
Chapter 543 Brothers Gather in City of Thousand Souls

Chapter 543 Brothers Gather in City of Thousand Souls

After the bet was completed, Yu Danqing and his party returned to the underground blessed land.

Fu Henghua and the two returned first, and are arranging a new batch of Dharma supervisors.

The five-headed dragon ring, involving the five elements, is Yuwen Chunqiu's car.

The Vientiane Painting Bead, Yu Danqing urges the Dharma image of the Vientiane Avenue.With the help of this method, he can have a master-level combat power in one leap.

Nine-faced Banner God, Yuan Xiao's Dharma face.It is not to fight against the enemy, but to assist Zhong Zihan's "Gong Gong Neptune Faxiang" to build a home water world for him.

And the real construction plan of Zhong Ionhan and Yu Xiaolei.

"The supervision of this batch of dharma images needs to re-collect the treasures of heaven and earth."

The materials of these dharma phases do not require much gold essence.

Jade Soul, Spirit Wood, Cloud Brocade.

These are the main materials.

"Already connected with the Chiyuan Taoist faction. We can try to make acquisitions in the hinterland of Xiandao, or we can discuss with the Chiyuan Taoist faction—after all, we are helping them in the battle."

Fu Henghua asked Fu Pengming to arrange it carefully.

"Brother, we have contacted Chi Yuan now. Are Bai Tang and Dan Ge going to be sent to the Chi Yuan Taoist sect?"

"No hurry, I plan to wait and see for a while. I need to understand what happened back then."

When they first heard about Chiyuan, everyone believed that the Chiyuan Taoist sect was another "Xuanming Demon Palace".But as intelligence was gradually collected, Fu Henghua believed that the inside story was quite different.

"Tong Jun and the others are helping me to observe. However, I still need other paths. If you are free later, you can gather a team and go out to have a look. Take Zhong Ionhan's fairy stone with you."

"Going out? How many of them?"

When Yu Danqing came back, he happened to overhear the conversation between the two brothers.

"You run out by yourself, that's because you have high morals and a lot of mana. But these little guys go out? What do you think?"

"It's not walking around in the Demon Realm. Let them take a tour of the Immortal Realm and check the information recorded in the Earth Spirit Vein. What can happen to them in the territory of Wanyue? It's safe to let Yu Xiaolei take them around."

"Here in the blessed land, only you and Dong Moyang are left. If the master of the devil finds this place——"

"Then I will start a killing ring."

As long as it is not the devil, Fu Henghua is sure to protect the underground blessed land.

"Senior, since you are back, you also agree with us to stay. Then come with me and design the dharma puppets for everyone. This will increase your life-saving cards."

Yu Danqing did not object.

That's right, since you agree to stay, you must go all out next.

"Just relying on the Chiyuan Taoist faction, that's not enough. The plan that was finalized at the beginning, to support war with war, can be mobilized. Dong Moyang and Yu Xiaolei each lead a team. Make trouble behind the Northeast Theater and intercept supplies."

So, don't think about letting Yu Xiaolei take a group of dolls out for a walk.Those mana is not enough.Those who are not good enough can work in the blessed land with peace of mind.

Seeing that Yu Danqing's attitude is firm, Fu Henghua is not easy to refute directly.

Anyway, he has the incarnation of Wukong outside, and he can still explore the past thousands of years ago.

And in the hinterland of the magic way, many things sound more convenient to play.


Blood River Palace.

A tyrant in the southwest of Central China, under the seat of Demon Emperor Puhe.

When Ji Shiyu died, a lotus root immediately withered in the lotus sea in the forbidden area of ​​Blood River Palace.

In the forbidden area, the three masters opened their eyes at the same time.

"not good!"

The next moment, they felt a wave of anger pervading the entire Blood River Palace.

"Senior brother is really dead - the uncle is angry!"

Ji Shiyu is in the Blood River Palace, and is quite favored by the two demon kings.One of the two demon kings is his uncle, and the other is his master.

Now that Ji Donglin noticed that his nephew had passed away, he immediately rang the golden bell to summon the blood river palace demons to gather.

Although the three masters in the forbidden area are responsible for guarding the "Blood Soul Life Lotus", the main body is not allowed to move around at will.But they also sent blood god sons one after another to obey orders in the main hall.

"What the hell is going on! Why did Shi Yu die?"

In the main hall, the Demon Lord roared at a mirror.

Inside the mirror is another demon king of Blood River Palace.

The man wore a skull mask, his tone was cold, and his murderous intent was evident.

"It's the Immortal Way. When I rushed over, the Yin Mountain had been razed to the ground. The blood river I set up in the leylines was also burned to nothing."

"Xiandao is counterattacking? A few days ago, you also said that the situation in the east is stable, and there is no need to send additional people there."

"The battle situation is indeed stable. At the Immortal Dao camp, they dare not attack at all. But in the dark, there are always some young people--the descendant of the demon in front, do you remember?"

"Xingzhe Sun? Didn't he show up in the East China Sea? So soon, he went to your place?" Ji Donglin was furious, and grabbed a handful of "Blood Spirit Golden Pill" from the golden basin beside him, chewing on it.

Plenty of blood burst out of his mouth, and the wonderful taste relieved his anger.

"It's not him. It's an immortal disciple who uses swordsmanship."

In the mirror, the demon king spoke with a bit of helplessness: "Similar to Xingzhe Sun, there is an immortal cultivator who covers up his whereabouts and secretly raids our stronghold. His cultivation is not bad, it should be the cultivation of the devil's fetus, but he has a fighting spirit close to that of a master." force."

"Another one?"

Ji Donglin was speechless.

Why did one or two younger generations turn the world upside down in such a huge demonic way?The previous one can still be said to be the direct descendant of the Heavenly Demon, and its origin is unpredictable.How can a casual descendant of the immortal way disturb the muddy water?

"A few days ago, that man was in the Great Rift Valley to the east of Yinshan Mountain. All the disciples of Sword Demon were beheaded by that man."

Sword Demon.

It is an exclusive title in Nanyan Fuzhou.

Before the eight great calamities, when the Star Wheel Demon Emperor and the Scarlet Silk Demon Emperor had not yet risen, there was a Sword Demon Emperor in the Demonic Way.His vicious name was overwhelming, and he single-handedly killed three true immortals, completely dispelling the momentum of the Nanzhou Immortal Dao, and forcing the Immortal Dao to bow down to the Demon Dao.

Therefore, in order to commemorate the Great Sword Demon, Nanzhou Demon Dao deliberately reserved the title of "Sword Demon".In an era, only one demon cultivator could be honored as "Sword Demon".

In this era, it is a demon king who inherits the title of "Sword Demon".This person is also the third of the seven most powerful demon kings in Nanzhou.

As long as this Demon Lord is alive, the title of "Sword Demon" cannot be passed on to others.According to tradition, he needs to train his own disciples.Until the disciple launched the "Seize the Throne" trial.If you take away the title, you can inherit everything, including the mana of the master.If it fails, the sword demon will devour his disciples and strengthen himself.

According to rumors, this is a ceremony personally arranged by Demon Emperor Puhe to prepare for another sword demon emperor to emerge from the Demon Dao.

"A sword cultivator who can defeat the disciple of Sword Demon? What is the rank of that disciple?"

"Among the sword demon disciples, the eighteenth rank is a monk in the late stage of the devil's embryo."

"Could it be that the person who killed him really has the combat power of a master?" Ji Donglin fell into deep thought.

"However, even so. My nephew carries many magic weapons and secret treasures. He can kill him once, but he can't kill him nine times in a row, right?"

In the mirror, the Demon Lord was speechless.

How about not?

Besides Xingzhe Sun and Immortal Sword Cultivator, there must be a third bastard messing up trouble in the eastern theater, right?

But this possibility is very high.Because according to the response from the sword demon, the person who killed her apprentice should have a cultivation base between brothers.Although he won, it was also a miserable victory.Most likely, it wasn't the one who killed Ji Shiyu.

"That's all. I knew you couldn't rely on this matter, forget it, I'll go there myself."

"Are you coming over?"

"No matter how Ji Shiyu died, Immortal Dao will always give me an explanation." Ji Donglin's evil spirit erupted, and the demon cultivators in the entire hall retreated one after another.

"This time, if I don't kill him with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, I won't be able to let my nephew rest in peace."

The demon soul can't even be reincarnated, and the natal stars are even more silent and hidden. Within 500 years, the protoss has no chance of reincarnation.

The person who did it was too vicious!

"Come here, what are you going to do at home?"

"Leave people to watch."

Ji Donglin pointed to the five grandmasters present, and ordered them to stay on guard, and then went straight to You Continent with the other group of demons.

As soon as Rolling Blood Cloud left, the boy Wukong turned somersaults and rushed to the Blood River Palace.

Seeing the decay of magic energy, the boy clapped his hands and applauded:
"Wonderful, wonderful. Here comes my chance again!"

Why choose Ji Shiyu?

Isn't it because of this, hoping to divert the tiger away from the mountain and send the Blood River Palace into the gourd of all demons?
It's just that Wukong turned around a few times, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

"The defense of this place is solid enough! Ji Shiyu's side is completely in the same line as here."

In exchange for the deity, Fu Henghua summoned the gods with the cloud axis, which could blow up the defense of Blood River Palace.

But Wukong's "Book of Six Desires" is good at seduction and stealth, so it has nothing to do with violent demolition.So at the beginning, due to lack of time, he could only give up Ji Shiyu's Yinshan.

"This place seems to have a special secret method, which is designed to prevent the invasion of heavenly demons."

It is precisely because it is the way of magic that I understand the way of magic better.

The Blood River Palace is not inferior to the great power of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and the head of the three Blood Demon sects.Thousands of years of defensive restrictions are not only aimed at the immortal way, but also against other magic ways.

Wukong squatted outside for half a day, but he couldn't find a way to sneak in.

"It seems that this matter still needs a foreign aid."

He tapped the gourd and called out hundreds of crows.

"Go, find out where the eldest brother is."

These crows are all illusions of heaven and man, and the leader, Situ Yin, is even more powerful as a master.

The group of crows croaked and flew away, wrapped in dark wind and dark clouds, and gradually disappeared.

Three hours later, the crow flew back.

Suddenly, the crow turned back into a human body, Hong Xu knelt on the ground and said:

"My lord, the person you are looking for is in Wanhun City."

The boy is sitting on the throne, with a female celestial being kneading for him standing on the left and right.

Hearing Hong Xu's words, he changed his posture: "The City of Thousand Souls? I remember that it is a neutral zone arranged by various sects of the Demonic Dao."

Sects, sects, and palaces are all areas of influence of the Demonic Dao Sect.Among them, "Palace" refers to the great power that once gave birth to the Devil Emperor.Before ancient times, Blood River Palace was the orthodox lineage of Emperor Youxuan.It was also before the eight great calamities that he was ambushed and killed by the immortals.After his death, the Sword Yuan Demon Emperor beheaded and killed the three true immortals, and only then restored the bad situation of the Demonic Dao and established the days of the Demonic Dao's great prosperity.But later, the sword demon emperor confronted a foreign sword fairy, and finally lost and died.

And the city is more ambiguous in the magic way.Lonely Night City and Ten Thousand Souls City are both city strongholds that support mortals and gather a large number of demonic monks to live.Similar to Baiyunyun City.

But compared to Lonely Night City, which ranks lower, Wanhun City is an ancient city that has gone through several catastrophes.It is said that the Scarlet Silk Demon Emperor practiced Taoism here in his early years.

"What are you doing there, brother?"

Looking at Hong Xu who was obediently standing on one side, Fu Henghua waved his hand and sent him into the magic gourd again.

Recalling the other crows, Wukong went straight to Wanhun City.


The City of Thousand Souls occupies the western part of the Central Continent.

Although it was under the rule of Emperor Puhe, the current ownership is ambiguous because the Scarlet Silk Demon Emperor came out from here.And because it is located in the west of the Central Continent, it is close to the Left Continent ruled by the Star Wheel Demon Emperor.It can be described as the central area surrounded by the three magic palaces.

Wukong came somersaulting.

Falling under the hundred-mile city wall, I silently looked at this ancient spiritual city that was older than Donglai Thirteen Waters.

The city wall is hundreds of feet high and is made of a kind of demonized black iron and gold essence.It is precisely the pouring of gold essence that makes this iron wall immortal for thousands of years.

Looking at the black iron wall stretching for hundreds of miles, Wukong transformed into an ordinary demon cultivator's posture, and walked into the City of Thousand Souls following the posture of other demon cultivators.

At the gate of the city, two ten-zhang golden buildings were built.

With a sweep of consciousness, Wukong noticed hundreds of demon cultivators in the golden building.Although his cultivation is unbearable, he only looks like the fifth or sixth level of Qi refining.But with so many demon cultivators placed at the door, one can also get a glimpse of the number of demon cultivators in Wanhun City.

"Since I came to Wanhun City, why should I still miss Blood River Palace? Why don't I just pretend to leave Wanhun City?"

Relying on the devil's energy, Wukong passed smoothly.

But the moment he entered the city, his eyelids twitched wildly and he almost cursed out.

The defensive restrictions in this city are not much worse than that of Blood River Palace!
And there are at least ten guru auras floating in the city.

"The foundation, this is the foundation!"

Nanzhou magic way is too strong!
There are three true immortal-level demon emperors and more than 40 demon emperors.

And the existence of the Grandmaster has almost broken through four digits!
Great monks at the Golden Core Magic Embryo level are all aiming at the [-] mark!

But what about Donglai?

There are more than twenty robber immortals, including the hidden world robber immortals that may exist in Yizhou.

Grandmasters are full of calculations, including the reincarnated masters who are only around a hundred.

The Great Cultivator of Jindan was killed several times by Nanzhou.

"Dragon King, damn it!"

Without the Battle of Overthrowing Continent, why would Donglai's vitality be damaged so far?

Thinking of this, Fu Henghua felt even more pressured.

The revival of Dongnae is by no means achieved overnight.Even if you form alchemy yourself and achieve a fairy body.But it's hard to support alone, and you can't save the whole Donglai with the strength of one person.

Only by self-help, only self-improvement, and only by cultivating the continuous progress of the younger generations in the cultivation world can the Donglai cultivation world be restored to its old appearance.

In the past, Donglai, that made Nanzhou Demon Emperor behave with his tail between his legs.A super power that has never dared to have the slightest delusions.

Thinking of this, Fu Henghua gained a deeper understanding of Donglai Jiexian's attitude of supporting their juniors.

Standing tall and looking far, you will realize how small you are.

Today's Donglai Thirteen Waters has a large number of talents, and many young people think that the current situation is a great prosperity after being broken and established.But the Jiexians know that the result of their thousand years of hard work is not even one-tenth of what it used to be.

"Turn back, spread more Taoism and exercises. Let's give more lectures in Lingjie Cave."

After the deity noticed the scene of Wanhun City, he immediately contacted Taoist Bodhi, and started to preach in Donglai in the name of "Three-Star Cave Master" to support the younger generation.


Boy Wukong strolled in the City of Thousand Souls.

After wandering around, he frowned.

"Something's wrong. Look here, why are there only monks?"

Whether it's a residential area or a shop, everyone has more or less demons on them.Even a child of four or five years old can see a little demonic aura.

So, where are the mortals in Myriad Soul City?
Could it be that these residents are mortals?
City of Thousand Souls is being cultivated by all the people?

Confused, Wukong boy ran to the place where Fu Xuanhe was haunted, as Hong Xu said.

"Guest officer, go slowly. Next time I come, I will let Miss Yinger accompany you."

"Hey, guest officer, do you want to come to our Zuichun Building?"

"My lord, you are here. Miss Dong, I hope you have been looking forward to it for more than half a month."

Wukong stood at the door, looking at Yingying Yanyan in front of him, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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