
Chapter 684: The First Hard Mountain Attacks the City

Chapter 684: The first difficulty: Roshan attacks the city ([-])

Master Hengyuan, Master Fu Xuanxing, and the second generation leader of the Xuanwei Sect.

As the supreme genius of Donglai, while his peers were busy overcoming the thunder tribulation, he had already begun to study the fire tribulation.Now, he is about to cause a wind disaster.

Moreover, the talents of Master Hengyuan are recognized by everyone in the world.

He re-deduced the "Tai Xuan Heavenly Book" and guided his disciple Sun Dongmoyang to practice the Heavenly Book and Taoism.

If such a person attacks me, can I escape?
Dongfang Yunqi frowned in confusion: "According to outside rumors, Brother Dao, among the senior Tribulation Immortals, has a deep friendship with the Taixuan lineage."

"Yes, it is precisely because I have had many interactions with Master Hengyuan that I know how terrifying this person's demonic nature is."

Demonic nature, those whose thoughts are paranoid and harmful to Taoism are called demons.

Some people covet longevity, some like money, some like women...

Fu Henghua's devilish nature is arrogance, and excessive arrogance and paranoia are his devilish nature.

For Master Hengyuan, reviving Taixuan Taoism has become his obsession.It was through this obsession that he transformed his demonic nature into heavenly demons and cultivated the yin and yang laws of immortals and demons.

"He used the Taixuan moral method to suppress the demonic nature, but yin and yang are two sides of the same body. As Tao thoughts grow stronger, the demonic nature will also grow stronger. If the demonic side is overwhelmed..."

Dongfang Yunqi looked at Fu Henghua with inexplicable meaning.


Fu Henghua paused for a moment and said angrily: "What about him? What do you think I'm doing?"

"You are right. The devil is born in one thought. If the demonic nature is indulged, even a true moral immortal will become a devil in one thought."

His eyes continued to scan back and forth on Fu Henghua.

Henghua rolled his eyes, pretending not to understand, and continued: "If its demonic nature breaks out, we will not be able to survive the catastrophe. If you and I return to Donglai at that time, our lives may not be saved."

Take the bodies of the two saints to survive the catastrophe.

If the news spreads, Fu Henghua and his wife will be in a difficult situation.

"The moon is the innate regulating rope, the unity of yin and yang."

Although Taiyin is regarded as the ultimate form of Yin.However, the cathode generates yang, and the lunar star itself can also be understood by Yin and Yang Tao monks.Digging the "Taiyin Sacred Heart" into medicine and refining treasures can increase the chance of overcoming the tribulation.

"Not to mention my Sacred Heart of Creation," Fu Henghua cut his finger and a drop of blood fell into the "polyp".


The polyps swelled dozens of times, and hundreds of tiny fleshy slits quickly sprouted into eyes, almost filling the study room.

Dongfang Yunqi waved her hand, and the blood moon shone in the light.The polyps turned to ashes again, and only a small ball of fleshy foam remained.

"You know? Although I have only completed the 'Sacred Heart', the 'True Blood of Creation' has been continuously circulating in my body these days. I feel that my muscles, bones, skin and flesh are undergoing a new transformation."

A veritable Tang Monk Meat.

Who is not envious?

No, Puhe Demon Emperor has already set his sights on them.

Even this seventh attack on the city was also a division of spoils within the Demonic Path.

Each of the seven waves of conquering the city has its own leader. Whoever completes the conquering of the city will be qualified to possess a "Sacred Heart".Another Sacred Heart and many immortal weapons were handed over to the three Demon Emperors.

Seeing the changes in Henghua's blood, Dongfang Yunqi murmured: "Living dead, flesh and white bones. Could it be that you, the Holy Body of Creation..."

Heng Hua nodded silently.

"Those who take my Sacred Heart can still rely on 'good fortune' to be resurrected even if they die from a catastrophe."

What a precious material this is for countless people who are afraid of disaster!
"So, there will be trouble after we return to Dongnai. We need to find ways to protect ourselves."

Looking out the door, the girl said: "Is this the case?"

Xuanyuan City was built to gather the fortune of Nanzhou.The two of them are equivalent to getting a death-free gold medal.If the devil is interested in them, he must first try to break the city and disperse the luck from the two of them.

Otherwise, with the blessing of luck, misfortune will be turned into good fortune, and you will be blessed by the heavenly law of Nanzhou.

After the girl asked, she shook her head and said: "Donglai is no better than Nanyan. If there is a disaster here, you and I can use the holy way to correct the path. But Donglai..."

Donglai has a prosperous moral society. Which sect should the two of them establish?
"What is the holy way? It changes with the times. If you walk with the way, you are holy." Henghua said with a smile: "We only need to follow the great way and perform a few great meritorious deeds after returning to Donglai, and we will be lucky. Favored.”

That’s why you want me to go to Taiyin Mansion?
Taiyin Mansion has a single lineage, but its luck is endless.In addition to the Heavenly Book and Taoism suppressing Qi, the bigger reason is that the "Taiyin Mansion" is responsible for "watching the moon and observing the stars."

The guardian soul Haeseongtian maintains the movement of the Dongnae star.

This is a well-deserved achievement.

"Then what are your plans after you go back?"

"I will go to Yizhou. There is a merit of mine over there."

Dongfang Yunqi suddenly realized: "Indeed, that thing must be done by you. If you can accomplish this, you will make great contributions to Donglai forever."

"So, you must practice your way well in Nanzhou. When I plan to leave, I will offset it with good deeds and seek Xuanhuang Qi."

The black and yellow energy is born with the roots of Shenzhou.Every step under the Immortal Continent in Donglai is suppressed by the black and yellow energy.

Henghua wants to capture Xuanhuang Qi, and his intention is self-evident.

"Then the first thing we have to do is to deal with the upcoming 'Roshan'. But you have been tossing in the 'Nine Heavens' for so long, so the preparations should be sufficient?"

"Not to mention the first wave, the first three waves of offensive can be easily resisted."


Good Fortune Nine Heavens.

Hong Changyi came out of the Ninth Palace with heavy steps.

Finally... finally the fight passed!
At the door, Fu Xuanxing, Duan Xun and others were gathering together for discussion.

"Did you use the sun to get really hot this time?"

"Yes, the Nine-Yang True Dharma taught by Henghua is so cool! Combined with the 'Xuanhuo Platform' in the first eight palaces, the fire power is doubled. Every time I pass through a palace, I only need to set up the 'Three Yang Dharma' to I can easily kill all the enemies in the palace. Even if I fight against the twelve-fold demonic shadow in the end, I can still withstand it. What about you? Nanming Lihuo?"

Fu Xuanxing nodded silently: "Yes, Nanming Lihuo. Fortunately, our Taixuan Taoism pays attention to balance, and I also practice the method of water and fire. If it were brother Zhongli..."

"He also has the 'Purple Emperor's Secret Technique'. From what you said, he seems to only have the 'Water Sword'." Hong Changyi walked over and spoke.

I don’t know why, from last year to now, the five quarters of Heavenly Palace blessings are all related to fire magic, pure Yang, destroying evil spirits, and purifying evil spirits.

For example, the girls of Xianzao Palace were very dissatisfied with this.After several quarters, except for Dongfang Yunqi, who was able to defeat the "32x Yuandao Demonic Shadow" without resorting to any "Tiangong Blessing" by relying on her magical powers.The other girls all hated the eighth-level heavenly palace and could not see the ninth-level demonic shadow at all.

Of course, it is also related to the fact that their foundation is too close to the ice and lunar systems.

"Speaking of which, why are there blessings from the fire element for five consecutive quarters? According to previous years' practice, if the blessings are similar for two consecutive quarters, it will change next?"

Every time the Heavenly Palace blessing is changed, it is a kind of guidance.The monks were driven to attend lectures at the Langhuan Pavilion and learn new Taoist techniques to deal with enemies in the Nine Heavens.

In the first quarter, the enemy configuration changed, just like after-school homework, trying to pull the monks to improve their level as much as possible.

In the past few decades, the Nine Heavens Trials have repeatedly made great achievements.

Many times, Jiuchongtian has just updated its configuration and guided everyone to learn a new spell.Then, in the actual fight with the devil, everyone discovered that the Taoist skills they learned happened to restrain the devil's new plan or new secret method.

Mo Dao once suspected that there was an insider secretly passing the news.Young Master Youxuan clamored to have the leakers heartbroken and beheaded, and launched repeated purges in the devil's path.But in the end, the internal response could not be found.

According to the speculations of Xingluo Demon Palace and Chiyuan Taoist Sect.

The reason why Fu Henghua was able to predict the enemy beforehand may be due to Bagua Heluo's deduction.

But this time, everyone is required to practice fire and evil-destroying methods for several consecutive quarters.But in the fight with the demon cultivator, he did not achieve any success.


The other two people also couldn't understand Fu Henghua's thoughts.

Fu Xuanxing: "Sixth brother should have his own thoughts when doing this, right? Let's just wait and see what happens."


"Wow - this is the Nine Heavenly Palace." Next to him, a young man suddenly exclaimed.

Fu Xuanxing turned around and saw that Sun Dongyang, led by Ke Xiaohong, happened to arrive at the entrance of Jiuchongtian Palace.

After the two saints left, they took the women to Xuanyuan City.Asking other companions to help with the placement, Ke Xiaohong took the lead in dragging Sun Dongyang to "create the ninth heaven".

"Don't you claim to be a mage? Come to Tiangong to try it out first and see how many levels you can pass."

Sun Dongyang couldn't help but shake his head: "Aunt Ke, it's not like you don't know. My current acting homework is just 'reading and watching', not practice yet."

The first step to become a mage is to read hundreds of schools and broaden your horizons.

In the past few decades, in addition to meditating and practicing Qi at home, he has also studied Taoist scriptures on fighting and read the battle images left by his predecessors.It has never happened before that I have truly stepped forward to fight in person.

"That's why your parents asked me to bring you here. Jiuchongtian is to hone your combat skills."

Fu Xuanxing looked at this scene with a hint of humor in his heart.

In a daze, he seemed to see Fu Henghua in his youth.I remember my grandfather mentioned that Sixth Brother didn't like fighting when he was young, so his old man used "Dragon Gate" to temper him.

"I understand, I understand. Starting from this quarter's trial, I will study combat skills day and night - I told my mother that when I get home, I will go back with a medal."


Ke Xiaohong chuckled.

Duan Xun and the other three also smiled when they heard it.

The so-called medals are the customs clearance certificates for each quarter.Penetrating the Nine Heavenly Palaces, is it possible for a boy with foundation-building cultivation to do it?

"Fellow Daoist Ke, is this your nephew?"

Ke Xiaohong was one of the first batch of Nanzhou casual cultivators to join Xuanyuan City, and he was an old acquaintance with the Donglai people.Especially Hong Changyi and Duan Xun, they have shared weal and woe with her.

"He is the child of one of my sisters. He studies hard at home every day and asks me to take him out to see the world."

"Then don't rush to Jiuchongtian. Let's take him around the city first. Children may prefer lively places."

Sun Dongyang nodded and said seriously: "That's right. Aunt Ke, take me to the city to see. I want to buy a 'Picture of Divine Generals'."

A picture of a divine general?
Everyone's expressions paused, and Duan Xun seemed to have some realization: "You claimed that you want to break through the Nine Heavens, are you planning to use the divine general?"

The Nine Heavens Trial is the lesson left by Fu Henghua.But Fu Pengming also found business opportunities.

Can't beat the trial, and can't you learn new ways to pass the level?

It doesn't matter, as long as you have money, you can still pass the level!

Fu Pengming begged Henghua to specially invite a Taoist god from the Ten Thousand Gods Map after each quarterly level is configured.

This Taoist god matches the heavenly blessings of this quarter.As long as the training is in place, "Tao Shen" can easily pass the level.

And how to count the training in place?

First of all, you have to spend money to ask the "divine general map" to return to its place.You can buy it directly, you can also upgrade to VIP gifts in some stores in Xuanyuan City, and you can also go to the gambling pool to draw a lottery.

Then, use a type of "Yan Cai Ling Dan" specially introduced by Fu Pengming as the upgrade material for the "Divine General Picture".There are also exclusive magic weapons and jewelry that match the "Picture of Divine Generals".

When all the pieces are put together, the "Divine General Diagram" can be upgraded to the "Taoist Divine Diagram", which can temporarily summon Taoist gods and Dharma ministers to fight on their behalf.

Sun Dongyang knew that his combat power was weak.Therefore, he planned to follow Taoism and Taoism.

This kind of protector can not only be used in the "nine heavens".In the battle between immortals and demons, he is also an effective helper.

"Of course! I am studying at home, and I have a lot of experience in the 'art of war' by spreading beans. Isn't the Divine General Map a different kind of Taoist soldier? As long as I can cultivate a large number of heavenly soldiers and generals, there is no difficulty in breaking through."

After he finished speaking, he saw the three people looking strange.

Don't tell me, this guy's temperament is really similar to Fu Henghua.

...Langhuan Library.

Dongfang Yunqi said: "Is this the person you selected to be the one to be robbed?"

"It's just a candidate. Let's see how good he is in the first wave of attacking the city."

As the two watched, they saw Hong Changyi, Ke Xiaohong and Sun Dongyang going to the painting studio to buy "Pictures of Divine Generals".

But the picture of the divine general was expensive, and in the end Sun Dongyang chose to use the spiritual jade in the lottery.

Dongfang Yunqi: "Don't you help him?"

Secretly stuffing him with a high-quality picture of a divine general?

Heng Hua shook his head and said: "The reason why this son is determined to act is because his father came to Xuanyuan City 20 years ago and bought a handwritten book of mine when I was young. It recorded some of my practice experiences, as well as the art of war by spreading beans." 's practice philosophy."

As before, Cang Lanzi's travel notes inspired Fu Henghua's enlightenment.Fu Henghua's manuscript also had a great impact on Sun Dongyang.

In a sense, Sun Dongyang is Fu Henghua's registered disciple.

The reason why Fu Henghua wanted to observe Sun Dongyang was for the future of Xuanyuan City.

After the Donglai people return, Xuanyuan City will always be looking for a new city lord.

Fu Henghua selected many candidates in Nanzhou, and Sun Dongyang was one of them.

"It is natural to cultivate a Taoist god who can pass the Eighth Palace alone. But my Taoist art of war has never been about fighting alone. This kid has already drawn a scroll of "Heavenly Soldiers and Generals". He went to draw a lottery and didn't care about how good the reward was. Just draw some Heavenly Soldiers and merge them into the Heavenly Soldiers Map to form an army."

Dongfang Yunqi understood: "How do you deal with the 'Roshan Trouble'?"

The first wave of conquering the city was controlled by the Great Demon King of Yuanshan.

It is foreseeable that more than 300 magic nests will all come.

At that time, there were more than tens of thousands of demonic dragon soldiers.

Naturally, Xuanyuan City also needs defenders.

"Just do it casually. In this first wave of attacking the city, you and I don't need to show up in person. We only need to look at Lord Sheng and Lord Blood Moon."

Fu Henghua smiled and pointed at the Nine Heavenly Dao.

"You might as well be more considerate here."

Decades have passed, and the Nine Heavens of Creation have gone through dozens of cycles.

But no one has been able to defeat the "Shadow of Yuandao" on the first day of every new year.

Combined with the one-year reincarnation, the power of the four shadows records the opponents' fighting styles again and again.The Huang Po Spirit God transformed into the "Jade Emperor" and succeeded every time.

Naturally, the so-called fairy weapon rewards cannot be given out.

Dongfang Yunqi said angrily: "You are relying on the favorable location of the Nine Heavenly Palaces. If you have the ability, you and I can go to Yuexing and have a fight?"


Henghua smiled and said nothing, watching Sun Dongyang draw the lottery.

Perhaps out of intention and without desire, Sun Dongyang simply drew dozens of times, and not only got twenty pictures of heavenly soldiers, but also got a volume of "Pictures of Jingyang Divine Generals".

"I remember that this picture was the downgrade of the Taoist god that you derived from the 'Purple Emperor Taoism'?"

"It is a guardian god beside the Purple Emperor. It can evolve into the Danyang Emperor and is one of the Nine Sun Lords."

Heng Hua smiled: "This is a good thing. It seems that this time we can attack the city, this kid can turn the tide."

With a few clicks, the profound energy of creation rose up in front of the two of them, and then disappeared into the darkness.

The wonder of nature is invisible and formless.

After Fu Henghua did this, Sun Dongyang's luck immediately increased and he had an extra opportunity.

Soon, he found a water bowl in a curiosity shop.After buying it back at a low price, I found a large piece of "excellent color" sunk to the bottom of the water bowl.

Lingyuan Yancai gradually took root in Nanzhou along with the spread of "Shenjiang Lingtu".We are still in the stage where things are rare and valuable. Just this piece of "Wu Tian Ink Block" left in the water basin is worth thousands of spiritual jade.

Sun Dongyang exchanged this ink block for the "Elixir of Yan Cai" and spent three days to upgrade the "Heavenly Soldiers Map" to the "Jingyang Pointed Generals Map".There are fifteen heavenly soldiers on each side of the golden armored general, including archers, spearmen, and four heavenly soldiers riding red fire horses.

"It's done!"

Sun Dongyang excitedly entered the ninth heaven with the "Jingyang Pointed General Picture".

The first palace is a sword demon who practices ice swordsmanship.

He stood in the middle of the palace, with snowflakes falling.

But when Sun Dongyang came in, mysterious fire towers appeared in the corners of the hall.When the "Jingyang Picture" was activated and this group of heavenly soldiers and generals appeared in front of Sun Dongyang, he was surprised to find that the mana he consumed was actually [-]% less.

"Is it the effect of these mysterious fire platforms?"

Will the consumption of Taoist magic for fire, pure Yang, and subduing demons be reduced?

There are such benefits?

Sun Dongyang was thoughtful and remembered a fighting method recorded in the handwritten notes.

Before the battle, build the "Lingtai Blessed Land" in advance to strengthen your own geographical advantages.

"The way of military strategy is nothing more than the right time, place and people. If I upgrade in the "Picture of Generals" and manifest the golden platform used by the generals, and add the corresponding blessing and blessing spells, won't it make the Taoist soldiers more capable? Further increase in strength?"

While thinking about it, he took out his brush and made modifications on the "Picture of Pointed Generals".

"This guy doesn't take me seriously!"

When the Frost Sword Demon saw this scene, he was secretly angry.Immediately, a set of Three-Yuan Frost Sky Sword Technique was swept over.

But before they could get close, Divine General Jingyang led his heavenly soldiers to launch an offensive.

Sun Dongyang is indeed a "paper talker" person.But he passed on part of his combat knowledge to the general in advance.Therefore, the god general has certain spiritual intelligence and can command Taoist soldiers to attack.

The first palace was not difficult, and Sun Dongyang quickly defeated the sword demon.But he was not in a hurry to leave, he just ordered the god general to subdue the sword demon and continue to let the black lotus bloom.

The young man sat on the ground and concentrated on renovating "The Picture of Pointed Generals".

The sword demon secretly resented: "Good boy, I've written it down! When you come to the Seventh Palace, I want you to look good!"

This sword demon was the demon cultivator that Fu Henghua captured from Wanjian Mountain.

In addition to cultivating spiritual fields in Xuanyuan City these years, I would also be called by Fu Henghua to come to Jiuchongtian to serve as a "sparing partner".

After eagerly waiting for all the black lotuses to bloom, the sword demon breathed a sigh of relief and disappeared in a burst of cold air.

"Boy, if you have the ability, come to the Seventh Palace, I'll be waiting for you——"

"Then there's probably no chance. I shouldn't be able to get through the seventh house this quarter."

Recalling the generals, Sun Dongyang entered the next palace.


The sword demon broke away from the Nine Heavens, and a stream of divine consciousness quickly returned to his body.

At this moment, his body was practicing sword practice with Yu Xiaolei.

120 Five sword cultivators formed a sword formation and practiced "Innate Sword Way" under the leadership of Yu Xiaolei.

When his consciousness came over, he showed some strange movement, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him.

When Yu Xiaolei looked at him, the sword demon hurriedly said: "Teacher, the consciousness I sent to the ninth heaven has returned."

Yu Xiaolei said no more and continued to practice swordsmanship.

Now regarded as teachers, most of these sword demons gave up the magic sword method and switched to innate swordsmanship.

After everyone finished practicing swordsmanship, a group of sword demons surrounded Yu Xiaolei.

"Teacher, are you going to fight recently?"

"Look, Jiuchongtian has not changed its blessings five times. Is there any big operation? Can we participate?"

"You?" Yu Xiaolei glanced at these sword cultivators who were eager to try.

Although their demonic nature has been greatly reduced through years of hard training and training, the belligerence of sword cultivators has remained.

"If we have to fight with the devil, can you take action? Just farm with me honestly. Farming is also a kind of practice."

"That's your practice."

This group of sword cultivators were familiar with Yu Xiaolei and were not afraid of his annoyance. They joked: "If the teacher hadn't gone to the Dongfang City Lord for a sword fight, how could he have annoyed the Great City Lord? Being punished to cultivate iron fields here?"

The so-called Tietian is the spiritual field where Fu Henghua cast spells.Yu Xiaolei used all his strength to use his sword energy to create a crater in the extremely hard iron field.What he wants to plant is a strange "iron lump".

According to Fu Henghua, this is Yu Xiaolei's practice.When he can plant a spiritual flower from the iron knot, his cultivation will be considered complete.

But after decades, the iron field only grew straight iron poles, not even a leaf.

If Yun Mengyin, Zhang Xiyue and others hadn't guaranteed it, this kind of seed would be absolutely flawless and it would definitely be possible to grow something.Yu Xiaolei even doubted whether Fu Henghua had tricked him on purpose.

"Nonsense, I'm just practicing. What kind of punishment? It's nothing!"

Yu Xiaolei naturally refused to admit it.

He looked around at the sword demons and said angrily: "Quickly, go to work. Have you looked at your fields? Go back and look at the fields quickly."

"We have all harvested it. We just handed over and counted it with Fairy Yun yesterday, and it is absolutely accurate."

A sword demon weighed his money bag and said with a smile: "The wages have been paid. We plan to turn around and go shopping on Cloud Street."

Only when the devil is guided back to the right path can he be able to follow the holy path.

Over the years, under Fu Henghua's painstaking arrangements, Yu Xiaolei has drawn a group of sword demons into the Xiantian Sword Way, and also given them the corresponding "city citizen" qualifications.It's just that their origins are awkward and it's not convenient for them to meet the immortal monks.

Therefore, every time you go out, you must change your appearance to avoid causing trouble.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaolei frowned and warned: "Don't go out these days, just stay here and watch the fields. Wait until the storm outside passes, and then go out for a walk."

"Is something really wrong? Are we going to start a fight?"

The sword cultivators became interested.

"Could it be that the devil is coming?"

The companion immediately complained: "What are you so happy about? Are you planning to go back and become a demon cultivator?"

"That's not true. But don't you think it would be a good thing for more people to come and help us farm?"

"Huh? That's true. If this siege fails and some demon cultivators are captured - we can have someone here to help!"

Looking at these former sword demons, Yu Xiaolei was speechless.

A group of rough and tumble guys, your former companions are about to fight, but you don’t have the slightest intention of running away or panic?

Should I say that these sword demons have good intentions, or are they simply stupid?

While everyone was laughing and chatting, they suddenly felt their feet shaking, and everyone quickly looked up.

There are shadows spreading in the west, and countless eyes flicker in the darkness.With every movement, the earth groaned.

"What a huge mountain."

"Why does it look like a piece of meat?"

"Could this be the legendary Tai Sui?"

"You all don't move, stay safe and hide. Wait until I come back." Yu Xiaolei stood up quickly and went straight to the city lord's mansion.

Roshan attacks the city, the first wave of offensive is coming!
(End of this chapter)

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