
Chapter 589

Chapter 589
Henghua pretends to be his elder brother and comes back to preside over the situation, appeasing everyone in Xiuzhitang.

Not long after the five villains left, the disciples of the Chiyuan Taoist sect came.

The one who came was a man and a woman, both of them were Jindan cultivators.The intention of coming is to come to the Fu family to accept disciples according to the old agreement.

Cao Biyan said politely: "Master Fu, I wonder if there is a suitable candidate for the Fu family?"

Heng Hua recruited Fu Dange, Fu Baitang and Fu Xueke to come out.

"Look at the emissary, how are the three members of my family?"

Cao Biyan looked at the three teenagers, thinking secretly.Senior brother Yang Dai has an appointment with Fu Henghua, and the master intends to take two apprentices from Fu's family.But Fu Xuanhe has made great contributions, even if all three of them accept it, there is nothing wrong with it.

It has been Chi Yuan's practice in recent years to accept disciples from cultivation families.Even without the favor and credit of the Fu family brothers, the Chiyuan Taoist faction must select suitable members from the Fu family to maintain Chiyuan's rule over the Xiuzhen family.At the same time, this move also involves the struggle within Chiyuan.

While thinking, Cao Biyan cast a spell to check the cultivation of the three teenagers.

Seeing this, she was startled for a moment, and quickly looked at the junior brother beside her.

"You use the 'Tianjian Technique' to test it."

Lan Hefu studied under an elder who passed on his skills, and his parents were from Donglai and the native Changsheng Village of Nanzhou.Therefore, he belongs to the neutral faction in the Chiyuan Taoist faction.It neither gets involved in the so-called racial struggle, nor does it involve family or sect disputes.On weekdays, I take care of the library with Master and several uncles and uncles.

But the Fu family is of great importance, and various forces are involved behind it.Therefore, Wen Rong deliberately replaced him with Cao Biyan.

He silently practiced the Tao, and looked at the three of them with a flash of inspiration in his eyes.

Suddenly, his vision changed.

The raging flaming mountain gushed out heat waves, and the glowing flames concealed a red lotus flower.

Build a foundation?

Flaming Mountain?
Lan Hefu subconsciously looked at the smiling "Patriarch Fu" next to him.

Yes, since the Fu family has already prepared.Naturally, they will choose the right clan members—this is much more worry-free than other families.

Fu Dange practiced the Xiantian Gen Gua and Xiantian Li Gua, and used the mountain and fire method to build the foundation of the Flame Mountain.The fire on the mountain belly bred the Taolian, which is in line with the innate principle.As far as the Chiyuan Taoist school is concerned, he doesn't even need to break up his skills to practice again. He only needs to modify his own mentality to connect with the highest mentality of the Chiyuan Taoist school today, which is "Chiyue Taoism" practiced by Yang Dai. membership".

"My grandson, what do the two fellow Taoists think?"

Cao Biyan quickly thought about the various factions on Chiyuan.

Fu Dange's aptitude and practice skills will definitely lead to struggles among Chiyuan's various channels.

In particular, respecting the two major lines of the first and second generation patriarchs may even directly intensify the conflict and cause conflicts between several robbers.

"Innate Li Gua?"

Lan Hefu then looked at Fu Baitang.

Not Yamagata, but a raging sea of ​​flames.There is a golden pattern of "Li Gua" in the center of the flame.

After noticing that he possessed a basic fire technique, Lan Hefu was taken aback again.

This is clearly the "Xiantian Li Gua" analyzed by the family from "Yitian Bajishu", and it is very authentic.Many disciples in his family are not as good as his foundation.This... from Senior Brother Yang Dai?
Finally, he looked at Fu Xueke.

The jade water is gurgling, and all the rivers return to the sea.

There is a congenital Kan hexagram running in the water, constantly biochemical new tributaries, and expanding the water environment for its Taoist evolution.

Innate Kan Gua?

Way of water?
Lan Hefu's mood became more and more delicate.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas?"

The Book of Mountains and Seas is a heavenly book conceived by the Chiyuan Taoist School.

It comes from the mountain method and is born out of the mountain method. It can condense the Yueshen inherited by the second generation patriarch, but it can also blaze a new path.

Coincidentally, after Fu Henghua came into contact with Yang Dai in Donglai, he also conceived a heavenly book based on the geography of mountains and rivers, and named it "Shan Hai Jing".Its foundation must take a continent as a dojo, and cultivate mountains and seas to form its own way.

But Donglai's current situation cannot support this heavenly book at all.Only the Chiyuan Taoist sect refining a continent as a Taoist realm can support Fu Henghua's inspiration.

Master Tian should be very happy to see Fu Xueke, right?

Lan Hefu felt complicated.

The deduction of "Shan Hai Jing" was presided over by one of his uncles.

"Junior Brother? Junior Brother?"

Cao Biyan called several times, and Lan Hefu returned to God and said, "Senior sister, these three people are all suitable for my family's Taoism, and you can take them all back."

Cao Biyan also thought so, but if these three people go back, it may cause quite a disturbance.Right now, Chiyuan is facing the pressure of the abyss, isn't it a little bad to take it back now?
She was thinking, why not take a few Daoist books from the teacher to teach the third child.Let them enter after the Great Demon Tribulation is over.

But next to him, Lan Hefu directly said to "Patriarch Fu": "When we go back later, we can take them back together. Patriarch, do you have any other clansmen here? According to the previous agreement and your contribution to You Dalu , it’s okay to have a few more people.”

There are not too few Fu family members with such qualifications.

Fu Henghua smiled and said nothing, quietly looking at Lan Hefu.

Lan Hefu sighed, understanding the Fu family's attitude.

The Fu family just needs a few members of the clan to build a bridge with the Chiyuan Taoist faction, to show their own value by the way, and to pave the way for the three clan members in the future.But he didn't plan to tie Chi Yuan's family to death completely.

Fu Yaozhen whispered to Mr. Fu Tong, and after the two packed the luggage for Fu Dange and the three, they directly let the three of them leave with Lan and Fu.


A green hill near Tianyu Mountain.

Wen Rong stopped on the top of the mountain, silently watching the events on Tianyu Mountain.

Only after Cao Biyan and the two of them led the Fu family's third child back to Chiyue did he speak humanely to the Chiyi beside him.

"Okay, you can go back too."

Qu Xuejin looked unhappy, looked at Wen Rong back and forth, and finally choked out a sentence: "If you do this, won't you be afraid of Master's wrath?"

"If Song Yuan is angry, you can let him come to find me. You, a junior, can't grasp what's going on here."

Song Yuan, the leader of the Nanzhou family forces.It is the disciple of Chi Yuan's predecessor Zhang Shan who was recorded in Nanzhou.Although he is older than Wen Rong, he got started later, so he is a "junior brother".

Right now, the five cultivation families came to find the Fu family's bad luck, and there was his acquiescence behind it.Even the retail investor Jiexian in the East China Sea War Zone was targeting the Fu family, and he could vaguely see his shadow.

"What's more, if these three people are apprentices to Chi Yuan, their seniority may be older than you. How can I get you to host the collection?"

Wen Rong couldn't help shaking his head.

The person Chiyuan originally sent to Fu's family was Song Yuan's disciple Qu Xuejin and Cao Biyan, a descendant of Cao Zhenren.

Song and Yuan were appointed by the previous generation to manage the roster of "Dengxian Chiyue" of the Xiuzhen family.It is reasonable to send people to the Fu family to collect the clansmen.

But because he knew Song and Yuan didn't like the Fu family, Cao Zhenren specially sent Cao Biyan, a member of his family, to go with him.

After all, the Fu family is a comprehension family from Donglai who came across the sea, which touched the interests of the local comprehension family.

One is friendly with the Fu family, and the other is against the Fu family.

Chiyuan's other elders acquiesced to the two walking together, the original intention was to balance the situation, and to prevent the Fu family from suffering under mutual restraint.

But Wen Rong followed Fu Henghua, and noticed that the five monks were besieging Tianyu Mountain. Hong Yue secretly communicated with Qu Xuejin, intending to let Qu Xuejin show up when necessary, and use his power to overwhelm the Fu family.

He also saw that Fu Henghua was aware of this scene, and used means to arrest the ancestor of the Wang family.

Seeing this scene, I remembered the private evaluation of Fu Henghua by several seniors.He was so frightened that he quickly grabbed Qu Xuejin and sent Lan Hefu to help.

With Fu Henghua's disposition, I'm afraid Junior Brother Song would be humiliated if he didn't turn around and make a fuss.

But Qu Xuejin obviously didn't appreciate it, he looked at Wen Rong coldly, and planned to tell his master everything after he went back.

As a robber immortal, Song Yuan, because of the support of the Nanzhou family, can be regarded as the master of a faction, and he himself is a master of the true spirit realm who has survived the fire disaster.Obviously, it is better than ordinary immortals like Wen Rong who are struggling to grow up and have no hope of surviving the calamity of fire.

Suddenly, Wen Rong saw the changing clouds in Tianyu Mountain, and quickly pointed at Qu Xuejin: "Go back quickly!"

The red light rolled up the young man and disappeared immediately.

"Oh? Is this teleportation through earth veins? Former Panlan and Fulai also relied on this method?"

Fu Henghua appeared from the air.

Seeing that it was an incarnation, Wen Rong still didn't dare to be careless, and said politely: "My family is rude this time, please forgive me, little friend."

Huang Po's incarnation is elusive, and Wen Rong didn't even notice how he took down a Nascent Soul Grandmaster and imprisoned him next to the deity.

However, he could feel the power contained in this avatar.

"Taiqing Great Red Book", and its powerful mana is at the peak of the master.

Is it the big Chiyuan bead?

Thoughts turned in Wen Rong's mind, and his tone became softer.

The Chiyuan Taoist school valued Fu Henghua very much.

As a big faction with immortal inheritance, they know better than Zihuang and Yusheng two, what it means to be a monk who creates and recompiles the heavenly scriptures.

Therefore, the Chiyuan Taoist faction sent Ling Tianchou to collect all the information related to Fu Henghua as soon as they heard the news and invited Fu Henghua to come as a guest.

Tianjingzi can profile Fu Henghua's character through description.

Chiyuan Taoism also has similar capable people.

Therefore, Wen Rong is well aware of Fu Henghua's character of "revenge for every grievance".

He kept it in his heart—the Wei family had a lot to say.

What's more, his revenge was so invisible that many of the parties would even feel grateful without any reaction.

My nephew, Yang Dai, is still grateful to Fu Henghua for the good fortune that he used the "72 earth magic skills" to break through his confusion.

But these elders learned about it afterwards, and went back to think about what happened back then.They can judge that Fu Henghua's move definitely brought a lot of personal grudges and grievances in addition to helping.It must be because Yang Dai was bothered by that bastard, so he deliberately taught him a lesson.

And just based on Fu Henghua's finger back then, the Chiyuan Jiexians would not regard Fu Henghua as a junior, but as a "little fellow Taoist" who could communicate with peers.

Heng Hua sat down and swept away with a flick of his sleeve.

Stone platforms and teapots appeared one by one.

"Senior, sit down."

Seeing this, Wen Rong sat silently opposite.

"Zhang Xuanchu is from Song Yuan?"

Wen Rong was silent for a while, sighed and said: "Little friend is really smart. Zhang Xuanchu came from the Nanzhou cultivator family. His personal master passed the catastrophe and fell, and currently he is taught by Brother Bu and Brother Song in turn. In Chiyuan position, he and Yang Dai's nephew It’s even. It’s—it’s a signboard launched over there. There are two such people over there. You are deliberately asked to play their identity, and it’s also to show the strength of the Nanzhou family’s attack on the magic way.”

The relationship between the power of the divided Nanzhou family and the magic way?

Heng Hua knew that the Nanzhou Cultivation Clan had lived in the shadow of the Demonic Dao for thousands of years, and they were not clear about the Demonic Dao.

Aside from other things, the Hong family just now - there is also a Hong family of the devil way in the Wanmo gourd.

The former Fu Henghua came to Tianyu Mountain, and after seeing the provocation of Wang Hong's family, he secretly checked the blood of the two Hong families.

He can be sure that the two Hong families were originally in the same line 2000 years ago.

Reminiscent of the blood test project carried out by Yunmengyin, the status of the Nanzhou family becomes more subtle.

Under the coercion of Chiyuan, these immortal clans were able to sever ties with the Demonic Dao and sever ties with the other branch.Then when Chiyuan declines, they can once again lead the family to embrace the magic way.

As for whether it will be used as consumables after defecting to the magic way.

That is inevitable.

The family must be dead for a generation or two.However, the family power can always send a few clansmen to learn magic skills, and thus transform into a magic family.

After all, the Xiuzhen family only talks about bloodlines, not ethics.What's wrong with immortals and demons being in the same family?
Heng Hua secretly sighed when he thought of the magic book on his body.

It's not just a place in Nanzhou.

Emphasizing bloodlines over merits and orthodoxies is an ethos passed down from the ancestral home of the human race.

"Junior Brother Song's matter, I will come forward to deal with it later. You can rest assured, you don't have to be too—"

Fu Henghua raised his hand to stop Wen Rong's words.His tone was flat, but with a murderous intent.

"Brother, for the sake of the overall situation of Nanzhou Immortal Dao, he was born and died in the Central Continent. It is difficult to send news back. I don't know how many times he will be injured every day."

"Such dedication, in exchange for the secret suppression of some people in your faction. Senior thinks, I should bear it?"



Fu Xuanhe rubbed his nose, and continued to look through his newly found talisman book.

Next to it, two maids are fanning, two maids are spooning, and two maids are peeling grapes.


"My family misses my elder brother very much, but because they knew the truth, they never came forward to stop him, but did their best to help. But my family is so sincere to the immortal way, but in exchange for repeated targeting. The same is true in Tianyu Mountain, and the same is true in the East China Sea War Zone."

Wen Rong was a little embarrassed.

Indeed, on the one hand, Fu Xuanhe was born and died outside, and on the other hand, several comprehension families relied on Chi Yuan to oppress the Fu family.

It's embarrassing to say this.

"The former cousin Fan Hongluan and the others were frequently targeted in the East China Sea war zone. Although Yang Dai came forward to help, those people did not continue to pursue it. Why, there are people behind them. There is no one behind my Fu family?

"Senior advised us to stop and be patient, why not persuade them to stop?

"Song Yuan? It's just a tribulation fairy. He targeted my family, can he go across the sea to Donglai and completely destroy my Fu family? After destroying my family, he can go to Tianxu Shenzhou again, and kill my family's leader Zhifeng. Can the whole family be exterminated?"

Wen Rong's expression completely changed!

Wind!Tianxu Divine Continent.

Hearing this, he faltered and said: "Little friend, what you said. Your Fu family is from the Fufeng Immortal Palace, and the Feng family has six bloodlines. It is the Donglai Cultivation Family. It is too far away from... and Tianxu Divine Continent... .”

"The Feng Clan has a rule. The descendants of the Feng Clan who have cultivated into the Celestial Tribulation in each continent can go to Tianxu Divine Continent to recognize their ancestors and return to their clan."

Heng Hua's light words made Wen Rong's heart tremble again.

"The second generation of ancestors became immortals and left Donglai to return to Tianxu Divine Continent. The name has been recorded in the genealogy. My family's totem spirit 'Feng Hou' is also a guardian deity recognized by Tianxu Divine Continent."

"Wait—your family was seriously injured and fell asleep after the wind, and now you wake up?"

Wen Rong's complexion changed again.

"After my family cleaned up the house and eradicated villains like the Wei family. After the wind, the gods have awakened, and the light of the gods is shadowing my four families in the Eastern Region."

My day——

Wen Rong almost swears.

In the eyes of the Chiyuan Taoist school, the Fu family with or without the protection of Queen Feng is two completely different specifications.


Who is not human anymore?
All mortals are descendants of the ten tribes of the Feng clan.Because the first Daoist of the human race was surnamed Feng, the current human race is all descended from his bloodline.

Tianxu Divine Continent is the cradle of the birth of Taoists.

Xu refers to the earth mother god Xu.The original witnesses of the human race were conceived and raised by the earth mother Xu Xu.

Tianxu refers to heaven and earth.

The human race is blessed by the heaven and the earth, and they are based in the universe.

Tianxu, that is, the ancestral holy land where the human race bred and multiplied many divine lands.

As long as all races can complete the trial, they can be named "Feng Clan".With the multiplication and growth of the clan, there are currently more than 3000 clans in Tianxu Divine Continent.

There used to be rumors in Nanzhou that a certain member of the Feng clan was killed outside, and a real immortal master from Tianxu Divine Continent came out to take revenge.In fact, it is only one of the three thousand ethnic lines, and the elders of the ethnic relatives came out to take revenge.The rest of the ethnic groups simply don't bother to intervene in such small waves.

The only trouble that can unite the three thousand ethnic groups in Tianxu Divine Continent is the struggle for supremacy of the human race.

Yu Clan, Shark Clan, Purple Horned Demon Clan, Scarlet Eye Clan, Longyin Clan, Wuhua Clan...

In the barbaric era of nine heavens and ten earths, there were tens of thousands of races in the surface world.The human race at that time was just a small race named 'Xuan Dan'.

Through generations of reproduction, generations of strong people came out.In the end, all competing races were defeated, and the title "Human Race" was obtained.Other failed races are classified as "sub-races".

Man, one of the three talents of heaven, earth and man.

Enjoying the good luck of all people's luck is the most beloved by the world.

The battle of thousands of tribes in the wild is the battle for the title of the human race.

The Feng family is not the first race to obtain the title of "Human Race" and enjoy the exclusive "Three Talents Luck".It won't necessarily be the last.

"Speaking of which, I'm curious, senior or other Jiexians. Why didn't you return to Tianxu Divine Continent after Jiexian?"


Wen Rong remained silent, cursing inwardly.

There are people above your family.Your ancestors came from the east, only a few thousand years ago.There are still real immortals living on the other side of Tianxu Divine Continent.People like us, whose ancestors have no names and no surnames, go back to Tianxu Shenzhou to trace our ancestors. How can there be any real immortals sitting in town?
After going back to establish a small family branch, not only have to face the suppression of many big clans, but also face the enemies of the human race.

In addition to those wild and wild races that failed, the human race also has four powerful opponents: the real dragon, the phoenix, Xuan Kun, and the demon descendants.

Tianxu Shenzhou stands as the pillar of heaven and earth, setting the momentum of the three talents of heaven, earth and man.

Wanting to destroy the vitality of the Feng clan and force the human race to be easier, the Feng clan abdicated.Then, like the sinking of Donglai Shenzhou, the entire "ancestral home of the human race" must be sunk into the deep sea.

Therefore, Tianxu Divine Continent is not only the cradle of the human race, but also the gate that the human race most needs to guard.

Wen Rong asked himself.If the crisis of the human race breaks out and the holy land is damaged, Chi Yuan must be bound by their responsibilities, and even other orthodoxy and families in the Divine Continent, as long as they are powerful from the human race, will rush back to rescue them.

But on weekdays——

Whoever wants to go to a place with fierce competition and complicated rituals and music, anyway, I won't go!

But Fu Henghua mentioned the name of "Feng Shi", Wen Rong was really guilty.

"Senior, do you think it is possible for my eldest brother and I to survive the trial?"

"Going back... Going back to recognize the ancestors is actually quite troublesome. The journey is far away, and you may bump into several Sea Clan forces. The Sea Clan is no less than the dominant race of the Human Clan. Its leader, the True Dragon, almost rules Seventy percent of the world is in water. The way home is too difficult, so... you still have to be cautious. By the way, didn’t your ancestors go back after becoming immortals? It means that the road is dangerous, and only immortals can deal with it.”

Heng Hua remained silent, just looked at Wen Rong quietly.

Wen Rong couldn't bear the pressure, and took the initiative to say: "Don't worry, Junior Brother Song will not target the Fu family again in the future. If he dares to do something, I will sue Master and let Master punish him."

Ha ha……

But Heng Hua understood that he was indeed just bluffing.

In the current state of Feng Hou, there is no recovery power at all, let alone sheltering the Fu family.

If I and the others really caused trouble in Nanzhou and offended Immortal Chiyuan to go to Yanlong Waters to settle accounts, the old man couldn't protect himself.

But as long as he has the potential to go back and recognize his ancestors, the Chiyuan Taoist sect will have some scruples.

After Wen Rong finished speaking, he drank the spiritual tea in front of him: "Since the Fu family is fine, I'll go back first. If you are worried about the three boys in your family, you can also come back to observe the teacher. The three of them are apprentices. I want to come and meet." There were some twists and turns."

Before Fu Henghua could speak, he left quickly with the help of the earth's veins.

Seeing the aura of the earth's veins gradually dim, Fu Henghua took out the magic book from his arms and wrote: "Thank you, senior."

The information about Feng's naturally came from this senior who cultivated demons.

According to this senior, it is absolutely possible for him to pass the test.

"You're welcome."

After a pause, the text of the magic book reappeared: "Actually, as long as you are willing to practice magic and practice my magic skills. And reach a certain level, you can arouse the induction of my deity. At that time, my deity will come to pick you up, that will be more convenient."

Heng Hua smiled, and declined the kindness with a pen.

Repair magic?

I'm sorry, but I have a little disdain for your magic skills.

Although it fits the heaven and the earth, it belongs to the superior magic art.but--


"I like Heavenly Demon Taoism very much."

Boy Wukong said in front of a group of kneeling demons.

"The way of the Heavenly Demon is my family, but the law of the Blood Demon is not inferior to the Heavenly Demon. Since I have received the inheritance from Emperor Youxuan, I naturally have a lot of care for you. The Heavenly Demon and the Blood Demon are the lineage of my Youxuan Demon Palace. In the future Nanzhou Demon Dao must respect both of them."

All the devils under their feet looked at each other with joy on their faces.

"I would like to follow the decree of the young monarch to promote the way of heavenly demons and blood demons."

Wukong kept poaching the wall in the middle continent, and many blood demon disciples were absorbed by him into the Youxuan Demon Palace.Coupled with his status as the descendant of the Heavenly Demon, there are also many unsatisfactory, Heavenly Demon monks who are not valued by the five Great Heavenly Demon Kings come to seek refuge.

For a moment, the momentum of the Youxuan Demon Palace had the tendency to approach the five Heavenly Demon Lords.

No, it is now the Four Great Demon Lords.

Because there is a demon king in the East China Sea theater...

The boy looked at Mojun Ji Ge who was expressionless beside him.

"Brother, the Blood Lotus Sect has returned now. It's time for us to go to your Yinlong Mountain."

Mojun Ji Ge's eyes flickered, but he was quickly suppressed by the "Six Desire Demon Seal", and then nodded silently.

"Respect the decree of the young master."

At this time, a crow flew in and transformed into a human form. Hong Xu said: "My lord, the five-aggregation demon lord and the four-dharma demon lord have arrived at Yinlong Mountain."

Hearing this, the young man clapped his hands and laughed, "Okay, since we are both in the same line of Heavenly Demon, let's talk about seniority and ranking. Let's see how I, the Heavenly Demon King, stand in the Demonic Way."

 Glancing out the window, it was still dark.

  There is also a glimmer of sunset.

(End of this chapter)

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