
Chapter 423 Fu Family Civil War

Chapter 423 Fu Family Civil War ([-] words)

Fu Tongjun pretends to be the third brother and returns to Tiankui Pavilion.

At this time, white lanterns with plain banners had been hung up in Tiankui Pavilion, and the clothes on the master and servants of the Fu family were also replaced with mourning items.There are also many clansmen of the younger generation who came to guard the spirit of the grandfather.

Mr. Fu Tong walked into the lobby in the name of "mourning".

The owner of the Fu family was not placed in the coffin, but kept sitting cross-legged, holding the "Huanyang seal" with his hands, wrapped it with a glass cover, and placed it in the center of the lobby, surrounded by descendants of the Fu family who were receiving guests from all walks of life.

Mr. Fu Tong went to burn the incense sticks, and secretly drove the Gu worms to scout around.

What she wanted to see most was the dead body of Patriarch Fu.

Could it be that this corpse is fake?Actually, Patriarch Fu didn't die at all, but hid?

But under the protection of the "Fumo Glazed Cover", Mr. Fu Tong's Gu worms could not penetrate in full view, and could only temporarily lurk in the flowers and plants around the glazed cover, waiting for the opportunity.

"Huh? Xiangfeng, are you here?"

Hong Changyi waved not far away, Mr. Fu Tong recalled the demeanor of the third brother, and walked over with a smile.But thinking of the occasion, she suppressed her smile.

An Jingcheng was talking to two Fu family children at this time, and his expression was very displeased.

Mr. Fu Tong looked over there, and said to Hong Changyi in a low voice: "Are you here too?"

"Come over and have a look, and I plan to find the head of the Fu family to discuss the matter. After all——"

"The things that the Fu family borrowed from you about the Five Elements have not yet been returned?"

"How do you know?"

"Mr. Fu avoided visitors for many days, but he had to meet you in the Five Elements Way. Obviously, there is something hidden behind it. Besides, his family practiced the Tiangang Taoism and comprehended the 36 Tiangang stars. Your family's Five Elements Taoism is based on the Big Dipper Xuanji , Compatible with the Star Law."

Mr. Fu Tong simply mentioned something, and Hong Changyi sighed: "That's right. His old man borrowed the Big Dipper Xuanji spoon from his great-grandfather a few years ago. We are here to take it back."

It was originally agreed in Tiankui Pavilion that after a few days after the Qiongtian gift is over, when Wuxingdao and his party leave, they will return the secret treasure of the stars to Wuxingdao.

But now that Mr. Fu is gone, how can he return the things?
An Jingcheng dragged Hong Changyi around here to discuss with several chief pavilion masters.But these pavilion masters of the Fu family are busy fighting, how can they take care of them?
His two juniors in Xuntian Xiange talked, but they were constantly pushed to Tai Chi.

"The two of us don't know about this matter. Why don't you discuss it with your father when he comes to watch?"

"Or, you go to Uncle Six, Uncle Ninth and the others?"

In desperation, An Jingcheng had no choice but to return to Hong Changyi.

After greeting "Fu Xiangfeng", Mr. Fu Tong asked, "Senior, do you know about the internal struggles in the Fu family?"

"I know a little bit, the sects and families on Tianyang's side have heard of the Fu family's struggle, and his family's competition is fierce."

Looking at the Fu family in front of him, An Jingcheng sighed: "I don't know how many of these Fu family children will be left behind."

Every time the owner of the Fu family changes, it is a civil war.

Not long after the Patriarch of the previous generation succeeded to the throne, he regarded all the clan members except his own blood as offshoots and expelled them from Tiangang Island.

For this reason, the Fu family started the first civil war.

As a result, the Patriarch was victorious, readjusting the spiritual veins and acupoints on the island, and establishing 36 pavilions.Each pavilion inherits a Tiangang method, and the head of the family is in charge of the three pavilions, and has 33 children living in the other 33 pavilions.

So far, the new pattern of Tiangang Island has been established.

This change even changed the bloodline talent of the Fu family, which is more in favor of stars, and there are many types of bloodline talent.

Hong Changyi said: "The great-grandfather mentioned that after the birth of every direct descendant of the Fu family, they would go to the Tiangang Pavilion for starlight baptism, light up their natal star, and activate a blood talent from it. His family's blood talent evolved from 36 Tiangang supernatural powers. There are 33 kinds!"

Fu Tongjun's expression did not change.

For Fu Xuanxing, she naturally paid attention to the situation of the Fu family.

The 33 blood talents of the Fu family can be called the crown of the Donglai cultivation family.

And the three talents of the blood of the Tiangang method that his family lacked are mediating good fortune, reversing yin and yang, and star shifting.

Mr. Fu Tong thought of the few formulas that Fu Henghua had read: "The Fu family's star shift did not evolve into a bloodline talent, but became a secret technique passed down by the head of the family."

"Yeah, I only realized it after seeing Heng Hua recite those few lines. His family's three major pavilions are very well known."

These three divine passages are so profound that the Fu family has no way to analyze them and incorporate them into their own blood.Therefore, the Patriarch of the previous generation hid the three secret techniques in the three pavilions, and only the patriarch and heirs could study them.

An Jingcheng interrupted: "It's more than that."

He stomped his feet lightly: "The whole star pavilion contains the principle of mediating good fortune, and it is itself a good fortune acupoint. It is an excellent place for alchemy formation, and at the same time..."

"Also a good place to cast secret spells and rituals."

Mr. Fu Tong looked at the corpse inside the glass cover.

Gorefiend Slash, Returning the Yang Seal, and recalling Fu Henghua's attitude, she faintly felt that that guy seemed to be playing something behind his back.

Could it be that that fellow comprehended the principles of good fortune... Could it be that the reason why he didn't care about all of this was because he was sure to use the "Bringing the Dead back to life" technique to bring Patriarch Fu back to the world?
If this is the case, any murderer or any dispute over the head of the family is a joke.

That guy, you can flip the chessboard directly!
But after thinking about it, can resurrecting a beetle and a Nascent Soul Grandmaster have the same difficulty?

"Resurrecting Xiao Chong is nothing more than Henghua's loss of a little vitality, which can be replenished in a blink of an eye. But to resurrect a Nascent Soul Grandmaster, this requires a real life-for-life, right?"

For equivalent calculations, at least the vitality of the same specification as Master Fu's life must be prepared.

Fu Henghua couldn't afford such a price.

While the three of them were talking, they suddenly heard the noise at the gate of Tiankui Pavilion.

Turning his head to look, An Jingcheng's eyes moved: "People from the collateral branch of the Fu family are here."

Hong Changyi asked curiously: "Which line? People from Muxian Island are still..."

"The group of people from Juxianzhou."

A group of aggressive men dressed in black walked into Tiankui Pavilion slowly under the surveillance of the Fu family.

The leaders are several old men, brothers of Patriarch Fu.

The Patriarch of the previous generation came to power, and a civil war broke out in the Fu family. The clan members suffered heavy losses, and dozens of Golden Core cultivators were killed or injured.And when the Patriarch of this generation came to power, he changed the previous covenant with the brothers, followed his father's example, and invited the brothers and sisters out of Tiangang Island again.

For this reason, the Fu family fought a second civil war.

This time it was equally tragic.

Even though there is Nascent Soul Grandmaster sitting in town, the remaining 32 veins all have Jindan monks sitting in town.

In that battle alone, hundreds of Golden Core cultivators fought.My own direct descendants, friends invited to help the battle, monks hired with money...

Thousands of miles of water was beaten upside down, and finally Zihuangge was alarmed to come forward to mediate, and the two sides temporarily reconciled.

The other 32 branches all left Tiangang Island and went to Beppu, where the Fu family resided on Juxian Island.Take care of business for the Fu family here, and take away half of the property of the Fu family.

And Master Fu is obliged to protect these clansmen and allow their descendants to come to Tiangang Pavilion for blood baptism.

Compared with the previous generation, this time the internal fighting has not completely broken.The head of the Fu family signed a blood alliance with the brothers to jointly maintain the Fu family's signature.

In Fu Tongjun's view, this move of the Fu family is similar to the branch of the Fu family, but it is much more tragic than his own.

She looked at these people and thought to herself: "Back then, my great-grandfather went to the ruins of Long Island alone to rebuild Panlong. It is somewhat similar to this."

It's just that compared to the Fu family, the Fu family was much more restrained back then.

In the era of Fufeng Fairy Palace, the patriarch of the Fu family in Liufengtang was Fu Lie.After his death, he passed the position of head of the family to his son Futai.Fu Taili's eldest son is the heir. Because of his good conduct, he is well-respected and everyone in the family is convinced.

Fu Tai taught the eldest son many secret inheritances of the Fu family early on.

Unexpectedly, in a battle to overthrow the continent, the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law, together with Fu Tai himself, died fighting to protect the rest of the Fu family.

Only Fu Tai's eldest grandson and second son survived, and re-established the Fu family outside.

At first, the Fu family was rejuvenated, with few people and no disputes. The two uncles and nephews worked together to manage the Fu family.

The second son was childless, and his brother and sister-in-law sacrificed their lives to save him from the disaster.Naturally replace the father's position, carefully cultivate the nephew, and promise him to be the next generation head of the family.

But as the second son married a female cultivator and gave birth to his own children, the situation gradually changed.

This is also the reason why Xugutang and Baihuangtang traveled far.

But after all, the Fu family are gentle people, everyone is playing with secrets and deduction, and everyone wants to save face.The Fu family did not tear themselves apart back then. When Baihuangtang was established, it was under the banner of "guarding the Dragon Island for Yanlong and preventing the Dragon King from getting out of trouble".

In the following hundreds of years, the relationship between the two churches was far less harmonious than it is now, and the relationship was very polite and indifferent.

It was in the hands of Fu Danwei and Fu Ruiying that the two halls gradually became harmonious.

Now——my family is also facing a dispute over the head of the family!
Mr. Fu Tong is a smart person, of course he knows the hidden meaning behind Heng Hua's running to Bai Zhen.

"Huh? Compete? Heng Hua doesn't bother to fight! He wants to take the position of Patriarch, he just wants to be upright, so that you can't say a word, honestly invite him to be it."

But in Mr. Fu Tong's view.Before Henghua, my grandfather might get the right to speak of the Fu family first.

After all, if the Fu family wanted to obtain the orthodoxy of Fufeng Immortal Palace, they had to rely on their grandfather—the great-grandfather was in the direct line, and there were some secrets that only the Patriarch of the Fu family knew.

Only these things can reopen Fufeng Immortal Palace and obtain the fundamental inheritance.

The reason why Fu Danwei practiced the great supernatural powers of the Fufeng Immortal Palace lineage when he transformed into a baby was for the purpose of inheriting the Immortal Palace.


The Fu family came back from the side branches of Xianzhou to worship, and the atmosphere in Tiankui Pavilion was very tense.It seems that the next moment, the two sides will fight.

The elders of the Tongzi generation looked at the dead brother's body, and their mood was not humane.

Back then, Patriarch Fu had a group of brothers in the clan as supporters.It was also agreed in advance that even if other people were expelled, a few clansmen would be deliberately left behind, and the distinction between the main family and the branch family would be defined.

But on the day of becoming the head of the family, the head of the Fu family suddenly changed his mind, swept his supporters into the branch family, and established the clan and branch family in the form of a blood alliance.

For hundreds of years, they had to maintain their separate identities due to the blood alliance oath.but now--

Fu Donglin looked at the grandnephews of Fu's family guarding the spirit.

"Where are your elders? Tell your father to come out—"

"Father is overly sad and is recuperating in the pavilion. I have already sent someone to invite him. I believe there will be news soon."


Fu Donglin smiled sarcastically, and glanced at the young disciples present in each pavilion.

"Only one family is left in the 33 veins. This moment has come again, I don't know which one of you will win, and the others...hehe..."

The young people looked unhappy, but thinking of the origins of the tribesmen in Juxianzhou, each of them felt guilty.

That's right, these old men used to be the owners of Tianying, Tianxiong and other pavilions.But now, they can only live hard outside and cannot enjoy the protection of Tiangang Island's spiritual veins.

And such an ending will soon fall on himself and others.

Many clansmen felt inexplicably heavy, feeling even more saddened by the death of their grandfather.

Not sad that he left, but sad that after he left, the Fu family faced the third civil war.


Tianxian Pavilion.

The pavilion master invited three pavilion masters, Tianman, Tianli and Tianjie.

"Brother, haven't you found the brocade box yet?"

"No. West Pavilion...Which Pavilion West? Tiankui or Tiangang, Tianji?"

The Lord of Tianxian Pavilion sighed.

"I only had time to send someone to take over the Tiangang Pavilion. As soon as I let the third son go to the Tianji Pavilion, I was stopped by the third brother's people. Not long after, the sixth son's people also arrived."

The Fu family's third civil war, the pavilion masters had already expected, they had already formed several factions, fighting openly and secretly.

As the eldest son, the owner of Tianxian Pavilion is also the highest-level Jindan monk.The third layer of Jindan is only one step away from Huaying.He is a traditional monk, he has not been listed on the list of spirits, and he does not show his mana or combat power.But Sheng is young, only nine hundred years old.It is expected to enter a realm similar to that of Fu Danwei.

Therefore, many pavilion masters took the initiative to cling to him.

But besides him, there are still several pavilion masters who intend to compete for the position of Patriarch.

Tianyong Pavilion is famous for its large number of people.The owner of the pavilion is the second son of the owner of the Fu family, and is about the same age as the owner of the Tianxian Pavilion.But he was not born to his regular wife, but a premature baby born to a concubine Ji.

Under the guidance of his mother since he was a child, he competed with the owner of Tianxian Pavilion in everything.He knew that if the head of the Tianxian Pavilion took the position, it would be difficult for others to say, and he would be in trouble.

The third faction is Tianxiong Pavilion Master.His lineage has a small population, and he takes the elite route.Therefore, he does not intend to split the family like his father and grandfather.Under this slogan, the masters of Tianhui Pavilion and Tianwei Pavilion all favor him.In addition, his mother is the second wife of the head of the Fu family, and he has three siblings to help.

The fourth faction is the head of the Tianying Pavilion, the most beloved son of the head of the family, and the only son of the third wife.Compared with the two predecessors, this wife is smarter and wiser. She started to make arrangements for her son early on and attracted a group of people in advance.

Not only are many properties of the Fu family controlled by him, but even some pavilion masters are inseparable from the support of Tianying Pavilion master.

The fifth faction is a group of children born to some concubines.They knew that they were not qualified to compete for the position of Patriarch, so they prepared to separate the family early.It is planned to unite several pavilions to open up new worlds.

The sixth faction is those who have small thoughts and intend to compete, but dare not jump out in the open.

The Lord of Tiangui Pavilion is one of the representatives.

At this moment, when Heng Hua sent Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan to guard the spirit, Fu Yunrou, the owner of Tiangui Pavilion, came to the door.

This is an incredibly beautiful woman.

She was dressed scantily and was covered in jewels, but she held a simple and plain short-handled gold rod in her hand.

Seeing the person coming, Heng Hua frowned.

Fellow cultivators of immortals and demons?

Hengshou and Xiaoyu have been with Fu Henghua for many years, and they also have a vision for the difference between immortals and demons.They could see the devil in this woman's bones!
"Senior, are you here looking for Henghua?"

As the oldest person, Fu Xiangfeng stood up and spoke.

His father had just died, and he was still wearing a bright red dress, so Fu Xiangfeng was quite displeased.

"You don't have to be so vigilant. I just came to see the old man's child."

Fu Yunrou turned the golden stick, smiled and said, "Your godfather taught you the blood demon secret technique?"


Heng Hua looked strange: "The old man that senior refers to is..."

"Jiang, didn't you mention me?"

He died when I was two or three years old!I haven't met a few times, who knows you?

Fu Yunrou sighed quietly.

Regardless of whether these people allow it or not, they went straight to the former residence.

Although it has been repaired and several houses were rebuilt, it is still crude in Fu Yunrou's eyes.

She frowned slightly, resisted not having a fit, and slowly picked out the cleanest chair.

"That heartbroken man is my magic teacher."

The golden stick was tapped lightly, and traces of dark red blood entangled on the tip of the stick.

Heng Hua smiled: "Senior will use 'Blood Demon Flowing Slash'."

"As you said, there are quite a few people in the Fu family who know this stuff. The boss, the sixth child, and a group of younger brothers and sisters can pull out at least a dozen people."

Fu Yunrou said indifferently: "Based on this alone, nothing can be found out."

Heng Hua also thought so, so...

"Seniors come—"

"Call me godmother."

The corner of Heng Hua's mouth twitched, and he said with a dry smile: "The friendship between foster father and you may not have reached that point."

Fang Dongyuan is on the island, and his mother is watching from the sky!That's my real godmother.

"What's more, the adoptive father was already married back then."

He tentatively observed Fu Yunrou's expression.Fu Yunrou snorted softly: "It's just a mere mortal. Decades of time, it's just a snap of the fingers."

Thinking of losing to a mortal back then, Fu Yunrou felt very upset.

She rapped the golden staff heavily, and then said, "Did your adoptive father mention anything before he died?"

She didn't know when her adoptive father died?

"He may have left nothing for you."

Even if there is, I don't know?

Fang Dongyuan took care of the funeral.

Besides, will someone come to give something to the mother's rival in love?

"Not just to me, but also to the book they promised back then."

Fu Yunrou said in displeasure: "Back then, I supplemented the immortal family's kung fu with magic kung fu. But under your father's pressure, that heartbroken man only gave it to the Cheng Dan chapter. I didn't give me the magic kung fu behind Jin Dan."

It was 50 years ago when the news of Young Master Jiang's death was learned.She wanted to go to find someone, but the relevant secrets were covered by Fu's family, and she couldn't find anyone at all.

She also considered dealing with the Demon Palace.

However, the blood demon secret method taught to her by Young Master Jiang back then is the fundamental method of the Blood Demon Palace, and she can directly practice the "Blood Rebirth Method".For this reason, she despises the general exercises given by the Demon Palace.

"Cultivation method? The senior said it earlier!"

Without hesitation, Heng Hua picked up a piece of jade slip and burned the "Blood Sea Thousand Lotus Sutra" into it.

"This magic formula is compatible with the Taoism of the predecessors, but the specific practice luck has not been adjusted. You can see it first. Whether it is suitable or not."

As a magician in his profession, Heng Hua became interested and explained the beauty of this magic skill to Fu Yunrou endlessly.

Fu Yunrou thought about it deeply, comparing it with what was passed on to him by "Young Master Jiang".

Well, we can see a lineage of inheritance.But it seems that this one is more clever.

"This is not the palace-suppressing mentality from the Blood Demon Palace."

"This is what my father, godfather, pondered and improved a few years before his death."

Sensing the dangerous eyes of the four people beside him, Heng Hua immediately erased the credit for Lingjie Cave.

"Godfather improved the mentality of the Thirteen Demon Palaces. After death, I passed on some of them."

"I've heard people mention that your kid has dabbled in magic arts."

Pavilion Master Tiantui still intends to find someone to report on Fu Henghua's practice of magic?
As long as those masters and robbers know who Fu Henghua's godfather is, they will not think about this issue.

Is it possible for a sorcerer to not study so many magical power inheritances in his godfather's hands?

"Know a thing or two."

Staring at Fu Yaozhen's thoughtful eyes and Fu Xiangfeng's sharp eyes, Heng Hua laughed dryly.

"Senior, do you need to help you adjust?"

"No, I have a dedicated magician."

A look of disappointment flashed in Heng Hua's eyes.

Fu Yunrou smiled and said: "Who doesn't have a few magicians in each family? I dare not expose myself to outsiders casually."

"Tianjiu and Tianqiao, the two pavilion masters, right?"

Heng Hua's mind has reached the Yuanzhi Realm, and his eyesight is extraordinary. Just by scanning the Tiankui Pavilion, he can see all kinds of things.

"But the two of them are not good at dabbling in magic arts. Senior, it is best to go to the master of Tiangu Pavilion. He is not only a magician, but also a magician. He will help you the most."

"Brother Yulong also practices magic skills?"

Since Fu Yunrou came in, her smile was broken for the first time.

"Impossible! He's—"

She thought of something, and tried not to say much.

Naturally, Fu Henghua would not ask about the inside story of the Fu family.

Not long after, Fu Yunrou returned to her smiling face: "You've done me such a big favor, and I'll help you too. Right now, how about I send you off the island?"

Fu Xiangfeng; "Can I leave now?"

"I have some power at hand, and they don't want to offend me. I can still send someone away."

Fu Yunrou: "It's inevitable that the Fu family will be in chaos. Please go to the Zihuang Pavilion to invite people after you leave—to avoid the third civil war."

Hearing this, Fu Yaozhen quickly pressed Fu Xiangfeng, motioning him to speak later.She silently displayed her vision, observing Fu Yunrou's past and future.

Heng Hua smiled and waved his hands: "Let's go now? How can I do it? I haven't celebrated Fu Xuanxing's birthday yet. The Fu family is not particular, but in our Fu family, this is very particular."

Mr. Fu Tong fights with himself once every ten years, in order to be the protagonist at the birthday banquet.

But the Fu family was lucky, Fu Xuanxing's birthday was the day after tomorrow, and he said nothing about it, and let Fu Xuanxing catch up with this bad thing.

leave now?

Fu Henghua also planned to seek justice for Fu Xuanxing.

There are some things, cheating an underage child, shame on you!

Master Fu's body sat quietly in the lobby.

At dusk, Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan arrived.

Seeing "Fu Xiangfeng" talking to Hong Changyi, Fu Xuanxing almost cried out.

"Third brother, why—"

But Fang Dongyuan reacted in time, held him down, and sound transmission explained: "Mr. Fu Tong."

Fu Xuanxing came to his senses and didn't go straight to the gang.

Mr. Fu Tong came over to say hello to the two, and then went to the Yangxin Hall of Tiankui Pavilion.

Mr. Fu Tong remembered Fu Henghua's reminder.

Why can't Tiankui Pavilion use the "backtracking technique"?
Because someone cast the forbidden law here in advance.

Standing where Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan were talking outside the door.

Mr. Fu Tong summoned "Echo Gu".

As expected, the Gu worm couldn't go back even a single word.

"Sure enough, it's also covered here."

She drives Gu worms to move around and calculate the range of "no backtracking".

After half an hour, Mr. Fu Tong's expression changed.

The entire boundary of Tiankui Pavilion cannot perform the "backtracking technique".

"Such a large range? This is not an ordinary forbidden law."

Even if the grand master of the formation method makes a move, he still needs to suppress pillars and objects in succession.

Fu Tongjun quickly contacted Fu Henghua.

"How long would it take for you to streamline the process?"

"I use Dan Yuan to bless, ten days. Only ordinary foundation-building mana, 30 days. Yuan Ying Grandmaster, it takes at least five days. Even a master who is proficient in formations needs three days to prepare."

Heng Hua replied without thinking.

He had already thought about this part of the content.

"If you want to find the town, you should look at the buildings around Tiankui Pavilion. My calculations are correct, it should be the Four Elephants and Four Directions Immortal Formation."

After Heng Hua made contact, he looked at the nagging Fu Xiangfeng.

"You know so many magic skills, does grandfather know?"

"Have you ever manifested it to others while walking outside?"

"Use these things sparingly, it's not good for Dao Xin."

Faced with his brother's exhortation, how could Heng Hua dare to contradict him?

I could only cover my forehead and hurried back to rest on the pretext of "headache".

"This kid, he's becoming more and more undisciplined as an adult," Fu Xiangfeng looked at Fu Yaozhen, "What do you think?"

How can I see it?
You finally know this kid's talent in the magic way?

A long time ago, I watched a group of devil emperors jumping on the small stage of Donglai.

These careless ones became more and more vicious after becoming a devil emperor.

Fu Yaozhen sighed melancholy.

"Why, is he really entangled with the devil in the future? Those people in the devil's palace are the old man's sworn enemies."

Fu Yaozhen glanced at him: "I'm worried that the Demon Palace is too unreasonable to let a group of juniors take turns destroying the ancestral court."

Heng Hua turned people into half-human, half-beast, and it was not bad to break through the magic palace.

Fu Xuanxing's incarnation as a demon dragon really ate up the Thirteen Demon Palaces, and there were not even a few bones left.

Mr. Fu Tong was even more ruthless, everyone in the Xuanming Demon Palace used them as nourishment for Gu insects.

The only "devil emperor" who is conscientious and who treats the cultivators of the Demon Palace as human beings is Fang Dongyuan, who commits all kinds of crimes, such as adultery and robbery.

"Third Brother, let's practice hard. Your cultivation is advanced, even if these careless people want to mess around, you can teach them a lesson!"

"I have been working hard to practice. It's just that the research route is different, and I am different from them."

Fu Yaozhen agrees with this point.

Fu Xiangfeng paid the most attention to mana accumulation.Beng looked at how powerful those who played Taoism, those who played Gu worms, and those who held fairy swords, their mana was really not as powerful as Fu Xiangfeng.

The thirteen spirits are formed, and Fu Xiangfeng draws spiritual energy from heaven and earth to transform mana every moment.After being paired with the Phoenix, his power of wind spirit is even more wonderful with the spirit of the Phoenix.

The phoenix is ​​an innate metamorphic spirit, often born in wind caves, fire caves, and forests.There are thirteen spiritual spins in Fu Xiangfeng's body, and in the future there will be thirteen "wind points".

In other words, with the great accomplishment of Fu Xiangfeng's practice, he can raise thirteen phoenix incarnations in his body.

The thirteen phoenix incarnations are united into one, and the alchemy can be formed in one step, and it will become a first-class product.

That's why he didn't use Dao Ding alchemy, but slowly stayed in the Mysterious Embryo Realm, gradually tormenting his Fengling Phoenix.

Right now, he has refined three phoenixes.

(End of this chapter)

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