
Chapter 394

Chapter 394

During the robbery of the fairy, all the monsters were buried.

Without Meng Chen's instructions, Fu Pengming had already organized a manpower to collect demon corpses and clean the battlefield.

The hood of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire dissipated, and the soul of the nine-tailed fox flew away, only a piece of fox fur fell on the ground.

Meng Chen took a closer look and exclaimed: "What a treasure to cross the catastrophe, what a hundred-knotted fox fur. A fox fur is made with a talisman. This is the latest talisman—"

"One talisman creates all things."

Taoist Jin Talisman hurried over from Kan Palace.He looked at the fox fur with an excited expression.

After the Taoist Bodhi created the wooden talisman, proposed the animal talisman, and inspired the real talisman of the Yuxian, the monks of Fu Tao had a new idea.

Talismans can touch gold, stones, vegetation, and even make mortals become immortals.

So, is there any talisman that simplifies a whole set of refining process and makes calligraphy and painting into talismans.

Only after one talisman is played, can the materials be turned into treasures?
"The Fox Fur Curse, this is the Fox Fur Curse."

Before Fu Baimin came forward, Taoist Jin Talisman first took the fox fur in his hand to study.

Without any processing, this is already a finished secret treasure.

And because the nine-tailed fox is affected by Yin fire, sky thunder, and kamikaze, the fox fur is resistant to the three disasters.

"Ah——I remembered, this is the imitation and creation of Bu Tianyi after the sixth brother's research over the years."

mend the sky.

The magical power of mending the sky and bathing the sun, the treasure of transcending tribulation condensed.

Henghua uses the patching robe he holds to create an idea for the robe of avoiding catastrophe: if the golden core monster is forcibly attracted, it will be doomed.And the fur and scales that survived the Nascent Soul Calamity, are they resistant to avoiding catastrophe?Collecting more of these things can help grandma survive Yuanying's calamity.

But on the water, golden core monsters are hard to find.

Heng Hua's experiment was delayed.

Now in Yizhou, after Heng Hua was completely enraged, he dug out his thoughts from the past again.

When Fu Baimin told everyone about Fu Henghua's idea, the monks who surrounded him silently looked at the golden core demon general who had been captured in the eight-door formation?

Meng Chen clapped his hands and laughed: "Your brother is clever, this method is indeed feasible. It just needs the living golden core monsters to resist. Uh--the dead ones can also be used. You use the spiritual consciousness to refine the avatar, and then use the three disasters Calamity curse refining. The remaining fur scales are resistant to Nascent Soul calamity."

Isn't it just to increase the number of monks?

Then increase it!
If you don't fight, how can you cultivate Buxianzhou?
Taoist Master Jin Talisman greeted his disciples, and a group of Talisman cultivators gathered around the fox fur to study.He even picked up the talisman that Fu Baimin had torn up and studied the red talisman on it.

"Meng Chen—"

The wooden talisman sent a message, and the master Tongtian responded: "I checked for you. That kid named Fu Henghua is not in Yizhou."

"Not in Yizhou?"

"The tree kings rummaged through the land inch by inch, but they didn't see him in Yizhou. On the contrary, Mrs. Ginkgo's family members were in the eastern part of Shenzhou, and saw three people going back and forth from the Five Elements Mountain. According to the description of the figure, it seems to be the Fu you mentioned. Master and servant of Henghua."

"Back to the human world?"

Meng Chen muttered in his heart.Why did that kid run back to the world alone?

After thinking about it, he passed the news to Fu Danwei.


Fu Danwei accidentally crushed the bodhi leaf in his hand.

Fortunately, he still has a backup, and silently activates the backup green leaf.

"The kid ran away?"

The old man was furious.

Did you dare not see me, and ran to the Xuanwei Sect to seek refuge?
"Xuzhi, you guys come back and accompany me to the Xuanwei faction. I want to bring that kid back—no, hang him up in Yuting Mountain and beat him!"

How dare you run away if you mess around by yourself?
Worried that Mu Yutian would not stand with him, Fu Danwei took the lead in contacting Mu Yutian.

Taoist Bodhi managed the communication center, silently recorded all this and passed it on to the deity.

The Xuanwei faction may not be safe either!
If it really doesn't work, seek refuge with a robber immortal?

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!
Now that I know that senior Cang Lan also has the idea of ​​aspiring to the heavenly book, I can tear off my vest and go to him for help.If it doesn't work, I will go to Nanzhou to study, and I will find my elder brother by the way.


Fu Danwei suddenly raised his hand, and the sword light shot forward.

Silently, the sword light was swallowed by the darkness.

"Fellow Daoist, I am a human monk."

Master Xuantong stepped out of the darkness, looked at Fu Danwei, secretly surprised.

This person's sword energy is pure, his Taoism is profound, and he is not inferior to my generation.

On Sword Immortal Continent, has there ever been such a person?

"Poverty Dao Xuantong, what do you call a fellow Taoist?"

Hearing the word "Xuantong", Fu Danwei's expression changed.

"Fu's family, Bai Huangtang, Fu Danwei, have met Senior Xuantong."

"Are you a monk of Yanlong?"

Xuantong was very surprised.

Yanlong jumped out of such a master of Taoism, what are the three major waters doing?They stopped suppressing?
"Exactly. Two hundred years ago, my child was taught by a senior, and I haven't thanked him yet."

"It's that kid. Take the Liujia Heaven Escape Talisman Sword in exchange for my Ruyi Gold Talisman. Is he your son? Count the time, it's time to form the alchemy?"

Fu Danwei's expression darkened, Master Xuantong suddenly understood.

"Also... it can be considered that each person has his own life. By the way, what are you doing here?"

"Eliminate evil cultivators."

Fu Danwei talked about the situation outside, and the two immediately decided to go together.

Seeing that Fu Danwei used the bodhi leaf to navigate and even communicate with other monks, Master Xuantong was quite curious.

"Is this also the beauty of Tianxuan Daotai?"

"This is the Bodhi Dharma Realm, which is similar to the Tianxuan Daotai, senior. This time it happened, you should go outside to see more. In the near future, there will be a big change in the cultivation world."

Fu Danwei knew what the bodhi leaf in his hand meant.

Because Fu's family is in the Baizheng waters, a similar experiment has already begun - thousands of miles of communication.

Allowing monks separated by thousands of miles to communicate by voice can greatly save each other's time and energy, and can bring the world of self-cultivation into a new era.

And as long as this "communication net" is constructed.Next, one of the most profitable industries is the sale of magic weapons for communication terminals.

According to the "Taiji Treasure Realm" controlled by Yima and the "Fengwang" personally managed by Fu Ruiying, the Fu family has two thousand-mile communication plans.

Fu Pengming, on the other hand, bought the land in the major cloud cities in Baizhen, and privately planned to borrow the newspaper system of the hundreds of cities in Baizhen to construct a third "thousand-mile communication network".

A three-pronged approach will ensure that the Fu family can become the leader of the new era in the turning point of the cultivation world, just like Fengxian once inspired the "Heluo Calendar".

"Not long ago, there was a boy who said the same thing to Pindao. It seems that Pindao is really old."

Although Xuantong sighed and sighed, his hands kept moving.The two rushed into the hinterland of Xiexiu, and eight Jindan frogmen rushed over to stop them.

All kinds of blood sacrifices and sorcery came to the fore.

Master Xuantong waved his hand, and the eight frogmen vanished into nothingness.

Seeing this, Fu Danwei turned from the left to block another group of evil cultivators who were about to escape.As soon as the kamikaze urged, all the cultivators died.

"Feng Lai, I am meeting with Xu Zhi and Xiao Mu, the three of us are behind the Xie Wang Palace."

"We're in the vestibule."

Looking at the empty square in front of him, Vodanwei's expression changed.

The plaza is surrounded by giant statues that resemble the Thousand-Eyed Master.

"Prehistoric civilization?"

Vodanwei muttered to himself.

When Master Xuantong saw the ruins, he immediately remembered some past events.

"By the way, when your son came to visit me, he wanted to find the ruins under the Yizhou. He mentioned this area, which is said to be the ruins of a civilization that is good at refining weapons."


Vodanwei's expression changed.

He had heard his son say something similar.

Among the several ancient civilizations in Donglai, only one civilization is famous for refining weapons.

And that civilization has left a crucial artifact to today—the prototype of the Donglai Gold List.

Is this the same civilization as Dongnae Gold List?
Taoist Bodhi eavesdropped on the conversation between the two and passed the information to the deity.

The old man also knows about the ruins?

Heng Hua immediately flipped through Shenluo Tianshu, searching for information in the old man's study.

Unfortunately, the old man knew very little about this civilization.Only the father mentioned a few words when chatting with him back then.There is no such information in the secretly saved information.

"Next, we can only look at what the old man has gained."


"Senior, this site is very valuable, don't destroy it at will."

The breeze slowly reverberated, and the entire ruins were covered by the power of the wind.

"Senior, can you help me and pull this ruin to the ground together?"

Xuantong was about to nod, but suddenly frowned and looked towards another passage.

Afterwards, Vodanwei also felt something, and his face turned ugly.

Okay, the old enemy is at the door.

"I want this site too."

Black clothes, bamboo hat, and a saber at the waist.

Xuantong narrowed his eyes: "Fellow Taoist Qin Lin?"

The woman smiled softly: "Brother Xuandao, I haven't seen you for many years."

This old guy lives in seclusion here?Really surprising.

"The ruins here are destined for me, can you ask brother Tao to let me take care of the past friendship?"

"Friendship? What kind of friendship is there between you and me?"

Xuantong glanced at Fu Danwei, took two steps forward, and said with a big smile, "You are in the South China Sea, and I am in the West Sea, just nodding acquaintances."

Fu Danwei didn't dare to be careless in his heart, and silently called Duan Sijing and Mu Shansheng.


Fu Yaozhen and Yang Dai sneaked into the ground.

She recalled the future she had observed, and led Yang Dai to follow the tunnel to find the relics of evil cultivators.

"Are you sure that the Broken Blade of the Five Sacred Peaks is here?"

"The Five Sacred Peaks were originally the remnants of the fairy sword of prehistoric civilization. The Chiyuan Taoist school searched for the wreckage and iron, and reforged it with the power of Wanshan."

Fu Yaozhen said leisurely: "In the Battle of Overturning Continents, the sword of the Five Sacred Peaks was broken. Part of the sword body fell into the water and was obtained by evil cultivators. They looked through ancient books and found the site where the fairy sword originally existed. Here is a refining factory .”

The two of them walked to an empty square and saw giant statues of gods standing around them.

Yang Dai finally recalled why Qian's eyes seemed familiar.

Isn't that thing the guardian of the civilized ruins mentioned in the ancient books of the sect?

"Be careful, these idols are site guards."

"Don't worry. No matter how powerful the Faxiang is, it won't be able to withstand the years."

Fu Yaozhen said softly: "That ancient civilization has been tens of thousands of years away from the present. How can the organs they left behind be activated in the present?"

She raised her hand, and the sound of the piano was melodious, but it was "Dongfeng".

As the wind passed through the square, the giant god statues collapsed one by one.The runes and base plate inside have also been completely corroded over the years, and the truth cannot be seen at all.

"Let's go, if I remember correctly. The broken blade is in the sword room of the evil king's hall. Let's go now, and we can meet people."


"The Xixia has no name."

(End of this chapter)

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