
Chapter 701 1 Chaoyun disperses and sees the true light

Chapter 701: Once the clouds disperse, we see the true light
Grandmaster Chiyuan fights with King Benlei.

This big man not only dances like a tiger with a pair of golden melon hammers, but he also carries the sky thunder himself which is even more mysterious.With thunder and fire, most of Grandmaster Chiyuan's Lihuo Taoist techniques were unable to take effect.

After a hundred rounds, the big man took out a painting.

"Heavenly thunder can break all laws. Your Excellency, please look at this picture!"

The painting has thick clouds rolling in, purple lightning and thunder shining, but it is a scene that depicts the thunder of God shocking the world.

This is a leisurely play by Henghua, simulating the atmosphere during the thunder tribulation of Duan Si Jing in the past.After painting with Lingyuan Yancai, this picture can attract a hint of "the aura of thunder and calamity", making it an excellent secret treasure.

The grandmaster was locked by the Heavenly Thunder Map, and he felt a catastrophe locking him.Suddenly, he was so frightened that he fled to Chiyue Mountain.

The Tribulation Immortals such as Bu Xuan and Shan Lingqing came out one after another to disperse the aura of Tribulation Luck that was gathering in the air.

"Quickly stop!"

Bu Xuan swept the dust with his whisk and knocked the scroll back.The momentum, as thick as a mountain, forced King Ben Lei to retreat to the side of King Baiyao.

After establishing his power, Yutu held out a land deed: "This is the hundred-year contract we signed with your faction."

She displayed it in public so that everyone could see the contract.

"Because the Lingyun Mountain sect was destroyed, there is no one to cultivate it. Therefore, we gathered all the monsters from the northern region here to facilitate the Chiyuan Taoist sect to manage other Lingshan Mountains."

"Wang Wang-"

Qilei echoed Yutu's words and shouted at Bu Xuan several times.

The woman picked him up and said to Bu Xuan: "Senior, don't blame me. My king of beasts said that if you don't give me an explanation, he will order all the beasts in the world to attack Chiyue day and night. He will also stop the migration of all beasts and let Nanzhou There is no more beast in the right continent."

Qilin is the leader of beasts.Qilei has the blood of both Thunder Beast and Qilin, and he also has the ability to command hundreds of beasts.


Fuhe couldn't sit still anymore and saw his horse running out to mess around with Qilei, Qingfeng and others. He was about to come out and scold him, but was stopped by Qiu Danyu and Fu Shishi.

"Uncle Fu, don't be angry. Let them make trouble. It will be good for us."

Fu Heyi asked anxiously: "I, the Crane Immortal, have only some cultivation, but I am fooling around with these mythical beasts and strange beasts?"

"That beast is here. In terms of cultivation, he is the weakest."

"Haha - that black and white bear is very popular with Henghua, and he carries many treasures with him. He was also taught the Taixuan orthodox immortal method. You two are also under the Taixuan sect, can't you tell? In comparison, my Xian'er have what?"

The seven demon kings of Lingyun Mountain.

The longest one is King Benlei, a Pegasus from the Xuanwei sect brought by Fu Xuanxing.

King Jinyu followed, followed by Fengniao "Tianqi", Fu Xiangfeng's Taoist friend.

King Jin Ling once again is the Earth Spirit Zexuan Python. Now with the help of Dan Qing, he has given birth to a dragon.

The King of Hundred Medicines ranked fourth, but he was the most clever and cunning.He is both the leader and the talker of the Seven Kings' plan.He is also the doctor of hundreds of demons, and is also respectfully called the "King of Medicine Master".

Fuheyi rides on Feixian, ranked fifth in age, and is named Yuanxian King.She taught all the demons spiritual cultivation methods and was known as the "demon master".

Qingfeng, the king of Zhushan, is the sixth, possessing hundreds of treasures given by Henghua, and is the richest.Qilei, the King of Beasts, is the youngest, but because of his power to command the beasts, he is the most respected by the demons on land.These two came here to make up the numbers. Because Yutu Suyue was worried that she would be blamed by Fu Henghua, she specially brought these two darlings of the Fu family out to share the blame.


Bu Xuan took the land deed and saw Master Cao signing it. He was moved in his heart and asked his disciples to invite Master Cao to come over.

Master Cao is currently refining a secret treasure in the South China Sea. He hurried over after hearing the news.

He panted and picked up the land deed: "It is indeed my signature. These little guys help manage it, so we don't have to worry about the demons causing trouble. After all, the demons have occupied the Northern Territory."

Many monsters are infected by evil spirits and their temperament becomes extremely ferocious.If human cultivators fight with them, it will further tear apart the human-monster conflict.Involve those neutral demon spiritual cultivators.

Jade Rabbit and others ran out to have a good time, and happened to catch a glimpse of the mystery.He and others established Lingyun Mountain and taught a group of demons, and they had more or less merit in their bodies.

Bu Xuan heard what both sides said and had an idea in his mind.

The trouble in this matter was indeed caused by his own family.

After apologizing on behalf of his disciples, Yutu and others could not continue to pursue the case.

At that time, Yan Dongfeng came over and revealed the affairs of the Shen family again.

Having lost face in front of all the demons, Bu Xuan just used this group of people to establish his authority.

Ignoring the pleas of others, Bu Xuanming's disciples took a plow and plowed these "fornicators" into a pulp on the cliff at the foot of Chiyue Mountain.

Upon seeing this, Master Cao shouted to the onlookers: "Those who have fornicated with the devil should be like this. You must remember it!"

The cultivators present were horrified as they looked at the bloody mass of flesh.

Bu Xuanzhangshan is usually peaceful and kind, but he still has such a vicious character?
Jade Rabbit clapped his hands and applauded: "The people of Bu Zhang Mountain are very clear about rewards and punishments. I am convinced by the monsters in the north. Not to mention killing demons with you, but as long as I wait for a day, the monsters in Lingyun Mountain will not be Chiyuan's enemies."

They are here to ensure that the monster lineage will not join forces with the devil.

Many people are thoughtful.

Could it be that the city lord behind these demon kings has long guessed that the devil is interested in wooing the demon beast lineage.That’s why you planned it in advance?

Yutu would never have thought that his own methods would be mistaken for Fu Henghua's secret instructions.

"Senior Zhangshan, what are you going to do with these minced meat?"

Bu Xuan looked at the meat paste on the ground with a bit of disgust on his face.

"After cleaning up later, let his family come over to collect the body!"

"When the Shen family's illicit case was discovered, it's not just these people?" Yan Dongfeng sneered, "After a thorough investigation, is there anyone in the Shen family who can collect the bodies for them?"

Jade Rabbit nodded in agreement: "I see, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. Make these minced meat into meat patties and distribute them to other families. This will make them more alert and avoid doing stupid things."

Shaped into patties?

At this time, the expressions of the group of cultivators changed, and the family cultivators immediately rebuked them angrily.

The behavior of this witch is too cruel!

What are you going to do with this meatloaf?
Who dares to eat it!


Simple rest areas in Henghua and Dongfang.

"Look at what I'm doing. I didn't teach you this! Besides, doesn't she often run towards you?"

"She came to Xianzao Palace just to rub in the Taiyin spiritual power. I gave her some advice on how to practice. How could I teach her how to behave in the world? If you didn't teach her this thing, who else could it be?"

Dongfang Yunqi looked at Fu Henghua with increasingly strange eyes.

Turning human flesh into patties?
No matter how you think about it, this is also your idea of ​​"eating immortals", right?
"Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with me - quickly, Lord Shang, activate the shadow puppet show you made. It's our turn to show off!"

Henghua didn't want to argue with Dongfang Yunqi.

To put it into perspective, Su Yue probably learned these bad things when she was whipping those demon cultivators underground in the library.And if we continue to look closely, Dongfang Yunqi will definitely blame herself for letting Su Yue manage those demon cultivators.

So, he decisively diverted everyone's attention.

When everyone was shocked by Yutu's cruelty, brilliant fireworks exploded in the sky.

Henghua is here?

Seeing the fireworks, everyone in the Fu family and a group of demon kings immediately knew what was going on.

These gorgeous and prosperous fireworks best suited his and Fu Xuanhe's tastes.


With the sound of gongs and drums, a great drama slowly unfolded in the sky.

"what is this?"

Everyone looked at the light and shadow among the five-colored clouds.

The prosperous and vast Shenzhou appeared in everyone's sight.

As their vision continued to narrow, they saw the civilization on the Divine Continent.Hundreds of shadow puppets create various expressions of the human world, showing prosperity.

But the good times didn't last long. A group of ferocious monsters emerged from the underground and wreaked havoc on the civilization of Shenzhou.

The chaos of demons!

Bu Xuan and other Chiyuan Tribulation Immortals, as well as Puhe Demon Emperor and Xingluo Demon Emperor who were secretly observing, reacted instantly.

This shadow puppet show is describing the battle 4 years ago!
What does Fu Henghua want to do?What is his purpose in uncovering buried history?
The common people's shadow puppets fled in all directions under the murderous and violent demon gods, and the entire Divine Continent was divided into four.But the pace of this narrative is very fast, almost passing by in a flash.Next, we focus on describing the demon gods occupying the Divine Continent and enslaving mortals.There is even a brutal scene where the shadow puppets offer their hearts for the demons to enjoy.

Shang Shuliang's performance, combined with Fu Henghua's script and music, opened up a trance-like illusion in the sky, pulling everyone's minds into it and witnessing with their own eyes the tragic situation of the ancestors of Tongtian in the dark ages.

Despair, resignation, contentment, hatred...

The shadow puppets vividly interpret the emotions of the ancestors, making the audience feel the same.

"Demon? Is this the existence we want to sacrifice?"

On the demon side, the demon cultivators couldn't help but feel a little more suspicious when they saw this scene.

When it was hot, more demon cultivators were shocked by the strength of the demon gods and became ecstatic.With these big guys sitting in charge, how could my demonic path be defeated?

On the immortal side, the cultivators felt the ferocity of the devil, and dark emotions of despair rose in their hearts.

But soon, a ray of light broke through the dark times.

The escaped immortals are back!
They swept away the demonic atmosphere, expelled monsters, protected the remaining monks, and allowed many ancestors to survive.Finally, they brought a large mountain to the "Entrance of the Abyss" and started a decisive battle.

Due to Shang Shuliang's cultivation, although Henghua helped make the "True Immortal Shadow Puppet".But it only has its shape, but not its magical power.Naturally, the battle with the demon gods is not on the table.

Looking at the hastily ended battle, Heng Hua nodded.

"Yes, we should use our strengths and avoid our weaknesses."

"Thank you for your understanding."

A woman saluted beside him and apologized for Shang Shuliang.

"It doesn't matter, this battle is not the highlight. The highlight is the scene at the end."


Music was played in the air, and the immortal shadow puppets and the demon shadow puppets were fighting inextricably.

At this moment, the monks who had been rescued by the Immortal Shadow Puppets sneaked into the "Abyss".

Just when the audience thought they were here to help, they saw them blocking the entrance, trapping the immortals and demons together.

"This is--"

The smiles on the faces of many Nanzhou immortal cultivators disappeared.

"It's fake!"

"This is fabricated!"

The monks cursed loudly, but were stared at by pairs of strange eyes next to them.

"What's true or false? Isn't it just a story? What's true or false?"

Those monks with ancient heritage were shocked.

Yes, they know that they are interpreting ancient history from 4 years ago.

But in the eyes of more monks, especially the thousands of monks on the entire right continent, this is just a story.

They only saw a group of despicable people who repaid kindness with hatred, and they didn't even know the relationship between these people and them.

After this part of the plot was overdone, those despicable shadow puppets ran rampant in the land of China until they wanted to reshape China and then had an idea.

The aerial stage is divided into three, showing these shadow puppets running to three other places for help.

When the ancestors were divided into four, the other three parties heard that there was trouble here and rushed back to help.

Master Cao walked quietly to Bu Xuan: "Senior brother, the following content... Otherwise, just ban it."

"Banned? It doesn't matter if I watch the broadcast." Wen Rong sneered, "Some people's secret thoughts just happen to be exposed. Let's see what is right and what is wrong."

"That's right," Master Jiuyu also nodded. "You have your own merits and demerits. We will wait and see what happens - it won't hinder us anyway."

Song Yuan stood on top of Chiyue and looked coldly at the shadow puppet show in the air.

He took a deep breath and slashed his sword at Yunkong with all his strength.


Ripples rippled in the air, and golden light rose in the mist, directly erasing his sword intent.

"Looking at it honestly, I can hold back my anger and not get angry. If you can't even spare this little time, then I, the city lord, will have to settle some things with you."

The sound of wind echoed in his ears, and Song Yuan's expression showed hesitation.

"Dongfang and I will take action personally, and the families under your control will think about it. Look at your Chiyuan Taoist sect, are your fellow disciples willing to really fall out with me for their sake?"

Under Henghua's threat, Song Yuan stopped and watched silently as the shadow puppet show continued to play.


"Interesting, really interesting. This is a brand new magic. With the behavior of Chiyuan's group, they don't have the brains. Is it Fu Henghua? Donglai's acting master."

The magma was stirring, and the Puhe Demon Emperor smiled when he saw Fu Henghua revealing the original sin of Nanzhou 4 years ago.

So what if I'm a bastard?What about original sin?Does my devil care about this?
"It's just that the principle of this magic seems a bit familiar."

The Great Demon Lord Yuan Shan stood at the entrance of the cave and whispered: "The one from the Youxuan Demon Palace seems to be familiar with this technique..."


"Plagiarism, this is blatant plagiarism!"

The demon kings gathered together and saw that the young man's face was full of anger, and they began a new round of denunciation of Fu Henghua.

The demon kings have become accustomed to this.

Young Master Youxuan has often scolded Fu Henghua in recent years.

"This is my Emperor Demon Flag! Use the heaven and earth as the stage, and all living beings as chess pieces! I plant the flag to control all living beings, while he controls all living beings with puppet threads. Life thread, life track? This guy deserves to die! He actually controls all living beings. My heavenly magic is perfectly reproduced!"

The Demon Lord of the Four Dharma yawned and continued to recite the mantra to bless the "Devil Mirror".

Wuyun and Taishang didn't say anything, just stared at their work and worked hard silently.

Fu Henghua's talent is well known.If you dare to cast spells in front of him, be prepared to be taught everything.


The shadow play continues.

When those despicable people poisoned the Sanzhou reinforcements, many monks cursed.

"These people are so despicable!"

"You guys are going to find out soon!"

"Your Highness, run away! They want to harm you!"

When they saw all the female soldiers of Xuanhe Kingdom rushing towards Gongye Mingchan and protecting her, many kind-hearted female cultivators shed tears silently.

"These despicable people are not human beings! They came to help with the rescue, but they actually harmed two groups of people one after another!"

In Xuanyuan City, Fu Xuanhe clenched his fists silently.

Although I am very unhappy with those despicable ancestors.But Fu Henghua turned this past event into a shadow puppet and publicly revealed the bloody scars, which also made him very unhappy.


The reinforcements from the three continents are dead, and the despicable shadow puppets kneel before the "Seal of the Abyss".

Along with the billowing black smoke, the broken Shenzhou was gradually repaired.

It’s just that the beautiful rivers and mountains that were originally decorated with golden clouds have now turned into stretches of mountains and rivers shrouded in dark clouds.The demon gods who were originally trapped in the underground seal once again appeared in projection.

They were smiling and looking greedily at this new divine continent.

And there is a line of blood words condensed in the air: "Blood sacrifice to the three continents, Nanyan Dingding. The devil's path flourishes from this."

Nanyan Fuzhou?

The man who was yelling at these despicable people suddenly froze.

The monks who originally knew the inside story closed their eyes one by one.

Nanzhou's greatest original sin has finally been exposed to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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