
Chapter 709: The hidden mirror in the magic house reveals the true face

The dark country echoes with wailing and roaring every moment.

Mrs. Yun held the "Spirit Fire Mysterious Lamp" in her hand and walked carefully on the chaotic water.

Three days have passed since Xuanyuan City was destroyed.

Three days ago, Mrs. Yun saw with her own eyes that Xuanyuan City fell into the demonic realm without any resistance.

She hurriedly ran to find the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor, but she watched helplessly as Young Master Youxuan fully activated his magical powers, and the Scarlet Ling Demon Palace did not struggle for a few breaths before everyone, including the Demon Emperor, fell into the "demon realm".

The same is true for the emperor's concubine in the Star Palace.

In the huge Southern Continent, with three continents, there are not many living beings to be found.

When she finally rushed to Chiyue, she saw with her own eyes that the "Chiyue Fairy Mountain" that had dominated the You Continent for 500 years had disappeared.Instead, it was Tianyu Mountain.

At this moment, she finally understood why Young Master Youxuan wanted to keep Fu Xuanhe and the female nuns from Xuanhe Nation behind.

Xuan Heguo is good at the art of sealing.

He wants to use the power of these people to temporarily guard the "Abyss Seal" instead.

When Mrs. Yun went to meet Fu Xuanhe, she received a commission from Fu Xuanhe.

"It concerns the people of Nanzhou, and only Madam can turn the tide. Please send this lamp into the 'Devil Realm', it may be used to help them break through their mental barriers."

The tribulation failed, although Fu Xuan and Dao Xin were left with a flaw.But the cultivation of the state of mind goes one step further.A better insight into Youxuan's strategies.

"Based on the Heavenly Demonic Mirror, it constructs a 'dark side' corresponding to the main realm of Nanzhou. This dark side gathers boundless demonic nature and is the body of the desire realm. Only those who break their mental barriers and control their sexual desires can return to the human world. This The lamp of spiritual fire is a sacred object of our country and can shield the evil spirit."

Looking at the woman standing next to Fu Xuanhe, Mrs. Yun was quite unhappy.

But the matter was so important that she accepted Fu Xuanhe's commission and sneaked into the "demon realm" with a spiritual lantern.

The light in her hand reflected a golden halo, protecting Mrs. Yun as she walked in the dark kingdom.


Walking through the chaotic water, she looked down warily.

There is endless black air lingering under the water, which breaks into the water from time to time, forming a strange dark demon spirit.

But these demon spirits did not dare to get close to her due to the lamp in Mrs. Yun's hand.

dang dang-

Suddenly a bell echoed in the distance, and golden sound waves spread layer by layer.The surrounding demon spirits seemed to have encountered their natural enemies, and they were broken into demonic energy and fell into the water again.


Mrs. Yun hurried over, but Master Jiuyu and Shan Lingqing were fighting with the demon spirits bred in the "Devil Realm".The two of them used their magic powers to kill and destroy large areas of demon spirits.

After everything was destroyed, Mrs. Yun walked over.

"Two fellow Taoists, how is the situation of the Chiyuan Taoist sect?"

"We took the initiative to enter the Demonic Realm, and our great uncle protected the dojo. We divided our troops into three groups and tried to contact Xuanyuan City - after entering the Demonic Realm, it was difficult to contact us."

The two of them were lost in the endless demonic realm for two days and could not find the direction of Xuanyuan City.

"I know the location of Xuanyuan City."

Mrs. Yun took out a blood talisman.

The bright red blood stains flowed on the yellow paper, still wet.

"Is this Fu Xuanhe's handiwork?"

"Yes, the blood talisman he left behind can sense the Fu family. If we go to the Fu family, we can meet up with Xuanyuan City."

Holding up the talisman, the blood talisman automatically shoots a light into the darkness.

Mrs. Yun and others followed the light and quickly found the location of Xuanyuan City.

The light of the silver-white city shines brightly, illuminating the demonic land for thousands of miles.

The demonic spirits born under the water kept rushing forward, and were immediately shattered by the pure white runes continuously generated by Xuanyuan City.

"They're all right."

Shan Lingqing breathed a sigh of relief and rang the golden bell again.

The melodious bell turned into golden sound waves and spread continuously, opening a road to Xuanyuan City.

At the same time, a bridge rose up in Xuanyuan City, as if to welcome them.

Walking across the bridge, the surrounding demons were watching eagerly, but they did not dare to approach this fairy bridge surrounded by thunder and lightning.


The city gate closed, and Shan Lingqing and others scanned the city.

Although Xuanyuan City was deserted, there were still five monks waiting at the door to greet them. The leader was Fu Liuhui, the eighth sister of the Fu family on Panlong Island.

"Miss Fu, how is the situation now?"

Shan Lingqing hurried forward to ask.

"Sister Dongfang cast a spell to pull Xuanyuan City into the demonic realm. We originally planned to join the Chiyuan Taoist sect, but..."

Shan Lingqing smiled bitterly and said: "We underestimated the vastness of the 'Demon Realm'. I never imagined that the master's handiwork was so great!"

Fu Liuhui nodded silently.

After they came in, they suddenly realized that they had arrived at another "Nanyan Fuzhou".

A Nanzhou condensed by demonic nature and driven by Young Master Youxuan.

Here, they can't contact the Chiyuan Taoist sect at all.

Fu Liuhui ordered others to guard, and he and Ke Xiaohong led them to the city lord's mansion.

Looking at the deserted streets, Shan Lingqing and others looked serious.

The once noisy and prosperous Xuanyuan City has ended up in this state?
On the way, Mrs. Yun saw many places covered with black gauze, and she couldn't help but ask.

"There are three basic rules in Xuanyuan City. First, no drinking water; second, no looking in the mirror; third, no watching movies."

Shan Lingqing nodded slowly: "You also discovered it."

The reflection of water, the reflection of mirror, and even one's own shadow will become the weapon to drag oneself into the "demon realm" in the demonic realm.

"Chiyue Mountain and Xuanyuan City were forcibly squeezed into the 'Demon Realm' from the 'Main World'. We did not fall into the illusion, but walked in the real body. Therefore, in the 'Devil Realm', we are like bright lights, attracting the 'Demon Realm' The spirit' captures us."

Glancing at Mrs. Yun, Shan Lingqing added: "Fu Xuan and Mrs. Rang should have guessed this, right?"

Mrs. Yun practices the ghost way and has a body with a virtual form of Yin spirit, but she is not among the targets of suppression in the "Devil Realm".

After hearing this, she said, "Fu Xuanhe asked me to bring this lamp, saying it can help Xuanyuan City."

The lights illuminate the gloomy streets, bringing a different kind of warmth.

This lamp once helped Xuan Heguo go through the dark ages.

In the pure darkness of the killing, he illuminated the way forward for the ancestors of Tongtianzhou.

That warm and bright light is the fire of humanity’s wish and hope.

"Brother, are you okay?"

"He is still in good health at the moment, but due to the Youxuan seal, he is unable to escape and come here." Mrs. Yun hesitated and tried her best to say something nice.

Young Master Youxuan moved Tianyu Mountain to the "Mouth of the Demon God". Fu Xuanhe was busy leading people to arrange the sealing formation. He was exhausted both mentally and physically. How could he be in good health?

Just looking at the girl's face full of sorrow, she couldn't help but add insult to injury.

"Brother is fine."

Fu Liuhui continued to lead the way.

Because the situation was not good, she was worried and could only lead the way.

Unable to bear the heavy atmosphere, Master Jiuyu took the initiative to talk about the topic: "Master-uncle said that Youxuan's method of creating a 'demon realm' is quite similar to that of ancient civilizations in creating a 'parallel world'."

The only difference is the flow of time.

Observing the past, cutting off branches and planting seedlings from the tree of time, time is completely independent and is a sealed box.

And using a mirror to reflect the universe creates a world of reflections that can be contrasted at any time.The flow of time is the same as in this world.

"Uncle Master said that as long as we can survive two months, during the seventh wave of the attack on the city, the Puhe Demon Emperor will definitely enter the 'Devil Realm' and confront Xuanyuan City. By then, we will watch the two emperors fight and be a A leisurely fisherman."

Fu Liuhui's expression changed: "The noble sect also believes that Youxuan can be crowned emperor?"

"Emperor Jin is inevitable, it's just a matter of how far his magic power and supernatural powers are."

Some newly promoted true immortals may have weaker magic power than when they were in the Feather Fairy Realm because the last step was not perfect.And some new true immortals can even compete with serious high-level true immortals.

"Sister Dongfang said that he used 4 years of demonic nature for his own use. As a result, his own demonic thoughts were mixed, and he was also a low-ranking person after the Jin Dynasty. As long as you seize the opportunity, the true form of the demon can be dispersed with a few whips."

Shan Lingqing smiled and said: "The Lord of Dongfang City is right. It is impossible to say that he went crazy and died suddenly after the Jin Emperor. By the way, where is the Lord of the City?"

"Sister Dongfang was the first to encounter tribulation after she came in. Look at the sky -"

Shan Lingqing looked up at the sky and realized that the sky in Xuanyuan City was different from the outside.The sky in the demonic realm is a gray haze, with countless demonic qualities lingering in the clouds.While swallowing all the lights, he created the throne of desire realm for Young Master Youxuan.

The sky above Xuanyuan City was filled with a dark night sky and a moon.

Yes, the moon and darkness are together.

The pale golden moon hung high in the middle of the dark night, but it was incompatible with the pure black night sky.

The night sky is pure and flawless, without any haze or clouds, nor is it rendered by the slightest bit of moonlight.

The pure and profound darkness was like a huge monster fighting against the bright moon.

"Demon nature——"

Shan Lingqing's face darkened: "I felt a majestic demonic nature in the night sky."

This pitch-black dome covering the sky above Xuanyuan City is actually a demonic nature reflected by the Heavenly Demonic Mirror!
Fu Liuhui nodded with difficulty.

"Not long after Xuanyuan City entered the demonic realm, Sister Dongfang was arranging matters with us. Suddenly feeling the pressure above the city, she had to transform into the bright moon to resist the demonic nature in the sky. Press...According to Senior Yu, the demonic nature filled in the night sky was completely One body should be the reflection of one person’s demonic nature.”

The night sky, the sky.

Everyone has a vague guess about whose demonic nature it is.

Shan Lingqing's face turned ugly: "No wonder he dared to say that he wanted to walk in front of the magic mirror so that we could see his demonic nature."

Such a powerful "Demon Sky", with just one person's demonic nature, is enough to suppress Xuanyuan City!

This kind of demonic nature is comparable to that of powerful men like Yuan Shan and the Three Demon Emperors who have been immersed in the demonic path for thousands of years.

If Dongfang Yunqi hadn't taken the initiative to greet him, Xuanyuan City might have collapsed.

Then I thought about it, now that the devil has appeared, isn't Fu Henghua's current situation very bad?

But seeing Fu Liuhui, he was too embarrassed to ask directly.

"How is the situation with Fellow Daoist Fu?" Master Jiuyu asked directly without thinking too much.

A trace of sadness flashed across Fu Liuhui's face: "Follow me, everyone."

She led him to the inner city.

In the square in front of the city lord's palace, there were hundreds of monks recuperating from their injuries.

Fu Tongjun, Fu Maiyuan and others are all here to help.

"Although we are careful to be on guard, Youxuan has already planted demon seeds in Xuanyuan City. From time to time, city residents will be pulled into the 'Demon Illusion Realm' and disappear from the city. For this reason, we formed five teams to patrol and guard the city. City, in order to kill the emerging demonic spirit and rescue the distressed city residents."

She briefly told about the five teams.

Shan Lingqing immediately sensed something was wrong.

"These five teams of you are the five teams that attacked the city at the front?"


"It seems that Fu Henghua really left a lot of preparations."

Just himself...

Shan Lingqing felt very sorry.

If Fu Henghua himself was here, the situation would definitely not be as difficult as it is now.

After taking a quick look at the chaos in front of the city lord's mansion, Fu Liuhui led them towards Langhuan Library.

Before I even reached the door, I heard the sound of Lang Lang writing from afar.

"The moon contains the jade rabbit, the sun hides the crow, and the turtles and snakes are entwined to form true martial arts..."

"To refine the Love Pill, you need three liang of white-headed mushrooms, two kilograms of Sanyang Snake Grass extract, eighty-three yen of rose petal extract, and one liang of lily flowers..."

"Tian Xingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement..."


Overlapping sounds of reading filled my ears.

There are immature children's voices, slightly mature but still childlike teenage voices, there are also hoarse, voice-changing teenage voices, and even more mature youth voices...

"Is this - Fu Henghua's voice?" Mrs. Yun looked at Fu Liuhui in confusion.

"We entered Xuanyuan City and suddenly discovered that there was a change in Langhuan Library. The library that was supposed to be the main world appeared here, but -"

Just in time, everyone walked to the door of the library.

Wrapped in golden glow, the entire library exudes an inexplicable aura.

"This is not a physical product, but the aura of the great road!"

Master Jiuyu glanced at the "Dark Sky": "Yes, if Fu Henghua's demonic nature is reflected and extracted into the 'Demon Sky'. Then, his corresponding Taoist nature will naturally also appear - this This library is his Taoist nature! The sound of reading is the embodiment of all the knowledge Fu Henghua has gained since his practice!"

He opened the door excitedly: "Fu Henghua can still be saved. The Tao is immortal, so what's the problem with the demonic nature?"


He opened the door and saw that it was not the layout of Langhuan Library, but a courtyard that he had never seen before.

A large vat was set up in the courtyard. A young man stood on a ladder and stirred the vat with a big wooden stick.

Next to it, a girl was grabbing and crushing various flower petals.

The short boy stood on the bench and spoke arrogantly to the two of them.

"Xiaoyu, crush the rose petals a little more. Then mix the lily petals. Hengshou - move slowly, stir twelve times in the forward direction, then three times in the reverse direction. Remember, don't forget!"

Is this Fu Henghua?His childhood?
Fu Liuhui also saw the door opened by Master Jiuyu, raised his forehead and said: "This library is very weird. If the door is opened incorrectly, we may see a little bit of my brother's memory - well, don't pay attention to these things, don't care."

don't care?
Master Jiuyu listened for a while, and when he understood what Fu Henghua was studying, his expression suddenly changed!

In the words of Tong Tong Henghua: I believe that the reason why people have feelings such as love is through some special spiritual element in the body.So as long as there are pills that can increase this kind of spiritual essence, the monks can fall into a state of out-of-control love.Then, this kind of elixir will have a miraculous restraint effect on those who practice love and ruthlessness.If it is mild, it will lead to madness; if it is severe, it will lead to falling into love.

"Wait, this is the so-called 'Queen of Love Pill'?"

Ke Xiaohong quickly closed the door and led several people into the library from the main entrance.

After entering the library, outside the window are various memories of Fu Henghua.

Listening to those weird Taoist studies and the production of elixirs and magic weapons.

Seeing the child Fu Henghua commanding Hengshou and Xiaoyu in various ways, Master Jiuyu was frightened to the point of panic.

It’s too poisonous!

"This guy's moral character is so evil! I finally understand why fellow Taoist Meng Chen and others came all the way here!"

This is also a child's "innocent idea".

With Fu Henghua's current level, he might have made these elixirs long ago?
Finally, several people came to the main hall.

In the center of the hall sits a stone statue.

Looking at the petrified Fu Henghua, Shan Lingqing and others looked heavy.

Fu Henghua was indeed robbed.

What makes people feel weird is that what Henghua holds in his hand is not a book, but a mirror wrapped in black gauze.

"We suspect that the mirror held by my brother is the reflection of the mirror of the Demonic Mirror. Therefore, no one dares to step forward to take a look."

"It makes sense. What can force Fu Henghua to petrify and make him fall into an illusion in an instant must be the projection of the magic mirror. With such a powerful magic power, even he is affected, so naturally you can't handle it."

At this time, Yun Mengyin, who was sitting on the side of the hall and thinking hard, suddenly stood up and pounced directly on the black gauze in Fu Henghua's hand.

Fortunately, Fu Xuanxing stayed on one side and quickly repelled her.Next to him, Hengshou quickly took out the rope, tied up Yun Mengyin, and sent him down.

Fu Liuhui sighed softly: "Another crazy person. If the Yu Sheng Pavilion continues like this, there will probably be no one left."

Afraid that Shan Lingqing and others would not understand, she explained: "Several fellow Taoists in Yusheng Pavilion said that they heard some revelations in the sound of their brother reading, which seemed to be related to breaking the illusion."

Shan Lingqing thought about it and nodded: "It's possible. If this library was transformed by Fu Henghua's Taoism before he was petrified, maybe he discovered something."

Fu Liuhui shook his head: "But Yusheng Pavilion started with Taoist Long, and their choice was to lift the black veil. Taoist Long is the first, Yuwen Chunqiu is the second, and Yun Mengyin is the third."

When Zhang Qing comes again, everyone in Yusheng Pavilion will go crazy.

Lift the black veil?

Shan Lingqing and Master Jiuyu shook their heads.

Underneath this black veil is a mirror!
Looking in the mirror in "Enchanted"?
Isn't this because you are afraid that you will not enter the illusion?

"Mirror, it's a mirror. The key to our escape is the mirror..." Outside, Yun Mengyin could still vaguely hear her shouting. She was extremely excited, "Don't stop me, go and look in the mirror! Only this mirror can You can see our true colors.”

Finally, unable to bear her "nonsense", Sun Xuan took out a gold brick and said, "Miss Yun, I'm offended."


Yun Mengyin fell into a coma, and the only sound left in the library was Fu Henghua's readings from all ages.

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