
Chapter 407 Birthday Banquet

Chapter 407 Birthday Banquet (Three in One, Ten Thousand Words Chapter)
In September of the Xinsi year, Panlong Island paved a hundred-mile flower road and built a thousand-mile Hongqiao. Congratulations to Fu Henghua, the sixth grandson of the island owner Fu Danwei, and Fu Tongjun, the seventh granddaughter, on the [-]th birthday.

This is Vodanwei's fifth grandson and second granddaughter.

The combination of the two celebrations is even more grand than the one in Fu Maiyuan more than ten years ago.

Thousands of miles away in the eastern region, the sun is shining brightly, and monks from all walks of life go to and from Hongqiao to pay homage to Panlong Island.


Now that the Fu family is the "uncrowned overlord" of the Eastern Region, they do have this qualification.

Yan Shu wore an apricot silk dress, stepped on a small boat, and looked curiously at everything on the water.

As one of the seven spider mothers of the Yizhou Spider Clan, she longs for love in the world and has many contacts with human monks.Recently, I even found a mountain with roots, which came from Dilie Island to the east of Yanlong.

It coincided with the East Region holding Fu Henghua and his birthday banquet, she was curious, so she pretended to be a casual cultivator and came to Panlong Water District.

When they came to the water area, the crowded crowd stood on a flowery road, waiting for the parade to enter Beaulieu Island.

Yanshu put away the spirit boat and walked to a flowery road.

The flower path under the feet seems to be a mixture of magnolia, osmanthus and hibiscus.

She carefully concealed her evil spirit and listened to the words of the people around her.

"Grandfather, grandfather, what are those water tanks in the distance?"

"It's the aquatic food raised by the Fu family," an old monk explained to the young boy. "The Fu family is good at fishing, and they mostly keep fish, shrimp, clams and crabs in the water tank. When they reach maturity, they pull the breeding tank out of the water. Come up, and you will gain a lot.”

The old monk sighed: "It is said that this method was passed down from Panlong Island. Now the monks on all the islands in the Eastern Region will set up breeding boxes near their own islands."

Suddenly, a dragon chant resounded from a water tank in the distance.

Everyone saw that in the middle of the two flower paths, there was a water tank ten feet long and wide that slowly floated up and down.

"Grandfather... Grandfather... Is that also a breeding box?"

"That's right, that's true. But the animals bred there are dragon beasts. The Fu family has been herding dragons and selling their blood for money for some years."

Raise a dragon?

Yanshu paused.

Although she has heard about the power of the Fu family, but raising the dragon species in the water tank, this... This is more ferocious than the Earth Dragon Clan back then!

"Elder Sister is right. Human monks are more terrifying than us."

The dragon beast rioted in the water tank, and soon a monk from the Fu family came to control it, and put the water tank into the water again.

The monk bowed his hands to the surrounding guests.

"Don't blame everyone, it's just a water dragon turning over. Later, at the banquet, everyone can taste delicacies made of dragon blood and meat."

The sound of the wind echoed on the water, and Mr. Fu Zao quickly went to the next location.

There is no way, this grand banquet is not only the birthday of the two younger generations for the Fu family, but also a political stage for the Fu family to officially play the banner of "Fufeng Fairy Palace" and declare their dominance over the Eastern Region.

Therefore, there must be no trouble.When the Fu family was free, they all came to Panlong Island to help maintain order.

Seeing Mr. Fu Zao's elegant figure, the old monk left with the "Six Qis of Controlling Wind" and sighed:
"The Fu family is so handsome, this young man's Yufeng body skills are quite impressive."

"Old Sun, this is not an ordinary descendant of the Fu family. It is rumored that he is holding the Pure View Sword!"

Pure scenery, pure Jun at four o'clock, the scenery is peaceful.This is the sword that shows the wind of the four seasons among the nine swords of the Fu family.

"Fujia Nine Swords?" The old monk sighed, "That's no wonder."

As the Fu family led the Yin, Bao, and Cheng families to form the East Region Water Patrol Team, the Qingwei Sword and Lingxuan Sword among the Fu Family's Nine Swords gradually became famous in the East Region.

Fu Bozhao, the sword master of Qingwei, who cultivated "Qingfeng Xuande Chapter", has his own natal spirit tree Magnolia, and his Xuantai has perfect cultivation. He is the highest and oldest among his peers.

The master of Lingxuan sword leans against the wind, and he practices the "Lingxuan Fenghua Jue", accompanied by a phoenix.He is still young and handsome among his peers.Now at the age of 130, he has the cultivation base of seven layers of foundation building.In the future, there is more than hope for alchemy, and it is even expected to go further.

Under the leadership of the two, Fu Family Nine Swords became more and more famous.

Now there are the sword masters of Qingkong, Fuzhuye, the swordmaster of Yinming, Fulizhu, and the swordmaster of Chunjing, Fuzaojun, have returned to their thrones.For the remaining Danyan Sword and Yuxue Sword, sisters Fu Stong and Fu Xiantong have been selected.

Since the return of the Nine Swords envisioned by the Fu family, the "Nine Winds Returning to the Immortal Formation" has reached half of the quota.

When the old monk saw an acquaintance coming, he walked along the flower path together.

From time to time, I saw acquaintances on other flower paths, shaking each other and saying hello.

"Since Senior Fu Danwei turned into a baby, the Eastern Region is indeed stable."

"Who says it's not? Now the monks in the Eastern Region are walking around, helping each other, which is what the seniors call 'chivalry'."

Fu Danwei became a Nascent Soul, and Fulong's swordsmanship is even more powerful.Unless the Dragon King takes action in person, the monster tide in the Eastern Region will never be a problem.

And the Fu family is good at divination. Whenever the Dragon King plots secretly to cultivate "Dragon Grandson", Fu Ruiying will calculate the position first and send monks from the four major families to encircle and suppress.

In addition, Fu Henghua explained the "Jade Cauldron Alchemy" several times for the monks in the Eastern Region, and Fu Ruiying established a comprehension library on Fengmen Island. All these measures greatly strengthened the strength of the monks in the Eastern Region.

There is no shortage of talented monks in the Eastern Region, but it is difficult to practice with peace of mind due to the double blow of demon tide and people's hearts.

Now the monster tide is being suppressed by the four major families. After the Wei family is destroyed, the atmosphere in the Eastern Region has been restored, and there is no more intrigues and intrigues in the Immortal Mansion.The monks have been cultivating for a lifetime, which is comparable to the original Jiazi's achievements.

Yan Shu followed behind everyone, listening to their words silently, and became more and more curious about the Fu family in her heart.

But the moment she landed on Panlong Island, she suddenly turned pale, staring fixedly at the golden hall at the foot of the mountain.

"Is this Sande Zhenli?"

The Panlong Golden Palace is filled with thunder, lightning and flames, and a sense of moral prosperity is faintly felt.

"This is the moral aura mentioned by the elder sister, right?"

Opening the path, following the change of the Eastern Territory according to Fu Danwei's will, the people's hearts are restored, and the chivalrous way is prosperous. Fu Danwei is blessed by this moral spirit in the dark, and his luck becomes longer and longer.

"Although I heard about his reputation in Yizhou, I didn't see it in person. Now that I see it——"

Yanshu thought to herself, "It's even better than the moral spirit condensed by the eldest sister in governing my spider clan order."

The law of morality needs to be established and ordered.

In the Yizhou monster clan, most of them are in the hands of the Earth Dragon Tribulation Immortal and the leaders of the monster clans.Although Yan Shu is one of the seven spider mothers, because of her background in the Earth Fire Golden Spider, she doesn't know much about morality.

But she knows that the three virtues are closely related.

With morality, holiness and merit are not far away.

To calm the monster tide, to set up a chivalrous way.The monks in the Eastern Region devoted themselves to cultivating Taoism, their hearts were refreshed, and their killing slowed down.In accordance with the laws of heaven and the laws of human ethics, he naturally accumulated external merits for Fu Danwei, which is immeasurable.

And all living beings respect Dongxia as a human being, and the feelings of admiration and admiration gather a huge amount of thought power, which is sublimated into the spirit of holiness, further deepening his majesty.

Now, although Fu Ruiying turned into a baby one step earlier, but purely from the progress of cultivation, he has been left far behind by Fu Danwei.

This Panlong hall gathers the energy of three virtues, it is Fu Henghua who pioneered the Dao Ding method, imparted the magic of the earth, and gathered the moral energy in his body, so he dared not act rashly when he came to the hall.

Yanshu has the cultivation base of a master, but standing on Panlong Island, she was caught by the aura of the Golden Palace, almost revealing her demonic aura.

She took a deep breath, calmed down the fear in her heart, and went to register like other casual cultivators.

The Fu family intends to hold this grand opening banquet on the island, and guests from all over the world can go to the island to participate as long as they send a gift.

Earlier, the old monk and his grandson presented an ancient book and an article, and they were let by the Fu family.

Yan Shu looked at it strangely, so she couldn't help asking Fu Pingdao at the registration office.

Fu Pingdao said with a smile: "My great-uncle and great-aunt are celebrating Daqing. Daoist friends from all over the world only need to congratulate one of them before they can enter the island to have a feast. My uncle has a rule here. Ancient books and stories can also be used as congratulatory gifts."

"Ancient books? Stories?"

"Ancient books with a book age of more than [-] years, or one or two touching stories are all acceptable."

Yanshu didn't have the bright moon beads used by cultivators.

She originally planned to use her own spider silk as a gift, but seeing this novel way, she naturally chose to use a love story she had seen as a gift.

"Do you have a pen and paper here?"

Fu Pingdao took a pen and paper from the side.

It can be seen that Yan Shu wrote the beginning of a romance story, and he frowned immediately.

"Liu Shusheng and Ms. Jia... I remember this story is from "Fengyue Ji"?"

"Fellow Daoist knows?"

"It's not just me who knows, my uncle knows better. The original manuscript of this book is in the Langhuan Pavilion."

Yanshu's eyes lit up immediately.


She hurriedly asked: "Is it the manuscript written by Master Chen?"


Fu Pingdao has seen many original manuscripts of novels at Fu Henghua's place.

Yanshu's thoughts fluttered: "Can I borrow it?"

"It's not a practice, it should be fine. Fellow Daoist, your story—"

Yanshu originally planned to write a few more stories that she had seen, but Fu Pingdao only read the beginning of one, and said, "I've seen all of yours. Why don't you write a story that you personally experienced?"

personal experience?

Yan Shu was at a loss.

I am a spider myself, how can I have any story experience?
Write a cycle diary of being raised by the earth dragon clan after you were born?Does anyone like to watch this?

A few years ago, I walked around in the illusion of a human body, but I also dealt with several monks.They also wanted to deceive themselves, and they were eaten by themselves in the end.

Can you write about this experience?
Yan Shu fell into deep thought.

The monks in the back were impatient to wait, and they urged each other.

Fu Pingdao and Yan Shu had a pleasant chat, and simply said: "Friends of Daoism, go in first, I will help you with this gift."

Yanshu shook her head again and again, and took out the fire silk she had prepared.

It was spun from the spider silk of her life, and it was the material for refining the spirit weapon vestment.


Not far away, a member of the Fu family who was passing by suddenly stopped and looked carefully.

"Qixiang? What's wrong?"

Fu Xuange and Fu Xingqi stopped in their tracks.

"Earth fire silk?" Fu Qixiang muttered to himself, and then said to the two cousins: "I saw a female nun sent the materials for making spiritual weapons, and I was a little curious. Forget it, let's go in first."

Seeing the gift prepared by Yan Shu, Fu Pingdao looked surprised, and quickly wrote it down for her.

"Fellow Daoist—you... take this silver medal and go to the atrium. Follow the monks on the left. Yes, just those few."

It is true that the Fu family is open and entertaining guests from all over the world.But there is of course a way to rank among them.Sending a precious gift worth tens of thousands of gold, it's not good to let people sit at the door drinking cold water and eating fresh fruit, right?
Therefore, Fu Pingdao waited for the Fu family to come out to receive them in person, in order to send people to eight completely different venues according to the gift and the identity of the visitor.

The atrium venue that Yanshu went to was one of the three venues prepared for casual practice.

And Fu Qixiang and others went to the meeting place of Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun's direct descendants.

When the three arrived, Fu Stong and Fu Xiantong were talking to Jiang Xiaoli, asking about the local conditions and customs of Jinfang Waters.

This venue occupies a small area, and it is a place borrowed from Danlong Garden.In the middle of the sea of ​​colorful flowers, there is a small courtyard with less than twenty seats.

When the three of Fu Qixiang arrived, the second daughter hurriedly got up to say hello.

Fu Xuange looked around: "Why are you the only ones? Where are the others? Where are the two longevity masters?"

"Brother Henghua is meeting with grandfather in the main hall."

Facing Bai Yutang's cousin, Fu Sitong rarely put on a gentle look, seeing Fu Xingqi and Fu Qixiang curl their lips frequently.

We grew up together from childhood, we don't know what kind of temper you two sisters have?
But Fu Xuange is older, similar to Fu Xiangfeng, and has a lot of stars, so Fu Stong dare not indulge recklessly in front of him.

Fu Xuange nodded, walked directly to his seat without asking further questions.

Coincidentally, he saw Jiang Xiaoli on the opposite side.

Jiang Xiaoli looked at him curiously, tilting his head to observe.

"Which family does this little brother belong to? How did he come to our side?"

"Brother Xuan Xing brought it. Xuanwei sent people to go on a blind date with Brother Heng Hua. The two brothers were worried that he would have an accident outside alone, so they arranged here."

"Then why do you sit in the women's seat? You should sit on our side."

"Brother Henghua told him that he is young and not allowed to drink alcohol. So, don't let him go to join in the fun. Let us sisters watch."

"What's the matter with the man drinking some wine?"

Fu Xuange smiled and waved to Jiang Xiaoli.

"Come on, sit here, I'll let you taste the wine."

Jiang Xiaoli had been interested in it for a long time, but he was detained by Fu Henghua. Now that someone speaks, he is happy to get up and jump over.

Seeing this, Fu Sitong hurriedly tried to dissuade him.

Fu Xuange laughed, and said proudly: "It's okay, I will tell him when Heng Hua asks later."

The second daughter was speechless.

Fu Henghua has always given enough face to his elder brothers.When Fu Xuange opened his mouth, Fu Henghua would naturally not refute it face to face.

Fu Xuange took the wine glass and poured it a little, letting Jiang Xiaoli taste it slowly.Then I remembered something, and said to Fu Xingqi:
"Fu Xuanxing... I've met that kid a few times. He has a good capacity for alcohol, and he can fight for a few tanks later."

The second daughter was even more speechless.

Fu Xingqi frowned and said: "Brother, pay more attention later. Henghua's big banquet, he can't drink alcohol, you mess around, don't make trouble."

"He can't drink, but Mr. Tong can. That girl's drinking capacity—tsk tsk—that's a huge amount."

"The family gathering is not outside. Why do you have to drag a group of people to drink?"

At this time, a man in straw sandals and a plain robe floated over.

Seeing the person coming, Fu Xuange grinned: "What? Do you feel sorry for your sister? Then you can drink for her later."


In Panlong Golden Hall, Fu Henghua stood outside the hall and looked carefully.

On happy occasions, today Fu Henghua wears a jade mountain crown, a red robe, and a mending cloak that turns into a series of Tai Chi Bagua crane cloaks, making him even more handsome and handsome.

"Grandfather established the Tao in the Eastern Region. I thought that if it didn't involve the evolution of the realm and the way of cultivation, the morality should be slightly inferior to mine. I didn't expect that he was better than me."

Fu Henghua's Dao is just the beginning now, and it only involves cultivators. Only a few thousand people have been affected by it, and they have cultivated the supernatural powers of earth evil.

Ke Dongxia established the "Way of Immortal Heroes", advocating monks to practice the way of chivalry.Not only cultivators, but also have a profound impact on all ordinary people in the Eastern Region.

Over the past few decades, although this chivalrous spirit has not been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it has also influenced today's new generation.When they grew up and moved from the Eastern Region to other places, Vodanwei's Tao also spread.

The golden gate opened, and Heng Hua came in to meet him.

"Grandson came to say hello."

Fu Danwei is also wearing a red robe with a phoenix pattern embroidered with gold thread.

"Get up."

Fu Danwei sat on the couch, looking at his grandson in high spirits.

After all, it was a happy day, and Fu Danwei didn't say those depressing words, and encouraged Fu Henghua according to the rules for other grandchildren.

In the end, he ordered Deng Lan to deliver the gift he had prepared.

Just as Fu Henghua was going to pick him up, he was told by the old man: "The centenary ceremony means that from now on, you will be on your own and become a real adult, and you can officially travel as Bai Huangtang."

"Save the grandson."

"When doing things outside, don't act recklessly, and don't humiliate the family."


"Remember, act cautiously outside, and don't be arrogant."

"take note of it."

Seeing that the old man wanted to repeat, Deng Lan hurriedly handed over the gift.

Fu Henghua took the gift with both hands, moved backwards out of the hall, Fang turned and left quickly.

"Sure enough, it's the picture of the palace of cirrus clouds!"

After viewing the gift, Fu Henghua was overjoyed.

The material of this picture is similar to the cloud axis, and it is also condensed by the essence of clouds and mists.There is the god of wind, rain and thunder, and the goddess of heaven.

It is similar to the "Qianqiu Playing Music Picture" that I got from the old man's treasure house before, but it is more advanced.This picture itself is a spiritual weapon, obtained by Fu Danwei in a certain ancient fairy mansion.

There are thousands of celestial maidens and eight hundred gods and generals, who can play music and dance, or set up battle formations.

The greatest use of this picture for Fu Henghua is to integrate it into the cloud axis.Integrate the way of wind, rain, cloud and thunder into the "star map", and completely complete the "heaven part" of the pantheon map.

Moreover, even the effort of depicting celestial maidens and gods is omitted, and directly refined into a "Tiangong Tu".Fu Henghua has been thinking about this spiritual picture for a long time.

Heng Hua put away the scroll and joined Heng Shou who was waiting at the door.

"Xiaoyu hasn't come yet? Forget it, send her a message and let her go directly to the venue."

Early this morning, when Fu Henghua came out of the Langhuan Pavilion, the island owners and island owners of Panlong Island came to congratulate him one after another.

At this time, we can see the attitude of the subordinates of the Fu family towards Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun.

Compared with Mr. Fu Tong, a monk who does not have the exclusive talent of the Fu family, or Fu Henghua, the magician who controls the Langhuan Pavilion, he is more respected by everyone.

Because they couldn't find Mr. Fu Tong in the past, but their descendants sent them to Panlong Island to practice, so they would inevitably have to deal with Fu Henghua.

Furthermore, Fu Henghua took care of Panlong Island on behalf of his grandfather.Although it is only twenty years, he is one of the masters of Panlong Island under Panlong Island Industry.What about Mr. Fu Tong?That's just a granddaughter of the old man.Don't say that the old man still has several granddaughters, but in terms of the treatment of the granddaughters alone, they can't surpass Fu Yaozhen in front.

That is the eldest granddaughter, who has the talent of spiritual vision, and is also the disciple of Jiexian.In the entire Fu family, the status is extremely detached.

For this reason, Fu Henghua collected a bunch of extra gifts this morning and asked Xiaoyu to sort them out in the Langhuan Pavilion.

"I've already told her. She said that she has made arrangements, locked the door of the museum just now, and is going to Danlong Garden."

Heng Hua nodded slowly, and the two walked back and forth to Danlong Garden.

On the way, I happened to meet another monk with two servants.

The three of them saw Fu Henghua from a distance, and the young man in the lead waved directly.

Heng Hua frowned, stopped and waited.

Xiang Zheng came over to congratulate him on his birthday, and Fu Henghua thanked him kindly.

"Brother Xiang, not only came to congratulate me, but also came to see the old man?"

Xiang Zheng's father was a disciple taught by Fu Danwei in his early years.

At that time, he had completed the cultivation of the Xuantai, but unfortunately he died tragically in the demon tide, leaving Xiang Zheng as his only son.The old man attaches great importance to this disciple and grandson.In the past few years, he has been allowed to practice outside.Until these few years, none of the grandchildren on Panlong Island were there, and the old man was lonely, so he thought of this grandson again, and summoned him to the island to check his sword skills.

As far as Fu Henghua knew, Xiang Zheng was responsible for the deployment of Taoist soldiers in Panlong Water District.

"I take care of the Taoist soldiers in the water area, how can I go to the main hall casually? This time is your birthday, and my congratulatory gift has just been delivered today, so I will send it here quickly."

Xiang Zheng sent a bowl, which contained a silver liquid filled with stars.

"I heard that you are refining star maps, so I specially ordered this paint from Bai Zhen."

All right, Zhang Ruyi made it himself.

Fu Henghua was quite speechless, but he still kindly thanked Xiang Zheng for his kindness.

Xiang Zheng was in charge of water defense, and soon left Panlong Island.

Fu Henghua told Hengshou: "Write it down, and prepare to return the gift later."

Hengshou: "Gongfa?"

"The old man attaches great importance to each of those apprentices. He loves the house and the crow, how can he treat these disciples and grandchildren? I must deduce his martial arts in person. How can he be human? I remember that the former Fanjian Xianzhou sent some. Sword pills? Go back and pick a few. You personally collect and train the elites of the Big Dipper, and refine a set of Seven Star Swords for him."

Fu Henghua received a lot of presents, but in return he had to give out most of them.

Now, he has started to keep accounts and prepare to return gifts.When the time comes, Hengshou will send someone to deliver it.

After Xiang Zheng, Fu Henghua and the two met several people who came to give gifts.

Hengshou carefully wrote down every gift and every gift giver.

Only Xiaoyu and Hengshou are around Henghua.

Xiaoyu is in charge of housekeeping and takes care of the daily life of the three of them.And external gatherings have always been Hengshou's job.How many gifts to send, what kind of congratulatory message to write, all have to be considered by Hengshou.When Fu Henghua remembered it, he looked it over.If you can't remember, you can delegate power.

Finally, the two came to Danlong Garden.

Fu Maiyuan couldn't hold back Fu Xuange, and was drinking with him.

Seeing Brother Wu coming, Heng Hua hurried over.

"You came back from the East China Sea?"

"How can you miss the big day between you and Mr. Tong?"

Fu Maiyuan gave Henghua a gift, but it was a hibiscus branch.

"This is the spiritual root cultivated by Master in the Immortal Mansion, which contains the essence of the sun. It is in duplicate, and Mr. Tong is also this thing, so as not to quarrel with you."

Heng Hua smiled and asked Heng Shou to accept it, and ordered him to take out the gift he gave to Fu Maiyuan.

"We have neglected Fifth Brother on our birthday this time, and my younger brother is here to make amends first."

Fu Maiyuan picked up the wine glass, took a sip casually, and said with a smile: "What's not to be negligent? Your centenary birthday should be like this. Didn't I also experience this a few years ago?"

Fu Maiyuan's birthday is the same as Heng Hua's, both in September.It's just that Panlong Island didn't prepare a banquet for Fu Maiyuan every year.

Heng Hua, the birthday star, took his seat, and soon Fu Xuanxing and Fu Xiangfeng also arrived together.

Finally, there are Fu Tongjun, Fu Yaozhen, Sun Yuntong, and the daughters of Fu Liuhui.

Mr. Fu Tong is also well-dressed at present, with colorful clothes and crowns, and is extremely glamorous.

When everyone is present, the banquet officially begins.

Heng Hua got up first and rang the small bell on the table.

when - when -

The melodious sound of the bell reverberated across the island, and golden rays of light emanated from the eight venues at the same time, like a fountain.

Yan Shu hides in the middle seat of casual cultivation, surrounded by accomplished foundation-builder monks or extravagant guests.

She saw the golden glow forming a large mirror, reflecting the figures of Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun.

"Is this simultaneous projection in eight venues? No, seven?"

Because she noticed that there were many masters on Panlong Island, Yanshu didn't dare to use her divine sense at will, so she carefully observed her surroundings.

The three venues on her side are connected and arranged in three palaces.

The innermost one, received by Fu Yongbao and Fu Changqing, is a casual cultivator of golden elixirs from all walks of life.Although I don't know Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun, they are respected because of their status.

On Yanshu's side, Fuyinggu and his wife received them.

The next seat was the grandparents and grandchildren of the old monks who were traveling with him, and they were received by Fu Yifu and Sun Yuan.

"The people who receive the casual cultivators are all the core figures of the Fu family. The elders of Fu Henghua, I don't know who is hosting the other five venues?"

In the Panlong Golden Hall, Fu Danwei sat with Baihezi, Liu Yangshi and others.Xue Kai, Ge Liu and other elders are all in this list.Even the representatives of various factions in the Jinfang water area are here.

Bai Hezi said with a smile: "Your family's ostentation is so grand this time, how can this be to celebrate the birthdays of two grandchildren, it's clear that your family is going to open a mansion?"

"That's right, the Nascent Soul feast when you became a master may not be as grand as this one."

"It's all uncle's intention. We must really play the banner of Fufeng Immortal Palace."

Fu Henghua said some words of honor, and raised his glass to thank all the guests for coming to Panlong Island to congratulate him.

He swept across the venues, and under the operation of his spiritual consciousness, everyone felt that he was watching him, and they all raised their glasses in response.

"He Yuandao boy has a thousand longevity and a long life."

"Congratulations to the gift of the teacher's birthday. In the future, he will attain Taoism and live forever."

"I wish you all the blessings, fellow Taoist."

The monks from all walks of life toasted and drank together.

After Yanshu drank a glass of wine, she suddenly felt spiritual energy gushing out of her body.

"This is the so-called longevity wine of the monks in the world? It's really delicious."

Yan Shu yearns for the customs of the world more and more, and looks around again.She found that although there were spirit wine and food in the three venues, they were obviously divided into different categories.

At the last table, each monk had two jugs of spiritual wine, four plates of fresh fruit, and six dishes.

On their side, each has eight plates of fresh fruit, twelve dishes, and unlimited drinks.

As for the table above, besides the spiritual meal and spiritual fruit, each person also had two additional bottles of spiritual pills.

"The Fu family is luxurious enough, and the expenses of this banquet alone cannot be underestimated."

Yanshu heard two monks whispering not far away.

"Yeah, I heard that his family spent a lot of money this time, and it seems to be to demonstrate against some people. But... let's just watch the show."

Fu Henghua thanked the guests, and then it was Fu Tongjun's turn.

As always in the back row ah!

Mr. Fu Tong scanned the venues.

After everyone drank the first cup, they began to refill it one after another.

And this action is also the treatment she has received for many years.

Every time Fu Henghua finished drinking with his guests, he had to pour the wine again.Mr. Fu Tong had to wait for everyone to fill up before starting his thank you speech.

Mr. Fu Tong remembered this dissatisfaction for a long time.

It's a pity that every time I fight with Fu Henghua, I will be beaten back by the opponent.

Waiting for leisure, Mr. Fu Tong glanced at the identities of the guests in several other venues.

In addition to the three seats of casual cultivators, the old man and a group of elders and representatives of sects other than Yanlong took one seat.Baihezi and others are on the left, and representatives of other sects are on the right.Mr. Fu Tong even saw Jindan monks from Zihuang Pavilion and Yusheng Pavilion as representatives.Obviously, they are not for themselves, but for Fu Henghua's earth magic.

The Great Elder received seniors from several other lands in Yanlong Waters.For example, the Zhu family, the Yang family, and Grandmaster Yuanying came in person.Their purpose is for Fu Henghua's earth magic.Because they can't log in to the Tianxuan Taoist platform, they hope to obtain the inheritance of evil magic from themselves.For this purpose, the master island masters on Western Tianmen Island rarely show up.There are also two masters from Fengmen Island, who also came here to ask for a glass of wine.Only Fu Ruiying's status is enough to receive him.

These guests are on the left, and the subordinates and guest officials of the Fu family are on the right.

Fu Beidou took a seat to receive the three monks from Yin, Bao and Cheng in the Eastern Region.The Fu family is on the left, and the three guests are on the right.Over the years, the four families have gotten closer.The other three families also know that the Fu family's declaration of sovereignty this time is largely for them to see.

Even the Ling family bowed to the Fu family, and the current Fu family is eligible to get back the inheritance of Fufeng Immortal Palace.

After this banquet, Fu Danwei will be the new head of Fufeng Immortal Palace.

That's right, the three Patriarchs could tell.Fu Danwei received the sect outside Yanlong, and Fu Rui should be in charge of the local monks in Yanlong.In addition, this banquet is in the name of the two juniors of Panlong Island.

This undoubtedly shows that there is an alternation of power within the Fu family.

The Fu family believes that Fu Danwei is currently the one with the highest reputation and the greatest right to speak.

The last two seats, apart from the Danlong Garden where the two of Fu Tongjun are located, are the venues where their relatives and friends are located.

Brothers Li Nanxing, Xin Mao, Ma Dongren, and Yunlie were all present at this meeting place.And Mr. Fu Tong also saw many of his girlfriends in Yuanming coming to join him.

"I have had a wide range of contacts in foreign affairs these years. But he is even more provocative. Even the major sects were alarmed and came to congratulate him on his birthday in person."

Mr. Fu Tong waited for everyone to fill up, and also raised his glass to thank him.

Everyone drank another cup, and then Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun congratulated each other.

This is also one of Fu's usual projects.

Show brother-sister friendship and exchange gifts at the banquet.

Yan Shu heard the two monks in front talking.

"This seems to be the tenth time, right? The twins of the Fu family have been holding this ceremony since they were ten years old."

"Twins? Where did you hear the news? They are not twins!"


"Of course not. I heard that Mr. Fu's two daughters-in-law were born on the same day."

The monk looked around and whispered to his companion.

"I heard that this granddaughter's background is a bit embarrassing. It is said that her mother was pregnant for three years but did not give birth, and she did some things that hurt her morality."

"Hurt Yinde?"

"Dongxia lived an upright life, but he came from a comprehension family. In this comprehension family, it is inevitable that there will be some internal struggles. The woman did some secret activities, which made it impossible for her to have a son. After three years of dystocia, she finally gave birth to a son. Meatballs.

"The Fu family was furious, and Dongxia wanted to clean up the house. Just when the grandson was born, the island was filled with red clouds. With that cry, the meat ball burst open automatically, and there was a crying girl inside, echoing the boy from afar."

"Is there such a thing?"

"This is the secret of the Fu family, don't spread it outside."


Yan Shu looked away, and saw several monks beside her turn their heads silently.

This secret of the Fu family, just listen to it, don't let it out, don't let it out.But I didn't expect that Fu's family is so glamorous, but there is such a bad thing?

Everyone was full of imagination, thinking about what kind of secret activities back then, which caused a pregnant woman to be unable to give birth for a long time?
"With this layer of origin, I believe the relationship between the two brothers and sisters must be very good?"

"That's for sure. With this kind of relationship, they are brothers and sisters who grew up together. They are not much worse than those born to compatriots."

Under the gaze of everyone, Fu Henghua and Mr. Fu Tong exchanged gifts and opened them in public.

What Mr. Fu Tong gave to Fu Henghua was a stone lotus.Huaxin stores a group of spiritual earth and god mud.

"Fellow Daoist, can you see what this is?"

Yanshu saw the two monks talking again.

"It seems to be Wandao soil? I heard that the Fu family once collected this thing. I didn't expect that the grandson of the Fu family would also refine treasures like mountain whips?"

When Fu Henghua saw the divine clay of the spiritual earth, he immediately showed joy.

"You still know what I'm thinking."

These soils are integrated into the soil, which can absorb the changes in the soil quality of the islands in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, thereby evolving various island gods and filling the pantheon map system.

"It's not just Yuanming, I'll help you collect the soil from the Xuanyu waters - Dongfang girl also helped."

"Looking back, I should thank her."

Fu Henghua then pointed to the gift he gave her.

"This thing should be of great use to you."

What he sent to Mr. Fu Tong was also a stone basin with a raging flame inside.

Ordinary people can't understand it.But in the meeting place not far away, several masters and many golden core monks exclaimed one after another.

"Fire River Dragon Flame?"

"Quickly turn off, can this thing be taken out?"

"Wait—how did this kid seal this thing?"

Everyone was shocked by it.

That is the river of fire and dragon flames in Yizhou, which is enough to extinguish the flames of Shenzhou.Now it is burning meekly in a stone basin, as if there is no harm at all.

"His Taoism can restrain Huohe. Could it be that he has researched something?"

Zhong Zihan, the representative of Zihuang Pavilion, immediately said to Fu Danwei: "Senior, can I go to see Brother Fu Yuandao later?"


Huohe Longyan and Fu Danwei were startled, what is this kid doing, how did he come up with this thing?

Mr. Fu Tong looked at the immortal dragon flame in the stone basin, and thanked Fu Henghua for his kindness.

"This is my favorite work, keep it well, and it will definitely be used in the future."

Since Fu Henghua studied the physical properties of the dragon, and understood the dragon cells and the original life, he looked at the dragon flame and fire river differently.

The raging flame will never go out after thousands of years.Isn't fire just like plants, which are photosynthesizing by themselves?By absorbing the exhaust gas produced by mortals' activities in Yizhou, and turning it into firewood?
Knowing this, Fu Henghua made the "Indestructible Dragon Flame" in front of him according to the principle.

Attacking and killing enemies are all secondary.

Its main function is to generate heat and energy.

It is useless in the hands of ordinary monks, but it is useful in other cultivation families.

You know, now the Fu family has rolled out windmills in the east of Yanlong to construct a communication network.What Bumielongyan represents is another fire energy that is not inferior to wind energy, or solar energy.

But such a prospect is really useless for the Fu family.

Because his main business is wind energy.The strength of the wind will enhance their Taoism.

The philosophy of the Fu family is also ubiquitous like the wind, circulating endlessly.

And the most perfect conceived plan of the Fu family: Bring the wind belt around the four seas into its own rule, and use the power of wind to promote the circulation of all qi in the world.

Under this premise, the temptation of Longyan Project to them is naturally lower.

But Mr. Fu Tong is extremely talented, and Fu Henghua thinks that she can use it.

"It's not convenient for the Fu family to get this thing, but I can."

Fu Henghua planned to open an island and establish a mansion, and Mr. Fu Tong naturally had this idea.And she thought further, she didn't plan to mess around in Yanlong Waters at all.Instead, he wants to build his own kingdom in other waters that the old man's style can't touch.

At the same time, Mr. Fu Tong also saw the promotion path of his elder brother and senior Dan Xuanzi.

When they build the Sun Mansion, they can use the concept of "Brother Henghua" to spread the Sun Domain in the East China Sea.

"However, if my brother and senior Dan Xuanzi want to implement this, they will have to conflict with the Donghai Sword Sect."

Thinking of the East China Sea Sword Sect and fighting swords, Mr. Fu Tong had some calculations in his mind.

Then she accepted the gift and drank and had fun with many relatives and friends.


"Hurry up, move quickly!"

Three large boats were speeding across the water, and they were dragging a ten-foot-tall jade statue.The jade statue was wrapped in layers of red silk, and the appearance inside could not be seen.

At the bow, several monks anxiously calculated the route and urged the sailors to rush to Panlong Island.

When they entered the Beaulieu Waters, Fu Danwei, who was chatting and drinking with Bai Hezi, suddenly changed his expression.

He glanced at Fu Henghua and Fu Henghua on the chairman seat in the distance, and secretly transmitted Deng Lan.

"Go and ask, and see what these little bastards are doing!"

After giving the order, he continued to deal with his friends' persuasion.

Deng Lan hurriedly retreated to the back and sent a message to Xiaoyu.

Xiao Yu walked up to Heng Hua and asked carefully.

Fu Henghua didn't know why, so he counted the Shenluo Tianshu, and his expression changed drastically.

He secretly transported the spirit, and Huang Po rose from the sky and looked to the southwest with her eyes.

The three building boats were entwined with billowing black smoke, and rushed through flower paths at high speed.

This move caused Taoist soldiers to blow their alarms one after another, leading Xiang Zheng to take the lead to check.

"Five Poisons? What are their people doing here?"

Fu Henghua was puzzled, but because it was his big day, he didn't want to worry about it himself, so he let Hengshou go through it.

Soon, Heng Shou rushed back and whispered in his ear hurriedly.

Heng Hua's complexion was not right. Seeing Mr. Fu Tong's face was red from drinking, he said angrily: "Go tell her and let her deal with it!"

With a flick of the fingers, the cloud curled up, covering Mr. Fu Tong's broadcast mirror to other venues.

Hengshou also grew up with Mr. Fu Tong, and has always had a face on her side.

When she came over, Mr. Fu Tong smiled and toasted, intending to drink with him.

Smelling the smell of alcohol, Hengshou was quite helpless, stretched out his hand to support him and said in a low voice: "The Five Poison Sect sent a jade statue, ten feet high, which is said to be a congratulatory gift to the birthday master of Panlong Island."

Five Poison Religion?
Seeing Fu Henghua's displeased expression, Mr. Fu Tong suddenly became sober.

"How did they come?"

"I have to ask you!" Fu Henghua looked at the confrontation at Panlong Water District with a dark face.

"Brother Xiang Zheng saw that group of people were aggressive and rude, so he stopped them outside. You go and deal with it, don't let them poison you casually. Otherwise..."

After all, Xiang Zheng is the grandson of the old man, if he gets injured, it will be troublesome.

Mr. Fu Tong hurriedly sent Gu worms over there.

At this time, the movement also alarmed many guests, and they looked at the water one after another.

The group of Five Poison Sect members didn't know who made the move, they took down the red cloth, the sun rose into the sky, and the jade statue stood on the water.

"Congratulations to Saint Aunt Qianshou!"

"May the holy aunt enjoy eternal blessings, and live as long as the sky!"

Mr. Fu Tong was ashamed and annoyed.

Suddenly, he noticed that Fu Henghua's sharp eyes were cast on him.

"What are you looking at?"

"Did you do it on purpose?"

Today is my [-]th birthday.It officially appeared in front of all cultivation families.According to the previous rules, after today, I can go outside to open the island by myself.

Fu Henghua lived on Panlong Island all year round, and had long been looking forward to one day moving to Luogui Island next door.

It's no longer going to retreat next door, but moving the Langhuan Hall to the next door, so you don't have to worry about the old man's spiritual attention.

Fu Henghua waited for this day for many years.He also has great anticipation and enthusiasm for this day.

Whoever looks for trouble on this day will be enmity with him, and he will have trouble with him for the rest of his life!

Mr. Fu Tong naturally knew Fu Henghua's thoughts, although he wanted to insist on a few words, but the words still softened when he spoke.

"I don't know what they did. Although I helped Zhang Yu take down the Five Poison Sect, I didn't tell them to make trouble on this day."

Don't look at Mr. Fu Tong going to the Langhuan Pavilion very stubbornly.

But she knew how much Fu Henghua valued this day.She dared to make trouble before the event, but she never dared to make trouble on this day.

After all, it's also my birthday.Why do you have trouble with yourself?
"I don't care if they keep calling you holy lady and trying to build momentum for you. But you're getting closer to the Five Poison Sect, because you're afraid that the old man won't get angry?"

The Five Poisons Sect acts in a secretive way, and it doesn't seem to be the right way at all.

When Zhang Yu secretly went to Wei's house, he planned to refine Gu with the help of Wei's dead soul.Now that the Fu family is promoting its prestige and is about to revive the reputation of Fufeng Immortal Palace, Lord Fu Tong brought the Five Poison Sect members here?
Isn't this lowering the level of the Fu family?
In the eyes of the representatives of the two pavilions, isn't the Fu family only worthy of hanging out with people like the Five Poison Sect?

 Progress (7/22)

  Fix two bugs:

  In the previous chapter, "Qibu Burrow" was written as "Qiyuanju", which has been revised.

  The mixed use of "An Ri Fu" and "Ri An Fu" by the four brothers and sisters of Fu Pengming in the previous article has all been changed to "An Ri Fu".

  The reason for this kind of problem is that in the character profile file, the initial setting and the second setting conflict and are used together.When I moved to the text, I accidentally brought in both settings.

(End of this chapter)

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