
Chapter 616

Midland, Qinglongpo.

Four pagodas appeared out of thin air.

Sun Sun, Jiang Xiaoli, Shu Tianci, and Zhao Ziming activated their mana.When the pearls on the top of the pagoda are connected to each other, a puppet with a dharma form appears in the square teleportation array.

Zhong Ionhan and others appeared.

There are 12 of them in this team.

The surfaces of the puppets were severely damaged, and even the eaves of the four pagodas were slightly damaged.

Zhong Ionhan said in a deep voice: "Take the time to rest. Fellow Daoist Yu, help us restore the Faxiang."

Yu Linshan responded, and sacrificed his puppet.

A gigantic hammer.

Tianbao craftsman spirit.

In charge of logistics, it is a dharma puppet that repairs other dharma puppets in an emergency.


"The craftsman god forging the spirit." With the activation of the dharma hammer, a golden armored god appeared behind him.He held the hammer and hit the bottom hard.

Sparks flew, transforming into small elves in the air, and flew to the damaged mecha.

As the elves practiced, those broken parts were being restored one by one.

"The craftsman does not carry many materials. Fellow Daoist Nangong, help me refine some more."

Nangong Lie is surrounded by twelve golden beads, and each golden bead has a space of golden essence.They plundered materials from various demon sects in the Central Mainland, and a large amount of gold essence materials were collected by Nangong Lie into the gold essence space.

He worked silently, refining the gold essence in the space of twelve golden beads into gold liquid.

Twelve "Golden Water" flew into the air with hammers.The hammer uses this as a material to quickly repair the shells of puppets of various dharma phases.

Fu Danyu also unfolded the "Jade Palace and Golden Tower".The assembly line is continuously producing parts and circuits.

Sun Yan summoned the five-dou general, and five big fights appeared behind the general's head, and they sprinkled "steel soldiers".

click - click -

The steel beans are transformed into small soldiers, and the parts are transported to replace the internal circuits of each puppet.

Soon, everyone replaced the Faxiang puppets.

"Okay, let's meet Senior Yu. Sister Fu, do the math."

Fu Shishi's Faxiang puppet is a giant compass with two arms.The two iron arms fiddled with the compass for a while, and immediately said: "The pursuers are approaching, let's go from the south."


The compass runs upside down, which not only confuses the secrets of the sky, but also misleads the pursuers in another direction.

Yin Yang compass machine god.

Fu Henghua, Dong Moyang, and Li Ruxin worked together to create a puppet figure for Fu Shishi.Comes with a simplified version of "Reversing Yin and Yang Method" and "Taixuan Book of Reversing Fate".

Zhong Zihan called Sun Yan and the others to perform the teleportation technique, and reunited with Yu Danqing, who had left not long ago.

call out--

White light flashed across the phalanx, and everyone disappeared.

After they left, all the way Moxiu hurriedly chased after them.

After casting the spell, he pointed in one direction and said, "It's there, to the east! They haven't gone far, let's chase after them!"

Soon, the pursuers lost the trace of Zhong Zihan and others.

And Zhong Zihan and others successfully joined Yu Danqing and others.

There are ten people on Yu Danqing's side.

The "Elephant Emperor's Eye" has been destroyed by more than half at this moment, and it is difficult to maintain the dharma image.The rest of the dharma images were not damaged much, obviously because of Danqing's protection.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Ionhan and others turned pale with shock.

Yu Danqing called Yu Linshan, Fu Danyu and others to help repair it, and said in a very indifferent tone: "It's normal. I escaped from the ambush of the three demon kings. If Fu Xuanhe didn't help lure one away, I'm afraid I'd be left behind completely—you guys A few moves should be quicker. The two demon kings may catch up."

Yuan Xiao contacted Yu Linshan and others, and said: "My Baibaoshan has produced parts for the 'Elephant Emperor's Eye'. Next, we need to carry and assemble it together. Five Dou Generals and Yugong Jinque are all here to help."

In the sky, under the cover of Qianxiang Baoyun, the Golden Crow and the Peacock are guarding against the pursuers of the Devil Dao.

Wu Madan, Liu Mo, and Sima Xin, the three swordsmen, are planning to set up a sword array and launch a surprise attack on the pursuers.

As for Lu Zhenzhen and Yan Qing, they are in contact with the other two groups of people.

Not long ago, they were ambushed by the Demon Dao, and the soldiers split into four groups.Fu Xuanhe and Dong Moyang led the seven people to escape.Long Taoist took five people and left from the north.

At present, both parties are unable to contact each other.

"Senior Yu's ring platform is still not as good as the Tianxuan Taoist platform. How long has it been? Just because of a magic field, they lost contact."

The demon lords of the Central Continent worked together to use each other's demon domains to generate force fields and cut off the contact of the four passers-by.And chase the four-way people to set up an encirclement circle, oppressing their living range little by little.


Suddenly, Hong Changyi and Duan Xun in the sky issued an alarm at the same time.

The dark clouds were densely covered, and muffled thunders resounded in the magic mist.

"The elders of the Yuzhang faction, don't come out and die!"

The two demon king's air machines were hovering in the air, Yu Danqing frowned, and looked at the unrepaired "Elephant Emperor's Eye".

"Zhong Li, I will restrain one person later. You use the fairy sword to deal with the other person. Sha Jinchang and Ouyang Ming use phase puppets to cooperate with you, and they should be able to entangle you for a while. Others, prepare to teleport away."


Hearing the meaning of Dan Qing's decision, everyone felt pale.

At this moment, a streak of water flashed across the sky.

Sword intent?

Zhong Ionhan's heart skipped a beat.

Familiar, this sword intent seems to have been seen in Donglai?
Wuyun Mowu let out a scream.

"Who are you?"

The roar of the Demon King's companion echoed in the air.

Laughter gradually suppressed it.

"Cang Lanzi, a monk from Donglai, has met fellow Nanzhou."

The azure sword light flashed again, the dark clouds cleared away, and a ray of magic light enveloped his companions, and fled back to the mountain gate in embarrassment.

Senior Canglanzi!
Fellow Daoist Canglan?

Yu Danqing and the others were surprised and delighted, only to see the Taoist's clothes fluttering down from the sky.

He cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Cultivator Donglai, I'm here to rescue fellow 'Wuwangzhou'."

On the word "Wu Wangzhou", he bites his accent heavily.

Secretly, he transmitted his voice to Danqing.

"Don't worry, our reinforcements have arrived. I'm not the only one coming."

Cang Lanzi and Yu Danqing sent a voice transmission.

Yu Danqing suddenly realized.

Does he know who we are?Wait... How did they know about the Wuwangzhou Project?Fu Henghua told them?

"Isn't it very strange, why did we know? Regardless of such obvious things as Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes and King Xuan of the Five Elements. Let's talk about the puppet...Fu Henghua talked about it in Tianxuan Daotai. And on our side, come here A few people who knew him well."

Cang Lanzi said via voice transmission: "According to the arrangement of the 'little military division', I will rescue you and prevent the formation of the encirclement circle of the demon lord—you haven't discovered it yet, have you? I hope to kill you all."

Yu Danqing frowned: "Where is Fu Xuanhe and Taoist Long——"

"Don't worry, they're fine. The little military division and the Fu family are working separately and have already gone to help."

Fu family?military adviser?
Yu Danqing was full of doubts.

After Cang Lanzi restored his appearance in the "Elephant Emperor's Eye", he called everyone to follow him.

"According to the plan, let's go to another Demon Dao Mountain Gate first—to draw out the spirit veins.


A ball was flying in the air, Fu Xuanhe sat on it and meditated quietly.

He, Fang Dongyuan, Dong Moyang and other seven members of the Taixuan Taoist lineage escaped.

The situation is good and no one was seriously injured.

Although there is no such convenient means as "Four Towers Teleportation".However, Fu Xuanhe had his own "Cause of Heaven and Earth", so he was able to bring everyone into the cave and act alone.

So under the discussion of everyone, Li Ruxin, Fang Dongyuan, and Dong Moyang took turns to drive the God of Mechanism to carry Fu Xuanhe into action in order to save Fu Xuan and his own mana.

And the three of them have superb combat power, and it is convenient to cooperate with Fuxuan and defense, escape from the encirclement of the magic way, and further destroy.

"Get ready, there are new pursuers here. They should be from the Absolute Yin Sect. Ask Yin Yulong and Li Ruxin to come out and help."

Fang Dongyuan's voice came from the ball puppet below.

Fu Xuanhe opened his eyes, a talisman appeared above his head, and then the two women appeared.

Ten miles away, a group of dark clouds galloped over.

"Lei Yin shocked the world, and the world is in the sky."

Before the four of them were ready, suddenly thunderbolts streaked across the sky, and the dark clouds were shattered immediately.

"Huh? Divine Firmament Sword Dao?"

Yin Yulong was stunned: "This—how is this possible?"

She quickly looked for the familiar figure in the lightning in the sky.

Fang Dongyuan and Li Ruxin also reacted.

Shenxiao Sword Intent, "Shenxiao Tianjian Jue", that is Fu Liuhui's kendo.

Only Fu Xuanhe doesn't know why, but he has the highest morals and deeds.The first girl to notice a sword swing in the air.

The flying sword in the girl's hand had a "Heavenly Sword Talisman" attached to it, and it was as powerful as Jie Xian.

The Demon Lord in the cloud slowly appeared.

Staring at the girl standing in the air, she showed some caution.

"The Way of the Sword? Tribulation Immortal? The Nanzhou Immortal Dao actually has a female sword cultivator who is comparable to the Sword Demon Lord?"


A breeze blew behind him.

The demon king had a warning sign in his heart, and decisively waved his palm to smash Fengliu.

I saw a phoenix flying high in the distance with a person on its back.The man played the flute, and the wind of the nine heavens was drawn by it, turning into phantoms of phoenixes and surrounding the demon king.

Another acquaintance.

Fang Dongyuan murmured: "Fu Xiangfeng is here too?"

Fu Xuanhe looked at his younger siblings in the air with surprise.

boom -

In the sky, the Divine Firmament Thunder Sword condensed again.A series of purple sword shadows pierced into the storm, resonating with the power of the wind.

Immediately afterwards, a dragon chant resounded through the sky.A group of purple suns appeared in the sky and hit the Demon Lord fiercely.

Three Tribulation Immortals?

Without hesitation, the Demon Lord quickly crushed the life-saving jade talisman on his body, and escaped with escapism.

"Fu Maiyuan. Zihuang Taoism."

Fu Xuanhe was thoughtful.

Soon, the Fuliu emblem landed on the back of a unicorn-shaped thunder beast, and Fu Maiyuan, who was riding a phoenix on Fu Xiangfeng and riding a dragon, came together.

"Big brother-"

Seeing Fu Xuanhe, the three of them were very excited.

Fang Dongyuan and the others were very knowledgeable, and silently returned to Fu Xuanhe's cave, leaving time for the four brothers and sisters.

"Third brother, fifth brother, eighth younger sister."

After Fu Xuanhe greeted his younger siblings, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the seven-star whip on Fu Xiangfeng's waist, and he couldn't help but ask, "Grandfather passed this to you?"

Fu Xiangfeng shook his head slowly: "Grandfather temporarily gave me this thing, and asked me to act in Nanzhou on behalf of his old man, so as to prevent some people from violating the family rules and becoming heretics."

Fu Xuanhe subconsciously recalled his actions.

Well, it's okay, it shouldn't be aimed at me.

He also endured the evil Seven Star Whip when he was a child.

"Brother, let's hurry up to join Senior Cang Lan. According to the plan, we need to extract spiritual veins and crack the ground to transform the city."

Fu Xuanhe looked puzzled.

Fu Xiangfeng smiled and said, "A lot of people came from our business. Among them, there is a fellow Taoist who is good at planning and planning, and specially gave us an idea."

Rescue people?

Not only do we want to save everyone, but we also want to fight against the evil ways and gain a foothold in Nanzhou.


Long Daoren, Tian Daoren, Yuwen Chunqiu, Yun Mengyin, Yu Xiaolei, Zhang Qing and the other three people got separated, and now they have traveled to Beihai in Nanyan Fuzhou.

"Let's go from the sea and turn to Jade Dragon Sea to wait for them—"

"No, I think we should go directly to the inner sea of ​​Xushan. Then sneak attack Zuo Dalu!"

Yu Xiaolei was very annoyed when he thought of himself and others being chased by a demon king.

"The defense of the Left Continent is now empty, and neither the Demon Emperor nor the Divine Concubine is in the Xingluo Demon Palace. Go and take the Demon Palace away, so that we can attack the arrogance of the Demon Dao."

Long Taoist pondered this thought.

He looked at Taoist Tian: "What do fellow Taoists think?"

The remaining three are all his fellow disciples, so he is naturally sure.Only the attitudes of Yu Xiaolei and Tian Daoren need him to be more concerned.

Tian Taoist and Long Taoist are both pretending to be disciples of Bailianmen.Now pretending to be a monk of the Yuzhang sect, he naturally changed the face of the puppet.

The current puppet of Long Taoist is a steel dragon.And Tian Daoren is a ten-foot iron order similar to "Qian Kun Yi Qi Talisman".

"I think we should go back and join the other three groups of people first."

Taoist Long thought for a while, nodded and said to Xiaolei, "Go back first. Bring more people, and you and I will raid the Xingluo Demon Palace."

"It doesn't have to be."

The crescent moon is curved, and its silver light is dazzling.

The girl sat sideways on the "moon boat", and softly said to the six people below: "Senior brother, please follow me to Mount Changming later, I will be of great use."

Seeing the girl on the "Crescent Moon", Taoist Long said in a daze, "Junior Sister Dongfang?"

Subconsciously, he cast eighteen spells on himself.

How could Dongfang Junior Sister be here?Illusion is definitely the illusion of Heavenly Demon!
The girl smiled slightly: "Donglai learned of the change in Nanzhou Demon Tribulation, and sent Canglan Jiexian and Mengchen Jiexian to help. I just happened to come here to save a friend."

The jade hands are lightly closed, and the moonlight is as soft as water, condensing into a lotus flower in her hands.


The lotus fluttered towards Long Taoist and the others.


A shadow was hit by Yue Lian and had to show its original body.

Before he could make any other movements, his hands and feet became stiff, and then they were wrapped in inches of ice.

Seeing the opportunity, Yunmengyin quickly put away the ice lump.

"Junior Sister still doesn't like to kill."

"Heaven has the virtue of good life. Their longevity is already fixed, why should I go against the number of days and destroy their foundation of longevity?"

So, freeze them into ice sculptures.Let them consume the fire of life in the ice, and torture them until the last moment of Tianshou?
Taoist Long shook his head silently.

This is definitely not taught by Master Dongfang, it must be the method taught by Palace Master Shangguan.

Although Yuwen Chunqiu and Yun Mengyin knew about this widowed daughter of Elder Dongfang, it was the first time they saw her make a move.

With only one moon flower condensing lotus, can a grand master be forced to retreat?

This kind of mana, this kind of practice, and this kind of style...

Yuwen Chunqiu unconsciously thought of a person.

And watch her tormenting style...

Yun Mengyin thought to herself: Presumably, she and Fellow Daoist Fu should get along very well, right?
After all, Fu Henghua's Five Elements Mountain also has five terrifying punishments.

The girl frowned, and raised her hand to cover the moonlight for thousands of miles.

"You go to Changming Mountain first, and I will come later."

boom -

An iron fist smashed down from the void.

Thousands of Miles of Moonlight formed a water curtain, firmly receiving the blow from the Demon Lord.

Gently swiping the light white jade finger, the water curtain once again condensed into a light lotus.

The lotus bloomed, and layers of ice swords suddenly emerged from the water below.


Countless cold lights criss-crossed and criss-crossed, and the iron fist in the air could not fall again, so he had to transform the magic energy and show the real body of the five aggregates.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Taoist Long led several others away.

Yu Xiaolei planned to stay, but was called away by Taoist Long.

"Don't worry, Junior Sister is protected by a fairy treasure. And—"

Take a deep look at the moon ship.

He could feel that this "Crescent Moon" evolved from Taoism is itself a realm of a thousand miles of Taiyin.

Is this the magic of the scriptures?

Any spell will automatically be derived into a domain.


Thinking of a possibility, Taoist Long shook his head silently.

The junior sister has been rehabilitated for a short time, so how can she be compared with Dong Moyang?

It should take a few more years before he can surpass Dong Moyang in Tianshu and Taoism.


The Lord of the Five Aggregates appeared and stared at the girl sitting on the "moon boat".

He hesitated: "Virtual Realm?"

The girl shook her head, and destroyed a talisman that had lost its spiritual power.

"Cultivator Donglai, seeing the raging demon energy in Nanzhou, he is here to eliminate demons and defend the way."

Is it to seal the mana of the Tribulation Immortal in a talisman for his own use?

The demon lord's eyes were sharp, and countless yin demons suddenly appeared, rushing towards the "moon boat" from all directions.

click - click -

Snowflakes danced between the sky and the earth, and the cold air continued to condense in the air.

The yin demons that rushed over were frozen by the cold light of the sun, and fell into the sea one after another.


Beihai has long been frozen by the girl's mana.

Seeing her leisurely and at ease, she destroyed another talisman with exhausted spiritual power, and took out another stack of talismans.

"Let's go back, Demon Monarch. Your fate is not right to die at this time, not at my hands."

"Hahaha... Junior——"

The devil's tone was serious: "Do you think that with a mere stack of talismans, you can be sure of this seat?"


"This is—the Yuxian Zhenlu?"

Fu Xuanhe reunited with his brothers and sisters, and learned about their means of expelling the demon king.

Donglai Tribulation Immortals worked day and night. After learning about the situation in Nanzhou, they specially prepared a large number of immortal talismans for their second batch of troops.

"This is inspired by Yuxian's real talisman. It is called 'Fengxian Falu'. Each talisman contains the immortal energy of a Jiexian seal. It can bless the power of Taoism. With the help of this talisman, Liuhui and I can Unleash the destructive power of the Tribulation Immortal level. Of course - accuracy..."

Calling the wind and calling the rain, freezing thousands of miles... They can do this kind of indiscriminate attack.

But to accurately target a certain person, the spiritual sense of Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Liuhui is still unable to do it.

"Your spirits are too weak to do this kind of meticulous work—however, this idea is good."

Fu Xuanhe touched his chin, and he flipped through a "Sealing Immortal Law".

This method can be learned by Chiyuan Jiexian, and he can also try to operate it.

"My spirit god is stronger than everyone else, so I should be able to hit the devil with precision."

After thinking about it, he returned the talisman to Fu Xiangfeng: "By the way, who else is here besides you?"

"Our family doesn't come very often. After the Oriental girl came to ask for help from my grandfather, among my peers, there were only the three of us, Fu Xingqi, and Brother Shrike. In the previous generation, the fifth uncle, the seventeenth uncle, and the nineteenth uncle all came.

"As for the Fu family, apart from Miss Dongfang and the two senior Jiexians, there is only one fellow Taoist from the Tianyi Sect. It is said that he is looking for Fu Xuanxing."

After Fu Xiangfeng finished speaking, his expression was a little strange.

The Dongfang girl came to the door, claiming that Henghua was in trouble, and begged the Fu family to help her come to Nanzhou to save people.

Immediately afterwards, the female cultivator named Qiu Danyu came to Nanhai to find herself, saying that Fu Xuanxing was in trouble in Nanzhou and needed her help, so she followed.


Tianyu Mountain.

Qiu Danyu strolled along the mountain road.

Holding the compass, she pinched her fingers and calculated: "The forbidden method of guarding the mountain is good. It can resist the attack of Grandmaster Nascent Soul—oh, and there are also Eight Immortal Talismans guarding all directions? Is it Patriarch Fu's method?"


Golden light flew from a distance.

Qiu Danyu had sensed it earlier, took out a white flag and waved it three times.

Golden Cicada Gu circled around her three times before falling to the ground automatically.

"A mere Gu worm heretic... Mr. Fu Tong, right? Is your sister not here?"

She looked up at the observatory.

Mr. Fu Tong was standing on a rock by the stage, overlooking her.

"Little girl, your adults didn't teach you. You must be polite when dealing with people outside."

Fu Tongjun looked at Qiu Danyu, thinking secretly.

Why did this girl come to Nanzhou when she wasn't studying her star tree in Tianyi Sect?
"Oh, my sister is right. Faced with old people like you, a young and beautiful girl like me really needs to be respected."

Qiu Danyu clapped his palms lightly and walked towards the observatory with cheerful steps.

Green Snake Gu, White Toad Gu, and Cold Silkworm Gu attacked one after another.

Qiu Danyu just waved the "Yaowang Banner" beside her, forcing the group of Gu to retreat, not daring to hurt her at all.

Mr. Fu Tong's eyes darkened.

It is worthy of studying the secrets of heaven and Taoism.

She arrived early, so she prepared an extra magic weapon against me?
After a simple test, Mr. Fu Tong did not continue to do anything, watching her walk to the stargazing platform.

Qiu Danyu couldn't help but have a hint of complacency on his face.

But when she saw Fu Xuanxing's current situation, her face suddenly changed, and she quickly took out several bottles of pills and fed them to Fu Xuanxing.

"I knew that Xuan Xing couldn't be protected by your Fu family!"

Fu Xuanxing suddenly felt a burst of coolness coming from his mouth under the scorching torture all over his body.

Dan Qi flows down slowly, relieving the pain in the body.

"What about that woman?"

When it comes to the Fu family, who is Qiu Danyu most displeased with?

Naturally, it was the magic stick with "spiritual vision".

Qiu Danyu recognized Fu Yaozhen's ability, but didn't like her use of Fu Xuanxing.

In order to save his younger brother from the ordeal, he deliberately pushed Fu Xuanxing into the pit.Do you really think that I am too mysterious and there is no one left?No one noticed your intentions?
"Can't you do the math? Do you do it yourself?"

Knowing that Qiu Danyu would not harm Fu Xuanxing, Mr. Fu Tong did not stop her from feeding her medicine.


Seeing Qiu Danyu's appearance of protecting the cub, she felt upset.

Qiu Danyu is the head of the Tianyi Sect, a disciple of the contemporary Tianshuzi, and has been favored since childhood.And because of the similar age, she has known several Hunshimowangs from the Xuanwei Sect since childhood.

During the Tianyang Grand Meeting, Mr. Fu Tong had dealt with Qiu Danyu.

An annoying woman.

She clearly invited Fu Xuanxing to watch the Liuhui sword fight, but she insisted on interfering and dragged Fu Xuanxing away to watch Danquanzi fight with others.

It's like a toy that belongs to oneself, but is taken away by others.And they can also move out the voucher to prove that they came first.

Unhappy, very unhappy!

But considering the attitude of Fu Xuanxing and Taixuan's Taoism, Mr. Fu Tong couldn't really fight her.


The scabbard suddenly flew from the sky.

Qiu Danyu and Fu Tongjun raised their heads at the same time.

"Qiu Danyu, a member of the Tianyi Sect, pays homage to Brother Fu Dao."

Qiu Danyu saluted respectfully, completely different from his attitude towards the Fu family sisters.

"So you're here too? That's fine, you just happened to take a look at Xuan Xing's troubles."

The scabbard was returned on time, and the dragon flames on Fu Xuanxing's body were gradually extinguished.

"Henghua! Sister, did you find you?" Mr. Fu Tong hurriedly shouted when he saw that his consciousness had escaped.

"I see, she's fine."

Huang Po Lingshen hurriedly returned the scabbard, and immediately returned it to the deity.


ten airspace.

Meng Chen stepped forward to induce the demons, and the Chiyuan Jiexians seized the opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

Fu Henghua, who had the magic seal on his body, hid on one side, trying to calm down the magic thoughts in his body.

Being too possessive is not scary.

It is nothing more than the various inheritances of the Supreme Demon Way, and there are even many heavenly demon exercises that are actively demonstrated in his Niwan Palace to induce himself to become a demon.

Fu Henghua is not afraid of this kind of thing.

But besides the magic seal, there is also a terrifying magic that locks Fu Henghua.

"This is the power of the old devil? But why do I feel..."

If the Supreme Demon Lord had this demonic nature, he would have already become emperor, right?

That demonic nature is suppressing Heng Hua, even distorting his current thinking.

Fu Yaozhen and Mrs. Yun rushed over and saw that Fu Henghua was in a difficult situation.She hurriedly played the piano and played music, concentrating on Fu Henghua.

It took a while for Fu Henghua to adjust his breath, and he had time to return the scabbard.Conveniently, he put a golden hoop on his forehead to wipe his forehead to suppress that strange demonic nature.

"Sister, I want to find a place to retreat." After greeting, he looked for a nearby cave to retreat.

If this magic wasn't from the old devil king, could it be left by some devil emperor from the Supreme Demon Way?


"The cause of becoming a demon has been determined, and the fruit of the demon emperor will appear. Unexpectedly, you are in the fate of the demon emperor."

A deep voice echoed in the cave.

Fu Henghua opened his eyes and saw the "Magic Tome" floating in front of him.

The spirit of Huang Po returned to her place, and the magic book came back naturally.

Thinking of his current situation, he became vigilant.

"Don't worry, I mean no harm to you."

The magic code no longer pretended, and acted with Fu Henghua.

A little magic flame burns in the book.

"Are you—self-destructing?"

The spiritual power and consciousness in the magic tome turned into a man.


A strange wind echoed in the cave.

At that moment, Fu Henghua saw all kinds of magic related to the wind.

"Barely can make a shot."

The man stretched out his hand, and the magic wind rolled up three vortexes above Fu Henghua's head.

His eyes looked into the void from the top of Fu Henghua's head, and saw the scene of the distant future.

The young man picked up the teacup and offered tea far away in the future.

"Trouble, what a trouble!"

Feng Yunxing shook his head and smiled wryly.

Before today, he still had the mind to lure Henghua into the magic way.Even if they don't inherit their own family's lineage, what's the disadvantage of Feng's having one more Demon Emperor?

But seeing a devil emperor from the future, he fully understood how high Fu Henghua's future prospects are.

Devil Emperor?

To follow the path of the Devil Emperor is to ruin one's future.

As the Devil Emperor, he hoped that there would be a successor.

But as a senior of the Feng family, he hoped that the Feng family could give birth to a new Daoist.

The wind rushed into the long river of time, and the black wind curtain tried to block the eyes of the future.

"Your future is watching this scene, trying to pull you into the magic way."

Feng Yunxing simply told Fu Henghua about his crisis.

Fu Henghua was completely dumbfounded.

"The future? Wait, the future is just a possibility, it doesn't exist at all, so how can you interfere with the past?"

"Not all futures can interfere with the past at will. Even the existence of the Daoists cannot interfere with or modify their past at will."

Heng Hua swallowed back the words he was about to ask.

He really wanted to ask: If the existence of the Demon Emperor in the future can interfere with the past.Could it be that there is no proof of the future of the "Book of Fortune" to help me?

The Devil Emperor seemed to be talking to himself, and also seemed to be answering: "In the myths and legends circulating in the continents, there are always some concepts involving the ends of the earth and the ends of the world. Some say that the end of the world is the ocean water flowing downward. Some people say that the world There is a rainbow bridge at the end, leading to the sky. Some people say that the end of the world is a river without beginning and end. There is no end, and naturally there is no end."

Heng Hua concentrated on it.

Suddenly there was another tingling pain in the brain, and I had to spend my time suppressing the "magic" rising in my brain.

"The existence after the Dao is proved, the Dao fruit has already transcended the long river. They are not at the end of the river, but in the sky and the earth."

"So, the carp jumps over the dragon's gate..." Heng Hua covered his forehead, and drew a spell with his other hand to dispel the "magic spirit of the Supreme Lord" in his body.But the imprint left by the demon king is very suppressable, and the imprint formed by his betting eyes in the future has completely locked on Fu Henghua.Connect the current time with the future of the Devil Emperor.

This is the big trouble Fu Henghua is facing.

"Dragon Clan is a dragon gate that imitates the concept of 'proving the way and detaching' to create mortal dragons."

The Devil Emperor didn't want to involve those useless knowledge, so he just said: "There is one or even several possible routes of enlightenment in your future. But—the existence after attaining the enlightenment is invisible."

Theoretically, all sentient beings in the three worlds and ten directions have at least one future for enlightenment.

But who can reach that step and achieve the Tao fruit that is beyond the world, the sentient beings in the world cannot know.

It's just that the existence after enlightenment is hindered by certain rules, and it will not interfere with time and space at will.

Generally, after preaching, go back to the past to pull those who have karma out of the long river of time.Resurrect in the future time and space, and then make a conclusion and fix his own fate.

It not only protects its own enlightened past, but also does not interfere with the timeline of other enlightened people at will.

"So, I can't expect my future self to save me?"

"If you have proved the Tao in the future, time will last forever. The tribulations you are facing now are only part of your proof. You don't need to intervene in the future of the proof, and you can spend it safely. If you don't prove the way in the future, how can you tell the truth?" Daohou's future leverage?

"If you just try to imitate the 'future of the devil emperor', relying on the gaze of a certain gaze, you can get a look back at the future...the existence after the proof of the Tao, but you can't do it-I really think that the demon lord on the long river of time and space is saving fuel lamp?"

"The demon lord of the long river of time?"

Mo Dian was surprised to hear what happened to Fu Henghua, and his tone was very strange.

"Boy, you have studied the Dao of Heavenly Demon. You should know what the word 'outside' refers to, right?"

"The outlanders that are not tolerated in the world are all outsiders—" Outsiders are not just Jiuxiao Qingkong.

Heng Hua was stunned.

Indeed, the concept of a long river of time.If there is a demon lord who transcends time and rivers, it is naturally outside the realm of the world.

"It is said that there are thirteen people who prove the way of the demons in the world," Feng Yunxing said slowly, "Do you know?"

"Otherization, affection, formlessness, yin, naoli."

Without thinking, Heng Hua read out the names of the five demon masters.

The first three are the titles of ancient demons handed down by Donglai Demon Dao.Collecting magic books in Nanzhou, Heng Hua knows the way of these demon masters.

There are thirteen Heavenly Demons who have proved the Dao, not just thirteen.It is the thirteen paths of proving the Tao of the Heavenly Demon Taoism.

Fu Henghua's Book of the Six Desires, to put it bluntly, revolves around the three paths of alternation, love, and yin.

"I only know five. That's right, how can ordinary monks get in touch with these?"

Feng Yunxing said: "Among the thirteen Heavenly Demon Lords, the weirdest Heavenly Demon Lord is 'Eclipse Light'. And the most mysterious one is named 'Zhuyin'."

When he pointed out the titles of the two Heavenly Demon Lords, Heng Hua naturally understood the Dao that these two Heavenly Demon Lords symbolized and the extraterritory they were in.

The Lord of Eclipse, symbolizing the original darkness of the void in the universe, is the peaceful void in the absence of light.One of the most primitive and ancient Omens.Taking devouring the stars and destroying the light as its mission.A black hole is its embodiment.

The Demon Lord of Candle Yin, transcending the long river of time, is a demonic existence that embodies the principle of time.

Feng Yunxing looked at Fu Henghua with a strange expression and said, "Do you know why your future can interfere with the past, glance back at you, and lead you into a demon?
"It's very simple, because your future demon emperor will give up the common forms of demons such as alienation and love dyeing. He is transforming into a candle-yin demon. Interfering with the past and blocking the way is precisely the protection of the candle-yin demon master.

"Boy, pay attention! This is your first catastrophe to become a saint - the demon catastrophe!"

The demon of candle yin.

Among the heavenly demon system manifested by the thirteen demon masters, it is the most mysterious and rarest type.

Ordinary monks don't understand at all.

It was also after the Devil Emperor that Feng Yunxing knew the nature of this kind of Heavenly Demon.

"We monks always choose a future that is closer to 'proving the Tao and fruit' when we become enlightened and proving the Tao. Other futures that have been cut off, as a possibility that once appeared, will naturally disappear in the world and cease to exist at all.

"But someone observed these futures that have not yet happened in the past. And a powerful existence was born in these futures. You can wake up yourself and pay attention to the past from the future. Demons can even go back in time, from the past moment back to the beginning of birth."


Heng Hua's mind moved, he seemed to understand something.

"This kind of 'candle yin demon' who has returned to the beginning of their birth may not understand their own situation. They only think that they have returned to the origin from a failed past and carried out a..."

Heng Hua: "Rebirth."

"That's right. This is the practice method of the Candle Yin Demon. Return to the original point, and the memory overwrites the former self.

"Memory reveals personality. If the original memory is heavily overwritten by one of the future memories. Does the former self still exist?

"The heavenly demon is good at seizing houses and transforming them. And the one who Zhuyin Tianmo likes to seize houses the most is his past self!"

"Boy, after I ignite the magic book and activate the power of the seal, I can understand your current path of cultivation."

While Fu Henghua was contemplating, Feng Yunxing slapped Fu Henghua hard on the head.

"Since you have chosen the "Book of Good Fortune", why are you still foolishly going to study the incarnation of the devil? You don't understand the truth that more greed brings disaster?

"You really think it's easier to enter the holy tribulation, but you're really afraid that those demon masters won't be able to see you?"

The heavy wind curtain finally formed a barrier in the long river of time, temporarily blocking the sight of the past.

"That's all I can help you with. Remember, if you want to get rid of the catastrophe, destroy the incarnation of the demonic way. The demonic nature is immortal, and the cause of your becoming a demon exists, and the fruit of the demon emperor will accompany you until you become a saint." fail."

The flames were extinguished from the magic tome, and Feng Yunxing's consciousness dissipated.

Only one page remains like coke.

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