
Chapter 581

Chapter 581

Northeast Theater, Fenglan Valley.

This day ushered in reinforcements from the Chiyuan Taoist faction.

The leader is a true disciple named Henry Zhang.

He led six people and rushed to the gate of Fenglan Valley.

Fenglan Valley was originally a wonder in the mountains in the northern part of the Right Continent.

There are orchids all over the mountain, and there are countless strange grasses.According to legend, the divine bird Phoenix once settled here.But with years of chaotic wars, the flowers in the valley withered and the poisonous smoke filled the air.From time to time, sparks flashed and started fires.

After the seven "Zhang Xuanchu" arrived, Rong Yunbiao, a mountain patrol envoy in the valley, came out to greet them.

"Brother, you've come."

"There was a small problem on the road." The man stood with his hands behind his back, the red clothes with mountain patterns fluttering in the wind.

The seven people entered the camp with Rong Yunbiao, and Rong Yunbiao looked at the six people behind "Henry Zhang".Except for the two golden core protectors of "Zhang Xuanchu", the remaining four are all Chi Yuan's true biography.When Rong Yunbiao practiced in Chiyue, he had met several times.

As for the two protectors——

Rong Yunbiao thought to himself: I think these two are Pu Long and Tu Long Er protectors under the seat of senior brother.

Zhang Xuanchu is a well-known true disciple of Chiyuan's inner sect, and his name is not inferior to Yang Dai.Behind it is the support of the Zhang family, a thousand-year-old family in Nanzhou, so there is no need to worry about the treasures of heaven and earth.So he promoted the two confidantes to Jindan monks, so as to protect the Dharma and practice the way for him.

"Zhang Xuanchu" nodded and said: "Junior Brother, what is the current situation?"

Referring to the recent battle situation, Rong Yun looked worried, and sighed: "It's still the same. Advance and retreat, and circle around Fenglan Valley."

The Northeast War Zone is focused on Jiuqu Lake, Longyin Mountain, and Fenglan Valley.

Because of these three places, forbidden laws and incantations were laid down.The three points are connected to form a barrier to resist the evil energy that is constantly eroding from the north and going south, and has the effect of purifying the evil energy.Even if you bypass these three boundaries and send Moxiu to smuggle into the mainland.It will also be suppressed by various prohibitions in Wanyue territory.Even the spirit spirit pervading Wanyue's territory can poison the demon cultivator to death.

Therefore, if the magic cultivation in the Northeast Theater wants to achieve results, it must remove the forbidden law in the three spiritual lands and destroy the "mountain pass" formed by the Northeast Gateway.And the side of Immortal Dao also understands the importance of these three spiritual lands, and whenever Moxiu gains an advantage, he will desperately grab it back.

Here, it has become a meat grinder for both immortals and demons.

Even though everyone in Donglai secretly helped each other, Xiandao suffered heavy casualties.

Rong Yunbiao said: "A few days ago, Longyin Mountain was almost lost, and we sent people to support it. As a result, this side was almost taken away by the Demon Dao."

"Henry Zhang" looked into the distance.

Fenglan Valley is located between two mountains.The mountain where the fairy road is located is actually the remnant of the Longyin Mountain Range.The location of Jiuqu Lake also coincides with the water vein of Longyin Mountain.Therefore, the three have the same spiritual veins to form the first line of defense in the north.

And the magic monk is located in another mountain in Fenglan Valley.The magic flames are billowing, and the rolling hills are like scorched earth.

"Senior brother. They just retreated yesterday, and they should be able to stay here for a few days. Let's take care of the senior brother first, and we will argue with the demons tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"No need. Since they have just returned, they are tired and exhausted, so it is a good time to pursue them. We are here to help you completely retake Fenglan Valley."

Hearing this, Rong Yunbiao immediately became anxious: "Brother, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run. Uncle Shi is currently in retreat, why not wait for him to leave before—"

"Henry Zhang" waved his hand: "Uncle Master blocked the enemy, and his mana wasted too much. Let him retreat well. Brother Ying?"

Ying Ruhong immediately came out, and he smiled at Rong Yun: "Don't worry, brother, we came here to collect information on Fenglan Valley. There are nothing more than two masters on the opposite side, with [-] Balrogs refined into Xuanhuo Yuanzhu. Brother Zhang makes a move, and he can take it down easily."

Rong Yunbiao hesitated to speak, but couldn't bear the fierce fighting spirit of the seven people in this group.They could only let them leave the camp and go straight to the opposite side of Fenglan Valley.

On the way, Ying Ruhong asked respectfully: "Fellow Taoist, are you really planning to use my family's Taoism?"

"Didn't I perform for you before?" Heng Hua waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "It's just a flame demon, which was restrained by the Great Red Book. It's just that your skills are not good enough to make full use of the subtlety of the Great Red Book. Today, I'll let you watch it." Look. How the real Da Chishu should cultivate."

Ying Ruhong smiled helplessly.

He is a serious disciple of Chiyuan, and under the orders of his elders, he specially came here to help Fu Henghua and his party pretend to be disciples of Chiyuan.

As for the few disciples they pretended to be, there are real people in the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

It's just that including the genuine Henry Zhang, four disciples were seriously injured and are currently recuperating.Therefore, the Chiyuan Taoist sect used secret techniques to borrow their fate and luck, allowing Fu Henghua and others to pretend to be in order to avoid the divination prying eyes of the Star Wheel Demon Palace.

Coming to the sky above the valley, Fu Henghua sensed something and shouted behind him.

"Sun Daoyou—"

Sun Yan slashed down.

"Xuan Lie Nine Winds Slash."

Sun Yan, Yu Xiaolei, and Wu Madan couldn't imitate Chiyuan Taoism, and they couldn't get "Wan Yue Da Chi Shu".So under Fu Henghua's suggestion, he used the pure yang attribute sword formula to fool people.

When the sword light struck down, it immediately turned into nine giant blades.

"Enemy attack - enemy attack -"

Soon, alarm bells sounded in the Mo Dao Camp.Countless magicians rushed out of the camp.

Looking at the figure in the flames below, Wu Madan couldn't help but make a move.

He practiced Chunyang swordsmanship, which was as powerful as the secret swordsmanship of the Shenkongcheng lineage.As the red light fell, there were bursts of screams when the magic flame was neutral.

When Yu Xiaolei saw his two companions fighting with swordsmanship, he couldn't help but want to make a move.

Heng Hua stretched out his hand to stop it, and looked at the two auras slowly gathering in the center of the camp.

"You stop one, and I will come to help you after I deal with the other."

Nascent Soul Grandmaster.

Yu Xiaolei suppressed his fighting spirit and carefully sensed the two auras.

Immediately, his face changed, and he said decisively: "I'll deal with the one on the left, and leave the one on the right to you."

"Let me deal with the one on the left. The one on the right is restrained by your thunder sword."


But that is a half-step Void Realm magician.

Going one step further, the "Fire Spirit Transformation" can be completely completed.Become an existence that as long as the flame is not extinguished, the demon body will live and die.

Yu Xiaolei looked at Fu Henghua silently.

If Heng Hua used his original means, he would naturally not be worried.But the remote guy has to use the means of the Chiyuan Taoist school.That can win a grand master who is half-step virtual?
Heng Hua waved his hand: "No matter how brilliant his cultivation is, he is now injured. Don't worry, I will deal with it. Maybe it's faster than you."

He called the two protectors behind him to clear the way for him, and took the initiative to fly down to face Yu Wenpu, the number one master of the magic camp.

A few days ago when Yu Wenpu confronted Immortal Dao, he fought with the master of Chiyuan Dao School and suffered both losses, and at the moment he is retreating in a quiet room.But the alarm sounded outside, and he had to come out to appease the demons.

Seeing the three kendo masters rushing into the crowd, and the group of demons fleeing with their heads in their arms, his face suddenly became angry.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a handsome man, with the help of two guardians, he went straight to him.

"Stop them."

Yu Wenpu ordered in a cold voice, and the five-headed fire snake sprang out from the ground and rushed towards the three of Henghua.

Hengshou's eyes flickered, and when he was about to sacrifice the twelve golden beads, he saw Fu Henghua raised his hand and turned it over.

"Five golden core demon snakes? Go down!"

A spirit mountain with raging flames appeared in the sky.

With only one meeting, the five fire snakes were suppressed by the Flame Mountain.

Liuding's divine fire was on the mountainside, and the fire snakes dispersed one after another, leaving only five fire snake Yuandans that were close to the fire dragon beads.

Taoism, Huoyanshan.

Yu Wenpu's eyes flickered.

He has seen Chiyuan Taoist monks perform the "flame mountain method".Those who can practice this method must be Chi Yuan's direct descendants.

He went through his mind again, and said in a deep voice: "Zhang Xuanchu? Are you still alive?"

Fu Henghua smiled slightly, and instead of answering the other party's words, he slapped lightly again.


In the sky, another flaming peak fell down.

Yu Wenpu shouted loudly, and the magical image of Baizhangyan appeared behind him.Two flaming arms stretched out brazenly, resisting the flaming mountain in the sky.

In the next moment, Yan Magic trembled.

The hot and domineering flames burned along his arms, and he hurriedly urged [-]% of his strength to push the flame mountain out.

Shadows shrouded the sky, and a third flaming mountain fell down.

This time, Yu Wenpu raised a magic banner, put it in front of him and drank.

"Thousands of fire gathered in the sea."

The fire altars in various parts of the camp spewed raging flames, and long black dragons formed by the flames shuttled through the camp.

Sun Yan silently put down his epee and looked around.

Those long dragons divided the battlefield, and there were five long dragons around him, watching for his flaws.

With a slash of the epee, another nine divine gangs took shape, sweeping in all directions and the sky.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he turned into a black eagle and flew into the sky to join Wumadan on the other side.

Wu Madan's Chunyang swordsmanship has been practiced for many years, and inspired by Fu Henghua's grandfather and grandson's "Heavenly Escape Sword Art", and now he has evolved a fire dragon swordsmanship.

But even if the sword intent turned into a fire dragon to protect him, he could still feel the ferocity of the long black dragons.

"This is Huo Sha? No, it's the fire poison refined by Earth Sha. Is it Earth Lung Poison Dragon?"

This is another type of poisonous fire elf formed in opposition to the poisonous dragon on the sun star.

Wu Madan saw Sun Falcon running towards him, so he quickly turned the sword formula, and the fire dragon rolled up the two of them and fled to the sky.

"Hahaha—if you want to leave, come down!"

Yu Wenpu waved the flag of the Nine Fiends, and hundreds of poisonous earth lung dragons rose from the sea of ​​flames, biting the fire dragon in the air continuously.

"Thunder Fire Sword."

Three thousand purple thunder swords suddenly appeared in the sky.

These thunder swords fluttered in the air, condensing the energy of fire essence to form thunder and fire sword energy.

Thunder Fire Refining Palace.

Hengshou took a step back in his hands, and looked at Yu Xiaolei who was standing in the air.

The battle between Yu Xiaolei and another grandmaster is not over yet.It's just that he saw that the situation of Wu Madan and the other two was not good, so he took the time to stab out a sword.

A thunderous sword strikes three thousand lights.

Then it merged with Huo Yuan and slashed at the poisonous dragon rising in the air like a torrential rain.

"We also withdraw."

Hengshou glanced at Fu Henghua, and beckoned Xiaoyu to fly to the sky.

When Fu Henghua's earth lung poisonous fire gathered into a sea, he shot eight flaming mountains around him one after another.

But these hundreds of feet of peaks and mountains soon gradually collapsed in the sea of ​​fire.The power of real fire from Fu Henghua was swallowed by the earth lung poisonous fire.

"This master has some skills, no wonder he has a half-step virtual realm."

Fu Henghua comprehended the principles of Liuding and Liujia, and the way of fire has reached the wonderful state of unity of yin and yang.His condensed Flaming Mountain is no less than that of Chi Yuan's true disciples.

But in the face of this great master of the flame demon, such an exquisite volcano was completely burned up by the sea of ​​flames.

"Boy, your fire is not as good as mine!"

Seeing the destruction of the "Flame Mountain", Yu Wenpu couldn't help but relax.

He kept waving the flag and banner, and summoned the poisonous dragons gathered in the fire altar to his side.

Heng Hua looked at him quietly: "It's just setting up 72 mysterious fire altars in the magic camp to cater to the evil spirits of the earth to draw fire energy from the ground and give birth to poisonous dragon fire spirits. What's the fuss about this method?"


Yu Wenpu's face brightened, and he sneered.What do you know, kid? This is the real means of creation.

Those poisonous dragons condensed in the Xuanhuo Altar seem to be illusory things.In fact, it touches the wonders of biochemistry and is close to the real poisonous dragon.As long as Yu Wenpu can refine the fakes into real ones, he can create a real poisonous fire dragon.

Then you can directly break the limit of the virtual realm and become a brand new demon king.

72 The poisonous dragon fire essence spawned by the mysterious fire altar was prepared for this.

"This kid has only practiced for a few years, how can he understand the wonders of such good fortune. I'm afraid he still falls into the limited thinking of 'magic power is combat power'."

After thinking silently, Yu Wenpu lowered the threat of "Henry Zhang".

Although the mana is good and the Taoism is good, but the vision is too far behind.

At this time, he saw "Henry Zhang" slowly spit out a red orb.

"Although I don't want to do this, you have already realized the magic of the gathering of thousands of fires, and you have touched the Dao Fruit of the Demon King. Then I will deal with it like this."

Immortal sounds echoed, and a series of immortal mountains surrounded Fu Henghua.

"Heaven-level Taoism, open mountains and establish mountains."

Wu Madan and Sun Yan joined Ying Ruhong in the air.

Hearing this sentence, the expressions of the three people became more and more embarrassing.

Especially Ying Ruhong, who has already clenched his fists.

Wumadan laughed dryly: "He should be simulated by other Taoism, you don't have to pay too much attention to it."

"No, this supernatural power cannot be faked."

Ying Ruhong looked at the mountains formed between the heaven and the earth, with mixed feelings in his heart, silently thinking about how to report back to his master.

Opening mountains and establishing mountains, the first supernatural power of the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

It is the culmination of the Taoism of the Three Mountains, which can create rivers and mountains and move mountains and seas.

Relying on this supernatural power, when the Chiyuan Taoist School was in Donglai, they called on the people of the world to modify and rebuild the mountains and rivers, creating a pattern of mountains and rivers in Donglai Shenzhou that fits the mountain calendar.

What Fu Henghua is doing now is similar to this, he raised eighteen mountain peaks above the earth, surrounding the camp of demonic ways.

Immediately afterwards, he held up the big Chi Yuanzhu and pointed at the sky.

"Taiqing Dao is wonderful, and Da Chi Wuji."

boom -

At this moment, the fairy sound turned into a loud bell, and an illusory fairyland appeared in the center of the eighteen fairy mountains.

Layers of blue light emanated from the Dao Domain of the Immortal Palace, and the moment the magic flame below touched the blue light, it was purified by the Dao Rhyme of the Immortal Family.And those poisonous dragon fire spirits rushed towards the "Da Chitian" fiercely, and were quickly shattered by the Dao power contained in the Da Chitian, and fled back to the Xuanhuo Altar one after another.

"Is this his big red book?"

Ying Ruhong muttered to himself.

On the way here, Ying Ruhong was worried about their group.Fu Henghua simply showed his hand and displayed the "Da Chi Shu" in front of Ying Ruhong.

Seeing that almost [-]% of the Taoism was the same as his own, Ying Ruhong almost mistakenly thought that his own Taoism had been stolen.

However, after mutual exchanges and confirmation, it was found that Fu Henghua's Da Chishu is completely different from Chiyuan Taoism in terms of basic principles.

"Wan Yue Da Chi Shu" pays attention to the unity of the mountains and the gods of the mountains.

The mountain is the foundation of the road mark of practice and the method of demonstration.Through down-to-earth, step by step, relying on the mountain road to reach the peak.

But the full name of Fu Henghua's Great Red Book is "Taiqing Great Red Book". The mentality of the early practice is not much different from that of the Chiyuan Taoist school.But starting from forming alchemy and robbing immortals, gradually get rid of the theory of mountains, and turn to condense a "great red sky realm".

The great red sky is where the Taoist gods live.

This is called "Red God", also known as "Da Chi Tianzun", which is equivalent to Zihuang, Yusheng, and Xiangdi, and is the ultimate goal of Tianshu practice.

Of course, this is just the future route of the Chiyuan Taoism that Fu Henghua has considered.

In addition to the "Great Chi Tianzun", the Chiyuan Taoist school has other possibilities because it incorporates many profound mysteries.For example, "Taiyuan", "Yueshen" and other Taoist gods.

"A little bit of fire, arrogance to the heavens and the earth to compete for brilliance. It is just a small way to refine a fake into a reality, and become a dragon with fire essence." Fu Henghua clapped his hands, and the big Chi Yuanzhu turned into full force.A lot of fairy energy surged out, and the Great Scarlet Heaven Realm was slowly suppressed, knocking down all the poisonous dragons in an instant.

Even under the light of the fairy light, the devilish energy on many Moxiu's bodies was reacting violently like boiling water in a frying pan.


"My mana!"

Accompanied by screams, those demon cultivators watched helplessly as their mana was purified by Da Chitian and replaced by a kind of immortal essence.

Yu Wenpu was also affected by it, and some magic energy around him was transformed into the real essence of the immortal family.

"This is the true essence of mana from the Chiyuan Taoist sect—this guy is so poisonous, is this trying to dig our foundations and make us incompatible with the demonic way!"

Without hesitation, he operated Yuanzhu.

"Xuanzhu Danxiang - open!"

One hundred and eight fire beads swirled around, Yu Wenpu avoided the purification of Da Chitian, and called some demons to break out.

Heng Hua held the big Chi Yuanzhu with a smile, and was not in a hurry to chase after it.


Thunder roared in front of Yu Wenpu, and Yu Xiaolei took a human head and smashed it directly at Yu Wenpu.

"Your companion is dead. It's your turn."

As soon as the thunder light moved, Yu Xiaolei was already in front of him.

Yu Wenpu immediately turned into flames and fled, but the two demon cultivators around him were directly strangled by the sword energy.

Heng Hua flew into the air and greeted Wu Madan and Sun Yan.

"Okay, you guys go down and help. In my Great Chitian domain, the mere magic fire—that's a joke."

Wu Madan and the two looked at Fu Henghua and then at Ying Ruhong, feeling a little worried.

"Don't worry, the Chiyuan Daoist sect is a well-known and upright sect, and they still have a bit of heart. And - it's not that I can't pass on this book to them. After all, my Great Red Book has the same origin as them."

Chi Yuan started his business with half a copy of "Hunyuan Gold Seal".

Later, with the wisdom of the ancestors of the past dynasties, he created a heavenly book for a lifetime.

It also obtained one-eighth of the inheritance of "Yitian Bajishu", and evolved Xiantianli Gua into "Wanyue Dachishu".

After all, "Wan Yue Da Chi Shu" is a fusion product of Hunyuan Tianshu and Baji Tianshu.

Fu Henghua has been in contact with these two for a long time.

Qiu Yu studied the Hunyuan Heavenly Book, Fang Dongyuan studied the Hunyuan Heavenly Book, and Jinsheng Palace left traces of the Hunyuan Heavenly Book.Even "Soul Swallowing Jue", this is the inheritance left by the Hunyuan Heavenly Book in Donglai.

Not to mention "Yi Tian Ba ​​Ji Shu".The Chiyuan Taoist school is only one-eighth, but Fu Henghua has studied all the books now.

Is Li Gua most suitable for Chiyuan Taoism?

No, obviously Gen hexagram is the most suitable for them.

As for Gen hexagram, Fu Henghua has already learned it.

At the beginning, he deduced the Chiyuan Dao method, based on the Gen hexagram, and blended the Hunyuan method.But later, the more I thought about it, the more wrong I became, and I simply put aside the idea of ​​Chiyuan Taoism and conceived my own Great Chitianshu.

This is the "Taiqing Dachishu".

Based on the principle of Hunyuan Taiji, the magic of yin and yang and eight trigrams are practiced.

The fragments of the Hunyuan Heavenly Book, the Taixuan Heavenly Book, and the Yitian Baji Book were all combined by Fu Henghua.

"Fellow Taoist, if you are free in the future, why not come to our Chiyuan Dao Sect as a guest? I believe Master and the others will be happy to discuss the Dao with you."


Fu Henghua responded with a smile, and then ordered the two of Hengshou to go down to help.

Since he comprehended the "Taiqing Dachishu", he understood one thing.

The path of the Chiyuan Taoist school has gone astray.

In other words, they combined the wisdom of a sect and only followed one of the paths in the "Da Chi Tian Shu".

The real Great Red Book should be like the Taiyin Heavenly Book and Taixuan Heavenly Book, which can be changed into a series of "Great Red Books" according to the physique of each monk.

Great Red Book of Taiqing, Great Red Book of Nine Suns, Great Red Book of Hundred Sources, Great Red Book of Wanyue...

Under the heavenly book of origin, is the heavenly book that fits the individual.

Patriarch Chi Yuan created the "Wan Yue Da Chi Shu" because it was built on the mountain, which is his own Dao idea.If the latecomers can refine the meaning of Da Chi and blend it into their own Dao practice philosophy, they can walk out of their own way.

But now the Chiyuan Taoist school concentrates on studying mountain methods, and they wholeheartedly want to perfect the "Wan Yue Da Chi Shu" for their ancestors.

Its core avenue is no longer the "Red God", but the God of Yue, who is invincible and upright.

Fu Henghua really wanted to discuss this kind of fundamental conceptual dispute with the monks of the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

It's just that he communicated with Ying Ruhong on the way, and his level is not good enough to discuss the Tao with Fu Henghua and discuss these fundamental truths related to the sect.

"I also really want to exchange some experience with the seniors of the Chiyuan Taoist sect. After this time, I believe that in these two days, the victory and defeat in the Northeast and East China Sea theaters will come to an end."

Heng Hua's heart skipped a beat, and he turned to look east.

In the East China Sea theater, besides the original four Demon Lords and Jie Xian, the fifth "Virtual Realm Master" appeared.

There was a smile on his face.

it has started.

Senior Yu, don't let me down.I have taught you all the mysteries of "Elephant Emperor".

(End of this chapter)

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