
Chapter 624

Chapter 624

Pu Long came to the sword casting furnace, as expected, Wuyang Wuyang's crowd had already surrounded the sword casting furnace.

"It's my turn, it's my turn. I'll buy thirty—"

"Everyone slow down, take your time, line up, don't squeeze—"

Two female nuns in colorful dresses maintained order at the door, but more monks kept pushing forward, fearing that the prize would be taken away by the people in front.

Pu Long didn't know why.

Look at what these people are snapping up one by one, it is a spherical shape of Shi Pu.

"Isn't this a sword-making furnace? Isn't everyone begging for swords and making swords?"

He asked a monk he knew well.

The monk said: "Pulong, you don't know that there is a 'hundred gold spiritual pool' in the sword casting furnace. You only need one spirit jade to get a stone pu. When the stone is opened, there are gold essences of different grades inside. Want to Forging swords, gold essence is an essential material."

Come to the sword casting furnace to ask for a sword?


Material fee plus manual fee, you can bring your own materials.There is a discount for the manual fee, but no discount for the material fee.

The rules are similar to Shubaozhai, but there is a spiritual pool next to the sword casting furnace, which is specially prepared for monks who do not have enough materials at hand.As long as one spirit jade is needed, high-grade gold essence can be mined by luck.

The monk said: "I saw with my own eyes just now that two monks unearthed golden-scaled purple black iron and nine-colored glazed stones from the spirit pool."

Pu Long was stunned.

These are two high-grade gold essences, extremely rare.My master had no luck encountering these two types of materials.

"You said, there is a high-level gold essence in this spirit pool?"

"There are ten kinds in total. In addition to Jinlin iron and glazed stone, there are also Nanli Xianjin and Baizhuan Ruyi iron...Look, this sign says it all."

He led Pu Long to look at the sign next to the spirit pool.

It is clearly written above.

In the pool, there are 390 yuan of high-grade gold essence, 600 yuan of medium gold essence, 11 yuan of elementary gold essence and 6000 yuan of basic black gold.

One spirit jade can be used to touch the uncut jade each time.And when changing people to touch the spirit pool, the stone pu that was taken away by the previous person will be refilled.

Pu Long murmured: "If you are unlucky, you need 12 times, that is, 12 Lingyu to get ten high-level gold essences."

What a loss!
Materials such as nine-color glazed stone are precious, but Lingyu itself, as the essence of mountains and rivers, also has actual value, and it is not just a currency used in Nanzhou.

Calculated by the spiritual energy content, the total spiritual energy contained in [-] spirit jades is more than a nine-color glazed stone about the size of a fingernail.Even if Shi Pu prepared more glass stones, [-] spiritual jades are not enough?

"Actually, we have calculated. The value of all the gold essence materials in the spirit pond is added up, and the difference is no more than one hundred thousand spirit jade."

And the price to buy all Shi Pu is 12.

"If you don't consider the cost of collection, it's a small loss. But if there are monks who need it urgently, the loss is actually not big. Then the [-] spirit jade should be the profit of the sword casting furnace?"

"Ah - Xuanjin, Lingyin, or Xuanjin..."

A monk holding a pile of rocks and mining continuously howled.

Thirty pieces of spiritual jade, thirty pieces of rough stone, and the result is thirty pieces of black gold, divine iron, and spiritual silver.

In terms of value, it is obviously a loss!

"I've hit it, I've hit it, I'll ship it with one stone!" Beside him, another monk exclaimed.He held a medium gold essence in his hand - puppet gold.

The monk next to him watched his companion deliver the goods, and silently clenched his fists.

Then squeezed out a smiling face: "Brother, congratulations."

"Haha... Junior brother, come, let's go to the sword casting furnace to refine the flying sword."

Not only is it a medium gold essence, but it is also the material that his Feijian lacks the most.And this portion is also quite sufficient.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, fellow daoists, get out of the way."

The two monks entered the sword casting furnace.

Zhao Ziming and Yang Dai are discussing the casting of spirit swords.

Seeing another guest coming to the door, he immediately ordered the maidservant to receive him.

After understanding the conditions, he drove a puppet to forge a sword.

Yang Dai raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't you need to go see it yourself?"

"Ordinary flying swords can be made by driving a puppet with a ray of distraction. Only spirit swords need my hands to do it myself."

Forging swords is Zhao Ziming's practice.

The more swords forged, the higher his realm.

Therefore, he is also happy to forge swords for others, so as to have more projections in his own sword field.

"Then when will my eight spirit swords be finished?"

Zhao Ziming sighed softly: "Are you going straight to Fellow Daoist Fu?"

The eight spirit swords are all composite attributes.Tianshan, Volcano, Leishan, Fengshan...

Use the eight trigrams to match the mountain method, and then use the fairy sword held by Yang Dai.

This is clearly an attempt to seal the Eight Diagrams Taoism and eliminate one of Fu Henghua's reliance.

Yang Dai said solemnly: "I heard that people like Zhong Zihan and Yu Xiaolei have been thinking about discussing with Fu Henghua all day long. After thinking about it, I also plan to discuss with him. Let's see how ingenious his calligraphy and Taoism are. "

"Fellow Daoist Fu's personality is such that he won't fight with you casually."

Zhao Ziming shook his head helplessly.

These people are just like the brothers at home.One by one, young and energetic, insisted on competing for superiority.What good will it do you if you win against Fellow Daoist Volunteer?
"That's not necessarily—anyway, fellow Daoist can help me practice the sword with peace of mind. It will be good for you if it turns out to be successful."

After all, he got up and left without delaying Zhao Ziming's business.

When walking past the spirit pool, he threw two spirit jades.

Two stone pus flew into his hand along with the white light.

When I opened it, I saw two pieces of spiritual silver.


Yang Dai shook his head, turned and left.

"Out, out—"

He left with his front foot, and someone threw three spirit jades behind him.

Two white lights rise together with a multicolored glow.The ray of light rose hundreds of feet into the sky, and all the monks beside him became excited.

According to the previous two experiences, this vision of the glow of the sun is exactly the scene of the high-level gold essence coming out of the pool.

Pu Long stared blankly at Shi Pu in his hand.


As the stone Pu cracked open, two pieces of black gold and one piece of Five Elements Heaven Gold were shining brightly.

Yang Dai paused, seeing that the people under Henry Zhang's family had won the big prize, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, and left quickly.

Refining the Eight Sacred Mountains Sword was not just for fighting against Donglai.It is also to increase their own combat power, and show their edge in the next battle between immortals and demons.After all, with the help of the Fu family brothers, the reputation of "Henry Zhang" is a bit too high.


"Is this guy Pu Long?"

In the tall building not far away, Fu Pengming and Fang Dongyuan sat and drank tea.

He once pretended to be "Zhang Xuanchu" and practiced the art of war, and he knew Zhang Xuanchu's guardians.

"Unfortunately, the Five Elements Heaven Gold is of little use to him."

"He took it out and sold it, and then exchanged it for other materials?"

Fang Dongyuan played with the jade lamp in one hand, and held a ball of Hunyuan Qi in the other.He is constantly practicing exercises to polish this group of vitality into "Yuanzhu".

This is Dongfang Yunqi's suggestion.

"Brother Dao's practice is in line with Hunyuan Taoism. I have seen in ancient books that there was a sect called Hunyuanmen in ancient times. The disciples of the sect all practice Hunyuan Yiqi, and use this Daoqi to condense orbs. With a bead in hand, it is like opening the world .”

Fu Henghua then assisted in the deduction, learning from the Nanzhou Yuanzhu Dao method, and let Fang Dongyuan condense this group of vitality.

Vaguely, one could see a glass-colored orb in the center of the air mass.

When Pu Long won the grand prize, the monks behind saw this, got up on a whim, and threw five hundred spirit jades directly.

Five hundred stone pus flew out of the spirit pool quickly.


All are white light.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Five hundred raw balls, how could I only have one elementary gold essence?"

After Shi Pu fired all of them, he held a piece of clutch black gold and shouted angrily.

Then, the monk rushed towards the sword-forging furnace with red eyes.

Before he got close, he was arrested by the heavenly soldiers and generals who appeared out of thin air.

"You can't fight with weapons in Zhuqueyun Street. Send them to the confinement room to calm down and think about your mistakes."

Those heavens will be full of starlight, while sealing the golden essence of the monks in place, they will take the monks away.

"Another ignorant person. Brother Heng Hua's Taoist soldiers are guarding it personally. You can mess around with this Suzaku Cloud Street?"

Upstairs, Fu Pengming shook his head and said.

Fang Dongyuan was amused: "You——cause trouble every day. You dare to move out such unconscionable things."

"Why do you lose your conscience? I have a guarantee here, 12 Lingyu, ten high-grade gold essences, and a lot of materials. From the market price in Nanzhou, they didn't make much money?"

"It's just the Nanzhou market price."

"Hey...it's a different place after all."

Yu Linshan, Yuan Xiao and other people who are good at refining tools did research in Nanzhou and recreated several gold essence materials.At the same time, under the guidance of Danqing, the golden talisman of the secret mantra of Hengshou has been refined.

Those golden materials are very precious in Nanzhou, and they are all born from heaven and earth.But in Donglai monk's skill, it can be synthesized completely.

The cost of a pool of 12 stone pu is only worth [-] Lingyu in Donglai.

"Besides, there are manual fees and the like. In addition to sharing with Brother Zhao, I don't actually earn much."

not much?

Fang Dongyuan rolled his eyes.

As the person who manages money among the eight elders of Xuanyuan City, Fu Pengming's means of making money amazed the two robbers.

Cang Lanzi said: If you give a rating for profitable business, then Fu Pengming's business experience is definitely a heavenly book, and he is definitely at the level of a robbery.

"Okay, don't mention me anymore. Brother Dongyuan, I heard that you are going out to Ximen?"

"Your brother's order, let me catch some more magicians——monsters are also fine."

"As a teaching material for the school?"

Fang Dongyuan shook his head: "He doesn't seem to think that there will be many students in the current school."

Just like when Fu Henghua was cultivating on Panlong Island back then, because he was not well-known, few people asked him to deduce his skills.

He set up a school to teach the secret art of subduing demons, even though the Chiyuan Taoist sect helped to spread his fame.But those sects and families didn't see it with their own eyes, how many would believe it?

Moreover, in Heng Hua's view, the Nanzhou monks were blinded by greed and liked to save others by themselves.With their personalities, would they believe that the school teaches serious things?

Therefore, Fu Henghua intends to induce Nanzhou monks to take the initiative to learn the secret technique he taught.

"He seems to be planning to tinker with an entertainment facility? It should be an entertainment facility, right? Didn't you take over it? What is it called 'Xuanyuan Jinque'?"


Fu Peng understood clearly: "It's also a profitable business, but the way of making money is different-that, it seems to be used to drive the economy of the whole city-ah, I understand."

He suddenly realized, and his expression became serious.

Xuanyuan Jinque is divided into four gates and four palaces, namely Cang, Zhu, Hao and Xuan.

There are eight layers of jade halls in each palace, and each jade hall has enemies prepared by Fu Henghua.

According to the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, one of the palaces will be opened.After breaking through the eighth palace and the ninth level Xuanyuan Golden Tower, you can get a reward prepared by Xuanyuan City.

"Let me go with you and catch more monsters. When I go back to train, there may be losses."


Xuanyuan Inner City.

Everywhere is guarded by Taoist gods and generals.Lingyun fairy mist echoes between the pavilions, showing ethereal and ethereal.

Heng Hua is sitting in the library, carefully designing the enemies of "Xuanyuan Nine Heavens".

"The first level... bless these magic cultivators with a lotus glass cover to increase the resistance of the Five Elements Taoism. In this way, when those Nanzhou monks come in, they will have to learn from me because of the failure of the Five Elements Taoism." The Golden Light Curse of Subduing Demons taught."

"The second level is for mountain methods. Just use the Wind Spirit Curse."

Fu Henghua continued to scribble on the cloud axis, and blessed the corresponding spells for the Eightfold Jade Hall.

Blindly making things difficult for the Nanzhou monks will cause them to hate them and refuse to participate in the "Xuanyuan Nine Heavens" trial.Even if he used one hundred thousand Lingyu as a customs clearance reward, he might not be willing to participate.

They must be induced to make them feel that the first few steps are very easy.

"The first hall, bless the 'Heavenly Mirror Taoism'. If you respond to the Taoism with spiritual light as the core, the power will be tripled."

"The second hall, bless the rejuvenation talisman. The injury will recover quickly..."

Heng Hua continued to design and adjust until Yu Danqing rushed in angrily.

"You are free, leaving the work of building the Nine Layers Golden Tower to me!"

Facing Danqing's complaints, Heng Hua said with a smile: "Senior feels tired, so I can relax?"

The cloud shaft spread out, and all the Taoist gods and star gods on it disappeared.

Now the gods guarding the inner city of Xuanyuan, and the celestial maidens who keep the shops running are all manifested by Fu Henghua with the cloud axis.His strength alone turned into thousands of people, and the pressure was no less than that of Danqing.

In addition, Fu Henghua spent more energy in altering and designing the Nine Heavens Trial.

Yu Danqing calmed down a little: "Why are you in such a hurry? These preparations can obviously be done slowly. But you insist on rushing to open the city and promote the killing of immortals and demons."

"Senior, the way of robbing immortals is nothing more than knowing the destiny and following the way of heaven. I seem to be about to reach this level."

The agglomeration of moral energy, although the original intention is to avoid robbery.But with a large amount of moral energy gathered in his body, Fu Henghua's Taoist heart is clear, and he is more and more able to understand the wonderful operation of heaven and earth.

"The city in the east involves the luck of the immortals and demons. This city is the place where killing and calamity are the most concentrated. When the demons defeat the city seven times, the number of days in Nanzhou will be determined."

A group of demons came to commit the crime before, but they fled hastily.Just in time for the catastrophe of Kaesong.

Yu Danqing was silent.

He has Tribulation Immortal Dao Fruit, so he can naturally feel the mystery contained in Xuanyuan City.

Immortals and demons are strangling here, so the sooner the facilities in the city are prepared, the better.Moreover, only by promoting the Nanzhou Immortal Dao to attack the Central Continent, can the opponent be forced to counterattack aggressively, so as to continue to cope with the next attack on the city.

"Moreover, I want to become enlightened. I need more morality. And if I want to preach under Chi Yuan's rule, I naturally need to change the way."

Heng Hua laughed and said:

"Preaching and educating is not just knowing how to teach, but also knowing how to adapt to local conditions. In different places, preach in different ways."

For example right now.

Those so-called Shubaozhai, the magic weapon of the sword casting furnace, and the flying sword, plus the bookstore selling spells and exercises in Yunjie, the medicine house and cafeteria selling pills and spiritual meals.

All the preparations were related to the "Xuanyuan Nine Heavens" trial.

Through the trials, guide and hone the Nanzhou monks to improve their combat power.Xuanyuancheng made money, taught the people of Nanzhou knowledge, and at the same time won the magic way according to the number of days.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

"After Nanzhou's affairs, I have collected enough morality, holiness, and merit. I can try to go back to Donglai to cross the catastrophe."

Why do I have to go back to Dongnae?
Because "Good Fortune Huiyuan Gong" was created by Heng Hua, only the environment in the hurricane belt is suitable for crossing the catastrophe.

In the big world outside, it is easy to be drawn by the Dao of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, causing Fu Henghua's Tianshu to fail.

(End of this chapter)

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