
Chapter 40 Cumulative 5 Line Reversal, 8 Hexagram Fax in Furnace

Chapter 40: The Five Elements are Reversed
"This is—a golden talisman?"

Li Nanxing's practice is biased towards the golden method, and he has a lot in common with the metallurgical Taoist, so he naturally knows the secret gold inscription passed down by the metallurgist Taoist.

"It's hit."

He became angry from embarrassment, and rushed towards Heng Hua with his violent consciousness.At the same time, Li Nanxing put away the bronze tripod, trying to cut off the slightest connection.

Heng Hua sat down immediately, showing the magic of two hearts and one mind.Responding to Li Nanxing's spiritual consciousness with the ape of the heart, the ontology continued to preside over the refining of the golden inscriptions.

Under the oppression of the vast ocean of spiritual consciousness, the innate dao seeds contained in the heart ape were activated accordingly.

The distant and mysterious innate good fortune protects the heart ape.

No matter how stormy the waves are, I will keep my heart forever.

The bronze tripod did not listen to Li Nanxing's call, and with the operation of the Chiyuan Jinlu, the innate copper essence leaked crazily.With the dense Lihuo on the island, it is transformed into a higher purity and stronger Chiyuan Gold Essence.


Li Nanxing bit the tip of his tongue and forcibly controlled the bronze tripod to recall the innate copper energy.

"Senior, it's useless. The secret of the golden inscription involves the wonderful principle of the movement of the heaven and the earth. Even I can only write, and I don't understand the true meaning of it. You can't become a golden elixir, and you don't have the way of tomorrow. How can you seize the good fortune from the movement of the heaven and the earth?"

While talking, Heng Hua watched the golden talisman move.

In the operation of this golden talisman, Heng Hua realized the power of creation of heaven and earth.

The secret mantra golden talisman imitates the operation of heaven and earth, omitting the process of sublimating ordinary materials into high-grade gold essence, and directly deriving the result.This kind of golden talisman itself is the embodiment of the mystery of good fortune.

Suddenly, Heng Hua's heart moved.

Since the secret mantra gold talisman can be used for alchemy, deduce the result of high-level gold essence.Then, if we master the secret of good fortune, can we also create other kinds of natural treasures?

Flat peach fairy fruit, golden ginseng ganoderma... If you can find the corresponding principle of good fortune, you can also synthesize it artificially, right?

Seeing that Heng Hua was intact under the coercion of his spiritual consciousness, Li Nanxing's face twitched, and he quickly turned around and backed away.

"Leave first, and I will come in to deal with them after the formation stops. Even if there is no bronze tripod, I am still a monk at the stage of foundation establishment."

But at this moment, the wind and fire continued to run, and instead blocked him.

He tried to split Lianbi with lightning method, but was returned by Fenghuo Lianbi.

"Senior, let me tell you one more piece of common sense. The weakness of the Returning Wind and Returning Fire Formation is the interior, as long as you enter, you can attack calmly. But there is a premise: allow entry and not exit.

"The attack you launch from the inside will also be swept back by the big formation. Only by breaking through the formation can you dissolve the wind and fire."

Heng Hua walked up to Zhou Xiao, and said with a smile: "Of course, if you use the escape method to leave, you won't be able to go back. It's just..."

Fire escape and wind escape respectively belong to the Taoism of Fenghuo, and are naturally restrained by the returning wind and returning fire array.

Water escape cannot be used in front of Fenghuo Lianbi.Wood Dun and Gold Dun will be restrained by the Fire Wall.Earth Dun and Thunder Dun will be restrained by the wind wall.

Only the special escape method other than the five elements wind and thunder escape method can escape the return wind return fire formation.

Only at this moment did Fu Xuanxing understand why Heng Huafei wanted to take out the most precious formation in Fu He's hands.

The Wind and Fire Lianbi seemed to be unable to prevent him from escaping.But if you want to use the escape technique in the fierce wind and fire, ordinary people can't do it at all.

"He was worried that after Senior Li came in, he would try to escape again. He deliberately used the 'Returning Wind and Returning Fire Formation' as a cage to lock him up."


Heng Hua took the gold needle from Xiao Yu's hand and pierced Zhou Xiao's Fengchi acupoint.

"Senior, it's your turn."

The true energy of good fortune was introduced into the body along the golden needle, forcing out a pill in Zhou Xiao's secret hole.

"There is only one chance to make a move, seniors pay attention."

"Lei Qi." Zhou Xiao forcibly controlled the Jin Xiao Xuan Thunder Formation.

The thunder connects the sky and the earth, the yin and yang flow circulates, and the magnetic field on the island changes.

Li Nanxing activated the "Liangyi Zhengding Talisman" to shoot silver light again, but Zhou Xiao quickly detonated the Liangyi Jade Talisman that had been arranged in advance.

After the Zhengding Talisman took effect, Zhou Xiao's "Liangyi Reversal Technique" came later and interrupted its effect.


The yin and yang qi turned into white jade fairy pillars.All the gold objects were sensed by the jade pillar and moved towards that side automatically.

Bronze tripods, spiritual song swords, and flagpoles with many array flags, all gold utensils are without exception.

"Xingnan, just wait and see, this is the golden elixir magic method."

Zhou Xiao clapped his hands together: "Come here."

Without the fake pill of the bronze tripod, Li Nanxing only completed the foundation building, which was easily taken by Zhou Xiao and locked under the Liangyi jade pillar.The internal organs of his body appeared "golden", and he was attracted by the jade pillars of two appearances, and he couldn't break free at all.

After one blow, Zhou Xiao quickly languished.

"Mr. Tong, you teamed up to lock up his Niwan Palace. Turn around, and I will talk to him slowly."

Li Nanxing targeted Zhou Xiao like a mad dog, but Zhou Xiao didn't have much ill feeling towards Li Nanxing.

He has already attained the Golden Core Realm, and is the winner in the battle between the two of them.He looked at Li Nanxing with a little pity.

The most ideal state is to instruct Li Nanxing to give up his anger and change his way to achieve alchemy.In this way, it is the best policy for both parties not to hurt the harmony.

If you can't give up, then kill him again.As for this matter, Zhou Xiao decided to do it by himself.Prevent Li Nanxing's group of relatives and friends from involving the Fu family and Fu Xuanxing.


Heng Hua was about to pass by when suddenly the volcano erupted again.A mass of black lacquered objects burst out from the volcano and crashed straight into the Liangyi white jade pillar.

"Is there really something from Yunlie Immortal Palace under Dilie Island?"

Heng Hua and Zhou Xiao were very surprised.

Although it was only a glimpse, they had already discovered it.The pitch-black thing looks like an iron coupon, and it should be the "Book of Alchemy" recorded by the sect of Shenzhou.What remains above must be the core inheritance of Yunlie Immortal Palace.

Fu Xiangfeng wanted to block it with his sword, but he didn't have the Spiritual Song Sword in his hand at all, so he froze on the spot for a while.

The iron coupon was so fast that everyone could only watch it hit the jade pillar.

But by coincidence, the iron coupon hit the Spiritual Song Sword.The Spiritual Sword turned and tilted, and knocked down several other gold objects.The bronze tripod was tilted directly, and countless Chiyuan Jin Qi rolled out, and the Bai Yuzhu, Li Nanxing, and other gold objects and iron coupons were all submerged.

"not good!"

Zhou Xiao was startled.

Li Nanxing took the opportunity to drill into the bronze tripod.

Seeing the original "Yuan Tong Pill" sublimated into Chi Yuan Dao Pill, he looked crazy: so what about the smelting of the golden talisman?This pill still bears my brand.After sacrificing Dao Refining Pill, my mana will only become more pure.At that time, I will deal with you again.

Opening his mouth, he spat out a stream of blood, and Li Nanxing used the method of blood refining to sacrifice.

"Li Nanxing, no."

Zhou Xiao's complexion changed drastically: "Your body has already started to turn into gold, if you sacrifice it forcibly—"


There was a scream from inside the bronze cauldron, and it soon disappeared.

Zhou Xiao hurriedly greeted Fu Xuanxing: "Pull him out quickly."


Fu Xuanxing hurried over, but Henghua rose against the wind and came to the bronze tripod before Fu Xuanxing.

Looking inside, Chi Yuan Jin Qi kept pouring into Li Nanxing's body.Except for one head, all other parts turned into metal.

"Forcibly sacrificing the 'Chiyuan Jindan', but being controlled by the golden energy, turned into a golden man?"

Heng Hua stretched out his hand and pointed, Qian Wansi rolled up the Spiritual Song Sword and returned it to Xiangfeng.

"Senior Li, if you want to survive, just perform kung fu directly, and I will help you escape."

Li Nanxing closed his eyes tightly, still refusing to give up, struggling to refine Chiyuan Golden Pill.

He had a premonition that if he could refine the Chiyuan Golden Elixir perfectly, breaking through the Golden Core Realm would be in sight.

"Senior Li, don't give up. You will really become a 'golden man' in the future, and you can only serve as the material for us to make magic weapons. No, you can directly carve puppet charms on your body, which can be used as a golden core puppet."

Li Nanxing: "..."

Not long after, the head turned into metal, and Li Nanxing's consciousness began to blur.

Heng Hua shook his head, not listening to persuasion.

He greeted Fu Xuanxing: "You are good at making utensils, so simply use these red gold essences to upgrade this great cauldron."

"Are you going to upgrade? If you upgrade again, Senior Li may lose his life."

Xiao Yu helped Zhou Xiao over.

Looking at the golden man transformed by Li Nanxing, Zhou Xiao sighed quietly.

"Xuan Xing, listen to him. Upgrade this bronze cauldron to Chiyuan Jinjing cauldron. If the golden cauldron is [-]%, it may be able to draw out the golden energy in his body. It's just that..."

Li Nanxing lost all his mana, which was more uncomfortable than killing him.

"That's not necessarily the case. Senior, this Golden Cauldron may be his opportunity for Golden Core."

While talking, Heng Hua was running Xiantian gossip.

"Bagua furnace, start!"

The congenital gossip is turned into a top cover to hold the bronze tripod, and the looming gossip fairy furnace appears around the bronze tripod.

Fu Xuanxing came to a sudden realization, controlled the scattered Lihuo, and re-sacrificed the bronze tripod according to the appearance of this gossip fairy stove.

Zhou Xiao looked at the gossip stove and nodded frequently: This stove coincides with the magic of gossip, and it looks like something for the Fu family to play with.

After a while, Fu Xuanxing melted the Chiyuan Gold Essence into the bronze tripod and reconstructed a Chiyuan Gold Essence Furnace.

"It's too late to change the formation runes in the cauldron, so I changed the material outside."


Heng Hua patted the gossip stove lightly, and said with a smile: "Senior Li, your fortune has come."

Xinyuan escaped into the golden furnace and forcibly moved Li Nanxing to Xun's position.

Outside, Heng Hua sat down cross-legged: "My heart shines on the interior scene, and the light shines everywhere. The body is like the sun and the moon, where ridges and distances intersect..."

The golden furnace took shape, not only the Chiyuan Golden Pill was integrated into the golden furnace, but even the golden energy in Li Nanxing's body was withdrawn little by little.

At the same time, his mana realm continued to drop.

Nine floors of foundation building, eight floors of foundation building, seven floors of foundation building...

When the mana disappeared, Li Nanxing regained consciousness, looking at his situation with bitterness.

At this time, a trace of regret welled up in my heart.

If he had backed down earlier, how could he have ended up in such a field?

The fear between life and death.

Li Nanxing thought back to the time when he was dying of consciousness just now, and he didn't dare to come back again.

At this time, the mantra recited by Heng Hua sounded outside the furnace.

Hearing the mantra, Li Nanxing wanted to curse people at first.But then he calmed down, realized it carefully, and realized that this is a profound method of Qi training.It is more mysterious than my own "Taibai Xuanjin Jue".

After running it for a week, not only the internal organs were nourished, but also the lost mana was curbed.

"Is this a method of combining the five elements?"

Li Nanxing tried to practice according to the formula.

The metal qi stops leaving the body, and under the impetus of the new true qi, the transformation of "gold generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, and fire generates earth" begins.

When the rustic qi turns back to the golden qi, a five-element reincarnation is formed in the body, but it starts to compete with the Chiyuan Jinjing Furnace for the golden qi, and the mana recovers little by little.

Heart Ape observed Li Nanxing's situation, and nodded secretly: Sure enough, my deduction of "Fenghua Huiyuan Gong" is correct.

It starts from metal, from Jin Gong produces water, then becomes wood mother, and finally becomes Huang Po, ends with earth, and then returns to metal air.

What Heng Hua imparted to Li Nanxing was the abridged version of the three foundation-building chapters of "The Creation of Yuan Gong" that he had an epiphany yesterday.

Through Li Nanxing's experiments, Heng Hua once again recorded and verified his own exercise data.

It was getting dark.

The dark red fire clouds over the island merged with the sunset.

The Chiyuan Bagua Furnace stopped running, and a stream of light escaped from the fire.

Li Nanxing appeared naked, without hair or beard.

Looking at Heng Hua outside smiling and nodding, Li Nanxing sighed.

Although I am very reluctant, but in the end I have to inherit this feeling of preaching.

Enduring his shame, he bent down and bowed: "Thank you, Teacher, for saving your life and becoming enlightened."

  "Golden Furnace Dot Road Map" was destroyed in Donglai calendar 200 years ago.Since then, rumors have diverged.

  In the 500 years of the Dongnae calendar, there are three mainstream theories of the Dongnae Dynasty.

  The first argument is that "Golden Furnace Pointing Dao Tu" depicts the allusion that Fu Sheng used the Bagua Furnace to subdue the golden demon and turn the golden demon into a fairy.

  This demon has a golden complexion, three heads and six arms, and is ferocious and terrifying.He often does evil in the waters of Yanlong, and eats a pair of boys and girls every day.At that time, Fu Sheng walked with his friends to subdue the demon on Dilie Island.

  On the Dao Diagram, Fu Sheng has a kind face, holds a dust whisk, and sits by the side of the golden furnace, attuning the golden demon to throw himself into the furnace to shape the fairy body.

  The second argument is that a stove, a young man, and a naked Taoist worship before the young man are depicted in the picture.But this scene was very indecent and was opposed by Chi Yuanzong.And issued an announcement to severely punish those who spread rumors.

  The third argument is that the golden furnace actually refers to the golden talisman, and it is also called "The Map of the Golden Lulu Point of Tao".It depicts the scene of Fu Sheng's painting and calligraphy and the defeat of Chi Yuan.The secret of the golden talisman is hidden in the picture.This statement was highly praised by Chi Yuanzong.However, according to the comparison of "Yun Lie's Preaching Picture" in "Fusheng Ten Dao Tu", "Golden Furnace Dot Tao Tu" should not be a battle depiction.

  Although the author has an idea, it can be taboo for the venerable, and it is inconvenient to talk about the truth.However, the painter of Lenovo's "Golden Furnace Dot Road Map" was personally hunted down by Chi Yuan for three years, so he should have realized something.

  ——"Excerpts: Three Ancient Jokes of Donglaizhou Unabridged Edition"

  Under the pressure of Chi Yuanzong, this edition was out of print in the 700th year of the Dongrae calendar.

  ——"Donglai Literature Journal Record"

(End of this chapter)

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