
Chapter 584

Chapter 584
Black Moon Reef, an underground blessed land.

Zhang Xiyue, Fu Shishi and others carefully observed the outside environment.

As the skyscraper bone wall in the Northeast Theater was shattered.No matter how difficult it is for the various branches of the magic way to cooperate, now the various factions of magic revisionists roam around famous mountains and rivers with small forces, fighting guerrillas with the side of the fairy way.

"According to the news from Brother Fu Liu. The Xiandao side has begun to regain the lost ground, and we should also move."

"The transfer of the four dragon boats is of great importance. Shall we discuss it after everyone comes back?"

It is easy to give up underground blessings.

Where can the four dragon boats be placed?

Go to Tianyu Mountain, borrow the shade of Fu's house?Or discuss with the Chiyuan Taoist faction and choose a spiritual mountain directly?
If it is discussed with Chi Yuan, then it is better to continue to settle on Black Moon Reef.

"According to what the sixth brother revealed a few days ago, he doesn't intend to be completely tied to the Chiyuan Taoist faction."

Because the Fu family has an appointment with Chi Yuan, they must show up in a fair manner.But everyone else in Donglai can hide behind the scenes and travel around slaying demons.It can also avoid being calculated by the Chiyuan Taoist faction, thus becoming cannon fodder in the Great Demon Tribulation.

Zhang Xiyue fetched the geomancy map and pointed to a location on it.

"Brother Six means that we are going here."

Fu Shishi looked at the circles on the map, and a hint of horror flashed in her pupils.

"This? But here is clearly—"

Zhang Xiyue nodded slowly.

"So, Sixth Brother is also hesitating. After all, this place is too dangerous."

Changming Mountain.

In the middle continent, the forces of magic.

According to Fu Henghua's thoughts, this catastrophe must end with the victory of the Immortal Dao.But it is impossible for the Chiyuan Dao Sect to completely destroy the Mo Dao.

A [-]-[-] split is the best result.

With Changming Mountain as the boundary, the left is the realm of magic, and the right is the realm of immortality.

To achieve this step, a comprehensive and detailed plan is required.

Because of Yu Danqing's sense of responsibility, he refused to throw Donglai's heroes into such a dangerous place indiscriminately.

click - click -

There were footsteps outside the door, and the two girls looked up.

Long Taoist and Hong Changyi are walking in.

"Sister Zhang, what's the situation in Donghai? Tell me quickly."

Zhang Xiyue switched projections to highlight the current coastal scenery of the East China Sea.

"The situation in the East China Sea Theater is better than that in the Northeast Theater. The coastal areas have all been recovered, and the spirit of the gods is slowly circulating in the east. The polluted and sealed land veins are beginning to recover, and the Wanyue Realm is being reactivated.

"With this kindness, the disciples of the major families and sects who served in the East China Sea Theater were relieved and returned home to cultivate. The two robbers also freed up their hands, which greatly relieved the pressure on the side of the Immortal Dao."

The phased victories of the two theaters have reduced the pressure on the Immortal Dao in the South China Sea theater and the Eastern theater.

After the victorious monks have cultivated, they can continue to invest in other theaters and gradually regain lost ground.

Taoist Long sat down, and Master Yunyu beside him offered tea.

He asked: "What's the idea of ​​the 'Lingzhang faction'?"

"Senior Yu said, look for an excuse later, get a sum of money from Chi Yuan and leave. But for specific discussions, he doesn't plan to find Yang Dai, a middleman, but wants Sixth Brother to talk to the 'Shanzhangren' .”

Zhangshan, another name for Chiyuan's suzerain.

"He was invited here, it is indeed time to go to the Chiyue Mountains."


Fenglan Valley.

As the bone wall collapsed, the immortal monks lined up to encircle and suppress Moxiu.

"Zhang Xuanchu" and his party were naturally among the members of the encirclement and suppression.But looking at the wounded in Fenglan Valley, Longyin Mountain and other places, Fu Henghua was moved.

In private, he recruited Fu Pengming.

"You turn into the appearance of 'Henry Zhang', and stand for me for a while."


Seeing him pressing his face with a dazed and stupid expression, Fu Henghua silently held back his right hand that wanted to move.

"You don't know how to save people, so it's hard to show kindness. Let's do it for my brother."

Fu Pengming glanced at the wounded in Fenglan Valley and suddenly realized.

The two brothers changed their identities, and Fu Henghua pointed to the ground after recovering his original appearance.

The five-color lotus with a diameter of one foot blooms slowly.Brilliant light shot into the sky and turned into a beautiful and delicate glass cover to cover the camp.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the glass cover, the Chiyuan monks became alert.

But then, they felt a trace of anger spreading in the air.

"Huh? My wound—"

A mountain ranger looked at the black and purple wound on his arm.The wound is slowly shrinking, and the remaining demonic poison and evil spirits are gradually being removed.

"Ah——" Another disciple of Chiyuan was poured into his body with a lot of anger, and spat out a few mouthfuls of black blood.

"Are you okay?" A doctor walked over.

"I—I feel the congestion in my body being forced out." The monk said, getting up and moving his body.

The doctor was also surprised when he saw this.He knew that this fellow disciple was struck in the heart by the "Sura Yin Sha Palm".Although the treatment was timely, he was unable to move freely for a period of time. He had to meditate and adjust his breath, trying to move his luck to resolve the congestion.The time may take half a year.

But right now, is that all right?

The doctor looked at the glass cover in the sky, and stretched out his hand silently.

A trace of anger wrapped around his fingers, and his fatigue from treating people for many days was also relieved by this force.

Rong Yunbiao walked quickly to Fu Henghua.

"Fellow Daoist, you—"

"I see that you are all injured, so please help as much as you can."

Heng Hua picked up the "Xuanhuo Bird Feather Fan" and shook it gently.

The gentle wind blows over the "five-color lotus" on the ground.The dense fragrance rising from the lotus heart is pushed by the breeze and spreads to the entire camp.For a time, lotus flowers containing vitality and spiritual clouds grew around the buildings.

"Don't touch the stems and leaves, just pick the lotus buds and put them in your mouth, it can increase your self-healing ability."

After Heng Hua instructed, he stepped towards the nearest injured person.His arm was severed along with his right shoulder, but the stump could not be retrieved.Currently, the two doctors are working together to replace the lost tissue without exposing the heart.

"You can't do this, let me come."

Heng Hua took out his medicine box from the ring, and quickly began to operate on it.

A medical practitioner wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Ying Ruhong.

"Let this fellow Taoist try, after all he is—"

Ying Ruhong recalled Shimen's information on "Fu Henghua".

This is a monk who created his own heavenly book and is proficient in the mysteries of creation.According to Senior Brother Yang, his medical teacher was trained by Dongnae's top medical practitioners.In Donglai's comprehension world, a brand new "Rebirth of Severed Limbs" has also been researched.

After cleaning up the remaining toxins and evil spirits in his body, Fu Henghua slowly injected the essence of good fortune into his flesh and blood.

A trace of granulation slowly squirmed.

The monk felt his wound itching.

"Hold him down."

Although the two medical trainees are not skilled enough, they always have eyesight and insight.Seeing Fu Henghua's actions, he immediately understood what he was doing.

The two worked together to hold down the monk and anesthetized him with a secret technique.

Visible to the naked eye, the monk's wound is growing blood and flesh little by little.The internal organs that were originally exposed were re-protected by flesh and blood, and meridians began to grow, and the right arm was rebuilt.

But an arm with bones and joints is obviously not enough for simple "hyperplasia of flesh and blood".

Fu Henghua took out a white pill and melted it with the monk's own blood.After waiting for a while, the pill melted into a strange liquid with the texture of white jade.

"This is 'Sheng Gu Pill', my Yanlong secret elixir."

This is a product left by Xian Wengge, one of the refined products of dragon blood.Yanlong East Territory sells for [-] moon beads, and the Fu family sells for [-] moon beads.

Using the "Dragon Bone Jade Liquid", Fu Henghua regenerated the bones, and carefully restored every meridian and muscle in his right arm until the monk could move as usual.

"It's ok. In the next few days, take care of yourself. Don't be too tired. As for the diet—forget it, I'll write you a prescription for spiritual meal therapy."

Fu Henghua got up, and when he was about to leave, a medical practitioner hurriedly grabbed his hand.

"Friend Daoist, do you still have this medicine?"

In the Fenglan Valley camp, there were dozens of disabled and wounded people.And if you count the disabled and wounded in other theaters, there will be even more.

It's not that the Tianyue Building of the Chiyuan Taoist School does not have the secret technique of connecting limbs, but the cost of the materials required is too high.

Chi Yuan's secret medical skills were originally in the same vein as Donglai Fuzhou.They are all based on special treasures of heaven, material and earth, and are transformed into limbs with magic tricks.

But such treasures are too rare.Before Xue Kai published the "Dragon Blood Article" of Donglai Xuanwei Sect, there were also many monks who could not receive treatment due to physical disabilities.

Not to mention that during the Great Demon Tribulation in Nanzhou, there were constant killings, and the natural materials and earthly treasures used to repair broken limbs were carefully kept by various forces.Idle disciples are not qualified to use them at all.

The reason why Fu Henghua took out the "Bone Bone Pill" was to make another deal with the Chiyuan Taoist faction.

He hesitated and said: "Bone Bone Pill is my Donglai secret medicine, which is used to replace the natural treasures such as 'Dragon Claw Ginseng'. Although the cost is reduced, it is always a rare product with narrow uses. I travel to Nanzhou At that time, there were only five raw bone pills on his body."


The eyes of the Chiyuan monks were a little dim.

"However, I am a master of medicine. I can refine this kind of secret medicine. It's about the materials..."

"Fellow Daoist wait a moment."

Rong Yunbiao took the initiative to contact the teacher without the reminder from the two fellow medical trainees.

Just like Fu Henghua's previous deals, the Chiyuan Taoist faction placed the order with arrogance.

The first batch, three hundred raw bone pills.

According to the rules of the alchemist, the price is fixed, and three out of ten are drawn.

That is to say, [-]% of the materials, Fu Henghua himself can take [-]% for his own use as alchemy expenses.The remaining [-]% of the pills produced all belong to the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

As for the so-called fixed price, the materials required for a living bone pill are fixed.Among the [-]% materials, the amount of elixirs produced is a fixed number.No matter how high the probability of success or failure of the alchemy furnace is.Fu Henghua had to hand over a corresponding amount of pills in the end.

In this way, the alchemist will bear the shortfall of alchemy failure.

Of course, the general fixed price transaction method.Alchemists will always play tricks on the alchemy, adding a few extra herbs, or increasing the amount.

It can not only ensure that the secret recipe is not leaked, but also pass on the "loss cost" in this way to earn more profits.

"Of course, if fellow daoists don't like Yuan Price's way, we can follow the Chengdan model. That is..."

"Just the price in yuan."

Although Fu Henghua is not a master who specializes in alchemy, but he has the secret art of good fortune, so it is no problem to refine the bone pill.Moreover, there are alchemists in their line of work.There is even no need for Fu Henghua to make alchemy himself, just arrange it.

As for taking the Chengdan model, no matter how many pills are used, it will cost [-] points.On the contrary, it is worse for them.

After finalizing the deal, Fu Henghua walked around the camp twice more, helping many monks to remove poisonous spirits, and after relieving their pain, he chose a secret room to open a furnace for alchemy.

Of course, this is also in name.

In private, Fu Henghua contacted Yu Danqing and mentioned the deal.

"Bone Bone Pills, I remember when we went out, didn't we bring five hundred pieces with us?"

Donglai and his party are all young and handsome, and the sects are unwilling to let them have any accidents.And the Jiexians, adhering to the idea of ​​supporting the younger generation, also deliberately gave them a sum of money to buy supplies for them.

The purchaser is Fujia.

The raw material of raw bone pill, besides three kinds of jade crystals and eight kinds of plants, the most core animal material is dragon's blood.And this is one of the most active businesses of the Fu family at present.

Taking the dragon's blood produced by himself, Fu Danwei contacted Ge Liu, Xue Kai, and Yu Yuyu to provide the group with [-] raw bone pills and [-] spiritual blood pills.

"There are more things, and the price is naturally lower." Fu Henghua explained lightly, asking Yu Danqing to practice alchemy.

"I...forget it, I'm fine now."

Something happened in the sea-moving theater, and Yu Danqing, Dong Moyang and his party were placed in a spiritual mountain near the sea to rest temporarily.What Cao Zhenren meant was that he hoped that they would continue to help.And willing to pay a lot of money to hire us to kill the devil.

"About our future business, you should talk to Chiyue Zhangshan carefully. How many puppets you can make is up to you."

"It's not easy to tinker too much with that thing. Looking back, it will be difficult to arrange a few more waves of Lingzhang to send reinforcements."

"What's so difficult? When I communicated with them, I mentioned that the Wuwangzhou sect often went to other Shenzhous to do employment in exchange for natural resources and earthly treasures. As long as they can afford the price, I will return from the Lingzhang Just send someone. In short, we don’t have too many treasures. Moreover, the Chiyuan Taoist faction is really rich.”

That's right, the Chiyuan Taoist faction is sitting on a continent, rich and powerful.

In the next two days, while Fu Henghua pretended to be alchemy, he would also come out to help heal his injuries.Chiyuan Road sent Tuo Rong Yunbiao to send a hundred bottles of qi-returning elixir as compensation for his loss of mana.

For Fu Henghua, the consumption of mana in these two days was less than half of his own mana.And as the innate dao species absorbed spiritual energy from the heaven and the earth every moment, Fu Henghua's magic power never bottomed out.

Of course, Fu Henghua would not refuse such good intentions of the Chiyuan Taoist School.

In two days, Fu Henghua won hearts and healed hundreds of monks. .

Up and down Fenglan Valley, they all called "Mr."

Even Longyin Mountain and Jiuqu Lake received the news, and politely asked Fu Henghua to go to heal the wounded.

Naturally, even for this part of the flight, the Chiyuan Taoist faction specially sent "travel expenses".Longyin Mountain and Jiuqu Lake camps will each send ten bottles of panacea.

Including the cost of treatment, after seven days, Fu Henghua had earned the entire fortune of a Donglai Foundation Establishment cultivator from the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

"The Chiyuan Taoist faction is really rich."

With this in mind, Fu Henghua went to Chiyuan Mountain Gate with Rong Yunbiao, Fu Xuange, and Hengshou.

Although I learned about it from multiple sources, I have also seen Chi Yue's true face.

But when he really came under the Hanging Mountains, looking at Chiyue and Diyuan in front of him, Fu Henghua still couldn't help being stunned for a while.

"The demon energy here is strong enough."

Heng Hua lowered his hands to give off light, and approached the cliff with a gossip golden lamp.

Looking down, the dark and bottomless abyss is constantly swallowing evil spirits, filthy and destroying the seal at the bottom of Chiyue.

"This is Diyuan. You two are laughing at me." Rong Yunbiao smiled wryly, "Master invited friends from the Fu family to come as a guest, but unexpectedly caught up with this inappropriate timing."

Heng Hua waved his hand to stop her polite words.

"My family relies on the noble sect to take care of me in Nanyan Fuzhou, so there is no need to be so polite. Naturally, we will not stand by when the great devil robs us."

Looking at Diyuan, Fu Henghua slowly raised his hands.

Five Elements Mountain Method.

Seeing the phantom of Wuxing Mountain taking shape in front of Fu Henghua, Rong Yunbiao became curious.

The Five Elements Mountain Method has been studied by the Chiyuan Taoist School in recent years.He has received the grace of his master, and he has also been able to use his skills.It's just that his five elements are incomplete, so it is difficult to build the Five Elements Mountain.

Right now, seeing the creator of this method doing it himself, he silently stepped forward and watched Fu Henghua's technique carefully.

"Huh? This is a little different from what the teacher taught."

At the bottom of the phantom of the Five Elements Mountain, there is an illusory golden gossip map.With the circle of gossip, the scale of the Five Elements Mountain is gradually shrinking.

In the end, a small group of five-color spirit stones was formed.


Heng Hua spewed Liuding Divine Fire from both hands, smelting this ball of spirit stones into a ball of shining multicolored light liquid.


He poured the liquid under his feet.

click - click -

The sound of earth and rock formation slowly sounded.

Under the feet of everyone, the five-color spiritual liquid produced a large piece of brand new earth and rock against the cliff.

Fu Henghua went up and stomped his feet.

Then walk on the edge of the new cliff and continue to pour the five-color stone liquid.


Rong Yunbiao couldn't bear it anymore.

"Fellow Daoist, can you fill the abyss?"

Without further ado, he quickly contacted Chi Yue.

Soon, a Jiexian came in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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