
Chapter 682 Shengjun shows mercy and saves the common people

Chapter 682 Shengjun shows mercy and saves the common people (nearly ten thousand, three in one)

The earth and rocks were squirming, as if they were conscious creatures.

Yin Yulong quickly recalled the "Tian Escape Sword Technique·God Breaking Style" that he had prepared a few years ago.

As someone who walked with Fu Henghua in Yizhou in the past, she knew very well how terrifying Fu Henghua was.

Although she had not seen it with her own eyes, after hearing that Fu Henghua used the "Ten Thousand Gods Map" to command the gods to fight, she subconsciously began to look for countermeasures.

Not only her, but many monks have considered how to stop Fu Henghua's "evil methods".

The God-Breaking Style is a sword intention created by Yin Yulong based on the "Tian Escape Sword Technique" circulated by the Fu family, which is designed to conquer the "god realm".

When the earth god's domain expanded and gradually gave birth to the earth god, she quickly cut through the earth and stone with a red sword light, cutting a gap in the god's domain.Then he rushed out of the ground with sword escape speed.

There were several sword demons behind who wanted to follow up, but were blocked by the rapidly closing "land god realm".


The sword light flew out from the ground and was almost hit by the lightning and rocks escaping outside.

Yin Yulong quickly found a corner to hide and carefully looked at the fighting situation outside.

Yue Jinghan practiced innate swordsmanship, but returned to the virtual state.But his strength is still inferior to his peak.He just relied on his innate swordsmanship to barely compete with the two Tribulation Immortals.

But under the aftermath of the three men, many buildings in Wanjian Mountain were reduced to nothing.There were also many sword demons who had no time to escape and were killed by the aftermath of the Tribulation Immortal.

"Now that you are free, leave quickly."

Fu Henghua's voice came to Yin Yulong's ears, and she was shocked. She looked around quickly, but there was no sign of Fu Henghua.

"After leaving, stay out of everyone's sight and come back as a casual cultivator."


On a hill a hundred miles away, Fu Henghua and Meng Chen stood side by side.

"That girl has a little bit of magic in her body. But it's not her. It seems to be buried deep inside her body?"

"It's just about family background."

Fu Henghua obviously didn't want to say more.

A bad embryo produces a good seed. Fu Henghua has a supportive attitude towards this rare "miracle".

As long as the other party doesn't fall into the devil's path and is willing to study the way of swordsmanship, why can't I help him?
"Time is running out, let's take action."


The two of them waved their fans and did the same thing.

Suddenly there was wind and fire, and clouds of calamity rolled in.A pair of soaring phoenixes appeared in the sky.

The clear and joyful phoenix chirping resounded across the sky, and they flew in the calamity clouds, attracting the wind and fire from the nine heavens to form endless offensives to surround Yue Jinghan.

When Henghua fanned the Xuanhuo Fan, he was also sensing the operation of the underground cloud axis.

Under the "Edict of All Gods", the "Earth God" is wrapping the sword demon into the divine realm and then throwing it into the cloud axis.

After all the sword demons who escaped underground were caught, Fu Henghua reached out to fish them out.

A gap opened in the ground, the cloud axis returned to his hand, and the earth god also dissipated again, returning to the heaven and earth.

Meng Chen glanced at it and asked curiously: "Are you really planning to catch these demons back?"

"Let's do an experiment. If they are willing to return to the right path, why not save their lives? If they are not willing..."

Then send it to Chiyuan Taoist Sect.

Meng Chen nodded thoughtfully, thinking about Fu Henghua's identity, maybe this method could also be implemented in Donglai.This will be of great benefit to the revival of Shenzhou.


Meng Chen and Fu Henghua joined the war, and Yue Jinghan's pressure doubled.

Of course, Fu Henghua's original intention was not to kill her.Instead, he took this opportunity to clean up the demonic cultivators around Yue Jinghan, so as to prevent the demonic nature of the demons from affecting Yue Jinghan and inducing him to relapse into his old ways and fall into the devil's path again.

Therefore, Henghua used his vitality to transform into a phoenix to fight against the enemy, and also secretly let Yue Jinghan wait for the support of the demon kings under the siege.

Wanjian Mountain suddenly changed, and other demon kings learned that something was wrong, and hurriedly came to support in their incarnations.

When they arrived, Fu Henghua suddenly became energetic and raised the cloud axis from the ground.

"Zhou Tianxingdou, open——"

The mighty galaxy flows in the sky, and countless stars shine and bloom.There are also many sword demons captured by the land god sleeping among the stars.

"Eh? Isn't this the method of the concubine?"

The Great Demon Lord Yuanshan was slightly surprised.

In his field of vision, the galaxy was spiraling and evolving in formations. At the same time, it was also constantly gathering, dispersing, and reuniting, forming a phantom of the "Galaxy Goddess".

This method comes from the same lineage as Jin Huanyu Fei's Galaxy Demonic Skill.

Meng Chen cast a strange look at Fu Henghua.

Although you have dealt with him several times and asked the Demon Emperor for advice.But just bring out other people's magic skills...

Do you think Xingluo Demon Palace will not cause trouble for you, or are we Donglai Tribulation Immortals easy to talk to?

"I have improved it, and it is basically the Taoism of our Immortal Family."


After all, Meng Chen was concerned about the overall situation and did not break out at this moment. He just made a note in his heart again: I can't control you, and there will be people to control you later.

The galaxy rotated, and countless sword demons were bound. Yue Jinghan threw himself under the rat weapon and was trapped by Fu Henghua's star formation.

The two Chiyuan Tribulation Immortals saw the opportunity and activated the "Five Elements Mountain Technique" to trap Yue Jinghan on the left and right at the same time, trapping Yue Jinghan among the Five Sacred Mountains.

"It's done!"

Master Jiuyu was overjoyed.

As long as a great demon lord is suppressed and killed, the balance will further tilt towards the path of immortality.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the exclamation from his fellow disciples.

"Be careful behind—"

The ghastly and ferocious bone-clawed claws struck out from the air.Not only did it tear a crack in the formation of the Galaxy and Sea of ​​Clouds, but it also lifted a corner of a sealed fairy mountain.

"Not coming out yet!"

Hearing Young Master Youxuan's scolding, Yue Jinghan ignored his anger and quickly used his sword light to escape.

The Bone Demon Claws searched for fish in the galaxy and rescued the unconscious and sleeping Sword Demon monk.

"Young Master Youxuan?"

Fu Henghua's expression changed, and he said in a solemn tone: "You dare to come to Wanjian Mountain today to stop us from subduing the demons. Do you think you are tired of living and want to be the first to face the catastrophe and be reincarnated?"

The sleeves and robes shook, and the broken galaxy also condensed into a big hand and struck at the Bone Devil's Claw.Some of the rescued Sword Demon monks fell into the galaxy again.

Faced with Fu Henghua's full blow, the Bone Demon Claw seemed a little afraid.

The demonic energy suddenly exploded, and all the sword demons were carried away by a gourd, and then a strange and handsome young man appeared in the sky.

"Fu Henghua, you come here to sneak attack on the Sword Demon. I wonder how many people are still defending Xuanyuan City? I have an overwhelming force coming out of the Youxuan Demon Palace. Can you guys resist it?"

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and Yuan Shan, Dan Xun, Shi Yu and other demon kings felt an overwhelming murderous intention surging.

Fu Henghua recalled Yun Zhu to his side.

Looking at only half of the sword demons left inside, the smile on his face grew stronger.

"Then I won't bother you. My wise sister has her own means of guarding Xuanyuan City."

"Oh? So when faced with the four demon kings from the Heavenly Demon Dao joining forces, she can also surrender with the power of one person? Amazing, really amazing?" The young man applauded in the air.

"Okay, let's continue. When we turn back and Dongfang City Lord defeats my four brothers and sisters, I can inherit the Demonic Tradition alone."

dang dang...

At this time, a rapid and low sound of bells came from Xuanyuan City in the distance.

Meng Chen's face changed drastically, and he whispered: "The situation is not right. If the Supreme Old Demon leads a group of demons to attack, our Xuanyuan City - Huh?"

Seeing the figure next to him gradually fade away, Meng Chen cursed in his heart.

You kid said you didn't care, but you ended up running faster than me!

However, Fu Henghua was so worried about the safety of Xuanyuan City, which made Meng Chen feel very relieved.

This shows that Fu Henghua attaches great importance to love and justice.

How could a person who values ​​love and righteousness become possessed by a demon at will?

After the two Donglai people left, Master Jiuyu and Shan Lingqing saw that something was wrong, so they also got up and left.

"It's a pity that the Sword Demon Lord could not be suppressed this time."

"It doesn't matter. Destroy the Sword Demon's ancestral court and capture half of the Sword Demon. This will give us the first mover advantage."

The two hurriedly returned to Xuanyuan City, and saw Fu Henghua and Meng Chen, who had returned first, hurriedly entered the city.At the same time, the group of demons besieging Xuanyuan City turned into a dark cloud and fled back to Youxuan Demon Palace.


Several Demon Lords looked at the mess in Wanjian Mountain and remained silent.

Yue Jinghan came to the crowd and thanked them in a low voice.

Although they understood that they were rescuing him because they were worried that the demonic path would lose a major force.But she did want to acknowledge the favor.

Of course, the most important one...

Yue Jinghan looked at the young man in the sky.

The young man shook his hand and sent the rescued sword demons into the earth.

Before Yue Jinghan could say thanks, he glanced at the demons present and coldly snorted:
"Hmph - a bunch of losers. I told you a long time ago to strike first! But you just didn't listen... I really wonder how you losers managed to survive all the evil tribulations! Could it be possible? It all depends on the three of you. Is the Demon Emperor controlling the situation?"

After that, the young man left.

Because the other party did have the foresight to help his family by attacking in the east and attacking in the west, Yue Jinghan couldn't say much.

On the other hand, Demon Lord Dan Nettle and others were scolded by the young man, and their faces turned red with anger.

Soon, Helianjin appeared in Wanjian Mountain and looked at everyone present defiantly.

"The transaction of the last batch of hostages has been completed, and the demonic calamity has begun again. My Highness ordered you to prepare for war as soon as possible!"

After saying that, he even spat at everyone.

"A bunch of rubbish. If my young master hadn't predicted it, wouldn't he have allowed the immortal way to succeed?"

He waved, and a group of demon cultivators appeared behind him and began to carry various stones and wood to help Wanjian Mountain repair again.

When Yue Jinghan saw this, his face became more grateful, and he bowed deeply to Helianjin: "Thank you."

"Hmph - for the sake of being fellow demons, my Highness asked us to help. We can't really make you sword demons homeless, right?"

"Besides, you are really homeless and living outside. What should I do if you come back to my home and beg His Highness to take you in? Your Highness is kind-hearted. What if I take you trash in? Wouldn't it be a hindrance to our Youxuan Demon Palace?"

As he said this, he glanced at the Youxuan demons who had gone down to help.

While these demons were helping, they were also criticizing the sword demon lineage.

"Thanks to you, you are still the strongest sword demon in killing. You were beaten into a dog by four people, and you didn't resist at all?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't practice sword repair. I might as well just wipe my neck."

All the sword demons were surrendered by Fu Henghua with one move, and their vigor was completely lost.He was rescued by Young Master Youxuan again, so naturally he didn't dare to say anything.Each one immersed himself in rebuilding without saying a word.

Due to the limited materials sent by Demon Lord Youxuan, everyone quickly built a temporary garrison.

Helianjin breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, the matter is settled. The Great Demon Lord, please go ahead and get busy."

Inviting the demons of Youxuan to assemble, they set up a dark cloud and left.

At the end of the day, Helianjin seemed to remember something and said to Yue Jinghan: "Your Highness gave you a helping hand because of the friendship of being part of the same demonic lineage. He is an outsider and does not understand the roots of our Nanzhou. But as a person, I The Demonic Cultivator of Nanzhou knows your nature thoroughly. I don’t ask you to repay what you have done today. I only ask for one thing: don’t hold back in the future, and don’t cause my Highness to deal with the consequences for you again!”

After saying that, the dark clouds rolled away.

Demon Lord Dan Nettle stared at his leaving figure with a cold expression.

"Hmph - this guy has just been promoted to Demon Lord, yet he dares to be so arrogant!"

"Back against a big tree to enjoy the shade."

The Great Demon Lord Yuan Shan was thoughtful, with a strange smile on his face.

Compared to the city lord of Xuanyuan City, this young prince seems not to be underestimated.Maybe... I can add one more subject to my experimental observation.

Demon Lord Stone Whisperer looked at the messy and broken mountain ruins and sighed softly: "If I had known this, I would have followed Young Brother Youxuan's suggestion that day and attacked Xuanyuan City first. Only by taking the initiative can we take advantage of it. .”

Yue Jinghan was also very touched by this.

If it was better to strike first, why would Wanjian Mountain end up like this?


Henghua returned to Xuanyuan City and after appeasing everyone at the banquet, he met Shan Lingqing and Master Jiuyu in private.

"I'm sorry, two Taoist brothers, this time it was all thanks to me. As a result, you two missed the opportunity and failed to suppress the Sword Demon Lord."

"It has nothing to do with you, little friend. We didn't expect that the young master of the Demon Palace was so deceitful that he would sneak attack on Xuanyuan City to force you two to return for reinforcements."

After looking at Master Jiuyu for a few times, Fu Henghua nodded silently, echoing his words.

"Young Master Youxuan is indeed an extraordinary person."

"Is everything okay here? I see a lot of scattered equipment on the other side of the city wall."

"It's okay, those demon disciples didn't come in. It's just that many guests were frightened, so this banquet was a bit boring." At the end, Henghua sighed.

"My girl is stubborn. She learned that we were using her dust-washing banquet as a banquet and acted secretly. She just gave me a scolding."

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, as if he had been wronged by Dongfang Yunqi just now.

When the two heard this, they were naturally relieved.

"Little friend Dongfang came back just now and had a lively banquet. We secretly planned a killing, which was indeed a bit rude to her. Don't worry, brother, I will explain it to you later. In the final analysis, this matter is also for Nanzhou Immortal Dao Open your eyes."

Hearing this, Heng Hua looked apologetic: "It's a pity that this time I was unable to help Nanzhou Immortal Dao and kill all the sword demons."

Did you hear that this operation is to help Nanzhou Immortal Dao?

Therefore, success or failure is our favor.

"That's okay. Although she can't suppress the Sword Demon Lord this time, she can capture half of the sword demons under her command. She also dealt a heavy blow to the demon path. By the way, what to do with those sword demons?"

Those sword demons were carried away by the cloud axis, and when they came back, they were thrown into the Ninth Level Heavenly Palace of Creation and imprisoned.

In response to Shan Lingqing's question, Fu Henghua said honestly: "Although I am one of the city lords of Xuanyuan City, I have to consider the opinions of the other city lord. Dongfang girl doesn't like killing. If she learns that I am killing people, , she will be very dissatisfied. Now she is angry with me for acting privately and disrupting the banquet layout. I'm afraid..."

After a pause, he sighed and said: "Originally, I didn't plan to hold a banquet like this. Let's just drink tea and eat wine in private. But I couldn't stop her from getting excited, so she insisted that I hold a banquet according to the highest standards. Congratulations on her return. Good thing now, the little devil Youxuan’s nonsense has made her look disgraceful, and she is picking on my faults everywhere.”

"If the elders in the family were told about my killing spree..."

That’s not as good as our Chiyuan——

Before Master Jiuyu could speak, Henghua continued worriedly: "Even if I leave it to your sect, she will still nag you. So I plan to keep these sword demons alive."

Leave your life behind?

The two frowned.

They had also heard rumors from their disciples that Dongfang Yunqi didn't like killing.

"The Oriental girl is too soft-hearted...but she won't plan to put these sword demons back again, will she? Want a ransom?"

Henghua immediately raised his eyebrows and said: "Put these sword demons back. Will they harm our fellow Taoists on the battlefield in the future? Saving the demons means killing fellow Taoists. This must not be done! Therefore, I plan to kill them all Lock him up and serve his sentence—coincidentally, Xuanyuan City plans to cultivate a number of spiritual fields and medicinal fields, so let them contribute."

"Saving the devil means killing fellow Taoists. This is a good saying, but it's a pity that many people don't understand this simple truth."

Thinking of the public criticism in the immortal cultivation community in Nanzhou, Master Jiuyu was quite touched.

Shan Lingqing secretly thought: If he really killed someone, the two Xuanyuan City Lords would fall out and quarrel, and the Chiyuanmen in the city would be hard to please.Fu Henghua's idea of ​​capturing the Sword Demon captives as "seeds" is a good moderate suggestion.

So, he agreed.

Henghua immediately took the opportunity and said: "To plant the spiritual field, we need a batch of high-quality spiritual seeds. Maybe we have to trouble the two Taoist brothers."

"This is an easy matter. I'll ask Junior Nephew Yang to bring it to you later."

Erjie Immortal didn't care about grain seeds and generously responded to Henghua's request.

The three of them reached an agreement and returned to Xianglin Hall again.

When the banquet was over, Erjie Immortal left with his disciples.

The other guests also left one after another. There was no one else in the hall, only the two city lords.

"it is finally over--"

Henghua stretched and stood up from his seat.

At this time, a bottle was thrown next to him.

He quickly caught it and said with a smile: "Sister, what do you mean?" "Why would you ruin my reputation by talking to those two people?"

"What's wrong?"

Putting the silver bottle of purified mercury back on the table, Fu Henghua said: "My sister's reputation is so important, how dare I destroy it at will? It's just that there are some misleading words... After all, for the development of Xuanyuan City, look, isn't this too much? Grant farmers. And get seeds of agricultural grains and medicinal materials for free?"

"That's your benefit."

Dongfang Yunqi said angrily: "Just now Master Jiuyu came to me to offer tea. He said that the devil is cunning. Don't believe it. Don't be merciful. How have I ever been so soft-hearted in front of outsiders?"

Henghua quickly tried to comfort him, but Dongfang Yunqi still looked unhappy, and simply said: "The two city lords naturally have a clear division of labor. One plays the white face, and the other the red face. If you don't want to play this kind-hearted role, You play the stern role. I will play the indecisive one."

"You?" Dongfang Yunqi looked at Fu Henghua suspiciously.

Henghua smiled and said: "Life is derived from the Great Dao of Creation. I will go back and find someone to explain to Comrade Chiyuan, saying that I am considerate of Heaven's heart and do not want to kill. I will use your name as a raft. But in this case, you will make a fool of yourself and be fierce." A few. This will make it easier for our Xuanyuan City to grow stronger and establish a holy path."

Dongfang Yunqi frowned and said, "You deliberately accepted those sword demons, do you really intend to transform them into good deeds?"


"If we accept these sword demons, the position of Xuanyuan City will be very delicate."

No matter how kind-hearted Dongfang Yunqi is, she still understands the principle of "to indulge in one evil is to kill all the good".

Regarding the sword demon, her attitude was to freeze.After enduring hundreds of years of torture in darkness and loneliness, he waited until the fire was extinguished and his soul returned to the stars.

But Fu Henghua obviously didn't intend to let this group of excellent laborers go.

"Ten years and a hundred years later, if these sword demons give birth to descendants in Xuanyuan City, wouldn't the demons turn to the path of immortality and be discriminated against by ordinary cultivators? And the mixed living of these immortals and demons also makes Xuanyuan City unacceptable in Nanzhou. The two paths of immortals and demons.”

Heng Hua said suddenly: "At that time, your and my strength will be here. What will they dare to do to Xuanyuan City? That will be a hundred or a thousand years later. I am afraid that if you and I are not as good as true immortals, we can do it with a backhand. Can he bear the slap?"

"But if you practice the fusion of immortals and demons in Nanzhou, there will be criticism after you return."

Dongfang Yunqi looked at Fu Henghua meaningfully.

"Don't forget who you are."

Henghua frowned and thought, and after a while he hesitated to ask.

"Xuanming Demon Palace?"

Dongfang Yunqi nodded silently.

Fu Henghua is the godson of Young Master Jiang.

Legally speaking, he is qualified to inherit the Xuanming Demon Palace.

What did the seniors of Donglai Immortal Way think when the things he practiced in Nanzhou were spread back?
After surrendering the devil, will there be a union of immortals and demons?
As for whether Fu Henghua can subdue the Donglai Demonic Way, no one has such concerns.

Can Fu Henghua be able to play "Xuan Ming Magic Strategy"?
Up and down Donglai, every one counts.No one would believe that Fu Henghua didn't understand "Xuan Ming Magic Strategy".

Even if Young Master Jiang died early, there would be no teaching.

But Fu Henghua doesn’t know how to learn and realize on his own?

During the process of practice, monks always leave some notes and notes.

This is not a bad habit, but a way for monks to record the path they have traveled over the course of hundreds and thousands of years.

Through recording, constantly reflect and examine your own path.

Through recording, we constantly look for and study new inspiration.

Young Master Jiang's letters may not be in Fu Henghua's hands.But the letters from his father, Master Hongwen, must be in Fu Henghua's hands.There is no information about "Xuan Ming Magic Strategy" in there. The Tribulation Immortals dare to cut off their heads and play them as balls.

The seniors at Donglai are very confident in Fu Henghua's talent for comprehension.

This handbook is enough for Fu Henghua to figure out the outline of "Xuan Ming Magic Strategy".

And this time "Henghua Future" swept all the tribulation immortals and appeared at their doorstep, which made them firmer in this idea.

Donglai Demonic Way wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife!
But why don't they take action themselves?
They cowardly!
Why are you cowardly?
Because Fu Henghua's skills can restrain them.

Naturally, everyone thinks of "Xuan Ming Magic Strategy".

With Fu Henghua's intelligence, he has embarked on the path of creating his own heavenly book. Can ordinary magic skills be appreciated?

Looking at the devil's path, only this half of the heavenly book can be read, right?
Many people suspect that Fu Henghua's "Book of Creation" borrowed from "Xuanming Magic Strategy" during the deduction process.However, the Dao of Creation is all-encompassing, and no one has yet been able to force Fu Henghua to use all his methods to see through all the details of "The Creation Hui Yuan Gong".

"But senior has extremely overestimated your talent, and he didn't expect you to start creating a new heavenly book yourself."

Dongfang Yunqi sighed.

"It's a fluke, it's just a fluke."

"Let me make one point first. Just use your magic in Nanzhou today. If you dare to bring Donglai Gaiden back, I will never sit back and watch."

Fu Henghua nodded quickly.

"Of course, of course, the "Six Desires Demonic Book" will definitely not be brought back to Donglai Gaiden, don't worry."

This is too low of my level.

I can create one such magic power, but I can’t create another one?

Go back to Donglai with a tired old book and continue playing with it?

Out of character.

After a brief reminder, Dongfang Yunqi summoned the drawings of Xuanyuan City and spread them out in front of the two of them.

"If you want to open a spiritual field, choose a place. In addition, these sword demons need to be carefully guarded, and their residences must also be cautious. There are also a full set of shackles and restrictions, which must be specially customized."

Since she agrees with Fu Henghua's plan, all she has to do is to formulate a plan around this plan to help Fu Henghua deal with the aftermath and fill in any possible loopholes.

Henghua and Dongfang Yunqi were both smart people, and they quickly finalized the entire plan.

At the same time, the two of them also set a development plan for Xuanyuan City in the next few decades.A file plan is divided into every five years for easy adjustment at any time.

In the first five years, loose cultivators from Nanzhou were recruited to fill the population of Xuanyuan City.

In the second five years, the methods of the two saints were taught to teach the immortal way and control the demonic atmosphere.

In the third five years, the talents of hundreds of schools will be developed and traded in Nanyan.


The sudden attack on Wanjian Mountain made the demonic people's hearts fluctuate.

And the Immortal Dao became so powerful that it began to gradually encroach on the demonic soil of the Central Continent.

Although the demon kings tried their best to stop it, they were unable to resist the glorious trend of the immortal way.Fortunately, Young Master Youxuan was extremely clever and frequently found ways for the devil to gain ground even when he was at a disadvantage.

The three demon emperors are hiding, and the Youxuan Demon Palace is gaining momentum.The younger generation of demon cultivators who cherish their lives have taken refuge in Young Master Youxuan, and their momentum has become more and more powerful.

It’s just that Young Master Youxuan’s words back then were right after all.

As time went by, the two Xuanyuan City Lords became stronger and stronger, and gradually became a third-party force besides the immortal and demonic paths in Nanzhou.

After decades of operation, Xuanyuan City is no longer a bridgehead between the battlefields of immortals and demons, but a majestic immortal city that can influence the success or failure of both sides.

This is the case for Ke Xiaohong.

"The king is kind to you, and the moon is holy and pure. The fairy land of good virtues appears in this world."

Ke Xiaohong recited a spell above a clearing with black and purple magic mist.

Silvery white light shines from the palm, calling out to the "Two Saints", and a white lotus blossoms in the light.

The aroma dispersed, and the magic mist rising below was suppressed.And when the petals spread out, the white light quickly penetrated the magic mist. With Ke Xiaohong as the center, silvery vegetation grew rapidly in the magic soil with a radius of [-] feet, like a moonlight blessed land.

There is a tall flower stem in the center of this pure land, with a bud on the top of the stem, which continuously absorbs and purifies evil energy and spits out spiritual energy.

"Okay, let's all come here."

Ke Xiaohong greeted her four companions who were watching not far away.

The four companions flew over cautiously and looked at the silver pure land where the magic mist no longer rose.

"Is this the 'fundamental curse of pure life'?"

"Yes, this is the spell created by the two city lords." Ke Xiaohong spoke with a sense of reverence.

"It is said that the two city lords have arranged a super-standard formation with Xuanyuan City as the center. By chanting the incantation here, we can use the power of that 'formation' to purify the demonic soil. Xiao Sun, you Come here quickly, you were injured just now, and getting close to this 'Pure World Lotus' can speed up your healing."

A young man in a green shirt slowly walked forward with his right arm covered, curiously observing the white lotus that did not need to grow in the water.


The flower buds swayed in the wind, and wonderful spiritual sounds echoed in the pure land.

After Sun Dongyang got closer, he suddenly felt that the burning wound no longer hurt, but instead felt a tingling sensation.

When he untied the rune bandage, he saw that the wound was constantly producing granulation, and the muscles and veins were connecting and healing.

"So fast?"

He looked at the white lotus in surprise.

Although at home, I often hear rumors about Xuanyuan City.But when I came here for the first time, I was still shocked by this magnificent city.

"Shengjun, Yuesheng, are they false names?"

Ke Xiaohong looked at the lotus, and then at this "pure land" that was forcibly fixed.

"The Lord of Dongfang City, in the form of 'Moon Lord', blesses the method of purification. When the Pure Land is anchored in the Demon Realm, it will forcefully purify the devil's energy and build a foothold for us. Lord Fu City regards himself as 'Sheng Lord'. Sheng Lord, The king of all things. In the pure land, our injuries will heal faster. And in front of this lotus, which symbolizes the king of life and the saint of the moon, the healing process can be accelerated.

"In the past few decades, we have relied on the fundamental divine spell taught by the two saints to transform thousands of miles of demonic land into the pure land of fairyland."

"Only a thousand miles?" Sun Dongyang was a little surprised. He looked at this hundred feet of pure land.

According to the progress of decades, it should be several times more, right?

"Don't underestimate this Thousand Miles of Pure Land. You must know that the 'Pure Land of Appearance' we are currently in is just a projection of the practice of the Two Saints. It has a radius of one hundred feet and nine feet into the ground. It seems to be a vast territory, but it is shallow into the ground. Two or three days later , this pure land will disappear automatically, and the soil will be covered with demonic energy again. Therefore, it is necessary to plant special spiritual grass and cast spells continuously to purify the lower layers of the land. My so-called pure land of thousands of miles has reached thousands of feet into the earth, forming a cultivation of demons. Absolute defense. Even in this thousand-mile pure land, sweet springs and elixirs have emerged, and there is no longer the atmosphere of the evil land and the demonic realm."

This is the work of the Two Saints!

For people like Ke Xiaohong, who have personally experienced the catastrophe of the Immortal Path at the beginning of the Demonic Tribulation and witnessed the transformation of the Immortal Path from defense to offense, they understand even more the greatness of the Two Saints.

Their approach can truly destroy the demonic world and transform the Central Continent into another immortal world.

"Okay, after the injury is healed, we will continue to explore forward. The mission released this time is very strange, it is possible..."

Ke Xiaohong's voice became lower and lower.

"There may be a demon nest nearby."

The other three monks besides Sun Dongyang looked stern.

The Demon's Nest is the Demonic Way's response over the years.

Facing the aggressive Immortal Way, successors to the Demonic Way are becoming increasingly scarce.

The Puhe Demon Emperor came up with an extremely cruel plan - to raise demon soldiers.

The Demon Soldier is a human being, not a human being. It is a kind of half-demon cultivated by the secret method of the Demonic Way.

After everyone rested for an hour, they continued to explore nearby.

Soon, they found a secret entrance.

Following the entrance, they came to a strange "factory".

Surrounded by squirming pink walls, they seemed to be alive.

"It's really a devil's nest."

Ke Xiaohong's face was ugly: "Fellow Daoist Wang, Daoyou Li, and Daoyou Liu, be careful. Xiao Sun, don't run around while relying on your aunt. Also, don't be surprised by anything you see later."


Sun Dongyang followed Ke Xiaohong obediently.

The other three and Ke Xiaohong have been teammates for decades, and they work together well.Without any instructions, they had already taken their own positions and moved forward step by step to explore.

"Wow wow-"


"It hurts - just kill me -"

Ke Xiaohong's face was cold as the cries were accompanied by moans and howls.

Although it is not the first time to come to the Demon Nest, every time the Demon Nest is destroyed, it is like a spiritual torture.

Sun Dongyang didn't know why, but he still moved forward silently under the protection of a group of elders.

Until you enter the greenhouse where the sound comes from.

There are still pink walls on both sides of the greenhouse, and pregnant women with big bellies hang on the walls.

And in their bloated bellies, it seemed like something was pushing outwards.


The bloody sarcoma fell to the ground from the pregnant woman's lower body, and an umbilical cord was connected behind it.The amniotic fluid broke, and a baby covered in scales crawled out.When he was born, he had a mouth full of teeth.

First eat your own afterbirth sarcoma, and then crawl towards the mother's body along the umbilical cord.

"Woo-wu..." The pregnant woman looked at her "baby" approaching, with an extremely frightened expression on her face. She kept shaking her head, as if she wanted to prevent the "baby" from getting closer.

Sun Dongyang's eyes widened and he was about to scream, but Ke Xiaohong covered his mouth.

Silencing and invisibility laws were also imposed on everyone.

"This... what is this?"

Sun Dongyang calmed down a little and asked in a low voice.

"This is the Roshan Demon's Nest, a combat tool studied by Demon Dao in recent years."

Ke Xiaohong's eyes were full of sadness.

These women are not only women from the Demonic Land, but also female cultivators who have been defeated by the Immortals, as well as mortal women purchased from the Right Continent through certain channels.

Soon, the demon baby finished feasting.His body grew directly from a baby to a toddler stage.Then, he lay down and fell asleep.

The woman's organs were eviscerated, but she still did not die.The flesh wall continuously delivers nutrients, and the lost organs are restored bit by bit.At the same time, the wall of flesh stretched out a tentacle and slowly approached.

"Woooooooo... um..."

Tears shed from the corners of the woman's eyes, and she watched helplessly as the tentacles penetrated her body, and another handful of semen was poured into her body.

Soon, her belly swelled again.

"This kind of magic soldier only takes fifteen days to complete the process from breeding to birth. After birth, it only takes half a month of training to be put into the battlefield, and its combat effectiveness is equivalent to that of a first-level Qi refining monk."

In other words, it only takes a month.

You can have a Qi Refining Demonic Soldier.

"This is the secret method presented to Demon Emperor Puhe by the Great Demon Lord Yuanshan. It is an extremely vicious evil method."

Ke Xiaohong's face was full of hatred.

Sun Dongyang silently looked at the pregnant women on both sides of the greenhouse.

There are twelve pregnant women in this room.

There are six pregnant women who are still pregnant, and the activities of the demonic baby in their bodies cause them great pain.While in the womb, these demon babies have begun to eat away at the origin of the mother's body, causing countless pains.

Five other pregnant women are raising children.The devil baby holds the mother's body and eats after birth.Eat the organs, then sleep, wake up and continue eating, then sleep again...

Some pregnant women have completely lost their sense of pain.They stared numbly at their belly or the demon baby.After being born again and again, from the initial bitterness and sadness, but now with no thought of life, they have nothing else to ask for and no longer regard themselves as human beings.

They are just fertility machines in the devil's nest.


Another demon baby landed on the ground. Sun Dongyang's expression changed slightly as he watched the new demon baby come out and then eat the demon body.

Subconsciously, he wanted to go and save people.

"Don't mess around. Our purpose is just to record the location of the Demon Nest. We can't save people -"

"But, are we just going to watch?"

"Of course not, we have to go back and find someone to help - after all, their limbs have been completely fused with the flesh wall. This Demon Nest doesn't need their mobility at all, so how can they keep their limbs? All nutrients are for fertility. .”

Ke Xiaohong understood that they could not separate the limbs of these poor people.

Looking at Xuanyuan City, there are only a few people who can accurately separate, treat and nurse these pregnant women.

Simply --

"Don't worry, we have the fundamental divine spell. At this time, we need to ask for help from the saint."

Ke Xiaohong began to recite the mantra again: "Shengjun is kind to you, and the moon is pure. Protect my immortal way, and subdue demons with divine power..."

Red light condensed in her palm, and then the green lotus and the blood moon appeared together, and two illusory and uncertain figures appeared behind her.

Sun Dongyang's eyes widened and he looked at the two figures in awe.

Decades have passed, and the new generation of Nanzhou monks like him have grown up under the reputation of the "Two Saints".

Of course, compared to the "King Sheng" who is known for his "kindness and softness", the cruel and cruel "King Yue" awes him more.

(End of this chapter)

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