
Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Fu Dange packed his bags and came to the watchtower.

Fu Baitang has been waiting for a long time.

"Is everything ready?"

"It's all ready."

"Then let's go to Tianmen Island first, then turn to Yanshui, and from there to Tianyang Lingjie Cave."

Meng Chen handed over the key to the cave to Henghua, and when Henghua went to the Lingjie Cave for a tour, he immediately decided to hide in the Lingjie Cave for retreat before the sword fight.

But the five of Fu Dange were about to build a foundation, Heng Hua couldn't let them go to practice, so he simply called them to Lingjie Cave to practice together.


The watchtower rolled up the golden haze, and Fu Xia Zhai walked out from it.



The two hurriedly saluted.

"Are you going to the Lingjie Cave?"

Fu Baitang nodded quickly: "Cousin told us to go over - are you back from Baizhen?"

"The matter over there has come to an end."

When Fu Baitang mentioned "Henghua", Fu Xia Zhai looked a little confused, and sent the two of them to hurry, and he went to find the elder to report.

The Great Elder is sitting in front of the "Heluo Jade Bi" and meditating at the moment.

Fu Xia Zhai just came in, and when he was about to tell the story of Bai Zhen and his party, Fu Ruiying waved his hand: "Needless to say, I already know the whole story. Facing this kid's actions, what do you think?"

"Bringing Jiexian into the game, it will be difficult for us to gain benefits from Baizhen in the future."

Hearing this, Fu Ruiying nodded, then shook his head.

"Do you know why you weren't listed as a candidate for the Patriarch back then?"

"The grandson's talent is stupid, and it is difficult to control the rise and fall of a clan."

"In terms of ability, you are not bad. In terms of cultivation, although you are not as good as us, the Patriarch doesn't need too much mana. In terms of reputation, you mostly work for the Fu family, and you are not lacking. But the only thing is that your vision is too shallow some.

"A chaotic Baizhen cultivation world. It seems that my generation can subdue it with strength, but what good will it do for us to do business in the future by disrupting the order of the place?
"The robbery is over, as long as the fairness of the Baizhen Business Alliance can be maintained, can my family make less money?"

The Fu family relies on technology and strength to make money.

Whether it's the dragon's blood medicine promoted by the great elder himself, or the "wind net" that is now related to the foundation of the Fu family, or Fu Pengming's business with great fanfare.

Fu's business is booming, and the products are selling well, so there is no need to go wrong.

"Why did that kid invite Meng Chen Jiexian to join the game, instead of the Sijing landlord who is closer to the Fu family, or the Taixuan Jiexians in the Jinfang water area, have you ever thought about it?"

"Because Senior Meng Chen is also from Yanlong?" Fu Xiadi's heart moved, "Should we ask Yanlong Trading Company to send more offerings to Jiexian?"

Fu Ruiying quietly looked at his nephew.

"After you go back, put aside the business at hand, calm down and study Heluo carefully. Leave the external affairs to Fu Boluo temporarily."

Embarrassment flashed across Fu Xia Zhai's face, but he still held back and said, "Grandson understands."

Seeing him like this, Fu Ruiying said helplessly: "That kid Heng Hua went to win over Meng Chen to prepare for your uncle's future. The two of us didn't say anything clearly, but what he understands, why don't you understand? "

Fu Xia Zhai wanted to ask, but after thinking about it, he held back.

"Don't mention the Baizhen water area, just talk about Yanlong here—the plan you proposed in Baizhen seems to satisfy the interests of the Fu family and all parties. But what about the interests of the small Yanlong family and the Zhongyu sect? Guarantee? They will not be affected by the impact of foreign firms?"

"Yanlong is so big that a few jade-branded merchants can't completely occupy their space. On the contrary, Yanlong was relatively backward in some industries, and it has not been able to form a scale that allows Baizheng to come here. Instead, It can complement our trade. It will not have much impact on the families. Even if the small family is affected for a while, but after this shareholder style, after adapting, it may have greater development."

"You will make up for the loss during the painful period?
"The Zongmen of the Central Region is currently being attacked by a water demon. It is about the Dragon King's seal, which is the most important thing in the Five Regions. Are you not afraid of accidents if you go to block them with them at this time?
"Even if our eight major families take over the central domain, how can the stability of Fengwang be ensured?
"The Fu family has laid wind nets in Yanlong in just a few years, so that people from all walks of life can obey the new ideas of the Fu family. Do you really think that this is the power of the Fu family itself?

"No matter how strong your uncle and I are, no matter how strong we can suppress other Nascent Soul Grandmasters, we can't subdue 'people's hearts'."

Fu Xia Zhai silently.

After a while, he whispered:
"Is it because of the reputation my uncle has accumulated over the years?"

"Yeah, it's an invisible thing that many people don't care about. But when we do things, it doesn't know how much convenience it provides us.

"The Fu family is making a big move. Because of his existence, the monks of all parties trust that he will not do anything that endangers Yanlong. He will not rashly oppose it without harming his own interests."

Dong Xia's reputation is too high.

And he was almost dying a few years ago, because he killed the Dragon King's divine sense with a single sword.

For the Yanlong cultivator who has suffered from the Dragon King, he is a well-deserved hero.

Without compromising their own interests, the various forces in Yanlong are willing to give the Fu family some face.Because of this, the casual cultivators naturally have a sense of trust in the Fu family.

"Everyone in Panlong Island is walking outside, trying their best to maintain this reputation. Even if that kid has a strange personality... he dare not casually ruin the reputation of the Fu family."

Heng Hua's stomach is full of bad water, and he has to restrain himself in front of the Seven Star Whip and Fenghua Ruler.

Walking outside, facing the heirs of the various immortal sects and senior cultivators, they all acted like "good babies".

I'm harmless, a powerless magician.You see, I take two guards with me every day.

Therefore, the identity of "Wukong" is very important to Fu Henghua.Take the Heavenly Evil Sword Qi and vent it outside, just to vent the fire.

"Your uncle's reputation is extremely high, even if someone with a heart wants to jump out and refute, but they will worry that their remarks will be used and criticized by others, so they will not be the first to stand up and contradict.

"You have to know that human nature is to follow blindly. The vast majority of people will just follow the trend, and very few people are willing to stand up and be 'No.1'."

As in acting, so in speaking.

Fu Ruiying looked at his nephew in front of him.

I feel a little sorry and ashamed for him for years of dealing with vulgar things and polluting his Taoism.

"Now you put 'benefit' first. Can you tell, why did those masters of the immortal way back then acquiesce in the Five Heroes becoming famous and secretly fueling the flames?"

"Because they need this fame. They need to distinguish between good and evil, good and evil?"

Fu Ruiying shook his head: "People are self-interested, self-interest is not wrong. You have put the 'Fu family's interests' first all these years, if you can use this to develop and polish your own Dao Xin, it is not a kind of practice.

"After you go back, think about it carefully."


Fu Xia Zhai came out from the Great Elder.

Dao Xin practice is different for thousands of people.

Some people seek the truth after hearing the Tao, some are pure and carefree, some are anxious about justice, and some are full of desires.

For a cultivator, it doesn't matter which path is established.

As long as you have a pure heart, you will always walk towards the route drawn by your Dao Xin.If you don't go back on your word and don't overthrow your way, you will have hope to reach the end.Therefore, in addition to the goal of the Tao, practicing the Tao is also a kind of practice and learning.

Fu Xia Zhai is a traditional family monk, and everything he seeks is for the prosperity of the Fu family.Over the years, he has become accustomed to measuring everything with "interests".


In meditation, he walked to a bamboo forest.

Just hit a bird that was too late to turn.

Seeing the colorful golden bird, Fu Xia Zhai reacted.

"Why did I come to Baofeng Pavilion?"


Fu Boluo came out of the house, holding a book in his hand.

"Why are you running? I'm teaching you to read and write. As a phoenix, the majestic king of birds, and the embodiment of auspiciousness, how can you be illiterate?"

The divine bird screamed, and quickly flew away from Fu Xia Zhai's arms.

Seeing that he ran away, Fu Boluo was a little helpless, but he put the matter aside for the time being and came over to say hello to Fu Xia Zhai.

After exchanging pleasantries, Fu Xia Zhai suddenly asked: "What do you think is the intention of those senior cultivators to promote the reputation of 'Five Heroes'?"

Fu Boluo was stunned for a moment, and then said: "All the purpose of my generation of monks is to gain the Tao. These seniors do this, naturally for the sake of becoming enlightened in the future?"

"Helping others can also become enlightened? For their feedback on the Dao after they become enlightened..." Fu Xiadi muttered.

"It's so far away, isn't it just for the better environment after reincarnation?"

Fu Boluo said: "Promote the good way, the atmosphere of the cultivation world is good, it is good for everyone, isn't it?"

Fu Xia Zhai was startled, and thought silently.

People follow blindly, and they will subconsciously go over to take a look where they shout loudly.

The group of wise and far-reaching elders of immortality understood the beauty of this, and specially supported the "Five Heroes".Helped them many times during their growth, and taught other immortal monks with the example of the five heroes.

Doing good deeds will naturally get a lot of help.

Use this kind of action to maintain the atmosphere in the cultivation world.

On a larger scale, it is for the long-term immortality, punishing evil and promoting good.

To put it mildly, it was to prepare for my own family.Those seniors had a short lifespan and were about to prepare for reincarnation.But after reincarnation, they are weak, but they have a rich inheritance from the previous life.In a cultivation world surrounded by wolves and frequent killings, how can he help his legacy?

Therefore, they need a good cultivation world to provide an environment for them to practice again.

Better yet, a practice environment full of goodwill will naturally have various benefits for reincarnated practitioners.

Moreover, with the help of this environment, they also form a moral shackle, which can ensure that the guardians can safely protect them when they return from practice.

Right now, Master Qiankun is secretly reincarnated, and Master Liu Yang is taking care of him personally.

"Self-interest, everything is considered from oneself."

Fu Xiadi muttered to himself, and slowly closed his eyes.

Self-interest is not wrong.

The fault lies in short-sightedness, and the fault lies in not seeing the big picture.

Those immortal seniors never acted by taking one step at a time.

As early as they were convinced that they were hopeless in this life, they began to plan for the next life and tried their best to make various preparations for their practice in the next life.

But I only see a small profit in front of me, and inadvertently damage a larger benefit...

Of course, it doesn't matter whether those seniors really think so.

The key lies in how Fu Xia Zhai sees it.

Everyone's way is to understand the world in their own way.Naturally, the behavior of other people is also in it.

Fu Xia Zhai measured it with his own heart, and believed that all creatures in the world are self-interested.

Doing good is to guide a good order, so as to make oneself live better.

So, why should I plan for the future of the Fu family?

Because the family is prosperous, it is also good for me.

Under the big tree, only a monk like me can practice with peace of mind.My children and grandchildren will live forever...

Fu Boluo stood by the side, seeing Fu Xia Di's appearance, he couldn't walk away, so he could only stand aside and guard.

At this time, the Phoenix flew over, and he picked up the book again and taught the article in a low voice.


Fu Rui should pick up the "Tiantian Stone" and contact Fu Danwei.

"What does uncle think of that kid's trip to the White House?"

"He is indeed a man of vision, better than other incompetent boys."

The Fu family is not afraid of competition at all, and a good order environment is beneficial to them.And it happened to be the only Jiexian in Yanlong, and the subtleties of this need to be carefully appreciated.

"That kid is also ambitious."

"Children are arrogant, just messing around."

"The thief boy is quite capable of tossing around, and now he is going to practice in the Lingjie Cave, do you agree?"

"It's good to go and have a look. You and I have also looked at the things in that cave back then. Maybe he can see something different."

"But when he grows up, the day lily will be cold. The future of our family depends on you."

The real crisis of the Fu family lies in the "immortals".

Although I don't know which fairy it is, and why it targeted the Fu family.

But Fu Niangniang's words can prove that it must be the grievance left by the ancestors.Even after thousands of years, the "immortal" will exterminate the blood of the Fu family.

"The legacy of Fufeng Immortal Palace, you should hurry up and inherit it. Only if you break through and become an immortal as soon as possible, can my family have the strength to fight."

Both Fu Ruiying and Fu Danwei are masters who have practiced for thousands of years.Naturally, he would not pin his hopes on Fu Henghua, a junior.

As the shade trees of the Fu family, they naturally have to shoulder the responsibility to protect the descendants of the Fu family.Their plan is for the Fu family to cultivate a real immortal of the Fu family before the "immortal" kills them.

Therefore, Fu Danwei negotiated with Mu Shansheng and used "Donghai Sword Fighting" as his own stepping stone.


The two of Fu Dange teleported to Tianmen Island, and transferred to Hidden Sword Island to rest overnight.

"It's still inconvenient after all."

Getting used to the convenience of wind net transmission, and then experiencing Yanshui's imperial treasure flight, the two of them felt a little uncomfortable.

"When will the wind net in our house be laid here? Then, it can be sent back and forth at will."

"How can it be that simple? My cousin said that the Nine Regions act independently, and what is to be established here may not necessarily be the wind network. Moreover, each spirit network is its own system, and it is not allowed to connect with each other."

Yanshui was influenced by Yanlong Commercial Bank, so it was not difficult to establish a "spirit network system".But even if it is completed, due to certain pressures, it will not merge with Yanlong Wind Net, but will form an independent spiritual net like Bai Zhen.

As for which kind of Yuanli to choose here, Yanlong Trading Company is still considering it.

Fengwang is the first.

But due to the attitude of the three major waters, and the careful thinking of several heads of the Fu family, they don't intend to use the opportunity here.

They knew that Yanlong would never allow a spiritual network system to occupy too much proportion in the Inner Nine Waters.

For Yanlong and one-third of Baizhen, Fengwang can only be promoted in one water area at most.Choosing Yanshui is not the best choice.

After a night's rest, the two teenagers rushed to the center of the sky and arrived at the Lingjie Cave.

“What a small island mountain!”

Looking at the water island in front of him, Fu Baitang not only sighed.

"It covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles, which is not small."

"This Jiexian dojo is only the size of Hidden Spirit Island. I heard that other Jiexians live on Buxian Island."

"But the aura here is not inferior to Buxianzhou." Fu Dange looked at the outline of the mainland not far from the fairy mountain of Lingdao.

Cuiyun Island, where Lingjie Cave is located, is close to Juxian Continent, in the northwest of Central Fudo Continent.The spiritual vein here is not connected to Juxian Island, but a middle-grade second-class spiritual vein "Yunlai" is locked into the island.

"Huh? You two are already here?"

Not far away, Fu Zhaoming drove the "Three Treasures Nayundou" to come.

"My cousin said, whoever arrives last will be responsible for cleaning for the first month. Naturally, we have to come here sooner."

Seeing that Fu Zhaoming was later than the two of them, Fu Baitang felt a little relieved.

Overlooking Cuiyun Island, Yuanpeng Mountain is craggy and steep.Although it has the name of "Cuiyun", there are not many green grass and trees.

"Mountains are good mountains, but this island..."

For Jiexian, it might be a little too simple and bad.

When Fu Dange thought of something, an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

The little ancestor is cultivating here, with his temper, could it be... No, no, this is another place after all, he shouldn't mess around, right?

The three entered the island and went straight to Yuanpeng Mountain.

Xiaoyu is waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing her taking willow branches and spreading nectar in a piece of land, Fu Dange cried out inwardly: "My little ancestor really intends to plant trees?"I'm afraid it's not the same as Luogui Island, it's used as our homework?

Fu Henghua officially moved to Luogui Island, so he naturally wanted to renovate the island where the turtles were buried.Spiritual plants are planted everywhere on the island, and Henghua also deliberately fetches spiritual soil to expand the island and increase soil nutrients.

Fu Dange and others were sent by Fu Henghua to plant forests and open fields when they were not practicing.The euphemistic name is to imitate the past when the great-grandfather established Panlong Island in the past.

When Fu Bai and Tang saw young seedlings growing on the ground, they also reflected on it.

"Cousin wants us to plant trees again? This is someone else's house!"

"The island owner has promised to let the young master take care of the Yuanpeng Mountain Lingjie Cave."

Xiao Yu inserted the willow branch back into the white jade bottle, and said with a smile, "You guys came here so fast, you're only an hour later than Young Master Huang Li."

Fu Zhaoming asked expectantly: "So, Fu Xueke is at the end?"

"He arrived yesterday."

Well, I'm last.

But after thinking about it, there are no green trees in the mountains now, so sweeping should be easy, right?

"The young master said that the last person to come doesn't need to clean up the fallen leaves. You only need to open seven springs and dig two cold pools in Yuanpeng Mountain, and that's it - no spells are allowed."

Fu Zhaoming nodded with a wry smile.

Afterwards, the three followed Xiaoyu to the Lingjie Cave.

As the name suggests, Lingjie Cave is a cave entrance on Yuanpeng Mountain.

The entrance of the cave is wide open, and there is a stone plaque next to it, engraved with the word "Ling Jie".

Lingjie Cave is divided into front and rear areas.

More than ten steps from the entrance of the cave, there is another gold-nailed Zhumen, with a plaque inscribed with the words "Xuanyin Dongtian".

This is a small cave created by Jie Xian's supernatural powers.There is another universe in the inside, which plays itself into mountains and rivers.Not far from this small cave, there is another passage extending to the mountainside.

Xiaoyu brought five people to the "Xuanyin Cave".

Pointing to the closed golden nail Zhumen said: "Senior Jiexian closed the cave, and we are not allowed to disturb you at will. You must not act recklessly."

After that, she continued to take the five people inside.


As the six people walked, lights appeared on both sides of the mountain wall.

If you look carefully, they are "Mingguang Talismans" carved on the mountain wall.

"These talismans are carved by the Tribulation Immortal, and they were originally recharged once a year. But the young master told you that each of you will take turns picking and practicing daily essence to recharge the talismans."

Bright light talisman is a primary talisman that absorbs sunlight and illuminates in the dark. Qi refining monks can paint and write.

After walking for a while, the cold mountain wind blew out from the cave frequently, and Fu Baitang shivered.

"Miss Xiaoyu, how long do we have to go?"

"There is still a way to go."

Not long after, three forks separated in front, and Xiaoyu led five people to turn in from the left fork, and after passing through several bends and forks, they finally found Fu Henghua in a messy cave space.

Heng Hua was talking to Heng Shou, while Fu Huangli and Fu Xueke stood beside them with their hands down.

Seeing the three of them arriving, the two of them showed smug smiles.

Vodange didn't bother to pay attention, and turned to look at the wall.

The walls of this karst cave space are full of various traces.

Some notches still retain colorful colors, reflecting the space very gorgeously.

He observed a long red streak nearby.

Suddenly, sword energy rushed towards his face, and a terrifying and domineering flaming sword intent appeared on the Lingtai, which made him back again and again in shock.

At this time, Heng Hua turned his head to look at this side, swept his sleeves, and the sword intent that rushed into the Lingtai disappeared without a trace.

"Your realm is not enough, don't look at the things here."

Fu Baitang looked around quickly, not daring to concentrate on research like Fu Dange.

"Cousin, where is it?"

"This is an ancient battle site in the Shenzhou era. You can't see the things here. Let Xiaoyu take you to the next door. There are also some things over there, you can learn from them."

After Heng Hua finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Heng Shou.

"What I told you just now, you should study hard. It will be of great benefit to you in comprehending the golden talisman."

Hengshou nodded silently.

Next, Heng Hua arranged the residences of the people.

"Together with Hengshou, you went to build a pavilion on the hillside of Yuanpeng Mountain. Living in this cave is really uncomfortable."

Even though Meng Chen cleaned it many times, even erasing half of the scars on the wall, the place is still full of Yin Qi, which is not suitable for people like Heng Hua to live for a long time.

After ordering a few people to go down to work, Heng Hua stayed and continued to observe.

Hengshou winked at Xiaoyu, and took the five teenagers away.

Xiao Yu stood on one side with the white jade bottle in his hand, staring at Heng Hua's actions.

The two of them have been with Henghua for many years, so their eyesight is naturally not bad.

They knew that this ancient battlefield site was from the Battle of Extinguishing Evil.

Here are the dao marks created by the magic power of the monks when the immortals and demons joined forces to target the evil monks.

"Don't worry, all the magic here has been erased."

Heng Hua looked at a part of the blank mountain wall with a very regretful tone.

That battle back then was a devastating blow to the inheritance of evil ways.

Except for a few mahogany boxes, there is hardly much inheritance left outside.

Even here, there is no trace of any sorcery.Even the fighting magic of many masters of magic was forcibly erased.A part that could not be erased was hidden by Meng Chen early on.

What he left behind was only the Taoist will of the immortal seniors back then.

But the gold content of that era was that the real immortals lived in the world, and the immortals walked everywhere.

The monks who fight here can leave traces of Taoism for thousands of years, so they are naturally existences above the robbery.

This is the Lingjie Cave, and it is also the largest treasure held by Mengchen Jiexian.

Even though Mengchen Jiexian did not forbid outsiders to borrow and observe, there are still very few who can really gain something from here.

Fu Henghua is good at deducing exercises, so Meng Chen thinks he might learn something from it.

after all--

"Look at Xiaoyu, the complete version of Taixuan's Reversing Fate Art. There is also Yin-Yang Reversal Method-haha Chiyuan Taoist Kaishan Liyue is also there."

What is left here is not the inheritance of skills.It's those predecessors who fought each other with great supernatural powers, and the brand of morality left by the agitation of supernatural powers has survived thousands of years.

For Henghua, this place is indeed a treasure.These Taoist intentions are enough to make his mastery of Taoism a step further.

Seeing the young master's excitement, Xiao Yu couldn't help reminding: "Don't forget, the purpose of this retreat is to practice swords. You must not lose in the sword fight in the East China Sea."

"I have a sense of proportion. Look, isn't there a sword technique here?"

Heng Hua pointed to the scratch that Fu Dange saw just now.

"The meaning here is very familiar, can you feel it?"

"Nanming Lihuo Sword?"

"That's right, this should be the sword intent left behind by Sword Immortal Li Tian."

Li Tian, ​​the master of Nanming Li Huo Sword, was a true immortal who used his sword to ask immortals back then.

After the Battle of Fuzhou, he disappeared like Jinxia Tiannv and other immortals.

"I will retreat here for a month, and study the things here carefully. If there is any news about Fu Xuanxing, remember to knock on the gate and let me know."

Fu Henghua made a special trip to Tianyang because Meng Chen reminded him of what might happen to Fu Xuanxing.

This year is Fu Xuanxing's [-]th birthday.

According to the rules of the Xiuzhen family, it is natural that a big gift should be held.

Fu Danwei originally planned to do it on Panlong Island, but in the end Fu Xuanxing was just an adopted "adopted son", and he still had serious blood relatives.

As the cultivator family of Tianyang, the Fu family also has Yuanying Grandmaster sitting in the town.Wouldn't it be a slap in the face if one's own descendants held a big ceremony in another family?

Let Fu Xuanxing run back to Fu's house to hold a big gift.Although the Fu family is willing to give Song Chunqiu a face, Fu Xuanxing himself may not be willing to return to this childhood home without any happy memories.

One can imagine the situation of a useless person in the Fu family with many descendants.

Therefore, Fu Xuanxing did not hold the "Island Banquet" according to the rules of the disciples of the Immortal Sect, but prepared to hold his own "Danyuan Meeting" in the future.

The Fu family and Fu Xuanxing are close, so naturally they have prepared gifts and are going to send them to Yuting Mountain at that time.

As the "elder brother", Heng Hua plans to go to Yuting Mountain on behalf of the Fu family.But Meng Chen's words made him feel apprehensive, so he went to the Lingjie Cave anyway.

By the way, I took a look in front of Fu's hidden Lingdao.

Seeing this, Heng Hua understood what Meng Chen was referring to—the Fu family had a master who was preparing to overcome the three calamities!

Therefore, the children of the Fu family are calling descendants from all over the world to return to the Fu family.

Even a person like Fu Xuanxing had to come back because he belonged to the direct bloodline.

That's all for the past, this year is Fu Xuanxing's [-]th birthday.Heng Hua was worried that his "dry brother" would be bullied and leave bad memories, so he planned to help him suppress the situation.

And he, a foundation cultivator, ran to a group of Nascent Soul Grandmasters, so he wasn't afraid of being taken by the Grandmasters with random excuses?
The Fu family is not afraid of the Fu family.

Therefore, Meng Chen lent the key to the Lingjie Cave to Heng Hua and asked him to hold his own signboard.

If the Fu family dares to take action against Heng Hua, Meng Chen will make the decision for him.

Even if Grandmaster Yuanying slapped him, the other party could only accept it honestly.Otherwise, if Meng Chen makes a move, the catastrophe will fall immediately, and there will be ten deaths and no life.

(End of this chapter)

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