
Chapter 660: The detoxifying doctor made an immortal

When there is a crisis in Tianxu Shenzhou and all kinds of immortals and demons are needed to come to support, will you go?

This is not only Fu Henghua's question, but also the fundamental question for the human race to distinguish between the enemy and our camps.

"Yes. Of course I will go. Even though I am a Demon Emperor, I am still a human being."

Fu Henghua smiled: "I heard a senior say that during a battle to defend the Tianxu Divine Continent, a certain Divine Continent was in the midst of five kingdoms competing for hegemony. After hearing about the sudden change in the ancestral continent, the five nations put aside their old grudges and joined forces to form a coalition to go to the ancestral continent. continental rescue.”

In the face of real racial struggle, it has nothing to do with orthodoxy, good or evil.Everyone will put aside internal fighting and unite to fight against foreign enemies.

This is why the Xuandan human race can become one of the five major races on the surface from a generation of ants.

"That legend..."

The Demon Emperor also smiled.

He had also heard about it when he was a teacher in his early years.

This is all tens of thousands of years ago.

"Later I heard from Third Senior Brother that under the mediation of the Tianxu Divine Continent, the five countries expanded the territory of the Divine Continent five times, and each divided into one continent."

Talking about the old events of the human race, the Demon Emperor calmed down a little.

Walking through the passage in tandem with Fu Henghua.

After passing through five halls, six holes, and nine twists and turns, the two finally found the concubine in front of a gate.

boom -

She faced a golden-armored god eight feet tall.

The man of god waved his dragon sword, bursts of roaring roars erupted, and thunder, fire, and lightning flashed one after another.

The concubine was at the end of her strength and was retreating steadily under the attack of the golden-armored god.Every time the dragon knife struck, the thunder roared, and then it chipped away a layer of galaxy magic light.

Now, the magic light around the concubine has almost disappeared.

"My concubine—"

The Demon Emperor quickly rushed to save people.

Fu Henghua looked at the golden armored god, and when he saw the "Liang Yi Dao Wheel" behind the god's head, he showed a look of surprise.

"Is this a protector puppet made by Zhenjun Liangyi?"

The Dharma Puppet is an emerging practice tool created by Fu Henghua combined with the previous humane methods.But in ancient times, there were people who had similar inspiration to Fu Henghua and also created humanoid puppets.

The protector puppet in front of me was made by the True Monarch Liangyi, and is the "protector puppet" of Huntian Civilization.


The Demon Emperor fought hard with the dragon sword.

Seeing his body-protecting magic light trembling, he looked shocked.

"This protector puppet actually survived three disasters?"

Analogous to the Donglai realm, this is the Tribulation Immortal of the Yuxian realm.

All it takes is to wash away the mortal body and then you can truly transform into a puppet at the level of a true immortal.

Such a tyrannical puppet is just used to guard the door?

In the blink of an eye, the Demon Emperor thought a lot.

But when he picked up the concubine and noticed that her breath was weak, he put those thoughts behind him.

The most important thing right now is to save people.

Opening his palm, his five fingers were wrapped with silver light, instantly turning into five vast galaxies and sweeping toward the puppet.


The puppet was swept away ten feet by the Demon Emperor's full blow.

But the next moment, the Bagua mirror above the cave door emitted layers of golden light, as if sensing demonic energy, it quickly swept towards the Demon Emperor.

"Your Majesty, be careful, this is the golden light that subdues demons."

The concubine's voice was weak and she quickly spoke to remind her.

Starlight rises again, a shield against the golden light.

The sound of chi chi emerged among the star shield and golden light.

Waves of black smoke surged, and the Demon Emperor's shield with all his strength could no longer hold up the Bagua mirror on the door.

"How could the true immortals of ancient civilizations be so powerful?"

The Demon Emperor was shocked.

He asked himself that he was not as good as a senior like Emperor Jianyuan.But it's not like he can't even parry one of his swords.But now, he was barely able to parry in front of a treasure left by an ancient immortal tens of thousands of years ago.

Seeing that the golden light was about to penetrate the shield.

At the critical moment, the concubine struggled to push away the Demon Emperor, but was hugged tightly by him.

Seeing the Demon Emperor using his body to block the "golden light of subduing the demon" for himself, the concubine became even more anxious.

They are a pair of lovers.

Fu Henghua watched from one side, feeling quite emotional.

The relationship between these two people is the same as that of father and mother, but it's a pity...

Facing the offensive from True Lord Liangyi, he had no choice.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, he felt difficulty breathing.

The collision of the starlight demonic energy and the power of Liangyi, suppressed the dull and terrifying destructive power in the entire space.

At this time, the golden-armored god stood up again and raised the dragon sword again.

If this knife hits, the Demon Emperor will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die.

Fu Henghua frowned, his brain spinning rapidly.

Although it's a pity that I can't get more from the Demon Emperor.

But Nanzhou is missing a demon emperor...

But when he saw a crack on the Bagua Mirror, he was suddenly shocked.

This mirror cannot be maintained anymore!

That's right, it has been passed down for 4 years.Attacking a demon emperor with all his strength again, how can it last long?

Fu Henghua secretly thought: In this way, the Bagua Mirror and the Golden Armored Godman will not be able to take down the Demon Emperor.Even if the Demon Emperor is seriously injured and wins, he may worry that I, who is watching from the sidelines, will have evil thoughts.

He made a prompt decision and took the initiative.

"All things mediate and good fortune always comes."

The cloud axis unfolded, countless gods and men leaped into the sky, dragons and phoenixes danced, and there were thousands of strange phenomena.

Afterwards, Fu Henghua pointed at the Bagua Mirror.


The elephant is invisible and returns to nature.

The Demon Emperor and his wife simply couldn't see the mystery of Fu Henghua's finger.

In the eyes of the Demon Emperor, this is just an ordinary click upward.



The breeze blew by, and the Bagua Mirror disappeared with the wind.

The golden light of subduing the demon disappeared, and the pressure on the two demon emperors suddenly eased.

Fu Henghua walked up to the golden-armored god, stretched out his hand and patted it gently, causing the true energy of creation to divide into yin and yang and flow around the god's body, resonating with the yin-yang beads at the core of his body.

The golden-armored god's eyes flashed with light as he slowly walked behind Fu Henghua.

Fu Henghua pretended to wipe his forehead and took a few breaths.

"It's okay, it's okay. I have some connection with this senior's orthodoxy, and I can still control his secret treasure. Senior, are you okay?"

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

One step too late and the Bagua Mirror will collapse on its own.I can't take away this "saving grace".

The Demon Emperor's face was soothed and he showed gratitude: "Seven days. I will give you seven days to ask questions. After that, the relationship is over. In the battle between immortals and demons, everyone relies on his own methods."

As he spoke, he carried the concubine and walked out.

When her hand was placed on the vest of the concubine, and a beam of starlight essence was injected into her, the concubine's face suddenly darkened, and she spat out a mouthful of dirty blood.

Fu Henghua was busy studying the gate, thinking about what Liangyi Zhenjun had hidden here.

Hearing that the divine concubine had changed, he quickly turned around and looked.


Dirty blood spreads in the air, and traces of black air are like poisonous snakes.Fu Henghua was so frightened that he quickly summoned the golden-armored god to defend him, while he hid at the gate and used Yin and Yang Taoism.

The energy of the two instruments condenses into a Tai Chi diagram, isolating the toxins in the air.

"Senior, this should be the power of the poisonous dragon series."

Fu Henghua glanced at the air a few times and reminded again.

This poison is similar to the poisonous dragon that Xue Kai incarnates, but the quality is higher. It should be the poisonous dragon's native venom at the level of Tribulation Immortal.Realizing that the concubine was poisoned, the Demon Emperor quickly held his breath and concentrated.

But the poisonous gas still stained the clothes and spread into the body through the skin.Fortunately, the Demon Emperor's body was indestructible for thousands of tribulations. He held on to this poisonous dragon's true energy and used the "Halloween Starlight Tribulation Demonic Curse" to eradicate it bit by bit.

After he opened his eyes, he quickly looked at the concubine in his arms.

Her face was like gold paper and her breath was weak.Fortunately, there were three golden needles stuck in his head, which held him back for the last breath.

The Demon Emperor turned to look at Fu Henghua and saw Fu Henghua sitting cross-legged with the needle bag spread out on his knees.He holds the gold figurine in one hand and inserts a needle into the gold figurine with the other hand, carefully channeling its energy.

"Acupuncture from the air?"

The Demon Emperor's face was full of surprise.

"Do you know spiritual medicine?"

"Know a thing or two."

Fu Henghua stared at the golden figurines, focusing on observing the flow of venom in the concubine's body.

"I don't have enough magic power to save people. Your Majesty still needs to take action - but His Majesty needs to pay some price."

"what would you like?"

The young man shook his head and sighed: "It's not what I want, but your Majesty's saving people will inevitably consume mana and even aggravate his own injuries."

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... you must not..."

The divine concubine continued intermittently and whispered: "The injury has not healed, so we will not be able to fight with Immortal Huo. By then...ahem..."

The Demon Emperor comforted his wife and looked at Fu Henghua.

Just by looking at his eyes, Fu Henghua knew what he meant and continued to explain.

"The poisons of poisonous dragons are divided into three categories. The first type of life poison destroys the life factors through the blood, thus destroying the body. The first type of spiritual poison destroys mental perception and even destroys the soul. The third type of mixed poison attacks both The body destroys the spirit as well.”

The Demon Emperor looked solemn.

Of course he knew the trouble of "Poison Dragon".

Throughout his past ten lives, he had seen five poisonous dragons.Every one of them is deadly.

But he only knew the ferocity of "Poisonous Dragon's Poison", but he had never summarized it systematically like Fu Henghua.

"What kind of thing is this we encountered?"

"Fortunately, it is the poison of life. This poison is extremely contagious and will destroy the organs in the body of the concubine bit by bit. It will use her blood and body as a breeding ground to continue to reproduce and regenerate. Until spores are produced in the body and new poisonous dragons are born. egg."

The Demon Emperor's expression changed: "Parasite?"


Heng Hua looked solemn.

Yes, this is the horror of the poison of life.

If dragon venom is properly cultivated, a drop of venom can create a poisonous dragon.

"But this is also the greatest blessing among misfortunes. My Taoism is exactly aimed at this kind of poison..."

Thanks to the enlightenment of Dragon King Yansheng, Fu Henghua and even the world of Donglai cultivation can clearly understand the "fundamentals of the Dragon Way", and Xue Kai transforms into a poisonous dragon, and then releases the way of the poisonous dragon.

The poisonous dragon of the life system is currently the only item that Donglai's poison medicine monks have conquered.

"Qi enters the body and travels through the six organs——"

Fu Henghua used the needle while directing the Demon Emperor to output mana.

Golden needles flew toward the concubine one by one, guiding the Demon Emperor to where to put his efforts.

As the power of the star demon condensed in the body of the concubine, the venom everywhere in the body was consciously guided.

"The Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin descends, pushing blood and filling Qi."

"From bottom up, turn around the sea of ​​qi..."

"Return to Xuanyang, and open up the Xuanyang Palace in the three yangs of your hands..."

Fu Henghua was also very nervous and carefully advised the Demon Emperor on how to save people.

To be honest, this is very different from the detoxification method studied by Donglai monks.

The method of detoxifying dragons studied by the Donglai monks, apart from using the dragon shed by Xue Kai as medicine, had only one method of "moving the palace to hatch the eggs".

Since Poison Dragon Liquid can infect and even breed new Poison Dragons.

Then you only need to protect the host while ensuring that the poisonous dragon gives birth somewhere in the body, and then use the "venom" as a "dragon egg" to give birth.

The simple, crude way.

But obviously he couldn't tell the Demon Emperor directly.

Borrowing a part of his wife to produce a poisonous dragon?
The Demon Emperor was so angry that he beat the "doctor" Fu Henghua to death out of necessity.It will become another case of contradiction between medical practitioners and patients in the world.

Therefore, Fu Henghua could only use the "guided bloodletting" method to force the venom to gather in the arm at the cost of Demon Emperor-level mana, and then perform bloodletting and detoxification.

Although it is troublesome, troublesome and costly.


Everyone is satisfied.

After several hours of hard work, a stream of black blood finally shot out from the jade arm.

The Demon Emperor pointed out immediately.

The starlight is like a sea, and the power of the poisonous dragon is wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Fu Henghua stared at the starlight, as if he saw an eternal star slowly rotating.

"This is my own "Halloween Starlight Tribulation Magic Spell", which was born out of..."

The Demon Emperor paused and taught this technique to Fu Henghua.

"My husband and I will remember this life-saving grace. I will fulfill my seven-day promise in the future."

After that, he stopped studying the origin and purpose of this gate and left directly with his wife.

Watching the Demon Emperor leave, Henghua turned around silently and observed the portal left by True Lord Liangyi.

He didn't know what was inside the door.

But he had an intuition that perhaps the biggest secret of the existence of "Upside Down Mountain" lay within this door.


"never mind?"

In Xuanyuan City, when everyone learned about the departure of the Demon Emperor from Henghua, they all felt relieved.

Qiu Guiqiu quickly sent a message to the master, and Bu Xuan and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, okay, the concubine is fine!

This prevents the Demon Emperor from going crazy, using spells to rain down meteorites, and dragging the entire Divine Continent with him to be buried with him.

Meteorite rain destroys the world.

There are several people in Chiyuan who have personally experienced it.


"Still no sign of the lady?"

Outside Langhuan Library, Yuluan pulled Xiaoyu's sleeve and asked.

She shook her head slowly, but seeing that Yu Luan's face was full of worry and haggard, she couldn't help but said with relief: "Don't worry, sister. The Master of Dongfang Palace has a long luck, and nothing will happen to him."


"Henghua has been working underground for so long, but he still hasn't found any of our people."

The two Tribulation Immortals looked down at Xuanyuan City and sighed when they saw the worried faces of many monks.

Meng Chen calculated: "Duan Xun, Fu Danyu, Hong Changyi, Yuwen Chunqiu, Qi Longjiao, Yu Linshan, Jiang Xiaoli, Dongfang Yunqi and Sun Falcon. Currently, we are still nine people short."

Cang Lanzi had a complicated expression: "That being said, we can also give an explanation to our Donglai comrades."

"Fellow Taoist, you think they can't be found?"

"Three continents, six seas and nine places have been carefully explored. However..."

If you can't find it, it means it's not in Nanyan Fuzhou.

So, what else can these two Tribulation Immortals do?

Moonlight paradise.

"We found Sun Falcon's whereabouts!"

Jiang Xiaoli hurriedly rushed into the tent, and Qi Longjiao immediately smiled and said: "Good thing, good thing, such good news, why are you panicking!"

"Sister, go and have a look. There's going to be a fight!"

Qi Longjiao was immediately shocked: "What's going on?"

"Sun Falcon was found together with several Chiyuan sect disciples. Zhang Xuanchu and the others found him. When they found him, Taoist brother Sun Falcon was covered in blood, and judging from the traces on the scene, he may have killed someone from the Chiyuan Taoist sect!"

Qi Longjiao's brain flashed, and she immediately knew that trouble was coming!

The Southeast War, what Vo Danyu was worried about, finally broke out.

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