and don't like to follow the advice of their predecessors.

Tao is Yin and Yang, and it is the beginning of Tai Chi.

Therefore, Cheng Dan must participate in the method of yin and yang, and cannot jump out of this barrier.

Why must Yin and Yang be followed?Can't Yuanli of other attributes become pills?
I don't know, but if the senior taught it like this, you can practice like this, and you can't modify it without authorization!

In the end, a monk borrowed from ancient civilizations, created the mountain method to become alchemy, and opened up the Chiyuan Taoist school.

Another person saw someone jumping out of the circle set by Taixuan Daozong, and also stepped out of the Zihuang Taoist lineage.

Then, Jade Sage Taoism also appeared.

The quality of the golden elixir is too poor, and if you can't rob the immortal in one step, you must switch to cultivation.

I don't know, but this is the experience of the seniors, you just need to follow it and improve your alchemy quality honestly.If you can’t get promoted, you should reincarnate early!

For thousands of years, Fan Dan was inferior, and monks who were not in the top rank would actively look for opportunities to reincarnate, and would no longer have expectations for this life.

Then, another deviant person appeared.

He didn't think that he had to be reincarnated, so he found another way to create Yuanying Dao, which directly overturned the basic system of the "Golden Elixir Nine Transformations" system.

Tao, inheriting the unique knowledge of the saints, opens the way of all ages.

Not only should we inherit the old, but we should also introduce the new and take a new route.

But some unconventional geniuses have eccentric and extreme personalities, don't like the righteous ideas, go further and further, and eventually fall into the evil way.

"His talent, let's use it freely. What we seniors can do is how to make him keep his heart and return to his righteousness, so as not to fall into evil and heresy."

Hong Xuanji sighed: "The two friends of the Fu family, I'm afraid they will break their hearts."

"But if this kid really grows up, Fufeng Immortal Palace and Fengxian lineage can really be revived."

Wu Zhengxin saw Fu Henghua's talent with his own eyes, and finally gave up the idea of ​​inviting him into the Yusheng Pavilion.

Throughout the history of Yusheng Pavilion, there are only a handful of such people.

Except for the two patriarchs who opened up the Yusheng Pavilion and Daxing Yusheng Pavilion, the rest of the people have left the Yusheng Pavilion to establish their own Taoism.Not only carry forward the Jade Sage's method of immortality, but also walk out of his own brand-new ideas, so he has the qualifications to become a fairy.

Such a person, no one in the current Yusheng Pavilion can be a teacher.

"However, the person who opened the way may not necessarily be the master of the way."

It is certainly admirable to be able to create techniques and open up paths.

But later generations will only go further than them by standing on the shoulders of their predecessors.

"Take those things back and study them more, maybe you will get something else."

From the actions of Fu Henghua, real Hengyu saw many secrets about him.

With this kid's attainments, will he only focus on the stars?His attainments in the Five Elements Taoism are not bad.The landscaping of the blessed land involves mountains and rivers.Perhaps, he will also shape the gods of mountains and rivers in the future?

Fu Henghua concealed the map of the gods, and only used the map of Zhou Tianxing to fool the world.

Hengyu real person is also in the same line of acting.He specializes in Taoism and incantations, but he is also a knowledgeable senior.

Judging from Fu Henghua's various deeds: All the Dao methods that this kid has studied and created will eventually be integrated into the treasure of enlightenment.

Cultivation method evolves appearance.

The field of microscopic landscaping simulation.

If those illusory gods have artificial fake alchemy, what is the difference with the real golden alchemy and Nascent Soul monks?
There are tens of thousands of golden elixirs and nascent souls in Zhoutian Myriad Gods. This kid has great ambitions!
If Fu Henghua knew what Master Hengyu was thinking, he would have to sigh, none of the acting masters in this world is a fool.

Just as the other party thought.

The Ten Thousand Gods Map contains all of Fu Henghua's knowledge, and it is the exclusive magic weapon to cooperate with the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Elixir.

Microscopic landscaping technology is reflected in it.

But it is not what the real Hengyu thinks, first there is landscaping, and then there are gods of mountains and rivers
But not long ago, Fu Henghua had an epiphany from the "Land of the Gods".

One side of the mountains and rivers has its divine meaning, so it can evolve into a blessed land of Taoism.

The Little Yuting Mountain was imitated by Fu Henghua through the Yuting Divine Realm after Fu Henghua enlightened the "God of Yuting Mountain" with the technique of enshrining the gods.

This is true for one mountain and one river.If the map of the gods records all the mountains and rivers of Donglai Tiandi, you can freely impose the land gods within the range of the rivers and mountains.

At that time, only Fu Henghua stood in this world.Whether it's other Golden Core cultivators or Yuanying Grandmasters, when they fight, they are equivalent to falling into Fu Henghua's domain.

Don't talk about Jindan, Yuanying, the picture of the gods is really refined, so what if you meet Jiexian?
After making several peach pit palaces, Heng Hua returned to the tent again.

There is Qian Kun in his tent, so it doesn't feel cramped.Greet Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu to start the next research.

read more, walk more.

In Yizhou, Fu Henghua put what he learned into practice.Every practice of whimsical ideas gives him a deeper understanding of what he has learned.

And creation is one of the most vivid manifestations of the avenue of good fortune.Every time there is new inspiration and new creation, the practice of the Great Way will also improve.

Not only the deity, but also the Bodhi Taoists who are thousands of miles away can also perceive the deity's good fortune and progress, so as to improve themselves.

Zhou Xiao walked with him, feeling that the aura of Taoist Bodhi was becoming more and more vigorous, and couldn't help praising: "It should be like this, this posture is needed, so that you and I can go to the Shenmu clan and win them over. Remember to prepare a few more books on the practice of grass and trees The exercises. At that time, they will all be useful.”

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