
Chapter 566

Chapter 566

"This is the land of spirits in Tianyu Mountain. But our family hasn't used it yet."

After Fu Henghua led the people to Tianyu Mountain, he explained to Fu Tian'er the intention of coming.

Although Fu Tianer hesitated, he still led the five Fu Henghua to the "Land of Yunling".

Yunling Land, commonly known as "Earth Vein Delivery Room".

In order to reproduce, the Xiuzhen family will use secret techniques to send "fertilized eggs" into the spiritual veins, and use the power of the spiritual veins to give birth to spirits.This is equivalent to treating the spiritual vein as the mother body.In a spiritual vein, there is only one secret point capable of this function.The Yunling Land of Panlong Island is in Longchi.Therefore, every member of the Baihuangtang family will be baptized when they are born.Its essence is also to strengthen the body through the power of the spiritual vein.

After Nanzhou Fu's family had a dispute with others, the Chiyuan Taoist sect mediated to obtain Tianyu Mountain.After that, the Fu family did not wantonly expand the population, so although the "Yunling Land" in Tianyu Mountain has been completed, it has not been used.

Fu Henghua verified the conjecture that "the people of Tongtian come from the earth", and specially asked Fu Tianer to open the door.

As for Fu Dange and other three juniors and Fu Bozhao, out of the consideration of creating fake identities for the four of them, they were also brought into Yunling Land.

When the gate is slowly opened, a lush green nursery garden is revealed.

In the center of the flower garden there is a precious sill with a vermilion fence, about ten meters square, and the cool breeze inside is slowly drawing spiritual power from the veins of the earth.

At the door, the six of them felt bursts of fresh and pure spiritual energy from the earth veins.

"It's so abundant spiritual power," Uncle Fu Zhao said in surprise, "If you conceive and raise a soul boy here, you will definitely get a superior bloodline talent."

Fu Henghua looked at the spirit veins and observed the whirlwind in the fence.

There are various ways of Yunling.

According to his understanding, the Yunling lands of the three families in Yanlong Northern Territory have a big tree growing in each.Placing the spiritual seed on the tree, like the birth of a fruit, can make the descendants of the three families fall into adulthood.

The Zhu family in the southern region of Yanlong has a sea of ​​flames in its spiritual land.According to legend, after the catastrophe of the Zhu family in the past, a group of spirits were born from the flames by lighting fire.

Fu family, no need to ask, it is naturally related to the wind.

Fengyin is something that everyone in the Fu family can master, and it is also an innate ability that each of them possesses.

Fu Henghua raised his hand to sense with Fu Xuanhe's "Yun Ling Fengxuan".

"Uncle, do we still have a suitable spirit seed in our family?"

Fu Tianer hesitated, and took out a small bottle.There is a line of small characters on the bottle, "Xu Ju Tang, Fu Bo Zhao".

Fu Bozhao's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Uncle, why are you torturing me? You don't have anyone else's on hand? What about your own?"

Fu Dange and the other three children sniggered behind them.

Uncle Fu Zhao stared over: "What are you laughing at, when you grow up, you will keep a copy at home."

Bloodline families value continuity.

If you can keep burning incense, you can keep burning incense.

At the request of the family elders, many clansmen left "spiritual seeds" after they became adults, so that they could pass on their bloodline after his accident.Of course, there are still some clansmen with high talents and aptitudes, and the elders also hope that they can leave descendants as soon as possible so that their excellent talents can be passed on.

"I'm here myself, why bring my spirit seed? It's still in Baiyutang." Futian smiled and put away the small bottle, and took out another "spiritual seed" left by the six generations of Xujutang .

Fu Baitang's expression changed: "This...is this my brother's?"

His older brother died 200 years ago, and he has only seen his name in the genealogy.

"When we came out, we didn't bring many 'spiritual seeds'. Including the probability of failure, there are not many left now."

Heng Hua said with a smile: "It's okay, only four pieces are enough."

After taking the vial, he muttered something.

Seeing this, Fu Bozhao took the initiative to invite a gust of breeze to stand around, preventing the sound of Fu Henghua's incantation from leaking out.

The mantra for conceiving and nurturing spirits can be called the fundamental secret of every family.Except for the high-ranking core members, the general direct clan members will not teach it.

And this spell is extremely demanding on operation.Generally, a golden core monk or a monk with a spell ability comparable to a golden core is required.

When Fu Xuanhe and his party came, only two of them could use this spell.The birth of many spirits from the Fu family in Nanzhou was all arranged by Fu Xuanhe.

As the preacher of the Fu family, Fu Henghua has mastered many core secrets of the Fu family, and this spell will naturally.With his current cultivation base, he can also display it.

Fu Tianer also silently closed his hearing, not daring to record the spell at will.

The fifteen-hour chanting of the mantra was over, and Fu Henghua flicked his fingers.

"go with!"

Four groups of spiritual seeds containing life breath were thrown into the whirlwind in the fence.

The breeze circulated, and four streams of wind flew out automatically to wrap the spirit seed.

The four small whirlwinds are like wombs, slowly providing nutrients for the spiritual species.

After Fu Henghua finished all this, he lowered his head and pondered for a while, then asked Fu Tianer.

"Uncle, do the families on Nanzhou have such spells?"

Fu Tianer nodded and said: "Yes, but not many. Just like our side, only big families with deep foundations have such spells."

Don't expect this kind of spells like the kind of family that only has foundation-building monks to support the facade.

That's a little strange.

Fu Henghua has always believed that there are physical restrictions on spirits.What are the three spiritual riots and intelligence locks... They were all prepared by the monks of the previous generation of cultivation civilization, the Longju era, to prevent the population explosion.

But in the time of Longju, the two continents in the southeast were separated by the sea.Where did Nanyan Fuzhou's cultivation family learn from?
Could it be the exchanges between the two continents?

Or, the technique of conceiving a person through spiritual veins can be advanced to an even more ancient era.

For example, when Tongtian Continent was built?
Why did Heng Hua come here to do experiments?
It is believed that the birth of the people of the ancestors of Tongtian may be solved through the method of "conceiving people with spiritual veins".

Tongtian Continent has six cultivation civilizations, but it is by no means the oldest human civilization.

According to the records of the Fu family, plus Nanyan Fuzhou's records of the magic way.

The history of Tianxu Shenzhou can no longer be calculated by simple civilization era.

Since the ancestors of the Fu family could come from the east of Tianxu Continent.Then, in the era of Tongtian Continent, will there be some masters who brought spiritual seeds from Tianxu Divine Continent and other outlands to give birth to the first batch of human races?
While Fu Henghua was meditating, the four spiritual seeds in the wind fetus were slowly growing.

Soon, everyone saw the shape of the head and body.

"So fast?"

Fu Tian'er was astonished and said: "Back then, Xuanhe practiced the method, and it took three days to grow a head."

"It's hard to say other things. But in the field of creation and life, my elder brother is not as good as me."

The time for Lingmai to conceive is not fixed.

Some people need a year, some need months, and some need a few days to complete the spell.

Although Fu Henghua is the first time to get started.However, methods such as "spreading beans into soldiers" are often used, and the way of good fortune is the foundation of his life.

With just a flick of a finger, the soul-seed can produce a brain, body, and limbs.

After the limbs grow, the speed of gestation slows down.

The spirit fetus is silently absorbing the power from the Heavenly Feather and Earth Veins.

"Yuyi, Feng Yu, Hui Xin, Spirit Vision, Sword Bone, and Long Yan?"

Fu Tianer nodded and said: "These are arranged by your elder brother. In addition to the five that our family wants, Yuyi is a talent blessed by Tianyu Lingmai. It can make people have illusory wings, and they can fly in the sky after birth. "

However, although they detected the ability of this bloodline talent.

But it did not start to conceive the tribe.They didn't care much about a flying talent.

Heng Hua nodded: "Well, among these two men and two women, there happens to be a girl who inherits the talent of 'Yuyi'."

Two men and two women?

Looking at the indistinct flesh and blood in the wind tire, Fu Baitang muttered: "Brother, can you recognize the gender now?"

"I still have this vision."

Heng Hua lightly grabbed the four of Fu Baitang and fished out a wisp of breath from them.

Then it was blown into the whirlwind and turned into four illusory spirit embryos.

"It's done. I'll use secret techniques to disguise your destiny. In the future, when the Nanzhou monks observe you, they will deduce that you are the monks conceived by the spiritual veins of Tianyu Mountain. It is the hidden power of the Fu family. From now on, you will be born in the Fu family Help here. Cousin—"

Fu Bozhao: "I can save it."

Although the purpose of his trip was to monitor and record Fu Henghua's words and deeds.

But the rise and fall of Nanzhou Fu family is equally important.


Fu Xuanhe is still alive now.

Although Fu Henghua ignored a certain possibility, Fu Bo Zhao was well-versed in the world and had already thought of it.

"There is some small trouble here in the Fu family. My cousin took the three little ones to help solve one or two. When people from the Chiyuan Taoist sect are attracted, let them join the Chiyuan Taoist sect."

Fu Dange is proficient in the two hexagrams of Shanhuo, and he follows the lineage of Huoyanshan.Fu Henghua has already laid a good foundation for him, and he only needs to join the Chiyuan Taoist School to practice the true Taoism.

Fu Bai Tang Shanxiu Li Gua, famous for his fire method.In the Chiyuan Taoist school, there are also suitable Taoism.For example, the genuine Xiantian Li Gua.

As for Fu Xueke, he has a lot of knowledge about Kan Gua, and he is incompatible with the Chiyuan Taoist school.However, under the guidance of Fu Henghua, with the mountains and rivers as the foundation, he simulated a Taoism in the "Shan Hai Jing".Fu Henghua believes that this Taoism is of great significance to the Chiyuan Taoism.

"However, how these three people apprenticed to the teacher, my cousin should be sure, so don't be too upset."

"Understood, understood. As the saying goes, a family has hundreds of women begging. At that time, let Chi Yuandao send to beg, instead of us taking the initiative to do so."

Fu Bozhao knows how to grasp the measure here.

Soon, Fu Tianer led the four of them down.

Only Fu Henghua stayed in the land of Yunling, and continued to study "Spiritual Pulse Pregnancy".


Donglai Remains Island, a deserted ancient forest.

Suddenly, a piece of vitality surged from the center of the forest.

Elder Linden is teaching a few newborn dryads.Suddenly, he felt something in his heart, and quickly got up and went into the deep forest.

When I came to the Bodhi Garden, I saw the Bodhi Taoist standing under the old tree with a green crown.

There is a small branch in front of him, the end is inserted in the soil, and nine bodhi fruits are hung on the branch.


Bodhi fruits fell to the ground one after another, turning into elves the size of thumbs.

"I am done!"

Under the operation of the deity, Taoist Bodhi finally completed the initial creation of a life race.

(End of this chapter)

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