
Chapter 577 Demon Emperor 9-faced Demonic Ability

Chapter 577 The Demon Emperor's Nine-faced Demonic Ability ([-]-character chapter)
"Haha, Brother Liu, it looks like I won today."

After the skeleton soldier swung his sword to defile the twelve mysterious spirit balls, he communicated with his companions triumphantly.

"Hmph—I've destroyed eighteen of them today."

"There are only eighteen. I counted these twelve, and 23 have been destroyed."

"You are not as good as me, I destroy 29 - what is that?"

Accompanied by the cry of their companions, the remaining two looked forward.

In the colorful cloud of light, hundreds of mysterious balls rise up at the same time.

"Oh—brothers, a new target is here. Let's see who destroys more!"

The first skeleton soldier rushed over quickly.

"Heavenly Demon rectifies the law, Five Yin Demon lightsaber."

The giant sword in the skeleton soldier's hand suddenly soared, and the billowing demonic energy turned into a ten-foot-long whip and swept towards Guangyun.


Guangyun stimulated the vitality of the five elements, and as soon as the magic of the five yins approached, it was purified by Guangyun.

"Great Sage Fu Moyin."

An order sounded in the light cloud, and then the sound of Hong Zhong echoed among the mysterious spirit balls.

The sound wave was designed to subdue the magic way, and with the increase in power of hundreds of mysterious spirit balls, it spread to the skeleton soldiers in an instant.

The two demon cultivators at the back were about to catch up with the skeleton soldiers, when they suddenly saw their companions in front of them turn into faint spots of light in the sound waves and completely disappear.


The two were stunned, and the Xuanling Balls attacked together again.

"Quick, let's join forces to use the method of magic dyeing."

The two skeleton soldiers clashed their lightsabers, and the power from the "Nine-faced Devil Emperor" swept towards Guangyun again.

On the surface of the mysterious spirit ball, bandages glistened with runes.When hundreds of talisman light chains are connected together, the five-color light cloud is turned into a fortress like a boat.

A golden palace condensed with the power of the five elements.


The power of the devil emperor collapsed.

"It's now!"

Driven by the monks, the Xuanling Ball fired countless fireballs and golden knives at the skeleton soldiers.


A magic cultivator made a decisive decision, gave up the skeleton soldiers and fled.

The other person driving the skeleton soldier slashed at the back fiercely, and hurriedly ran towards the devil's way.

The movement here attracted the attention of the magic repair army not far away.Meng Long personally led several demon cultivators to the rescue.


Another hundred mysterious spirit balls appeared from behind and killed the second skeleton soldier.

As for the demon cultivator who abandoned the skeleton soldier and fled, after the abandoned skeleton soldier was destroyed by the mysterious spirit ball, he was also controlled by some mysterious force, his body was covered in blood flames, and he died on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Meng Long turned around and ran towards the volcano factory with a serious face.


The magma is flowing, like the blood of the earth is transpiring.

The hot air bubbles kept rising, slowly shattering as they rose.

The masked man sits on a high platform, watching the "giant keel" standing in the magma.

Suddenly, three black rays of light fell from the sky and directly merged into the "keel", making a small shell of the "nine-faced devil emperor" complete.

"Oh? Dead?"

The masked man slowly put down the drawing.

At this time, hurried footsteps came from behind him.

As soon as Meng Long came in, he questioned: "The three of them were sacrificed by blood?"

"Blood sacrifice? It should be an honor to be part of the 'Devil Emperor', right?"

The masked man responded casually.

Meng Long bypassed him to see the state of the "Nine-faced Demon God".

Blood sacrifice demons.

It's not uncommon in magic.

It's just that the Tianmo lineage has never liked such low-grade and inferior methods.

Compared with the destruction of the body, they prefer to concoct the mind, corrupt the target and then eat it up little by little.

However, the "Nine-faced Demon Emperor" might use the Great Demon Tribulation to perform blood sacrifices, and the Five-Aggregated Demon Lord had explained to him beforehand.Although Meng Long regretted what happened to the three outstanding juniors, he quickly put the matter behind him.

Meng Long turned around and asked: "The Immortal Dao has means to fight against the 'skeleton soldiers', do you have the means to deal with it?"


He led Meng Long to a high platform below the "Nine-faced Demon Emperor".

Looking at the giant demon figure, Meng Long felt a chill in his heart.

It was as if there was a great existence watching him.

A few days ago, I didn't feel this way.Could this be the function of the blood sacrifice?

Suddenly, he saw one of the heads of the Devil Emperor's nine faces, slowly looking down at him.

"Okay, this is it."

The masked man clapped his hands and shouted: "Mr. Meng has a predestined relationship with the 'Sorrowful Face'. You can use this 'Magic Face Machine God'."

He made formulas with both hands and chanted mantras.

A series of scarlet chains danced around, gradually rising into the sky to pull down the "sorrowful face".

Seeing one of the heads of the "Devil Emperor" landed, Meng Long was shocked.

"Sir, this... If Master finds out about this—"

Inexplicably, a burst of sadness welled up in his heart.

"Don't worry. It's just going out to fight temporarily. You can return it."

Looking at the head, its expression was very sad, with tears in the corners of its eyes.

Subconsciously, Meng Long touched his cheek.


At some point, his eyes were streaming with tears.

The masked man continued to practice, and a ball of flint rose slowly from the magma below.


The surface of the flint gradually cracked, revealing the steel arm inside.

Immediately afterwards, the second flint rose.

As the translucent stone shattered, a mechanical thigh appeared.

Then the third piece, the fourth piece...

When the parts appear one by one, they form a headless fuselage in the air.


Under the operation of the masked man, those arms, legs and feet flew towards the weeping head above.

Instead of carrying the head as a body, it is all integrated into the "sad face" to form a weird puppet in the shape of a human head.

"It's done."

The masked man smiled and said, "That's it."

"Mr. Meng can control this demon face machine god. I believe that no matter how many means they have, it will be difficult to fight against this machine god. This——is the spirit of the 'Devil Emperor Faxiang'."

However, Meng Long stood quietly on one side without responding.

me to control?

Aren't you planning to sacrifice me in blood after I die?

As if understanding his thoughts, the masked man added thoughtfully.

"Our Bailianmen has another control method. The puppet is an external fuselage. Why must the body be placed in the fuselage? As long as a primordial spirit parasitizes, can it be controlled? Mister is from the lineage of the demon, and can refine it. Control the incarnation of the five yin demons. Controlling them through the incarnation can avoid the blood sacrifice to the devil emperor afterwards."

Meng Long's eyes moved when he heard what the masked man said.

But as a demon cultivator, he is very suspicious.

Even if the masked man promised again and again, he didn't dare to really try.


"Just go and try it yourself." The Five Aggregates Demon Lord walked in from the outside.

He looked at the "Sad Face Mechanic" in front of him with a smile on his face.

The money is not wasted.

Allowing these people to toss the treasures of heaven and earth can indeed produce a lot of results.

Not just Skeleton Soldiers and Mecha Gods.

Even when the factory was in operation, some of the demon cultivators sent by the demon lord had been able to independently make foundation-level dharma puppets.

It can be expected that it will take some time.

People of their demonic ways can learn the techniques of Bailianmen.

At that time...

The Demon Lord swept across the masked man, calmed down the thoughts that flashed through his mind, and then ordered Meng Long again.

Meng Long dared not disobey the decree of the Demon Lord.

He had to create an incarnation of Yin Demon to personally control the "Sorrowful Mechanic".

I am a master of the half-step virtual realm.

How can I lose in a mere fight?
Even if the "Flood" and "Mirrors" do something, I can retreat freely.

Meng Long silently comforted himself, riding the sad face to the battlefield.

At this time, because the side of Xiandao eliminated the skeleton soldiers, the mysterious spirit balls were rising one after another, attacking the skyscraper bone wall with high frequency.

The bone wall is riddled with holes, and has been forced to retreat three miles.


The black magic light hung down, and the sad-faced Mech God slowly descended on the skyscraper bone wall.

Seeing the weeping expression on the steel head, some monks immediately laughed out loud.

"Oh? Why, ordinary skulls are useless, and you have changed to more high-end skulls? All comrades, prepare the talisman."

The monks shot out strips of runes from their cuffs and wrapped them around the Xuanling Ball.

"Go together."

The five-color aura is frequently emitted, and the five-color palace is reproduced in the sky.

The domain that belongs to the Five Elements Avenue presses toward the "sorrowful machine god".

Meng Long flipped through the operation manual, watched the attack outside, and pulled the red lever on the left side of the console.


The sound of mechanical rotation is running inside the "Mamian Mechanic".

Meng Long could see that a group of mechanism loops were turning, and one of the abilities of the "Sorrowful Mechanic" was activated.

The eyes of the steel head suddenly lit up, and the dark red light mist gradually spread, forming a demonic domain.

Sad and weeping.

The blue ice crystals spread rapidly, and the attacks of the immortal monks outside were all blocked by the ice crystals.

"Weeping rain."

The sad eyes lit up again, slowly scanning the group of cultivators present.

"No, back quickly!"

Some monks who reacted quickly dodged quickly.But another group of monks were shrouded in magic light, and their cheeks twisted automatically, showing a sad expression.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuu my son, you died so miserable!"

A monk thought of his child who died on the battlefield last month, and the grief in his heart could not be restrained, so he burst into tears on the spot.

And beside him, a stronger howl came to mind.

"Dabai, why did you leave so early!"

Understand?Isn't your Dabai a pig?Or did you raise it to eat yourself, what are you crying about?
The acquainted monk next to him murmured in his heart, and he was about to speak.Suddenly my nose was sore, and I remembered the past when a beloved toy fell into the water when I was a child.

For some reason, pain filled my heart, and I also cried along with the crying of the people around me.

Hundreds of monks gathered and wept.

Lai Yu was drawn by the Sorrowful Weeping Realm, and the ice crystals became denser.

"This is a good method. Fighting the enemy through emotions is in line with my celestial demon." Meng Long followed the operation, and three light-colored ghosts appeared around the sad-faced machine god, floating towards these immortal monks who had lost their combat power and were crying wholeheartedly. .

Sad ghosts cry.

A kind of demon.With the spiritual power and mind power generated by crying, the devil was born in the monk's grief.It can hurt the seven emotions and damage the soul.

Three weeping spirits danced around the monk.The sad thought power formed a large number of ice crystals, which finally froze all the immortal monks.

Zhong Ionhan and Li Ruxin watched this scene from afar, and he said to Li Ruxin, "How did the script get written? Why haven't I seen this part?"

Li Ruxin also looked blank, shook her head and said, "I don't know either."

Sad machine god?

It is reasonable to say that Fu Henghua and Senior Yu are operating the division of spirits from the "Devil Emperor's Aspect".But why is there no relevant news?Could it be that the learning ability on the side of the Demonic Dao is too strong, and they actually unearthed a dharma puppet belonging to the lineage of the Heavenly Demon?

"Haha... Immortal Dao monks, if you have the ability, come and fight!"

The sad-faced machine god rose into the air, and under Meng Long's operation, his legs stretched out under his head, and his arms stretched out left and right.On top of the head, another small head appeared.

The cockpit where Meng Long was originally located also rose with his head.

Looking down at the monk frozen in ice crystals below, he smiled coldly and stomped on it.


Eighteen Shuilang Orbs appeared, and an immortal master rushed to rescue them.

boom -

The next moment, he was trampled into the ground by the "Sorrowful Machine God".

"The generation of ants."

Meng Long dismissed it, looking at the Immortal Camp in the distance.

The sad face machine god contains part of the power of the demon emperor's dharma, and after many manipulations by Fu Henghua and Yu Danqing, he is a special puppet equivalent to the master's dharma.

Cooperating with Nanzhou's heavenly demon rectification, Meng Long's combat power was increased by [-]%.

The current him is not only not afraid of the few immortal masters who are also in the half-step virtual realm.Even in the face of Jiexian, he dared to compete a few tricks.

"Speaking of which, does my power to make people cry and cause sadness have any effect on Jie Xian?"


"Of course it works."

In the Volcano Factory, the Five Aggregates Demon Lord also raised the same question to the masked man.

Mask humanity:

"When a person is born, the first movement is to cry.

"Sadness can arouse the original instinct of human beings and even creatures. Sadness is the gift of new life."

"Any monk, as long as he is promoted from a living being, it will inevitably come from the original instinct of life."

The Five Aggregates Demon Lord widened his eyes: "Is this the effect of sadness?",

Affecting virtual masters like us...

Looking at the "Sorrowful Mechanic" controlled by Meng Long, a trace of vigilance emerged in his heart.

"The nine devil-faced machine gods each have special abilities, and they belong to the division of the devil emperor. According to the specifications of the design drawings, those are all equivalent to the three disasters and the virtual realm. It is reasonable to target the virtual realm. It's just— —”

"But what?"

The masked man's tone was a little helpless.

"It takes hundreds of years and thousands of years to create a magic puppet at the level of robbery. Now that time is running short, the 'Magic Face Machine God' we created is just a show. And——this is related to the mechanism circuit of the magic way, although we understand it. But—"

After all, he is not a sorcerer.

The Five Aggregates Demon Lord understood the other party's thoughts, and pondered: "If you can spare time to teach my juniors..."

"I can provide the textbook, and I can take the time to give pointers. But..." He gestured.

The Demon Lord Wuyun smiled immediately: "Our East China Sea war zone fought with the Immortal Dao and destroyed many families and sects. There are many treasures belonging to the Immortal Dao."

Those things are sacrificed by the immortal family's true essence, and it is difficult for the demon cultivator to control them, and they will be backlashed instead.

Therefore, the Demon Lord sealed those things.

The masked man nodded.

It's a new transaction.

In his heart, he was secretly happy.

With this material, I believe my puppet can also be put on the agenda.


Immortal camp.

Yang Dai invited Zhong Ionhan and the two over to ask about the "Magic Face Machine God".

But the two of them knew nothing about it.After contacting the Underground Blessed Land, Fu Henghua responded: "This is an exam, you should do your best to deal with it, fellow Daoist Li."

take an exam?

Is it against me?
Li Ruxin thought about it and spoke slowly.

"The puppet of the opponent's magic form should be one of the 'nine-faced devil emperor'. The sad face, the ability to control living beings to cry. As long as this ability can be blocked, it should be fine."

"However, I saw that many monks were clearly wearing the 'Concentration Talisman Band', but they were also frozen? Can't the Concentration Bandage resist spells aimed at emotions?"

"Should it be that the attributes of the five elements are different?"

Li Ruxin looked around, and there were only three of her at the moment.

Simply opened up and said.

"Taoism is based on principles, and it is classified according to the five elements. It is a set of theories initiated by the master of Wuxingdao a few years ago and then perfected by Fu Henghua. He also wrote a book "Theory of the Elements of Taoism" for this purpose. If you're interested, I'll look for it for you later."

How could Yang Dai care about studying these Taoism theories at the moment, he said hastily.

"The most important thing right now is to crack the opponent's magic. If the fairy has any ideas, you can speak up."

"According to Fu Henghua's Taoism attribute theory. Even the spells that also have the effect of 'concentration' and 'soul nourishment' have different restraint methods according to different spell principles."

Li Ruxin took out a spell bandage.

"This is the concentrating spirit belt made by Tianyu Mountain. Its core principle is 'still water'. It makes the mind as calm as water, so as to gather the spirit and spirit, and achieve the effect of nourishing the soul and calming the spirit. According to Fu Henghua's theory, this Taoism belongs to the water system. yes--"

"On top of the water peak of his Five Elements Mountain."

Yang Dai interrupted Li Ruxin's words.

Li Ruxin was dumbfounded, and nodded silently.

That's right, Yang Dai is also a person who has experienced the "Five Elements Mountain Method". How could he not understand the reason why Fu Henghua arranged the attributes of the Taoism?

This so-called "Taoism Yuan Yu Lun" came to facilitate the promotion of "Five Elements Mountain Method".

"The magic on the opposite side makes people cry. It should also be a Taoism of the water attribute? So, we need other attributes of concentration? How about my family's Lanyue Zhenshen?"

Embracing the three mountains and nine mountains, suppressing the soul of the Cang.

Not to imitate the tranquility of water, but to imitate the stability of mountains.It also has the effect of "concentration", but it belongs to the soil vein.

"It should be possible. However, fire and wood methods can also be used to deal with it. As long as you don't use metal methods."

Yang Dai's eyes moved, and he nodded knowingly.

Although among the five elements, there is a saying that water overcomes fire.

But in the yin and yang theory of Dao Fa Yuan.Water and metal are yin, and wood and fire are yang.As long as you grasp it properly, the "five-yang forging mantra" and "pure yang exorcism and concentrating charm" based on the principle of "candle exorcising evil spirits, nourishing the mind and warming the soul" can solve the crying and freezing effect of the "sorrowful machine god".

"Without further delay, I will contact Tianyu Mountain immediately. Make a new spell bandage."

"No, let's go there ourselves." Zhong Ionhan stood up, "Please ask a few masters to help our puppets cast the blessing spell. Let's experience it ourselves."


Two days later, the sad face machine god was shattered by Wanchuan Guiliu sword.

Meng Long was distracted and fled back to the volcano factory. After passing the corresponding information to the deity, he threw himself into the "Nine-faced Devil Emperor" wrapped in a ball of demonic essence.

The devil emperor's magic form has another part of the outer shell shaped.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Long himself came out of the rest area of ​​the factory.I saw one of my junior sisters talking with the masked man.

In front of them, a smiling head was suspended.

"Fellow Daoist, I will leave this God of Joyful Mian to you."

Be happy with your face, feel at ease with your joy, and let everything follow your heart.

This is also a dharma puppet with powerful supernatural power.

Quite like the "sensuality and beauty" manipulated by Wukong boy.

With the infection of the smile, the monk can become a puppet without knowing it, and finally enter the "rejoicing heaven", becoming a sensual puppet manipulated by the machine god.

Of course, under Li Ruxin's response, a solution was found seven days later.

"The principle of the Dharma Camera of Ximian Jishen belongs to Yang Fire. It can be dealt with with the 'Taiyin Meditation Method' and 'Nine Yin Calming Pill'."


Then fear, anger, shock... Li Ruxin still responded with corresponding methods.

Unknowingly, she has a better understanding of the operation of the dharma puppet.

And Zhong Ionhan's fighting skills have also been refined in this fairy-and-devil competition.Facing the Demon Master again, he can deal with it calmly and has a [-]% chance of winning.

As for the magic way, it is shaped and destroyed by the "Magic Face Machine God" one by one.

It also allowed Yu Danqing and Fu Henghua to accumulate a lot of experience and data.

The Demon God with Nine Faces has poured a lot of hard work into Danqing and Fu Henghua.There are so many technical means in it that he had to write a special letter, intending to send it back to Panlong Island.

Take care of your grandson!
Fu Henghua knows too many things.

As the creator of the "Evil Emperor's Faxiang", Yu Danqing was delighted by the intelligence and knowledge of his collaborators.

But from the perspective of an immortal monk...

How do you guys know so much about the mechanism of the fairy road turning around the magic path?

How do you guys know so many magic spells, and they are all classified as Yin-Yang and Five Elements, just like the Taoism of the Immortal Family?

What do you guys usually do?

He should know at his age and in this realm.

It shouldn't be known at this age and at this level.

Turns out he knew it all!

Even if Fu's family has a mahogany box from Fufeng Immortal Palace, Fu Henghua has a godfather who was born in a master of the devil way.

But would he get too much of those things in the gray area?

Yu Danqing felt that he had the responsibility to remind Fu Danwei.

To prevent the reputation of the Fu family from being destroyed for thousands of years because of an unworthy descendant falling into heresy.

Other than that, of course.Yu Danqing is happy to see Fu Henghua's talent and accomplishments.

Behind this arms race between immortals and demons is the experience prepared by Fu Henghua and Yu Danqing for everyone in Donglai.

This kind of experience is not only reflected in the improvement of mana and the progress of fighting skills, but also in all aspects.

In this arms race, Li Ruxin completed the further improvement of the "Tianyuan Xuanling Ball" through the confrontation with the "Magic Face Machine God".At the same time, in the process of helping the Chiyuan Taoist faction to build an assembly line and build dharma puppets, she comprehends the mysteries of the evolution of many dharma puppets.

Zhong Ionhan improves his fighting ability, purifies the quality of mana, and polishes the body of Taoism through displaying it.

Long Daoren, Hong Changyi and others, with the help of the "Hundred Refining Gate" and the magic way, collected a large amount of natural materials and earth treasures to perfect the dharma puppets.At present, their puppets are no longer ostentatious, but external incarnations that are close to the combat power of the grandmaster.

According to Yu Danqing's estimate, if the five puppet figures of Long Taoist, Hong Changyi, Fu Danyu, Tian Taoren, and Zhang Xuan joined forces, it would not be a problem to fight against the three ordinary Nascent Soul Grandmasters.A master like Meng Long is also sure to fight.

Of course, Yu Danqing benefited the most.

Through the communication with Fu Henghua, he has mastered the puppet of the Dharma, which has surpassed Fu Henghua, the pioneer of the road.Once again, he has a master-level attainment in an industry.

With the support of the Five Aggregates Demon Lord, his dharma puppet has already taken shape.


Underground blessed land.

Fu Henghua drank tea leisurely, waiting patiently for the right time.

Because of the "Nine-faced Devil Emperor", Yu Danqing frequently replaced Zhang Xuan's identity and went there to help.On the side of the underground blessed land, without Yu Danqing's control, Fu Henghua naturally lost a layer of shackles.

dong dong——

Hengshou opened the door and came in, looking at Fu Henghua with a complicated expression.

"Dong Moyang left, and he took the Photo Immortal Stone to investigate traces of ancient civilization."

"Well, I know."

Fu Henghua's expression changed, and he put down the glazed cup.

"Nothing else, just go down for now."

"Master, Xiaoyu is cooking 'Shouxin Soup'."

The corner of Fu Henghua's mouth twitched, pretending not to understand.

"I'm going to make a lotus flower cake."

These two kinds are all researched by them on weekdays, aiming at the demonic nature, they are used to concentrate the mind and subdue demons.

Fu Henghua's face turned even darker.

"What do you two mean. You can't trust me so much?"

Hengshou looked melancholy.

"Senior Yu was lured to the East China Sea by you with a 'Devil Emperor's blueprint'. Zhong Zihan and Long Taoist are also being dragged to the East China Sea now. Dong Moyang will leave now, and the underground blessed land will respect you."

"What do you mean by that, wasn't I in charge before?"

"They are here, so you can keep an eye on the young master, and you can't feel at ease looking for the magic tome hidden in the dragon boat."

Where is that grimoire?

Although Fu Henghua doesn't really need that magic book.But a book that I haven't read is floating in front of my eyes. It would be a lie to say that I am not curious.

After many trials and researches, Fu Henghua was convinced.

The magic tome is definitely not on the four of Dong Moyang.

If it is not on the "person", is it possible to hide somewhere in the four dragon boats?

After all, after the four dragon boats were built, the Jiexians checked them specially.

Maybe at that time, secretly hide the magic book.Only given to Yu Danqing and others to collect the magic code and key?
But a thorough investigation of the four dragon boats, especially the other three dragon boats, is bound to alarm the others.

Heng Hua knows that Yu Danqing, Dong Moyang and others have impure human hearts, and they all view themselves with prejudice, worrying that they will become demons.

will not allow himself to succeed.

and so--

Heng Hua became angry with embarrassment: "How can I have so much thought? I asked Senior Yu to study the dharma puppet to give him a chance to return to the list of robbery immortals. How can there be any evil intentions? This is to help others and give advice. It is me Do good deeds.

"Brother Dong went to look for traces of ancient civilization. Although I mentioned it. But he also took the initiative to go there. What does it have to do with me?
"Furthermore, my Dao heart is so strong. How can a mere magic book harm me? Still preparing spiritual food? You are looking down on me!"

Fu Henghua slapped the table and shouted: "I didn't intend to read the magic tome at first. But since you are so skeptical, I will give you a try. I insist on reading the magic tome alone when the four of them are away. Find it. Read it in front of both of you. Look at that thing, can it kill me?"


Xiao Yu came in from the outside, holding a bowl of soup in his hand.

Aren't we going to make some spiritual food for subduing magic and concentrating the mind, and you don't want to find the magic book?

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, his heart was extremely Buddhist.

Hey - I can't stop it anyway, let's think about the aftermath.

Compared with the uproar in the mainland, there is a strange "heir of the demon".Just studying a magic book, in fact, the movement is very small.

In contrast to the demolition of a house, smashing doors and windows is acceptable.

 resume update

(End of this chapter)

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