
Chapter 558 What is the sky and what is the earth

Chapter 558 What is the sky and what is the earth
Fu Henghua was surprised to hear the news. After the initial shock, he said silently in his heart:

Senior Qiu Yu should be very happy to hear this news, right?

"So, Uncle got the moral inheritance of those seniors?"

"What? Are you curious about the Art of Stealing Heaven?"

"a little bit."

Mr. Yuejing looked at Fu Henghua with a half-smile.

Fu Henghua responded with a sincere look.

"Forget it, some gadgets, but they are not things of evil spirits. If you are interested, someone will bring them to you later. However, don't blindly study things that are too evil. You must know that there is a reason between heaven and earth. Some things , The price has been marked somewhere in the dark. You can’t afford the price of some things.”

Fu Henghua fully agreed.

crooked way?

I don't study that kind of thing, what I study is the righteous way.They are all secret techniques and Taoist methods that can lead to the avenue of good fortune.

Even the Donglai Gold List cannot detect——

Wait a moment?
Fu Henghua suddenly remembered one thing: "You said that the previous civilizations in Donglai were actually the civilizations of Tongtian Continent? After the destruction of the third cultivation civilization, the current four continents came into existence?"


Fu Henghua's heart was full of galloping horses.

The original prototype of the Donglai Gold List came from the first cultivation civilization.In the second era of Chi Ting civilization, it was truly created as a magic weapon.

In the third civilization, it is also a treasure that is closely related to Tongtian Continent.

After the division of the four continents, the gold list continued to be passed on in Donglai Shenzhou.


As an artifact that once resonated with Tongtian Continent——

In fact, it can appear in Nanyan Fuzhou and interfere with Nanyan Fuzhou to a certain extent!

Thinking of the countless treaties set up by the immortals on the Donglai Gold List, Fu Henghua had a headache.

Could it be that he has come to Nanyan Fuzhou.Do you still have to abide by those bad rules?
Wait...it shouldn't be necessary, right?

The scope of signing the Donglai Gold List is only Donglai Xianmo.Even if it is pushed forward, Yuxian Civilization has also intervened.But the gold list of that era was already only aimed at Donglai Shenzhou.

Those bad contracts and rules should be invalid in Nanyan Fuzhou.

Otherwise, my incarnation would refine the magic gourd and toss the magic cultivator like this.Can the Donglai Gold List still not respond?
It's just that Fu Henghua is cautious in the end, and dare not try the power of the gold list.

After thinking about it, let the avatar act a little more cautiously.


When I arrived in Nanzhou, I didn't expect to be restrained.

Especially here, there is an elder here.

Fu Henghua glanced at Mr. Yuejing, always feeling that his smile seemed to see through everything.

Among Dad's many friends, although this uncle has not met many times, he is definitely a master.

Good tempered and kind.

But before you know it, it can get you started.

Don't let him get involved in the topic.

Fu Henghua thought silently, and suddenly asked: "Uncle, sister, Xuan Xing and the others?"

"Fu Xuanxing is retreating in the back mountain to form alchemy, Fu Tongjun and Hengshou are guarding. Fu Yaozhen and Yuwen Chunqiu are entrusted by me to do some things. When you turn around, you can see them."

"Uncle thinks, what about Xuan Xing?"

"Innocence, there is a pure beauty that is not polluted by knowledge."

Heng Hua was speechless immediately: "You mean, he is ignorant and incompetent!"

Mr. Yuejing smiled slightly.

This is your brother's evaluation, I didn't say it.

Mr. Yue Jing continued to comment: "His cultivation talent is good, as expected, he was born with it."

Fu Henghua thought about it, the words passed through his ears, circled in his heart a few times, and finally translated: Those people had a very powerful layout on him, and they spent a lot of effort.

Fu Henghua was not surprised that Mr. Yuejing knew those people and hated them.

Father's best friend, a master of divination.Can you not understand what happened back then?

Do you have any grudges against those people?

And from the fact that Mr. Yuejing hid overseas, Fu Henghua seemed to understand.

It is indeed possible to avoid the interference of those few here.

However, why did uncle say.Only half of his purpose in coming to Nanzhou was to hide from them?
The other half, why?
Just when Fu Henghua was about to ask, Mr. Yuejing asked first.

"Have you ever been to the Demon God's Mouth?"


"Have you seen the appearance of the Nine Lands?"


Mr. Yue Jing pondered for a while, then picked up a jujube from the table.

"Leave a homework for you."

Fu Henghua's eyelids twitched.

Okay, it's still the same as when I was a child.

"You use this jujube to simulate heaven and earth. Tell me, where is the sky and where is the earth?"

Fu Henghua took the jujube and said softly: "According to the general saying, clean air rises to become the sky, and turbid air descends to become the earth."

"So, that's your answer?"

Fu Henghua looked at the jujube in his hand with a strange expression.

"The answer uncle wants is that the skin is the sky and the core is the earth?"

He didn't think that a general answer could satisfy Mr. Yue Jing.

But if it's the latter, it involves the structure of this world.

It also involves the most fundamental cognition of many monks - the way of heaven and earth.

"It's not that I want an answer, but you have to answer for yourself. First, where does gravity come from? If gravity comes from the earth. Then did gravity exist in the world before the formation of the earth? If so, what is the source of gravity? If If it doesn't exist, what kind of power is it that can make the turbid air descend and turn into the earth?"


Fu Henghua was completely silent.

Because Mr. Yuejing's question is a fundamental question on the traditional sense that "the upper part is the sky, and the lower part is the earth".

In the absence of Earth, gravity does not exist.So why should the turbidity drop?


Fu Henghua took the jujube, with a face full of thought, and followed Yin Yanqing down to rest.

Looking at the back of the young man thinking hard, Mr. Yuejing let out another long breath.

"Uncle has made great contributions to the common people, he has made great contributions to the world!"

Why did I hide in Nanzhou?
Half of the reason is because those people are too annoying, thinking about interfering with my divination all day long, trying to manipulate me.

The other half of the reason is to hide from you, kid!


Those friends of Hongwen Pavilion Master and his wife are indeed some sincere friends.

After the two of them had an accident, they originally planned to come to Panlong Island and take care of the orphans left behind.

Mr. Yuejing was the first to arrive.

In those few days, he was terrified, staring at the direction of Hongwen Pavilion, at a loss.

For this reason, Mr. Yuejing spent a lot of money to do the whole divination for Fu Henghua.

What Fu Yaozhen saw, he also saw.And without the interference of those people, he can confirm that it is not someone deliberately misleading him, but that Fu Henghua does have those dangerous futures, and at that point in time, he is about to take that step.

The death of his parents had a great impact on a child who had a smooth childhood and knew many magic and secret methods.

Mr. Yue Jing is convinced that if he leads Fu Henghua into the lineage of Zhu Guren.

Regardless of whether the original intention of "chasing the ancients" is still there.

After Fu Henghua grows up, he will inevitably destroy the entire Donglai cultivation world, and create a "bonsai world" that meets his wishes and only his ideas, and only exists in his hands.

He will take advantage of the ideals of the ancients, and take advantage of the opportunity of cultivating civilization to prove the Tao, and take that immortal step.

The only thing worth discussing is which path Fu Henghua will choose in the future that is extremely miserable for all living beings in Donglai and even the entire Tongtian Four Continents?

It is to unify the magic way first, achieve the emperor of the devil, and then go to the western continent to fight against the King Jinpeng.

Or do you fall into the evil way first, be hunted down by the immortals and demons for a hundred years and then slowly fight back, and finally ascend to the sky by stepping on the bones of the evil emperor?

Or run to Nanzhou to be tempted by the Demon God's Mouth?
Mr. Yuejing sees no less future than Fu Yaozhen.

Even through Fu Yaozhen, Mr. Yue Jing can understand and confirm one thing.

"Those people in the sky" are full and have nothing to do, do they have to show Fu Yaozhen, a little girl, Fu Henghua's various futures of becoming demons and evils?

Why did they use Fu Yaozhen to prevent those possibilities from happening in the future?
Because of not working hard, those few futures will happen.Let alone escape the seal, they are all going to die!
None of the real immortals and dragon kings can survive!
They didn't deliberately set up a trap to trap Yaozhen, but sincerely hoped that Fu Yaozhen would work hard to block Fu Henghua's way of heresy.

Don't fall into heretics, even if he has tossed out of heaven in the immortal way.

It is nothing more than one more true immortal, one more patriarch who opened the way.

At least, he is reasonable!
Compared with heretics who are cruel and tyrannical and have no reason or rules at all.

A decent immortal, even if he has a different stand, that is a good result.

Facing the terrible future that is about to happen, apart from running to give Fu Danwei a blow, Mr. Yue Jing also encouraged Fu Henghua's uncles and elders on Panlong Island to take good care of him.

He even gave careful instructions to Hengshou and Xiaoyu.

And when Yin Yanqing's father proposed to take Fu Henghua back to the base camp, Mr. Yuejing slapped him back.


Panlong Island is Fu Henghua's home!

Where are you going!
Our base camp?

Thank you, I am the second-generation leader of Zhu Guren.

I mean it - no way!
He came forward to persuade many friends of the two friends, and persuaded many people who planned to raise and take care of Fu Henghua nearby to leave.

Because Vodanwei is dying.Bai Huangtang couldn't hold Panlong Island and wanted to move away.

It may not be good for Fu Henghua to stay on Panlong Island.Bringing Fu Henghua to his side is definitely better than a Fu family that is about to be in chaos.

This was what many people thought at the time.

However, Mr. Yuejing also set up this situation.

Just because Fu Danwei was about to die, his death could just bind Fu Henghua, so that Fu Henghua would not be possessed before Fu Danwei died.

In front of an elder who is about to die, it is impossible for Fu Henghua to devote all his energy to researching sorcery.Instead, they will choose to find ways to treat and survive for the elders.

Why did Fu Henghua study evil ways? Because his relatives left one after another, he had the desire for immortality and the pursuit of power.

Therefore, filial piety can tie him down!
As we all know, Fu Danwei is a chivalrous man with a formidable righteousness and a hatred of evil.

He would never allow his grandson to be possessed.He will not allow himself to practice magic skills because of his lifespan that is about to run out.

Therefore, Fu Henghua's study of exercises must be the method of immortal calligraphy.

In this case, Fu Henghua can be distracted.And during the period before Fu Danwei's death, various experts can be invited to teach Fu Henghua Taoism and strange arts.

While absorbing his energy, slowly guide him out of the shadow of his parents' death.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Mr. Yue Jing himself does not show up.

Ask yourself, if you are in Donglai, can you bear not to see Fu Henghua, not to point him out?
Can't do it!
And the things I learned...

Doesn't that point to push Fu Henghua to the evil way?
Mr. Yuejing asked himself that he knew Fu Henghua very well, because he saw himself in Fu Henghua when he was young.

If it weren't for the desperate efforts of those friends, I'm afraid I would have become a "Heavenly Evil Son".

"Uncle Fu is amazing. I really relied on my own strength to break this little monster back."

Thinking silently, Mr. Yuejing took out a wooden box.

Open the box and inside is a charred bird stuffed animal.

Its beak is extremely sharp, flickering with cold light, and there is a little blood.

This is a woodpecker and Fu Henghua's childhood doll.

And Mr. Yuejing knows the spells cast on him.

"The wood eats the brain, and the thousand birds fly back. Back then, he was only three years old..."

(End of this chapter)

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