
Chapter 412

Chapter 412 Heaven and Earth Vat ([-] words)

The fire was raging, and the ground fire shot out from the magma from time to time.

Fu Dange was wearing a "turtle robe", carefully avoiding the flames.He is holding a golden rope, and Fu Baitang is collecting the essence of Wutu below.

"Uncle, hurry up. It's time to avoid the fire spell again."


Fu Baitang muttered something, and put a ball of Wutu essence into the jade bottle.

"Pull me up."

Fu Dange pulled hard, and Fu Baitang followed the rope back to the cliff.

Seeing that Fu Baitang was out of breath, Fu Dange asked, "We don't have much medicine right now, should we go up first?"

"Go up. Brother Henghua repeatedly told us to be cautious when we act inside the volcano."

Now the two still have three elixirs in hand, which may not be enough in case of any accident.

So, the two worked together and returned to the edge of the crater of Dilie Island together.

"Huh—" Fu Dange watched the harvest of the two of them, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Let's go to Yutu Island to replenish the elixir." The two walked down the crater side by side and came to the "Watching the Wind Tower" on Dilie Island.

There is a windmill on the top of the tower, which continuously spins out a blue wind.Through the reverberation of the atmosphere, the entire Dilie Island is bathed in the "power of wind spirit".

Singer Fu Dan stuck to the windmill talisman tower and shouted in "Phoenix language": "Jade Rabbit Island."

boom -

The windmill turns, and the waves on the water match the wind.The whirlwind containing the power of feng shui fell straight from the sky, and the two disappeared from Dilie Island in the next moment.


Luogui Island, Wanbao Cliff.

Henghua placed dozens of Qiankun vats, among which there were five large vats that circulated golden light and were three feet above the ground.There are also four Qiankun vats one foot above the ground, with white light circulating.

He worked hard to practice his kung fu, his spiritual sense collected the inspiration of the heaven and the earth, and sacrificed the four universe jars belonging to the Baizhen water area.

Suddenly, the Qiankun cylinder, which symbolizes the Yanlong East Territory, made a sound.

"Jade Rabbit Island."

Heng Hua opened his eyes and took a look.

Feng Shui tornado rose from Dilie Island, and moved to Yutu Island the next moment.

"The two of them are diligent. They just added it yesterday, and today they went to Yutu Island again."


Jade Rabbit Island.

The whirlwind dissipated, and the two appeared in the "Watching Tower".

Fu Baitang had a headache, rubbed his head and said, "This 'Feng Shui Teleportation Technique' is too rough, I'm a little dizzy. Go get the medicine first."

"Be content. Uncle's teleportation method saves us a lot of time. You only need to say a word of 'phoenix language' from the air, and you can travel freely in the Yanlong Five Regions. It's a little headache, just bear it."

Fu Dange also had some headaches, but compared to flying over from Dilie Island, Feng Shui Teleportation is undoubtedly more convenient.Even from Tianmen Island in the west of Yanlong to Fengmen Island in the east, it only takes a few fingers.

Under this transmission system, the Yanlong cultivation world has taken a big step forward.

Fu Dange straightened his clothes and looked at the Jade Rabbit Island in front of him.

"Uncle, take a rest first, I'll get the medicine."

Fu Dange went straight to Baoguilin and the Fujia stronghold in Taiyinyuan.

Today's Yutu Island is no longer shared by the Cheng family and the Bao family. The Yin family and the Fu family have also participated, and invited many casual practitioners to join in, making Yutu Island the first alchemy island in the Eastern Yanlong Region.

If a monk is willing to study alchemy on Yutu Island, the four families in the Eastern Region will provide alchemy materials for free for him to practice.It's just that the four companies have to take a cut of the alchemy they have made, and the four companies will set up the Yutu Pill Building to sell it uniformly.

For the alchemist who practiced casually, he went to Jade Rabbit Island to practice.You don't have to worry about the lack of materials anymore, and every time you finish alchemy, you will get [-]% of the income as a reward.

It not only improves alchemy skills, but also earns money.

Why not?
Therefore, alchemists from the Yanlong Eastern Region and even the Central Region came here admiringly.

Now alchemists can be seen everywhere on Yutu Island.

When Fu Dange came to Taiyin Garden, he saw big and small rabbits running through the forest.Under the leadership of Liu Niangniang Yurong, the rabbit demon clan also took root on Yutu Island, living next to the Fu family, and responsible for cultivating elixir for the four monks in the Eastern Region.

It was precisely because of this group of spirit rabbits that the Fu family bought shares that they broke the pattern of Bao and Cheng occupying Yutu Island.

At the Taiyin Garden, the monk in charge of guarding is Fu Canggeng from the Dawu lineage of Xujutang.

Fu Dange said sternly: "Greetings to Grand Uncle, the younger generation came to fetch medicine again."

Seeing Fu Dange coming, Fu Cangeng closed the "Disha Supernatural Power Collection Notes", and said with a smile: "You just came yesterday, and you are here again today. I'm afraid you will squander Henghua's share of elixir."

Fu Dange said nonchalantly: "Uncle Bai Tang is given the highest treatment in our family, how much can Uncle Bai Tang and I consume?"

"It's not just you two. Fu Huangli and Fu Zhaoming just left. Counting the time, Fu Xueke is probably coming too."

The five young juniors have practiced in Luogui Island for three years, and they are all on the ninth level of Qi Refining and are on the verge of building a foundation.Fu Henghua then sent five people to various places in Yanlong to collect natural materials and earth treasures for himself.

"Even if there are five of us, we can't consume the uncle's share, right? He doesn't use it very much these days."

Fujia welfare standards were originally divided into three categories and seven categories.

The head of the family and the elders of the town clan are the first class.

Elders and Zonglao are the second class.

Elite, enshrined, and Taoist are the third class.

In addition, according to the meritorious service, some additional medicine pills and spirit jade shares will be added.

Right now, the Fu family is thriving, and the benefits of the clan are getting richer.Added the second class of Jindan worship and grand master worship, and merged ordinary people into it. There are three classes, seven categories and ten grades.

The head of the family, the elders of the town clan, and the master are worshiped as the first class.

Elders, Zonglao, and Jindan are enshrined as second-class.At present, there are Xue Kai, Ge Liu, Yutu Jing Yurong, and Qiongyun Longbo (the red dragon in the vat) who are enshrined as Jindan.

Clan elites, foundation building offerings, and Taoism (building foundations) are the third class.Then, people from the ninth floor of Qi Refining and below are the lowest level.

Fu Henghua took the elder's share, and was originally treated as a high-ranking foundation-building monk.But now that he has been upgraded to the first level of Jindan, he is almost catching up with the benefits held by the elders of the town clan like Fu Beidou.In the original Fu family, only three had this treatment.

At present, Fu Henghua gets the amount of ninth-grade pills every year, calculated in tens of thousands.

Can this run out?
"He doesn't use it, but the two people around him are using it every day. Those two big drug users don't use the ninth-rank pills like you. The share of the seventh-rank pills has been used up. Now they are all starting to take the eighth-rank pills." The elixir is exchanged for the seventh-grade elixir."

Calculated based on the current pills provided by the Fu family to the elder class:
The fourth-grade panacea is limited to one piece (the type is not limited, the Fu family provides materials, and it is refined by finding someone).

One of the fifth-grade elixir is provided every ten years, and it can be used in Yuanlong Xuanhu Pill (increase mana, conceive and nourish golden elixir), Liangyi Heqi Pill (increase mana), return god medicine (warm up the spirit), Fufeng Yang Danjinye (spiritual liquid that warms and nourishes golden elixir), one-qi Qingxuan elixir (prolongs life and prolongs life).

The sixth-grade panacea provides ten pieces every year.

Eight hundred pills are provided every year.

The eighth grade elixir provides [-] pills every year.

Ninth Grade Medicinal Pills provide [-] pills every year.

The Donglai cultivation world is not good at alchemy.Therefore, the third-grade elixir is a hurdle. The Nascent Soul masters of the three major waters and the masters of medicine and poison such as Ge Liu and Xue Kai can only refine the elixir honestly.

Although Donglai's third-rank Jindan is against the Jindan Nine Ranks.But ordinary Golden Core cultivators are not qualified to be extravagant with elixir.Most Golden Core cultivators, including Grandmaster Nascent Soul, still use Spiritual Pills as their daily consumption.Indirectly, it is difficult for Jindan cultivators to increase their mana by taking pills like the two realms of refining Qi and building foundations.

In recent years, the relationship between the Fu family and Xue Kai and Ge Liu has become closer.And after the two of them practiced diligently, they became more and more proficient at refining fifth-grade and sixth-grade pills.Therefore, the Fu family has the confidence to increase the treatment of the elders to match the standards of the cultivation family in the three major waters.

A sixth-grade elixir is provided every year as a supplement, and a fifth-grade elixir is provided for ten years.

As for the lower third-grade elixir, the Fu family's own alchemist can refine it.With the existence of Yutu Island, the cost of Fu's alchemy has further dropped.

Therefore, Fu Henghua can spend [-] pieces of ninth-grade pills every year at will.

"Even if he leads the elders to worship, he can't afford you people to consume."

As Fu Canggeng said, he took out three bottles of Jiupin Qibuqi Pill and Qingxin Pill.When handing it to Fu Dange, he said: "You build the foundation early, so as to reduce the pressure on Heng Hua."

After building the foundation, you can receive a large share of pills every year.There are thousands of ninth-grade pills, which can greatly relieve Fu Henghua's pressure.

"It's not as serious as you said."

Fu Huangli was coming in from the door.He laughed and said: "A few days ago, my uncle negotiated with my great-grandfather and gave him an extra share, specially for the five of us."

In the end, the cultivation of these five people was done by the elder himself.

Fu Henghua went to complain a few days ago, and Fu Ruiying negotiated with Fu Henghua to dismiss Fu Huangli's great-grandfather, Fu Bohe, and redesignated a batch of shares for Fu Henghua.

Fu Canggeng heard the words, glanced at Fu Huangli, and muttered in his heart: extra share?At the beginning of the year, our family properly divided everyone's share for the year.Every extra sum has to go through a meeting. Why haven't I heard of the recent meeting?

The elders and patriarchs often hold meetings and carefully calculate the amount of each offering.

"I'm afraid it's not the Great Elder, so you just embezzled the clan of Lai Yin's lineage?"

There are only two people in Xujutang Laiyin's lineage.One is Fu Bohe, a monk from the Fu family's fake alchemy.The other is Fu Huangli, his great-grandson.

Fu Canggeng pondered, Fu Henghua provided resources for the future elders of Laiyin's lineage.Laiyin's lineage should pay for their hard work, right?

"It's not just Laiyin's lineage, I'm afraid other lines will also pay for it."

When Fu Canggeng thought of this, his heart suddenly felt sour.

The luck of his Dawu lineage is all in that bastard Chang Yuezi.He left his family and left, and Dawu's veins were incomplete.Now even if he plans to send someone to Luogui Island to practice, Fu Henghua doesn't like it.

Immediately, the old man lost his interest, prepared the pill for the two of them, and sent them away.


Fu Huangli and the two went to the watchtower.

Fu Dange asked: "You go to the central region, can you think about the opportunity mentioned by your uncle?"

Fu Huangli shook his head in distress.

He practiced both gossip and gossip, Fu Henghua's expectations for him were different from those of Fu Dange and Fu Baitang.

Fu Henghua asked him to meditate at the Taiji Dantai in Zhongyu, hoping that Fu Huangli could gain some insight from it.When refining the ninth level of Qi, it is refined into a Eight Diagrams Dao Seed.

As long as the Tao is planted, he can practice the heavenly scriptures in the future.

It's a pity that Fu Huangli doesn't have a heart of wisdom. Fu Henghua thinks it's a very simple matter, but he can't get it after half a month of hard work.

"Where's Zhaoming?"

"He didn't even figure it out. Now that we're both mentally exhausted, I just came back to get the elixir."

When the two came to the watchtower, they suddenly saw Fu Baitang standing there with his eyes closed, with traces of anger wrapped around his body, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured into his body frantically.

"He wants to break through?"

The two were shocked.

Suddenly a gust of wind fell from the sky, and Fu Baitang left Yutu Island in a blink of an eye.

After the world spun, Fu Baitang opened his eyes and found himself at the foot of Wanbao Cliff.


Seeing Heng Hua standing on the cliff, looking at himself solemnly.

Lightly flicking the feather fan three times, a seal was strengthened in Fu Baitang's body again.

"Now it's the seventh way, can you still hold on?"

Fu Baitang nodded heavily: "I want to last until the ninth stage."

Counting this time, he has faced breakthrough foundation building seven times.Every time he was blocked by Fu Henghua with the "Eight Diagrams Seal", part of his true energy would be restrained.

This is an experiment conducted by Fu Henghua.

In order to keep improving, if the true qi of a qi refining monk is imprisoned nine times.During the last foundation building, the fairy roots it formed should be stronger than ordinary fairy book monks.Would such a person be eligible to directly transfer to the Heavenly Book?

Seeing that he was so determined, Heng Hua smiled with satisfaction: "The Great Elder's expectation of you is to go to the Chiyuan Taoist sect to practice the "Chiyue Ji" one day. No matter how bad it is, you have to figure out their Li Gua.

"This is my expectation for you. It doesn't matter whether you learn or not learn from his family's heavenly scriptures. If you learn Xiantian Li Gua, you can create your own lineage of Taoism later, and you can follow the example of Fufeng Immortal Palace."

There are one-eighth of the Xun hexagrams in the Fufeng Xianjing of the Fu family.

If Fu Baitang created his own fairy book by relying on one-eighth of the Li Gua, he ran to establish a new fairy palace sect.That is also enlightenment.

"Cousin, your expectations of me are a bit too high."

Fu Baitang scratched his head: "The old man didn't even expect me to become a fairy. Go to the Chiyuan Taoist sect to do a true biography of Jindan, and I'm satisfied."

"Golden Core True Inheritance, then you have great confidence."

Heng Hua opened again, and a strong wind came out from the Qiankun vat, dragging Fu Baitang into it, and returned to Yutu Island.

By the way, the essence of Wutu collected by Fu Baitang was left behind by Fu Henghua.

Xiyang devoured the essence of Wutu, and then condensed into a model island and flew into a Qiankun jar in Jinfang waters.

Observing the formation of Yan Yuyuan's dojo, Fu Henghua murmured: "It will take a long time to refine the model in Jinfang Waters."

Looking at his hand again, Xi Rang recovered a palm-sized "mother essence".

"Forget it, let's endow the model of Baizhen Waters first."

For three years, Fu Henghua refined 49 Qiankun cylinders to fill the Ten Thousand Islands pattern in the Inner Nine Waters.

Among them, the five cylinders of Yanlong have been completely completed. Thousands of models of Cangling Island and Huifeng Island float and sink in the five cylinders, and there are countless immovable reefs rippling in the water waves.

The golden light circulates among the five vats, forming the "Four Doors Bagua Fulong Formation" and "Yuanchen Fulingtian Formation".After that, the five cylinders will run on their own, so Fu Henghua doesn't need to worry about it.Even if the new island floats up and the old reef sinks, these five universe jars will manifest one by one.

And through the five universe vats, Henghua can know the size of Yanlong, and even move around in Yanlong waters.You can also imitate Ji Mingfeng's spirit map and borrow the power of Yanlong Waters to fight against the enemy.

But hitting someone with a universe jar, that scene...

Fu Henghua silently suppressed this idea.

In the other eight water areas, the island models of Yuanming five tanks and Xuanyu eight tanks have been built.But because Fu Henghua didn't know much about the local conditions and customs of the Second Region, he was unable to complete the last step of "Enspiriting" for a long time.

So temporarily put the two Qiankun jars aside, and concentrate on making the two water areas of Baizhen and Jinfang.

In the past three years, with the help of Fu Pengming and other Fu family members, as well as the help of people from Baizhen, such as Ma Dongren and Tao Hongfei, the soil quality of Baiyi Hundred Cities was sent to Luogui Island, and the simulation of four-cylinder Hundred Cities was successfully completed.Now, it is in the stage of "enlightenment".

Heng Hua sat down again, his spiritual consciousness enveloped the four Qiankun vats, echoing the waters of Baizhen in the distance.

The world of combined images unfolds accordingly, and Fuheng Huaniwan Palace visualizes the map of the waters of Baizhen, and the formation of the evolution of the hundred cities is gradually realized in the four tanks.

boom -

Three days later at night, the stars in the sky skyrocketed, and four auras fell into the Qiankun jar.

The four white awns soared thousands of feet, and the four cylinders of Baizhen were also completed.

Standing three feet above the ground, it echoes the five cylinders of Yanlong.

"The number of seven is seven, and now only nine have been completed."

Fu Henghua estimated the next time, and was a little worried: he chose to become enlightened at the age of 360, and the time may be a little tight.

In order to empower the Qiankun vat, the first prerequisite is understanding.

Only by going to the local area, collecting luck and preaching in the local area, can the Qiankun vat empowerment be completed-every mouthful of the Qiankun vat contains the spirit of morality, merit and holiness.

"Heng Hua—come to the main hall for a while."

The sound of the wind came from Panlong Island next door, and Heng Hua looked at the Panlong Golden Palace with his head.

Seeing that the flames were as bright as before, and the sound of thunder was still, knowing that the old man was in a good mood, he got up and went to the Panlong Hall.

Fu Danwei was holding a "Tiantian Stone", listening to the voice inside, nodding and replying from time to time.

Heng Hua looked at Tongtian Stone, feeling suspicious.

Three years later, with the help of the east wind taught by Fu Henghua, the Fu family erected "Windmill Talisman Towers" on the main islands of the Five Regions of Yanlong, and laid "wind nets".Because of the favor of Earth Shashu, all families and sects acquiesce in the Fu family's operation.

Next, the Fu family launched a magic weapon called "Tongtian Stone".With the help of wind network communication, monks can communicate with each other through sound transmission.

"Now my family's wind net is all over Yanlong and part of the Baizheng waters. On Yanlong's side... I'm afraid there are not many people who can make the old man behave like this. It should be Baizhen's side? Could it be Senior Liu?"

After Fu Danwei turned off the call, he said to Fu Henghua: "Use the Qiankun vat to go to Huomen Island. Then you can go to Baizhen after Zhuli Xing - I see you can make those four Qiankun vats, and you can come and go as you like ?"

"Not yet."

"If it doesn't work, then use Feng Internet Cafe. By the way, after receiving the ceremony, go to Shuimen Island to pick up some Xiao family members."

Heng Hua's heart moved: "Is it about Yanlong Commercial Bank?"

Yanlong Trading Company is the tentacles of the cultivation families of Yanlong.Now it extends from Yanshui to Baizheng, seeking the benefits of Baizheng waters for the Yanlong family.

"The news from Zhu Zhengming. It said that a batch of fake 'Tiantian Stone' was recently received. There are also rumors from the Xiao family that some people have tried to intervene in Fengwang recently and monitor it."


Heng Hua's expression changed instantly.

"Someone decrypted our wind net?"

"So, go check it out. If Fengwang is fine, come back."

Heng Hua looked solemn.

Fengwang means a lot to him.

The reason why he can easily complete the refining of "Yanlong Five Cylinders".Apart from where he was born, the biggest factor is Fengwang.

The wind net surrounds Yanlong waters and forms a self-contained body.Yanlong five cylinders can easily collect inspirations from heaven and earth through wind power.

In comparison, Baizhen waters are much more troublesome.

"Grandson understands. It's just this opportunity to deal with the electricity tower system on the side of the business alliance."

The wind network of the Fu family is in the Baizhen waters, only occupying half of the country.The Baiyu Chamber of Commerce got an "electric tower" technology from nowhere.Build another "Taixu power grid" through lightning energy storage.Not only can communication, but also use electric towers to lay light towers in various cloud cities.Every night, the electric tower lights up the major cloud cities.

Such an advanced model made Fu Henghua more vigilant.If it wasn't for the delay in refining Baizhen's four cylinders, he would have planned to go to Baizhen to have a look.

"It's not too late, let's go."


Henghua returned to Luogui Island, recruited Hengshou and Xiaoyu, and sacrificed the five cylinders of Yanlong directly.


A blue light flashed, and the next moment the three of them appeared at the "Watching Tower" on Huomen Island.

Zhu Lixing was telling the two girls, when he saw Fu Henghua coming, he waved quickly.

Seeing the two girls, Heng Shou immediately understood: Well, the Zhu family not only plans to handle the case, but also plans to marry?
Heng Hua glanced at the second daughter, smiled and went to say hello.

The second daughter is Zhu Lixing's cousin. The Zhu family has carefully selected a female cultivator with the Golden Core qualification, and is now in the real fire state.

"It's not too late, let's pick up a few comrades from the Xiao family."

When Heng Hua saw the two girls, he immediately wanted to be a matchmaker.

The universe cylinder was activated, and six people appeared on Shuimen Island.

The representative of the Xiao family was not the same generation as Fu Henghua imagined, but Xiao Zhenghe, the golden core monk of the Xiao family he had met before.

"Uncle Shi?" Heng Hua was rather surprised, "Why did you come in person?"

"The Baizheng Merchant Alliance intends to charge for our wind network. We are required to pay an additional amount of money to the Baizheng Merchant Alliance every year to ensure that the wind network continues to operate in Baizhen."

Xiao Zhenghe said in a deep voice: "So I will go to investigate the situation first, and if necessary, several masters will take action."

When will it be the turn of the Baizheng Merchant Alliance to step on Brother Yanlong's face?

If it weren't for the sake of the three major water bodies, these things would have been wiped out long ago.

Murderous intent emerged from Xiao Zhenghe's body, and anger surged out layer by layer.

"Eh?" Heng Hua looked Xiao Zhenghe carefully.

Although murderous intentions surged, there was no sense of riot that he felt back then.

"Uncle Shi started to conceive and raise Jindan?"

"It's also thanks to your Taoism."

Xiao Zhenghe said kindly: "I am poor in cultivation, and the quality of the golden elixir is not high. In this life, I will stop at the first level of the golden elixir. But with your Daoding elixir refining method, I can also purify the golden elixir and reduce the chance of becoming obsessed."

Although in this life, he may not be expected to transform into a baby.

However, the process of purifying the golden elixir again and again prevented Xiao Zhenghe from being harmed by the disadvantages of the "Eighteen-Story Building Method".

When the two young members of the Xiao family arrived, Xiao Zhenghe immediately said:

"It's not too late, let's go quickly."

Fuhenghua induction wind net.

The kamikaze reverberates in the waters of Yanlong, while in the north there is a row of wind walls that send the wind to Baizhen Baicheng.

There, the same wind reverberates.But compared to Yanlong, it is much more relaxed.Moreover, he could still feel the hindrance of a trace of thunder force.

"It's really not smooth here."

A gust of wind emerged from the watchtower, Xiao Zhenghe watched Fu Henghua's actions solemnly.

The Xiao family has also tried it through wind network transmission.

But in terms of wind power operation, the Xiao family is not as good as the monks of the Fu family.Coupled with the game between the major forces in Yanlong, the Fu family eventually became the party with a detached position.Responsible for dispatching monks to each family to manage the watchtower, providing dual services of transmission and communication.

"Three Yuan City."

After Fu Henghua finished speaking in phoenix language, a strong wind fell from the sky.

A group of nine people took advantage of the strong wind to rush out of Yanlong and connect with another wind net belt.

Suddenly, the transmission speed of several people slowed down.

Like going from a torrent into a swamp.The congratulations have been sent many times, but none of them are as uncomfortable as they are now.

Heng Hua silently called for Bai Zhen Si Cylinder.

One of the universe jars appeared beside Heng Hua out of thin air.

With a flash of white light, the teleportation became stable immediately, sending the group of people safely into Sanyuan City.

Sanyuan City, the core of Baizhen Baicheng, where the business alliance is located.

Everyone appeared in the watchtower.

The monks stationed here by the Fu family immediately came to investigate.

Without the pre-communication from his side, it means that the authority of the visitor is higher than his, who in the family...

"Great Uncle?"

Mr. Fu Zao saw Fu Henghua and asked in surprise: "Why did you come out of Luogui Island?"

"There are some things, come and have a look."

Heng Hua looked at Sanyuan City.

Many years have passed, and the traces of Bai Yi's ghost misfortune have long since disappeared.

Now Sanyuan City is going a step further with the help of the integration of hundreds of cities.Here Heng Hua actually has a wonderful feeling of being on Buxianzhou.

The concentration of aura here is almost as strong as Xuanhu Fangxianzhou.

 Bai Yanyanlong has entered a new era of comprehension, and the sense of separation from the three major waters has become more and more serious.Over there is still the style of the classical fairy.

  I wrote [-] words today!The [-] manuscripts will be stored tomorrow, and it is hoped that the [-] words will be updated!
(End of this chapter)

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