
Chapter 586

Chapter 586

Rong Yun led Heng Hua, Heng Shou and Fu Xuange to Zuo Xiafeng.

There is an ancient villa in the style of Dongnae on the mountainside.The beautiful forest is green and the jade water is cool.

Heng Hua's eyes lit up: "Is this the manor building of the 'Liu Wang School' thousands of years ago?"

Rong Yunbiao was stunned for a moment, and it took a while to react, and said vaguely: "Yes, that's right. This was specially arranged by the elders when they learned that the Fu family was coming."

Liu Wang faction?I'm not impressed.But I seem to have seen it from Guben, a master of garden architecture in the early days of Donglai Shenzhou?
Rong Yunbiao felt a little guilty, after all, Chi Yuan had been in Nanyan Fuzhou for more than [-] years.Although the overall architectural style of Dongnae is maintained, it also integrates local culture and makes some new adjustments.

Heng Hua looked at the villa in front of him and nodded frequently.

"Your faction has a heart."

He walked in first, followed by Fu Xuange.

There is a small artificially drilled lake in the village, surrounded by a circle of water pavilions and towers, forming a gossip.There are 33 houses with carved railings and jade bricks, cornices and bucket arches.

Fu Henghua caught sight of the main room in the main house at a glance, and then turned to negotiate with Fu Xuange.

Although Fu Xuange is old, he understands Fu Henghua's identity and its significance to the Fu family, so he will not compete with Fu Henghua.Outside, Fu Henghua still needs to go around many times to represent the head of the Fu family.Therefore, Fu Xuange only picked a water pavilion near the gate, and waved his hand.

Hundreds of Star Soul Warlords appeared and surrounded the entire villa.

Seeing this, Rong Yunbiao resigned and left.

Before leaving, he did not forget to take Hengshou away.After all, the identity Hengshou uses now is the guardian of "Henry Zhang".It is inconvenient to stay in Fu's temporary residence for a long time.And Hengshou also intends to use this identity to inquire about information inside Chiyuan, so he simply pushes the boat along and leaves with Rong Yunbiao.

When only the Fu family brothers were left, Fu Xuange asked about the next move.

"Don't worry, we came to the Chiyuan Taoist sect in an upright manner. According to the invitation, we are here to discuss the Tao with them. As for the matter of recruiting disciples, when the Chiyuan Taoist sect returns from Tianyu Mountain, we will naturally invite Dan Ge and the others How many people brought it."

As for the matter of discussing Taoism, I have to wait for my Taoist book to be sent out, and then consider it based on the reaction of the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

"Let's rest at the Clear Water Villa for the time being. The most important thing right now—"

"What is it?" Fu Xuange subconsciously said, "Eat?"

Heng Hua squinted, and plausibly said: "I am a spiritual person, and I can achieve bigu success. What should I eat? The first thing is to borrow books, of course!"

Heh - don't like to eat?You are afraid that you have forgotten, the practice of spiritual meal is inseparable from you.

But Fu Xuange also knew that Fu Henghua had been thinking about the Chiyuan Taoist school's collection of books for a long time.

The Chiyuan Taoist School is the second largest school in Donglai that moved away with many classics from the Shenzhou era.

Its collection of books is as large as the sum of Zihuang and Yusheng.

Fu Xuange followed Henghua to the Chiyuan Book Collection, and was immediately overwhelmed by the mountain of books in front of him.

The abdomen of the entire mountain was completely hollowed out, hiding many classics collected by the Chiyuan Taoist sect since its establishment.In addition to the Sixth Cultivation Civilization of Dongnae, fragments of ancient books of the previous civilizations also survived.

The two brothers entered the stone gate in the middle of the mountain, Fu Xuange looked at the corridors on both sides, and said with a smile: "This place is somewhat similar to the library you set up in Lingjie Cave."

Also according to the category, many grottoes were dug out and rest rooms were arranged.But the scale is far larger than the Lingjie Cave library.And there are stone-chiseled quiet rooms at the back of the mountain, which are convenient for monks to borrow and rest here.

The cousins ​​walked to the nearest cave.

At the entrance of the cave, there is a pair of stone carvings of Baize, and the word "Tao Mantra" is written on the plaque above.The books in this cave are the incantations of the Donglai and Nanyan Erzhou immortal families collected by the Chiyuan sect.

The two brothers went in, and a cave manager came out to receive them.After explaining his purpose and identifying himself, the other party asked the two to browse through them at will, and then returned to the stands again.

Heng Hua browsed in front of the shelf and picked up a copy of "Hundreds of Profound Fire Curse Collection".It records one hundred and eight formulas and applications of fire-type Taoism, as well as related examples.

"The writing is from Nanyan Fuzhou, should it be Nanzhou's spell?"

Some of the spells show traces of communication with Dongnae.But more, it is derived from the communication between the six sects of Nanzhou and the magic way.

Heng Hua flipped through the eight spells, seemed to have noticed something, went back to the front again, and found seven fire spells.

Then he conceived in his mind, and found that these eight fire spells could be upgraded and combined into a more powerful flame spell—the Lie Huo Yuan spell.

By sacrificing the magic fire, one can cultivate the body of the Vulcan.

"The technique of fire sacrifice to exorcise demons?"

It is very similar to Donglai's evil magic, but the basic principle is different, but it can be used for research.

Heng Hua read it carefully, recorded it and pondered it in his heart.

Fu Xuange beside him was also wandering back and forth.He randomly picked up two books about Beichen Star Curse and read them.But after watching it for a while, I lost interest.

"Spells come down to summary and selection, let Heng Hua worry about it."

There are tens of thousands of stars and Taoism, instead of spending your time thinking and hitting your luck, choose the one that suits you.It's better to let Fu Henghua, the "knowledgeable" help him narrow down the scope, extract a few alternatives, and then choose the one that suits him best.

He hastily put the book back, walked to the rest area and waited for Fu Henghua.

Looking around, there are not many people borrowing books at the stone benches and stone tables in the rest area.

"Because of the war, are there few visitors?"

You know, even the Lingjie Cave library, which was originally smaller than this place.There are far more young monks who borrow books on weekdays than here.

Chiyuan is still the place to rule a continent.

"Besides, there isn't even tea prepared here."

Fu Xuange was idle and bored, so he simply closed his eyes and concentrated.

It was not until two hours later that he heard Fu Henghua's footsteps gradually approaching that he opened his eyes.

"Shall we leave now?"

Heng Hua shook his head: "I plan to stay here for a while. If brother is impatient, you can leave first. It's good to take a walk around Chiyue."

Fu Xuange was not the nature to study patiently, but he was worried that something would happen to Fu Henghua here, so he waited patiently.He didn't leave Xiaoshufeng until Fu Henghua stayed for two days and found no danger.

He left, and Fu Henghua then took out a book of his own.

The cover says "Five Elements Notes", but what is wrapped inside is a magic book.

This is Heng Hua's usual way of collecting books, and this magic book is the treasure that the devil emperor cherishes from the Ten Thousand Demon Continent.

"There are millions of volumes of Daoist scriptures hidden in the Xiaoshufeng Cave. The literary and immortal energy gathered here is very strong, which can suppress the evil spirits of the magic tome."

With this layer of defense, Fu Henghua dared to study the magic tome boldly.

He tried to write a line in the grimoire.

"who are you?"

Soon, a reply came from the Grimoire.

"I am the spirit of this book."

Heng Hua raised his eyebrows and continued to write: "You mentioned the Feng family earlier? Can you sense the situation outside?"

"I can sense your blood, you and I—the creator of this book are of the same race."

The text emerges quickly.

"But, my surname is not Feng."

Heng Hua took up his pen and pondered, then wrote.

"My surname is Fu, and my name is Xuan Xing. I am a disciple of the Immortal Sect." He secretly circulated the "Taiqing Great Red Book" to confuse the other party.

"Following your mother's surname is originally a habit of the Feng family. Only when the blood is awakened to a certain height and returned to Tianxu Shenzhou to receive experience, can you be qualified to write your own name. By the way, where is this Shenzhou you are in? Isn't it here? Myriad Demon Continent, right?"

"Nanyan Fuzhou, this is Chiyuan Sect."

"Nan Yan Fuzhou?"

The text seems very confused.

After Fu Henghua briefly described the general situation here, the "Magic Book Spirit" said: "Nanzhou in Tongtianxu?"

Tongtian Market?What is this?
Heng Hua simply continued to inquire.

Since the other party mentioned "Wan Mozhou" last time, Heng Hua cheered up and thought of trying to extract the extraterritorial information that the other party had.

Perhaps because of the blood, the "magic book spirit" can be said to answer every question.

"Tongtian Ruins is the synonym of Tongtian Continent. Since the invasion of the Nine Earth Demon Gods, Tongtian Continent has been divided into four. We call this piece of Shenzhou ruins 'Tongtian Ruins'. Some people also call it 'Tongtian Sea Realm'..."

Heng Hua compared what the "magic book spirit" said with Nanyan Fuzhou's information, and gained a new understanding of the "nine heavens, ten places, the universe and the great world".

The world is very big, there are many Chinas, and there are also many oceans.

The Tongtian Sea Realm includes the four Divine Continents and many related sea areas.And Tongtian Sea Realm is part of the "Yuan Yu Ocean Domain".In this vast ocean, there are dozens of large and small divine continents.

The Tianmu Continent of my mirror friend is in the Yuan Yu Ocean Domain.

As for his "hometown", the "Tianxu Shenzhou" where Fengxian came from the east is outside the Yuanyu Ocean Territory.It was a Divine Continent dominated by the Feng clan of the human race.The so-called Taoism of Immortals and Demons is just a part of the Feng clan's cultivation family.

Therefore, after this "book spirit" realized that he was a "disciple of the immortal sect", he didn't feel much disgust.

According to his words, each of the three thousand bloodlines has its own continuation. It seems that there are many orthodox traditions, but in fact the bloodlines have the same origin, and they are all descendants of human ancestors.

As for the origin of this book, it claims to come from the "Fengmo" lineage of the Feng family's three thousand lines, and it is the leading family of the magic way in the Feng family lineage.One of the devil emperor-level masters finished the book and sent it to the "Wan Mozhou" to fight against Wan Mozhou in the form of a literary battle.

As for how this book fell into Nanyan Fuzhou, "Shu Ling" was also very surprised.He claimed to have been asleep for many years, and he would not have awakened if he hadn't realized that the blood of the descendants of the Feng family was of the same origin and had a slightly higher purity.

Facing a "book spirit" who showed kindness to him, Fu Henghua would never let go of this opportunity.

Let's try out the Fiendfyre spell that I just studied.

"Book Spirit" easily deduced the full version and the advanced version of this incantation - a fire magic skill that is enough to comprehend the Daoguo of the Demon King.

Afterwards, Fu Henghua tentatively asked a few more questions about practice.

"Shu Ling" answered them one by one.

But at the end, "Shu Ling" complained: "Why are you studying these exercises? I can feel that your talent is very special, and you are very suitable to practice magic exercises with me. Why don't I pass you a piece of magic exercises to prove the emperor. You Listen, first of all..."

Suddenly, the words on the magic tome disappeared.Fu Henghua also sensed it, and quickly put away the magic tome.

Soon, he saw a senior walking over with a smile.

"Senior Bu Xuan?"

Seeing Bu Xuan coming in person, Heng Hua got up quickly.

"Senior, why is this so? This junior should have gone to greet you."

Bu Xuan smiled, and glanced at the rare copies of Shenzhou on Fu Henghua's desk.

Heng Hua felt a little guilty, in order to test the "Shu Ling"'s skills.He deliberately found a lot of tricky books.

Bu Xuan sighed in his heart: although writing is not a problem for him.But most of these remnants have incomplete practice system, if he can understand something from this—is it worthy of being called "wisdom mind"?

Hui Xin of the Fu family, he has dealt with it in the Fufeng Immortal Palace era, and he has learned about it a long time ago.

Sitting down, Bu Xuan said: "It's rare that you are eager to learn, so let's take a good look at these books. These books are the immortal formulas collected by our ancestors in the Donglai Shenzhou era. And the books on the right are relics left by the ancient civilization. article."

After a brief explanation, he sighed again: "You are much better than those younger generations in my family who don't like reading. They don't come to 'Xiaoshufeng' very much."

Randomly read the books that Fu Henghua had borrowed, and then stretched out his hand to classify them neatly.

Seeing his proficient work, Heng Hua's expression became more and more strange, as if seeing a colleague.

"Before I became 'Zhangshan', I was 'Master Xiaoshu Peak'—the librarian of the Chiyuan sect."

Well, it's really a colleague.

Bu Xuan put the book away, gently waved his palm, and the red light sealed this corner.He asked sternly, "Xiao Dai has told me all about your coming from Donglai, together with your plans. Regarding the 'Lingzhang Sect', how do you plan to arrange them? Can you continue to accept employment."

Fu Henghua immediately took out a gold page and wrote "Lingzhang School Employment Charter" at the beginning.

"You are all ready."

Bu Xuan took it and read it quickly.

There are several models of employment regulations compiled by Fu Henghua.Those who kill people, those who don't kill people, those who support beheading operations, those who count enemies...

The asking price for each employment model is different.

After reading it, Bu Xuan ticked off the line titled "Articles of Employment".

"Don't worry about it, we've got it all covered. Whether it's beheading or killing enemies in a sea of ​​people, we need them all. Even those who don't kill people, but are only responsible for escorting supplies and stealing treasures to save people, we also want them. The price is as follows Follow your orders. No need to haggle, just pay what you order."

How generous.

Heng Hua put away the gold leaf and promised to send official documents in the future.

"Of course, we also need an additional condition."

Bu Xuan said softly: "If we add up the 'Nine-faced Demon Emperor' and all the treasures we have collected, it will not be enough to fill the 'Abyss'. By then..."

The young man raised his eyebrows and looked at Bu Xuan with a half-smile.

Bu Xuan's face was a little embarrassed, but he still bit the bullet and made his own request: "At that time, I'm afraid you will need your dharma figure puppets as additional materials. This is the price for us to help you build your dharma figure puppets."

Heng Hua twirled the Liangyi Ruyi Ball, thinking silently.

After a long time, he reluctantly said: "Yes. But you need other compensation from your faction. Otherwise, I can't explain to Donglai comrades."

"I understand this point. How about the immortal energy? My faction will give you immortal energy, magical talismans, Taoist scriptures and other things. In exchange, we can negotiate at that time. After all, this is just an insurance policy, and it may not be needed."

Heng Hua smiled.

Although it is not necessary, Senior Yu also considered it before leaving, and specially asked me to agree to it.

Diyuan, the threat of the Demon God's Mouth is not only aimed at Nanzhou.If Nanzhou falls, Donglai Shenzhou will be spared even if it is separated by an ocean?
Sealing the abyss is a top priority.

It is also worth smashing down all the puppets we created.

Heng Hua and Yu Danqing have similar attitudes towards the "Faxiang Puppet".

This is just an outsider shortcut, which is to allow Jindan cultivators to possess Nascent Soul-level power for a short time, and to pave the way for themselves to become a true Dharma by previewing the Nascent Soul-level power.

The dharma puppets of Zhong Ionhan and others are only for them to be proficient in the operation of dharma.It does not mean that their future Dharma images must be those designed by Fu Henghua and Yu Danqing.

You know, there are many legal aspects of their design drawings.Some of them are the failures of Dharma images of Donglai masters.

When Wulei Shenjun, Qiankun Louzhu and others condensed the dharma images, they had conceived some other functions and dharma images of dao and fruit.But in the end, those plans were discarded, and the current "five thunder rings" and "dry cloud body" were chosen as the dharma form.

These abandoned plans were taken out by Fu Henghua and improved to make them "Puppets of Dharma".The Tao represented by these dharma puppets is not entirely correct.

Since it is possible to fail when it is truly sublimated into a Dharma image, it is a path of failure that does not work.

But learning lessons through failure is the purpose of Fu Henghua's creation of these dharma images.

Fu Henghua didn't intend to let everyone keep these dharma puppets.

Destroyed at the right time, on the contrary, can get another benefit from the Chiyuan faction.

"This matter is of great importance, and I need to discuss it with my colleagues. But after three days, I will give you an answer."

Bu Xuan understood that this matter was a bit "difficult for a strong man", so he generously stayed for three days and left temporarily.

After he left, Fu Henghua took out the magic book again and wrote it as "Fu Xuanxing".

"Do you know the abyss in Nanyan Fuzhou?"

"The hole in Tongtian Continent back then? Of course I know. During the turmoil in the Nine Earths that year, many abyss passages appeared in the Yuanyu Ocean Region. The demons from the Nine Earths descended from the passages——Tongtian Continent also collapsed because of this... I remember that the abyss in Tongtianxu is connected to the fifth place? Maybe it is the fourth place? What? What happened to that place?"

The text was a bit rushed, and he said solemnly: "If something happens to the seal of the Demon God's Mouth, you should immediately tell your parents and let your immortals figure out a way."

(End of this chapter)

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