
Chapter 48 Yansheng 1 Angry Foot Wave, Fufeng 4 Door Lock True Dragon

Chapter 48 Yan Sheng is angry with a thousand feet of waves, Fufeng four doors lock the real dragon
The sun is shining brightly, but the clouds are still there.

After Jin Xian'e forced Dahai Tower back, she sat upstairs with Heng Hua in the tea room and chatted.

Even if she only regained her female form temporarily, Jin Xian'e's attitude towards Heng Hua turned 180 degrees.

And Heng Hua is quite human, and when chatting with Jin Xian'e, he mentioned many ways for female cultivators to maintain their beauty, which made the female cultivators happy and gradually became acquainted.

Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Xuanxing are at the stern.From the window, he observed the two Henghua and Hua who had a happy conversation, doing protection.

Being idle and bored, Fu Xuanxing leaned against the wall of the boat and asked lazily:

"Brother Fu, you have Shuimen Island in the northern region of Yanlong, Huomen Island in the south, and Fengmen Island in the east. Is there a Dimen Island in the west? Dihuo Fengshui?"

"There is no Dimen Island, there is only one Tianmen Island."

"Tianmen Island?" Fu Xuanxing asked in astonishment, "Why? Shouldn't it be 'Earth Fire Feng Shui'?"

"Because we adopted the Houtian Eight Diagrams layout. Tianmen Island is located in the northwest Qiangong. Shuimen Island and Huomen Island are located in the north and south, and Kanli Second Palace. Fengmen Island is in the southeast, and Xun Palace is in the position."

Fu Xiangfeng said while drawing a sketch on the boat: "Look, this is the location of the four gates."

"We are now in the north, far away from Huomen Island." Fu Xuanxing looked at the map and scratched his head in frustration.

Looking at the sketch map, Fu Xiangfeng suddenly said: "Tonight, Xiao Liu'er will give Senior Zhou the last injection. Tomorrow, Senior Zhou's condition will improve a little, so you are leaving?"


The red-clothed boy raised his head and said firmly, "I can't drag you down any longer. Tomorrow, Master's condition is a little better, and we're going to Huomen Island."


The small dim sum dish was thrown down from upstairs and hit Fu Xuanxing on the forehead.

Heng Hua's leisurely voice came over: "Follow me to Bury Turtle Reef. The way for me to help Senior Zhou survive is on Burial Turtle Reef. There is an innate maze around Burial Turtle Reef, and going there can temporarily protect Senior Zhou's safety."

Fu Xiangfeng raised his head: "Xiao Liu'er, is your friend who buried Turtle Reef trustworthy? There are water bandits over there, if you learn about Senior Zhou Xiao, I'm afraid it's not safe."

"Don't worry, my friend is a good person, and it's absolutely safe to enter Burying Turtle Reef. There, I will extend my senior's life for nine days. After all this is done, you can leave."

Fu Xuanxing was hesitant, and suddenly he leaned over to Feng and patted his vest heavily: "Well, if you can believe it. Tomorrow, Senior and Little Liuer will be resettled. I will go with you to Huomen Island."

"No, you protect the uncle, I will go to Huomen Island by myself. I believe that Brother Fu Liu will not harm the uncle."

In the cabin, Fu Heyi was sitting with Zhou Xiao.

Because Fu Heyi lost several sets of array flags along the way.Zhou Xiao gave Fu Heyi a set of formation flags that she carried with her, and instructed him to practice.

Feeling Zhou Xiao's kindness, when he heard a few people talking outside, Fu Heyi chatted with Fu Henghua in private with the wind sound technique.

"How is the situation of Senior Zhou Xiao?"

"Senior's condition is mainly in two aspects. One is that the golden core is broken and the meridians are damaged. I applied acupuncture for three days, and it can make him fall back to the foundation, and he can breathe smoothly. But the trouble is that he has run out of fuel in successive battles. .I have exhausted all means and can only continue for a period of time. When the time is up, I still have to die."

"No way?"

"In the remaining few days after I finish the acupuncture. If Senior Zhou can form the golden core again, maybe he can heal himself."

So unrealistic.

Heng Hua asked Zhou Xiao beforehand.

Zhou Xiao thinks she has no such ability.The reason why he went with Heng Hua was that he hoped that his injury would be stabilized within three days.Even if he could only resume the foundation building stage, he could accompany his nephew to Huomen Island to destroy the monsters.


Heng Hua's voice hesitated: "There is one person who can save Senior."


"The six needles of the Southern Dipper lead to longevity, and Cang Qing lives ghosts and gods with one breath."

"The one who claims to have revived Hades?"

One of Yanlong's five great alchemists, the Living Hades.It is claimed that even if ghosts and gods are in his hands, they can save lives.

"It's just a false name. It's impossible to bring ghosts and gods back to life. But if it's just to urge the Yuan to submerge, force Senior Zhou to unleash his potential, and forcibly shape the golden core. It should be possible.

Fu Heyi frowned secretly, and said via voice transmission: "It is rumored that the 'Living King of Hades' has a strange temper. Even if I see him, if he is in a bad mood, he will not be able to diagnose and treat him."

"Of course, that stubborn old man is playing drugs, and saving people is incidental. But I have a favor note from my grandfather. If I meet him, I can ask him for help. But the problem is, this old man closed the spirit island and ran outside Gathering poisonous weeds, who knows where he is right now."

Fu He was silent.

That's right, the whereabouts of the Living Hades are unpredictable, where can I find someone.

Outside, Fu Xuanxing stared at Simen Island, and suddenly said: "These four islands look like a formation?"

The boy drew two straight lines with fire against fire and wind against sky.Pointing to the intersection in the middle: "Is there something else here. The central island?"

"The Central Territory is a forbidden land, and no monks are allowed to approach it."

But going from north to south is the most convenient shortcut.

"Don't think about it. You really can't go to that place. Our Simen Island in Yanlong is used to suppress the monster below."

"That's the dragon—"

Fu Xiangfeng had quick eyes and hands, and quickly covered his mouth.

boom -

The sky was full of wind and thunder, and the sun suddenly darkened.

Fu Heyi quickly ran out, scolding: "Bastard, what are you talking about!"

Didn't you dare to mention the "Dragon King" without watching them bite one monster at a time?

Upstairs, Jin Xian'e looked horrified: "The one at the bottom is still awake? The one at Huanglong has been sleeping for 300 years!"

"Our situation is special here, the monster at the bottom is too angry." Heng Hua waved his feather fan, and the "Curse of Calming the Wind and Waves" covered the water area.

Staring at the storm that still did not subside, and then watching Fu Xiangfeng tightly covering Fu Xuanxing's mouth.

"Third brother, let him go. It has nothing to do with him. Someone has read the real name."

Heng Hua waved his fan one after another, the vortex on the water just went down a part, and a new vortex swirled immediately.

The tornado connects the sky and the water, devouring everything frantically in the dark, and many fish, shrimp, and aquatic animals are smashed into powder amidst mournful screams.

Yansheng Dragon King is indeed a legendary fairy-level existence.

Fu Xiangfeng let go of Fu Xuanxing, Fu Xuanxing whispered: "I'm not stupid, that's a real dragon, and I don't read his real name in the water, I still understand this common sense."

Hengshou fixed the boat and came out of the cabin.

"Master, this—"

"Wait for a while and see when the monster's anger subsides."


Dilie Island.

Ji Mingfeng is the master of Yuan Huo Altar.

Three volumes of treasure maps stand in the sky.

A picture of the breeze and the moon, the avenue is peaceful.

A picture of auspicious clouds, leisurely and at ease.

A picture is bright and bright, bright and above board.

The Imperial Envoy of the Three Figures is like three magic weapons activated at the same time, completely different heaven and earth dao intentions spread out in the air, suppressing the sea of ​​fire under the Three Figures.

"Mad dog, you can't do it. It's only at this level. Do you dare to come out and call?"

Yuan Huo Altar Master suddenly grinned and shouted into the water: "Old Loach Yansheng, when are you going to die?"

As soon as these words came out, Ji Mingfeng was stunned.

After reacting, he quickly ran to Dilie Island and sealed the Ling Island with the map of the Seven Scenes of the West Sea.

"You mad dog, die by yourself, don't torment us all!"

The Jindan cultivator of the Wei family who had just arrived turned dark instantly, and looked down the water in horror.

It seems that there is a looming dragon shadow at the bottom of the dark water.

boom -


One after another water jets shot from the water, and dense tornadoes appeared out of thin air on the water surface.

Long Yin one after another,
It shook the rootless islands like the end of the world.


"Who read the monster's title?"

Panlong Island, Qingluo Island, Heavenly Snake Island, Shenyue Island, Water Gate Island, Fire Gate Island...

Thousands of Islands in the Five Regions of Yanlong, I don't know how many people cursed at them.

One by one, the immovable reefs were beaten by the wind and waves, and they sank back to the bottom of the water one after another.

The colorful luan boat circled in the surf, and everyone silently cast spells to stop their figures, looking at the scene that seemed to destroy the world.

Fu Xuanxing murmured: "Is it the same in the Battle of Overseas Continent?"

None of the people present had experienced the 500-year Dongnae sinking battle.

But every family has inheritance and knows about that past.

The Eight Great Dragon Kings led the army of the Hai Clan into the Donglai practice world, and fought with the immortals of various factions.

As a result, Donglaizhou won a small victory, beheading five dragon kings and suppressing two dragon kings. Only one dragon king led the remnants to escape.

There are two waters where the Dragon King is sealed, one is the western Huanglong domain and the other is the eastern Yanlong domain.

Because of the suppression of the Dragon King in these two waters, there was a rule that monks were not allowed to fight on the water.

The monk's corpse fell into the water and was eaten by the dragon king's blood, which would restore the vitality of the second dragon.

"Don't worry, it's alright."

Heng Hua gripped the lupine tightly and looked up at the haze.

"The Four Gates Bagua Fulong Formation was left by the last palace master of Fufeng Immortal Palace. As long as the four gates are not broken, no matter how loud this monster is, it won't be able to get out."

Soon, a black water column rose from the north of Cailuan Lingfang.

The beam of light connects the sky and the earth, suppresses the wind and waves in the northern region, and pushes away the dark clouds again.

In the southeast, a cyan wind column soars into the sky.

Fengmen Island reverberated with bursts of kamikaze, quickly calming the storm on the water.

Due south, the red pillar of fire soared into the sky.One roar after another shook the southern region, and as a light was lit from Huomen Island, the southern sky returned to its original state.

In the northwest, a white beam of light soars into the sky.The celestial staff entwined with seven-color clouds and flew into the sky, and Wan Dao Xiaguang directly cut off the connection between Yanlong and the outside world.

"Cultivators outside the territory, get out of here!"

The voice reverberated in the sky, and all Golden Core cultivators who had achieved success in cultivation heard this order.

The Master of the Yuanhuo Altar sneered twice, took out a magic talisman to cover it up, and disappeared into the water.

Walk?The Heavenly Demon Six Desire Beads are reborn, and our Heavenly Demon Palace is bound to win.Even if the Yansheng Dragon King at the bottom of the water is awakened, this sacred object must be taken back!
Near Beaulieu Island, the Seven Sages' Mystery and Illusion Technique opened up again.

Liu Yuli was also scolding the bastard who provoked the Dragon King.

If Fu Danwei found out, wouldn't all their plans come to nothing?
Simen Dao exerted force at the same time to appease the Dragon King's wrath.

On Panlong Island, Fu Danwei stared blankly at the water.

"This old loach hasn't woken up yet, but the spell power on his name is so powerful? It seems that the monster tide has recovered him a lot."

Thinking of the battle 30 years ago, Fu Danwei couldn't hide his inner grief.

In that battle, how many of his sons and daughters died, and Bai Huangtang directly lost half of them.

And most of the corpses of those people fell into the Dragon King's mouth!

"Don't worry. One day, I, Brother Yanlong, will really kill you."

Subconsciously touched the sword at his waist, but remembered that the saber had been given away many years ago.

The old man gave a long sigh: "Kong Kong learned the dragon crouching technique, but in the end he was unable to participate in the dragon slaying battle. In the end, we can only place our hopes on the younger generation."


The wind and waves subsided, and the Cailuan Spirit Boat continued sailing.

Looking at the falling water column from the north, Zhou Xiao said with emotion: "The Yanlong family's suppression of the 'water monster' can be called Donglai's greatest contribution."

The Yellow Dragon King in the west has slept peacefully for three hundred years, how can he have the violent temper of the one in the east?
"It's just the will of our ancestors, let us stay behind."

The members of the Fu family looked indifferent.

Praise?admiration?is that useful?If the ancestors did not leave a will, who would want to accept this mess?

Who doesn't know that the Tianyang, Jinfang, and Xuanyu waters are rich in products and the immortal way is prosperous?
If the Fu family went to the three major waters, it would definitely not be the current blue and yellow.

But the Fu family, and even the five major families of Yanlong have the will of the Fufeng Immortal Palace back then.

Guard Yanlong, so that when he goes to slaughter the dragon.

 Speaking of which, when it comes to Tianmen, Huomen, and Fengmen, I thought some readers would guess based on acquired gossip.Sure enough, I was thinking too much.

  The picture in the comments of the previous chapter was deleted, and later, it will be reposted at the end of this chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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