
Chapter 420 Tiangang Fu Family

Lightning flashed across the blue sky, and the dragon and horse galloped in the sky, overlooking the surging water below.

Long Ma smiled complacently: Before going out, Song Chunqiu told me to be careful.Such a short road, I don't need half a day to get there.worry about what?
On the horseback, the wind whistled past the young man's ears.

Fu Xuanxing held a letter with a somewhat perplexed and entangled expression.

Fu's family, since his father passed away, he hasn't been back for some years.

"Master, tell me to be careful on this trip. Could something happen in Fu's house?"


Red flames flashed.

When I first saw it, it was still below, but the next moment it touched the horse's belly.

Fortunately, Ryoma reacted in time and decisively turned over and passed by the side.

Fu Xuanxing couldn't sit still and almost let the letter in his hand fly out.


Clamping Ryoma, the young man quickly grabbed the letter paper, hugged Ryoma and looked down.

A new flame appeared, and arrows with the power of Danyuan shot at each person and horse.

The dragon horse neighed, and twelve lightning balls flashed in the sky and responded quickly.Fu Xuanxing put the letter in his chest, concentrating on his energy, and the wooden sword behind him moved accordingly.

"Liangyi Cloak Sword."

Winding in the direction of yin and yang, the wooden sword swirls around the dragon horse, forming an invisible wind wall.

bang bang-

The flame hit the wind wall, and orange-red fireworks exploded in the air.

Longma took the opportunity to prepare for the second wave of thunderballs, using the force of the wind wall to accelerate.Suddenly, with a light on his back, Fu Xuanxing secretly used the "invisibility method" and quietly flew towards the attacking location.

It was an immovable reef floating on the water.Three giant crossbows stand on the top of the cliff, five monks are casting spells to store energy for the crossbows, and three monks unseal arrows that have sealed the elixir, load them into the crossbows, aim at Longma and Fu Xuanxing in the air, and shoot out Arrows.

"Is this the Bao family's 'Superior Rocket'?"

Fu Xuanxing looked shocked.

When I came to Tianyang by myself, why did I get involved with the Bao family in Yanlong Eastern Region?

Before he had time to think about it, he immediately swung his sword from the air.


Like a meteor passing by, the purple electric red fire erupted on the cliff.

"The disciples of the Xuanwei sect did not offend you, did you find the wrong person?"

When those monks saw Fu Xuanxing appearing, they immediately threw the burden under the iron crossbow.

Fu Xuanxing wanted to cut through with his sword, but suddenly the sound of a melodious zither came from afar to warn him.

He quickly stretched out his hand to point, and the spinning wooden sword brushed against several bundles.

Seeing this, a black-clothed monk below immediately cast a spell and raised the wind to blow away several bundles.

Jue Hun San, Duan Ming Dan, Seven Insect Powder, Heart-eating Grass Liquid...

Dozens of poisonous poisons that kill practitioners spread out in the air.

Fu Xuanxing was taken aback, and hurriedly used soil to escape.

Suddenly his vitality stagnated, and he just jumped into the air before falling down again.

"Five elements forbidden?"

Looking behind these monks, there was a white-haired old monk holding a wooden staff and muttering words with righteous thoughts.

Knowing that these people were deliberately targeting, Fu Xuanxing's body burst into flames.

Then you have to be able to touch me!
The sound of the piano in the distance stirred up a huge wind and waves at this time, and the poison had not touched the flame before it was blown back to the camp of the monks by the wind and waves.

"Go back, go back!"

Seeing this, Zhu Xiu quickly tore off the moving talisman and flashed by.

"Thunder Fire Refining Palace."

Fu Xuanxing was about to chase after him, when the sound of the zither came to his ears again.He hesitated, temporarily gave up chasing, and waited for Fu Yaozhen to come to meet him.

Soon, Fu Yaozhen and a maid came by boat.

Fu Xuanxing smiled happily: "You came here to save me on purpose? Did you see that?"

Fu Yaozhen nodded slowly.

Behind her stands the worker bee maid who was conquered by Henghua's grandparents in Yuxia Mountain.

Fu Xuanxing was about to go forward to thank him, when suddenly thunder flashed in the sky.


Ryoma fell from the sky, right in front of him.

Long Ma's expression was serious, and he observed Fu Yaozhen and Fu Yaozhen with his spiritual sense.

Fu Yaozhen greeted Longma.

Compared with Fu Xuanxing, this person is obviously more experienced.

"I calculated that Xuan Xing would have some troubles during this trip, so I came here to help."

Ryoma observed carefully and moved away silently after confirming that it was him.

Seeing the crossbow next to the horse's hoof, his evil fire surged up, and he directly destroyed the crossbow under his feet with divine power, signaling the direction in which the monks in the distance fled: "Why don't you chase after it?"

"They can't escape. Henghua is also in Tianyang. He learned of the change in the Fu family, and he specially accepted the favor of Daoist Lingjie to protect Xuanxing. If these people escape, they may be doomed."

Fu Yaozhen had the heart to look at Fu Henghua's methods, and prayed silently in her heart.

I hope it's not the cruel animalization and woodification of those evil sects.It would be best to be Jinhua, which shows that Henghua's demon nature has weakened, and he will not fall into heresy.

"Jie?" The young man pointed at himself, confused, "I didn't offend anyone, why did someone come to kill me?"

"Your calamity is not with these people in front of you, but with the Fu family."

Fu Yaozhen also couldn't see it clearly.

After all, the Fu family has Yuanying Grandmaster sitting in the town, and there is a totem spirit to cover up the secret.All she knew was that a robbery immortal was about to be born in the Fu family.Others, can no longer see clearly.

Fu Yaozhen greeted Longma and Fu Xuanxing to board the boat, and the maid Qingwu sailed slowly towards the direction where the monks left.

Not long after, the three of them saw a familiar building boat in the distance.

"White dragon boat? Sixth brother is here to intercept it?"

After several people passed by, Fu Yaozhen frowned suddenly, and a trace of displeasure flashed across her eyebrows.

Beside Fu Henghua, she saw a person she didn't like to see.

Fang Dongyuan beckoned to this side, and with a hint of demonstration, he made a smiling face at Fu Yaozhen.

Fu Yaozhen turned around and looked at the ice sculpture standing on the water.

The monks who escaped just now were frozen there one by one, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Fortunately, they are still human beings, and have not been turned into strange beasts or big trees.


The cyan wind was released from the white dragon boat, rolling up the boat slowly, and putting it inside the dragon boat.

Several people landed on the deck.

Fang Dongyuan came to say hello to Fu Xuanxing, but Fu Yaozhen didn't want to pay attention, and walked to Heng Hua at the bow.

Heng Hua was wearing a maroon toga, holding a black fire sparrow feather fan, and looked at the several ice sculptures under the bow of the ship.

After watching for a while, he turned his head and asked, "Sister, do you know where they came from?"

"No," Fu Yaozhen said helplessly, "their fortune-telling has been covered up."

Heng Hua swiped his fan lightly, and a few strands of silver life threads broke away from the ice sculpture.

"now what?"

Fu Yaozhen shook her head.

Heng Hua was helpless.

The level of the opponent's "life-giving technique" is too high.My siblings still can't get a glimpse of their history.

Glancing in the distance, Fu Xuanxing was cheerfully reminiscing with Fang Dongyuan.

"I figured out that this silly boy has some troubles, so I came here to take care of him. Is it the same for Sister? Is this group of people and his doom the same?"

Fu Yaozhen shook her head: "The catastrophe of this shocking horse is not the same as the catastrophe of the Fu family. The purpose of my trip is also for the Fu family. But when I came to Tianyang, I happened to see Fu Xuanxing falling from a horse and falling into the water, so I came here to help."

Just as Fu Xuanxing said, he is a disciple of the younger generation of the Immortal Sect, and he has hardly been out of the sect, and he has never offended anyone.Who would come to kill him on purpose?
And it's Bao's talisman crossbow.

Fu Yaozhen asked: "Maybe the origin of those crossbows can be traced?"

"I can't find it. The Bao family used to trade with major cultivation families, and the talisman bow and crossbow was his family's best-seller. Too many people bought it, and after a little modification, it is impossible to find out the history."

It is common for Xiuzhen families to buy talismans, bows and crossbows to kill people.As the seller, even if the Bao family wanted to record, those buyers would not let his family know too much about the inside story.

It only involves the Xiuzhen family, so Heng Hua naturally thinks of the Fu family.

Perhaps, someone in the Fu family did not intend to let Fu Xuanxing go back?But he doesn't have any status in the Fu family, does he?

His grandfather had a hundred children, and although his father had only one child, he died long ago.He has almost no contacts in the Fu family, and he can't compete with the Fu family for anything.

Furthermore, he has the protection of the Xuanwei faction.Who has nothing to do to find him bad luck?
Considering what Fu Yaozhen said, perhaps these are two things?

In short, after everyone gathered, Hengshou sailed to Tiangang Island of the Fu family.

"Brother Six—" Fu Xuanxing walked over from there, "What are you cooking on this boat, it's so delicious?"

After boarding the boat, Fu Xuanxing smelled a burst of fragrance, and the greedy worms were furious.He is too clear that Xiaoyu has achieved outstanding achievements in Lingshan.

"Gold and Jade Eight Treasures Stew. Xiaoyu started preparing three days ago when he was in Lingjie Cave."

Fu Yaozhen was very surprised to hear this spiritual meal.

This is not a new spiritual meal created by Fu Henghua or Bai Zhen, but a recipe passed down by the Fu family in the early years.It is said that Fengxian brought Donglai from the outside world.

This spiritual diet requires eight kinds of treasures.

The four golds are the meat: the 300-year-old golden perch that has just seen the sun; the beef brisket of the fire golden bull; the one-horned golden shrimp that has molted nine times; the breast meat of the sun fire finch.

The four kinds of jade are dishes: bamboo shoots under the full moon and mottled bamboos, which are newly born and have not seen the sunrise; monkey king jade mushrooms picked during the Dragon Boat Festival; beets that have fallen frost in late autumn; jade melons dug under the snow.

Boiling these eight kinds of spiritual materials can make a bowl of stew after seven days of work.It has special effects of locking vitality and solidifying soul.Combined with the "Yang Yang Art", it can bring people back from the dying state.

"How did you get those tricky ingredients together?"

"Cultivated artificially." Heng Hua drew a talisman.

Fu Yaozhen suddenly realized.

Now the secret mantra wooden talisman system is gradually taking shape, and after the conclusion of "Museum Tianjian", animal talismans are also under study.Food and medicinal materials that were difficult to find in the past can now be easily obtained through secret spells.

"Make the impossible possible, this is the beauty of my generation's cultivation of immortality."

Of course, it can truly realize the Creation Secret Code system that Fu Henghua conceived.The contributions of all the comprehension seniors in the museum project are indispensable.

That is a thorough study of the physical properties of each plant and animal, creating prerequisites for the creation of secret mantras.

"In addition to the stewed golden jade and eight treasures, I also prepare 'Su Jin Jiu Bao' and "Six Wind Shortbread"."

Liufeng shortbread is a kind of snack created by the second generation Fufeng Palace Master during the Liufengtang period.

The ingredients are the power of the wind spirit, and the wind of the morning glow, the wind of noon, the wind of dusk, the wind of midnight, and the two winds of heaven and earth are refined into dough.

Eating has the advantages of lightening the body, protecting the body, and resisting the wind.If you encounter a strong enemy, the six wind protection on your body can block a strong attack.

Sujin Jiuzhuanbao relies on the Jiuzhuan Golden Pill Method, a meal created by Taixuanzong back then, which is a derivative of elixir.Materials and processes are also very complicated.But after eating a steamed bun, he will not be hungry for three days, his physical strength will be abundant, his mana recovery will be doubled, and even if he is injured, he will heal quickly.

Seeing Heng Hua's multiple preparations, Fu Yaozhen whispered: "You are worried..."

"Just a precautionary measure."

Heng Hua waved his fan and said to Fu Xuanxing.

"There are three more days, and it will be your birthday. It just so happens that the bowl of stew will be finished on that day. By then, you will have to eat all of this dish."

"Specially made for me?"

Naturally, Fu Xuanxing would not disappoint Fu Henghua and Xiaoyu's kindness, and patted his chest in response.

Not long after the crowd met, they came to the ferry of Tiangang Island.

Tiangang Island is also a hidden spirit island, with a middle-level third-grade spiritual vein "Xinglong".

Looking from a distance, Tiangang Island looks like a giant dragon dominating the water.

"It's also the island of the Dragon Prime Minister, and it's much bigger than ours."

"The Panlong Island was destroyed and rebuilt, and it has only been a few hundred years. It has suffered several catastrophes from demon tides, so it is definitely not as comfortable as this place."

The siblings looked at Tiangang Xinglong Island with inexplicable expressions.

The eyesight of the two of them naturally saw the beauty of this island.

"As expected of the ancestral home of a top cultivation family. The power contained here is not simple."

Heng Hua quickly looked at the pavilions on the foot of the mountain in the distance.

"Thirty-six halls, the number of stars in the sky... Is this the case? Small sky array? It is rumored that the totem of his family is a tree, but there are not many traces."

A tree shades, descendants stretch.

This is the tradition of the Fu family.

But on Tiangang Island, Heng Hua could not perceive any traces of the totem spirit.

Hengshou docked the white dragon boat, looked at Fu Henghua,

Heng Hua smiled slightly, and said with his hands behind his back: "Go and call the door."

He kept a close eye on Jieyun over Tiangang Island.

A month passed, and the catastrophe became more and more serious.

Counting the time, it will be within a few days.

Heng Shou went to report, and soon the manager of the Fu family came to greet him.

After seeing Fu Xuanxing, the steward's expression changed.

"I'm Fu Longnian, have you met fellow Taoists and——Fu Hongchu?"

Fu Xuanxing pursed his lips, nodded and said, "It's me. I've met Uncle 29."

Fu Xuanxing's grandfather had a hundred sons, and his father's sequence was 54.Fu Longnian sequence 29, all belong to the Cangzi generation.

"It's just right that you come back at this time. Father is receiving several guests from Wuxingdao. It should be over, and you can just go to pay your respects."

Before Fu Xuanxing could speak, Heng Hua winked at Fang Dongyuan.

Fang Dongyuan smiled and said: "I am Fu Xuanxing's sworn brother, I wonder if I can go to visit Senior Fu together?"


After all, the Fu family is a big clan of cultivation, with prosperous descendants and a huge intelligence network.Fu Longnian knew Fang Dongyuan's identity, and he was a direct disciple of Liu Xuanyi, the Yuanying master of Zihuang Pavilion, so he should not be treated lightly.

It's just that he and Fu Xuanxing knew each other by fate, and even became sworn brothers?

That's right, Fu Xuanxing is Song Chunqiu's direct disciple after all, so he has some status.

Fu Longnian had heard about what happened to Fu Xuanxing in the Fu family back then.

If you can't awaken your family's talent, you are a useless person.If his father hadn't sent him outside to study as a teacher, he would have been tossed away by the youngsters in the clan long ago.

"Speaking of which, the two fellow Taoists of the Fu family will stay with Fu Xuanxing later, or go to join your elder brother."


An unrealistic delusion first flashed in Fu Yaozhen's mind.

Then react.

"The third brother is here?"

"Fellow Taoist Xinxuan arrived three days ago, and he is currently living in Tianying Pavilion."

There are 36 pavilions on Tiangang Island, Tiankui Pavilion is the most respected, and it is the residence of the head of the family.Tiangang Pavilion is the most expensive, and it is a place for discussing affairs and entertaining guests.The scheduling center of Tianji Pavilion is responsible for managing all affairs on Tiangang Island.

As for the other 33 pavilions, they are in charge of Fu Longnian's 33 brothers who have already formed alchemy.

That's right, Fu Xuanxing's grandfather had 33 Jindan children.

Only from this point, we can see the background of the top family.

"We'll look for him later. How will Xuan Xing be arranged in Fu's residence? We'll let him do it."

Fu Longnian glanced at Fu Yaozhen.Slightly hesitant.

Fu Xuanxing also said awkwardly: "Sixth brother, I may not be able to live there, and it is not convenient."

Looking at Fu Yaozhen, his eyes dodged a little.

His residence is the former residence left by his father.Even though he is the son of the head of the family, there are hundreds of such sons and daughters, and Fu Xuanxing's father is not the most favored.Therefore, a spirit cave courtyard was allocated, and the scale was not large.

Back then, only their father and son lived there, but now it has been abandoned for many years, it is not suitable for a girl like Fu Yaozhen to go there.

Besides, Fu Yaozhen is a girl who lives here, and some people may talk about it.

"How about this, I'll arrange for Miss Fu to go to Tianwei Pavilion. It's Eighth Sister's dojo, there are only female cultivators, and it's quieter."

Fu Yaozhen looked at Fu Henghua, and Henghua nodded silently.

"Alright, let's arrange it like this."

"By the way, help me arrange it."

There was the sound of flying insects buzzing in the sky.

Heng Hua looked up, and immediately said with disgust: "Girl, what are you doing here?"

Fu Tongjun was dressed in men's clothing: "If you can come, why can't I?"

She jumped down from the Golden Cicada Gu, and patted Fu Xuanxing on the shoulder: "An Xin, in the Fu family, we brothers and sisters will protect you."


younger brother?

Sister is qualified to call me "brother", as for you...

Taking advantage of Fu Longnian's inattention, Heng Hua swept his sleeves lightly, and the invisible wind turned into a sword intent and floated over.

Mr. Fu Tong returned a smiling face, and the sword energy disappeared completely like a mud cow into the sea.

Don't wait three days to treat each other with admiration, do you think I am the same as I was three years ago?
Dao Ding Shu was of great help to Mr. Fu Tong.Under the guidance of Dongfang Yunqi, she has completed the cultivation of the Five Poison Gu Pill.

The Five Poison Gu King is the furnace cauldron, in which her natal Dao Dan is conceived.At this moment, she is just like a fake Dan monk.

Heng Hua wanted to fight back, but from Fu Yaozhen's eyes, he played the role of "brother" honestly.

Fu Yaozhen, Qing Wu, and Fu Tongjun were invited to Tianwei Pavilion, while Fu Henghua took Xiaoyu and Fu Xuanxing to their former residence.Longma took a breath, and instead of following Fu Xuanxing, he left with Fu Yaozhen.

Fu Xuanxing wanted to shout, but was held down by Fu Henghua.

"Let him go, we will contact you later."

Among them, Bai Longma has the account of Tianxuan Daotai.You can contact yourself at any time, and he is just a horse, others are less wary of him, and are more suitable for inquiring about news.

Ever since he landed on Tiangang Island, Henghua Celestial Beings sensed that the calamity in the sky was getting thicker and thicker.

Not only a catastrophe, but also a man-made disaster!

The Fu family sisters went to Tianwei Pavilion with Fu Longnian.

On the way, Fu Yaozhen sent a voice transmission: "What are you doing here? I told you earlier that you are not allowed to come."

"Fu Henghua can come, why can't I? Besides, you and Henghua are reserved, and Fu Xuanxing is bullied at Fu's house. Can you help him fight?"

Mr. Fu Tong is quite loyal.

How many times did Fu Xuanxing rescue himself from the hands of the old man when he was on Panlong Island in the Fu family.

Now that it's time for a companion crisis, can I just sit back and watch?

"It's not just me, Liu Hui was also coming. But something happened in the middle of the road, and she left temporarily."


Fu Yaozhen cast a "mysterious view", and saw a woman in Tsing Yi chasing an old man in yellow with a sword.

She was dissatisfied: "You let her go alone?"

"She brought my three human-shaped Gu, what are you afraid of? Besides, she won't let me follow. Not only killing my father and enemy, we saw that bastard. She was worried that I would kill someone, let alone allow me to go with her."

Mr. Fu Tong's so-called bastard is naturally Fu Liuhui's brother of the same father and mother.

Because he didn't want to raise his younger sister, he was thrown into the wilderness.

For this reason, he completely broke up with the Fu family.

"Sister, do you know why we ran into him? Liu Hui found an enemy, and when he was about to take revenge, he found that bastard mixed up with the enemy."


"Liuhui got angry and fought them directly. But after all, they are blood relatives, Liuhui won't allow me to kill them. Let that bastard escape."


"Anyway, don't worry. Liuhui has my Gu worms there, and I can sense her whereabouts. She is currently near Sword Immortal Continent, and nothing will happen."


Heng Hua and his party came to the former residence.

Looking at the overgrown gate and the decayed wooden door, Heng Hua frowned frequently.

"Your family has no legal protection?"

"Before I left the grave last time, I specially blessed it."

Fu Xuanxing was puzzled, and stepped forward to check the restriction left by him.

The result has long been destroyed.

Fu Henghua waved his fan and ordered Hengshou and his wife to help clean up.

He turned his head to look down the mountain, and his consciousness scanned a small village not far away.

That's right, the village.

It has been a hundred years since this village was built, and it is the home of an uncle of Fu Xuanxing.His descendants multiplied, and now a small village has been formed.

Heng Hua sneered inwardly when he heard some children say "haunted house" and "adventure".

Take the feather fan and wave it lightly three times, and set up a phantom formation around the former residence.

"Haunted house adventure? Then I will teach you a lesson."

But Heng Hua knew that it was impossible for a group of little dolls at the level of qi refining to break the forbidden method left by Fu Xuanxing.

Obviously, someone did it on purpose.

"Was his situation in the Fu family so miserable?"

Fu Henghua, who was gifted since childhood, loved by his parents and loved by his elders, could never have imagined the experience that Fu Xuanxing suffered in Fu's family as a "disabled person".

Even Mr. Fu Tong has never experienced the kind of life of being bullied by a group of fellow clansmen.

"You thief, you dare to come to the door!"

Suddenly, two male and female Yin-Yang swords slashed towards Fu Henghua from the sky.

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