
Chapter 532


Fu Xuanxing and the others crossed the Hongqiao, and in front of them were many Chiyuan disciples who were busy running around.

In front of the attics of the palaces, Chi Yuan's disciples continued to extract the power of the earth's veins by repairing and rebuilding stone tablets and mountain pillars.

The golden spiritual power was intertwined into a net, and they were thrown into the abyss one after another.

The dense rune lights shone on the golden net, and the seal of the black abyss was gradually strengthened under the cover of layers of nets.

"Senior brother!" Qiu Guiqiu saw a wounded monk resting in the Wangfeng Tower in the distance, and hurriedly led people there.

"How is the situation now?"

Qin Shouyuan closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, silently recovering his mana.Hearing Qiu Guiqiu's words, he slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing the group of people behind him, he frowned, but still explained calmly: "Yesterday, another monster rushed out of 'Diyuan', and it took more than a dozen brothers to suppress the attack."

Qiu Guiqiu's expression changed.

"Then what about Master and Master?"

"Master lost his arm and is currently recuperating in the back mountain. Thanks to Uncle Yang who brought back a lot of elixir recipes, I believe the arm will be reattached in a few days. As for Master and the others... they are still strengthening the seal on the top of Red Mountain."

"Master, are they free?"

"You have something to do with them?"

"It's this fellow Taoist. He needs the assistance of Jie Xian." Qiu Guiqiu told how he was rescued by Fu Xuanxing and his party when he came back, but Fu Xuanxing was poisoned instead.

Fu Xuanxing also said: "My surname is Fu, single Fu. I am from the Yinxiu family, these are my 'family'."

Qin Shouyuan heard the words, and immediately said: "Since they were poisoned to save their juniors, I will naturally rescue them. Right now, you take them to Tianyue Tower and ask a few uncles for diagnosis and treatment."

The Chiyuan Taoist sect dominates a continent, and there are many disciples in the sect, and they gradually have many inheritances such as talisman cultivation and medical cultivation.Tianyue Tower is the gathering place of Chi Yuan's medical training line.With the outbreak of the war, Tianyuelou gathered a large number of wounded.

Fu Yaozhen and the others looked at each other, seeing that they could not seek to see Chiyuan Jiexian for the time being, they simply followed Qiu Guiqiu to Tianyue Tower to seek to see the master of medicine.

Traveling through the five hanging mountains all the way, and going to and from Daotong and Dharma protectors in a hurry, one can feel the urgent situation Chi Yuan is facing.

The building will fall, and the wind and rain are coming.

But when it came to Tianyue Tower, the number of people gathered here still surprised everyone.

Thousands of wounded people filled the square, and a Daoist next to them issued numbers for them, and someone kept calling their numbers to help the monks into the Tianyue Tower for diagnosis and treatment.

"Very busy……"

Yuwen Chunqiu couldn't help sighing.

The two daughters of the Fu family looked at each other, and the scene in front of them was similar to the Yanlong family facing the evil tide.

Fu Yaozhen secretly said: Looking at this situation, Chi Yuan's lineage has righteousness in him, it doesn't seem like a single husband without virtue.

Although he has Qiu Guiqiu's identity, the poison in Fu Xuanxing's body has been suppressed now, so he can't make trouble for the time being.They also followed the rules honestly and waited silently after being numbered.

During this period of time, Fu Yaozhen kept chatting with Qiu Guiqiu to learn about the inside story of Chiyuan and even Nanzhou.

About Jinlan, Baoxiang and other sects, Qiu Guiqiu, a junior, doesn't know much.The only way is that thousands of years ago, the six sects left Nanzhou, and then the Chiyuan Taoist faction took the lead alone, united the various sects of the immortal way, and guarded the right continent.


Fu Tongjun and Hengshou sat down with Fu Xuanxing to rest.

"how do you feel?"

"It's okay, feeling pretty good now?" Fu Xuanxing shrugged, looking indifferent.

"Aren't you ignorant of Sixth Brother's methods?" He tried to wave his right arm, "Look, it's normal now."

The toxin under the bandage was firmly suppressed by Big Dipper Starlight.The only disadvantage is that the blood in Fu Xuanxing's arm cannot circulate.It can be maintained for three to five days, but if it lasts for several months or even a year, it may be completely necrotic.

Seeing that he was so heartless, Mr. Fu Tong glared at him, held his arm down, and said softly, "Sit well and don't move around."

Checking the condition of the bandage again, she silently waited with Fu Xuanxing.

Hengshou tried to contact Fu Henghua again, but to no avail.

Sure enough, it was because of the formation shielding.

Simply put down the ring and silently observe the surrounding patients.

In addition to the people in Chiyuan costumes, you can also see many monks from other sects in the waiting area.

Hengshou thought to himself: Are there no medical practitioners in other sects?Or is it that their injuries are too serious for this faction to treat, so they have to be sent to the Chiyuan Taoist faction?

Suddenly, Heng Shou caught a glimpse of a poisoned monk in the left front row.

He looked around and touched Mr. Fu Tong lightly: "Girl, look."

Mr. Fu Tong followed his gaze.It was a comatose monk, and there were two girls beside him who were taking care of him carefully.

"The three of them have similar auras and similar skills, so they should be a family. The younger sister brought the elder brother to the hospital for treatment—poisoning, ten-day spring snow?"

Immediately, she shook her head and said, "Should it be a poison with a similar effect?"

The ten-day spring snow is a strange poison that Xue Kai researched, and it should not appear in Nanzhou.

People who are poisoned by this poison are in a state of sound sleep.Ten days later, my body melted like spring snow, leaving no traces.

This poison is colorless, odorless, and very vicious, it can kill Golden Core cultivators.Xue Kaiqi left a pair for Fu Henghua to protect himself, and never gave it to anyone else.Mr. Fu Tong is proficient in poison art, which is quite appreciated by Xue Kai, and he only got a poison prescription, and there is no ready-made poison.

"Is the girl curable?"

"The poison involves changes in Taoism, and it is a strange poison refined by Jindan monks. If there is no special method, it will be much more troublesome to treat."

Fu Tongjun's heart moved, and he immediately understood what Hengshou was thinking.

The group of them waited silently, even if they were received and treated by the doctors in Tianyue Building, they probably wouldn't get any good treatment.Why don't you show some tricks and let them take the initiative to invite you?
By the way, it can also sell favors, and reduce the number of people queuing in front.

So Mr. Fu Tong walked up to the three brothers and sisters.

Seeing a beauty approaching, the two younger sisters of the Wang family looked puzzled.

Looking at her like this, could it be her brother's "old friend" again?
The two women couldn't help but feel a little tangled in their hearts.

Suddenly, they saw the beauty shoot a yellow light towards their brother.

Suddenly, the second daughter stood up in shock: "What are you doing?"

Mr. Fu Tong ignored the second daughter, but looked at the monk who was poisoned and sleeping soundly.Soon, the monk woke up leisurely.

The yellow light also returned to Mr. Fu Tong.

It was a plump yellow bug with a slender red bug in its mouth.

"It's interesting, you are not poison, but Gu? Who did you offend, and put this kind of evil Gu on you?"

The second daughter wanted to ask questions, but it was obvious that her elder brother was awake, one squatted down to help him, and the other thanked Mr. Fu Tong.

"You're welcome. I'm just taking out part of the Gu worms in his body temporarily - he's been under the Gu worms for too long, and the Gu worms in his body need to be pulled out for several days to be completely resolved. I'm very interested in the person who cast the Gu. It looks like, That person didn't intend to kill him directly, but wanted to torture him slowly?"

Wang Ye smiled wryly, his elder brother is used to being promiscuous.Who would have thought that he would provoke a poisonous cultivator from the evil way.The two recognized each other on the battlefield.The other party asked the elder brother to betray the immortal way, but the elder brother refused, so he cast a poison on the elder brother that only she could dispel.He intends to use this to force the Wang family to take refuge in the magic way.

There are many insiders in the cause and effect.But she really doesn't want to reveal the scandal in front of outsiders.

Seeing the girl's embarrassed face, Mr. Fu Tong didn't ask any more questions.

After using the drunken moon Gu in his hand to eat the red bug, he turned around and walked to the side of the other wounded, behind the three Wang family siblings.

Send the Drunken Moon Gu to drill into the opponent's body again, sucking away the Yin Sha in the opponent's body.Then use Golden Cicada Gu's sharp wings to cut off a few pieces of dead flesh on the opponent's body.

"It's okay, if you do this, after you go back and adjust your breath slowly for a few days, it will heal automatically."

Use Gu as a tool to cure diseases and save lives.

It was Xue Kai who taught her the way when she practiced poison with Xue Kai.

"The way of Gu is vicious, your grandfather doesn't like it very much, and he often has the idea of ​​destroying your cultivation. Only by doing good and accumulating merits with Gu art can you get rid of his thoughts."

The medical practice advocated by Fu Henghua is divided into internal and external channels.Mr. Fu Tong's way is biased towards the outer veins.Using Gu worms instead of utensils, they drill into the human body to remove the lesion.Many Gu insects can grow themselves by devouring the evil spirit and dead flesh in the patient's body.

It is also in this way.Before the Five Elements Poison Gu was fully developed, she had already held dozens of Spirit Gu in her hands, and had accumulated quite a good reputation.

"Thank you for saving my life, girl."

The elder brother of the Wang family stood up and tremblingly came over to thank him.

"No need to thank you," Mr. Fu Tong left him a prescription to strengthen his body and strengthen his foundation and strength. "Take it three times a day, starting at noon tomorrow, and then come to me to relieve the gu."

After all, Mr. Fu Tong turned around to check the symptoms of others.

If it's a problem like madness, or a problem with a skill, it's not convenient for her Gu worms to treat it.However, after being injured by the magic way, all kinds of necrosis appeared on the surface of the body, evil spirits and toxins eroded the body, her Gu worms were quite miraculous.

In just half an hour, she has cured eight patients.

And this kind of movement naturally provoked the medical practitioners in Tianyue Building to rush out to check.

"Uncle Song."

Qiu Guiqiu stepped forward and said, "Master Uncle, some fellow Taoists of mine came to seek medical treatment. One of my friends was poisoned."

"Poisoned? I see this girl's method, isn't it..." You, a poisoner like you, can't detoxify?
Mr. Fu Tong: "I can't cure the poison on his body. Please help him see a doctor first, and as a price, I can help you save fifty people."

Mr. Fu Tong's words hit Song Li's arms.

Now that Tianyue Tower is short of manpower, seeing Mr. Fu Tong's methods, they naturally hope that one more person will come to help.

However, Song Li did not dare to be careless.After entering the Tianyue Tower, everyone was asked to light the incense silently, and secretly urged the demon-subduing sword on the wooden frame.

Seeing this, Fu Yaozhen and others did not stop them, nor did they show annoyance.

If the other party is really unprepared, just trust yourself and others.That's the odd thing.

From the time of entering Chiyuan Yingxian Gate, various detection methods for magic ways have begun.

Yingxianmen has its own forbidden demon magic formula, which can bounce the magic cultivators entering the gate.

The Feixian Hongqiao is full of fairy spirits, and the immortal monks can go back and forth at will, and the demon monks will be severely injured by the fire god thunder as soon as they approach.

After entering the mountain gate, each hanging mountain has its own inspection methods.

Xiaoran Peak, where Tianyue Tower is located, was taken care of by the Bagua Fumo Mirror at the moment of entering the tower.After entering the building, there is an exorcism incense and a seven-star sword to kill demons.

After many researches, Song Li was completely relieved, and asked Mr. Fu Tong to sit with him in the hall to diagnose and treat the patients.

"May I ask what the girl's name is?"

Mr. Fu Tong glanced at Fu Xuanxing, who was being treated by the deputy owner of Tianyue Tower in the inner room.

Now that they pretend to be the hidden "Fu family", her name is quite embarrassing.

After thinking about it, she said slowly, "Fu Tongjun."

Song Li nodded and followed her to treat and save lives.With the help of Mr. Fu Tong's Gu worms, the efficiency of healing was immediately accelerated.


inner room.

Chai Kangping slowly unwrapped the bandage, and when he saw the dark purple arm inside, he gasped.

Fortunately, he was wearing a mask, so he didn't inhale the black poisonous gas overflowing from his arm.

"The poison on your body is so heavy! How can you suppress such a heavy poison?"

His eyes quickly fell on the bandage Fu Xuanxing had untied: "This bandage..."

He was about to check when Heng Shou suddenly took a step forward and put the bandage into a black pocket: "This thing is poisonous and needs to be destroyed."

You will not be allowed to study the young master's techniques at will.

Being around Fu Henghua, Hengshou also has a unique analytical ability.Seeing the current scene of the Chiyuan Taoist School, he already understood where a new business opportunity for his family was.

Perhaps with this business opportunity, the Fu family's foundation in Nanzhou can go a step further.

Seeing that the other party carefully put away the bandage, Chai Kangping didn't want to say much, and silently lowered his head to help Fu Xuanxing check.

Then he bowed his head in thought.

"You said, your poison was accidentally killed when you were saving your nephew?"

Qiu Guiqiu: "Yes, uncle, that's it."

Chai Kangping couldn't help shaking his head: "It's weird, it's really weird. Look at this poison, it seems to be specially prepared for you."

Fu Xuanxing felt guilty, and silently moved his eyes away.

He tried to take blood from Fu Xuanxing's finger, and then dripped it into a pot of green plants on the table.

The leaves of the plant were covered with a silver-black substance, but they never withered directly.

"To other things, the toxicity is extremely bad. But to you, it is the poison of Tianke. Is it such a coincidence?"

Fu Xuanxing scratched his head silently, not knowing what to say.

"The world is vast and profound, who can know all the secrets of heaven? Maybe all kinds of coincidences are also God's will?" Fu Yaozhen said, "Mr. is a doctor, dare to ask if this poison can be cured?"


Chai Kangping was troubled.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, then took out the medicine bottle next to him, and took Fu Xuanxing's blood for a sample experiment.

Seeing his cautious posture, Fu Yaozhen nodded secretly.

Chi Yuan's doctor has some knowledge.

After trying several detoxification methods, Chai Kangping fell silent.

"Can't sir be detoxified?"

"I'm afraid I can't do it with my ability. The other brothers in the building may not be able to do it either. I'm afraid I need to ask the master or a few uncles to come forward."

The master he was referring to was Jiexian who was of the same generation as the current leader of the Chiyuan sect.

"The only detoxification strategy is to separate and eliminate the toxins in his blood one by one. This kind of operation ability cannot be achieved by Nascent Soul cultivators like us. We can only ask Jie Xian to do it."

Qiu Guiqiu hurriedly asked: "Is there no other way? Right now, the Jiexian of our sect can't make a move at all, right?"

Chai Kangping shook his head, and summoned several other colleagues.

Everyone's answers are also disappointing.

Dragon's Blood Poison is Donglai's strongest Kelong poison at present.

It is difficult for Nanzhou medical practitioners to detoxify in a short time without a lot of experiments and pharmacological basis.

The solution they could come up with was the solution pointed out by Fu Henghua.

Let Jiexian wash with immortal energy, separate and repeatedly wash away the poison in Fu Xuanxing's body.


Suddenly, Tianyue Tower shook.

Qiu Guiqiu was shocked: "Master, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's 'Diyuan' and another monster has come out."

Chai Kangping was very calm, and he was still thinking about steadying the table and chairs.

He looks out the window.

"Look, it's that monster."

Outside the window, a bloated monster is slowly rising from the black abyss under the sea of ​​clouds.

It is thousands of feet long from head to tail, without scales and feet.A pair of jagged and slender horns grow on the top of the head, towering like a mountain.

As it floated up, the sea of ​​clouds trembled frequently.

Countless red clouds and clouds were polluted by the black mist around the monsters, and the sealing and prohibition methods of the Chiyuan Taoist sect were constantly smashed into pieces.

"Dragon?" Fu Xuanxing couldn't help clenching his fists when he saw the big worm appearing in the abyss.

"This is the Absolute Yin Bird."

Qiu Guiqiu said: "A monster that inhabits under the earth. It looks like a chrysalis underground, but when it comes to the human world, it will gradually absorb the fresh air and sunlight from the outside world, and gradually begin to metamorphose - eventually it will turn into a fierce flying bird." to the sky. There are rumors that this bird is incompatible with the phoenix, and can belong to the genus of the feathered pheasant."

Indeed, this monster is very bloated, more like a big meat worm.

Fu Xuanxing was relieved for a while, and suddenly realized: "Can it transform into a bird?"

"Yes, it can change from a bug to a bird. It is a mimic evolution method similar to Kunpeng."

Chai Kangping looked out the window with a calm face.

The aura displayed by that monster was no less than that of Nascent Soul Grandmaster.


And that's all.

At the moment when the other party appeared, thousands of spiritual lights emerged from Chi Yue and blasted down at the same time.

Hengshou's eyelids twitched: A thousand Golden Core cultivators shot at the same time?

With a piercing scream, the monster was badly wounded.

When it fell, it roared in the direction of Xiaoran Peak.

The moment the mouth opened, Fu Xuanxing saw countless arms struggling in its mouth.

The ferocious earth evil spirit gushed out.

Little blue light appeared on Xiaoran Peak, and the sea of ​​light gathered in a blink of an eye purified the earth evil.

With a thunderbolt from the sky, the chrysalis fell into the abyss again.


Black echoes in the abyss.When the chrysalis came up and down, a large number of dark green floating algae floated in the air.

The real fire of Samadhi suddenly rose from Chiyue Yunhai, burning the large dark green clouds to ashes.

Chai Kangping explained to everyone: "The algae in the ground contain poisonous evil spirits, and they should not be allowed to come into the world."

The earthquake still hasn't stopped.

A new pupa of the "Soundbird" rose from the ground again, and was quickly suppressed by the monks on Chiyue Mountain.

Repeated more than ten times, a total of more than ten soundless chrysalis floated up, and were killed one by one by the Chiyuan Taoist faction.

"Is this a large-scale swarm?"

Chai Kangping muttered to himself: "Is the underground seal loose too?"

Seeing that Fu Xuanxing and the others were still there, he came back to his senses and coughed lightly: "Well, you guys rest in the Chiyuan Taoist sect first. Let's study the detoxification."

Seeing that Hengshou took out a brand new silver bandage and put it on for Fu Xuanxing, his eyelids twitched, and finally he couldn't help asking: "Is this bandage a secret treasure of your family? But there are more?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Fu Yaozhen's eyes, and she glimpsed some futures that would be extremely beneficial to her family.

She smiled sweetly and said: "This is an emergency item that my family specially asked us to carry with us when we went out. This kind of Beichen Starlight Power is for Fu Xuanxing. In addition, there are some blood and healing items that can be given to Tianyuelou Even some, so that it is convenient for you to treat illnesses and save lives."

She signaled Hengshou to take out some magic talisman bandages and bring them to Chai Kangping, and then, led by Qiu Guiqiu, arranged a place to rest.

Chai Kangping studies the bandage left by Fu Yaozhen.

He was a little puzzled at first, but as he studied the talisman, his eyes gradually changed.

"Wait - this talisman system..."

Not Nanyan Fuzhou's!
It looks like... it looks like...

He got up quickly, went upstairs and picked up an ancient book of talismans from the bookshelf.

Chi Yuan came here with a large number of Donglai practice books.

After merging and exchanging with Nanyan Fuzhou, Chiyuan Fudao has formed its own lineage, combining the strengths of the two families.Now Chai Kangping can be sure that the talisman used in this bandage is not mixed with Nanyan Fuzhou's system, but unique to Donglai.

"If you want to talk about Donglai talismans, the Fu family on Tianyu Mountain also has them. But they call themselves 'Fu family'?"

Chai Kangping was a little confused, so he simply called Daotong.

"Go and ask if your Uncle Yang is at the mountain gate."

"Oh." Dao Tong was about to go out when he suddenly turned around again, "Master, who is Master Yang?"

"Of course it's Yang Dai. Please come here and tell me I have something important to do."

But Daotong came back after leaving, but said: "Uncle Yang has gone to the East China Sea a few days ago, and he is not in the mountains at present."


Chai Kangping looked at the bandage in his hand.

"Send someone to pass a letter, and then bring these two bandages to him. Also, ask him, does he know Fu Xuanxing, Fu Yaozhen, and Fu Tongjun?"

Corrected two previous mistakes.

As mentioned in a previous chapter, Guo Mojun is the lover of Chiming Demon Emperor.It has been corrected to "Chi Ling Devil Emperor".

The Scarlet Thunder Demon Lord mentioned above has been corrected to Changming Mountain, Zixuan Demon Lord.
The injury on the hand is still not healed.The thumb began to shed the skin, and the middle finger began to accumulate pus.These are two different types of normal changes following a burn.

In the follow-up, you need to continue to raise it for a few days.Until the dead skin falls off, plus pus flows out.However, these two fingers do not hinder typing for the time being.

As for the voice typing suggested by some readers... Have you ever thought about how shameful it is for me to read the full text by myself!In addition, speech recognition cannot fully recognize the text, and in the end it is still necessary to manually correct typos.Efficiency is no faster than slow handwriting now.

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