
Chapter 676 3 Demon Lord has many grievances

Chapter 676 The Thirteen Demon Lords Have Many Grudges

Dongfang Yunqi and Fu Xuanhe were sitting in Tianyu Mountain.

While making tea, she looked at Fu Xuanhe's expression.

Fortunately, Fu Xuanhe had a stable character. Although he learned the rescue plan from the Demon Emperor, he did not act recklessly.

Ding dong——dang dong——

The sound of wearing a ring rang out from the sky. Dongfang Yunqi looked up and smiled.

Thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious lights.

Heavenly soldiers and generals were arranged in two lines to accompany him, and there were also celestial maidens carrying baskets and lamps leading the way.

"This fellow Taoist still likes these troubles!" She took another cup and filled it for Fu Henghua.

Not long after, a young man who looked like a real person came riding on three vicious dogs.

Dongfang Yunqi's smile disappeared, she frowned and stared at the vicious dog, wondering what she was thinking.

When Fu Xuanhe heard the fairy music of wearing a ring in the air, he raised his head and said with a smile: "You kid, you won't be happy when you go home. If you have to make such a show, why, don't you need your whole family to welcome you?"

In the air, Henghua laughed and said, "How can there be so many rules when you go home?" He patted Yan Chen's head lightly and ordered him to land on the clouds.

"Woof woof——" Yan Chen looked at the other two dog heads proudly. The other two dog heads looked unwilling, but they were still honest and quiet, not daring to stop him from controlling his body.

Three heads and one body, four souls coexisting, there is naturally a lot of open and covert fighting between them.Only those who flatter Henghua can control the body.

When the Tengu landed, Henghua waved to a Heavenly General to take the leash and sat on the third side of the square stone table.

Picking up the tea that Dongfang Yunqi had prepared for him, Henghua praised: "Miss Dongfang's tea art is unique in the world. If you are willing to study it carefully, how can it be my turn to pass on Yunfu's immortal method?"

"Brother Tao, there is no need to say these things against your will. Tea ceremony is also about rituals and music. My family is only the second generation, so how can the inheritance be compared with the thousand-year-old moral style of Fufeng? Not to mention, it is not my specialty to establish a sect, only Brother Tao is. A middle-class expert."

Looking at the blue waves inside the lamp, Dongfang Yunqi said slowly: "When it comes to making tea and spoons, Miss He is still better than me."

"There are thousands of kinds of tea ceremonies, and the tea ceremony she is good at is different from you. Making tea is like mixing a soup and making elixirs, which is not her specialty."

Take a sip, and the gentle elixir slowly flows throughout your body.

What Fu Henghua said is true, Dongfang Yunqi's Taoism is here.In terms of the ability to prepare "Eternal Life Tea", he is naturally slightly better than Xiaoyu.

With eyes turning, Dongfang Yunqi pointed at the Tengu not far away and said, "Brother Taoist, what does this mean?"


Fu Henghua pretended to sigh.

"I killed your calamity demon, but to my surprise, its ferocity was not extinguished, and it hid on one side and feigned death. When I subdued the three real men, I secretly attacked them. Fortunately, I am proficient in the secrets of creation. I cleverly made a cage to trap them. Wait until they are all sealed. As for the three-headed dog - it is really an accident. The way of creation is unpredictable, and my ability is not enough to be safe."

In short, it is a mutation and has nothing to do with me!
Dongfang Yunqi thought for a moment and ignored this trivial matter.

"That's all, since Brother Dao is interested and has taken good care of it. This evil beast is in conflict with me, so don't let it go."

"You and I have escaped the tribulation. Even if this tribulation demon has evil thoughts again, it will be difficult to damage your Dao fruit."

Fu Henghua said as he took out a silver bead and handed it to Dongfang Yunqi.

"This is the moon soul I took when I sealed the Taiyin. It will be of great benefit to your practice."

Taiyin Moon Soul Pearl?
Dongfang Yunqi's heart moved, and her face also showed joy.

According to the "Taiyin Book of Heaven", this object is made from the origin of Taiyin and can be used to refine many Taiyin secret treasures.It can also make up for the mana Dongfang Yunqi lost during this "moon refining".

"I'm thinking that although that world is a simulation, it is ultimately the transformation of vitality. A corresponding natural treasure can be brought into the present."

“Objects can be taken out, but can people be taken away?”

Dongfang Yunqi looked at Tengu again, thoughtfully.

Three real people?

They should be the three people hidden by the "Revivalist", right?

Can the soul of 4 years ago be brought out?
She looked at Fu Xuanhe.

Fu Xuanhe seemed to have some realization, frowning and thinking for a long time.

Finally, he shook his head and said: "The simulated phantom is different from the real person. Henghua, have you heard from Miss Dongfang? What do you think? Are those two demon lords trustworthy?"

Fu Xuanhe picked up the teacup and drank slowly, giving Fu Henghua time to think.

But Fu Henghua figured it out on the way.

"I have never heard of the names of those two demon lords, so I don't know how bad or bad they are. But Nanzhou is vast and there are seniors and experts there, so why not ask them in detail?"

"Huo Xianren?"

"Not only. You can also go to Xingluo Demon Continent."

"I and other immortal cultivators will be with the Demon Emperor all day long. There will be countless rumors," Fu Xuanhe shook his head and said, "Let's pay our respects to Immortal Huo first."


The disciples of Chiyuan returned from the disaster, and Immortal Huo also heard about it.

Although they were recuperating in seclusion, when the three of them came to visit, a phantom appeared and met them.

After thanking Dongfang Yunqi and Fu Henghua, Fang asked about the purpose of his visit.

After learning that Fu Xuanhe asked about the details of the two demon lords, Huo Xianren's expression suddenly changed. His kind face was no longer there, and he asked with a stern look: "How did you know the names of these two demons?"

He looked around, set up a ban, and lowered his voice: "But the devil is coming? Those apostles of Lord Shanle, don't pay attention to any of them! Henghua - after hearing the challenge of the devil, you must not participate. What is your current state? How dare you compete with him? Heed my advice, the water here is deep and you cannot enter without permission."

"The three of us just heard about it accidentally and didn't do anything. Senior, may I ask what the reputation of these two demon lords is like?"

"How many of the moneylenders in the world are good? In the name of kindness and happiness, the devil can talk about it. What do you believe?"

After a pause, Huo Xianren walked around three times.

When he thought about it, the Demon Lord of Good Joy had nothing to gain and couldn't afford to be too early, and he only looked for people who had committed robberies to defraud and lend money.But these three juniors in front of me all have great magical powers, so naturally they will not easily borrow money and sign contracts.

But it's different when you hear about the Demon Lord.

"I heard that the Demon Lord is the wisest of the demons. He has learned a lot and learned a lot. Since the acquired five senses and insights have sublimated the innate nature, his palms have responded to the changes in innate knowledge, which is very difficult to deal with. He has twelve demon disciples, all of whom have attained enlightenment."

Immortal Huo said solemnly: "When you come out of Donglai, you don't know the vastness of the outside world. The nine heavens and ten earths are far away, and you don't know how many people have attained the Tao. From the universe to the sea of ​​stars and the creation of the prehistoric world, you have gone through thousands of kalpas of Taoism. We, Chi There is a real immortal in Yuan who teaches the Dharma and sits in command, but he is still just a country landowner and dare not compete with the heroes in the world."

Although the Chiyuan Taoist Sect and Taixuan Sect have always been showing off.But I have to admit that Donglai has been able to live comfortably for thousands of years only because of the protection of Taixuan Taoist Saint.

The Taixuan Taoist system is distributed in nine divine continents. Only in the land of Donglai, the Taoist sage ended the past and proved the Tao in one step.

The land of enlightenment can naturally avoid many dangers.Coupled with the comfort of the hurricane zone, Donglai has always been worry-free.

Until the Dragon King rebelled...

Henghua's eyes moved, and he immediately thought of something, and suddenly asked: "In the past, the civilization of Huntian was catastrophic. It was the devil who spied on its secrets, and the Nine Lands led the people to seize the treasure. In the battle of the past, the Nine Dragon King fought against Donglai. What happened? ? The Dragon King dares to invade the land of Zhengsheng, who is instigating it?"

Huo Xianren remained silent.

"Has Donglai also researched some way to enlightenment?" Dongfang Yunqi then reacted.

The battle over the continent is just like the chaos of the demon gods in the past!

"You don't have to ask any more questions about this matter!"

Huo Xianren was annoyed.

"If you really want to know about this, ask those people in Donglai when you go back - I, Chiyuan, have cut off the relationship and will no longer be involved in the grudges over there."

With a sweep of his sleeves, the three of them were swept out of Chiyue.

"The three of you have a bright future and have always had a close relationship with our sect. I would like to advise you, if the devil is not trustworthy, don't deal with the devil!"


"It's better to ask that person."

After the three returned to Tianyu Mountain, Fu Henghua said.

"We are going to the Demon Land, and if we are bumped into by someone on the way, there must be rumors. Besides, the three of us are the top masters of the younger generation. What if the Demon Emperor has evil intentions and captures the three of us?"

"You should go as an incarnation."

Fu Henghua took some soil and made a clay figure.

With a gentle breath, the clay figurine immediately came to life and transformed into another "Fu Henghua".

Fu Xuanhe smiled slightly and drew a talisman on their faces.

The talisman floated into the air, transformed into a human body, and said to Dongfang Yunqi: "Miss Dongfang, this matter is dangerous, it is enough for my two brothers to escape."

"It's precisely because you two are traveling together that I'm worried."

A ray of moonlight flashed above Dongfang Yunqi's head, and her incarnation landed on the ground, heading to Xingluo Demon Continent with the Fu family brothers.


The three incarnations were invisible and cautious all the way.

One day later, Fang came to visit the Star Luo Demon Emperor.

Song Yunying came forward in person and led three men in black robes and hats to a back garden.

The Demon Emperor looked at the handsome concealed looks of the three immortals and wondered: "You are dressed like this, are you afraid of what the outside world will say? If so, why take the risk to come here? And - are you really not afraid of my killer? Really? Do you think my title of 'Demon Emperor' is just a decoration?" With a quick glance, he could see the essence of the three people's incarnations.

Henghua took off his black robe and bamboo hat and said with a smile:
"I have something urgent to ask for advice. Human lives are at stake. Your Majesty attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and is absolutely unwilling to let lovers be separated by Yin and Yang."

He told in detail what happened between Fu Xuanhe and Gongye Mingchan.

Xingluo Demon Emperor fell into the devil's path due to the pain of love in the past. Henghua believed that he would feel the same way, so he devoted his efforts to describing the relationship between Fu Xuan and the two.

Fu Xuanhe looked weird, why did I tell you so much?

Why didn’t I know that there were so many eternal vows between us?

After hearing this, Xingluo Demon Emperor remained silent for a long time.

The three of them stood aside and waited without saying a word.

After hearing about the situation, the concubine took the initiative to offer tea and fruit, and led the three of them to sit down.

"The ancient civilization of Tongtianzhou was actually studying this thing."

The Demon Emperor's focus is obviously elsewhere.

After muttering a few words to himself, he raised his head and said to Fu Xuanhe: "I understand that you want to save people. If you can help me, my husband and I are also willing to be virtuous. It's a pity that my means can't do it. .”

After an interval of 4 years, no matter how brilliant the resurrection technique is, there is no way.

"Then what if we ask for the power of the Demon Lord?"

Henghua named the two demon lords.

The Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes and realized something was wrong.

The concubine immediately asked: "Who told you the names of these two demon lords?"

"Demon Emperor Scarlet Ling."

"Eh? She actually recommended these two to you?" the Demon Emperor asked curiously, "Why isn't it Demon Lord Xuanming?"

The three were at a loss.

The Demon Emperor took the initiative to talk about the methods of Demon Lord Xuanming.

"This demon lord was originally a demon monk. He later cultivated the demon path and achieved the third level of demon path. Later, he couldn't stand the pressure of the demon masters and simply ran out to set up his own business. He knew people's hearts very well and allowed the demon to take a new path. My—someone once told me that this demon lord’s method is an evil way to manipulate people’s hearts and destroy morality.”

The Demon Lord thought of his "Third Senior Brother" and his chatterbox completely opened up.

"The first mission will be very simple. For example, go for a run outside, or break a window at home. Then you will be given an elixir and a spell. Then the difficulty will be slowly adjusted, and the demon attached will observe you at any time. , adjust task release.

“Go to someone’s house, steal a piece of underwear, and run around naked on the street…

"If you happen to have a quarrel with someone and form a grudge, the mission will be automatically adjusted to plot against this person or directly kill this person.

"Third Senior Brother said that there is evil in the human heart, and it can only be restrained by morality. The method of the Xuanming Demon Lord is to ignite the evil fire in the heart, and gradually follow the desires and indulge in evil, amplifying the evil thoughts incomparably.

"Through each mission, we lower our morals and shatter our self-esteem.

"In the end, you will be completely controlled by the possessed demon. Even if you are asked to kill your parents, you will be happy to do so.

"In the words of Demon Lord Xuanming, everything in this world has its price marked. If you don't want to do it, you just don't give enough. As long as you give enough, there are many people who will kill their parents.

"The final outcome is to completely lose oneself. Become a tool that only obeys the task.

"Logically speaking, that woman Chi Ling is entangled with the Ai Ran Demon lineage. Logically speaking, I should recommend you to find the Xuan Ming Demon Lord. Why would you go to the other two?"

Fu Henghua felt very strange when he heard about the behavior of "Xuanming Demon Lord".

Isn't this what it is?

Obedience test?
Little by little accumulation of training makes people more and more obedient to tasks, and eventually they lose themselves.

Dongfang Yunqi: "Are these two demon lords trustworthy?"

"In terms of style, he is naturally above the Xuanming Demon Lord. As the last six Heavenly Demon Lords, these two have the best style. There are many people who rely on them in the devil's path."

Xingluo Demon Emperor himself asked a demon under the Wenzhi Demon Lord to resolve his doubts.

"Wen Zhiyi, he can almost be called a magician of magic."

"Playing a mage?"

Henghua's eyes lit up.

"Forget it, I'll just tell you about the 'Devil'."

Seeing that the Demon Emperor was getting excited, the Divine Concubine covered her mouth and snickered.

It is rare that His Majesty has such interest.

It seems that I still appreciate these immortal disciples.

Thinking of this, she felt a little sad again.

If it weren't for you, why would your Majesty be hanging around in the devil's path?

"Tianmo is not a general term for a certain race, it is more like a position."

"At the beginning of the universe, there were many races on the Nine Heavens and Taixu. They were either gods or demons. Later, the path of cultivation was opened, and there were demons from outside the realm who understood the secrets of the heavens and transformed into 'celestial demons' to hinder the practitioners from realizing the Tao."

"The devil is the devil who distorts the way of heaven and blocks it."

As long as the tribes outside the territory are willing to hinder those who have attained enlightenment, they can be called heavenly demons.

"The original demons were formless and formless, and mainly used to seduce the mind and drive the Yin demons. Therefore, the five major demons of He Hua, Ai Ran, Nao Li, Wuxiang, and Yin Yun are the authentic ones of the demons."

"Being responsible for blocking the way, they have their own luck and blessing, which is different from other demons. And after spreading the way of the devil in the world, these five demon masters are even more respected by the world's heavenly devil."

Fu Henghua thought of the five demon lords recorded in Donglai Tianmo Dao and nodded secretly.

"Seeing that these fellow demons from outside the territory like myself were asking for a "position" in the universe. The other demons naturally became interested.

"The Lord of the Eclipsing Light is the most ancient demon, but he is not the first batch of demons. Instead, after the spread of the demon path, he brought a group of ancient demons to join the demon system."

The addition of the Light Eclipsing Demon Lord has added various other changes to the demon that could only play with the mind and had an illusory form.

Demon monks can not only transform into formless demons, but also evolve into the true forms of other demons.

Multiple heads, multiple arms, multiple wings, controlling wind and thunder, controlling water and driving fire...

These magical powers gradually increased.

"After the Light-Eclipsing Heavenly Demon Lord joined, the extraterrestrial demons truly became a major faction. Many extraterrestrial races took the initiative to seek refuge with the heavenly demon lords in order to have the opportunity to descend into the human world and to help those who hindered cultivation attain enlightenment."

Fu Henghua was so blessed that he suddenly said: "The human continent has tens of millions of continents and is vast. The reason why the Heavenly Demon lineage can target the human monks is because it relies on the position of the 'Heavenly Demon'. To be more precise, it relies on the talisman of the Lord of the Heavenly Demon."

"Of course."

The demon masters use magic to prove the Tao, and the magic dyes some of the laws of the universe, turning the "demons" into a catastrophe for the Tao.As the monk attains enlightenment, heaven and earth feel it, and the heavenly demon mechanism is activated.

"But these descending demons should have nothing to do with the other demon lords, right?"

"That's right, the following demon lords have taken new paths because they were controlled by others.

"Take the Demon Lord Zhuyin's enlightenment as the boundary. After his enlightenment, he decided that the methods of the previous Demon Lords were too simple and crude. He could only go down to the lower world when the monks attained the Dao, so he turned things around and created a group of people. 'The Candle Demon'."

Reversing time and space, disrupting time sequence.

Through a series of "rebirth catastrophes", the demonic nature is brought into the world, bringing new opportunities to the "demons" lineage.

"The Lord Zhu Yin is the turning point between the old and new demon forces. As the seventh person after the six great Lords, he does not have the talisman to block the way. But he transcends time and controls the birth of the Devil Zhu Yin, giving the devils under him a different path. promotion path.

"It's just that the practice of Zhu Yin Demon was too difficult. So after hearing that the Heavenly Demon Lord had achieved enlightenment, several other Heavenly Demon Lords found a new path."

The lower realm blocks the way and is the forbidden area for the five orthodox demon lords and the Eclipsing Heavenly Demon Lord.

The Zhu Yin Demon is reborn, and only the Zhu Yin Tian Demon Lord can play with it.

Therefore, I heard that the Heavenly Demon Lord chose to collect the wisdom of the world and sublimate the Heavenly Demon's way into "innate spirituality".

This is the method of refining demons and attaining Taoism, and the Heavenly Demon Lord is also regarded as the Heavenly Demon Lord who is closest to the "Tao nature".

"I heard that the demon master is harmless and does not want to go down to the lower world to block the way. Instead, it enlightens the foolish people in the world who seek knowledge and turns them into a kind of knowledge and understanding of demons. Obstacles in knowledge and vision are closely related to this type of heavenly demons.

"The two demon lords Zhuyin and Wenzhi were born, and the rule of the six demon lords was in jeopardy. With the birth of the two demon lords Xuanming and Shanle, they raised their arms and raised up a force from the previous demon lords."

Are you tired of the fact that you can only go down to the next world when you are blocking the way?

Are you tired of squeezing in time to watch those "reborn ones" stirring up troubles?
Do you feel that you are not smart enough to become the new Demon Lord of Wenzhi Tian?

Then come with me.

When there is no need to block the way, we can go down to the lower realm at will.There is no need to hide in the gaps of time and absorb those little bits of emotional thoughts.There is no need to scratch your head and study the so-called innate wisdom.

I can let you parasitize the monks in the world and let you control their lives at will.Finally let them lose themselves so that you can take their place.

"Third Master... There are rumors that the two demon masters Shanle and Xuanming were allies, and they worked together to create that evil business. But later, demon master Shanle left home and went to lend money. However, his reputation is much worse than before. Much better.”

Next, when the next three demon lords were mentioned, Demon Emperor Xingluo began to hesitate, only explaining that the last demon lord's method of practicing heavenly demons was to destroy the world.

By destroying a continent, we seek the "world-destroying fruit" for the demons outside the territory.

"The demon lord has a domineering character and believes that there is good and evil in the world. The Tao is right and the devil is the opposite. The devil is the opposite of the world, and he uses the opposite of the world to subvert the three worlds and destroy all living beings. He is also the most domineering among the devils in his approach. …”

(End of this chapter)

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