
Chapter 629

Chapter 629

"Between heaven and earth, only change does not change. Yi changes yin and yang, and immortals and demons stand side by side."

On the throne of the Demon Palace, the young man was flipping through the classics presented by Li Dongrong.Reading the preface, his tone became lower and lower.

Coincidentally, what a coincidence.

My own experience in studying "Xuanming Magic Strategy" happened to have this sentence.

Looking back, what kind of spell structure, magic way of thinking... From all aspects, you can get a glimpse of your own practice philosophy.

Standing on one side, Hong Xu saw that the smile on the boy's face was getting bigger and bigger: "Interesting, really interesting."

Does anyone agree with your ideas?

But he glanced out casually, and after looking at Li Dongrong's demon body and cultivation base, he dismissed the idea.

The cultivation level displayed by Li Dongrong, as well as the mixed true energy on his body.No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the real creator of this book.

"If there are insights in this book, can his mana be so mixed? Can his cultivation be so low?"

Moreover, judging from the method of training one's consciousness, the author of this book must be of the lineage of the Heavenly Demon, who practiced the "concentrating mind to cultivate the gods" style of magic cultivation, which is not far behind his own system.But Li Dongrong outside is a cultivator of the Sha-refining school.

The book he wrote?


So what is the history of this book?

The boy closed the book and looked up at the sky.

"The method of Candle Yin can still be used in this way."

From the future into the imprint of this time?

Is this the future devil emperor falling from a distance?

Then Li Dongrong's refuge in the Youxuan Demon Palace was voluntary, or it was the intention of the future Demon Emperor.

"But no matter how I think about it, it doesn't seem to hinder me?"

If it is the deity who cultivates "Fenghua Huiyuan Gong", the future devil emperor will never die.

But as the spirit of cultivating the Heavenly Demon Dao, the relationship between Wukong Lingshen and the future Demon Emperor is very delicate.

The existence of Wukong Lingshen is the "cause" of the birth of the Devil Emperor.

Therefore, instead of persecuting himself, he would protect himself, and even took the initiative to pave the way for Young Master Youxuan to ensure his path to become emperor.

Proving the Devil Emperor Dao Fruit also means getting closer to the future of the Devil Emperor, and can make the long river of time that has dried up "come alive" again.

Therefore, the chess piece outside was sent to me on purpose, allowing me to peek into the future and make some arrangements?
No, it could be bait too.He deliberately asked me to check Li Dongrong's memory, so as to use that future information to indirectly promote the fruit of the Devil Emperor.

Seeing him pondering, Hong Xu called softly: "Your Highness, the three people outside, we..."

"Since you took the initiative to vote, let's accept it. Put the three people outside into a team, let them fight against Xiandao, and try their skills."

Then, the boy threw the book to Hong Xu: "You can take a look at some interesting things. Arrange some people later, organize them, and let them all learn."


The experience of Wukong Lingshen was quickly perceived by the deity.

Heng Hua didn't care about it either.

Want to practice enlightenment in the magic way?

"That's okay, if you roll it up like this, the more intense the fight between the two sides, the more good fortune will be returned to the world."

With only one thought, Fu Henghua didn't care about the small movements of the future devil emperor.

How can the small plan of heresy shake the general trend of heaven?

As long as I practice the righteous law of morality and hold on to the mind of heaven, how can you destroy my nature if you let the law of heavenly demons make chaos?

Fu Henghua knocked on the golden bell, took away the papers of the monks in Nanzhou, a cram school for mathematics and science, and then ordered Xiao Yu to prepare new papers again.

Yang Dai breathed a sigh of relief and heard sighs coming from around him.

"Cousin, how many questions did you answer?"

"Seventy or eighty?"

"What kind of topics are these? I am a student of Xuanwu Dao, so I need to study these things?"

What a sword fairy wields a sword at you fifty miles away, how fast is the sword, and how fast is your escape.Just ask, how long will it take for the opponent's sword to catch up with you.

For another example, how many mountains are needed to fill up a large swamp by the method of moving mountains.

In the application of rainfall, how wide the area needs to be and how many centimeters of rainfall are needed to fill a small stream.


Do these issues need to be considered?
Isn't it just a matter of casting spells and controlling it?

Many monks in Nanzhou complained about this.But the monks of the Chiyuan Taoist sect are accustomed to such questions.

To put it bluntly, these questions are not just the simple application of "easy calculation"?

A big sect like Chiyuan naturally wouldn't make all its disciples illiterate.

Soon, Xiaoyu passed down the new test paper again, and everyone started answering the questions again.

Fu Henghua, on the other hand, took the test paper that had just been collected to check the cultural level of the Nanzhou monks.

"It's okay, the level of the Chiyuan sect is about the same as that of our Donglai sect."

This kind of easy-to-calculate knowledge is also available in various factions in Dongnae, but it's just a matter of how much you have dabbled in.But since the second sword fight in the East China Sea, Fu Henghua has gradually guided the younger generation to learn the art of counting, and the shortcomings of the younger generation in Donglai have been completely made up for in this area.

Fu Xuanxing could score more than 900 points in Fu Henghua's [-]-volume continuous test.

Heng Hua's consciousness turned and quickly calculated the scores for each test paper.

Direct disciples like Yang Dai and Zhang Xuanchu don't have to worry about their grades in this area, they all get full marks.

The Chiyuan Taoist sect is a little weaker, and disciples who don't have solid basic skills can still get seventy or eighty points.

"The monks of Chiyuan's lineage can master the basic theory. You don't need to answer new papers, just go to the next door to learn advanced arithmetic applications, and others will continue to study here."

After Heng Hua finished speaking, there was a commotion below.

Zhang Xuanchu, Ying Ruhong and others got up and couldn't wait to walk to the classroom where Zhong Zihan and others were next door.

Yang Dai was the last one to go out, and before he left, he couldn't help asking: "Heng Hua, did you create these questions in Donglai? Are you teaching these at home?"

He glanced at the basket of test papers next to Heng Hua.

It is roughly estimated that there are thousands of test papers here.

As for the so-called writing questions, Fu Henghua took out one of them, and then rubbed hundreds of copies and handed it down to Xiaoyu.

Each test paper has one hundred questions.In other words, there are [-] easy-to-calculate problems in this basket.

"A friend of mine compiled it. When I was in Lingjie Cave, I often used these things to study for fellow Taoists. Some people don't understand the principles and formulas, so they use the questions to make the formula calculations instinctive. In this way, facing Only real magic spells can react quickly."

These titles are produced by Tianmuzhou.

In order to teach the younger generation of Qi refiners, Li Pu compiled the question bank all day long.

Fu Henghua didn't even have one ten-thousandth of what he asked for.

According to the workload of Tianmuzhou Turtle Island Academy, each monk needs to write a test paper with a net weight of one catty every day.Let the body form an instinctive memory by brushing a lot of questions.

Heng Hua patted the basket beside him: "Don't worry, I have a lot of question banks. It's enough for them to learn."

Yang Dai said with a dry smile, "I'm not worried that your question bank will be exhausted. I just want to say that the immortal cultivators in Nanzhou tend to be 'mysterious sense' and don't dabble much in 'Easy Calculation'."

"There are too many questions, and you can also comprehend the mystery if you touch the inspiration somewhere. This, I did the experiment in Donglai. If you are not at ease, go ask Xuan Xing and the others."

Yang Dai nodded, got up and went to the next door.

In the classroom next door, Hengshou was standing on the podium, explaining the eighteen ways of dealing with demon monks.

"Eighteen methods of descending the demons are the [-] battle methods conceived by the young master according to the common methods of the monks of the demons, as well as the techniques, formations, swordsmanship and other techniques commonly used by the cultivators. Among them, there are five kinds of five elements, and now I will explain them Facing the dismantling of the Heavenly Demon Flame, Heavenly Magic Sound, and Heavenly Demon Force Field respectively."

He tapped lightly, and several puppets on the table began to move, and he performed hagana demonstration.

Hong Changyi stared wide-eyed, carefully watching the Five Elements Dao technique performed by Hengshou.

"This guy's attainments in the Five Elements Taoism are also at the master level? Can't tell, the level of this boring gourd is so high?"

"Friend Daoist Hong, friend Daoist Hong?"

Yang Dai sat next to him in an empty seat, calling out in a low voice.

Hong Changyi turned his head, what's the matter?
Yang Dai asked about mystery and calculation.

Hong Changyi said indifferently: "This?"

"When we were in Donglai, we were curious about Henghua's Fengling Tianjian. He didn't hide his secrets, and taught the Fengling Tianjian directly. He claimed to be able to master both the method of easy counting and calculation and the method of spiritual sense and profound sense This kind of swordsmanship. But when we studied it, we found that through a lot of calculations and deduction, our own spiritual consciousness can easily fall into a mysterious state of inspiration. We call it instinctive memory. The study of easy calculations can actually promote the development of mystical senses Epiphany. Over time, we followed up with a lot of questions.”

The foundation of Hong Changyi and others was already laid in Dongnae.

It's just that the way of magic in Donglai has declined, and there is no suitable teaching material for Fu Henghua to explain advanced applications.

Now in Nanzhou, Fu Henghua finally began to develop a deeper theory, which also allowed Donglai comrades to learn further.

"Calculate the actions of magic repairers and monsters, so as to choose the most subtle and time-saving method-I understand."

Long Daoren and Dong Moyang got up at the same time and went straight to Xuanyuan Ninth Heaven.

They didn't need to listen to Hengshou's theoretical explanation.

They understand that Fu Henghua's so-called eighteen coping methods are just the methods used by the monks to face the demons.It is not specific to everyone, they should find the most suitable fighting method through easy calculation.

Taoist Long entered the first hall.

The three Heavenly Demon Force Fields rose instantly, and the Heavenly Demon Black Flame and the Heavenly Demon Phantom Sound attacked at the same time.

Taoist Long stretched out his hand.

"Jade Hua."

A jade-colored aura rose, blessed by the spell hidden in the first hall.A precious mirror faintly appeared above, splitting the spiritual light into hundreds of paths, and instantly turned the three demon monks into jade carvings.

Only one petal of the black lotus bloomed, and Taoist Long successfully passed to the next hall.

Dong Moyang entered the first hall without even using Fu Henghua's blessing spell.

When the three Heavenly Demon cultivators attacked, he quickly measured the distance between the opponent's force fields.And when the other party urged the magic flame to burn towards him, he set up a mirror beside him.


The magic mirror rebounded the magic flame, and sprayed five black fires into the weak points of the three heavenly magic fields.

In an instant, the three heavenly magic force fields self-destructed, and the three demon cultivators were also swallowed by the backlash of the force field destruction.

"It's that easy to master the technique."

Dong Moyang also entered the second hall smoothly, then the third and fourth.

It wasn't until the fifth hall, because the counting ability was slightly insufficient, that the fifth hall was reopened three times in a row, and the time was finally reduced to eight fingers.

"Fortunately, you don't need to start from the first hall again, it's relatively easy."

The sixth hall, the seventh hall... Finally, Dong Moyang began to brush the eighth hall repeatedly to ensure that he did not have more than ten black lotuses when he entered the ninth hall.


"It's over, I can't beat it."

Sitting in the ninth hall, Huang Po Lingshen looked distressed at the actions of Dong Moyang and Long Taoist.

According to their way of clearing the level, one can imagine that they will be abused by a large group of people in the future!
"It won't be like this in the future: If you can't beat the deity, or get angry with the deity, just find time to brush the ninth hall, and take your anger out on me?"

"No, I have to adjust the rules. You can only fight once to clear the Ninth Temple. I can't let them take turns brushing me!"

Conservative estimates, Fu Xuanhe, Dongfang Yunqi, Yang Dai, Dong Moyang, Fang Dongyuan, Long Taoist, Zhong Zihan, Fu Xuanxing, Li Ruxin...

There are about ten people who can easily brush themselves.If other people are lucky and the time of the first eight halls is low, they may also have the opportunity to brush themselves.

But as soon as he thought of it, there was a block from the deity.

Brush your avatar, take my avatar to vent your anger?

Feel free to, of course.

Because when Dong Moyang and others fought against Huang Po Lingshen, they also integrated their fighting skills into the Fortune Heavenly Palace.

The more times they fought, the more Fu Henghua could analyze their Taoism.

What kind of loss is Huang Po Lingshen being beaten several times?
(End of this chapter)

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