
Chapter 646: The Seven Immortals Gu Refining the True God

The three brothers and sisters sat in a circle, and the jade turtle shell placed in the center slowly rose into a pale golden light, projecting a five-color lotus.

The Fire Toad Gu, the Green Snake Gu, the Golden Centipede Gu, the Earth Scorpion Gu, and the Water Lizard (Guard Guard) Gu each stand at one end. Each of the five poisonous insects sits on the back of a demon statue, either with a green face and fangs, or with two heads and four arms, or a leopard head. Bee wings…

The demonic aura is strong, the evil spirit is gushing out, and the position of the five demons is also an extremely vicious formation.

These five demon gods are the secret method deduced by Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun, and they take the "five poisons of the human heart" and blend them into the five poisonous Gu insects.This combination of the five demon kings is also a superior secret method of elixir formation for demons.

Fu Xuanhe looked at the lotus and the five demons and five gu, and frowned secretly: This girl's skills are not like those of a good person!
Henghua's left-hand pinching technique was used to practice the secret of "Five Gus returning to one and becoming a flying immortal" for Fu Tongjun.

Around the evil aura and magic mist, the five-color glow dances and changes, gradually binding the five demons and five gu, and practicing the principle of refining demons and returning them to the path.

Fu Xuanhe watched the performance and nodded frequently.

I have to admit that Xiao Liuer is indeed good at acting.

He can also enlighten such a vicious monster to its Tao nature and gather it into its true form as a golden elixir.

And looking at its wonderful principles, it is far better than myself.

When Fu Xuanhe was deducing in Fu Henghua just now, he also asked Jun Fu Tong about the first few mental techniques of "Seven Gu Jue Immortal Book".

He secretly deduced Taoism for Lord Fu Tong, but could only barely reach the level of high-grade golden elixir.The certainty of concluding a first-grade golden elixir is only [-]%, the second-grade golden elixir is [-]%, and the third-grade golden elixir is [-]% certain.

You can follow the secret method of elixir formation deduced by Fu Henghua.Not surprisingly, Fu Tongjun is a first-grade golden elixir.His strength is not inferior to famous disciples like Yuwen Chunqiu.

"Refining the five poisons, five poisons, and five demons, they unite into the righteousness of the great road. Among the immortal ways, they are also the authentic Taoist methods."

Golden elixir, the root of the great road, is formed by combining the five elements.

This is the basic understanding of Donglai Jindan Dao.

Some people collect and refine five kinds of golden essence, some swallow five kinds of spiritual clouds, some grind five colors, some subdue the five dragons of heaven and earth, or directly extract the essence of the five elements and forge the five elements magic weapon...

In short, only when all five elements are unified can the golden elixir be created.

In Fu Tongjun's case, he is the Gu King corresponding to the attributes of the five elements.

She spent a lot of energy and collected all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to evolve the five poisonous poisonous poisons into the "Gu King", and all of them reached their second transformation.

Spirit Gu has nine sheds, and after nine sheds it becomes Immortal Gu.

Fu Tongjun imagined that he could use the "Earth Vein Mysterious Lotus" as the root to allow the Five Paths Gu King to complete the third transformation, and then combine the five poisonous Gu pills into one to create a first-grade Dao pill for himself.


"The method of combining elixirs that you practiced for me was actually only a first-grade golden elixir?"

Fu Tongjun was very unhappy: "I still need you for a first-grade golden elixir? I can do it myself!"

"Hmph - you are quite confident. The first-grade golden elixir that others have been envious of their entire lives, is actually regarded as rubble?"

"You pioneered the 'Dao Cauldron Technique'. Anyone with a firm Taoist heart and a deep foundation is expected to achieve a first-class elixir. If I become a first-class elixir, how can I demonstrate my own skills?"

Fu Tongjun ventured to Xingxiu to pirate treasures, with the goal of making the elixir supreme!
Only the secret of the supreme pill formation was something she couldn't do and needed help from Fu Henghua.

Henghua rolled his eyes: "What kind of opportunity is the supreme golden elixir? How can you succeed with your little skills?"

"It should be noted that the world is vast and disasters are endless. You use Gu Dao to become an immortal, which is contrary to the principles of heaven and earth, and there are many disasters. Are you still dreaming about the supreme elixir? In the world of Nanzhou, it is good to be able to achieve a first-class elixir. After all, this is not Donglai is a small and isolated world."

The natural disaster in Donglai and the natural disaster in Nanzhou are not the same thing.

It is simply a miracle that Fu Xuanxing has become the supreme elixir in Nanzhou.

Fu Tongjun muttered: "Then how confident am I that I can return to Donglai?"

Heng Hua shook his head slowly.

"Others may have some confidence. But if you go back to Donglai, your confidence in the formation of the pill will not increase - don't forget how many kills you have on your body."


Fu Henghua sighed softly: "My grandfather often persuaded us to set up the prohibition on killing and abide by the Taoist conscience. This is not a woman's kindness, but to make us less likely to kill, so as to reduce the harm of natural disasters."

"I know you are stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat. I saw Fu Xuanxing concluding the supreme golden elixir and practicing the 'Super Immortal Book', and I plan to follow suit. But have you ever thought about how Fu Xuanxing's case can be copied?"

Zhong Lihan and Long Daoren have the support of the top sects, but have not yet reached the supreme golden elixir.

How dare Mr. Futong have such crazy thoughts?
Henghua continued: "For thousands of years in Donglai, there has only been one Fu Xuanxing."

"I didn't know that you had such a high opinion of him?"

Henghua smiled.

The elder brother's dislike of his younger brother is not true dislike.

Looking at the younger generation (excluding those who have passed down the Book of Heaven), there are very few people who can enter Fu Henghua's wise eyes.Among these many people, Fu Henghua believes that Fu Xuanxing will have the greatest achievement in the future!
Of course, he is still not as good as himself.

"Do you remember how many people Xuan Xing has killed in his life?

"He is a truly handsome and handsome man who is a chivalrous and righteous man. Every person he kills has his own explanation, and the number of kills is not large."

Before meeting Fu Henghua and others, Fu Xuanxing had never killed anyone.

Fu Henghua watched Fu Xuanxing come step by step, from immature to mature, and witnessed his killings again and again.

Every killing is justified and there is no indiscriminate killing.

On the other hand, Mr. Futong.

How many people has Fu Tongjun killed?

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that he ran away from home and wandered alone in the waters of Yuan and Ming Dynasties.What's the custom among monks over there?
Killing people to seize treasures, robbing graves and digging up houses.

In places like that, even if Fu Tongjun never actively plotted against others, he definitely killed many people passively.

If you make enemies with others, given Mr. Fu Tong's character, will you leave a legacy behind and cause trouble for yourself in the future?
Kill decisively, eradicate the roots, and the evil will naturally gather together.

And the humanoid Gu and blood firefly Gu she has on hand...

Even after his death, he never let go of his corpse, and even accumulated all kinds of resentments.

"The evil of your heavenly calamity is even greater than that of the Gu demons in the Xuanming Demon Palace.

"That's it, do you still expect to compete with Fu Xuanxing?"

Henghua counted on his fingers for Fu Tongjun.

"This is just the debt of killing, and does not take into account the Qi of the two of you.

"Xuanxing adheres to Donglai's Qi and kills the two evil dragons."

The Dragon King of the East Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea attempted to overthrow the continent, and were cursed by the Heavenly Way of Donglai.Fu Xuanxing prevented the two dragons from being resurrected, which was the way to go.

And he was controlled by the true immortals and had the fate of slaying dragons, so he was not comparable to Fu Tongjun.

Fu Tongjun was scolded by Fu Henghua's comparison, and his face became even more ugly.

"My elder brother said that you should hold on to evil arts with a benevolent heart. This is true. If you can use poisonous magic to correct the right path and use evil arts to uphold justice, you can also accumulate some merit. But ask yourself, how much good merit have you accumulated over the years?"

Fu Henghua said sternly: "The calamity is so severe that I dare not act recklessly. Over the years, I have been kind to others, preached, and accumulated good deeds for myself, hoping to reduce the calamity and successfully follow the path. What about you?
“Have you ever really cared about accumulating good deeds?
"Don't talk about me, Xiaoyu practices medical skills. When she was in Donglai, she often helped people heal their illnesses. Her accumulated good deeds are even higher than yours!

"Yi Po family, can't your Gu method cure diseases and save people? If you were like her, you wouldn't have so little good deeds now that you would suffer the catastrophe of the Nine Heavens Fierce Fire."

Heng Hua's practice has advanced day by day, and he has become more and more in tune with the mystery of Heaven's Heart.With the help of Shenluo Tianshu, he has calculated the fate of Fu Tongjun.

Fu Tongjun's calamity was so severe that it was the only one in the Fu family for thousands of years.

"The Gu Dao and the Ghost Dao are both heretics, but the senior Tianyin of the Wuyin Tower also traveled in various waters before he was transformed into an infant, doing good deeds, accumulating virtue, and punishing evildoers. Isn't the good-wealth ghost king of my business the same as he used to be? Are you here to make the Golden Wand?"

So what if ghost magic can also punish evildoers and help good people.

"Taking a closer look, senior Canglanzi traveled to various waters to satisfy his appetite. But along the way, he increased his knowledge and knowledge, and he did not fail to do good deeds and accumulate virtue."

Hearing this, Fu Xuanhe added: "Ordinary monks don't have a clear mind. They only follow the instructions of their predecessors and do some good deeds before forming the elixir. We are smart and wise, how can we not understand the purpose of this trip? One is to reduce external calamities, and the other is to reduce external calamities. It is a pure Taoist mind.”

Accumulating good deeds and increasing luck can reduce the calamity of heaven.

Only with a clear Taoist mind and a clear spirit can we resist the difficulties of external demons.

Mr. Fu Tong has been practicing for a hundred years. Compared with other monks in Donglai, he can be said to be a talented person of the younger generation.But she was busy refining Gu, so how could she do any good deeds?
However, poisons are originally evil spirits, but they will increase hostility and evil thoughts, and are not helpful in overcoming tribulations.

"You are doing a good deed by rectifying the Five Poison Sect and restraining them.

"But their bad habits are hard to change, and they can really be reformed by your methods. From then on, they will be righteous and become chivalrous people?

“If you don’t do good deeds completely, why should you count them as merit?”

Mr. Fu Tong was scolded by his two brothers, and his face turned red and he was ashamed.

After a long time, she said: "It is true that I don't have many good deeds on my body. But Donglai Jindan Dao also has the method of 'cultivating power to become a Taoist'. Isn't there a saying among sword immortals that 'one force can break a calamity and become an immortal immediately'? "

Hearing this, Henghua sneered and said to Fu Xuanhe: "Brother, look. This girl is stubborn. How can I persuade her?"

Then he replied seriously:
"It is true that the Sword Immortal has such a statement. Other cultivation systems also have similar statements. But you may not have forgotten that my grandfather was so powerful that he was almost burned to death in a calamity fire."

Fu Henghua was building his foundation to survive the Seven Tribulations, but Fu Danwei only experienced the burnt body in the Jindan.

If Fu Henghua hadn't restrained his original intention, if he had caused any trouble during the Seven Difficulties, the fire of karma would have burned him to death.

"The spreading of this kind of words was originally done by predecessors and formed a precedent. However, the spread of such words by later generations is just to find an excuse for themselves. To prove the Tao with force? How many people have done it?"

Don't you just want to be lazy and find a reason for yourself to be lazy?

Ah, to accumulate good deeds?No, no, I plan to use my strength to prove the truth.

Then there was a bang, and his body was shattered into pieces under the catastrophe.

"Since the age of Shenzhou, how many sword immortals have died in the catastrophe? How many sword immortals have broken through the tribulation with their strength? One hundred and one? One thousand and one? What if? Why do you think that you are the one in the unlikely event?"

Fu Xuanhe echoed: "To overcome the tribulation, it is to settle the past. The consequences of karma and debts are coming one after another. It is difficult to break it with force!"

Fu Henghua picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and continued to admonish: "Don't forget, you saw with your own eyes what happened to that person from the Wei family in the past."

How many people came to rob the door, how many golden elixir monks worked together to attack.Even Zixuan's innocent soul refused to return to heaven and had to wait until the Wei family was destroyed before returning to the stars.

Mr. Fu Tong still looked unwilling and took a five-color lotus.

"I ventured into the Sea of ​​Stars to obtain this lotus flower... This is a true treasure of the earth. Isn't it enough to help me?"

Donglai divides islands and divine continents into many levels.

Fudojiao, Huifeng Island, Zangling Island, Buxianzhou and Donglai Shenzhou.

The spiritual veins are divided into three grades and nine grades. Bu Xianzhou can nurture the fourth grade (medium first grade) and fifth grade (intermediate second grade) spiritual veins.

As for superior spiritual veins, only Shenzhou can breed them.

The first-grade spiritual veins, also known as the ancestral veins, are the ancestors of the spiritual veins in the mountains of Donglai Shenzhou.

Between Shenzhou and Buxianzhou, the three continents of Nanzhou are pregnant with high-grade second-grade and third-grade spiritual veins.

Fu Tongjun's so-called "real treasure of earth veins" comes from the high-grade third-grade spiritual vein "Xuan Dou".This is the root of the continent of Xingluo Demon Continent, from which the spiritual veins of the mountains are born.

The fragrance hit my face instantly, and the clouds rolled in.

Fu Xuanhe's eyelids twitched.

"Okay, is this the earth-centered mysterious lotus that is created every ten thousand years?"

He had heard that this thing was as famous as Chiyuan Jiuyang Shenshi in Nanyan Fuzhou, Chi Ling Danxin Biyuehua, and Puhe Xuanshui Youshenzhi.

"Girl, you have stolen Concubine Jin Huanyu's palace, right?"

Thinking of the Zhoutian Star Mirror and the Nine Territories Map, they are obviously not held by ordinary true star demons.

It was either the Xingluo Demon Emperor or the palace of Concubine Jin Huanyu.

When Henghua saw this thing, his expression changed.

This cause and effect is huge!
"Can this thing help me overcome my calamity?"

Seeing the expressions on the two men's faces, Fu Tongjun asked again.

How could she not know that she was in grave danger?
But she thought about it, with the protection of this heavenly material and earthly treasure, how difficult would it be to survive a golden elixir calamity?
This is the secret treasure used by the concubine to overcome the evil tribulation!
Fu Henghua's expression quickly recovered: "Did you really not listen to what I just said? What's wrong with you is not an external thing? It's your own shortcomings.

"Your Daoxing magic power is still far behind Xuan Xing. Most of your strength lies in Gu. How can you compare with the innate yin and yang power that others have been working on since childhood?
"Yes, you are very smart, and he looks stupid on the surface - but that is just a child's nature. His character is optimistic and understanding, and he is very suitable for practicing immortal magic.

"And what is his body? He is a descendant of the Dragon King, a direct descendant of the Dragon King. He is covered in dragon blood and dragon bones, with pure Yang and no leakage. He also has an immortal sword in his hand.

"In this way, he has experienced the highest calamity and is extremely dangerous, and needs to form elixirs repeatedly.

“Your lotus flower is indeed wonderful, but it can only barely compare to the Nanming Lihuo Scabbard.

"How can you compare to him in other items?"

Mr. Futong wanted to talk back several times.

But when I think about Fu Xuanxing's practice, I can't refute a single word.

Indeed, Fu Xuanxing is usually silly and happy.But he does have strong magic power and a solid foundation.Otherwise, why would his grandfather favor him alone and teach him his own swordsmanship?

"Okay, Xiao Liu'er..."

Fu Xuanhe spoke slowly at this moment.

"You have reprimanded her, show her the real way of deduction, right? If she really has no hope, why do you waste so much time talking about her?"

"I want to persuade her. Isn't this what you mean, brother? I hope Qimei will act more calmly in the future?"

Fu Henghua said with an innocent face: "I say all this just because I hope she will act less murderous in the future."

This is not a joke between brother and sister, but Fu Henghua truly thinks so.

How many lives does Mr. Fu Tong carry on his body?

Hundreds?Thousands of pieces?
Much more than that!

With his wise eyes, although the black energy of resentment was suppressed by the Qi Jue Dao Qi, the killings on Mr. Fu Tong's body were no less than [-].

Among the whole Fu family, Mr. Fu Tong has the most resentment.

Henghua said solemnly: "I can teach you the true supreme method of forming pills, but you need to promise me. You need to think carefully about your actions in the future, and you must not act recklessly."

Mr. Fu Tong said: "I also have the precept to kill. I will only kill if I touch the precept to kill."

"Your killing spree——"

Henghua scoffed.

Fu Tongjun's prohibition on killing anyone who obstructs the way is to be killed.

What is an obstacle?
Two people were walking face to face and accidentally bumped into each other.

If it blocks my path, I can be killed.

The two men started to quarrel.

If it makes me unhappy and hinders my Taoist perfection, I can kill them.

Fudanwei encouraged monks to abide by their true intentions and set their own precepts.As he became successful in cultivation, he was gradually recognized and promoted by the other second halls of the Fu family and the Yanlong cultivation family.

But those young monks are all very temperamental. Which one is willing to obediently set the precepts for himself and follow them easily?
Each of the precepts I established was like running an errand, with more loopholes than the last.

Fudanwei originally wanted to "not kill innocent people indiscriminately", but few people listened.

Fu Henghua: "Liu Hui and I also have the commandment of 'kill those who block the way'. But we set the limit high. Look at Liu Hui as a swordsman, he has never killed many people in his life!"

It's not that Fu Liuhui is kind-hearted and soft-hearted, a woman's benevolence.

But they are really charging towards the peak of swordsmanship, and they don't look down on these ants and flying insects on the road.

If you can't beat me today, can you beat me tomorrow?
Even if there are some conspiracy behind the scenes, can he defeat the sword in my hand?
Without this kind of confidence, how could she reach the top of the sword by relying on "one person and one sword"?
"I don't ask you to be like me and push your standards to the extreme. At least act with a little more discretion. Don't just kill someone if you meet someone who provokes you. If you see someone who practices magic or has done some evil deeds in the past, just kill them. Catch them and send them away. Isn’t my Five Elements Mountain fragrant? I can produce spiritual stones for our family later.”

The five punishments in Yanlong Five Elements Mountain are upright and good deeds that make people correct their evil ways.

Catch the bad guys and punish them with five punishments.On the other hand, they gather spiritual energy through their actions and produce spiritual stones in the Five Elements Mountain.Isn’t this better than killing people directly to feed the bugs?
"Okay, I see."

Fu Tongjun was scolded by Fu Henghua, and he understood the other party's solemn intention.

For Fu Henghua to reprimand him repeatedly like this was obviously his own doing, and he had indeed touched the limit.

Finally, she nodded in submission.

Seeing this, Henghua tapped the turtle shell, golden light swayed, and a female figure sitting cross-legged appeared on the five-color lotus.

It has eleven arms, each holding a Gu worm.

"Five, six..." Mr. Fu Tong saw five of the arms behind his back, holding up the Five Poison Gu Kings respectively, corresponding to the Immortal Transformation Gu among the seven Immortal Gus.The other six arms are divided on both sides, holding Love Immortal Gu, Sleeping Immortal Gu, Suppressing Immortal Gu; Fantasy Immortal Gu, Burning Immortal Gu, and Flying Immortal Gu.

“The laws of heavenly books are different from those of fairy books and earthly laws.

"My eldest brother and I adhere to the Taoism of the Heavenly Book, and we possess the innate Tao seed, which is self-contained. If you and others who practice the Immortal Book want to pursue it, you must go to the extreme of the Immortal Book.

"This Gu God Taoist Appearance is the great secret of the elixir that I have deduced for you. If you are willing to understand it, you will be able to reach the standard of the supreme golden elixir in the state of 'human and Gu fusion'."

"Human Gu combined into one? Is it combat power? Not realm?" Fu Tongjun quickly understood Henghua's intention.

When he merges with the seven great Gu, he can transform into the "True Body of the Gu King", possessing the same power as Fu Xuanxing.

But on ordinary days, he is just a first-grade golden elixir who has achieved enlightenment by transforming immortal Gu.

Fu Tongjun said angrily: "Back then, when I was practicing the "Gu Transformation Feather Immortal Technique", you helped me deduce the "Seven Gu Immortal Book" and dismissed my Gu Transformation Immortal Technique as worthless. Now at the end of the day, you actually let me Shall I go back?"

"Why is this going around? You cultivate the seven major Gu at the same time and refine the true body of Gu God. That is the immortal body of Gu Dao that conforms to the principles of heaven and earth, and is the ultimate Gu Dao of heaven and earth.

"The key to the supreme golden elixir is that at the moment of concluding the golden elixir, you can see the entire nine heavens and ten earths and receive the blessings of the entire world. Your cultivation cannot be achieved by relying solely on the Immortal Transformation Gu. Only the seven major Gu insects Gather together and use the true form of the Gu insect to connect with the heaven and the earth. Only in this way can you break through the shackles between the heaven and the earth and achieve the macroscopic nine heavens and ten earths."

"Both form and spirit are wonderful, and they are in harmony with the truth." Fu Xuanhe seemed to have some realization.

"Yes, that's the truth. Tongjun kills a lot of sins, and the disaster is disaster. She can't get to the step of 'integrating the Tao'. Only after the human Gu merges into one, she combines the Tao with the Gu god. Then she can separate herself. Comparing with the supreme golden elixir in terms of combat power.

"Moreover, Mr. Tong, you are wrong about one thing. My Taoism does not allow you to become one with the Immortal Transformation Gu, but only a first-grade golden elixir. You yourself are a first-grade golden elixir, and externally blessing the Immortal Transformation Gu and other six Gus, He becomes the Gu God."

Fu Xuanhe instantly understood the significance of Fu Henghua's move.

"You want her to go through the heavenly tribulation and get rid of the damage caused by the Gu Dao, so that she can complete her cultivation and restore her spiritual body?"

In other words, Fu Henghua has solved all the problems that once troubled his mother Cui Hongjuan, causing difficulty in childbirth and damaging moral integrity.

She is no longer a disabled person.

In this step of forming the core and transforming from the mortal world, Fu Tongjun can restore his bloodline talent!
Fu Tongjun stared blankly at the "Gu Goddess" displayed by Fu Henghua.

The female figure is sitting quietly on a lotus, with eleven arms holding the spirit Gu. Her aura is integrated, but her face and appearance are not clear.

Suddenly, she had a realization and vaguely saw that the face of Gu God was similar to her own.

My way lies in this.

Some inspiration made her come up with this idea.

"Just practice like this!"

Fu Xuan struck each other with fists and palms, and laughed and said: "If you practice this way, Seventh Sister will have no Gu insects in the future, and she will also be a first-grade golden elixir. Good...good..."

Gu Tao is a heretic after all.

Even though part of Fu Xuanhe's talisman power lies in the talismans rather than in himself, he still looks down on Gu.

Talisman, after practicing to the end, you can "move a single thought, and thousands of talismans will come into being".

Gu, this kind of thing that relies on nurture, how did it come to be in the end?
Is it possible to cultivate a person into a Gu mother and then continuously give birth to Gu children?

Naturally, he didn't want his sister to go through that kind of "people should be treated differently" approach.

"I...I answer..."

"Don't promise yet."

Henghua stopped Fu Tongjun.

"Let me explain the specific steps first."

Fu Henghua stretched out his hand and pointed, and the "Gu God Dharma" suddenly collapsed and turned into two groups of yin and yang air currents hovering on the lotus.

"The Gu Dao I deduced for you is to sublimate the external Dao within and refine the Yin, Yang and Five Elements into one."

Fu Xuanhe nodded frequently as he watched: "How to play the Gu Dao like the orthodox Jin Dan Dao, Xiao Liu'er's Dao Xing——"

High, really high.

But when he thought about it, he began to worry about Fu Henghua again.

With his current knowledge, Fu Henghua still dares not to conclude the "Ten Thousand Dao Golden Pill", which shows how difficult and dangerous it is.

"Xiao Liu'er has accumulated more than a hundred thousand meritorious deeds. If a monk receives this kind of merit, he may not be able to establish a first-grade golden elixir, and the catastrophe will be almost non-existent. Now he does not dare to survive the tribulation. One can imagine the fate of his catastrophe..."

It's a shame that Henghua killed the few evildoers.Otherwise, Fu Xuanhe would not let him take the risk.

Henghua pointed to the "yang energy" in the air mass: "This is you."

Then he pointed at the "Yin Qi": "These are your seven great Gu."

"The God of Gu, good and evil, is one body, embracing the principles of yin and yang. After being dispersed, you will be a good body, and the seven major Gu will be an evil body."

Fu Tongjun had a flash of inspiration and understood the benefits of doing so.

He possesses a first-grade Gu God Golden Pill. In addition to merging with the seven major Gus, he can also control one of the seven major Gus to simulate the unity of good and evil and exert part of the Gu God effect.

In other words, every Gu can be temporarily upgraded to the power of the supreme golden elixir.

Even though he is only a first-grade golden elixir, his combat power is infinitely close to that of Fu Xuanxing.

In one sentence, someone else's first-grade golden elixir can only reach the first grade.And my first-grade one came back after seeing the scenery of the supreme golden elixir.

Seeing that Mr. Fu Tong understood, Fu Henghua was also a little proud.

If it were in Donglai, I would never be able to make this Dharma image.

In Nanzhou, he designed Dharma puppets for many of his comrades. Fu Henghua became more and more familiar with the Dharma and gained this knowledge and experience.

Fu Tongjun was just his first attempt.

Next, he plans to try it for his other siblings.

Guarantee the best quality and strive for the best.

Mr. Futong may not be able to touch the edge due to his Gu technique.

But Henghua believes that Fu Liuhui can definitely take the path of "Sword of Heaven".

"Understood? Good and evil are unified, and the soul returns to the innate world before it becomes a god."

The innate spirit has neither good nor evil, and is the same as Tao Xuan.

"So, how do I do this? Is this a difficult step?"

Fu Tongjun knew Fu Henghua, and he took so much trouble to explain it to himself.There is only one possibility. This step is difficult and you may not be able to do it.

He laid so much groundwork just to strengthen his belief and give it a try.

"To practice the Gu God Dharma, you need to sit on the fire for three days and experience three major fire tribulations."

Henghua took out the "Nine Earth Model Map" and pointed to the third layer of the abyss.

"Whether it's Ming Xi or other demons. These demon tribes are mostly distributed in the first and second levels of the abyss. Why?"

Fu Tongjun's eyes fell on the third level of the abyss.

There was a blazing fire.

The third abyss beneath Nanyan Fuzhou is an endless sea of ​​fire.

It would be difficult for the Abyss Demons to survive in this sea of ​​fire.

At the same time, this sea of ​​fire is also a natural barrier.

Monsters in the deep abyss will also be hindered by the sea of ​​fire if they want to enter the shallow abyss.The only way is the abyss passage under Chiyue.If you go anywhere else, you will only be burned alive by a sea of ​​​​fire that stretches thousands of miles.

This is why Chiyuan can suppress the invasion of the nine earth monsters by just guarding one passage.

The demon tribes in the first and second levels of the abyss are just cannon fodder, the remnants of the demonic chaos that were scattered in the shallow abyss.Even if they relied on the demon emperors to clear the way, it would only be a scabies disease.

Only the monsters under the Fourth Abyss are the most serious concern of the Chiyuan Taoist Sect.There are real demons there, even demons who have attained enlightenment.

"If you want to practice the Gu God Golden Pill, you can only complete the unification of good and evil by entering the third abyss of the earth and using the endless earth fire..."

Into the third abyss?
Fu Xuanhe's expression suddenly changed: "This... this is too..."

"I promise."

Fu Tongjun is very straightforward.

"Three days of fire? Okay, I can bear it."

Fu Henghua shook his head and said: "Three levels of fire tribulation, the Earthly Evil Fire is only the first level. The second level is the Nanming Li Fire. I will borrow the scabbard to cast a spell on you to beat the physical body."

Fu Tongjun raised his eyebrows.

"What about the third layer?"

"Your own calamity."

Nine days of fierce fire tribulation.

The three fire tribulations are fused in the third abyss and can last for three days before the Gu God's true form can be completed.

And the ferocity of these three fire tribulations can even kill a master!
This method is no better than Donglai Gu Demon's "Ten Thousand Gus Devouring the Heart".

The Gu God is also the advanced form of "Ten Thousand Gu Consciousness".

But the advantage of Fu Henghua's method lies in gathering and dispersing at will. Fu Tongjun is still a human being, and the Gu God is just her external appearance.

By borrowing the seven great poisons, he becomes the god of all poisons.

Taking a step back, it is a first-grade golden elixir that combines the five elements and returns to nature, and refines Gu to enter the Tao.

"Okay! Just do it," Fu Tongjun said, "Without further delay, I can try it now."

Henghua nodded slowly:

"I'll send a message to my family first. By the way, I also want to borrow the scabbard."


Fu Henghua contacted Hengshou and Xiaoyu.

Although they are far apart, there is a secret between the three of them.

Two days ago, Hengshou and Xiaoyu received news from Yu Xiaolei. They were shocked to hear that Fu Henghua might be in Jiu Di. They were so frightened that they quickly prepared supplies and planned to dive to Jiu Di to find him.

However, Xuanyuan City was busy with affairs, and Zhong Lihan replaced Fu Henghua as the head of the city, which was inseparable from the two of them.

In addition, Cang Lanzi and Meng Chen were restrained.

"What are you two going to do?"

"No one else has found them, and you two are lost again. I will need Henghua to find you later."

In desperation, the two could only wait for news in Xuanyuan City.

Of course, the reason why Hengshou and Hengshou could endure it was also because of the existence of Young Master Youxuan and Taoist Bodhi.

The young master has two spiritual gods outside. Even if he is damaged, he can still try to revive him.

They only need to guard the news about Youxuan Demon Palace.

If the two of them had known that Fu Henghua was going all out this time and that the Three Spiritual Gods had returned to their positions, they would not be so at ease.

When Fu Henghua sent the message back, Hengshou breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said to Xiaoyu.

"Master, they have discovered something underground. Tell Zhong Lihan and I will borrow the scabbard, then go to the Chiyuan Taoist Sect and go down with Yu Xiaolei and others."

Xiaoyu nodded: "Pay attention to contact."

Hengshou and his troops went to Jiu Di to search for the missing persons, so that they could serve as a transit point to exchange information on the Henghua trio, Xuanyuan City, and the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

Intelligence is the most powerful weapon in war.


The third abyss is filled with endless flames.

The three brothers and sisters of the Fu family came to the border of the Third Abyss according to the "Map of Nine Territories".

They squatted at the entrance of the cave and watched the billowing fire spraying up from the entrance of the cave.

The whole cave is filled with the smell of sulfur.

"Seventh sister, are you sure you want to go down?"

Mr. Futong, wearing the Ice Silkworm Treasure Clothes, nodded slowly.

Seeing this, Fu Xuanhe threw the talisman out of the cave.

Immediately, the talisman raised an altar of mysterious fire below.

"You go ahead, the two of us will hold the fire altar here. If necessary, we will pull you back."

If he really breaks into the sea of ​​fire, even a hundred golden cicada Gus for Mr. Fu Tong will not be enough to survive.

To refine the gods through fire tribulation, you only need to use earth fire.

It can also be done at the edge of the third abyss.

In addition, Fu Henghua sent the information back, and the Chiyuan Taoist faction had its own way to deal with the alliance between the demons.He can concentrate on handling Lord Fu Tong's tribulation.

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