
Chapter 539

Chapter 539

Fu Hongluan chose two houses facing each other for the six people including Zhong Ionhan.

Xiaoyu chatted with Fu Hongluan one after another, and asked about the situation of Fu's family in Tianyu Mountain.

The other five people looked at the Immortal Dao camp, secretly thinking about the comparison.

The stronghold of Xiandao's camp is a city built against a mountain.Everyone is currently in the DC area where many Nanzhou cultivation families gather.

The Fu family has been in business for a hundred years and has a considerable foundation in Nanzhou.In the mountain city, it also occupies a relatively good spiritual acupoint area.

After Zhong Ionhan's spiritual sense sensed it, he thought to himself: The blood here is hidden in the aura, which shows the brutality of the battle.

After the six of them went to two courtyards to rest, they took out the Qiankun Ring one after another and contacted Dong Moyang and others.

After discussing the next move, they meditated in the room and practiced Qi.

After Xiao Yu communicated with Lord Fu Tong, he borrowed two Gu worms and secretly sent messages to Fu Hongluan.


Yang Dai did not inform Fu Hongluan of the "Wuwuzhou" plan.

She only regarded these six people as "outsiders who appeared by accident", and after entertaining them according to Yang Dai's instructions, she went back to deal with her own affairs.

Back then, there were only a few people who escaped by feigning death in the three halls of the Fu family.Fu Xuanhe led them to take root in Nanzhou, and now only five people, Fu Xuanhe, Fu Hongluan, Fu Xuanyi, Fu Baijing, and Fu Tianer, survive.

The rest of the Fu family members were born from the earth's veins by Fu Xuanhe's "method of conceiving and transforming spiritual veins".

In Nanzhou Tianyu Mountain Fujia, there are no three halls.

Fu Xuanhe gathered the new clan members born in Santang together, rearranged their order, and named them one by one.Because the Ling family might be hostile to the Fu family if they arrived first.

The naming of the members of the Tianyu Mountain Fu family is different from the Santang convention.

For these younger brothers and sisters who are the oldest only a few dozen years old, Fu Hongluan can be said to be heartbroken.

She took out a precious mirror, and asked her uncle Fu Tianer about the current situation of the clan.

"Everything is fine at home. But you guys, do you have any news from Xuanhe?"

"Contact me once this morning, everything is safe."

"That's good, that's good." Fu Tianer was dressed as a middle-aged man, about the same age as Fu He.It's just that his pair of ears are quite strange, thick, wide and slender, shaped like a wheel hammer.

The two sides exchanged the recent situation, and Fu Hongluan was about to close the "Thousand-mile Sound Transmission Talisman Optical Mirror".Suddenly, Fu Tian'er's face changed: "No, there is movement over there, something is in your room!"

Without thinking, red light instantly filled the room.A red silk shot out like a sharp sword, wandering back and forth in the house.

"Cuckoo - cluck -"

The red Gu worm, as small as a grain of rice, jumped out and landed in front of the mirror.

"This is a Gu worm, be careful!"

Fu Hongluan activated his mana, and his right hand was covered by a layer of silver light.

When he was about to catch the worm, the Gu worm spit out a little gold grain and died on the spot.

After the gold grain came out, it automatically changed into a letter.

Seeing the Panlong mark on it, Fu Hongluan was taken aback immediately.

"Uncle Er, look."

She activated her true essence and made the letter float up.

"This... is this the mark of Panlong Island? It's news from my hometown. I remember that Seventh Sister-in-law is practicing Gu skills."

"Yang Dai said, Henghua and the others are here. It should be a letter from them?"

Fu Hongluan still didn't dare to be careless, and continued to check.

When she saw the fire seal on the letter, she was slightly taken aback: "This is Heng Hua's Yuan Dao Pill Cloud Bronze Medal."

This copper medal is Fu Henghua's personal wax seal used to seal letters.Then use special pigments to blend the lacquer mud, which cannot be imitated by others, let alone appear as the exclusive logo of Nanzhou.

"It is indeed Heng Hua's letter."

After thoroughly checking the material of the envelope and the scent of incense attached to it, Fu Hongluan opened the letter with confidence.

The letter inside has traces of Beaulieu Island.

The unique treasure paper "Dragon Leaf" of Panlong Island.

The paper is made of spiritual bamboo, and is infused with more than ten kinds of spices such as borneol and youtan.The finished paper is not only as white as jade, but also has an elegant and refreshing fragrance.

The ink "Longquan" unique to Beaulieu Island.

It is made by taking the spiritual liquid in the Lingmai Longchi, combining with five kinds of spiritual mines from Panlong Houshan, dragon scale old pine charcoal and other materials.The ink has a little rosin, and the ink color is pure, without any splendor.

Seeing Fu Hongluan reading the letter with ease, Fu Tian couldn't help but patted the mirror and asked, "What did Fu Henghua say? But what's going on in my hometown?"

Fu Hongluan finished reading, revealing a trace of confusion.

"He wants us to prepare a production line for 'Spirit Talisman Bandages' in Tianyu Mountain."

"Amulet bandages? What's that?"

Fu Hongluan pasted the letter on the mirror and asked Fu Tianer to read it carefully.

After watching, Fu Tianer was also lost in thought.

"Not at home, but at Fu Henghua's own request? But this thing—is this a new type of secret treasure from my hometown? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

Fu Hongluan also shook her head silently.

Neither has she.

"But since this thing is taken by the Chiyuan Taoist faction, we can seize the opportunity and make a lot of money. Also, you should be prepared to meet Yao Zhen and the others."

"Yes, I know."

According to the letter, Fu Xuanxing and his party will go to Tianyu Mountain.

At that time, Fu Tianer should make preparations early.

"This news, tell Xuanhe quickly and let them come back—they are all from his family—by the way, your brother seems to be here too."

When mentioning Fu Baitang, Fu Hongluan couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"According to Heng Hua's intention, he wants to learn from the Chiyuan Taoist sect. However, he will not be traveling with sister Yao Zhen for the time being, and will stay by Heng Hua's side."

Thinking of his younger brother whom he hadn't seen for many years, Fu Hongluan felt a little overwhelmed.

The last time she saw Fu Baitang that year, he was still a baby.

"By the way, Xuange seems to be here too," Fu Hongluan said, "Uncle Er can ask about the family affairs at that time."

Fu Tianer nodded silently. Although they are not of the same bloodline, they belong to the same Baiyutang, so they can be regarded as close clansmen.

The two chatted for a while over the letter, and after arranging the "bandage production" matter properly, Fu Hongluan closed the contact.


The penultimate day that Yu Danqing agreed with everyone.

When war broke out again in the East China Sea theater, Zhong Zihan and six people participated in the battle as "Dharma Puppets" in the name of fighting to kill demons.

The thousand-eyed jade statue manifested a body of hundreds of feet, and its arms swung rapidly, and countless magic lights bombarded the clouds, vaporizing many five thieves.

"First of all, this kind of derived yin demon is not counted."

Daoren Tian replied, and the dodecahedron threw out thirty Southern Fire Talismans, burning a bone wall into a sea of ​​flames.

Although the competition of the six Wuwangzhou people is just a gimmick to enter the arena head-on.But the two of them made a private bet, and each took out some magic weapons and elixir.The winner is determined by the number of demons killed today.

The sea of ​​flames spread little by little on the bone wall, and Dragon God Baoyu and King Xuan of the Five Elements followed closely behind, cooperating with the dodecahedron to launch an offensive.

On the other side, Sun Moon Mingzun cooperated with the Thousand-Eyed Jade Statue to massacre the demon cultivators in the bone wall below from the air. "Sea King Faxiang" did not play due to the limitation of time.

Seeing that he maintained an inscrutable demeanor, Yang Dai stood on one side and thought: "The cooperation of these few people is no less than the lethality caused by the two teams of masters leading the team. Moreover, Zhong Ionhan has not done anything serious yet. .If you sacrifice the fairy sword, you can fight the master yourself."

But even if the two sides are so strong, the magic side has no masters to deal with it.

Today, Mo Dao defended all the way, not even stepping out of the skyscraper bone wall, and only relied on the strength of the bone wall to deal with it.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the Five Aggregates Demon Lord was seriously injured yesterday and is planning to shrink back?"

After asking the teacher, Jie Xian gave the answer: "The other party is no different from me. Yesterday's test, neither side was hurt."

In other words, there may be a conspiracy in this move by Mo Dao?

Fight in one day.

Zhong Zihan's side killed 600 demon cultivators and five devil-born monks.

On the Long Taoist side, they killed 520 three of the evil spirit demon disciples and six devil-born monks.

As for the master-level demon masters, they have been provoking for a long time, but they have not seen a single person.

"Not good!"

At night, the two parties communicated privately.

"According to this situation, if we are unable to kill the third Grandmaster tomorrow, Senior Yu will have a reason to take us back."

"Impossible? We have already demonstrated the ability of the puppet to fight against the master. Perhaps, Senior Yu will be accommodating?"

"Brother Zhongli, how long can your Dharma image last?"

"Henghua has injected more 'mana of good fortune' this time, and it should be able to drive it for two hours."

Several people planned together, intending to try their best tomorrow to attract a master of magic again.

But at this moment, news came from Dongmoyang.

"Big, shocking, unexpected good news."

Several people looked at the ring in their hands.

Their rings are sub-rings under the "Taiji Treasure Realm", which was designed by Yu Danqing and has the ability to connect with the Taoist platform of the Tianxuan Mirror.

"The third demon master is dead, we have completed the bet."


"how is this possible!"

"Isn't that right? We didn't kill the Grandmaster at all today—could it be that there was a Grandmaster who concealed his cultivation and was hit and killed by us by mistake?"

"You think too much."

Dong Moyang, who was projected by the ring, was speechless: "How can a grandmaster be killed by you so easily? There are so many things to save his life! It was Heng Hua and Yu Xiaolei who shot and directly killed a grandmaster."


"Heng Hua?"

"Yu Xiaolei?"

"Junior Brother, you just said that the Grandmaster has a lot of things to save his life, but now..."

"Those two people attacked and used up eight surrogate secret treasures on a grandmaster. It is equivalent to killing a master nine times. Faced with this situation, can you not die?"

"Isn't it? When did they come to Donghai? Why didn't we find out?"

Sneak into the East China Sea theater to kill, and kill nine times?Such a big movement, we didn't see it all day, did we?
"I also thought at the beginning that Fu Henghua went to make a portrait for Yu Xiaolei on purpose to serve as a substitute for you. But who would have thought that he deliberately sent us away. The two of us ran to the eastern theater alone, Locked on a master who was practicing retreat, and killed him alive."

Among Donglai's group, the leaders in charge are none other than Zhong Zihan, Yu Danqing, Dong Moyang, and Long Daoren.Now they have agreed on a plan, and these people are all on the side of the East China Sea theater.

On the side of Black Moon Reef, Fu Henghua is naturally the biggest.There is no elder sister Fu Yaozhen staring at her.Of the remaining group of people, who can hold back Fu Henghua?

After being fooled by him, he obediently blocked the news for him.It was not until the two of them came back with a dead body of a master that Sun Yan sent a message to Dong Moyang.

At this time, Yu Danqing and others suddenly understood.

Ganqing Fu Henghua specially arranged for Dong Moyang, Yu Danqing and others to support him, not to leave a way out for Zhong Zihan and others.But to prevent them from making trouble and preventing Fu Henghua from killing demons?
"So, the young master went with Yu Xiaolei? Did Yu Xiaolei do it?"

Xiaoyu wanted to come, with his own young master's character.Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down.Since there is Yu Xiaolei as the target, surely he won't do it himself?
"Although the last blow was related to Yu Xiaolei. But—you can see for yourself."

Dong Moyang hung up a video on the platform attached to "Tai Chi Treasure Realm".

That was the video recorded by Yu Xiaolei through "Lei Zun Faxiang".


Misty clouds.

The dark golden steel ring is flying in the sky.

The ring is divided into three rings, with a diameter of three feet and six feet, seven feet and two feet, and ten feet and eight feet.

Three gold iron rings surround the iron ball at the center of the central circle, rotating rapidly with a certain mysterious rhythm.

Lavender lightning covered this strange steel monster.

This is the "Extreme Thunder Emperor", a puppet designed by Yu Xiaolei.

Then, on the surface of the core sphere, a young man in brocade clothes was reading a book with great interest.

"Is it this cloud road? Don't just read the book, show the way."

"It's this road, follow the 'pointer' I hung in front of Lei Zun, you can't go wrong."

The old god Henghua is reading a book, not worried about this trip at all.

Lei Zun flew for a while, and Yu Xiaolei's voice came from inside.

"Are you really not worried about those people catching up? Also, aren't you afraid that senior Yu will come back and blame you?"

"As long as we come up with the results, the seniors can't say anything against it."

After a while, Yu Xiaolei asked again: "Are you sure, is it okay for you to come out to fight? I can send you down now, and I will go by myself."


Heng Hua slowly flipped through the talisman book, thinking about the Nanzhou talisman system, and conceived the exclusive dharma image for his eldest brother Fu Xuanhe.

"But... are you sure you want to be with me?"

Yu Xiaolei only learned about Fu Henghua's plan this morning.He didn't object to time at all, so he was forced out.

He was puzzled all the way.

From the relationship between the two or other interpersonal situations, why should he act with himself?
"Otherwise? That's all the masters of the younger generation. The first four have all gone to the East China Sea. Dan Quanzi is in his hometown. Senior Yu, who is also ranked sixth, is also in the East China Sea. Isn't it just you and me? Relying on 'Lei Zun "Hurry up, I can read a little more by the way."

"If you really want to read, you shouldn't come out."

Is this really out to fight magic and slay demons, and treat it as a game to relax?

"If I don't come, you will fight the Grandmaster alone. Even if you can win, you will be seriously injured—we are here."

Fu Henghua closed the book and looked at Yinshan, which was covered in blood in front of him.

Ji Shiyu, the descendant of the Demon King of Blood River Palace, is one of the pillars of the Eastern War Zone.Three months ago, he was injured in a fight with Grandmaster Chi Yuan, and had to retreat to the rear to recuperate.

The previous incarnation of Wukong made a fuss in the eastern theater, and he came here to seek fate.

However, the "Blood River Sky Screen" around Yinshan Mountain is too cumbersome.It was difficult to break through for a while, and Wukong had to give up and leave when the coming demon masters surrounded him.

Now that Fu Henghua himself is here, he intends to capture Ji Shiyu and send him to the Wanmo Gourd to make a fate.

Yu Xiaolei looked at the bloody light.

"This bloody light is the barrier from the blood sacrifice of thousands of soul babies? Are you sure you can break through it?"

If he breaks through with the power of thunder, his movement will definitely attract the attention of the guards nearby.

Heng Hua stood up, and a golden scroll appeared in his right hand.


Cloud shafts whirled in the air, and a layer of cloud light spread near Yinshan Mountain.Block the sight of those guards hundreds of miles away.

As for the guards in Yinshan.

Fu Henghua looked at the thunder ring under his feet.


Two bolts of lightning streaked across the air, rubbing together a fiery flame, and pointed directly at the barracks below the Yin Mountain.

It's easy, there is a deep pit at the foot of Yinshan Mountain.

The next moment, the outer barriers moved rapidly, and sharp alarms rang through the sky.

"Next, what to do?"

"I took down the barrier and managed to trap these guards. You sweep the tail in the back, then come in and join me."

With a hook of Fu Henghua's finger, the blood barrier seemed to have wisdom, actively forming an open door.


Under Yu Xiaolei's shocked gaze, Fu Henghua jumped directly into the door.

Entering Yinshan, the guards inside took up weapons one after another.

Wind Lock——Wind Lotus——

Heng Hua didn't even look at it. After entering, it turned into a gust of breeze and quickly flew towards the Yin Mountain.

Wherever it passed, chains and lotus flowers imprisoned a group of guards.

In just three breaths, Fu Henghua had arrived at the main entrance of Yinshan Palace.

"Mr. Ji, please come out and see me!"


The door exploded in an instant, and blood shot out.

Fu Henghua didn't panic, a muddy palm appeared under his feet, blocking the attack.

"You drive the earth?"

Ji Shiyu stepped down from the seat of Baimei Jiuyin, and looked at Fu Henghua up and down.

I have arranged many forbidden laws in Yinshan, but this son is like entering and leaving no one's land.

No, it was as if Yinshan was his home.

At this moment, the Yinshan land is also under its control.This mountain, this vast land is actively protecting him.

What kind of way is this?Or is it Dao Domain?

Heng Hua hooked his fingers and said softly: "Take care of Yu Xiaolei, don't let him get into trouble."

The will in the earth moved slowly, and the earth palm moved down the mountain.

God possessed.

The name of this god is "Land God", and it is the manifestation of the gods in this three hundred li Yinshan Mansion.

Henghua imitated the magic weapon of conferring the gods with the cloud axis, and enlightened the earth with the "Taiyi conferring the gods mantra".

Here, he has the same authority as Ji Shiyu.

My Tao is good fortune, and my advantage lies in turning all spirits for my own use.

Therefore, there is no need to fight Ji Shiyu at all, that is not my strong point at all.

Heng Hua looked up at the sky, and when Ji Shiyu launched a probing attack, he said slowly: "All gods move together."

The sky was suddenly pierced by a golden light.

The majestic Golden Palace of Heaven slowly emerges from the clouds.

The two lords of yin and yang, the old princes of the five directions, the 12th Yuanchen, the Zhoutian star god...

Countless gods appeared surrounded by heavenly soldiers and generals.Countless palaces and pavilions surround the "Heavenly Court" and fall on the Yin Mountain one by one.

At that moment, the heavens are full of immortal energy, and the Dao energy will last forever.

In front of this infinite divine light and immortal energy, the little blood light that Ji Shiyu urged completely disappeared.

"This is my Dao protection spell, and all gods move together. Mr. Ji can help me evaluate one or two. Look at the palaces evolved from the Lingtai, and the dharma forms generated by Dao Yun, whether they are qualified or not."

(End of this chapter)

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