
Chapter 571

Chapter 571 Water and Fire Ruthlessly Refining Good Fortune ([-] words plus supplementary recording)
East China Sea, the camp of demons.

The Lord of the Five Aggregates sits quietly with the group of demons.

All the devils below were discussing and discussing the matter of the East China Sea Palace.

The palace of the East China Sea is isolated from the outside world, and this time it suddenly jumped out and intervened, which made both immortals and demons very helpless.

But through communication, they knew that King Ling was planning to mobilize people to find his son.

"His son, who of you has seen it?"

The Five Aggregates Demon Lord glanced at the group of demons present, and the group of demons looked at each other with blank faces.


A cool breeze blows.

After waiting for a while, Mo Jun saw no one speak.

"Looking at it this way, you don't know?"

"Master, maybe the Immortal Dao did this?"

The Demon Lord lightly glanced at his apprentice.

"Do you believe what you say?"


The man looked at his comrades present, feeling uncertain.

The Immortal Dao is free, so why catch a sharkman?

It is possible for those comprehension families to kill and seize treasures.

But all the corpses were taken away, and all the secrets of the sky were covered up.

What is this going to do?
In Immortal Dao, there aren't many ways to use dead bodies to practice kung fu?

On the contrary, there are many ways to kill people and practice kung fu in their own magic way.

The reason why the Five Aggregates Demon Lord gathered the group of demons was because he was worried about this.

"Who did it, stand up now. I can still help you. But if it is found out...hehe...don't blame me for being cruel."

There was another silence.

The group of demons looked at each other.

Moxiu secretly asked a familiar companion.

"Brother Wang, I remember you went to the East China Sea a few days ago?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not, I didn't! Although I planned to go, but I haven't acted yet. Then there was a surprise attack from the Immortal Dao. The puppet with a human face and a python body is lying in the East China Sea. How dare I go to the deep sea? "

"Brother Liu, what about you? You have been practicing alchemy recently, are you missing some elixir that can only be found in the deep sea?"

"I didn't go either? I bought my herbs from Wanhun City."

All the demons asked each other, and blamed each other.

In short, no one dared to answer this matter.

King Ling led a million-strong navy, aggressively.

According to the usual way of his own Lord Demon Lord, maybe he just threw the murderer out of the tank and used this to win the Lingwang water army to join the battle?
At this time, whoever dares to deal with this matter is courting death.

The Five Aggregates Demon Lord waited for a long time, but when he saw that no one stood up from the group of demons, he sighed softly and ordered his subordinates.

"Go and check, and list the travel records of the last three months for me every day. I want to see who went out without a reason and went to the deep sea to cause trouble."

"Master, maybe we really didn't do this?" A disciple stood up and said, "The immortal cultivator ran to the deep sea to collect medicine, confronted that prince, and then the two sides fought. Because I have never seen a half-man, half-fish image, regard the other party as a monster, and directly burn it with Samadhi real fire."

The Five Aggregates Demon Lord's eyes flashed, and he lowered his head to think.

He understood what his apprentice was thinking.

Regardless of whether this matter is done by oneself or not, one must try to blame Xiandao.


He has to know the truth.

If you don't know what happened, you can't do it if you want to create false evidence and plant it.

The Demon Lord had a similar idea from the very beginning.But he used his secrets secretly, but he couldn't count the battle at all, let alone who the murderer was.

In the end, under the order of the demon king, it is still necessary to first move out the travel records of the group of demons in the last three months.

In front of everyone, the direct disciples of the demon king began to record and check.

When the results came out, everyone was excited.


After being surprised, the Demon Lord said happily: "This matter really has nothing to do with us?"

He looked at the group of demons, and all the old demons shook their heads.

"That must have been done by Xiandao!"

The Demon Lord waved his hand, pointing to the travel record as high as a hill in front of him.

"Follow me to the Sea Clan camp and show them these."

First get rid of your own side, and then provoke the relationship between the other party and Xiandao.

Then... hehe...

The Demon King took action immediately.

But when they came to the camp of the Sea King Palace, they saw Jiexian coming with his disciples from the side of the Immortal Dao.

Seeing a wooden box beside them, Mo Jun's heart moved.

This group of monsters are not guilty of thieves, deliberately intending to forge evidence to frame our evil ways, right?
And Jiexian next to Yang Dai saw Wuyun Demon Lord coming, and his heart jumped.

The other party was not kind, so could it be that he was also planning to win over the East China Sea Palace?
"In the previous battles and discussions, the poor Taoist confiscated his strength, which caused the fellow Taoist to be injured. Looking at it now, fellow Taoist Wuyun looks good."

"To each other. Seeing your demeanor as before, I know that the palm of the day did not damage the foundation of fellow Taoists. In this way, I am very relieved, very relieved."

Jiexian and Mojun looked at each other, saw the killing intent in each other's eyes, then hummed heavily, and stepped into the camp at the same time.

I planned to ask someone to report it, but looking at it now - I must explain clearly one step faster than this monster/old devil!

The three princes got the order from King Ling, and hurried out of the inner hall to welcome the two groups of people into the hall.

As soon as he entered, he saw Lingwang sitting high on the seat, with dozens of masters standing on both sides.

The eyes of both sides lit up immediately.

Regardless of these masters and masters, if you just win King Ling to your side, you can control the battle situation in the East China Sea.

"Friends of both immortals and demons, I have lived in the deep sea for a long time, and I didn't intend to interfere in the affairs of the outside world. But the child disappeared for no reason, so I had to come to the water world to find out."

"Your Majesty's meaning, I understand."

Jiexian was about to speak when suddenly his feet shook.

He subconsciously sacrificed the magic weapon, intending to meet the Five Aggregates Demon Lord.

However, he saw that the Demon Lord was already prepared and took out his magic weapon to fight back.


not him?
Realizing that the movement was not caused by the other party, the two quickly looked at Shangshou Lingwang.

But the princes and princesses also looked panic-stricken, and King Ling held his chest and looked towards the deep sea in disbelief.

"not good--"

With a loud roar, he rushed out first.

The East China Sea has changed!

The eldest prince came to his senses, and hurriedly summoned several older princes to dispatch troops to follow him to catch up with the King Ling.

As for the people who are immortals and demons.

"Sister, you come to receive the two friends, and we will talk about it after the father comes back."


Fu Henghua worked silently in the volcano.

He circulated the red light with his right hand, gradually blending with the power of the red gold crystal sword.

Although the sword intent left by Nanli Sword Immortal is far superior to the Immortal Qi of 24 Tribulation Immortals.But that sword energy has the same origin as the "Nanli Sword Art" that Fu Xuanxing is practicing now.As a repairer of sword formulas, Fu Henghua is too familiar with this sword element attribute.

Moreover, it's not like he hasn't played with the fairy sword scabbard before.Therefore, when he started to cast the spell, the immortal energy in the red gold crystal sword was quickly drawn out, and the crystal sword was easily controlled by Fu Henghua.

It's just that the remains of the spirit king below are too troublesome.

The profound energy that was extremely cloudy and extremely cold condensed into ice.

Fu Henghua sensed the mystery of the remnant body of the "First Spirit King".

That is the body of a god and demon that involves the principle of extreme coldness in the world.

If the Ice Demon's aura can be deduced to the level of a real immortal, it probably has this level, right?
Facing the power of this extreme cold, Fu Henghua did not dare to be careless, carefully using the intention of Nanli Duanshui sword as a guide, and slowly drew a trace of immortal energy.

And constantly vibrating the crystal sword, erasing the spirituality attached to the extremely cold immortal energy, and taking it into the body as a ray of pure heaven and earth vitality.

This process was very slow, it took Fu Henghua more than half an hour to refine the extreme cold immortal energy into his body.

At the same time, when he peeled off the spiritual brand of Xianqi's participation, he also obtained some information from that year.

The first spirit king was not a water beast, but was conceived by an iceberg drifting from a distant sea.

Born to control cold waves, he is a sea god who is equal to a true immortal.

As for the Sharkmen clan in the East China Sea, they were created by him with the help of deep sea spirits with his own blood.Its shape is modeled after the first Lingwang himself.

So, did those sharks call him the Patriarch?
"How's the preparation? I see that people from the Sea Palace seem to be coming!"

As the volcano lost contact, the left-behind personnel of Haiwang Palace came to check.

"All right."

With a full swing of Fu Henghua's strength, the crystal sword struck directly, and slashed down on the solid ice below.

The mountain was shaken in an instant, and the moment the solid ice was pierced by the sword intent, countless divine powers erupted from self-mutilation.

"Fu Henghua, you—"

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Fu Henghua's expression was indifferent, and the avatar next to him changed into the real person Meng Chen, picked up Fu Henghua's main body and Zhang Xuan, and turned them into rainbow lights soaring into the sky.

The volcano collapsed and the earthquake continued to spread in all directions.

Fu Henghua looked down, his right hand condensed a miniature Five Elements Mountain, and threw it lightly towards the center of the earthquake.

"It's millions of souls, let's show them a way out."

King Ling and others rushed over, only to see a beam of light rushing towards the sea.The volcanic mine connected to the Neptune Palace's air veins was gradually engulfed by the flames and cold waves erupting inside.

"This...this is?"

Violent vitality erupted from the volcano.

No, there are no volcanoes at this moment.

Under the impact of flame and cold air.

A brand new azure blue crystal appeared.

The azure blue crystals gradually spread from the mountain pass, turning the entire area into a mountain of spar.

A prince hurriedly sent someone to pick it up.

When the spar was brought back, he took a closer look and was overjoyed.

"Father, look at the power inside—"

King Ling took the azure crystal and was stunned.

There was a chill on the surface of the crystal.You can hold it for a while, but you can feel the warmth inside.

It is different from the original holy flame breath, but... but this power is more vital and closer to their clan.

Just holding the crystal, King Ling felt a certain power in his blood was activated.

"Quick, get some more!"

He ordered people to pick the crystal stones on the ground.

Risking the aftermath of the earthquake, everyone found a large pile of crystals.

The Spirit King repeatedly checked and tried to make it according to the "Holy Flame" method.

In the end, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Haha...haha...well, it is really the blessing of the ancestor god. This is the hope that the ancestor god bestowed on us!"

In terms of effect, this kind of crystal containing Seagod's energy and life breath is more suitable for their family.

Being in the light range of this crystal for a long time can even improve the purity of the blood.

This is an opportunity for the spirit shark family!


Why did such a happy event happen?

A prince led people to search around Jingshan Mountain, and after a while, he said:
"I see. It was the ancestor god who got rid of that seal. His power broke out."

"Brother Wang means - because we have been mining for many years, the power of the crystal sword can no longer suppress the remaining power of the ancestor god. And when the power of the ancestor god counterattacks, the crystal sword has been damaged? The two forces collided with each other, forming this situation. A treasure of good fortune?"

King Ling nodded slowly when he heard the conversation between the two sons.

This is the most likely guess at present.

Just imagine, how could that existence suppress the half of the body left by the ancestor god just by relying on a sword energy?

However, for no reason.Why did the power of the ancestor gods explode at this moment.

Although the power of the crystal sword has weakened, nothing unusual has been felt recently.

"Father, let's save people first. There are quite a few of our people in this mine."

Mining the "Holy Flame" is the core secret of the East China Sea Palace.Those who participated in this matter were all confidantes.

King Ling would never watch them waiting to die in the mountains, so he hurriedly led a group of masters there in person.

After saving all the crystal carvings, King Ling's expression turned ugly.

He took the initiative to break the curse himself, and then restored everyone to their original appearance.

And knowing that there are two "dragon people" appearing here, King Ling's heart sank.

That is still a great nobleman in the deep sea.

I can't afford to provoke my Spirit Shark lineage.

Why did the Dragon Clan come to my East China Sea?

At this time, someone came to report the accident of the Acropolis.Knowing that it has something to do with the Dragon Clan again, King Ling's heart became heavier.

The dragon family intends to rule all seas.

Could it be that there is another Dragon Prince who came out of the palace and took a fancy to my three-acre land?

King Ling was flustered.

Thinking of the existence of Dayang King, he couldn't resist at all.

In the case that the Ocean King is a real dragon, it is impossible for any force in Yuanyu Ocean Region to resist the Dragon Clan.

"Father, there is news about my younger brother."

At this time, new information came.

After the earthquake, the spirit shark family finally found the unlucky prince who was unconscious.

Because the memory was tampered with by Fu Henghua, the blame for this incident naturally fell on the Dragon Clan.

There are really dragons who come to us to inquire about news.

The reason why the power of the ancestor gods exploded may be related to them.

Is it because they disturbed the power of the ancestor god that the ancestor god appeared?
King Ling looked at Jingshan in front of him and made a decision.

"Greeting the people outside, let them all come back. The whole country has entered the stage of preparations for war. With this treasure bestowed by the ancestor gods, maybe we can resist the invasion."

No matter how bad it is, we can change to another water area to escape.


Fu Henghua was completely unaware of the speculation about the future of King Ling, and the whole Kingdom of Lingsha was under martial law to prepare for war.

He didn't care about that either.

"I think your last shot seems to be a method of reconciling water, fire, yin and yang, and created a new item by means of good luck?"

"It's just a gadget."

Heng Hua said: "We don't have a deep hatred with the Lingshark family. If it wasn't for a prince from his family who bumped into my hand, why would I have to come to the deep sea to experience this?"

He waved the giant crystal sword in his hand, and said: "Now the karma is over, and there is nothing more to do with it."

Taking away the crystal sword will cause the Lingshark clan to be unable to mine the "Holy Flame", which will affect the fate of the country and the family.

But the Crystal Sword is not a treasure of the Spirit Shark Clan, so Fu Henghua will never feel indebted.

It's just that he took a piece of immortal energy from the first generation of Lingwang, and Fu Henghua felt that he had a little bit of karma and favor.In addition, a murloc country in the deep sea is really rare, so Fu Henghua showed compassion and gave the other party a little chance.

Using the true essence of good fortune as a guide, combined with the power of water, fire, and yin and yang, a brand new "Sea God's Crystal" was formed.

Activate the divine power of the first generation of the spirit king, but continue to make "holy flames", allowing the lineage of the spirit shark to continue to multiply.

After listening to Fu Henghua's explanation, Zhang Xuan didn't say much more.

After all, it is just a race under the sea and has little to do with them.

No matter how offensive the other party is, it is impossible to go to Donglai in the hurricane belt to make a fuss.

Back on the surface of the East China Sea, the two joined up with Fu Danyu.

Seeing the crystal sword in Fu Henghua's hand, Sha Jinchang was a little curious.

"This is the treasure you got from the bottom of the water? Could it be taken from the Palace of the Sea King?"

When Fu Henghua heard the words, he threw it directly at him.

"For Fu Xuanxing to find the opportunity, you help him hold it—"

Seeing Jingjian flying over, Sha Jinchang quickly went to catch it with both hands.


The next moment, his whole body was thrown into the water by the crystal sword.

"Forgot to tell you. This sword is a little heavy."

"Is... a little bit?"

A layer of crystal armor appeared on Sha Jinchang's body, and he fully exerted the power of the dharma puppet, holding the broad sword with both hands.

"Is this sword cast by you with the 'Size Wishing Curse'? I feel that this is not the original size at all."

"That's right, I cast a lot of spells—if it's named, can it be called Ruyi Excalibur?"

Fu Henghua chuckled lightly, and was the first to leave.

The sound came from far away.

"In no hurry to go back, let's go directly to Xuan Xing and the others. I'm also curious about the chance of sister."

Maybe, you can get another fairy energy.

  There is a saying in "The Mantra of the Royal King": When the king comes to the seven seas, he will rule the nine people.All the members of the sea and ocean are under the majesty of the "Great Spirit Zun Yuwang".There is a clan of Xuansha, and there are many sage kings. In the past, they were honored by the "Great Royal King", who bestowed crystal mountains to prosper the country and govern the country, and later became the lord of the seven seas.

  In the past, the "Sage King of Wuling Wude" visited Yushan to burn incense and worship.

  Suddenly there was a rainbow light soaring into the sky, and the holy flame rose from Yushan, which lasted for nine days.

  The earth shakes the sea, and the mountains shake Shenzhou.

  The holy king was not afraid in the face of danger, held his sword and looked around, and said to the panicked people around: "This is the god of the ancestors showing his spirit, and our family is flourishing."

  Nine days later, the holy flame subsided.

  With the traces of the "Great Spirit Zun Yuwang", the royal mountain is full of mysterious crystals, which the holy king takes to rejuvenate the country.

  Govern the country for a hundred years, rejuvenate the country for a hundred years, and march eastward for a hundred years. This is the beginning of the empire's journey.

  ——From "Xuansha Emperor Zhi"

(End of this chapter)

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