
Chapter 564

Chapter 564

The five-color cloud light moved, and the Taixuan five-color bracelet flashed in front of Ersha.

Fu Xuanxing hooked his fingers lightly, and the bracelet lightly tapped Er Sha's forehead, Er Sha's body trembled and fell into the sea again.

"Don't kill them."

Seeing Fu Xuanxing's overbearing mana, Fu Henghua immediately stopped.

The five-color bracelet was in the air, and when it was about to be smashed down again, it was recalled by Fu Xuanxing, and it turned into two dragons beside it, flying slowly.

"Brother Six, do you want to keep it?"

"Look up the situation of the East Sea God Palace."

As Fu Henghua said, he dispersed the "Taixuan Bracelet" he had made, and the two dragons flew in the air, then formed a long red silk and fell into the water, and lifted the shark out.

Under the control of Fu Henghua, Changling rolled back and forth in the East China Sea, reflecting the waves of water red.

From time to time, Fu Henghua glanced at Fu Xuanxing with a pensive look on his face.

Fu Xuanxing was a little confused by his eyes, looking around, he didn't seem to be doing anything?

It's a pity, this kid is also an adult body, if the body of a child...

It would be interesting to hold the bracelet in one hand and stuff the red silk into the other hand.

Of course, the thought was fleeting.He picked up the long silk and pulled the depressed Er Sha to his side.

The eyes are deep, as if there is an infinite way hidden in them.

With ease, he obtained the information he needed from the soul of the two sharks.

Fu Xuanxing stood on one side, uninterested.

What is there to study in a sea that doesn't even have real dragons?
Although Fu Xuanxing doesn't like the dragon clan, but because of his close relationship with the real dragon, he looks down on other aquatic clans even more.

There were no dragons in the East China Sea Shrine, and he noticed it when the two sharks showed up, and even after Fu Xuanxing came to the East China Sea.

There is no dragon aura attached to the entire sea area, but a strange and mysterious aura.

The so-called Lord of the Eastern Sea is definitely not a dragon.But a powerful water demon or water mage?
Fu Henghua got satisfactory information from the memory of the two sharks, and with a push of his palm, he used the "Heavenly Demon Zhannian Sword" to erase the memory of their capture.

Throwing the second shark back into the water, he said to Fu Xuanxing.

"It's too much trouble, let's go help uncle get things first."

Mr. Yuejing's order was for the two of them to come to an island deep in the East China Sea to pick up an ancient monk.

Then the two locked their positions, pulled up the monk's water mansion, and held Heng Hua between their palms.

Just when the two were about to go back, Fu Henghua frowned and looked into the deep sea again.

"The companions of those two sharks? What about the East China Sea Shrine?" Fu Xuanxing became excited.

He had just formed the alchemy, and he was still the top-ranking golden alchemy under the Taixuan system. He was very excited at the moment and wanted to find a suitable partner to practice his hands with.

"It should be, maybe it's one of the sons and daughters of the 'Spirit King'."

Through the shark's memory, he learned that the owner of the East China Sea Shrine is known as the "Spirit King".This is a title passed down from generation to generation, and the current Lord of the East China Sea is the eighth generation Spirit King.He entrusted eighteen children to manage the waters of the East China Sea.

And from the descriptions of Jiuyin Xuanjun, He Lianjin and others.The inheritance of the East China Sea Shrine is completely different from the other five places in Nanyan Fuzhou.

Jade Dragon Sea is a place where immortals and demons fight, and there is no real master.

The Xushan Inner Sea is firmly controlled by the Star Wheel Emperor, and it is also the key to his influence radiating to the Central Continent.

The North Sea in Nanzhou is adjacent to Donglai, and it was the hometown of the Red Dragon King in Donglai.It is now occupied by a water demon.

The West Sea is the southeastern waters of Xizhou. There is no such peculiar environment as the hurricane belt between Nanyan Fuzhou and the western world.The West Sea is the main route between the two continents.As a neutral zone, this place is dominated by 28 deep-sea monsters, who are also vying for the position of "Sea King".

The sea area south of Nanzhou is out of the scope of Tongtianyu.And the Lord of the South China Sea is also a mighty Sea King, whose supernatural powers are not inferior to those of the Dragon Kings.

There is only the East China Sea, which is a boundary that the demon kings don't understand.It is said that the Demon Emperor Puhe forbids the monks of the Demonic Way to frequently go to the East China Sea.There seems to be a taboo on that side.

Fu Henghua's trip to the East China Sea is also intended to take a look at the "quality" of the East China Sea.

But no matter how hopeful he was, he couldn't feel any strong threat from Donghai.

The owner of the East China Sea Shrine may just be a master of robbery.

The existence in the deep sea surged up rapidly. Seeing the eddies on the surface of the water, Fu Henghua said coldly: "It's a Jindan realm. If you want to practice, just try it."


A black shadow sprang out of the water.

It was a weirdo shrouded in black mist.

"It's you who did it to my spirit shark?"

"First ask, are you a descendant of the Spirit King?"

"Oh? It seems that Your Excellency's purpose is to lure me out?" The weirdo was fully alert, and the black mist around him was entangled with the water surface, forming a unique water environment domain.The ocean current turns like a plain belt.

"Aren't you the third eldest? The third prince or something?"

"Hmph, so your target is the third brother? That's fine, let's take you to meet him."

The water environment was overturned, and the domineering waves took pictures of the two.

Fu Henghua lowered his hand, and five-colored peaks appeared under his feet to suppress the huge waves.

Fu Xuanxing next to him rubbed the "Double Dragons", condensed them into a double-edged broad sword, and slashed fiercely.

"Your opponent is me."

The Ssangyong Liangyi Sword splits the waves and divides the water, Fu Xuanxing stepped on the water like a flat ground, invading the strange man, and between opening and closing is a set of cloak and magic sword.

Seeing that his swordsmanship was peculiar, that strange man didn't dare touch his edge, but relied on his wonderful water skills, borrowed the power of ocean currents to create a vortex to counteract his forces, and relied on the East China Sea to fight at home.

The two played against each other for several rounds, Fu Henghua lowered his eyebrows in thought.

"Xuan Xing's alchemy, according to Erlong Daoist's ancient method system, is currently the first turn of the golden elixir, corresponding to the middle stage of the golden elixir today."

Although this so-called mid-Gold Core stage is Donglai Shenzhou's current practice system.But it is also possible to apply the two veins of immortals and demons in Nanyan Fuzhou.

And when Fu Xuanxing reaches the second turn, the level can be compared with Jindan late stage or Yuanying early stage.

At the third turn period, compared with the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul, it is time to start preparing for the catastrophe.

"Not bad. With this kid's current accumulation, it shouldn't be difficult to enter the second round."

The reason why Fu Xuanxing was unable to form the alchemy for a long time was that the water, fire and mana in his body could not be balanced.In terms of the power of the fire element alone, with the warmth of the fairy sword scabbard for a hundred years, his mana is strong enough to make many Jindan monks ashamed.

Now that he has drank more than ten cups of fairy wine, his mana has gained this fairy fate, and he has improved to a higher level.

Of course, the current mana that Fu Xuanxing cultivated himself will be equal to Fu Henghua's now.

The Great Chi Yuanzhu in Henghua's body has the immortal energy of 24 Jiexians.Only the magic power contained in Yuanzhu can kill Yuanying.That was also the life-saving method that the Jiexian sent him.

Dozens of moves passed, the strange man saw that he could not take down Fu Xuanxing for a long time, but he was gradually retreating under the opponent's strange Taoism and sword moves, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

"What's the background of this fellow? Judging by his means, he doesn't look like an immortal cultivator from You Continent. No, I'm at a disadvantage in fighting with my own body!"

The black mist suddenly rose, and he turned into a giant shark with a body length of one hundred feet and slammed into it.

Fu Xuanxing hurriedly set up the Shuanglong Sword, and the Taiji Diagram rose from the sword body to protect himself and Fu Henghua.

"You guy, you are too shameless! It is obviously a melee combat method, how can you do this kind of transformation?"

I don't know how to use the technique of Dharma, Heaven and Earth!
The huge waves are surging, and the god shark shuttles fiercely between the waves. The majestic momentum is like a real attack, attacking the two with the power of the East China Sea.

Fu Xuanxing had no choice but to hold the Erlong Broad Sword and try to catch the dragon in the sea.

"Shark Transformation Technique? Let the combat power rise from the Golden Core level to a higher level?"

Heng Hua's laughter sounded, he grabbed it, and the Five Elements Mountain under his feet disintegrated into five balls of vitality, and then turned into five dragon heads circling around Fu Xuanxing.

"This is the Dharma picture for Yuwen Chunqiu, I will use it for you first."

"This is--"

The five faucets gradually become larger, each of which is about ten feet wide and is divided into the colors of the five elements.Together, it is like a ring of five elements.

"Five-headed dragon ring, a means of opposing King Xuan."

Heng Hua simply mentioned something, and Fu Xuanxing immediately understood.

Isn't this five dragon rings the advanced method of Yuwen Chunqiu's "Five Dragon Wheels"?
He gave birth to the two dragons of Yin and Yang again, and settled in the white and cyan dragon heads respectively.As for the other three faucets, they are controlled by Lihuo, Kanshui and the remaining power of the Yellow Dragon King in their bodies.

With a whoosh sound, the five lifelike dragon heads came to life completely. Under the command of Fu Xuanxing, they fled into the waves, chasing and biting the giant shark.

"This is the beauty of Dharma."

Under the blessing of the "five-headed dragon ring".The god shark retreated steadily, and was bitten with a large number of wounds.

In the end, it was seen that he was doomed.Fu Henghua threw down a Five Elements Mountain from the sky, knocking Shensha unconscious on the spot.

After the technique of transformation was lifted and the black mist dissipated, a creature with a human body and fish tail floated on the surface of the water.


Fu Xuanxing was startled: "He, is he a half-demon—the son of a monster?"

"It's not like, there is no evil spirit."

Fu Henghua supported the water mansion and floated over in the air.

Looking carefully at the "weird", his upper body is exposed, and his muscles are clearly visible.

"From the perspective of muscle structure, it should be swimming frequently. And from the color, it should often come out to bask in the sun. As for the lower body..."

It was the lower body of the shark, gray-blue in color.

shark people?
Humans and sharks having sex?

Been cast with the "Curse of Beastization"?
A race born of the sea?
Heng Hua flashed various thoughts, quickly installed the shark man, and called Fu Xuanxing to leave the East China Sea quickly.

He didn't want to beat the young ones to the old ones, and finally there would be a "flooding Cangshui Villa" incident.

But because he was going back to Cangshui Villa, it was inconvenient to take care of the shark man, so he simply sent the shark man to the underground blessed land with the ring immediately after returning to You Continent, and asked Yunmengyin to check it.

After Yun Mengyin retreated in Fu Henghua, her life was quite leisurely.The work Heng Hua assigned to her has been completed, and she is currently reading the research notes in Fu Henghua's study.

Fu Pengming quickly found him.

"Sister Yun, my brother asks you to do me a favor."

"What's the matter?" Yun Mengyin put down "On the Cause of Blood", got up and walked over.

Seeing the shark man at the door of the study, she was taken aback.

"Blood Trolls?"

"No, there is no Demon Palace of Hundred Beasts here, how can there be those evil things? My brother found them in the East China Sea, let you try to check."

an examination?
Yunmengyin looked at the "On the Cause of Blood" on the table, and suddenly became interested.

Fu Henghua was born in Donglai for more than a hundred years, and he made good friends with Xue Kai, Ge Liu and other medical masters.Under his deliberate promotion, Ge Liu and others combined Heng Hua's previous medical theories to create many new schools of medicine for Donglai, and many classics were derived.

"Blood Cause Theory" is one of them, which tells that the human body contains many spiritual factors.Through the spiritual factor, one can identify the identity, find the most suitable elixir, and go back to the past through the "spiritual factor" to dig out the information of the distant ancestors inherited in the body.

"Coincidentally, I have learned the technique of 'Blood Spirit Reflection', and I am worried that I don't have a body for me to practice. Fellow Daoist Fu is considerate, so here I am."

Looking back at the blood spirit, the secret technique created by Xue Kai.

According to the theory of blood origin: the spiritual body contains the genetic factors inherited from the parents, and this kind of spiritual factors form a new genetic factor through the combination of the genetic factors of both parties.The bloodline talent of the spirit person is recorded by this part of the spiritual factor.

Through backtracking and restoration, not only the information of the parents can be found, but also the information of the ancestors can be continuously traced back to dig out all the information of the eighteen generations of the ancestors.

Yun Mengyin called Fu Pengming to send the "Sharkman" to Fu Henghua's workshop, and immediately began to operate it.


When Fu Henghua returned to Cangshui Villa, Hengshou and Mr. Fu Tong also brought what Mr. Yuejing needed from other places.

When Fu Yaozhen and Yuwen Chunqiu returned, Mr. Yuejing pushed some things to Fu Yaozhen.

"These things are for you. There is something in Nanzhou that is related to your life and death. You must get it."

With this thing, you can escape the schemes of those in the sky.

Hearing this, Fu Yaozhen immediately widened her eyes, staring at a few items on the table.

Those are the fragments of maps that Mr. Yue Jing took from several ruined mansions, and after putting them together, they are a complete ancient repair site.

"Nanyan Fuzhou is good at talisman, and likes to seal supernatural powers and secrets in talismans. The mansion of this senior immortal is the only place I know of that treasure."

What Mr. Yuejing said was vague, Yuwen Chunqiu and others were also puzzled.

But Fu Yaozhen understood.

Death is inevitable.

That's fate, it's a curse.

But death is not the end.

Dead, can come back to life.

Bringing back to life magical powers!

"Hangshou, sister's opportunity, you should go and see it too. Help sister."

Although Heng Hua didn't know the whole picture, he trusted the methods of the two divination masters, and immediately arranged for Heng Shou, Fu Tongjun and others to go with him.

"Afterwards, you can change your identities and try to go to Tianyu Mountain to help support the scene."


There is an extra message on the ring, which is a note from Black Moon Reef.

Fu Henghua took it out and looked at it, and it read: "The situation is urgent, return quickly——Yun Mengyin, Fu Pengming."

They didn't stay long, and greeted Yu Xiaolei together, and the two returned in a hurry.

"Uncle, Yuan Dao he..."

After the two left, Yin Yanqing asked Mr. Yuejing.

Mr. Yue Jing pinched his fingers and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. It's just some achievements in ancient exploration. It doesn't matter to know about it through another way."

Originally, if he stayed a few more days, I would teach him.

But he does it himself, so let him do his own research.


Henghua and Hua hurried back and went straight to the underground blessed land.

Yu Xiaolei was still worried about the evil cultivators coming, but he went to the blessed land to have a look.

Everyone was busy with their work without any panic.

Fu Xuange is in charge of guarding, Zhang Xiyue is in charge of farming, and Yu Linshan is in charge of casting...

"Heng Hua, is it possible that we have fallen into an illusion? How can I look at it, is it all right?"

Heng Hua didn't speak, and went straight to Bailongchuan's study.

In the workshop, he saw Yu Danqing, Yun Mengyin, Fang Dongyuan and others gathered together, studying several corpses.

Are those mortals, demon cultivators, and immortal cultivators from Nanyan Fuzhou?
Fu Henghua was surprised and leaned over slowly.

Seeing that the Sharkman was still alive and tied to the seat, he felt a little relieved.

"what's up?"

"Heng Hua, come and read this analysis." Fang Dongyuan said with a serious face, and handed him a copy of the blood analysis recorded by Yunmengyin.

"These guys in Nanyan Fuzhou are not 'people' at all."

Heng Hua took it and swept it away, his face gradually became serious.

He looked through several test results one after another, and asked Yu Danqing again.

"Only checked once?"

"The result of Yunmengyin came out and sent it to us immediately. Then I checked it twice. It can be confirmed that the mortals in Nanyan Fuzhou are not inherited from one line, but from several different ancestors. Among them, there is only one line of ancestor factors and The origin of the Donglai people is the same. Only the mortals in the You Continent, the villagers of Changsheng Village, are of the same origin and the same species as us."

"Could it be because of the mixed continents and the fusion of blood?"

"Some people in Central China are like this. In addition to the blood inheritance of the Donglai race, there is another kind of inheritance from distant ancestors. But the other two subjects—although they look the same as us, with two eyes and one nose ...but the spiritual elements in their blood are very different from ours."

Not a race?
In Fu Henghua's previous life, in a world where multiple races coexisted, he didn't respond much.

The nine heavens and ten lands are extremely vast, and it is not difficult to give birth to people in many places.

"So, what does this mean?"

Yu Danqing sighed: "Later, I conducted another set of experiments to extract the spiritual factors in their blood - this is your Yanlong technique, you should understand it. I won't explain it further. I am sure through comparison that they The attributes of the spiritual factors in the body are very similar to those of the 'Earth Shark'. I speculate that their blood ancestors came from the ground. In addition, the bloodline of the sharkman you sent back is also different from ours. It is completely different' Another creature of the Terran'. In a sense, his spiritual factor is closer to the several 'underground people' we examined.

"They are descendants of demon gods, or in other words - the demon race."

 The manuscript has not been revised yet, let's talk when I wake up.

  As an additional mention, now the starting point has an additional error correction function.

  Readers correct errors through some client-side function, and I can see the report in the background, and I can correct errors by directly clicking on that chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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