
Chapter 392

Chapter 392

"Book of Heaven?"

Bodhi was very surprised.

"You are going through the fire of the true spirit, why are you still studying the heavenly book?"

"The book of heaven is not only the Taoism before becoming an immortal, but also contains the Taoism after becoming an immortal."

Bodhi was silent for a while, and responded: "Everyone in the world knows the way, but the way to the heavenly scriptures is difficult. Since the ancestors of the two pavilions, no one has created the heavenly scriptures for thousands of years."


The patriarchs of the two pavilions fell down in front of the main road.

At present, the two pavilions are very prosperous, and the ancestors are highly respected.But sweeping away all the honors and reputations attached by the outside world, the patriarchs of the two pavilions are ultimately losers on the road to certification.

"So what?" Cang Lanzi asked back, "Senior failed, we knew the difficulty, and never moved forward? How is this different from Cultivator Bai Zhen?"

Cang Lanzi said with a smile: "The group of people knew the difficulty of the golden elixir and the danger of the three disasters, so they stopped their steps and stuck to their own entertainment.

"In the eyes of outsiders, you are free and easy, but you are the only one who knows the pain. Is this the way of people like you and me who seek the way?"

"Hey, you should hurry up!" Seeing Cang Lanzi standing over there chatting, Meng Chen urged.

Seeing this, Cang Lanzi temporarily cut off the contact with Taoist Bodhi, rolled up his sleeves, and the mighty tide pressed against the blood pool, suppressing one of the white tigers.


The Bodhi Taoist sits quietly under the Bodhi tree.

Book from heaven!
He slowly closed his eyes, concentrating on his breath.

On the Five Elements Mountain, Yima incarnates to sleep quietly.

On Yuting Mountain, Henghua himself and Xiaoyu greeted each other, and they also sat on the bluestone to meditate.

Wukong jumped into the Niwan Palace as an incarnation, and he also meditated obediently.

During this trip to Yizhou, what hit Fu Henghua the most was not the Nine-Tailed Fox stealing his head, nor was it fighting the Demon King.

It was to witness that Patriarch Xuanwei became obsessed with the heavenly scriptures, and realized that his grandfather had resisted his practice.

The way of heavenly scriptures is difficult, and it is impossible to ask for it!
Headed by Fu Danwei, many seniors hold this attitude, and many of them are Daoist Jiexian.

Together, these seniors have accumulated thousands of years of experience.But all of them agree that the Heavenly Book cannot be practiced.

Even for someone as arrogant as Fu Henghua, he couldn't help feeling confused and worried.

Can I really succeed by myself?
Can one's own heavenly script form alchemy and survive the three disasters?

Apart from worrying about being beaten, Fu Henghua was not ready to persuade his grandfather.

With his current state of mind, confrontation with his grandfather might shake his heart completely.

The road to heaven and earth is difficult, and there are obstacles when looking around, and I am the only one who walks this way alone.

That's why Heng Hua wanted to escape to Xuanwei faction.

Because here, the Xuanwei faction is still repairing the Taixuan Tianshu.

Although the difficulty of the two is not the same, but in the Xuanwei School, Fu Henghua's heart can get some comfort.

However, after all, their ancestors were rich, and they have the authentic inheritance of innate Taoism.

On the other hand, I have created something out of nothing and created something out of nothing. Although I am also walking on the path of heavenly scriptures, my goals are completely different.

The same is true for Chiyuan Taoism.They started off with half of the "Hunyuan Gold Medal".Later, the ancestors used the mountains to make laws, and surveyed the mountains and Vientiane in Donglai to achieve the "Book of Heaven".At present, combined with one-eighth of the inheritance of "Yitian Bajishu", a new path has been embarked on.

Those who are really in a similar situation to Fu Henghua are the two patriarchs who failed to prove the Tao and left behind two Taoist lines.

but now!
Cang Lanzi's words are undoubtedly a boost to Fu Henghua.

Although the road I walked was bumpy, I still have companions on the road to Tianshu.

Maybe he and Cang Lanzi have different ideas about the Heavenly Book, but they are the same in terms of referring to the Heavenly Book.

Heavenly scriptures are, after all, the romance of ascetics.

"I'll send you the draft I prepared first. You can use the Bodhi Dharma Realm to receive it."

To suppress the white tiger's leisure, Canglan Jiexian sent several red manuscripts to the Bodhi Dharma Realm.

After the Bodhi Taoist received it, he transferred it to the deity.

After all, he is an experienced person who has studied the heavenly scriptures for decades. After reading it once, Heng Hua immediately understood the core idea of ​​the heavenly scriptures.

"Is it a heavenly book with change as the core, imitating all phenomena in the world? It comes from the 'transformation of the fetus', does Senior Cang Lan agree with that idea?"

36 Tiangang Taoism, each of which can be derived from the heavenly level Taoism, and also has its own way of the heavenly book.

This is a theory put forward by a senior magician.

But 36 heavenly books, how to verify?
In the end, amidst many doubts, the senior performer passed away with regret.


Cang Lanzi turned into a thunder dragon, and he groaned to Tianchang, and the thunder smashed the blood pool like a pillar of heaven.

Afterwards, he turned back into a human body and put the three white tigers into his sleeves.

Ignoring Meng Chen, he directly asked Taoist Bodhi, "What do you think?"

With the help of Zhu Xiu, Cang Lanzi mastered the physical properties of many species in Donglai.He has great supernatural powers and is [-]% sure of the true spirit fire.

When the three calamities and catastrophes are no longer the enemy blocking the way, Cang Lanzi will naturally have a higher level of pursuit.

And about to stand among the top group of people in Donglai, he finally dared to stand up to other people's doubts and let out his bold words that meant heavenly scriptures.

"Taking the core of 'transformation into shape' in Tiangang Taoism. Not only can it change birds and beasts, but it can also perfectly use the abilities of these divine beasts and strange beasts—no wonder the seniors asked me about the 'beast talisman'."

There is a very fatal trouble after transforming into other animals.

The Taoism mastered by the human body will be weakened by using the animal body.

Because the law of personal life is based on people.Become a fish and shrimp, and you can't even make a seal.

Therefore, Cang Lanzi set his sights on the monster clan's skills.

After the "Wanhua Tianshu" he deduced transforms into other forms, the mana in the body will automatically adjust to the corresponding trajectory of the spirit beast.

"Monsters also have levels. If you can only change fire ox, earth sheep and the like, and perfectly master the route of their monster energy, you are not qualified to be called a heavenly book. Naturally, I need a beast talisman, and it is a high-level beast talisman."

This cannot get around the dragon and phoenix Taoism mentioned in the chat between Cang Lanzi and Bodhi.

Wanhua Tianshu progresses step by step.Starting from a weak monster, the ultimate goal is to perfectly transform the two systems of dragon and phoenix, and possess the physical properties of top-level beasts such as dragon, phoenix, tortoise, and lin.

But on this point, Taoist Bodhi has a different opinion: "You want to delineate the levels for the beasts, such as the human race's skills, and set up the four classes of heaven, earth, black and yellow?"

The myriad changes in the world in his understanding should be the perfect change of everything in the world.All beings in the universe are equal, and there is no need to define levels among monsters.But from the degree of change, the realm of Wanhua Tianshu can be distinguished.

"The "Natural Art of Natural History" has already delineated the gods and beasts, and there is no need to delineate them. From the initial monsters, they will change to a higher level after they are perfect. You see, there is an exclusive route for the evolution of monsters. We Starting from the original monster bird Suzaku, it evolved step by step into the mythical beast Suzaku. I define this process as nine steps. At the same time, you can choose some distinctive animals in each realm. For example, carp changes, through dragon fish, ichthyosaur, etc. Step by step, it will eventually become a true dragon transformation. Vegetation transformation, after several stages, can evolve into a sky evolution tree or a green dragon transformation. Another example is the red bird transformation, the white tiger transformation..."

The Wanhua Tianshu is full of the principles of the evolution and change of all things, and classifies all things into categories and levels.

This point is contrary to Bodhi Taoist's cognition. He wanted to refute it, but after a second thought, he silently sent the manuscript of "Eight Nine Xuan Gong".

"Huh? This is also a profound art that is proficient in changes? It seems that you and I really want to go together."

Cang Lanzi was pleasantly surprised.

He is determined to create his own heavenly book, but the current world is conservative, and he is not optimistic about creating his own heavenly book.

Jiexian was ready to face everything alone, but unexpectedly, there was still a "friend of Taoism"?
"This is what I realized by accident. The practice is divided into nine stages, and each stage changes eight kinds of creatures. But I don't think there is any difference between these changes. 72 changes are equal to each other."

"Eight? From my point of view, your exercise is clearly the idea of ​​ninety-nine extreme numbers and eighty-nine return to pure yang."

"Because the first change in each realm is the self-change, or the sage change. This is also the most important thing in this exercise."

Cang Lanzi nodded.

When he created "Wanhua Tianshu", he also had this consideration in mind.

You must ensure that you are not infected by the animal nature of various monsters, and you must ensure that your true nature is not lost.

He has gone through countless years and seen many monks who have transformed into monsters. Because they maintained their beast bodies for a long time, they could not return to human form in the end.

This is also the first thing to pay attention to when practicing the embryo transformation technique.

"Many monks study 'transformation and change of form', starting from the golden elixir. Because the Taoist golden elixir contains immortal nature, it can maintain the original self without losing it, and it is easier to practice.

"If you are in the foundation building stage or the Qi refining stage earlier, you need special techniques to fix your body. You are using the 'sage's way' to stick to your true self."

Henghua and Hengshou dared to tinker with the art of transformation during the foundation building period because they were proficient in the method of Yinshen and were not afraid of losing their true selves.

But "Wanhua Tianshu"/"Eight Nine Xuangong" has to try to fix the divine consciousness at the beginning of Qi training, which is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Heng Hua thought about the first stage of the Eighty-Nine Profound Art for a long time.

At first, I chose the "Gushen Anling Mantra", an earth-level Taoism handed down in ancient books, but the effect is not high, and the chance of going crazy is very high.

It wasn't until Tianxuanzi published "On Saints", which suddenly opened Fu Henghua's mind.

At the same time, in Cang Lanzi's Wanhua Tianshu, there is also a "sage change".

"I intend to use the 'sage transformation' as the cornerstone of the origin, draw nine evolutionary routes, and perform nine-nine-eight-one transformations. But you are making the saints change from one to nine, and progress with the progress of each level of practice. In other words, mana practice , the real body is polished, all rely on the sage transformation. The other 81 transformations are only incidental. No wonder, you want to call it the art of eighty-nine transformations."

Jiexian thought for a while, and felt that "Eight Nine Mysterious Techniques" would be more convenient in practice and more suitable for inheritance.

As for the Wanhua Tianshu, such as Fu Henghua's "Fortune Huiyuan Gong", they only consider themselves and tailor-made for them.

Fu Henghua re-cultivated Sangong in the foundation building stage, and his spiritual consciousness was strong, so he didn't care about the weakness and backlash in the Qi refining stage.

Canglanzi has the way of robbing immortals, and he has achieved a little success in the way of saints.Even with the way of a sage as the cornerstone, the evolutionary ninety-nine and eighty-one changes, the foundation is solid enough.

But for a mortal, the "Wanhua Tianshu" is a dead end, and only the "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" can be cultivated.

"Let's take you as the core! Looking back, let's recruit a group of people to create a brand new book of changes for Xiandao."

Cang Lanzi said enthusiastically: "Xiaoyan intends to create Tianyan wood and collect wood species from all over the world. Later, we will build another spirit beast garden. To study and interpret the spiritual power route of monsters."

Bodhi was speechless: "Fellow Taoists in Yunhai are divided into two groups, continue to study?"

"That's right, I'm working on two subjects at the same time. I'll announce it at the celebration banquet later. When you arrive, be sure to come—"

Speaking of this, Cang Lanzi remembered something.

"You are in Yizhou, have you seen Lord Tongtian?"


Taoist Bodhi was taken aback.

The incarnation of the wooden mother has never dealt with Master Tongtian, but another incarnation...

"He mentioned to me a very interesting speculation. He said that he saw traces of spirit separation from that boy Wukong. He suspected that Wukong was your incarnation."

Cang Lanzi talked about the deduction of Lord Tongtian.

"A tree, because it can't move. It is very logical for a fruit to be refined into an avatar, and a weak avatar to walk outside.

"The reason why you have been refusing to show up for so long is that you are worried that someone will see through your spirit and follow you, and you will be captured by yourself."


Master Tongtian really dares to think!

But having dealt with the incarnation of Wukong, it is really rare for the host to get a glimpse of this scene.

"But it doesn't matter to me whether it's true or not."

Cang Lanzi has no interest in power or morality.

He even gave up the right to sign the "Wanhua Tianshu", and directly used Bodhi Taoist's "Eight Nine Xuangong" as a blueprint to deduce a heavenly book suitable for the public.

For him, delicious food and reason are the pursuit of this life.

Like-minded people gather together to participate in the avenue.

In your spare time, enjoy the food you cook and chat nonsense.

This is Cang Lanzi's ideal life.


Standing by the side, Meng Chen couldn't help shaking his head seeing Cang Lanzi ignoring him and concentrating on talking to Taoist Bodhi.

This guy, the old problem has made again.

"Forget it, don't wait for him. I'll take you to the next place."

Meng Chen greeted the others present and went straight to Chiyuan Ruins.

In Jiexian's mind, several masters left, and the eight-door array at the Chiyuan ruins could only defend but not attack, and it was also in danger.

But when he really came over, Jiexian couldn't help but lose his mind when he saw the overwhelming birds and beasts folded outside the formation.

"The murderous aura here is so heavy?"

He is in charge of killing and attacking, and he can see the evil of the Eight Gates Formation.Looking at Donglai's comprehension world, the last time I saw such a large-scale killing array was the battle between immortals and demons.

Jiexian led the crowd to Dumen.

The four-armed god-man with a mirror of the sun and the moon on his back, rides on a green lion, with a hundred rays of light on his head, and a necklace of jewels and pearls hanging down.

On the left side, a Taoist with a golden body of one foot six sits on a lotus flower, rides an elephant, and holds a demon-subduing sword and a demon-breaking knife.

On the left, a peacock soars through the clouds, and on its back sits a multi-armed god-man holding a golden bow and a vase.

On the right side of the four-armed deity, there is a Dharma figure with the same light-backed round mirror, with Yin-Yang dragon and snake wrapped around its arms.

On the far right is a strange jade egg.

"This... is this the Faxiang?"

All the monks looked confused.

I saw five Dharma figures entering the monster army.

Even the golden elixir demon generals and commanders would not dare to confront these five dharma figures head-on.

Dong Moyang drove the Yin-Yang sword soaring up and down, cutting off large areas of fox monsters in the middle.

Li Ruxin activated the divine light of the sun and the moon, the two colors of gold and silver were dazzling, and all evil spirits were ashes wherever they passed.

Hong Changyi applied the Five Elements Dao method, with golden knives and wooden pillars accompanied by ruthless water and fire, and the monsters were also rushed into a battle.


Meng Chen and the others looked at this side, and then looked at Jingmen.

There are also many Dharma images appearing there, with many auspicious clouds and colorful lights.

"Although there is no golden core-level dharma appearance, but these foundation-building monks have manipulated the dharma appearance to increase their combat power to such a high level?"

It is close to [-]% of the combat power of Jindan monks.

Suddenly, the billowing wind rolled up the bloody mouth, and killed a monk who was connected with the law.

The next moment, the monk turned into aura and flew into the eight-door formation.Other monks stepped forward to snatch the body away.

Not long after, Meng Chen and others saw the dead cultivator reappear and continue to return to the battlefield to fight.

Meng Chen muttered to himself: "Bringing back to life? Here—these people have made a lot of good things!"

Not in a hurry to bring someone to help, he led a group of reinforcements to the eight-door formation to investigate.

Jiexian leads the way, but sees a thousand roads of auspicious energy forming a Hongqiao, and Baolian thunderbolts open two roads.

Any monster that doesn't open its eyes will be killed by a red light and a thunderbolt.

Going in from the Jingmen, the people who stayed behind took a look and led them to the heart of the formation.

There is a "Liujia Escape Heaven Talisman Sword" inserted here.

"Is it a secret treasure proficient in Qimen Dunjia? Who got it?"

Meng Chen watched with fascinated eyes, and saw that this talisman sword travels in all directions, and blesses the power of the eight wind and fire formations to an unthinkable and unfathomable situation.

"Senior, look." A Golden Core cultivator walking with him pointed at the end of the talisman sword.

There was a line of small characters written on it: "Wukong came under the order of his master, and used this sword to form an array!"

"Wukong? Bodhi?"

Meng Chen was dumbfounded: "Why can I meet their masters and apprentices everywhere?"

The fellow monk said with a smile: "We are borrowing the Dharma world of Bodhi Taoist friends, but don't we see their traces everywhere?"

Several people looked around, and another monk died outside the formation.


A rockery landscaping was destroyed.

Everyone watched the soul escape into the core area inside the landscape.

Not long after, the monk outside sent his body to the side.

Some monks stepped forward to practice, and then introduced the soul into the body.

The two teenagers moved out another jade-colored landscaping with the same regulations from the side, and kept pouring jade liquid from above on the monk's wound.

The psychic liquid was poured on it, and the wounds healed one after another.

The monk thanked the Fu family brothers, and urged Fa Xiang to rush out to kill the enemy again.

"The mountain of resurrection, the water of healing—ah! Isn't this Yuting Mountain?"

(End of this chapter)

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